despos10 : 02 - The New Kid (mf/m, mmf/mm)

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despos10 : 02 - The New Kid (mf/m, mmf/mm)

Post by Canuck100 »

despos10's stories
02 - The New Kid
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By despos10

Tue Sep 25, 2007 9:57 am

The New Kid

I would guess that by the time I had reached 15 years of age, each and every neighbor kid had been tied up multiple times. A few of us were regulars and “captured” each other frequently. Others were occasional and sometimes unwilling victims. Intermittently, we would plan a complex kidnapping of a neighbor kid. This is a story about one of those events.

For a little background, there were five “regulars.” I was about 15 at the time. Lisa was 12 or 13. She was cute with shoulder length dirty blonde hair and bangs, and piercing blue-green eyes. She typically wore her hair pulled back into a loose pony tail. She liked polo shirts and jeans, but today had on a red T-shirt. Her older sister (Jen) who frequently participated was my age and hot, but she wasn’t involved this time. David, one of the main instigators of our kidnapping activities, was a few months older than me. He was well built, had short brown hair and brown eyes. He typically wore flannel shirts, jeans, and boots. He and Jen got me into the tie up thing, and must have been “practicing” for years. He also wasn’t involved at that point. He had a job to do.

During our adventures, we typically used rope and torn sheets to restrain and silence each other; less often we used sturdy duct tape or bungee cords. Games were mostly tie-up-hide-and-seek where one kid who was “it” got tied and gagged, and the others hide. The effectiveness of the tie-up job dictated the amount of time available to hide. Once free, the hunt was on. Whoever got caught got tied! Occasionally, as mentioned above, victims were targeted. We played these games in the woods in the neighborhood, at one of our homes, or in the barn at Jen and Lisa’s uncle’s nearby farm. But, this day wasn’t going to be no game of hide and seek!

The victim’s name was Will. He was about 13 at the time and friends with Chris (see “Neighbors”), one of our frequent victims and the brother of Lisa and Jen. Will was average height for his age, and on the thin side of things. He had brown eyes and dirty blond straight hair that hung over his ears on the sides and to his collar in back. That day, he was wearing an un-tucked long-sleeve yellow and blue striped rugby shirt with an unbuttoned white collar, blue jeans, a Levis jean jacket, and high-top black Converse All Stars. Although we had never tied him up before, he was present at more than a few of our sessions, and always seemed eager to participate. We recalled that he always jumped right in and seemed particularly enthusiastic when it came time to gag the victim! He always talked about the effectiveness of the gag afterwards, and gave critique on how to make it even more effective and less easily defeated. We knew he was practicing on the side, but until today, he somehow always managed to avoid being our victim.

This day, we invited Will to come with us to the farm. We kind of lied and told him that Chris was the intended victim. Lisa wanted revenge as punishment for telling on her and getting her grounded, having “borrowed” some cash from her dad without asking. This part was true, and we knew Will learned of the incident through Chris. In order to lure Will to the barn, we told him that we planned to ambush Chris when he arrived at the barn to meet us after he was done helping his aunt with something over at her house, though we knew he’d be at his own house. Once tied securely to a post and effectively gagged, we would drench him with buckets of water from the horse trough and then leave him alone to wiggle free and make the soggy walk home. The farm was nearby, and the barn was right on the other side of the woods behind our neighborhood. There was a well-worn path through the woods, and a makeshift bridge of rocks and boards that we built and maintained in order to cross the shallow creek. We spent a lot of time in those woods and in that barn.

Will arrived to my house where we were all waiting, and we grabbed a bag filled with all the necessary materials; white cotton rope, torn strips of old bed sheets, and a role of duct tape just in case. True to form, Will checked the bag’s contents and made sure there were sufficient materials for the gag: “There’s enough cloth here for two or three good gags. Chris always seems able to get free, so if we are wanting to keep him good and quiet for the soaking, we’ll probably need to reinforce his gag with this duct tape! Good thinking!” Poor, poor Will. He had absolutely no idea!!

We took off toward the farm. Will crossed the creek with me right behind. Once on the other side, I tossed Lisa the bag and grabbed Will, throwing him off balance. Before he had time to react, he was face first on the ground, and we went to work. “What the…?” He knew what was about to happen, and only put up token resistance. We quickly tied his hands behind his back with rope in criss-cross fashion, leaving a sizable length hanging free. Lisa wadded up a piece of cloth and pressed it to Will’s lips. He obliged without a struggle, opening his mouth wide to accept the gag. She then pulled a strip of white sheet tightly between his teeth and tied it securely behind his head in a double knot. We grabbed him by the arms and lifted him to his feet. “Sorry,” I said. “Chris isn’t coming, so you’re on your own. It’s your turn this time!” His eyes told us that he understood, but wondered what we had planned for him. Certainly aware how ugly things could get if he either struggled or tried to spit out the gag, he clenched his teeth and lips around the cloth strip and cooperated. We then blind folded him and headed toward the barn.

We marched him through the woods, Lisa holding onto the loose length of rope dangling free from his bound wrists; me guiding him by the arm. Once we reached the edge of the woods, we pushed him forward and ran for the back door of the barn. Once inside, we lifted his bound wrists over the chest-high fencing that made up the pig coral, and secured the loose end of the rope around his wrists to the slat below. We then secured his ankles and knees together with some cotton rope.

Will stood quietly, chewing on his gag, silently and without a struggle. The tight cleave pressed into his cheeks and the loose ends fell from the knot and hung down behind his back. Lisa double checked to make sure the knot was secure, and pulled hard on the two free ends of the cloth strip, accidentally jerking Will’s head back forcefully. “Mphff! Ot ho hawdth!” he groaned through the gag. “Aat hurrtt!” “Sorry,” said Lisa, “I didn’t mean it.”

Will began to get a little agitated. He started swaying his head from side to side and, lowering his body, began trying to rub the knot of the blindfold on the upper part of the fencing upward and off. I removed the blindfold and, holding Will’s face tightly with both hands, looking threateningly into his eyes, reminded him that there was “enough cloth for two or three gags…or one really massive one that could be made extremely unpleasant by several layers of duct tape.” With eyes wide and angry, Will calmed. “Oh mowa gaagth phleathe. Whath owe?”

“What now,” Lisa confirmed? Now we hoist you up into the loft, hog-tie you, and leave you there for a while. We want to see how long it takes for you to get free. You’ve helped tie us up a bunch, me included, and now it’s your turn to struggle to get out and to show how good you are. I know you and Chris have been working on some kind of plan to kidnap me. I overheard you guys last week talking about it, but I beat you to it!”

“Nooo,” Will yelled through his gag! “I phwamith I wonth weth him!”

“Too late.” Lisa said. I only wish Chris were here to get the same.

Just then, as if by cue, we heard a muffled grunt and in stumbled Chris, bound and gagged, being led by David.

Thu Sep 27, 2007 9:15 am

From the looks of it, David had some trouble subduing his captive. Chris appeared a little rumpled, with dirt and grass smears on the knees of his jeans and a white strip of cloth hanging around his neck like a necklace. That must have been a failed attempt at a gag. His wrists were tightly but sloppily wrapped together behind his back in silver duct tape, and his mouth was sealed shut beneath multiple layers of the same, wrapped circumferentially around his face and head. “Man, this little shit is tough,” David proclaimed! “It was all I could do to get him tied and quiet, and walking the woods was no picnic! At first, I had his legs controlled with tape, so I had to shoulder-carry him a ways. Once in the woods, I decided to make him walk, so I undid his ankles and knees. He kept busting free of my grip and running away, falling every time. I had to drag him kicking and screaming half way down to the creek. I threatened to toss him in, and that’s when he finally calmed down. I was this close to drowning him!” David put his thumb and index finger together, almost touching.

Chris was medium build, and fairly athletic. He had brown eyes and straight brown hair worn in the typical 80s style; almost over his ears on the sides, down to his eyes in front, and almost to the collar in back. He always had on jeans, sneakers, and either a t-shirt or an unbuttoned polo shirt or Rugby shirt. Today, he had on a burnt orange polo shirt tucked into his blue jeans, a black leather belt, and sneakers. The fact that he was without his jean jacket (he never went anywhere without it) confirmed that David had abducted him right from the house.

“I went over to his house and told him my bike busted and that I needed a wrench and screw driver. He let me go down to the workshop in the basement to get what I needed. I found some rope, tape, and rags, and then called him down to help me find the tools. As he was looking through the drawers, I pounced, and that’s where the trouble started. It was all I could do to get his hands taped together. I never was able to get anything stuffed into his mouth, and he kept working the rag I tied between his teeth and behind his head out of his mouth." David pointed to the white cloth hanging around Chris' neck. "So, I gave up and just gagged him with tape. A rag gag without mouth stuffing is worthless anyway! I warned him it would hurt taking the tape off, but he didn’t seem to care and kept right on fighting!”

Chris had always been difficult to restrain, and rarely cooperated. He was pretty good at getting free. However, he knew how cruel we could be, and how uncomfortable we could make him if he refused to cooperate. I had been able to subdue him in the past, and once before, after a particularly painful experience with rope (which left marks for quite some time), he vowed never to go through something like that again. As soon as he saw Lisa and me, he knew he was doomed and he surrendered.

David forced Chris over to the corral. “It’s not pretty, but I don’t think he’ll get out of the tape too easily,” Lisa said, examining his wrists. “But the gag will have to be fixed.” Looking into her brother’s eyes, she sneered, “This is what you get for telling on me. And, it’s going to get way worse! I heard that you and Will had plans for me. You guys intended to kidnap me and hold me hostage in this very place, right?” Chris glanced at Will with a scowl, incorrectly thinking that his co-conspirator had spilled the beans on the plan. “Don't expect me to stick up for you." Glancing back and forth between both hostages, she continued, "We have plans for you guys, so be ready. I’ll apologize right from the start!” “$%^& you,” Chris muttered from beneath the tape!

We lifted Chris’ arms over the fence and secured them to the lower rung with rope, just as we had done to Will. We then tied his ankles and knees together with rope, and because he tended to kick and flail wildly when faced with a restraining situation, we ran a length of rope from his ankles to the lowest rung of the fence, to prevent him from being able to reach us with his feet, just as a precaution. We then worked on the gag. I warned him not to fight, or it’d get really ugly. We removed the tape, which unfortunately partially encased some of his hair. Muffled grunts and squeals informed us of what we already knew. “Ouch," I said sympathetically! David apologized, “If you hadn’t been such a jerk, this wouldn’t be happening right now. I could have tied you up and gagged you right the first time, with a lot less commotion and hardship. Let that be a lesson to you!” Some apology!

Once the tape was free, Chris started pleading for us to let him go. He said the whole plot to kidnap Lisa was Will’s idea, that he was sorry for ratting her out to their dad, and that he’d somehow make it up to her. Of course he knew that we weren’t going to just let him go, but I guess he felt compelled to give it a try. “Chris, I’m happy to inform you that you’re making it up to me right now, just by being here attached beside your buddy to this old fence,” Lisa snarled. “Get ready. It’s my turn,” she gleefully announced.

Fri Sep 28, 2007 7:55 pm

Though younger and smaller, Lisa certainly had an evil streak and was a force to be reckoned with. As I had found out many times myself, she could hold her own even with the older kids, and was quite an accomplished knotsman. This was as a function of living with Chris and Jen. She got a lot of practice being both victim and kidnapper.

Lisa purposefully wadded up a generously-sized piece of cloth that she got out of the bag, and taunting our hostage, commanded, him to “Open wide!” At first Chris refused, turning his head away. I grabbed his face and just as I began to tighten my grip and force my fingers between his teeth through his cheeks, his jaw dropped and his mouth popped open. Lisa stuffed the gag in without further struggle. She guided the old length of cloth that was hanging around his neck up and between his lips and teeth. “That’s way too loose. He’ll get out of that in no time,” she observed. “Turn your head so I can get to that knot,” she ordered. She went to work on the knot, but as she worked, she realized that the cloth wasn’t “beefy” enough. "This is way too thin and just won't do!" Once loose, she tossed it to the ground and asked for a better strip from the bag. I gave her one and she deftly secured the stuffing in place. “There, that’s better,” she grinned. "How's that feel, Chris?" "Ghreath," he replied, defiantly!

Knowing that he’d be able to get free of even the tightest and well-placed cleave gag, she reached into the bag and removed the role of tape. Chris’ eyes widened and he again began to protest. “Shut up and don’t make it harder on yourself that it has to be. We’ll try not to gum up your hair this time, but it’s up to you, Mr. Houdini,” Lisa chided. "I know what you can do, and we need you silenced for the next phase of the festivities!" She wrapped the tape three times around his face and head, running it from right beneath his nose to just about the tip of his chin and over the knot in the back. She then plastered the tape firmly to his skin with her palms.

Having finished carefully smoothing the tape out as much as she could, Lisa said, “There, that should keep the gag in and him good and quiet.” Glancing over to our other hostage, she taunted, “Well, what do you think, Mr. Gag Expert? Have any suggestions?” Will lowered his worried eyes and murmured, “Oh, thath’s phine.” Then he looked up at us and begged, “Phleathe, thon’th thaph me.” He had clearly read my mind, worried that he was next.

“Please don’t tape me,” I mocked? “I really don't think you're in any position to say! What happens next is up to us, and your gag needs a little reinforcement to help keep things tidy and quiet on your side of the fence as well?” I turned to Lisa and David for confirmation. “No,” David replied. “I think he knows the dangers of spitting his gag out, right, Will?” Will reflected his understanding with a nod and an "mphff."

“OK, let’s check their ties and finish up,” Lisa said. We decided to reinforce Chris’ taped wrists, and to tape his elbows to the rung over which they were draped. We then wrapped rope around our hostage’s chests and secured them firmly to the upper rung of the corral. “I’d be surprised if they get free before tomorrow,” Lisa joked! Looking at Chris she said, “I’ll bring you your dinner tonight and leave it at your feet so you can eat as soon as you’re out. Hmm, it might actually turn out to be your breakfast!”

Lisa went and found two buckets and filled them with water from the horse trough. She handed one to me. “You take Will; I get to take care of my brother!” At that, our captives began pleading pathetically for us not to do it. Muffled “nos” and “pleases” were screamed through their very effective gags.

Suddenly, we noticed Will working the gag out of his mouth. He had the cleave out beyond his lower lip, and was working frantically at the stuffing with his tongue. David lunged and quickly clamped his hand over Will’s mouth to prevent him from getting any further. “Quick, get the tape,” he demanded! Holding Will's gag firmly in place, he scolded, “You little shit. You lied to me, and I trusted you. Here I was trying to go easy on your sorry self, but you messed up big-time! Lisa, did you guys bring any tennis balls?” Will' eyes became big as saucers as he grunted and groaned unintelligible pleas for mercy...and help.

Lisa and I put our buckets down and addressed the problem. Stuffing the saliva-soaked strip of cloth back in against the packing in Will’s mouth with his palm, David prepared to fix the gag with tape in exactly the same way as Chris’, only tighter. In preparation, Will clenched his teeth and lips firmly around the cleave, in order to keep the tape out. “No tennis balls, but if this happens again, there certainly is no shortage of horse patties around here," I said. Admiring David’s handiwork, I continued, "It really is a wonder what you can fix with duct tape!” Silently, Chris observed the commotion with a vaguely satisfied expression, likely a combination of feelings of retribution and a little relief that, for once, he wasn't the center of our attention!

We picked up our buckets again, and I said, “On three. One, two, three…” As planned, we threw the water, but intentionally off to either side. Both captives reflexively closed their eyes and grimaced, tensing their bodies against their bonds, awaiting the shock of the cold dirty water. Once they had realized that they were still dry, they opened their eyes apprehensively, relaxed a little, and mumbled pathetic sighs of muffled relief and thanks, with a hint of a smile on both of their faces. Despite finding themselves tied helplessly to a fence and cruelly silenced, and further realizing that they were about to be left alone, potentially to spend a very uncomfortable night tied in a cold, dark, dank barn, I suppose they forced themselves to look on the bright side of things. At least they were dry! When faced with such a grim situation, it doesn’t take much to make a person happy!!

Taking one final gander at our thoroughly defeated captives, we laughed “bye-bye,” and went on our way, leaving them to squirm free on their own, not really knowing how long they'd ultimately remain stuck in that barn.


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