Ramming-Stone : 01 - My first fic (m/m, f-self, f/f)

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Ramming-Stone : 01 - My first fic (m/m, f-self, f/f)

Post by Canuck100 »

Ramming-Stone's stories
01 - My first fic
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By Ramming-Stone

Wed Jul 18, 2007 5:51 pm

My first fic

Hey guys. I’ve been a member of the board for quite some time now and I feel it is about time for me to post something of my own. I have been getting ideas for the story and keeping them in my mind since I went of vacation a few weeks ago. Just remember this is my first attempt at writing a Tie-up story.

And now, let the fun begin:

Chapter 1: The Enemy Comes

It was a typical summer afternoon in the city. It was hot and humid, the kind of day where you sweat even if your in the cool shade of a tree. A small plume of smog hung in the air. It was these days that you just sit there and complain about the whether. It was the type of day that Daniel hated.

Despite the weather, Daniel walked downtown to do some errands for his parents. He had just finished returning those late movies and picked up a few groceries (a couple bags of milk, 2 loaves of bread and a dozen eggs). As he stepped out from the cool store he stopped short and realized something; it was strangely silent, as if bad things were about to occur. Daniel looked around when suddenly he heard an explosion off to his right. Looking over he saw two yellow lights among the cloud of dust, then two more, then many more lights. “What the?” Dan asked to himself. As the dust began to settle he could see strange things that appeared to be made of metal among the debris “Robots? I don’t think I should be here, they don’t seem friendly”. Suddenly the robots turned toward him and the lights went red. The robots saw him and started to charge at him.

“Oh Shi-” Dan dropped his groceries, turned and ran. He didn’t have time to think about why the robots were chasing him. All he could think about was keeping ahead as he wove in and out of alleys and side streets. He glanced over his shoulder to see if the robots were still behind him, they were. He sped up as much as his legs would let him and when he glanced over his shoulder again, he ran strait into a wall. He collapsed into a heap on the ground and the robots were approaching. And the world went black.

I hope you like. I'll post more when I get around to it.

Thu Jul 19, 2007 9:14 am

Ok Guys Here’s Chapter 2

Chapter2: Meanwhile

At the same moment that Daniel was fleeing for his life, there was another swarm or robots doing battle with a group of teens in another part of the city. There were 5 teens and easily 30 robots- hardly fair odds. But what was really odd, were the teens themselves. Not only was it that they stood and fought (unlike Daniel), but also the way they looked and acted.

One was a small, scrawny boy who wore a mostly black full-body suit, gray gloves and a large silver belt. He had green hair, which matched his green skin.

The second was a dark, mysterious girl. She wore a black outfit that went from her hips to her shoulders then down to her hands. She also wore a dark blue cloak that covered half her face in shadow and fastened below her left shoulder with a golden clasp. She had a very loose belt that hung on her hips and went slightly down one of her exposed gray-skinned legs.

And then there was a very tall, well-built boy. He had brown skin, but not very much was showing for he had some sort of very high-tech armor that covered almost 90% of his body from his hands, his legs, his chest, even his face. He appeared almost robotic himself.

Next, was a tall girl. She had entirely green eyes and long red hair. She wore a purple mini-skirt that went halfway down her thigh, and matching boots that went from her thighs down. She also had a purple and silver top that exposed lots of her stomach and her shoulders and arms, on which she wore silver gloves that went up to her elbows.

Finally, there was a boy who stood in the middle and appeared to be the “leader” of the group. He had short, unkempt, black hair, a black and white mask covering his eyes. He had green pants and matching gloves. He had a Red shirt with a yellow “R” above his heart. He also wore a gold and black belt with a matching cape. Surely, these were no ordinary teens.

“Titans, Go!” The leader shouted a command and the five took off towards combat. The leader jumped up, pulled out a long silver staff and landed on one robot and taking it down. He then swung the staff around with expert skill and took out four more robots. The dark girl then muttered “Azarath Metrion Zinthos” to herself. Then, out of nowhere, a black shadow overtook one of the robots and it got lifted into the air. Then it started flying around into other robots and destroyed them- another five robots went down. The green boy started running towards the robots, it didn’t look like it would be very effective. But he suddenly shape shifted into a large, green rhinoceros and charged thrashing around. At least eight robots met their doom. Next, the red-haired girl flew up into the air, focused, and her hands started to glow with a strange green energy. She then thrust her hands forward and a beam of the energy short out toward the ground. When it hit there was an explosion. After the dust settled a little there was a crater where twenty robots had been only a moment before. Finally, the robotic man raised his right arm, which transformed into some sort of a cannon. He then let out a steady beam of blue sonic energy and swept it across the “battlefield”, destroying the remaining robots.

As this was happening a mysterious being stood in the shadow of a nearby building and was taking notes. “Excellent,” He whispered to himself, “my research is now complete.” With that, he let out a malicious laugh and receded into the shadows.

To be continued

Tue Jul 24, 2007 6:36 pm

Ok. I hope you are enjoying the story so far. going to put the next chapter up now.

Chapter 3: A Foe Arises

Daniel started to slowly open his eyes. His head was throbbing and there was a very bright light shining in his eyes. He tried to raise his hand to block the light, but his hand felt like it weighed a hundred pounds. Wait, His hand was tied above his head. Realizing that he was fully awake and aware now. He realized he was lying on some sort of a table or something. He looked up and saw that his wrists had been shackled to two rings at each corner of the table. He raised his head and looked over the rest of his body. His feet had been shackled just like his hands and there were thick leather straps wrapped around his waist and chest that went under the table, keeping him firmly in place. There was also a strange red symbol drawn on his stomach. He would have called out for help but he heard a steel door slam shut somewhere in the distant darkness and heard footsteps coming toward him. Listening to the echoes, he realized he was in a very large building- probably a warehouse. Thinking quickly, Dan put his head back down, closed his eyes and pretended to still be out cold. “They wouldn’t do anything to me if I’m out cold, would they…would they?” He thought to himself. He heard the footsteps had stopped. Then he felt a cold hand graze his side. The sudden touch caused him to jump in surprise.

“I saw that!” a man’s voice boomed, “Open your eyes. I want to speak with you.” Knowing he was caught, Dan obeyed. “Who are you?” Dan asked, “Why am I here? What do you want? Let m-“ Dan was cut short when the man put a cold finger on his lips.
“Shhh. I am the one in charge here, not you. I ask the questions” The man said, “Do you understand?” Dan nodded. The man removed his finger then started his questions: “Do you know the Teen Titans” “I’ve seen them on the news a few times but otherwise not really” “Do you know why you are here?” “No, but I have a feeling you are go to tell me.” Daniel tried to make himself sound braver that he was. Whether the man believed it or not, Dan didn’t know. “You are here because I have chosen you to be my experimental apprentice.” “Apprentice? To do what?” “Why, to destroy the Teen Titans of course.” He said with a laugh, a laugh that made Dan’s skin crawl. The man continued, “There may not be anything special about you. But that is all about to change.” He snapped his fingers and then a second person came from the darkness wheeling some sort of metal contraption that Daniel could not begin to comprehend. Dan looked at it and then at the man, “What is that thing? What are you going to do to me?” “Simply enough: genetic modification”

The man positioned the machine so that is was just inches above the symbol on Daniel’s stomach. Daniel’s chest was rising and falling at a rapid rate. His pulse was thundering in his ears. “Please stop. I don’t want you to do this to me. Let me go! I said, LET ME-“ He was cut short when the assistant stuffed a cloth in his mouth cutting him off mid-scream. He then tied another cloth around his head keeping the first in place and effectively silencing his shouts. The assistant then got another leather strap and tied Daniel’s head down so that all he could see was the bright light above him. He hear the machine start up. It was a loud roar of pure evil. Dan closed his eyes in hope that it was all a bad dream. He then heard the voice of the man in his ear, “This may hurt a bit.” At that a searing pain shot through Daniel’s body and he screamed with all his lungs could muster but between the gag and the machine it did very little. The pain was unbearable; he was on fire. The machine got louder and the pain intensified. With one last desperate call he succumbed and the world faded.


Fri Aug 17, 2007 7:46 pm

This website seems to be back on it's feet, with no new problems so I figure I might as well post chapter 4 here.

I’ve been having so many ideas stream into my mind that this story is starting to get hard to write. I try to decide where to place different things, I can’t keep track of them, they’re conflicting and I’m forgetting some, it’s rather annoying actually. But I guess that can be expected, whatever. So without further ado I present

Chapter 4: The New Life

Daniel awoke and he noticed bright light, sunlight actually. It must have been sometime around noon. He felt hot, almost feverish. The sun may have been causing this, but it felt different, as if the heat was coming from inside him. He then looked around him, trying to figure out where he was. He was in a large courtyard with four large, stone, walls rising up around him. The courtyard seemed empty except for some large rocks and a few machines. Seeing the machines, images from the last day (or days) flashed across his mind. He closed his eyed to try to shut them out, they had to have been dreams…they must be dreams. Keeping his eyed closed tightly he looked down as his stomach then slowly opened them. Sure enough the scar where the symbol, and where the machine bored into him, was there. He felt noxious so he closed his eyes and took deep breaths, but the heat and humidity did not help much.

Daniel waited a few more moments before looking at his current situation. He knew he had been sitting, but between the feelings, the thoughts and memories, the denial, and the nausea. He had failed to noticed that he was tied to a large, stone, chair… Actually ‘chained’ would have been a better description. Heavy shackles were around his wrists with the chains wrapping around up to his elbows. There were also chains wrapped around his chest going around the chair several times, with the padlock in the middle of his chest, taunting him. He tried to raise his legs and assumed his legs had been bound the same way his arms were. His temper was rising and his blood was boiling. Then he shouted out to the man that he assumed was standing nearby, observing, “Is this necessary, haven’t you already done enough to me already? I don’t want to be part of your evil, inhumane, experiments! I just want to go home and live a normal life!” Then the cold voice of the man answered him, “That will not be possible, for you are no longer normal. In time, you will see that you need me, that you will want me. I’m sure that you will be begging to join me soon.” “No! I will never need you.” Daniel replied with rage, “I would rather die than join you!” The man laughed and replied with a snide voice, “Oh, I’m sure that you will. Just you wait.” Daniel was furious now. He wanted to attack the man, to kill him. Then Daniel suddenly felt different.

Daniel felt empowered. He looked down at his clenched fists and recoiled at the sight. They were no longer light and fleshy. They were swelling slightly becoming darker and harder, as if they were made of black stone. But the change didn’t stop with his hands, the strange effect traveled up his arms. Occasionally, he would see a crack in the stone that emitted an orange glow that released a strong amount of heat. As he sat there transfixed by the changed he noticed that the chains that were binding him began to glow bright red. The metal seemed thinner and slightly weaker. His entire body had undergone the transformation and the glowing chains started to stretch due to the swelling of his body. Suddenly, with a loud roar, he burst out of his chains sending shard of steel scattering everywhere. He rose from the stone chair and turned to the frail, old looking, man. The man stood there rather calmly. However the transformation and the effort used to break free of the chair seemed to sap Daniel of all his power. He took a step toward the man but Dan had already started to revert back to his normal self. The transformation only took a few seconds and by the time Dan go to the man, he was crawling with his last ounce of strength. He then looked up at the man and collapsed at his feet. The man called out an assistant to dragged Daniel’s unconscious form inside as the man said to himself, “Welcome, Daniel, to your new life. Let the adventure begin.”



Just want to say that I'm at a Business conference in Montréal until Friday or Saturday. We are very busy here with the days going from 7AM to about 12:30 AM. So I will Not be able to post much until I get home. I have been writing out Chapter...5(?) out in pen and paper when I get brief periods of time. I'm Just going to say now that we will learn a strange thing about Raven

Hope to write more soon,

Sat Aug 18, 2007 8:53 pm

hello again,

I'm back from Montréal. I have a cold and am deprived of sleep, but otherwise, I'm good. I managed to write chapter 5 and 6 on the bus on my way home. so you can expect to see those soon. Well chapter 5 is coming now, chapter 6 soon.

Here we go:

Chapter 5: The Bond

Raven arose with a start. She sat up in bed, sweat pouring down her face. She had another nightmare. These nightmares have been going on for a few days, the night after the robot attack actually. They have been changing and developing each night.

The first night showed a tall red-haired boy running for his life from a swarm of the robots. He was moving pretty quickly, darting past cars and ducking into alleys. He was gaining on them before he ran into a wall and collapsed. The robots picked him up and carried him away before she woke up. The second night showed the same boy handcuffed and strapped to a table. A man had come to the boy and asked him questions. She could not hear what they were saying. Then another man brought in a machine, the likes Raven had never seen. The man positioned the machine over the boy's stomach, she could see the fear in his eyes. The machine started up and began to tear at the boy's flesh. A sudden pain shot through Raven's body. She closed her eyes and let out a scream of pain and sat up in bed, stunned by what she had just experienced. Last night she saw the boy chained to a large stone chair. He had yelled out. Again Raven could not hear him, but she could feel his anger in her heart. The man from the previous night's dream came forward and talked to the boy. Then the anger in Raven's heart changed to heat and rage. Suddenly the boy changed. He began to darken and grow larger. The change was unimaginable. Then, with a burst of rage, he broke out of the chains. He turned to the man, but he had started to revert to his old self and collapsed at the man's feet. He has then dragged away by the assistant from the previous dream. It was at this point that Raven awoke.

There was no change between last night's dream and tonights dream. Apparently the boy did not endure any more suffering. However these dreams were starting to take over Raven. Even in the waking day she could see flashes of the dreams and could feel the emotions in her heart. She couldn't concentrate, her spells were losing their effectiveness. She wondered who the boy was, who was the man for that matter. What did they want with the boy? Why did he have to endure all that? Why is she having these dreams? Why and How can she feel his emotions? Why can't she get these dreams to stop? And many other questions flooded her mind.

She knew she wouldn't be able to sleep now. She got out of bed, threw on a dark blue nightshirt. She walked down the hall to another room. The light was off, this could be expected- it was nearly 3 in the morning. Raven turned to go back to her room when she heard a noise from inside the room. She lightly knocked on the door, "Starfire? Are you awake?" The noise continued, but it seemed louder this time. "Are you okay? I'm coming in." Raven oppened the door and was shocked by what she had seen.


Sat Sep 01, 2007 3:01 pm

I also wrote out this chapter on the bus when I was coming home from CANJAC (the conference I was at). I have a fair bit of time on my hands right now, so I think I’ll start typing it out. So for your viewing/reading pleasure I present to you…

Chapter6: Starefire’s Secret

Starfire was lying on her bed wearing only a purple bra and matching panties. It wasn’t the clothing, or lack there of, that got to Raven, it was Starfire’s situation. Starfire had rope wrapped around her body. Above, below and between her breasts then went over her shoulders to her back. She had a few small coils of rope wrapped several times around her ankles, thighs, calves, and above and below her knees before being cinched off, effectively binding her legs together. Raven ran over to where Starfire was and realized that her hands had been handcuffed together and that the chain looped around her ankle binds and reduced her to a very tight hogtie. Starfire’s long, red hair covered her face, so Raven brushed it aside and noticed that she was blindfolded with a long white cloth and that she had a red ball-gag in her mouth that was fastened behind her head. Raven lifted Starfire’s head and undid the gag and removed it from her mouth. Starfire spit out a balled-up cloth and coughed a little.

“Starfire,” Raven asked, “who did this to you?” Star didn’t reply. “You have to tell me Starfire, or we can’t hunt down who did this.” Star tried to say something, but her voice was dry and faint and Raven couldn’t understand. “Let me get you some water, then you can tell me what happened.” Raven concentrated and focused her ability. A minute later a glass of water came floating through the door and rested itself on the table. “Look, I can’t free your hands. I don’t have the key, you may be st-”

“Under the bed” Starfire’s voice was suddenly clearer now. “The key is under the bed.”

“What? How do you know?”

Starfire sighed then said, “I was practicing the ritual of the single person tying up.”

“You were trying self-bondage?”

“Yes, I saw on the web that many Earth girls did it and I thought I would wish to experience it for myself. It was okay at first, but after 2 or 3 hours it was starting to hurt. I set the clock to drop the key after 4 hours, but when I turned to pick it up, I knocked it off the bed.”

“I see. That is some pretty good rope work; how did you learn that?”

“I have been studying…’bondage’, as you called it, for some time. Please promise me you won’t tell the boys, please!”

“I won’t tell them, but you have to do something for me first…”


Sun Oct 07, 2007 2:02 pm

Sorry for the wait. I've been having a bad case of writers block for the past few weeks. I've been trying to find a way to do this, and nothing has been able to stick, so I'm just going to write this off the top of my head (this strategy works pretty well, thats how I managed to write chapters 1-4)

Chapter 7: Raven's Request

Raven had returned to Starfire's room around noon the next day. Starfire apparently decided to sleep in a little after last night's event. "I don't blame her." Raven said to herself. Raven knocked on the door and Starfire let her in.

"Last night I asked if you could do something for me."

"Sure, I'll help you. What is it that you need?"

"I've been having these weird feeling and dreams lately. They have been revolving around this strange boy. The thing is I have no idea who he is."

"So, what is it that you want me to do?"

"I want you to help me find out who he is."

"Why? What is so special about this boy?"

"Nothing really. It's just that there seems to be a strange bond between us and he has been suffering at the hands of a strange man who has been doing some sort of 'tests' on him."

"I will see how I can help. Do you have anything I can use to help?"

"I think I might be able to get you a picture." Raven then got a pencil and some paper. She lay them in front of her then closed her eyes and placed her fingers on her temples. she then concentrated and the pencil and paper began to levitate in front of her. The pencil started writing on the paper on it's own. A minute or two later Raven opened her eyes grabbed the paper then gave it to Starfire. It was a perfect, 3-D looking drawing of the boy from the dream with amazing detail. "Him." She said, "That's the boy in my dreams. Do you think you can help me find him?"

"I will try. I hope that we can find him and save him before anything else happends to him."

"Thank you. I hope we can f- AAAH!" Raven then let out a loud yell. Starfire jumped back at the sudden change, afraid. Raven rose in the air, still yelling "YES, YES! THE POWER, IT'S...OVERWHELMING. I FEEL INVINCIBLE. MUAHAHAHAhahaha..." Raven then stopped yelling and collapsed.

She lay there for a few seconds before Starfire checked to see if she was okay. Raven was lying there, sweating and breathing heavily. with a faint voice, barely a whisper, she said "Something... very bad... just... happened." With that, she blacked out.


Ramming-Stone's stories
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