Andy : 02 - Calling it even (ff/m, f/ff, fff/m)

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Andy : 02 - Calling it even (ff/m, f/ff, fff/m)

Post by Canuck100 »

Andy's stories
02 - Calling it even
Story index at the bottom

By Andy

Thu Mar 15, 2007 4:18 pm

Calling It Even

I was at Senena's house on a Saturday morning, she thought it would be nice to spend the whole day together, but nature has its own agenda, and we were stuck inside. With her parents gone, we were enjoying ourselves.

Serena said that some of her friends were coming over to hang out. I said okay, as long as they would not get between me and her. However, it was Misty and Jill who showed up, two of the last people I wanted to be around. I threw Serena a look that could kill, and she looked back at me with a twinkle in her eye. I pulled her aside to talk to her, with Misty and Jill both glaring at me with their arms crossed beneath their breasts.

"Serena, what are they doing her" I indicated to the two girls.

"They are here because I think it's time we put everything behind us, and start fresh." she said. Then I could swear there were flames leaping from her eyes "And you three WILL-GET-ALONG!" she said softly, and her eyes returning to normal. I sighed and nodded. This day would not end well, I thought.

But it went pretty well. If Misty and Jill were not happy I was there, they must have been seething after I left them tied up in a shed last winter, they did not show it. Around 10am, Serena asked us if we wanted to get takeout. Since things were calm, we all agreed. And Serena went out to get the food, giving us all a hard glare before going. We all acted casually, watching tv, and stuff.

Jill then brought up last winter, and I felt cold, not because of the heat. Misty went to the bathroom, and Jill talked with me about it, actually laughing with me.

"It was a pretty well executed revenge I have to say" she said, and I agreed. Then Misty came back.

"Well it was pretty funny, except for us being forgotten until daybreak in that shed. I think a little payback is in business". She dropped 5 coils of blue rope on the couch.

"Wait wait, a minute. I got revenge on you two with Serena for tying me up in school last year" I said.

"You forgot that you also were stripped, dressed in girls clothes and tied up" Jill said. "Hey wait" she added, "I have an idea of how to settle this with no one getting tied up".

"How is that?" Misty asked. She had grabbed a coil of rope and was ready to use it, probably on me. Jill told her to back off.

"Well instead of tying him up, since Serena would not be happy about, why don't we just call it even if our friend here just lets us dress him up again".

Both Misty and me said "What??" at the same time, but then Misty said "Ok. We wont tie you up, as long as you get dressed up".

I said "Hell no, Serena will be back soon, and if she sees..." but Jill cut me off.

"If we stop arguing and do this, it will be over with before she returns, unless we could just start tying you now, which seems like a good option. So I suggest you decide before we do it for you". I tried talking my way out of it, but the girls already were on me, and Misty tying my ankles together before I shouted "Allright allright I'll do it".

"Good" Jill said, "then follow us please" she said, and they 'helped' me into Serena's room with my ankles tied and rope hanging off of me. I was sat on Serena's bed and untied myself from the remaining rope as the girls pondered what I should look like.

It was whispers mostly, but I caught "Well we only have one shot, so we can make it up to her later". I suspected "her" was Serena, and I don't think she would forgive me for this. "All right lets get started" Misty said. They had me strip down to my boxers. They gave me a black silk bra and matching panties, and they turned away while I changed. Helping me with the bra, Jill shoved a few bean bags in each cup and 'voalla' I had boobs, then they gave me a pair of high heeled shoes, and they barely fit me. Then Jill sat next to me on the bed while Misty went into the closet. "Allright I am going to blindfold you now" she said.

"I don't like this" I muttered, but I knew that this would all end, and when Serena got home, I would hogtie both Misty and Jill for this.

After I am blindfolded, Jill stands me up, and I feel something being put under me and moving up my body, soft feeling. I hear a zipper on my back and I know that I am now wearing something, defidentally not something I will like. They lead me back into the living room and place one more thing on my head before telling me I could take the blindfold off. But before I can, my hands are pulled behind me and begin being tied with what feels like rope. I swear violently, and stumble, both because of the high heels and whatever I am wearing, and I fall face first onto something hard, and things become blacker then before.

to be continued...

Fri Apr 06, 2007 9:16 am

"I think he got knocked out when he hit the table"

"Well lets hurry and finish this I think he's waking up"

I groaned and opened my eyes to the blindfold, I tried to move my hands, and surprisingly I removed the blindfold.

"He's awake" Jill said.

"Good then let's finish the job, get him" Misty said.

I was on the couch, and I tried to sit up and make a break for it, but one glance at my attire and I froze with horror. I was wearing a long blue dress that obviously hid the high heels the girls put on me, and they had put matching gloves on me that went past my elbow.

Jill and Misty both then jumped on me, ropes in hand, and struggled with me on the couch. I was doing fine, but Misty- who I must say has some serious anger issues- kicked me in the crotch and I rolled off the couch and Jill took my hands and began tying them tightly behind my back. Misty grabbed my ankles, and despite my kicking, began tying my ankles together.

After my ankles and legs were tied, they took their time in tying me up. I think they went slowly on purpose to let me struggle. I yelled at them to let me go, until Jill went into the next room and came back with a cloth and some tape. I tried moving my hand away, but the girls managed to shove the cloth in my mouth and then put several pieces of tape over it. At this time, the girls took a couple coils and worked a figure 8 style with my arms and my body, and pinned my tied arms to my back, then added more rope for good nature.

At this time, Serena walks into the house, and see's the girls finishing the knots on me. "What in the hell is going on?" she said. She looked at me as if this was my fault. "I leave the house for a little bit, and this is what happens" she stalked around to where I was, and I watched her grab the tape. She then took it and started taping up Misty. She screamed and Jill tried to grab Serena, but I managed to stand myself up and forced myself to fall right onto Jill, who paused enough to give Serena a chance to grab Jill's wrists and tape them. Within a period of 3 minutes, Serena had used up 2 rolls of tape on Misty and Jill, who were taped back to back with their hands behind them. "You" she pointed at me and gave me a look that would make the devil himself cower in fear. She didn't say anything else as she dragged me down the hall into her room. Then she threw me on the floor like a sack of potatoes, I sat up with my back against the bed as she closed the door.

"I am not saying that this must be your fault, but this could just have been avoided if you called it even with those two ages ago." I mmmmpppghhed into the gag, but she sat down next to me and looked me up and down, gave a whistle, and she touched my forehead where I hit the table. "What happened? I'm guessing this is proof of a struggle" she spoke to apparently noone. Then she smiled and giggled. "Hah ha, you look like a girl! errhhmmm sorry, couldn't resist. Now don't go anywhere" she said dryly "I'm going to go take care of those two then we'll have lunch, but you owe me for this, because noone will know about today outside of this house." I nodded and tried to tell her to untie me, but she was gone.

I sat there for a bit and tried to untie myself, and almost managed to get my ankles free when Serena came in wearing a black and white bikini! My eyes were literally trying to pop out of my sockets to get a closer look. She came and removed my gag. "What is going on?" I asked after moving my jaw to make sure it was still working. "We're having lunch, but your going to stay like you are" she wheeled a chair in. I mouthed a protest, but she put a finger to my lips and told me to wait and see.

I arrive at the dining room to find Jill and Misty also wearing bikini's, I thought at first, but i realized they were in only their bras and panties. I had to will my jaw not to drop, or my eyes not to gape at them, impressive sight they both were. I was then sat on a chair and Serena sat on my lap, feeding me, since I was still tied up.

Afterwards, the girls went home, and I tied Serena up until she agreed to help me out of the dress. There was still enough time left for us to catch a Matinee at the movie theater.

Sat May 05, 2007 1:28 pm

Good all of this was going to end well for me. Including a nice date with Serena at the movies. Now I was still in girls clothes and negotiating with Serena to let me out.

"Allright I'll make a deal with you" she said.

"You will have once chance not to be tied up, and if you can prevent yourself from being tied for 5 minutes, we go to the movies."

"Sure no problem" I immediately said.

"Good good" Serena smiled, "Then its agreed, but the other part you didn't hear was if you are tied, you are going to the movies wearing whatever we choose". Her smile was very cute, but at the moment they looked like the devil was smiling himself.

"Damn" I muttered.

Well 5 minutes, sure that would be okay, I mean it was just me and Serena, and I know that I could take her. I stood ready, while Serena untied Jill and Misty. They huddled together and whispered.

"Heyyy... what is going on here?" I asked.

"Oh well we never agreed that it would just be between me and you, its more like boy vs girls." All three of them had plenty of rope, and they were going to use it on me. All I had to do was stay untied for 5 minutes.

The girls rushed me and tackled me, and it only took 15 seconds before I was being tied at my wrists, ankles and torso. I swore and struggled, but I was soon tied tightly everywhere. The girls then carried me into Serena's car and cleave gagged me with a cloth while we sped off to the movie theater. Me screaming through my gag.

Wed Jul 18, 2007 8:53 pm

Anyways I knew that I was doomed no matter what, I would be humiliated and destroyed, nothing good could come out of this. As we are driving in the car, I am screaming perfusly through the gag while I am trapped between Serena and Jill with Misty driving. Eventually Serena got annoyed, and she slapped me so hard in the face that it took me a few seconds to see properly. "MMPPPHHH!" I said through the gag which clearly meant 'OW!'.

"Well shut up then" she said. She spoke in a soft voice, as if talking about the weather, but her eyes were like ice, she was more annoyed then I thought.

"Okay well we might as well tell you what we are doing then" she said.

"We are going to the movies, but you can't go looking like that" she pointed to me, in my casual jeans and t-shirt. "You need to look more proper when going out to a movie with a girl".

I was clearly puzzled, and I didn't understand what she was saying. Then it hit me, what the 'proper clothes' were really. I had just gotten out of girls clothes, and I was not going to be back in them, but I would resist in a different way. I nodded to Serena and made the sound of "whatever" through the gag. I'd play their game for now, but soon I would get a chance to escape so I bid my time. As I expected, they took

me to go shopping. They of course untied me so as not to arouse suspicion, and made sure I did not run; the threat of going to the movies naked was worse then playing dressup. I would get my chance soon enough.

We must have searched for hours at stores until the girls practically dragged me into a David's Bridal. Misty and Jill went off immediately. I was able to discern the words "big dress sale" from them. Serena, on the other hand, drags me into one of the dressing rooms, and starts flirting with me. She silently points to the room and says that she wants to make out with me right there and then. I completely forgot about everything except for her as we began undressing. When we were down to our smallclothes, she gathers up my clothes and stuffs them in her bag. "You wont be needing those" she said. I thought that was a good thing, except for that gut feeling I had. There is a knock on the door and Serena goes to the door, talks with someone, and closes the door with a Red Satin dress, and some other things in her hand. "We can do this the easy way or the hard way" she said. I took the thing and said in a girly voice "Turn away, I'm still indecent!". Serena doubled over with laughter.

A little later, we walk out of David's Bridal with new stuff. "Arn't you excited for the movie?" Jill asked,

"I hear it's supposed to be great". "I am so excited I could kill myself" I said as dryly as humanly possible. We stopped back at the house and the girls changed me into my new outfit. The Red dress matched my face perfectly as the girls used water filled balloons for my fake boobs. I was then led to the living room and had my hands tied behind me with white rope. I was sat down on the couch as the girls painted my nails bright red. Then they plugged in a movie and sat down.
"Great lets start the movie" Jill says.

"Wait a second" I said. "THIS is going to the movies?" they looked at me as though I was loosing my mind, and in a way I was.

"Calm down you silly girl" Serena told me. "I wouldn't be so mean as to make you go out in public like that.

You don't even look like a real girl" she giggled, "or at least not yet. Sit down and enjoy the movie while we have our fun."

Their fun was then wrapping me from head to toe in white rope, and putting makeup on me. I fussed around a lot, but I was basically helpless. The knots were too strong, and there was no way to slip out of them. So my fate for the rest of the day to watch romantic movies tied up on the couch surrounded by three girls. At least at night, I was able to stay over and change back into my own clothes FINALLY!.

Andy's stories
Index of all stories in the "Archive for Everyone" section