theseeker : 02 - Rachel's Situation (mm/f)

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theseeker : 02 - Rachel's Situation (mm/f)

Post by Canuck100 »

theseeker's stories
02 - Rachel's Situation
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By theseeker

Wed Jun 27, 2007 7:14 am

Rachel's Situation (Part 1)

Rachel could not believe the situation she had gotten herself into. How could she have been so stupid!?

“Hey Rache, let us tie your hands.” Her brother had said. Seemed innocent enough. It wasn’t the first time he wanted to do it either. About 2 months ago she had let him tie her to a chair. She played the damsel-in-distress role for about 15 minutes before she got bored and simply managed to get free. But this time was different. This time, his older friend (Ray, who was 14 as opposed to Billy, who was only 12) was there. The one she never quite liked. So when he was the one who moved around to her back while her little brother sat on his bed, she felt a little awkward. She also saw the pleasure on the little creeps face as he pulled out the coil of white rope from under Billy’s bed. It was the same rope they had “played” with last time - leftover stuff from when they had to tie Billy’s new mattress to the hood of their parents car.

She really never did like that Ray kid who was always hanging out at their house, and the moment she felt him tighten that first know behind her back, the feeling was sealed - she hated him.

“That’s a little tight there, Ray.” She said over her shoulder, trying to sound as casual as possible in the awkward situation. His response was a goofy, high-pitched laugh that was a clear sign of puberty. The thought that Ray might actually be enjoying himself that way, made her feel even more weird. It didn’t help her situation that she was barely clothed, wearing just a pair of short, blue shorts and a white tank top. She let out a breath of hot air through her nose and bit her lip.

That little creep better not be liking this. She thought.

She felt more rope being looped around her wrists in every way and then another knot being tightened. Now she was mad, this was starting to hurt.

“OK, Ray.” She said back to him a little agitated. “Enough.”

Another of his giggles floated over her shoulder.

“Get that chair Bill.” He said to her brother.

“Billy do not!” She commanded and gave him a stern look. Billy grinned. He enjoyed getting her mad from time to time. Soon enough, he had dragged the chair from his desk over to them.

“Billy!” She yelled at him again.

“Tie her mouth up Ray.” He said and giggled.

She felt Ray’s hands around her waists, and right when she was about to freak out on him, she was pulled down into the chair. Ray lifted her bound hands up as she fell, hoisting them over the backrest.

Now she was frantically tugging at the ropes that had circled her wrists, but the more she did, the tighter they seemed to grow. How did this kid know how to tie such a good knot?

“Billy, untie my hands right now or I’m telling mom when she gets home. Seriously.” She said, giving her best adult voice. Immediately she saw the concern on her brothers face. Using the “I’ll tell mom” trump card always worked. He looked back at Ray with the same concerned face.

“Who cares.” Ray said, still working on getting all the rope to the backside of the chair from the front. She saw the concern fade from Billy’s face and knew she was in trouble. That damn Ray! He had some kind of control over her brother. Whatever he said was “cool”.


“Come on Rache! Just for a little bit!” He pleaded with her.

“I said NO!”


“No!” She was getting really pissed now. When Billy simply stood there looking confused, her anger got a hold of her and she tried getting out of the chair. It was tough. Her arms were being pulled back by the little snot behind her, and her legs were too far out in front of her to get her balance.

“Ray! Knock it off! This isn’t funny!”

“Come on. We gotta tie her feet.” Was his answer. He moved around to the front of her, ignoring the outraged look she was giving him, and bent kneeled down next to her feet. “I swear to god Ray, you’re dead.” Ray continued ignoring her and began to pull all the rope underneath the chair. She moved her left foot far away from her right. “RAY! Stop!”

“Hold em.” He commanded Billy. She gave Billy a warning look not to, but he was already on his knees, grabbing her ankles and pulling them together. Now she was even more furious because her brothers was helping the little creep, not to mention the fact that his little, bony fingers were rubbing the bottoms of her bare feet and tickling the hell out of her. She didn’t laugh though. She couldn’t.

Soon, her feet were now tied together just as tight as her hands, and Ray was pulling them backwards underneath the chair.

“Billy.” She gave up the mad act and had moved on to the whiny one. “Come on. I don’t want to do this anymore. Come oooon.”

She felt her feet be sharply pulled, and then she felt pressure on her wrists. The little brat had tied them together. She had to now stay on her tippy-toes to keep the pressure off her arms.

“Ray! Enough!” She yelled, going right back to being mad. She was amazed he was taking it this far, and even more amazed that he could! How did he know how to do all this stuff!?

When Ray moved back to the front of the chair. Billy was excited with delight. He grasped his hands together in front of himself and laughed.

“We GOT her Ray!”

Ray just began looking for something.

“OK Billy. You got me. Ha-ha. Now come on, jokes over.”

Billy squealed and raised his arms in victory, then began heading to the back of the chair to untie her.

“Wait dude. She said she’s gonna tell your mom.” Ray called from his dresser.

“Shut up Ray!” She yelled at him. “Come on Billy, hurry up.”

“Plus I thought you wanted to gag her.”


“Tie her mouth.”

Now she really felt worried. If she couldn’t talk her brother into letting her out, that idiot Ray would probably keep her tied up till their mom got home. That was not something she was looking forward to.

Ray pulled out a big, long tube sock from the drawer and grinned.

“I swear Ray…” She said dead seriously and slowly shook her head.

Ray walked over to the back of the chair.

“Ray, you do it and It’s the last thing you ever do, I’m telling you.”

Ray giggled again.


She felt the disgusting sock clog up her mouth and drown out her words. It got caught under her tongue as he looped it into her mouth and pulled the ends backwards. She quickly slid her tongue back under, and then felt the gag settle into place. The corners of her mouth stretched back as Ray tightly knotted it behind her head. Her teeth sunk into the soft fabric, her lips were yanked together over it. What could she do? She screamed.
The sock turned it into a pathetic mess of mumbling though. Some words could be formed, but barely.

“Iliph! Mm omma phill oo!” She cried back at them, and upon hearing that even she couldn’t make herself out, she let out a high-pitched scream that came from her throat and vibrated her whole face.

“She’s pissed Ray.” Billy said sounding concerned.

“That’s what makes it funny.” He replied. “Now we can do whatever we want.”

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Post by Charles0318 »

Nice story
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Post by Canuck100 »

Thu Jun 28, 2007 12:48 pm

Part 2

Rachel was alone now. Her brother and his dumb friend had taken off the moment they had her tied and gagged, rushing out of Billy’s room giggling like little girls and slamming the door behind them. One time Rachel was watching a daytime soap and saw a woman on the show bound, gagged, and alone and she wondered what it must have been like. Now she knew. Boring and uncomfortable.

She’d only been stuck that way for about ten minutes, but she was already about to explode. Billy’s room was hot, for one. It was the middle of summer and the little punk didn’t have an air conditioner. Her room did. Her room was also a mile away, or so it seemed. Her calf’s were starting to get really tired from being stuck on her tippy-toes. Her ankles and wrists felt itchy and hot beneath the rope, and the more she moved, the worse it got. Worse of all, though, was the damn sock that was tied around her mouth. The portion of it that was actually stuck inside her mouth had become damp from her saliva and was making her whole tongue feel weird. She moved her jaw around trying to find a way to get the thing off, but it was no use. Ray had tied it much too tight.

All that she could have dealt with though had it not been for the sheer boredom she was experiencing. All she could do was sit and wait for either her mom to get home or her stupid brother to realize how screwed he was and let her out before things got worse.

She heard her cell phone ringing in her room down the hall faintly through the closed door. She let a depressed moan out as she shifted in the chair and tilted her head. Now she was missing phone calls because of this stupid crap. Another five minutes passed and she heard the phone ring again, and this time couldn’t help but letting out a scream into the gag.

“Mmereee!” She yelled at the door, trying to say “Billy”.

Then she heard one of the best sounds she may have ever heard in her life. Her mothers car pulling into the driveway. She breathed a sigh of relief and slumped down in the chair. Freedom. Sweet freedom was coming at last. She heard the sound of the car door shut and then a few seconds later the front door to their house squeak open.

“Bill? Rachel?” She heard her mom call from the bottom of the steps.

Rachel opened her mouth as wide as the gag would let it and wailed out, “MOM!”, which came out surprisingly well. Mom seemed to be the word best suited for a gag.

She heard talking coming from downstairs. She grinned the best she could with the sock in her mouth and frowned. Her brother was probably begging her not to get mad. Not to punish him. Oh he was going to get punished alright. By their mom AND her. She was going to knock his head off.
Her mothers voice started coming up the steps. It was then Rachel realized how stupid she probably looked sitting in Billy’s room, tied to a chair with a sock wrapped around her face, but she didn’t care, the embarrassment would be worth it just to get free.

“Ma!” She called out as she leaned forward in the chair. Her mother stopped outside the door. She was talking again, but this wasn’t kid talk. She must have been on her cell phone. Probably with Debbie, their neighbor and her moms best friend. She could make out the words now.

“I know Deb.” Her mothers voice came from outside. Debbie it was. “Are you kidding? ….Wow…. Does he know?…..” She casually laughed and kept talking. Rachel could tell she was standing RIGHT outside the stupid door. What was she doing? Torturing her?

“MA!” She repeated.

“Hold on Deb.”

Her mother opened the door, holding her cell phone in one hand and her purse slung off her shoulder. She got one look at Rachel and shook her head while doing her famous “Tsk” sound that Rachel hated so much.

“Rache…” Her mother began. “You left the recycling bin out front.”

Rachel frowned and let out a grunt as she waited patiently for her mom to get her out.

“I know, I know. You guys are really into your little game or whatever. Billy told me, but I want you guys to wrap it up soon.”

“Mmeree mied ma! Ramph am hmm-”

“Rache, I don’t have time to play. Look, I’m going over Debbie’s for a bit, I want you guys to finish up and I want your room cleaned.”

“Ma-mmmmph!” Rachel was cut short this time by her mother, who flattened her hand over Rachel’s mouth.

“Room cleaned. Got it? I’ll be back in an hour.”

“Mmm-MMM!” She cried out and shook her head furiously. Her mother picked the cell phone back up to her ear.

“Deb…. Yea, I’m coming….. Oh it’s Rachel and Billy playing some game, you know them.”

Her mom got back into a conversation with Debbie and took her hand off Rachel’s mouth as she headed back to the door. Freedom was escaping. Rachel tried once more with everything she had to get her mothers attention. She mumbled into the gag and rocked the chair a bit and leaned forward with wide eyes. But her mother was already out of the room. She stuck her head back in once more while covering the receiver of her phone and pointed at Rachel.

“Room cleaned!”

And then the door was shut. Rachel was so furious she tried ripping her hands free of the ropes, but fell of the chair instead. The legs on one side tilted upwards and she slid off and landed on her side. The chair regained its balance and stood upright over here mockingly.

It was then she realized how stupid she REALLY was. She found a leg of the chair with her hands behind her and lifted it upwards. When she got it as high as she could, she shoved with all her might and the chair when tipping over away from her. The rope that was tied her hands to her feet was free from beneath the chair.

She grunted and flipped onto her stomach. Her calf’s and feet shot up into the air, pulling at her arms.

Great, she thought. Now I’m hogtied. Much better.
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Post by Canuck100 »

Fri Jul 06, 2007 12:50 am

Part 3

Rachel had spent the last 10 minutes of her life doing one of the most humiliating things she’d ever done. She had “wormed” the distance of her brother's room, twisting her body in all sorts of ways it’s not supposed to twist as she dragged her bound self across the carpet. The rope around her wrists sharply bit into her skin every time her legs tugged at them from behind her. Her bare knees were starting to sore from being slid across carpet, and her breasts felt like they were about to fall off from being squished beneath her body. But she was determined to reach the other side of the room, and she did, biting tightly into the sock in her mouth the whole way. If someone had been listening outside the door they might have thought she was doing something a bit dirtier than worming across the floor with all the grunting and moaning she was doing.

Now she had reached her destination, the front side of her brother's bed, and had positioned herself to reach for the item she’d spotted from across the room. She rolled onto her side, facing away from the bed, and stuck her bound hands beneath it. Her feet unwillingly went with them. Her fingers searched the best they could in their blind state as Rachel wiggled her body around trying to give her stretching arms the best help she could. She had a determined frown on her face as she kept searching, her tongue gently poking the inside of her cheek.

“Mmm!” She couldn’t help but cheer into the gag when her fingers found the small piece of plastic freedom that had been shoved beneath the bed for who knows how long. She wrapped her lips tightly over the gag and concentrated hard on the task at hand now. She just had to position the lighter at the right angle, flick it, and singe the rope that was hogtieing her. She got it into, what she though was, the best position and slid her thumb down to try and ignite it. The lighter clumsily fumbled out of her hands. She cursed into the gag and quickly searched for it again. It didn’t take long to find it this time, and she was at it again.

Three tries later and she heard the lovely sound of the lighter lighting. She held it in place for a few seconds, then her thumb began to get very hot, so she dropped it quickly. Another muffled curse exploded from the sock between her teeth.

She thought for a moment though. Hadn’t she heard the rope starting to burn? Maybe it had weakened it. Maybe now, if she could just pull hard enough, the rope would break in the weakened middle. It was worth a shot, so with everything she had, she yanked her arms upwards and her feet downwards.

The rope snapped instantly. She immediately swung her legs around and got into a sitting position up against the side of the bed.

“Mmmmmm” She sighed into the gag as she stretched her bare legs and feet out in front of her. She sat this way, which was surprisingly comfortable, for about a minute before realizing now she had to find a way to get the rest of herself free, including the wretched sock in her mouth that was growing more and more damp and gross tasting. She could try the lighter again, but it was risky holding an open flame to your own body, especially when you’re tied up and helpless if anything terrible was to accidentally happen. Her mother, that witch, was next door. Her brother was no use as long as the little creep Ray was there. In fact, if they found her, Ray would probably just convince them to tie her tighter. That couldn’t happen. She needed outside help, that was a definite. These ropes were too well tied for her to wiggle free from, even if she worked at it all day and night.

An idea came to her. She had a phone call to make. Getting to her feet was awkward process. She first lifted her butt off the ground with her legs, then threw herself backwards onto Billy’s bed. Then she threw her weight forward into a sitting position on the edge of it, before finally slowly standing up on a pair of wobbly legs.

Once before, her and her friend Lisa has tied their feet together and raced around in Lisa’s backyard. She had hopped before, but never without the use of her hands. No fall breakers if she lost her balance.

The first hop went ok. The second hop was a bit wobbly on the landing. By the fourth hop she was already at the door. She did a quick succession of hops to get herself turned around, and then found the doorknob with her hands and, after another awkward body movement, managed to turn it and pull it open a bit. She did her 180 hopping move again and stuck her face into the crack in the doorway. No sign of the little brats, the hallway was clear. She nudged her head at the door gently and it slowly pushed fully open. She took a hop into the hallway and cautiously took a look up and down it. When certain it was clear, she began making long hops towards her room up the hall. With each landing she let out a little grunt. Halfway there and something bad happened.

“MMM!” She screamed into the gag and frantically tried swinging her arms out in front of herself to shield her from the fall. Of course they wouldn’t come, so she did her best to turn her body on the way down, letting her shoulder and side take the most of the blow. They did, thankfully, and she actually found that the fall didn’t hurt at all. Just the ropes around her wrists, which painfully yanked them even tighter together when she landed. She rolled onto her stomach and pulled them even closer, letting the ropes ease up on her wrists a bit. It felt good.

Suddenly, she felt something tickle the bottom of her feet. She howled into the gag and her whole body instantly went into a spasm. She yanked her feet away from the cruel torturer behind her and rolled onto her side to get a look at him.

Her cat, Minsy, let out a playful cry.

“Mumphee” She said relieved. The cat cried again and walked up to her face and rubbed its head against her cheek. Rachel thought about trying to get Minsy to go get help, like in the only Lassie TV show. She thought about the idea a little more and realized how stupid she’d gotten.

She looked up and saw her bedroom door only a few feet away, and decided to make the rest of the journey from the floor. She didn’t want to risk another fall, and it probably wouldn’t be so bad now that she wasn’t hogtied. So she began worming her way once again. She got going a little bit, before she felt that tickling on her feet again. She angrily looked down and saw Minsy hanging around by her feet.

“Shooph!” Rachel yelled at her and made a motion with her head. She lifted her feet away from the cat, and watched as the cat jumped up after them. It was the stupid rope that was dragging behind her that was one half of her former hogtie. She swayed her legs back and forth, watching the cats hunters eyes following it.

Screw it, she’d deal with the little torturer for now. She continued squirming towards her door, and in about one ticklish minute, she was there. She wiggled through the doorway and then propped her back against the inside wall and got to a standing position. She eyed her stupid cat still down by her feet and prayed she wouldn’t trip over her. She took four hops and she was at her bedside table, her cell phone lying atop it. She spun around and knelt down slightly, keeping her back straight. Her fingers found the phone, and once they had it, she fell down on her butt onto her bed. With a little swing of her wrists, she flung the phone up by the pillows, and then laid on her back and pulled her legs up onto the mattress. She spent the next minute squirming around trying to get into the right position. Finally she did it. The phone laid out, face up, at the head of the bed, herself laid face down right below it. Her head hung right above the phone, her feet dangled off the edge and were occasionally tugged at by her cat. Now was the hard part. She’d have to use her chin to hit the tiny buttons on the face of the phone. Luckily she would only have to hit about 5 correct buttons in a row, but it still seemed like a hard task.

She was right, but after a good couple of frustrating minutes, she finally managed to get the phone calling her friend Kelly, who lived only 2 blocks from her. Kelly, her last hope, her knight in shining armor.

“Hey Rache.” Kelly’s voice came out small from the cell phones speaker.

“Elly, MELPH ME!” Rachel shouted into the receiver. Her eyes were wide, and a little sweat was coming down the sides of her face from all the hopping and squirming she’d done.

“What Rache?” Kelly replied sounding confused.

“Elly, my rummmr am hiph fremm-”

“Rache, either your reception or mine is terrible. It sounds like you’ve got something in your mouth.”


“Call me back. Go outside or something.”


The phone was silent. Rachel let out a frustrated sigh and let her face fall straight down into the blanket on her bed.
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Post by Canuck100 »

Fri Aug 03, 2007 12:02 pm

Part 4

For the last 10 minutes, Rachel had laid on her side atop her bed, her bound and bare feet bent up as much as they would go towards her outstretched fingers. Her arms pulled back away from her as they tried giving her bound hands more slack to go to work, which resulted in a feeling of pressure in her chest as her breasts pressed tightly against her top. She ignored it, she HAD to untie her feet if she was ever going to get free. Her slender fingers had found the knot a few minutes ago, and now it was all just a test of endurance and patience. She had to hold this uncomfortable position long enough for her hands to undo the surprisingly tight knot that immobilized her feet. She hummed into the sock gag that was wrapped around her mouth to try and help pass the time. She felt tiny beads of sweat coming from her after another minute, and was beginning to get very frustrated when she finally felt something loosen beneath her fingers. She held her breath for a moment and tugged away at the knot she’d been working on. It became looser. She pulled again and felt the tension around her ankles ease up. She started kicking her feet around, and in a few moments the ropes laid in loose coils around her bed. She pulled her feet out of them and flipped onto her back.

“Mmmmmm.” She moaned into the gag as she stretched her legs out to the opposite corners of the bed. Freedom had never felt so good.

She took a moment to bathe in her new found relaxation, then promptly sat up and swung her legs off to the side of the bed. Sitting there made herself remember that she wasn’t free yet. Her wrists were still tightly bound behind he back, and one of her brothers disgusting socks was still wrapped between her teeth. The thought that it was her brother’s sock suddenly hit her and she made a disgusted face as she reflexively moved her jaw around, wishing to be rid of the damn thing already.

The sudden sound of voices made her go completely silent. She even held her breath. She couldn’t make out the words, but she knew by the whiny tone of one voice and the cracking pitch of the other that it was her brother and Ray. She listened as they bounded up the steps and then heard a word that couldn’t be mistaken for anything else.


It was Ray, and she could hear by the confused wonder in it that they’d discovered their missing captive’s room. She heard Billy’s higher pitched voice asking Ray something, then they were both moving again. She took a quick breath realizing if they found her in her semi-escaped state, Ray would most likely convince Billy to retie her to the chair… or worse. She stood up, thankful for her freed feet, and quickly jogged to the door to the room. Her bare feet were fortunately silent on the carpeted floor. She pressed against the wall and began side-stepping further down it, the door to her room now hiding her in it’s shadowed crevice. If one of them was to slam the door open any further, she’d probably wind up with two black eyes.
She was only behind the door for maybe 2 seconds when her brother and Ray stormed the room. They had stopped outside it, but must have seen the rope on the bed. She felt a strange exhilaration come over her as she remained silently hidden behind the door. She felt like a spy.

“Oh no Ray!” She heard her brother whine. “That’s her phone! Do you think she called my mom!?”

“I dunno.” Ray replied stupidly. “Why would she leave the phone here?”

As they stood in silence pondering that question, Rachel silently prayed they wouldn’t put it together and realize she was still tied up. As she waited for them to resume speaking, a horrible thing happened. Her cat, Minsy, stuck it’s head around the corner of the door and peered into the shadowy slit of space she hid in. It traced her figure upwards, and when it’s eyes met her wide, and terrified ones, it cried.

She held her breath and waited in silence.

“Maybe she only got her feet free. This pile of rope ain’t all I used.” Ray’s voice broke the silence, and although he had figured out what she hoped he wouldn’t, she felt lucky they didn’t examine the cat’s cry.

“How did she even get out of the chair?”

“I dunno Bill! You’re stupid rope probably broke.”

“Rope doesn’t break.”

“Yea, your head does though.”

Rachel listened as they then wrestled around. She wanted to push the door away and scold her brother for playing around in her room, but restrained herself. Meanwhile, Minsy was rubbing against her calf back and forth in the slim walkway it had.

“Knock if off Ray, I don’t want to get in trouble.”

“Dude me neither. Come on, maybe we can get to your mom before she does.”

“What do we say?”

“I dunno! Make it up!”

Then she heard them both leave the room and immediately felt her shoulders slump with relief. She waited till they were well down the steps before nudging the door away with her knee. She stood in the empty room debating what to do next, when she heard the front door creak open then close. She listened for a moment. The sweet sound of silence filled her ears and she realized she was alone, the whole house was hers to use until they got back. She wasted no time, moving around the half-opened door and out into the hall. She felt strange walking down the hallway with her hands tied behind her, but it was a feeling she had almost grown used to. The sock in her mouth, on the other hand, would never grow on her. She carefully placed one foot on the first step leading downstairs, and by the time she was at the last couple of them, she was moving just as well as if her hands weren’t bound at all.

She took a right turn at the foot of the steps and then followed her living room wall back to her kitchen. She felt the change from carpet to tiles beneath her feet as she stepped through the doorway. The drawer beneath her kitchen top held a pair of scissors, she knew that for sure. All she had to do was open it somehow and pull them out. As she planned that out, a sound came from behind her that froze her entire body and mind.

Three loud knocks from her front door came banging from the front of the house. She turned to face the noise, wondering who would knock on her door. Certainly not her mom or brother. Not even Ray. She didn’t have to wait long for the answer, the door began slowly creeping open.
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Post by Canuck100 »

Sat Aug 04, 2007 8:41 pm

Part 5

Rachel watched in horror as the front door pushed open. What if it was a stranger, or worse, a thief. She would be helpless to do a damn thing about it. She took a cautious step backwards ready to run, but then saw who it was.

“Mammph!” She called out, relieved to see her older brother Matt come around the edge of the door. He had been going to a local college for the last year and gotten his own apartment, so she wasn’t quite sure what he was doing here, but she didn’t care. She was finally free.

She rushed up to him, hand still bound behind her back, and said his name again into the gag.

“Rache?” He said a bit concerned. “You OK?”

She nodded her head, then motioned to her gag with her eyes and made a little sound into it. He reached up, hooked two fingers under it by the corner of her mouth and yanked it out and pulled it down. It fell to the top of her chest feeling slimy and gross.

“What’s going on?” He asked as Rachel was still moving her tongue and jaw around, feeling the lovely freedom of it.

“Nothing. It was stupid Billy and his little shit-head friend Ray that did this.” She explained, words sounded funny coming out of her mouth right for once. Matt took a sigh of relief and put his hand on his hip.

“Jesus Rache, I thought the house was getting robbed the way you came running up to me.”

“Matt I’ve been tied up like this for almost an hour! I’m going to kill Billy, Matt. I swear to god I am. I don’t even care anymore.”

“Great Rache, where’s mom? I need to talk to her.”


“Figured.” He said and shook his head before side-stepping between her and the couch in their living room and heading into the kitchen.

“Hey, you forgetting something there dear brother?” She said, and when he turned back to look at her she held her hands out to her side and wiggled her fingers while giving him a “remember!?” face.

Matt smacked his hand off his forehead and starting heading back to her.

“Oops, sorry.” He said, and when he got in front of her again he stuck two fingers behind the sock hanging from her neck, pulled it back up, and let it slide back between her lips just as she was about to yell at him.

“Muph! Arrm oo phummin ophem!” She shouted as her eyes went wide in angry disbelief.

Matt smirked and held a finger to his lips, then spun around and headed back to the kitchen. Rachel stayed right on his heels, mumbling incoherent sentences from behind the gag the whole way. He tossed open the refrigerator door and bent down to look inside. Rachel kicked it, and he barely had time to catch it with his hand before it smashed him in the side.

“Don’t act like a baby Waaaaachel.” He teased, using the name she hated most. She let out a frustrated growl and tried kicking him. He blocked and side-stepped and suddenly doubled over laughing. “You… look… so…. stupid!” He said between laughs.

She scowled at him and squinted her eyes and thought she would have her revenge on this whole family one day, before finally whirling around and heading back into the living room defeated. She let herself fall into the couch where she landed in a sitting position at the corner of it. She crossed one leg over the other and let an angry shot of air come through her nose and then let herself get comfortable to wait for her idiotic brother to get out.

Her idiot brother poured himself something to drink, grabbed a pack of cookies from the cabinet, and came into the living room. Rachel made sure to give him an angry glare when he did.

“Waaaachel.” He teased her, throwing his voice into the most annoying voice in the world. He laughed again and headed to the front door, and when Rachel saw he was actually planning on leaving her like she was, she uncrossed her legs, leaned forward and shouted into the gag. He turned his head back with one eyebrow raised.

“Yeeeees.” He asked.

She silently glared at him, not giving the satisfaction of making a fool of herself by trying to answer.

“OK, you know what? I’ll untie you. All YOU have to do is say - Sally sold seashells down by the seashore. Three times, no slip ups. Go.”

She shook her head and hated him with everything she had. He shrugged and gave her a goofy face, then he was gone. The door slammed shut and she was alone again. She hopped up off the couch and headed back into the kitchen. She had to get free, and fast. If she knew her older brother like she thought she did, he was going to rat her out if Billy and Ray were still over at Debbie’s with their mom.

She frantically made her way to the drawer near the sink that she knew would have a pair of scissors inside. She got there, spun around and tried gripping it’s little handle, but her fingers were just below reach. She stood on her tippy toes and tried again. The bottom of the handle grazed her searching fingers. She bit down on the sock and strained her feet to lift her a bit higher and tried again. This time she found it, grabbed it with three fingers, and took a clumsy step forward. The drawer came with her partially before her fingers slipped away as she came down from her tippy toes. Glancing back, the drawer looked opened enough that she could slide the rest out with her head. She bent over, cautiously stuck her chin into the narrow space and turned her head. The drawer slowly came open, and there the scissors were, waiting to save her like her knight in shining armor. She then realized she had to find a way to get them out of there. Thinking quick, she lowered her head into the drawer and gently gripped the blade part with her lips. When convinced of a strong grip, she slowly pulled her head back. The scissors came with her. She headed towards a kitchen chair, moving slowly as to not shake loose the delicately placed scissors between her tightly clenched lips, and when she got there, allowed them to fall on top of the seat. She sat down and found them with her hands.

“There she is!” The sound of Ray’s voice came shrieking from the living room. Rachel looked up and realized she’d been concentrating so hard on the task at hand, she hadn’t even heard the front door open. Before she could think anything else, Ray and Billy were rushing into the kitchen. Her fingers frantically wrestled with the scissors to try and cut herself free, but by the time she even got a good hold on them, there were two tiny demons at both of her sides.

“MMMMO!” She cried out, not able to believe her bad luck. She dropped the scissors, leapt to her feet and charged past them into the living room. There was no way she was getting tied back up to that chair again. No way in hell. She rounded the corner to the steps, but when she got her foot on the first one, a pair of small but strong arms came wrapping around her waist.

“MMO!” She wailed, but Billy began dragging her backwards anyway. Billy was giggling his head off as she squirmed and tugged away under his arms. He was surprisingly strong for a 12 year old kid, aided by the fact her hands were tied behind her back of course. She got her footing though, and started pulling away from him. He was starting to get dragged towards the steps now, instead of the opposite. She grunted after every strenuous step she marched forward. Then she saw her number 1 enemy appear in front of her and he was holding something at his shoulders.

“Mray!” She had time to shout at Ray before he tossed the blanket up and over her head. She fell into darkness, then felt Billy let her go. She turned blindly and took two steps forward. Her knee stuck something hard that caused her to curse beneath the gag, then she was falling forward. The arm of the couch was what she hit, and now she went tumbling over it, face first into the couch’s cushions. Her legs spilt over it as well, and eventually she was laying face down on the couch. Her vision blocked by the blanket that was tossed over her head and went down to her knees. Her bare calf’s and feet were stuck up in the air due to the angle her knees met the end of the couch, and she instantly felt hands pulling her ankles together.

“Get something to tie her feet with!” She heard Ray’s voice command from down by her legs, partially muffled by the blanket. Then she heard Billy take off up the steps. She didn’t like Ray’s slimy little hands on her legs, so she began twisting her feet and trying to kick him. She felt his grip tighten and then a tickle on the sole of her foot that made her whole body twitch.

“Rayph, I mrere oo MOD!” She threatened from beneath the blanket, trying to say “Ray, I swear to God!” She heard his delighted giggle from behind her, then felt another tickle, this time he used all the fingers on his hand to dance along her sole. She let out an agitated moan and was helpless to stop her laughter from escaping her as he began tickling her soles all over. Her feet wagged back and forth and her toes clenched and stretched in twitchy patterns, begging her to stop this attack. This went on for a grueling twenty seconds before she heard Billy’s heavy steps come to the base of the steps and head into the living room. Ray released her ankles and stood up. She felt hot and sweaty beneath the blanket, and suddenly badly wanted some fresh air. She swung herself into a sitting position and called to Billy the best she could from the gag. She used her most serious tone, and sure enough Billy got the picture. A second or two later, the blanket was ripped off her and Billy was looking at her concerned.

“You OK Rache?” He asked. Rachel took long, deep breathes of the cool air outside the blanket before nodding her head. She looked over Billy’s shoulder at Ray, who was still grinning like a fool. She hated him more than ever. She looked back at Billy, and realized this was the best time to get out of this. She made a little sound and leaned her chin forward, motioning to the gag. He hesitated for a second before reaching for it. Over his shoulder, she saw Ray about to say something, but the furious look she shot him cut him off. Billy pulled the gag out of her mouth.

“Thanks.” She said, testing the strange taste on her tongue again. “Billy, this has gone on long enough, seriously. My wrists are getting sore, my throat and mouth are dry, I’ve had enough.”

Ray suddenly headed into the kitchen. Hey eyes followed him cautiously, but went back to her brother when he went out of view.

“Come on Billy. Untie me.” She said and turned to her side so he could reach her wrists. She watched Billy’s face. He looked at her wrists and was contemplating if he could have any more fun with this, and if it was worth pissing her off anymore. Just when she thought he had made the choice to untie her, Ray came back into the room holding a glass of water.

“Here, she can drink this.” He said and handed it to Billy. Billy took it, looked down at it, then back at her.

“No Billy, I don’t-”

But he had already pressed the edge of the glass to her bottom lip, and she had no choice but to drink it. It felt great in her mouth, and better in her throat. When she had enough she made a noise, and Billy tipped it down and pulled it back. Before she even had time to catch her breath, she felt rope being wrapped around her ankles. She looked down to see Ray on his knees in front of her.

“Billy! I said-”

“Who cares what she says! She’s not the boss of you.” Ray said, not taking his eyes of his task of tying her ankles together.

“But…” Billy said.

“Dude, don’t be a wuss.”

“Billy…” Rachel warned.

“Big Bill, your in charge.” Ray said. “You want to let her go or do you want to be cool and be the king of the house?”

Rachel saw the mischievous look in Billy’s eyes and knew she was on the losing side of the argument. Once again, freedom had slipped through her fingers.
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