barefootpollster : 04 - Boy Scout initiation (m+/mmmm)

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barefootpollster : 04 - Boy Scout initiation (m+/mmmm)

Post by Canuck100 »

barefootpollster's stories
04 - Boy Scout initiation
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By barefootpollster

Tue Apr 24, 2007 3:36 pm

Boy Scout initiation

This happened to me about 6 years ago when I and six other 11 year-olds joined the Boy Scouts. I spent about 4 years in the Scouts and went all the way to Eagle Scout. This was where I learned many knots that are useful to this day (Wink.

Anyway, it was mid July when we went on our first camping trip with the troop. We had been going to weekly meetings since April but hadn't gone camping yet. We were camping at a state park with a large lake. We planned to go hiking and canoeing this weekend. What transpired was the first TUG I ever played, and sparked my interest in people being tied up.

We got there Friday night and set up our tents at about 4:00 in the afternoon. As soon as we were finished the older boys, the patrol leaders, led us new kids on a hike. They told us we were exploring the park to find a good route to hike the next day. One of them had a large backpack that appeared full, which puzzled me. I shrugged it off as nothing, but my suspicions were confirmed when we were led off the trail.

The patrol leaders told us that we were about to be initiated into the troop and that all members must undergo this initiation. They told us to take off our shirts, shoes, and socks, leaving all of us in just shorts, barefoot and shirtless. They took off their shoes and socks too. We were instructed to leave our clothes and shoes there on the side of the trail then we were led further into the woods.

After about another five minutes of walking, which was slower than usual because we were barefoot, we came to two trees about 15 feet apart with a long thin log bolted to the trees at about waist height. We were told to lay down with our ankles on the log. Terrified but excited, the seven of us obeyed, and the patrol leaders, there were 4 of them, tied our ankles to the log. We were then told to stretch out our arms above our heads, our wrists then tied tightly to a few small trees behind us. This was the first time I was ever tied up, and I was starting to like it.

One of the patrol leaders started explaining that this was sacred ground to our troop, where all members had been initiated, and all boys who enter must be barefoot, as we all were. We were going to be tickled and tortured until they decided we were worthy of joining the troop.

One of them started tickling the bare feet of the boy on one end. Another patrol leader timed how long he held out before breaking and laughing. They went down the line like this until all of us had been tickled. I remember my time being 1 minute 20 seconds.

Then they told the boys with the 2 highest times that they had passed and were officially members of the troop. I had the 5th highest time, so I wasn't done yet. The boys with the 2 lowest times were tickled ferociously for five minutes, having been told that they could stop the tickling by saying "stop", but they wouldn't pass. One of them eventually said "stop," and the other was passed.

The other three of us underwent the same torture. I gave in first, and another boy did soon after. The last of our 3 was passed.

Me and the other 2 boys who had said "stop" were left tied up as we were, but the other 4 were freed. They then joined the patrol leaders in tickling us. We were told that if we didn't say "stop" for 5 minutes then we would pass, but they would continue until we endured 5 minutes. There were 8 of them and 3 of us, and they not only tickled our bare feet this time but also our bare chests and armpits.

All of us passed and were freed. We were marched back to where our shirts and shoes were to find them gone. The patrol leaders said they had taken them and we would get them back at the end of the weekend, and would stay barefoot and shirtless for the weekend (when we got back to camp, we found all of our shirts, shoes, and socks missing from our backpacks, too.)

We weren't tickled any more that weekend, or in the Boy Scouts, but I'll never forget that weekend as being my introduction to TUGs.

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