Emma : 13 - Because We're Bored (mmm/ff)

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Emma : 13 - Because We're Bored (mmm/ff)

Post by Canuck100 »

Emma's stories
13 - Because We're Bored
Story index at the bottom

By Emma

Sun Apr 08, 2007 4:43 pm

Because We're Bored

Character Bios, for those of you who need help imagining how we look and act.

Emma, your narrator, with Brown wavy hair and dark blue eyes. About 5'6", with a slim athletic body. wearing green shorts and a black tanktop.
Witty, the level headed one in the group, fairly sarcastic and a leader not a follower.

Sam, the best friend, silly and ditzy with straight blonde hair and pale blue eyes. Everything about her is tiny, about 5'4". Sometimes a little dense. Captain of JV softball team. Wearing pink shorts and a white tanktop, She has a hugely annoying crush on Mike. Babbles when nervous.

Jason, hottie, my boyfriend [except not yet]. Mocha brown eyes, shaggy brown hair that is perfectly messy. Wearing a black t-shirt and black shorts. Muscular build about 5'11". Very strong. Funny, smart, knows when to be considerate, and knows not to get carried away with our games, although he loves playing the role of the villain.

Mike, not as hot as Jason by far, but not ugly. Muscular at 5'10". Gets carried away with our games a lot. Wearing blue t-shirt and black shorts.
Sometimes funny. Not really that much though. He mumbles a lot.

Danny, a loveable clown. Blonde hair and blue eyes. Skinny but strong. 5'11". One of my best friends who are guys. Red shorts and a white tshirt.
Always fun to be around. An older brother figure.

Where: My house.
When: 6:30, we're running REALLY LATE for basketball!

"Where is it?" I asked myself as i dug through my closet through the large pile of shoes trying to find my lucky other high top.

"Oh please, just wear your new ones! let's go!!" Sam sighed.

"I'm not leaving without my good shoes!" i said flatly.

"What do you mean good? they're all ratty and gross.." she sneered.

"I mean they're lucky." I said "Ouch! i just got stabbed by a stiletto" I said as my hand was nearly impales by four inches of high heel.

"So, is Mike gonna be there?" Sam gushed.

"Sweet! I found it." I said as i retrieved my other shoe. "What??" I asked once i emerged from my crowded closet.

"Ughhh! I said is Mike going to be there?!" she sighed heavily.

"1. how should i know? and 2. why should i care?" i asked flatly.

"Come on, I found out Jason was gonna be there from Jon, the least you could do is tell me what you know.." she whined. Jon is her older brother. he's on Jason's lacrosse team and they are kinda sorta friends.

"Well I KNEW he was gonna be there, and yeah Mike always comes, you know that." i said in my defense, hearing Jason's name sent my stomach into flips, recently i found out he liked me, and i liked him too.

"LETS GO!!" i heard Ella screaming, her voice carrying as always, she offered us a ride with her and Jon who had been dating on and off recently.

"Okayy!!" i yelled as i grabbed my gymbag and left.

~at the Gym.~

"Seeya!" i said as we slammed the car door.

Everyone was standing outside, which meant that the door was locked.

"I'll unlock it" I sighed as i pulled out my key. I was "trusted" by the people in the community so i had a copy of the key.

I inserted the key into the keyhole when I noticed Sam began babbling senselessly. I started turning it when i felt a pair of hands poke into my sides. i jumped back and squealed. it was Jason.

"Hey!" he said, behind him was Sam and Mike attempting to hold a conversation.

"Oh, hey" I said, halfway to the floor.

"So, whats up?" he asked.

"Well I'm trying to open the door" i said and i turned around but by the time I looked the door was opened and there was Danny holding my key.

"Thanks Dan" i said and he handed me back my key.

"Well, we all wanted to get in at some point and the love fest back here was almost sickening" he laughed.

"Oh shut up" Jason said punching him on the shoulder. We walked inside and put our stuff down.

"What do you wanna do?" Sam asked, she finally stopped talking Mike's ear off long enough to pay attention.

"I need to go to the bathroom, be right back" i said as i made my way to the rest room. When i was leaving the bathroom I saw Jason near the classrooms leaning against the wall.

"What's up ?" i asked.

"Not much, the sky" he laughed.

"Well, that's original."

"Thankyouthankyou very much" he said in an elvisy voice.

"Why don't you use your own material" i quipped.

"I'm not that funny, so i score laughs in a different way" he smiled.

"Oh really and how is that?" i laughed.

"Like this!!" he said and started tickling all over my sides. I squealed laughing as he tickled me to the floor. We both fell over exhausted from our tickle fight.

"Want a ride back into the gym?" he laughed bending over.

"Why not!" i smiled and i climbed on. We rode piggyback past the gym...

"Jason?!? you missed the gym" i said.

"I did? silly me" he laughed he ran into the classroom where in was dark, he was still holding onto my legs when i was grabbed from behind.

"What the fuhmprgh!" I yelled before a hand clamped over my mouth. They sat me in a chair and my hands were pulled behind me, with my mouth free from the hand i asked.

"Why are you doing this?!"

"Cuz, we're bored" i heard Danny's voice say. And they all laughed.

To Be Continued later.

Thu Apr 19, 2007 7:25 pm

Part two, whatever i get done will be posted, promise.

My hands were tied behind me and while Danny was tying my legs, Mike walked over.

"So which is better, tape or a bandana?"

"Neither" i said shaking my head defiantly.

"Does that mean both?" Jason asked smirking down at me.

"No.no. Come on guys, if sam comes in and sees.." i said but i was cut off by Jason.

"Don't worry your pretty little head about Sam, she'll have her turn" Jason said, patting my cheek.

"Guys, Sam seriously wouldn't think this is funny.. please let me go. I'll let you tie me up another day as long as you let me go now."

"Though your offer is enticing, we could easily tie you up again any time, without letting you go, so what's the point?" Danny said with a wry smile.

"You son of b-mphgh" i said but before my profanity came out mike taped my mouth closed.

"Such profane language" he laughed.

The guys turned around and i made a move for the floor, seeing as how i wasn't secured to the chair, i tried to do something. I wasn't thinking straight so i guess i should have figured they would notice me. I slid off the chair and the guys didn't notice. I reached the floor and i saw Jason's eyes move to me. he quickly looked up and continued talking, ignoring me.

I continued to inch when Mike looked over and said
"Looks like we've got a runner..er, crawler, over." like he was talking over a walkie talkie. Jason came over and lifted me off the ground, while Danny and Mike went next door to get another teachers chair that wasn't attached to a desk. While they were gone Jason whispered
"Hey, I didn't rat you out.." he smiled

"Urghghh" i said wiggling around, but unable to break his strong hold.

"We're baaack' Danny sang as he put the two chairs with the seats facing eachother. They forced me onto one seat and Jason pulled my legs up onto the other seat while, Danny who was the lightest, sat on my waist Mike and Jason bound me to the chairs.

I couldn't see Jason through Danny's body, but i did feel my shoes being pulled off of my feet.

"MHPHHOO!" i screamed no.

"Relax, I cant tie your ankles down with these shoes on." he said.

As my shoes were removed I was twitching and suppressing slight giggles, people being near my feet always made me do that.

Jason lashed my ankles to the seat, with them sitting just on the edge of the other chair sticking through the hole in the back. Before i could protest my left sock was ripped off my foot revealing my freakishly ticklish feet. I felt one finger, than two on them and I started thrashing and squealing.
With everything i had i struggled. Dan, who had finally gotten off of me, just watched with Mike and laughed. Jason, whos face i could now see, looked up and looked at me straight in the eye. He had those baby deer brown eyes that were just adorable, i noticed them long enough that we just locked eyes and he stopped all out tickling me and just rubbed the one extremely ticklish spot on my arch, keeping me in a rather unpleasant giggling limbo.

"Jay, you're going way too easy on her, she tried to escape" Mike said.

"We should actually get Sam first, Em shouldn't get to have ALL the fun" he said getting up and giving my toes a last tickle.

"Well then, lets go," Mike said and the three left to lure my bestfriend into a killer tickletorture.
and yet, i couldn't help but look back on how Jason and my eyes locked.

I began to struggle and try to find a loose part in the knots or any slack...

Thu Apr 19, 2007 7:53 pm

No such luck. they were tied well as ever, completely inescapable.

I began the process of trying to unstick my gag. The tape was pressed hard into the skin on my face and my lips were tightly closed. The only movement i could make was by wiggling my toes. But then again, that wasn't all that helpful.

Shortly, the door opened. It was Jason. He gave my feet a quick tickle, turned off the light and crouched behind a desk. Next i heard the babbling of Sam...

"Comeonmikewhats the surprise?" I heard before i saw her being lead my Mike with his hands over her eyes.

In a matter of seconds he released his hands and she saw me, as she made a move for me, she was grabbed by her arm, by Mike and Jason. They pounced out from behind the desk with tape and ropes.

"What the hell are you doing!" she shrieked.

"Just having some fun" Mike responded.

"Please. just let me go" she said.

"But poor Emmy has been lonely and she needs a little company..." Jason smiled down at her. She was tied in a hog tie on the floor with tape on her mouth like me, her small flexible body arched back and her shirt rolled up a little exposing her sides.

Mike sat indian style in front of us and proceeded to poke around our sides. As i squirmed and shouted profanities, Sam lightly struggled but wasn't all that ticklish there.

Then Jason made a move at me feet, just wiggling his fingers over them.

My reaction must have been hilarious because each time he got closer and pulled away, he would laugh and tease me.

Danny came back in from the bathroom and sat down behind Sam. When she felt her shoes coming off she shivered almost, like a chill went down her spine and she jumped.

"Jackpot" Mike laughed. With her feet up in the air exposed, I watched as Sam braced herself for some few minutes of pure hell. I watched as mike grabbed her flailing big toes and wrenched them backwards and at the point of contact she screamed. As scream so loud, you would think it could wake the dead, but alas, no one heard.

While watching my friend experience some tickling hell, i felt Jason's thumb and pointer finger in between my big toe and second toe on each foot. He swung his leg over the seat saddling it like a horse and sat on my legs. He slowly and delivrately pulled my toes back, the action making my skin on my soles tighten and become twice as much ticklish.

"Tickle tickle, coochie coochie.." I heard as i was drowned in baby tickle talk combined with the laughter of my best friend, myself and the three teenage boys having their fun.

I was lost in hysterics for a full minute, i continued to feel the tingling all over my feet. My head swung back and i sat there in a giggling teary daze. When i came to, i look over and i see that the guys found Sam's other spot that she hates being tickled in, the armpits!

She howled with insane laughter as Jason tickled her underarms, Danny her feet, and Mike lay on his stomach in front of her lightly blowing on her face and taunting her. The teenage girl, though small, had iron lungs, or at least it seemed because she just screamed her head off laughing.

When she was out of breath, Danny grabbed scissors and cut me free. I stood up almost immediately but i almost fell and Jason caught me. Mike sat there, taking his time getting Sam out of the tape and rope. When all was said and done we walked out into the lobby and sat on the couch.

That night, as we were leaving i saw it. I saw Mike and Sam kiss.

And Jason kissed me for the first time too. A little less than a week later Jason asked me out, in the crazy babysitting fiasco.

Sam and Mike also began going out in that time period.

Emma's stories
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