Sandra Davis : 01 - My Cousin's Prisoner (FF/f)

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Sandra Davis : 01 - My Cousin's Prisoner (FF/f)

Post by Canuck100 »

Sandra Davis's stories
01 - My Cousin's Prisoner
Story index at the bottom

By Sandra Davis

Friday, April 8th 2005 - 03:49:56 AM

My Cousin's Prisoner

My first bondage experience was when I was 10 years old. It was the first day of summer, and I was going to spend the entire summer it with my cousin in a place she rented at the time, with her two roommates. My cousin, Lisa, was at the time 19 years old, her two roommates, Laura and Tammy, were a year older. Little did I realize that my cousin and her roommates were such huge bondage freaks. They all loved barefoot bondage, but each had their own taste in gags. Lisa liked the old fashioned cloth gag, but she also on occasion liked to get creative with it by putting a knot in the middle of it or something. Laura was a ballgag fanatic. Tammy did duct tape; I guess that's why she's a big fan of Red Green's Duct Tape Forever movie.

Anyway, the weird thing about that first day was that, on the way to my cousin's house, everything seemed to revolve around bondage, as if preparing me for the days ahead. The videos I watched in the car on the way to the airport were Inspector Gadget and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in which the main girl was always getting kidnapped then bound and gagged. On the plane over to my cousin's place read a couple comics that had the same situation.

As I got off the plane there was Lisa, my best friend and favorite cousin. We hugged and in the van I got to meet her roommates. We arrived at their place and got me settled in. My room was in their guest room. We then went out. Tammy and Laura went out and did their own thing (I'd later find out that they were out buying gags and rope), while Lisa and I went to the movies, ate at Applebee's and all sorts of fun stuff. Later back at my Lisa's place, we played a couple games with her roommates. The only thing that sucked was that my parents asked Lisa to send me to bed at a reasonable hour. So having to follow the rules I put on my pink pajamas and Lisa tucked me in.

Later I would have to go to the bathroom, but as I was heading back to my room I heard the TV was on. I snuck down stairs to see what they were watching, and I saw that they were watching a bondage video. I didn't see anything that a 10 year old shouldn't see they weren't that far into the movie just yet. But I saw a woman bound and gagged and went back to bed thinking about it.

The next day I woke up before everyone else and got myself a bowl of cereal, I wasn't the kind of girl that waited for my cousin to feed me, and she was well aware of that. Anyway it was Saturday and I watched cartoons as I ate. Irony came into play once again as one of the shows showed damsels in distress. About 9:00 am was when Laura and Lisa, were up Tammy would soon follow.

Later it was near noon and I was still in my pajamas, and as I was choosing my clothes for the day I noticed some things were under the bed. I grabbed the objects and pulled out a ballgag and a foot and a half piece of rope. I didn't know what these were for but then I remembered that movie that Lisa and her roommates were watching the previous night, the woman in the movie was wearing a gag that looked similar. I stopped what I was doing and went to Tammy and Laura's room. They agreed to share a room while I was over, for the room I was in was originally Laura's room.

They were just about dressed for the day when I knocked on the door. They let me in and I showed them my discovery. Laura thanked me as she put the gag away. They explained to me what were for, proving my theory correct. They said that sometimes kidnappers used them. I asked if they were planning to kidnap anybody, "Oh no," they said, "We just like to tie each other up for fun."

As we talked the idea started to run through my mind, I've never been tied before and was intrigued by the idea of being tied up. So I blurted out "Can you kidnap me?"

Tammy and Laura were shocked at what I just asked, and stared at me like a deer staring at the headlights of a car, "What?" they asked

"I mean for pretend." I said.

"Why," asked Tammy.

"I want to be tied up."

Laura and Tammy thought about it for a couple seconds and Laura just smiled, and took some rope out a drawer and tossed it to Tammy who was getting the same idea. "So you want us to kidnap you and tie you up?" Laura asked.

"Yes," I said.

"Do you also want to be gagged?" Tammy asked. I nodded my head.

"Then you've got it!" Laura said as came behind me and clamped her hand over my mouth and with the help of Tammy pulled both my wrists behind my back, where Laura held them both in one hand.

Laura and Tammy thought about it for a couple seconds and Laura just smiled, and took some rope out a drawer and tossed it to Tammy who was getting the same idea. "So you want us to kidnap you and tie you up?" Laura asked.

"Yes," I said.

"Do you also want to be gagged?" Tammy asked. I nodded my head.

"Then you've got it!" Laura said as came behind me and clamped her hand over my mouth and with the help of Tammy pulled both my wrists behind my back, where Laura held them both in one hand.

They took me to Lisa's room where Lisa was all ready for the day. Tammy spoke up, "Hey Lisa, your cousin found a couple of our stuff under bed," She said gesturing to the rope in her hand.

Lisa, who knew I was bound to find stuff lying around sooner or later, merely said "Really."

"And now she says she wants experience" said Tammy. Lisa getting the picture now smiled and nodded, and went to her closet to get some more things. That's when I started struggling and making noises into Laura's hand. She let me go thinking that was having second thoughts, but I explained to her that I was just acting so I willingly let myself be captured again by Laura.

Laura came out with more rope and a long cloth. I was handed to her and pulled the cloth between my teeth. I was handed to Tammy, who forced me to the floor and tied my hands behind my back in an X shape, with the rope she had in her hand. With another piece rope tied my ankles together and then my knees with another piece.

So there I was, tied up, in my pajamas, gagged and barefoot. The three elder women admired their handy work for a couple seconds went to put their shoes on. They had the idea that since I was barefoot, putting shoes on would make them look superior to me, and I agree. They came back and Laura picked me up and carried me down stairs, where I was tied to one of the kitchen chairs. I tested my ropes, they weren't so tight that they hurt, but they were sure tight, no way was I getting out of that bind.

They took another picture of me as they talked about what they could do to me. Now they weren't going to do, nor did they do, anything that was sexual, that would have been sick and very wrong. They talked about just tying me into different positions an idea I really liked, and I nodded my head in approval, because so far I liked being tied up. They also talked about making me their tickle slave. They liked the idea of me being a tickle slave, but I didn't. At the time I was very ticklish, in my sides, my stomach, the souls of my feet, under the armpit. You name an area where person can be tickled; chances are I was pretty ticklish there. They decided to do both.

The tickling was going to come first. I vigorously shook my head no, but Laura told me that apart of being kidnapped was having things done to you against your will. I knew she was right, but I still didn't want to be tickled. So this is where I really started to struggle. I kicked my legs and twisted my body as they untied me from the chair and Laura, whom I'd later nickname Ms. Muscles, slung me over her shoulder. She sat me on a chair in the living room. Suddenly I didn't want to be tied up anymore.

I kept bucking my legs, but Lisa brought a foot rest where I was sitting, and with a long piece of rope, tied my legs down to it. She took my gag out and I started to beg them not to tickle me, it's amazing I wasn't on the brink of tears. But Lisa, who had just finished tying a huge knot in the center of my gag, told me that I should have known what I was getting into when I asked for this. She shoved the knot into my mouth and at that point, I knew my protests were useless and that they were going to do it anyway to I just gave up. Now don't get me wrong, my cousin wasn't trying to be mean to me, but she was a control freak sometimes and this was one of those times where she was just being controlling. The same went for her roommates. Besides it was all fun and games

I sat there for a couple minutes, which seemed like and hour, bound and gagged with the souls of my feet pointed away from me, vulnerable to any thing that dared to brush across them. Pretty soon, Tammy comes in with a feather. Lisa pulled a seat up in front of my feet; since she is my cousin she got first dibs. She taunted me for a few seconds, and then finally stroked my foot with the feather, and I flinched. She slowly started stroking up and down on with the feather on both feet. My toes were wiggling and I laughing into my knot gag. She soon resorted to passing the feather between my toes and then finished off by tickling me with the other side of the feather, which made me laugh much harder.

It was then Tammy's turn to torture me. But before she started, she got a spool of string from out of her pocket and tied my big toes together, which they would all do from now on if my ankles were tied together. Tammy then took the feather and did the same things that Lisa did. This time I couldn't sway my feet apart thanks to the fact that there was a string attaching my toes, so now the feather was harder to avoid.

Then Laura stepped up. Laura, when it comes to bondage of any kind, is a sadist. Years later I heard she beat the crap out of her boyfriend while he was cuffed to the basement stairs (amazingly they didn't break up after that). How did she handle me? Well she only used the feather on the soft side for a half a minute then switched to the other side. Then she set the feather down and started scratching my souls with her fingernails. She started soft and then scratched harder and harder. I was laughing harder than ever, she was digging her fingernails into my feet. She tickled me the longest, but I remember how long. When she stopped, the other two thought it was time for a break from tickling.

They untied me from the foot rest, untied my wrists and ankles, which were tied for three and a half hours straight, and then they took my gag out. They gave me a glass of water, man was my tongue dry. They also gave me a chance to stretch my limbs, but only until a couple seconds later when they tied me up again.

Laura made me sit Indian style; she then proceeded to tie arms behind me. She did a couple loops around my upper body, tied it off and used what was left of that rope to tie my ankles. Tammy then came behind me and gagged me with that fricking cloth, which no longer had the knot in it. After Tammy tied the gag off, she took a piece of duct tape over my mouth.

They left me in that position until it was supper time. They untied me, but they weren't letting me loose, Lisa put a pair of handcuffs on my wrists, this time in front of me. As we ate the phone rang, it was my parents calling to see how I was doing. I talked to them, but didn't say one word about what we were all doing here. After I hung up I finished eating.

Then Lisa unlocked my handcuffs and told me that since I haven't showered all day they would let me have an hour to shower, "And brush your teeth while you're at it," she said, "because we've got more plans for you. And if you're not out when the hour is up and you're not dressed, then tough we'll tie you up while you're naked". That quickened my shower because one thing I knew about my cousin was that when she said she'd do something, she meant it. But I didn't shower until after Laura forced the ballgag that I found into my mouth. I remember that thing was pretty big, it's a wonder it didn't make my jaw ache. They also told me not to lock the door, or else they'd tie me naked weather or not I finished on time.

I first I brushed my teeth, when to the bathroom, and then took my shower. I've finished my shower early, because if it was just my cousin I probably wouldn't have minded because we're related. However it wasn't just my cousin, I was being trussed up by two other older women that I was just now getting to know so I felt pretty uncomfortable at the thought of being nude in front of them because I have this thing about being naked in front of strangers.

Of course I've been known to take long showers at the time, and mine was about a few minutes longer than I planned for it to last, (hey I just said I quickened my shower, I never said I didn't cut it close). I had my underwear and my pajama top on before they came busting in. They caught hold of me again; I struggled only to put on a convincing show. I still wished that they gave me more time to put my pajama bottoms on but it was not like I was in any position to do anything about it.

They tied my wrists in front of me, then led me down to the basement. My feet were all ready cold for not having any shoes or socks on them all day, but walking on the concrete basement floor made them even colder. I stood there as Tammy and Laura tied my knees and ankles back together. It was about this time that I noticed I was drooling because of the ballgag, I couldn't even swallow my spit.

Lisa came from the back of the basement with more rope and some feathers. She told me to stand on a stool. I obeyed; when I got on I was almost face to face with her. Then she tied the rope around my bound wrists and climbed on a chair so that she could tie the other end of the rope to a pipe on the ceiling. Then the three women armed themselves with their feathers. They rolled up my pajama top, exposing my stomach and they started ticking. They tickled me for an hour without hardly any breaks. They tickled me on my stomach, and occasionally raised top further so they could get at my armpits.

They soon untied me from the ceiling and gave to Laura, which I would later in the summer find out was the worst thing they could do to me because she seemed to enjoy this stuff way too much. While Lisa and Tammy went back upstairs, I was left with the worlds meanest tickler. She tickled me everywhere; with and without a feather (it was worse when she did my feet because I was the most ticklish there). I was laughing harder than I was when she tickled me for one more hour and by the time she was finished, tears were rolling down my cheeks.

She untied me, and took me upstairs. Lisa was sitting on the couch and asked me to come over. I sat down next to her. "Did you have fun today?" She asked me.

I nodded, because it was the truth, "When can we do this again?" I asked her.

"Well," she said, "All summer if you want".

"Really?" I said excitedly. Lisa nodded.

It now official that I was my cousin's prisoner for the rest of the summer. "Let's get you ready for bed".

Lisa led me upstairs where she tied me up again, but this time with lost of rope. She tied my wrists behind my back. Then tied my ankles, knees, calves and thighs together with different pieces of rope. Then she looped rope above and below my breasts, which weren't developed yet, and tied the remaining slack around my wrists. She used more rope to tie my ankles to my wrists, and proceeded to finish off my tying my big toes together (I secretly loved it when they did that).

I sat on the bed on my knees, and before my cousin left me she buckled a collar around my neck, "You're going to be my pet this summer", she said. Then I laid down on my side with my head on the pillow. She pulled the blankets over me, stroked my hair and said, "Sweet dream", and with that she turned out the light and walked out the door.

That was my first bondage experience with my bondage obsessed cousin and her bondage obsessed roommates. I'd have more fun during that summer. I might just post those stories someday.

Sandra Davis

Sandra Davis's stories
Index of all stories in the "Archive for Everyone" section
Last edited by Canuck100 3 years ago, edited 5 times in total.
Centennial Club
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Post by LatexLover »

This was one of my favorites from the old old site.
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