chadmc90 : A Game of TUGs [M/M]

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Post by Soraka »

by chadmc90 » Thu Jun 26, 2014 3:18 pm

Due to the chaotic nature of the next chapters, Team Organization will not be available.

Arc 3: Last Team Standing

Chapter 71: Endgame Part 1

Berek looked around at all the other teams. Daeneric and the Targaryens was to the right. The new Lannister team led by his cousin John was directly in front of him beside the Lannister fortress. And to Berek's left was the Freys, and their leader Walder. Berek didn't realize that all four teams would be present at once. The advantage that Daeneric and Berek had as an alliance was lost, and he knew nothing he could do. They had the weapon and enough rope to subdue one team, but it wouldn't be enough to take down the rest. The light of the day started to fade, and now dusk crept in. The already chilly air got colder with the blow of a breeze, and the onset of darkness meant even colder temperatures to come.

"Well...this is certainly unexpected.." said Walder Frey from where his team stood. "I never expected you guys to have the same idea."

"And neither did us." Daeneric said.

"So all you guys have come here to defeat us?" John asked the other teams.

"That was the plan." Berek responded. "But it seems that the arrival of the Freys means a change in plans." Berek then looked towards Daeneric, who looked as tense as any of the others. Berek had his hands in his pockets, and he felt the steel of the two keys in his possession. "I wonder if they have the other keys with them?" Berek thought. "I know John has the Lannister and Greyjoy keys in that fortress, but what about the Targaryen and Frey keys?"

Over by the Frey team, Walder also felt the steel of his own key in his pocket. He adjusted his headband as he looked towards Tywin.

And Daeneric also brought his own key here. He had a feeling he might need it as well. With that said, all 6 of the keys required to open the Door to the Wooden Throne was on this very field. It was a manner of who walks away with them in tow.

Berek had to keep them concealed for the time being. He had thought about using his curse power again to get the necessary information out of the other leaders, but he was hesitant because of the risks.

Then, Walder Frey pulled out something in his pocket. "I suppose you guys really want this?" Frey said as he jingled the key with a Raven as it's handle. "You can have it..if you can take it."

"Walder..what are you doing?" Tywin asked shocked and angry that Walder had shown his key.

"Hmph. I am venturing to guess that all of you have your keys as well. I bet the plan was to take the Lannister keys, then you were to march on us and take our key. Then you were gonna fight between yourselves to get the final keys. Was I right?"

Daeneric and Berek was amazed Walder came up with that. Then they sighed and Daeneric pulled out his Dragon key and Berek pulled out both the Bear key and the Wolf key. When Daeneric saw that Berek had two keys, he got angry.

" had a key all this time?" Daeneric asked, fuming.

"Yep." Berek said.

"And why didn't you tell me that?"

"Why would I? This is a tournament where we are suppose to fight each other, right?"

Daeneric was now boiling. "So...I guess our alliance is now off."

"Looks that way. It was bound to happen sooner or later, right?" Berek said casually.

"Yea..I guess so." Daeneric said.

"So, how do you want to settle this then?" John asked.

The leaders and their teams decided to whisper among themselves.

"Berek, what do we do now? We don't even know who to trust anymore?" Thoros asked.

"I don't know. This situation is bad. If they double team us..."

Over by the Lannisters, John and the others were also in a predicament. "Guys, we are surrounded on all sides. If they all gang up on us, we're finished." John said.

Balon, whom had finally been freed by is brothers, was also whispering. "What's wrong, Stark? Afraid to fight?"

"Balon! We can't be fighting amongst ourselves right now. Our brothers are on the other teams. We have to find a way to get us all on one team." Maron said to Balon.

"Hmph. Let traitors be traitors. I am going to win this tournament with or without them" Balon responded back.

Jeoffery looked over towards the Brotherhood, looking for Lane. "Where is he?" He asked himself as he scanned the crowds in search of him. "He is my only goal, now." Jeoffery thought as he ignored the rabble of the new Lannister leaders and members.

Tyrion walked up beside Jeoffery as he thought. "Thinking about him?" Tyrion asked his cousin.

"Yea. I want to find him, Tyrion. I really do."

"Maybe when this is all said and done, you can find him." Tyrion said as he patted his cousin's shoulder.

"Yea..." Jeoffery thought as he stood there.

The area was quiet now with the exception of the gentle winter breeze. But something immediately disrupted that peace.

"So, that's it then. There is only one way to settle this then." Berek said to his teammates.

Daeneric was also speaking to his teammates as well. "I see no other way then..."

And John to his teammates. "'s decided then.."

And Walder to his. "fine by me.."

And all at once, the leaders turned around to face the other teams, and they all yelled "CHARGE!"

Then in a sudden and instant second, hordes of boys charged at each other. They all clashed and scuffled on the grounds as they all tried to capture one another. Berek stood back and witnessed it. It was one of the craziest things he's ever witnessed. All the boys were now at each others throats.

"Oh, man.." Berek said as he stepped back even more.

Then someone tackled him from behind. Berek fell to the ground struggling against whoever attacked him. "Get off." Berek said as he tried to wrestle the person off. He managed to turn around to see who it was, and noticed that it was Daeneric.

"Berek, let's settle this right now." Daeneric said as he looked on his former ally below him.

Berek then pushed the boy off of himself and turned over to get on his feet. He grabbed lengths of rope that he dropped on the ground. "Very well, Daeneric."

The two stared each other down as they prepared for their fight. Then they each rushed at each other, grappling each others arms.

On another side of the battleground, Drogo had his curse activated. He used it to easily overpower any opponents he encountered. He toppled several boys from each side as he made his way to the Frey Leader. "I will take his key." he said. Then he noticed something from the distance. Several more boys were falling like flies in the same manner. They were toppled by the huge Hound one by one as they tried to jump on him. The silver in his eyes meant that any touch he made would electrocute any and all. They finally noticed each other and decided to battle. They walked towards each other as they circled in an opposing direction, like lions before an assault.

"Who...are you?" Drogo asked casually, but the fierceness was still in his voice.

"Simply..the Hound." the monster replied in an equally calming voice.

Drogo smiled as he heard that. "I wonder who is or you?"

"We shall see..." The hound responded. The silver glow in his eyes vanished. "You're lucky. I can't use my curse power for a while. This will become a test of pure strength."

Then, tired of waiting, Drogo charged the monster with a striking amount of speed. He leaped into the air swiftly and landed the hardest punch he could muster against the Hound's face. The Hound reacted by bending back somewhat and was staggered by Drogo's punch, falling back somewhat. Drogo landed on the ground nearby, amazed that the Hound wasn't knocked to the ground.

"Everyone else would have fell unconscious by that attack." Drogo said as he rose back to a standing position.

The hound held his face as he rebalanced himself, blood coming from his nose from the impact of Drogo's fist. "That's the first time I've felt pain in so long. It's a funny feeling, you know?"

Drogo smiled. "Then you'll be reacquainted with the feeling soon enough. That I promise you."

The Hound, in a much rare occasion, smiled at Drogo's mockery. "I haven't felt this exited in a long time."

As the Hound and Drogo clashed, Tywin and Walder Frey looked onward to the immense chaos on the battlefield. All around them, boys were on the ground, restrained by either ropes or handcuffs, tied in various positions such as hogties and ropes wrapped thoroughly around their bodies. There was even one tied to the tree nearby. As two boys charged towards them, Tywin and Walder both activated their curse powers. The one Walder targeted lost consciousness and fell to the ground, while the other one screamed in intense pain, losing consciousness because of it.

"Hmph. Fools." Tywin said as two of the Frey boys went over to tie them up.

Walder looked towards Tywin, and smiled as he took off his headband and took out his key. "Here, Tywin. You seem to have everything under control. Nothing I can do now will change the fate of this tournament." Walder said as he tossed Tywin his leader and adviser headband. He motioned for his brothers to throw their headbands to Tywin as well. "We're leaving."

"What?" Tywin said, shocked at what just happened. "You can't leave now!"

"I did just as Robert told me. I have no interest in winning this tournament. I'm leaving." Walder said as he started to walk away.

"And how are you gonna do that? There's no way to leave the estate without Robert's approval."

"Whatever." Walder said as his brothers followed him away from the battlefield.

Tywin looked at the headband in his hand. He then put it on and assumed the role as leader of the Freys. He handed the 4 adviser headbands to 4 random team members. "Fine, Walder Frey. I will take this headband and I will win."

Rhaegar looked around as everyone fought it out. Some were double teamed right in front of him. He managed to avoid their attention as he hid behind a tree. He walked around to find Berek.

"I wonder where they're at?" Rhaegar thought as he sneaked around the trees, trying to find his best friend. "I want to be beside him and fight with him" he thought.

He sneaked around the trees and watched for any enemy teams, and then he spotted Berek. He was shuffling on the ground with his own brother, Daeneric. "Whoa, I guess they decided to end this now!"

But what he hasn't realized yet that someone had taken notice of him. Behind him was 6 boys that were looking just for him. One had on an evil and menacing smile that was unrivaled by none. That one smile belonged to only one person...Ameon Targaryen.


Bran, Jojen, and Rikken were running towards the cave entrance. Bran hadn't been out in the open since being captured by the Brotherhood. He knew he had to warn them about the impending doom, and he wanted to waste no time in getting there.
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Post by Soraka »

by chadmc90 » Thu Jun 26, 2014 3:19 pm

Arc 3: Last Team Standing

Chapter 72: Endgame Part 2

Anthony and Robb rushed ahead to the Brotherhood Cave. Berek had pointed it out to him on the map where the entrance was, but they still had to find it.

"How much do we like getting there, Anthony?" Robb asked him.

"I..I don't think we like too much more. We passed the Stark Fortress and are on the right road. It's just a matter of finding where the entrance is.

It was now turning even darker on the estate. They knew they needed to hurry before the light of the day disappeared for good.

On the Battlefield, Rhaegar watched as his best friend and his brother fought it out for each others' keys. He decided to stay back and see what would happen. He knew he would accept the fate of whatever happened, but he really was anxious of who would win this bout. Then he heard something come up behind him. "Hello, dear cousin."

Rhaegar froze in fear of that dreaded voice. He knew it could only be one person. As he turned around to see if his fears were true, he looked onto the menacing face of his cousin Ameon.

"A..Ameon!" Rhaegar said as he looked at his 3 cousins and brother, who just stood there emotionless.

"Hello, Rhaegar. It's been a while, hasn't it?"

Rhaegar backed away from them in fear. "W..what are you doing here?" he said nervously.

"Why do you think I'm here, Rhaegar? I joined this tournament all for you."

"You put your own freedom just to get to me?" Rhaegar asked Ameon.

"Of course. And it's not to get to you, dear cousin, it's to GET you."

"W..what do you want with me?" Rhaegar asked, still backing away.

"What I've always wanted, Rhaegar. I have loved you, adored you, and yet you have always pushed me away. Now I've come here to take you by force. I've come to take what's rightfully mine."

Rhaegar then turned around to get the attention of his brother and best friend, but before he could scream, two sets of hands wrapped around him. One of those hands covered his mouth that muffled the plea for help. The other hand then held a taser to his side. And the other sets of hands wrapped around his arms, pulling them to his body.

"MMMMPH!" Rhaegar screamed, trying to break the hold his captors had on him.

"I would advise you to quiet yourself, master Rhaegar. Ameon has decreed you come with us." an eerie voice whispered into his ears that sent chills down his spine. "You wouldn't want to upset your cousin, now would you?"

Rhaegar noticed the taser pointed towards his side. He knew the boy would pull the trigger if he gave any sort of resistance. But he knew he needed to get their attention before it was too late. Rhaegar decided to bite down on the boy's hand over his mouth, which caused him to retract and reach for his hurt hand. Then Rhaegar yelled as loud as he could.

"DAENERIC! BEREK! HELLLLP! THEY HAVE ME! MMMMMHP!" Rhaegar screamed to the top of his lungs. But a sudden pain in his side and another hand over his mouth silenced him. He fell limp into Mel's and Ramsey's hands.

"Damn you, boy." Ramsey said as he held the weight of Rhaegar against him while Mel handcuffed his hands and gagged him with a sock and wrapped a bandanna around it to hold it in.

"Mel, Ramsey, let's get out of here!" Ameon said as he noticed Berek and Daeneric looking towards them.

As they ran off with Rhaegar, Ameon turned around and stared his other cousin in the face. "In due time, Daeneric. In due time." he said, vowing revenge on his betrayal. They disappeared into the woods.

Back with Berek and Daeneric, the two immediately got to their feet. "No..Rhaegar." Daeneric said as he looked on in horror as Ameon carried his brother away.

"Rhaegar!" Berek said. "Hold on, I'm coming!" He said as he rushed into the woods.

"Wait! I'm coming, too!" Daeneric said also as he followed him.

Thoros noticed as well and decided to follow. "I'm coming, Berek." He said as he rushed after him.

Stannis, who had noticed Mel and Ramsey, motioned for Davos and Sallador to follow as well after them. "I'm going after Mel. I need to make him pay." Stannis said as he rushed after the group as well. "Wait, Stannis!" Davos said as he also rushed behind him.

With those 6 now in pursuit of Ameon, the battle behind them raged on. Drogo and the Hound exchanged fist for fist, knocking each other back with every impact. They backed away for a minute, with red marks and business all over their body.

"You're really strong." Drogo said, panting.

"I am surprised by your strength as well. Very few people can match my strength." The Hound replied, smiling at Drogo.

Some of the other boys from different teams looked on, amazed by the sight. Drogo and the Hound started again. Their fists bumped each other in a moment, and the boys around could have sworn the ground shook.

Drogo then dashed up and roundhouse kicked the Hound with all of his strength, which sent the Hound backing away again. The Hound then retaliated by charging Drogo furiously, tackling him against a nearby tree. The breath was nearly knocked out of Drogo.

After the Hound moved back, Drogo fell from where the Hound held him against the tree. Drogo let out a couple coughs as he tried to bring himself back together. Both of them were struggling and getting tired, but Drogo's fatigue was even more apparent.

"You're losing this battle, Drogo." The Hound said.

"Losing...not lost" Drogo smiled as he got back up to his feet. He was aching and hurting all over from the various impacts to his body, but he knew he had to press on.

"It still looks bleak for you." The Hound said.

Both Drogo and the Hound walked towards each other, in what they felt would be the last scuffle. As Drogo prepared for the Hound's next attack, something happened that caused The Hound to stutter. "Ghhhph" The Hound sounded like as he grabbed his arm. Drogo used this opportunity and summoned all the strength in his body. He then clenched both his fists together, flew towards the Hound at what seemed like the speed of light, and hammered The Hound's face. The hound was finally knocked to the ground, and Drogo fell beside him. Drogo then crawled over to where the Hound lay and mounted him. Drogo looked into his eyes, which the Hound looked rather somber. "Do it." was all he muttered. He clenched his fist above his head, preparing the final blow. With his eyes still glowing as bright as ever, he swung his fists down. But before he could land the impact, Drogo suddenly stopped.

Drogo's eyes widened as he was carried back into his memories. He had remembered when he was little, his friend Greg was his best friend back at the orphanage. They did everything together, from playing hide and seek on the playground to sleep beside each other in the same bed. The orphanage was packed at the time, so they had to pair boys together. But then he was taking away, and Drogo didn't see him again...until now.

"Greg..." Drogo said as he finally had a good look at his face. A small tear rolled down his cheek.

Drogo didn't notice, but the Hound clenched his muscular fist. "I don't know a 'Greg.' You lost." A silvery glow shined in The Hound's eyes, and the Hound hit Drogo right in the stomach, sending shocks of electricity through his body. Drogo was knocked over to where the boys lay, and he lost consciousness as the blue glow in his eyes faded.

On another part of the snow covered field, Jeoffery was running around, avoiding any fights and trying to find Lane. He wanted to desperately find him, to tell him he would never leave his side again.

"Hey, Jeoffery!" Jeoffery heard behind him. Carlos and Hayden ran up beside him. "Are you looking for Klyde?" Hayden asked.

"Of course." Jeoffery responded.

"Then let's back each other up while we look. I want to find him, too." Carlos said.

Jeoffery nodded and the three boys ran together. After looking around and dodging any conflicts, they finally found what they were looking for. Klyde and two more Brotherhood members had just finished tying up two of the Targaryens. Klyde looked up and saw Jeoffery. He had a look of surprise on his face.

"Klyde!" Carlos said as the three rushed over to where the three Brotherhood members were.

"Jeoffery, Carlos!" Klyde responded.

The other two Brotherhood members went over beside Klyde. "Remember, Klyde. They are our enemies." One of them reminded him. Klyde shook his head in confirmation. But deep down he felt uneasy.

The three Brotherhood members stood face to face with the three Lannister members.

"Klyde! I finally found you at last!" Carlos said cheerfully.

"Yea." Klyde responded much less enthusiastically. "But we are enemies, now Carlos."

Carlos looked surprised and taken back. "But Klyde..."

"No buts. We made a promise one of us would win this tournament. I don't intend to break that! Now either stand down or prepare for battle."

They all stood in a defensive stance as they prepared to fight. "Klyde, are you sure you want to do this?" Jeoffery asked the red-haired boy.

Klyde gulped as he looked on Jeoffery and Carlos. Jeoffery could see his hesitation.

"Klyde, don't even think about it!" said one of the Brotherhood. "We can't afford this, not now."

Then Klyde, with a tear rolling down his cheek, charged with the other two Brotherhood members at Jeoffery, Carlos, and Hayden. Klyde tackled Jeoffery to the ground while the other two tackled Carlos and Hayden.

While the other four struggled and fought, Jeoffery laid under Klyde, looking onto his eyes. Jeoffery couldn't bring himself to fight him. Not now...not ever. " Klyde. I..don't want this. Take me prisoner if you have to. I just don't want to leave you again."

Tears were coming down Klyde's eyes. The anger in his face slowly fading away. "I don't want to leave you either." Then Klyde and Jeoffery embraced each other in a deep kiss, their lips locking with each other. The other four boys looked on, stunned by what they are seeing.


Bran, Jojen and Rikken, finally found the exit they were looking for. The winter winds blew into the caves snow as they stood at the exit, hesitantly.

"We have to endure the cold if we are to warn the others." Jojen suggested.

"Right." Bran said as they walked out into the bitter frosty weather. They started running along the path to the Lannister fortress, unknowing of the immense battle taking place there. But not much longer after they left the caves, they were stopped by five boys. Bran recognized the boy as Walder Frey.

"Look what we have here, brothers. The Stark boy that has been missing since that night finally appears."

Bran looked on, shocked that they would be here of all places.
"The ancient Oracle said that I was the wisest of all the Greeks. It is because I alone, of all the Greeks, know that I know nothing"
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Post by Soraka »

by chadmc90 » Thu Jun 26, 2014 3:20 pm

Arc 3: Last Team Standing

Chapter 73: Endgame Part 3

Berek, Daeneric, Stannis, Thoros, Davos, and Sallador ran through the woods after Ameon and Rhaegar, who had been captured by the devilish Targaryen.

"What are you doing, Stannis? You have no reason to help us!" Daeneric said to the Baratheon boy.

"No, but I have something to settle with Mel. I need answers as to what he did to me!"

Berek and Daeneric looked at each other. Then they nodded. "Fine, Stannis. Just don't do anything funny."

"I won't. I promise you that." Stannis replied. They continued to run through the woods, trying to keep up with the Targaryens. They heard footsteps from afar, which they assumed to be them. Then, they caught sight of two figures from the woods. The two bumped into them and Berek noticed them to be Robb and Anthony.

"Anthony...Robb!" Berek said as they came to a stop.

"Berek! I was just heading for the Brotherhood headquarters." Anthony said.

"Berek.."Robb said as he looked his cousin in the eye a second time.

"Hey, Robb." Berek said, smiling to finally be reunited again.

"What's going on?" Anthony said, slightly worried.

Berek pulled himself out of his thoughts. "It's really chaotic at the Lannister fortress. All the teams are there now fighting it out. Their plans I guess are to capture all the keys, Which reminds me.." Berek pulled his own keys out of his pocket. He glanced at the Wolf and Bear insignias on the key handles.

"That's my old team keys!" Robb said in amazement.

"Yea, Bran gave it to me after he escaped with it after he escaped the Stark fortress."

"I see.." Robb said, thinking back on his brothers. "Where are they now? My brothers?"

"Bran and Rikken should be at the Brotherhood hideout. John has actually managed to take control of Team Lannister, and is now fighting at the battlefield as their leader. My brother is also there."

"Then why are you running through the forest?" Robb asked, confused.

"Because...Ameon has captured Rhaegar. We're trying to track him down and rescue him!" Daeneric said.

"Rhaegar? Ameon? How do you know Rhaegar? He is our friend that lived with us for a while some time ago."

"Rhaegar?" Anthony said surprisingly. "You mean that that crazy Ameon captured him?"

Berek nodded his head with a trace of fear in his face. "Yea.. Ameon took him."

Robb was really confused now. How do these guys know Rhaegar?

"Look, Robb, we can't explain right now. Each minute Ameon gets farther away. But I need you to do me a favor." Berek then took off his leader headband. He put his keys and his headband in Robb's hands, shocking him and the others. "Robb, you're team leader of the Brotherhood now. I need you to go in my place and win this thing for them. Right now, my goal is to find Rhaegar. I want to rescue him no matter what. That's the only thing important to me right now."

Robb looked at the headband with amazement. He never really thought that he would hold one again. He looked up to Berek, and the boy nodded in approval. "Go, Robb. And Thoros, give him your adviser headband. Right now, Rhaegar needs our help, and I don't want him to end up in that lunatic's hands."

Thoros nodded as he handed Robb his adviser headband. "My place is beside you, Berek. We've been friends for a long time, and I came to this tournament to support you."

Berek smiled at his friend. "Thanks, Thoros!"

Daeneric took his key out of his own pocket and stared at it for a moment. "Any friend of Rhaegar is a friend of mine. Here, take my key as well. I'm done with this tournament too." Daeneric handed his key over to Robb. Robb now had three keys in possession, and now needed the other three. "Robb, my name is Daeneric Targaryen. My brothers are Rhaegar and Viscerys, and my cousins are Ameon, Aegon, and Aerys. It may be a surprise to you, but know that if Ameon get away with Rhaegar, we are all in big trouble. I don't know the exact details of what Ameon has planned, but I know that I need to work with Berek to stop him from escaping with my brother. So please, go forward and win this tournament!"

Stannis, Davos, and Sallidor looked on. Robb then clutched all three keys in his hands. He slipped the headband over his forehead, now the leader of the Brotherhood. "I am still confused over all this, but I will do my best to not let everyone down. I won't make the same mistake again!"

Berek and Daeneric nodded in confirmation. Anthony looked at Robb and smiled. "I'm going with Berek to help them. Rhaegar is my friend, too, and he needs me!"

Anthony smiled for another moment, and then held out his hand. Robb also returned the smile, and they both shook each others' hand. "Thanks, Anthony. For everything!"

"Sure!" Anthony said, smiling. "Win the thing for us! Hehehe." Anthony giggled.

"I will." Robb said as he turned and ran towards the battlefield.

Berek looked at the others, and sighed. "I am gonna use my curse. It's the only way we can track them." Berek said. "Watch over my body for me, ok?"

Daeneric and Anthony looked at each other. "Berek, think about this.." Deneric said.

"I will be fine for a while. I think whatever Rhaegar did that night made us less susceptible to the side effects of the curse, right?"

Daeneric had noticed he was able to withstand the cold much better now. "Yea, I know."

"Which is even more reason to rescue him." Berek said as he sat on the ground. He then sat silently for a couple moments and focused. Then his eyes glowed orange and he passed out on the snowy ground. Daeneric and Anthony looked at each other as Stannis and his crew waited patiently.


Bran watched Walder Frey nervously. He wasn't sure what he was gonna do, so he stood there silently. "What are you doing here?"

Walder looked at him for a moment. Then he smiled and said. "I can ask you the same thing."

" knew about Robert's plans this whole time, didn't you. He has something on you."

Walder's brothers were surprised by Bran's revelation. "Walder." Stevron said nervously.

"Quiet, Stevron. Let me handle this." Walder commanded his younger brother. "What do you know, exactly?"

"I..found one of Robert's books in a room inside a cave. I read where he is blackmailing you by holding someone. Who is 'him'?"

Walder looked down, as did his brothers. "You shouldn't of read that book." Walder said. "Now I can't let you go."

Bran and the others looked on nervously as they backed away outnumbered. "P..please..all our friends..everyone here is gonna..." Bran said before he was cut off by Walder.

"Be enslaved by Robert. Yea, I'm more than aware of his plans."

Bran was now sweating, despite the cold. He was now fearful of Walder and what he had planned to do. "Walder, how could you let this happen? Please! Let us go and warn them."

"No...I'm afraid I cannot allow you to do that Bran.” Walder said ominously. “ will visit the realm of Nirvana..." Walder said as his eyes lit a bright lavender-like color.

Bran's started feeling weary and dizzy. He felt his body slowly losing energy as the world started spinning around him. His hearing got duller and duller as Bran collapsed to the ground. His vision started to fade rapidly. He tried to scream while his body slowly went limp on the ground. All around himself was now darkness and silence. He felt awake, but he couldn't see, hear, or feel anything. Then he could finally hear something. But it was an ominous sound, one that made him feel uneasy and scared. The sounds of drums beat off from some unknown location, and the world around him started to change colors. He had felt this before, when he used his own cursed powers, but this had it's own differences. This world was melting around him as colors mixed and matched. Then he saw something out of the corner of his eyes. Something demonic looking came out of the melting wall of liquid, and he really couldn't describe it with one word. Then several more of the demons ran out of the colors and started chasing him. He ran as fast as he could away from the monsters, but no matter how fast he ran, those monsters ran just as fast. The sound of the beating drums was now accompanied by eerie chanting, and he was now frantic. With tears of fear running down his face, he told himself to run as fast as he could. He couldn't get caught by those things no matter what. But Bran lost his balance and fell to the ground. As he turned around, it was already too late. The demons surrounded him as they walked in circles around him like wolves around their prey. Bran curled up in a fetal position, crying and screaming frantically for it to end. As the hands of the demons reached down towards him, his own eyes started glowing. A surge of orange light rushed from him, and the demons and the molten color vanished in an instant. Now he was back in his familiar place: the luminescent forest. He then noticed someone walk across the forest floor some distance away. It was Berek.

On the outside, Bran was laying on the snowy ground unconscious. "Bran!" Jojen said as he rushed over to where he lay. "What did you do to him?" Jojen asked Walder Frey. Rikken was also scared as he knelt beside his brother.

"I sent him to the mental realm. I wanted to show him the gravity of the situation. He will see both my demons and the demons of Robert Baratheon. And then I hope he will truly understand the pain I feel."

"What are you talking about?" Jojen asked, confused and angry over what happened to Bran.

"I will make you an offer, boy. You will carry Bran and follow us out of here and escape with your freedom, or you can go and fight a losing battle. There is a secret exit out of the caves that only Robert and I know about. Come with me, and you and Bran will know the truth. Those are your only two options, boy. That applies to you too, Stark boy" Walder said to both Jojen and Rikken.

Jojen then got to his feet. He then lifted the unconscious Bran and supported his weight. Rikken helped Jojen with Bran's weight. "Fine...I will come with you. I certainly don't want to stay here." Jojen replied.

"Very well. Come on then. We're leaving." Walder commanded his younger brother. Walder and his brothers headed into the cave system on their way to presumably outside of the Baratheon estate with Jojen, Bran, and Rikken following them.


Robert sits in his chair inside his room at the coliseum. He has been there since the second coliseum games, as he chose to make that his new headquarters for monitoring the game. Ten was across the room, chained to a rail hanging on the wall and was only wearing a speedo. He patiently awaited orders from his master.

"So, Walder finally decides to go. Oh well, I trust him with that Stark brat. He knows better than to do anything to defy me." Walder said to himself as he peered into one of several moniters facing him

He then looks onto another monitor that has the outside of the Lannister fortress in view. "Poor Tywin, he seems to be having even more trouble controlling the situation. I guess it's rather hopeless for him now. Oh well. It seems like the Brotherhood has the advantage now. I wonder where their leader is." As Robert watched the action from the monitor, he then noticed his best friend Robb on another monitor. "Ah, so he now has Berek's headband and keys. And Daeneric even gave his up. I guess their pathetic love for that Targaryen boy really did cloud their judgment. How interesting indeed. And with the other teams more or less defeated, it seems that Robb is on his way to victory."

Then Robert noticed in another monitor that the hound was out cold. "Tsk Tsk Tsk. It seems you still have problems coping with the new chemical, my Hound. The side effects of the muscle stimulant has finally gotten to you. I will have to make sure those scientists work on the formula some more."

And on one final monitor, Robert noticed Ameon and his crew at the wall that kept the boys trapped inside the tournament. "I wonder how you plan to escape, Ameon. I doubt you plan to go over the wall." Then suddenly an explosion was seen, and a large hole in the wall was opened up. "Grr. How dare you, Ameon. It seems you've enlisted the help of the Drake servants. Father should of gotten rid of them a long time ago. Oh well, I can watch them and see what they plan to do with that boy with the help of my spies. You may think you're winning, Ameon, but you really haven't."

Then Robert stood up out of his chair. He grabbed his long trench coat and hat and pulled them over himself, bracing for the cold weather. He walked over to Ten and released his shackles. "Get dressed, slave. Put on that coat over there and hurry. Congratulations are in order for the Brotherhood. After Ten put on his own coat, Robert and the slave boy exited the room, and were on their way to greet the winners of the Tournament.
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Post by Soraka »

by chadmc90 » Thu Jun 26, 2014 3:21 pm

Arc 3: Last Team Standing

Chapter 74: Endgame Part 4

Berek was finally able to attach to one of the Targaryens. He attached himself to Viscerys, and was now able to experience everything he could. Viscerys looked onto the scene, and was shocked at what he saw. An explosion of some sort created an opening in the wall. In came from the hole two much older men dressed in all black. They came up to Ameon and kneeled before him as if he was a king.

"Master Ameon, we have come to aid you in your retrieval of the Targaryen master. The Drakes vow their loyalty and service to the Targaryens, always."

Ameon smiled devilishly as the arrival of the Drakes. "Of course you do. Never forget who you serve."

Ameon then started to walk out the hole in the wall with Rhaegar in tow. Viscerys(with Berek) and the other Targaryens along with Mel and Ramsey also left through the hole. The connection with Viscerys suddenly came to an end. Berek flew through the colored world and back into his own body. He knew where they were now.

Berek inhaled deeply as he regained consciousness. "Huuuh."

"Berek!" Anthony said as he held his head on his legs.

Berek immediately got to his feet. "I know where they're at. We have to go now!" Berek said as he began to walk towards the wall. "Follow me, and hurry!"

They all nodded as they ran behind Berek, following him to wherever Ameon was.


On the battlefield, Robb had finally arrived, only to see a mass of bodies bound in ropes and handcuffs. The only guys still standing where members of the Brotherhood to his shock. Robb found a group of members to speak to them. "Are you guys members of the Brotherhood?" Robb asked.

They looked at each other, confused as to who Robb was. "Y.yea." Then they recognized the headband around Robb's head. "Wait, that's Berek's leader headband!"

"Yea, it is. It may seem unbelievable, but he gave to me."

They looked at each other again, even more confused. "Wait, I have a hard time believing that."

"I know and understand, but Berek had something else to take care of. Rhaegar....Rhaegar was captured by Ameon. Berek, Daeneric, Thoros, Stannis, Davos, and Sallador have all gone in pursuit of them."

"What?" the boy said in surprise.

"I'm sorry if this is confusing, but I have the three keys." Robb held up the Wolf, Dragon, and Bear keys.

"I am Robb Stark, I was the leader of Team Stark before it fell. Now I'm here to lead you guys to the Wooden Throne. Do you have the other keys?"

"Yea." one boy said as he pulled the Bird, Lion, and Shark keys out of his pocket. "We just finished tying up the last of the other teams."

"Good. Then I will tell you where the Wooden Throne is. The Wooden Throne is in fact in the Lannister Fortress itself."

"What!!" They all said in shock.

"Yea, There is a secret entrance in the dungeon of the Lannister Fortress. Robert only told the 6 of us leader that. Follow me."

The boys told the rest of the Brotherhood where the Wooden Throne was, and that Robb Stark was leader now. Robb then spotted his brother on the ground. "John!" Robb said as he went over to him.

"Hey, what are you doing?" They asked Robb as he undid the gag.

"John's my brother! Don't worry, Thoros gave me his adviser headband. I want to put it on John."

They all nodded as John's bindings were removed. "Thanks, Robb." John said as he handed him the adviser headband.

Robb helped John to his feet and they hugged for a second. "Don't ever leave me again, man!"

John chuckled as he adjusted his new headband. "Sure thing! And don't get stabbed in the back again, either."

They laughed and continued to the Lannister fortress, which was only a couple feet away. They opened the doors of the fortress and followed Robb inside. He lead them down the stairs of the towers and past the cells in the dungeons. He led to a small part of the wall that wasn't covered by anything. But there were 6 holes that alined in a circle on the wall, each with a inscribed symbol above them. The symbols were the same as the animals matching the 6 keys.

"Here it is." Robb said to John and the rest of the Brotherhood. "Let me see your keys."

The other three keys were handed to Robb, and one by one he pressed them into the keyholes in the wall. As he turned them, the keyholes lit up, and when all 6 were placed inside, crevices in the wall appeared as a small section revealed itself. The keys were retracted into the wall and the door slid sideways into the wall, revealing an opening. Lights powered on as they lit the stairway leading down, one by one.

Robb looked at his new team, and all of them nodded for him to walk. They ventured down the steps and came to a tunnel. They walked the long corridors of the tunnel and eventually came to a another set of stairs leading back up. They walked up those flight of stairs and came to another stone door with a handle on it. Robb grabbed the handle and pulled it, causing the door to open in the same way.

The Brotherhood allowed each other to bring some of the other captives along. Klyde brought Jeoffery and Carlos, and Theon, Euron, Rodrik brought their brothers along as well. When the door finally opened, it revealed a dome-like building with a single room. The ceiling of the dome was mostly glass that allowed the light of the outside in. The now clear night sky and the moon was visible from the top. There were four large pillars that supported the ceiling with red cloth wrapped around them. A red carpet ran across the diagonal of the room, starting from where the entrance to the place was to the other end. At the end of the carpet was what everyone was looking for. The Wooden Throne was right there in plain sight. It was built from a bright brown bark and had several vines wrapped around it. The back end was large, spanning about 6 foot. At the top of the back end was a wooden crown-crest. The chair had large arm rests that was also covered in vines. The floor of the place was made of marble with a blue pattern with it.

"Whoa..." said Theon as he walked up beside his friend Robb. "I never imagined it would be this grandiose.

"No kidding." John said, Backing Theon's amazement.

They all walked around the place, observing it in awe. Then they turned to Robb. "Robb, you're the leader now. It's your place to take it. Go on, you are now the King of TUGs!"

Robb hesitated at first, in disbelief that he was actually going to win this tournament. But then he smiled and walked up to the throne. He slowly sat down onto the red cushion. He relaxed backwards into the prestigious chair and let out a big sigh. “We've won!” Robb said aloud.

The Brotherhood started cheering loudly. “YYYYYYYEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!” They all said as they threw their headbands up and cheered their victory.

Jeoffery smiled as he watched Klyde dance and cheer with his new team. He has never seen the boy he named Lane so happy before. “Good job, Klyde.” Jeoffery thought. But then Jeoffery's smile turned somber as he remembered his brother's words. “Robert...what are you planning...”

Balon wasn't nearly as happy. “Traitors. All of them are traitors. I will find a way to punish them when I get out this.” Balon swore under his breath.

Then the sound of metal was heard near the Wooden Throne. Everyone looked over to it and noticed that Robb was now trapped by the Wooden Throne. Circular metal slabs now covered his body: One wrapped around his neck, one wrapped around his waist, and one wrapped around each of his wrists and ankles. Robb struggled frantically in his bindings. “What's going on?” He said with sudden panic.

“Robb!” John said as he and Theon rushed over to where he was trapped. “What is this?”

“I don't know! Get me out of this thing, please!”

They all tried to pull on the metal restraints, but it wouldn't even bulge. “Robb!”

Then without much warning, they heard several footsteps behind them. Several black clothed boys rushed from the secret entrance. They all pulled out stun guns and started shooting all the members of the Brotherhood. They were all collapsing to the floor as they were hit with jolts of electricity.

“What's going on?” Robb asked John and Theon.

“I..don't know.” John responded nervously.

The black clothed boys immediately went to work on the unconscious Brotherhood as they clamped several handcuffs on them. John, Theon, Klyde, Aryen, and the other advisers were the only ones still standing after the onslaught.

“Don't move” the black clothed boys commanded when they pointed the stun guns to the remaining Brotherhood members. “Put your hands up in the air!”

They did as they were told as they raised their hands up. The clothed boys then came over and snapped handcuffs on them as well.

They were then dragged to the edge of the red carpet and commanded to kneel on their knees. “And don't you dare move from that position!”

“W..What's going on?” Robb asked the boys.

“You will find out very soon.” one of them said to Robb.


Outside of the Lannister fortress, Tywin was still tied up. But then he noticed a shadow in the, two shadows. As the shadows got closer, he could finally make out who it was. In a trench coat was his cousin Robert Baratheon.

“Robert...” Tywin said as Robert approached him.

“You seem a bit tied up at the moment, Tywin. Should I come back later?” Robert said with a slight grin.

“I don't want to hear your jokes, Robert. Those Brotherhood bastards did this.”

“Of course, they did. I saw everything. Workers, release my unfortunate cousin.” The black clothed boys that walked up to Robert immediately went to work on Tywin's bindings. After Tywin was free, he rose to his feet and massaged his wrists.

“And, did they win?” Tywin asked.

“Probably. But no time to talk. I've already sent my workers in to..congratulate them.”

Tywin nodded as he was led by Robert. Ten was also behind him, following his master to the Wooden Throne.

“Now that this game has ended, it's time to claim..MY prize.” Robert thought to himself as he entered the Lannister Fortress.
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Post by Soraka »

by chadmc90 » Fri Jun 27, 2014 5:28 pm

Arc 3: Last Team Standing

Chapter 75: An Ending to Remember

Berek and his company finally made it to the wall where Ameon's Drake servants busted it open. They looked around for any signs of Rhaegar, but couldn't find any sign of life.

“No..are we too late?” Berek said as he looked around the hole.

“It looks that way.” Daeneric replied to Berek.

“Damn. I really wanted to get my hands on that Mel!” Stannis said as he punched the wall.

“What do we do now?” Berek asked as he walked on the other side to look out into the mass of snow covered trees.

Daeneric thought for a moment. “They likely have taken him to the Targaryen Estate. When we fell, our other bases were taken over.”

“I see, and do you know where it is?” Berek asked.

“Yea I do, but barging in there is suicide. The Drake servants that serves our family are fiercely loyal to the main branch...Ameon's branch. That loyalty didn't waver even when the Targaryens lost their seat in the Ruling Lords. And there are some that are still loyal even outside of the Drake Servants. I'm sorry, but...but...”

“Don't say it! I'm not about to give up on him, no matter what! I'm going, with or without you guys!” Berek said angrily as he walked out of the opening. But something stopped him dead in his tracks. A jolt of electricity surged through his body as he felt himself go limp. He looked and saw several black clothed boys with stun guns pointed straight at them. Berek, Daeneric, Davos, Anthony, and Sallador all fell to the ground after being shot with stun guns.

“Lord Stannis, Robert has demanded you return with us to his side. He said he'd prefer you to cooperate, but we have been given permission to use the same amount of force we used with these other boys on you.”

“Grr. What does he want now? I have other business to take care of!” Stannis said angrily. Then he sighed. “Very well. I guess there's nothing we can do now. Just don't hurt any of them, especially Davos and Sal. They haven't done anything wrong.”

“Those are our orders anyway. Follow us.” One of them said as the black clothed boys picked the unconscious boys off the ground. “By the way, the tournament has been concluded. Robert wanted me to tell you that.”

Stannis wondered who had won it. But he would soon find out, he thought as the workers grabbed the boys to bring back with them.


Bran was still in his curse state. He was floating around the other world as he had come to call it. He felt an invisible force pulling on him once again as he was being led through the woods. Eventually, he was brought to a strange building with a dome roof. The roof was made out of glass and looked really old. Bran floated to the top of the building to see inside. The inside was also old, as it had vines and greenery growing on the inside, just like the outside wall. But something caught Bran's attention. A small ball of white light was visible on the inside, and Bran felt attracted to it. He floated through the glass as if a ghost towards the white light. He floated right next to the white light, and then the force suddenly pulled him straight into the light. The world around him started to distort again, and then he was back in the building, only this time it wasn't covered in vines and looked old.

All round him he saw his own team, bound with handcuffs and sitting on their knees around the line of red carpet that led to..that throne. Bran recognized the throne right away as the same one in his dreams. The same dreams that haunted him since the beginning of the tournament. And the figure in the chair...was that Robb?! These thoughts ran through Bran's head as he looked around the room at all the black clothed boys with their stun guns. And then the final omen of his dream came true. In walked from the entrance the menacing trench-coated figure that haunted him dreary. Behind him Bran recognized as Tywin Lannister and the boy that was present at the registration. A lump formed in Bran's throat as he watched the trench-coated figure move towards his helpless brother in the throne.


Robb looked on as his best friend entered the room. Robert took off his hat and handed it to Ten. “Hold this.” He commanded the boy.

“Yes, sir.” Ten responded as he gently grabbed the hat.

“Robb, Robb, Robb. I've got to be honest with you. I never expected you to win the tournament. Congratulations!” Robert said in a slightly sarcastic tone.

Robb smiled nervously. “Y.yea Robert. I did win. But what's with these metal things. this some kind of trick or joke? Haha. You can let me out now.”

Robert chuckled as he walked up to the Wooden Throne. “That's exactly what it is, Robb. Just a little trick.”

Robb smiled. “Oh, ok. So when are you gonna let me go?”

Robert's smile then turned sinister. “But see, Robb, I've been playing this trick for a long time now. This whole tournament was just one...big...lie.”

Robb started sweating now. The rest of the Brotherhood members looked on wearily. “W..what are you talking about, Robert?”

“It's simple. By now you probably have guessed, but you want to know a little secret? My family, including me, owns slaves.”

Robb was now sweating frantically. “W..what? No, you lying, right?”

“No, Robb, I'm not lying. For centuries, all the Ruling Lords have harbored slaves. Even the lower lords have owned them as well. It's just...tradition, so to speak.”

“But...I thought the Baratheons were different.”

“Well, we are different, yes, but not in way your thinking. Our family, our corporation, has always been centered around slavery. We operate in secret, for the most part, though. But that's not the only thing our family is about.”

Robb was in disbelief in what he was hearing. “Robert, please tell me this is all a joke.”

“Sorry, bud. But this is just business. These boys will all be sold into slavery, all but the ones I plan to keep, of course.”

Robb was now shaking frantically. He was in utter shock and disbelief that his own friend was a slave trader. “Robert, please..don't do this.”

“It's already too late, Robb. They will all make me loads of money, securing the Baratheon's future as a family of the Ruling Lords. I've already got buyers for most of the boys. But some I simply have to keep though, which brings me to the second purpose our family serves.”

“W...what is that?” Robb said, with tears coming down his eyes.

“I don't know if you've seen it yet, but have you noticed something strange with what Walder Frey did to Ameon in his cells?”

Robb remembered that night very vividly He remembered how Walder's eyes lit up a purple lavender like color and Ameon started behaving frantically. “Y..yea.”

“Well, there are several others that have strange abilities, like Walder. Our family has dedicated ourselves to researching these strange occurrences by the Ruling Lords. We have made considerable progress, but we still have quite a ways to go. There are many that we found in this tournament, and we will keep as test subjects for our experiments. That was the other purpose of this tournament: to observe the Curses of Matthos in action. We have been quiet successful in that regard.”

Robb was having a hard time swallowing the truth. He didn't know what to think about it all, and he wanted all this to be just one big nightmare.

“Want a demonstration?” Robert asked Robb. “Tywin, come here.” Robert commanded his older cousin.

Tywin walked up beside Robert, whom looked incredibly angry at the moment. “If this was the real reason why you had this stupid tournament for, then why drag me into it?”

“Simple: I wanted to give you a test.” Robert replied. Tywin didn't say a word. “Now, Tywin, show Robb here the power of the Curse.”

Tywin closed his eyes for a moment, but when he opened them Robb was stunned when they glowed a bright yellow. Then Robb felt intense and sharp pains all over his body. “AHHHHHHHHHHH! PLEASEEE MAKE IT STOP! “ Robb screamed as his body tensed up at the intense pain. Tywin's eyes returned to normal. The pain went away as quick as Tywin's eyes returned to normal. Robb was breathing heavily, sore and exhausted from the pain.

“That was Tywin's ability. He can torment and torture anyone without ever touching his victims.”

Robb just wanted this nightmare to end. Who he thought was his best friend was someone he didn't even know.

“ do you plan to enslave all of us? You still have to follow the laws, and you can't simply capture and sell anyone without their consent. Our parents will be suspicious as well.” Robb explained, now trying to get more answers.

“You don't think I already know that? Robb, you really are a fool. I have my ways to get everyone to sign. Just watch this...”

Robb looked up at Robert, but he was surprised yet again when his eyes turned a pinkish color, and then he saw a feint gas start to form around him.

“ too?” Robb asked as the gas started to expand throughout the room.

“Yea, my curse gives me the ability to sway the feelings of anyone that I come into contact with. When the gas is inhaled by anyone, feelings of love and admiration develop within the victim for the person cursed. These feelings are so strong that anybody affected would be willing to do anything for the cursed person, even give up their life if asked. With this, I can get anyone to do anything for me. It's spectacular, isn't it?”

Robb gulped as the gas got closer to his nostrils. The pink vapor started to fill the room, and already some of the Brotherhood members were already caught in it.

Jeoffery looked on, shocked that Robert was able to produce the same gas as him. “So, he knew all along and didn't tell me.” Jeoffery said aloud.

“Knew what?” Klyde asked, who was sitting beside him.

“The gas, and Robert's curse ability.” Jeoffery responded.

“Gas? I don't see any gas!” Klyde said.

“What? You mean you don't see it?” Jeoffery said back. “It's getting even closer to us.”

“Klyde looked at Jeoffery, confused. “I don't see anything. But I'm scared, I don't want to be sold into slavery. Please talk some sense into your brother.” Lane and the rest of the boys looked somber and teary-eyed. But something started to change in them. They became woozy and disoriented as the gas seeped into their nostrils. When they regained their senses, they looked much happier.

“Robert!” One of the boys shouted. “Robert, I'm so glad your here!”

Then with that statement, they all started shouting and chanting his name. “Robert! Robert! Robert!”

Jeoffery was taken back by the sudden change. “Is this the power of the curse? His curse? MY curse?” Jeoffery thought.

Robb was also horrified in the sudden change in demeanor of the boys. All except a few were effected by the smoke, which included Theon and John.

“Unfortunately, my powers take much longer to effect those who are cursed. But as you can see, I can get them to do anything. Watch this!”

Robert then went over to one of the boys. “Boy, do you love me?”

“Yeah!” The boy answered.

“Do you cherish me? Adore me?”

“Yeah, Yeah!” The boy shouted again.

“And would you give your life over to me if asked?”

“Of course! You are my idle, my master!”

Then Robert landed a kick to the arm as hard as he could to the restrained boy. “And would you say you deserved that?”

“Y..yes, Lord Robert. I do deserve that.”

Robert smiled. “You see, Robb, I can make them do anything. One signature on the dotted line and their life is mine for the taking.” Then Robert walked over to where Jeoffery and Lane sit.

“My poor little brother, Jeoffery. I see that you also failed me.”

Jeoffery avoided his brother's gaze. “Look at me, brother!” Robert said as he landed a hard slap on his face. Jeoffery, now on the verge of tears, looked up to his older brother. “I told you to do your duty, but you seemed to not of gotten the message. Now I am gonna sell this boy off and you will never see him again.”

Jeoffery was now crying with several strands of tears running down his face. “No...please don't...I'm sorry”

“Shut up!” Robert said as he knocked his brother to the ground. “You had chance to prove yourself. But you failed. How many times must I punish you over and over!”

Jeoffery just lay there, motionless. “I hate you..” he murmured.

Robert's angry glare then turned into a devious smile. “Haha. Well, you finally showed some spine. You want to know a little secret, Jeoffery? This boy doesn't genuinely like you. These feelings he feels for you, just like the feelings he feels for me. Our curse powers also have a passive effect. The longer a victim remains in the presence of the cursed person, the more affection that person feels. So this boy only thinks he loves you.”

Jeoffery couldn't believe what he heard. “No...your wrong! He does love me!”

“Not uh. And there's something else you should know: all curses have a side effect. The side effect for our curse is that we also become attracted to whoever is effected by our passive charm. That means that not only that the feeling the boy Lane feels for you are false, your feelings for him are false as well!”

“No, no, no! Please don't say anymore!” Jeoffery said, trying to put the thoughts out of his mind.

“And now, Jeoffery, I am going to punish you. Workers, get this boy and bring him to the center!” Robert said. The workers obediently did as they were told as they hoisted Klyde up by the arms, who was charmed by Robert's curse, and dragged him to the center where Robert motioned.

“Hand me that whip. And strip the boy of his shirt.” Robert said as the boys removed Klyde's clothing, exposing his bare back.

“Now, you will feel the wrath of Robert Baratheon.” Robert said as the whip crackled across Klyde's exposed back.

“Tell me, Klyde. Did you deserve that?” Robert asked the shirtless boy after he squealed at the impact of the whip.

“Y.Yes lord Robert. I did.” Jeoffery was now wailing.

“Please, Robert! I won't disobey you again! I swear it! Just let him go!” Jeoffery begged his older brother.

Robert ignored his brothers pleas as Robert cracked the whip again. “AHHHH!”

It happened several more times as Robb looked on, now seeing what his 'friend' truly is. “R...Robert. Please stop.” Robb begged under his breath as he watched the boy get beaten helplessly.

When Robert slashed Klyde the 17th time, something caught the Baratheon boy's attention. A swirling bright fog now surrounded Robb. Robb's eyes are glowing a bright white.

“What the...” Tywin said in amazement.

“I..asked for stop it..” Robb said. Then the white fog completely encapsulated him, and then balls of fog shot out and floated above the nearby ground. One landed beside Robert and Klyde and it began to morph. As it twisted and molded into a different shape, the new figure finally appeared as a white wolf. The wolf looked into Robert's eyes, who had a slight fear in his expression. The wolf growled, then barked as the other balls divided even more and turned into small wolf heads. They flew around and circled the room, and eventually ran into all of the boys. Fog encapsulated everyone else as well, including Robert. He twisted and squirmed, trying to push the stuff off of him.

“What is this?” Tywin said as he rolled on the floor.

Then it suddenly vanished. The smoke vaporized and everyone was finally in view again. Robert got off his feet and stirred at Robb, who still had the white glow in his eyes.

“Robert, is he one of them too?” Tywin asked his cousin.

“Yes..I found another.” Robert said with an evil grin. “It seems this one can nullify any and all curses and their effects, for a short time. This is truly a discovery, Tywin.”

Robert walked over to where Robb was stilled restrained to the chair. The white glow faded from his eyes. Robb looked like he could feint. “Robb, Robb. Listen.” Robert said as he held his hand up gently. “You did good, Robb. You did good.”

Robb was panting for breath, exhausted from use of the curse power. “I..what?”

“Listen to me, Robb. I have everyone. The Greyjoys, the Targaryen boy, your brothers, your cousins...everyone. But I am willing to trade all that if you promise me one thing. I want you to get on your knees and swear to me that you will become my slave, obey all my orders, and cooperate with me absolutely. I will take no more slaves, though I will have to make sure they keep quite, if you promise me this. Yea, I am willing to let all my revenue go out the window, just for you, Robb. You are much more important than much more.” Robert then went up to his ear. “And besides, I know you love me as more than just friends. I can see it in your eyes. You can have all that you ever wanted if you sign the slave contract. You can be in my presence every waking day and every dreamy night. Just swear your life to me, Robb. That is my price.”

Robb didn't respond for some time. He was still dazed from the effects of his curse, and he had to think.

“Robert, is that wise? You have all of them right where you want them. Why not have the best of both worlds. Why are you negotiating with him?” Tywin said confusingly.

“True I don't have to. But it's better that I have his full cooperation. I will explain later my intentions, but this new development changes everything. All I need is one more, and I will have all three of them, Tywin. I shouldn't of let Ameon go like that, but I need more information.”

“Y..yea. I will do it, Robert. Just please let them go. Let all of them go!” Robb said as his consciousness continued to fade.

“Good, Robb. That's very good. Now just rest, my slave. When you wake up, you will begin your life anew.”


Bran watched inside one of the boys as his brother finally faded into a deep sleep. He was yelling, screaming for him not to accept Robert's deal. He didn't want him to be a slave to Robert. He wanted them to all go home and put this nasty mess behind them. But his screams fell on deaf ears. No one could hear him, as he could only experience the same thoughts, feelings, and memories of anyone or anything he connects himself to.

Then suddenly, he lost his connection, and faded back into his own body. He gasped for breath as he finally woke up. He looked around and noticed he was in a dark room. There was a bed and a wardrobe nearby. He was on the floor of the room, but when he tried to get to his feet, he noticed that he couldn't move. He struggled and squirmed, but he made no progress. He looked again and noticed two more bodies on the floor beside him. They were in an upright position, but he noticed their wrists were tied behind them. He recognized them both right away as his brother Rikken and Jojen, who was in the tournament. They looked over and saw that he was awake.

“Bran!” Rikken said, smiling that his brother finally woke up.

“W..where am I?” Bran asked his younger brother.

“We' the Frey estate. Walder and his brothers brought us back here after they escaped.”

Bran was glad to finally be out of that tournament, but he also was concerned about the intentions of the Frey brothers. Then he remembered what he saw. “No...No...” Bran said frantically as all the memories he experienced in the Wooden Throne room finally started flowing back.

“W..what is it?” Jojen asked nervously.

“No! Robb, please don't give up your life! Please!” Bran started struggling frantically to get out of his bonds.

“W.what are you talking about? Your scaring me, Bran!” Rikken asked nervously.

“Robb! I saw it all! He gave himself to Robert as a slave to keep our freedom! I have to go and stop him!” Bran said as he tried to find a way out of his bindings.

Then a door was opened, and in walked Walder Frey. “That you will not do.”

“Walder.” said Bran angrily. “Why are you letting this happen?”

“Believe me, Bran, I hate this just as much as you do, but there's nothing I can really do about it.”

“I don't believe you!” Bran said furiously.

“First, why don't you explain to me what you saw. Then I promise to give you the full details of my intentions.” Walder said as he walked over and helped Bran sit upright.

Bran glared at him frustratingly for a minute, but decided to tell everything that he saw.

It took him quite a bit of time to tell them everything. Rikken listened on, horrified by what he had heard. “No..”

“And that's everything I saw.” Bran said.

Walder was leaning against the wall, listening to Bran's story. “I'm sorry, Bran. I really am. I know how you feel, trust me.”

“How can you know how I feel right now? I just lost my brother to that psychopath! You couldn't possibly know how I feel. Never!”

“I DO know how you feel Bran. Do you think you're the only one that has lost someone to him? He has taken before, this is nothing new to him.”

Bran then remembered the book. He remembered the confrontation Robert and Walder, and how angry and sad his brothers looked as Walder kissed his ring. “What did he do to you?” Bran asked sharply, tears rolling down his eyes.

“He took my own brother away from me.” The jaws of all three boys dropped when they heard Walder say that.

“ too?”

“Yea. My older brother is being held captive by Robert. If I don't obey his every order, then he will treat him horridly. But if I do, I may have a chance of getting them back.”

Bran looked down in shame for bashing Walder. “Why did you take us then? If you have to follow every order, then, why did you free us then?”

“Do you honestly think you're free? No one is truly free from the the grasp of the Ruling Lords. We may think we are, but we constantly live under their rule, their oppression. When Robert gets ready for you, he will come for you. But as you said, he won't bother with you now. He has Robb, your brother, and he already has you trapped, just like me.”

Bran looked really somber now. He didn't want any of this to be true; he just wanted this nightmare to be over. He wanted to return to his home with all of his brothers and his best friend Rhaegar. He wanted his brother Ned to take him fishing again and to get ice cream. He just wanted things to return to normal.

“I guess there's no use in keeping you guys restrained. You can do whatever you want, I don't care anymore.” Walder said as he undid all their restraints. Bran rubbed his wrist after he got to his feet along with Jojen and Rikken.

“Walder, do you know a lot about the curses?” Bran asked the boy.

“Why do you want to know that?”

“Could you, perhaps teach me about them? I want to learn how to control mine. Please?”

Walder didn't say anything for a moment, as he was lost in thought. But then he responded. “Sigh. Very well then. I figured you would ask that question anyway. And yes, I know you have one. Those who master their curses can detect the presence of other cursed people if it has been activated once.”

Bran smiled slightly at Walder. “Thanks.”


Bran left the Frey estate to return home. Rikken and Jojen also accompanied him there. He greeted his mother and told her everything that happened. In disbelief, his mother laid in her bed for several days, stricken with extreme anguish and severe depression. It got severe to the point that on the third day after the game ended, Bran and Rikken found their mother in the closet, void of any life as the rope tied to the clothes railing held her weight. She couldn't deal with the sheer stress of losing her child.

With their mother gone, Bran and Rikken was alone. John hadn't returned like any of the other boys.

“I thought John was supposed to be free?” Rikken said. But as soon as he said that, their door opened, and in walked John. He looked bruised and beaten, but still alive. With tears gushing out of their eyes, they rushed over to give him the biggest hug they have ever given him.

“John!” They cried out. Behind them was Berek, Daeneric, and Anthony, who had also come with them. Bran had explained what happened to their mother, and John fell down in tears.

The Stark home remained dark and somber from that point on, scarred by the terrors Robert Baratheon brought upon them. But just as they thought things were bad, a flicker of light shined inside the home. A black car drove up to their house the following day. A boy, perhaps roughly 20 years of age, stepped out of the front door. He went to the back door on the same side and opened it for another person, and out walked the familiar guy that all the brothers knew. As he limped in his Crown Marchers uniform towards the door, the voice of the other boy stopped him. The boy looked back and saw him saluting.

“Thank you for your service to your country, fellow marcher. As your service has ended, we will never forget your contributions to the safety and the security of our country and our people.”

The boy smiled at the saluting soldier. “You can cut it out, Fred! You've already said that!”

The boy beside the car laughed. “I think it's cool, anyway. Make sure you take the time to heal that foot, buddy. And I will see you around, Ned Stark.”

Ned smiled as his friend got back in the car and drove off. “I can't wait to see everyone! I hope mom has a good supper ready.” Ned said as he walked up to the front door. But what he was to find out will change his life forever. He doesn't know that the boy he was always weary of had ripped apart his family, leaving only three of his younger brothers.

----------Arc End
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by chadmc90 » Mon Jun 30, 2014 1:02 pm

An Epilogue


Bran heard a knock at the door. The living room was dark and void of any sign of life, despite him sitting on the sofa. In fact, the whole house has been that way since his return. He slowly pulled himself into an upright position and walked to the door. As he opened it, the first thing he noticed was the Crown Marchers uniform on the tall boy that was standing at the doorway. When he looked up, he couldn't believe his eyes.

“Bran! I've missed you!” Ned said as he bent down and hugged his younger brother.

A dismal Bran was surprised to see his older brother home so soon. He noticed his leg wrapped into a cast. “Ned!? I didn't think you would be home so soon.”

“Well, an incident happened and I...sorta got discharged. I'll tell you about it later. Where's everyone at?” Ned asked as he set the dufflebag he was carrying on the couch nearby. Bran noticed the limp in his leg.

“But..” Bran said as Ned cut him off.

“The point is that I'm back, and I'm going nowhere. So just be happy that I'm home!”

“Happy?” Bran thought as the words set into his mind. “How could I be happy after everything that has happened.” “Didn't they tell you anything?” Bran asked his older brother.

Ned's excited expression dampened a bit. “W..what do you mean?”

Then Bran told him every detail of the past several weeks. Ned listened on to his brother as he sat on the couch nearby. He told them how Robb dragged them into Robert's tournament and how they met Berek, their long lost cousin. He told them how all about the curses and how everyone used them. And then he told him about Robert and what he did. Robert betrayed everyone and had no ounce of remorse about it. And then he told him about their own mother, who took her own life after learning of her son's enslavement.

“!” Ned said with wide eyes. “ could this happen? Why did Robb go through with it? I warned him so many times about them...Mom..No!” Ned said as his body shook frantically.

“I'm sorry, Ned. I tried to stop him but he just wouldn't listen.” Bran said.

“I'll....I'll kill him.” Ned said as he stood up and limped to the door. “I'll kill them all!”

“Ned no!” Bran said as he grabbed his older brother. But Ned's strength was too great and Bran couldn't stop him on his own.

“Let me go! I'm not letting that bastard get away with this!” Ned shouted.

“Ned, please don't! You'll only make things worse.” Bran said frantically.

John and Berek came down the stairs. “What's going on? Ned!” Jon said.

“Help me! Ned's going to the Baratheon estate!” Bran begged his brother and cousin to stop Ned.

Without a second thought, John and Berek stepped in. They also grabbed Ned in an effort to keep him from leaving. “Please, Ned. Don't do this!” John begged.

“I said I will not let this happen!” Ned said as he struggled against the other three.

“Ned, I know how you feel, but if you go there, you will just get caught yourself. And Robb will be treated even worse. Please don't Ned! We've already lost so much. I don't want to lose you too.” Bran begged as he held onto his older brother.

Ned then stopped, with a tear down his face. “Bran...” Ned then limped back to the couch. “I'm sorry.”

“No, I'm sorry. I should of backed up Bran when he said it wasn't a good idea. But I bought into Robb's enthusiasm and rushed into it as well. It's my fault for not stopping him.”

“Don't beat yourself up. Robert was the one that did this, not you or Bran or anyone for that matter.”

“Berek. Was you in this tournament as well?” Ned asked his younger cousin.

“Y..yea. I got a message from Robb saying that he was joining. I had heard about the Baratheons and the rumors, so I joined to help you win. But when I saw Robb's reaction, I believe I was setup.”

“Setup?” Bran asked.

“Yea, I believe the message was fake. Robert must of forged it to lure me, Rhaegar, and Anthony to the tournament. I guess he knew about me and Rhaegar.”

“Rhaegar?” Ned asked. “Where is he? I haven't seen him since he ran away.”

“He..was captured by Ameon..Ameon Targaryen.” Berek replied.

“Targaryen? Where they there as well? And what do they want with Rhaegar?”

“Yea...Ameon was there. I'll explain later, Ned.”

Ned seemed as if he wanted Berek to explain now, but after a moment, he sighed. “Fine. I need to soak everything else in first. I'm going upstairs to lay down.” Ned said as he limped up the stairs to his room.

“Watch him, Bran. Ned could try something.” Berek said as he walked to the door.

“Where are you going?” Bran asked Berek.

“I'll tell you later. Daeneric should be back from the store soon with those groceries.” Berek said as he walked out the door.

Bran looked on, suspicious and worried about what Berek has planned. “Please don't try something, Berek.” Bran thought.


Stannis followed Robert out onto the balcony. He had kept him closer than ever since the ending of the tournament.

“I saw what you did. It seemed you have inherited a deviant curse, Stannis.” Robert said he looked out into the ocean of leaves. The Cold Days have ended, and the heat of summer had returned. The sky was clear and the summer sun was setting in the distance.

“Deviant curse?” Stannis questioned.

“A deviant curse is a curse that is abnormal to the usual curse a person inherits from a cursed family, such as us Baratheons. The Charm Curse, as I call it, is the one that is usually passed down though the generations of Baratheons. But you have a different curse.”

“Why haven't I been told any of this?” Stannis asked Robert. “Why did I learn about all the curses during this tournament of yours? I wished I had known earlier.”

“That was your father's choice. He didn't feel you were ready, and you were away for so long. But now you know, and I think it's time for a new wing man, so to speak.”

“Wing man?”

“Yea, my father has finally settled into his new role as Ruling Lord, and is ready to elect a governor of Westora to rule in his stead. He plans to elect the Lannister family for that role. With that, Tywin will be busy training under his father, and he won't have time anymore. So, I want you to take his place.”

“I see.” Stannis said. “I've actually wanted that for the longest, but you chose Tywin. But now that you've chosen me, I don't know how to feel.”

“You're really different than before, Stannis. I guess the awakening of a curse power can have monumental effects on one's personality. But I like the new you. You will do well, I believe.”

“Very well. I will accept your offer. Just don't lie to me from now on.”

Robert chuckled. “Fine. As your first assignment, I want you to track down all the Targaryens. They have something I need. Particularly the one Ameon kidnapped.”

Stannis chuckled. “I had planned to do that anyway. I need to settle things with that Mel guy.”

“Good, Stannis.”

They just stood there for several more moments, propped over the balcony fence looking out into the forest. Then Stannis asked “So, about that Stark boy you have....”

“I prefer not to talk about him. It's best you don't ask, because I'll just ignore the question.”

“Fine.” Stannis replied. “If that's all you need, I'll excuse myself now.”

“Very well.” Robert said. Robert smiled as Stannis walked back into the Baratheon mansion. “Things are certainly looking up for me. I can't wait to begin Robb's experiments. This is really getting exciting!” he thought as he continued to observe the wonders of nature before him.


Rhaegar looked around his lonely cage, scared and nervous. He was in a dark place, but could here the rumblings of a motor and wheels on a road. Occasionally he would feel a bump. He knew he was being transported to another place. His hands were shackled behind his back as well as his ankles. He was sitting upright with his knees bent close to his chest.

“Where are they taking me?” he thought, worried about what Ameon has planned for him. “I don't want to be captured anymore. I just want to be back with Bran and Berek and Daeneric.”

He rode for a while, what seemed like several hours before the vehicle came to a stop. The back door was raised up, and he figured he was in some kind of cargo truck. Then one of the men walked into it and peered down at the frightened boy.

“I see that your still alive. Lord Ameon said to keep a close eye on you, boy. I will get you a bottle of water and some snack food, if you promise to be good.” the tall man offered.

Rhaegar shook his head in understanding. “Good.” He said as he walked out and lowered the large door behind him. Rhaegar was alone in the darkness again.

The man returned soon with what he promised: a bottle of water and a bag of plain chips. “Here you go.” the man said as he slid the bottle and bag between the bars of the cage. “I will unlock your shackles for now so you can eat. Don't piss me off or else they will go right back on.

After the man undid his shackles and walked back to the outside, Rhaegar stopped him with a question. “What's gonna happen to me?” Rhaegar asked nervously.

The man turned around with a sadistic grin. “You will find out soon enough, boy.”


Jeoffery waited on the bench in the park. He had sent the message to Klyde, and he was hoping he would come. He really hoped he would come. He was dressed in casual clothing that consisted of a blue t-shirt and long denim pants with tennis shoes, and a black baseball cap to help hide his face. He had a dufflebag filled with several clothes and other things. He had finally decided that he wanted to stay at the mansion no more. Robert would become the next Ruling Lord and there was no place for him. He waited what seemed like the longest, almost giving up hope. But he saw a figure walking the dark towards him. When the figure came into the light from the streetlamp, he was exited when he saw it was Klyde. But his excitement washed away as quick as it came when he saw a huge bruise on Klydes face. He was wearing similar clothing and also had bags of stuff with him

“Klyde...what happened?” Jeoffery asked the shaking boy.

“My mom and dad...Robert told them about me and they kicked me out. He showed them footage of me kissing you, and my father went ballistic!” Klyde said.

“No..” Jeoffery said as he brushed Klyde's hair.

“What am I going to do? I don't have anywhere to go, Jeoffery.” Klyde said on the verge of tears.

“Don't worry, Klyde. I have a plan. I ran away from home as well. I can't stand it here anymore.” Jeoffery said.

“What do you plan to do? Where can we go?” Klyde asked.

“We can go to Brada, Klyde!” Jeoffery said enthusiastically.

“Brada? That's so far away! How would we get there and why even go?”

“Robert did give me that money he promised me. I have enough to survive on for a long time, probably forever. And Brada, have you never heard of the stories? It is the land of acceptance and freedom. People there don't criticize and judge each other. We can start our own life over there, Klyde. What do you say? Come with me, and we will be together forever.”

“Jeoffery, that's so much to think about.” Klyde said nervously.

“I know, but where else will you go? There we can be truly free, I just know it.”

“I..I..”Klyde said nervously.

But then Jeoffery pulled him into a deep kiss. They kissed for what seemed like forever to Klyde. “Trust me, Klyde.” Jeoffery said after their kiss ended.

Klyde had to think about it for a moment. Then he slowly nodded. “I..I trust you, Jeoffery.”

A bus could be seen in the distance, getting closer to where Jeoffery and Klyde stood. They held each other in their arms as they awaited their door to freedom.


The tournament changed the lives of everyone that participated drastically. Tears were shed, battles were fought, and everyone was challenged vigorously. But in the end, only one person truly walked out the victor. Robert Baratheon always got what he wanted. As he stepped up to the medical table with Robb's naked but covered body strapped to it, he held a syringe in his hand. “It's time to begin.” he said to his new slave as the syringe pierced the skin of Robb's upper arm.

And so this story has ended....for now.
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Post by chadmc90 »

Thank you for reviving this story for me. I am actually remastering this story, so you might want to follow it in the Stories for Adults section.
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