Scottstud94 : 01 - Soccer and the Chains of Adoption (m/m)

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Scottstud94 : 01 - Soccer and the Chains of Adoption (m/m)

Post by Soraka »

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01 - Soccer and the Chains of Adoption
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By [mention]Scottstud94[/mention]

by Scottstud94 » Wed Mar 09, 2011 5:03 pm

I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I thought to myself in the empty locker room after the game, face buried in my hands. I was referring to my 16 year old brother AJ.

With a minute left in the game I had the ball heading toward the net. Kicking running on a breakaway goal. I the only freshman to make the Varsity soccer team was about to score the game-winning goal to get the team to the title game. Then a long leg stuck out from behind and tripped me deliberately. I fell face first into the unforgiving soccer field of Tree Valley High. Down on the ground as time ticked down, AJ kicked the ball. It went in and our team swarmed him. He had stolen my glory.

"Alright boys let's give it up for AJ!" Coach said after the game.

"YAAA!" The team yelled.

"Hey Jacob," Coach told me, "quit tripping over yourself out there."

Fast forward to now, AJ came into the locker room laughing, he was my adopted brother so we looked nothing alike. His brown sort of Bieber haircut hung down near his eyes. His red soccer jersey, black shorts, drenched in Gatorade from an unconventional bath, his red socks bunched down by his ankles, cleats exchanged for Adidas tennis shoes.

"Ohhhh little Freshman sad his big bro got the game winner?" AJ said in a mocking tone, rubbing my hair back and forth. "Get in the car, twerp." He said as he left.

Not that I wanted to go with him but he was my only ride. I pulled up my red soccer socks, and switched from cleats to sneakers and run to the Escalade my brother drove, my blond hair flopping in the fall breeze.

All he said in the car was "Like that shot?" 16 year old AJ got the best of everything from my parents, but I was the natural athlete, almost better than him at soccer. That shot couldve made me a star.

Two Nights Later

The Championship was today at our high school. I was so excited, even though the game was at 2:30, I was up at 10, already putting on my uniform slowly, making everything perfect. Underneath grey boxers-briefs, then my team black Nike soccer shorts over those. Next, I put on black underarmour that was long-sleeved to keep me from being chilled. My Diadora shinguards were next as I slid them on my leg, using athletic tape to keep them in place. Red Nike soccer socks were the next to go, I pulled each of them up over my shinguards as high as they could go, which was just above my knees. Finally, I put on my cleats, laced em' up, and I was

I was ready, I was pumped. So much so I blasted some music in my attic room. My house was 4 stories tall but my parents had given two floors solely AJ. So being their one and only perfect son when I was adopted, I got moved up here. Suddenly during my music blasting my door flew open. An enraged AJ, in his pyjama pants, bare feet and t-shirt appeared in the doorway and stormed in.

He grabbed the radio and threw it down in a rage, the music stopped. He grabbed me by the neck of my jersey and lifted me up against my bedroom wall. "THIS IS MY DAY! And you aren't ruining it! Mom and Dad know that when all the scouts come to the game today, and I do well I will get more scholarship offers than you have friends! So shut it!"

I was speechless, AJ was way stronger than me so I didn't dare fight back. "Hmmmm...." AJ said, "Well I didn't want to do this but it's the only way I keep you from taking away my spotlight."

He went to my closet and opened the door, tossing me inside, slamming the door and propping a chair on the outside. I heard footsteps walk away and I tried busting my way out but to no avail. He was locking me in! He's so evil... Then I heard footsteps come back. I was stunned, maybe he realized how wrong he was? The door opened, and I was yanked out placed on the bed. AJ had a bag with him.

"Lay down, or else," he said holding up a pocket knife. I gulped and did as he was told, his face looked manic
as sunlight streamed through the blinds onto him. He roughly grabbed my hands and got them behind me. I heard the locking of handcuffs.

"Hey! Stop! What are you doing!?" I yelled the only response I got was a playful but not so playful knife being pressed against my neck. I let him continue.

"Dad bought me these... he said looking at chains in his hands. He said use them wisely," AJ mentioned as he was chaining my socked feet together. I was shocked, this was a set-up by AJ and Dad... Mom would never believe me. My mom loved me like a son but favoured AJ. Dad just always did what was best for AJ, and apparently, he wanted me out of the way.

"Here we go," AJ said as a sock neared my mouth. I shut it immediately, but AJ forced it in between my
mouth and before I could spit it out I saw the duct tape stretched over my mouth and wrapped around my head twice. My hair would suffer greatly. As I was lifted over AJ's shoulder and taken down into the garage flailing for my life hands cuffed behind me, legs chained together, sock taped in my mouth. All I hoped was I could play. My hopes dimmed as the car trunk I was placed in shut on top of me. To my surprise, the car started up and my ride to who knows where had begun.

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I worked on my chains as the car moved along the road, but the chains wouldn't budge. I screamed into my gag, kicking against the trunk hoping to attract some attention. The only response I got was AJ cranking up the music drowning out my futile attempts at escape. Now, what was I going to do?

Soon the car stopped and the brightness of the sun pouring onto me was overwhelming. AJ had stood above, looking down on me now in his team uniform, with a bag of what I could only assume to be bondage materials. He lifted me out of the car and ordered me to hop. We were at our team locker room, and judging by my predicament I obliged to what AJ wanted praying for an opportunity for him to show mercy.

"Good thing Dad's an alumnus, got the keys so we could come in early", AJ said as I was paraded inside the locker room.

"Heres the deal," he told me as AJ locked the locker room door. "You keep quiet and let me tie you up while I do some callisthenics, and I'll untie you and let you play. Got it?"

I nodded my head enthusiastically. AJ corralled me over to the janitors closet which he unlocked and pushed me inside.

"Don't do anything funny, and you'll play" AJ said, he forced me to the ground and went to work trying my already cuffed hands. He taped the cuffs seemingly to keep the chain from rattling then wrapped the tape around my wrists a few times. Then went to my feet and unlocked the chains and pulled them off my feet.

"Get up," he told me. As soon as I managed to get up he grabbed my head and ripped the tape off my head.

"Owwww!" I said spitting out the sock onto the cold tile floor of the small 6 by 4 janitors closet.

"Shut up," he said and pulled a foam ball out of his bag and jammed it into my agape mouth, wrapping layers upon layers of tape around my head.

"That should keep you quiet," he said menacingly, I mmppphhed nervously wondering now why he had tied me up before he was going to do callisthenics. I was ordered to stand on the chair, and when I did my cleats were untied and pulled off. He got up on a chair next to mine tying a rope around and in between my bound wrists, throwing the rope over a pipe overhead.

I tried to shout now freaking out but he already pulled the rope taut and quickly tied it down to a metal railing at the side of the room. My struggling caused the chair to flip as I fell down but the rope caught me, leaving me suspended in the air, legs flailing knowing I was stuck.

"Haha, your so easy manipulated!" He said catching my legs, roping them together, quickly tying them together.

"I mean, you let me tie you up so you don't ruin my chance, let me take off your shoes so you can't make noise with your feet, gag you so you can't yell, and best of all suspend you in the air so you can't make any noise! This is brilliant," he said bloating, me nearly in tears knowing my shot at a title was over.

"Don't be too sad bro," AJ said as he placed a sleeping mask over my eyes, "I'll show you the game tape, and the scholarships I'll get after I get another game-winner. He patted me on the should after taping over the sleep mask. I heard AJ get his stuff, make a phone call, "I took care of him Dad... Yep, he won't be interfering... No, the team won't hear him, he's gagged good, alright thanks Dad."

The phone shut, the light switch flicked off, door shut and locked. I hung suspended, trying to scream, get the attention to move... Nope, nothing.

I thought to myself, what made Dad and AJ do this? Yes I stole the spotlight from AJ, yes I was adopted, yes I was a freshman... Dad and AJ... So selfish. I would figure out my living situation or my punishment later, but I had to spoil AJs moment, the team would come in an hour, I had to get with them so AJ couldn't do anything to me, make sure I was in public so I wouldn't be tied up again and I could play. But first I had to escape.
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I hung like that, sweaty, defeated, angered for hours it seemed. As players entered I screamed into my foam ball gag that silenced me. So close to my friends and teammates and so-called "brother" that betrayed me. I swung attempting to kick the metal door with my bound socked feet, but I couldn't even hit the cement walls surrounding my cell on all sides.

Soon I heard the coach and his pre-game speech. I couldn't scream anymore, my throat had dried up, swollen shut from the foam ball restricting my airway. My arms slowly became numb from the pressure of hanging my 100-pound body. It was hopeless... Or was it?

"Looks like we're one player short today boys... AJ told me our Freshman conference player of the year, has the flu and can't even move or talk."

I laughed to myself at this sick irony, and the team could be heard leaving for the biggest game of their lives... Without me. I heard the closet door open and had hoped.... Maybe it was...

"Alright gonna lay you on the ground then lock you back up." Shoot, AJ. At least he had the heart to keep my arms from losing circulation. I was taken down to the ground, and quickly hogtied with athletic tape, and heard an "AJ LETS GO!" From coach,
"Shame you can't watch this," AJ said and the door shut behind me... And they DIDNT LOCK!

I had my chance to escape, unfortunately, my hands were cuffed and I was still blindfolded with my arms and legs hogtied. After 20 minutes of struggle, I had nearly given up... When I heard fumbling with the doorknob.

"Alright, I'm sure there are some towels in the... Why are the keys here?" An unrecognizable voice said.

"Wait WHAT THE!" I heard, "Kid are you all... Jacob??" "How did this happen?" I was asked as the tape was removed from my eyes... After adjusting to the light I realized it was Jeff, my next-door neighbour. We were decent friends but all I cared about was getting on the field. He removed the ball from my mouth.

"Ahh look get me out of this, I have a championship to win, I'll explain later." I got out.

"Alright, but who did this?" He asked unlocking my cuffs with a key my brother left in the doorknob.

"AJ, but please don't say anything," I said untying my feet.

"Ohh... I see, well good luck I guess", he said.

"Thanks," I said pulling up my socks, then putting on my cleats.

I ran outside and saw the scoreboard, we were down 1-0 to Ivy Hills, with 10 minutes left.
I got onto the field and ran to coach surreally. This was my moment, my dream.

"WHAT!" My "Dad" yelled from the stands.
"He's better!" My mom ignorantly yelled from next to him... Ignoring Dad.
The crowd went up in cheers as I approached the bench, and I looked at AJ who looked backed stunned.

Behind me I heard our overzealous Sophomore announcing Justin "The Voice", "And what is AJ doing! He just let the opponent go past him with the ball free shot for Ivy Hills player Sorenson, GOAL!" In his British voice, he had to use when calling soccer games... This is Kentucky, not London.

"Well thank god you're here Jacob... And what in blazes happened to your wrists?!" I looked down to see my wrists cut and bruises. "Never mind, just get out and play before your brother dooms us."

AJ was furious and dumbfound, he was too shocked and scared of what I could do. Soon the score was 2-2 after I gave two assists.

20 seconds left and the ball went to me. I ran, kicking as fast as I could avoiding defenders, I had a path to the goal when all of a sudden, a red angry AJ appeared next to me.

"My time!" He went for the steal but this time I hurdled it landed with my cleat planted into his leg when he went down, with a 360 I kicked it. Goal! The fans, the players charged the field, we had won! I actually forgot what AJ had done. I heard Justin in the background, still in that British accent, "He scores, the most unbelievable, incredible, bodacious finish in high school soccer history... Maybe the only one but still!"

In the distance, my neighbour applauded as I was carried off the field, I one-upped AJ who stood with Dad on the side of the fans looking stunned. This wasn't over, not for me, and not for AJ who just lost any chance at a D-1 scholarship offer. As the papers came to interview me, the cameras, I understood AJ was ticked, but he wasn't the bully anymore.
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I lay in my bed later that night, thinking about the events that had transpired that day. I was seemingly on cloud 9, forgetting what AJ had done to me earlier that day, happy for the first time in a long time, I took off my uniform and hung it up like a trophy... Next to my real trophy. After slipping into flannel pyjamas and a t-shirt, I dozed off.

I awoke to the bright sunlight of a Saturday morning creeping through my rickety plastic blinds, I looked up at my jersey and trophy sitting there and AJ next to my be... Wait a minute! AJ!

"Hey bro..." he said wryly, keys jingling in his hands. It was then I realized my predicament. AJ had chained my hands above me to my bedposts, locks on each chain. My bare feet had been tied in a similar fashion to the bottom posts of my bed.

AJ closed the blinds, darkening the room. I struggled in my bonds, but the chains were fairly taut.

"Come on AJ, let me go!" I yelled panicked.

"Of course," AJ said standing there in his jeans, American Eagle t-shirt, and black socks, hair neatly combed as if he was going somewhere, "but first... Who untied you yesterday?"

"I got out mysel..."

"Impossible!" AJ interrupted. "One more chance..." he said.

"Screw you!" I said. "Wrong answer," and he went to tickling my feet. I wriggled uncontrollably trying to escape, unmercilessly I bellowed out..,

"Jeff it was Jeff ok please stop!"

"Good," AJ said grabbing a roll of packing tape from my desk, he wrapped it around my head 3 times to silence my cries as I realized my mistake. AJ grabbed the phone from my desk next. "Let's text him, have him come over shall we?" He winked evilly.

"Hey Jeff," AJ said thrillingly reading the text out loud... "want to come to hang out?" Sent.

A minute later AJ heard the phone vibrate, looked, smiled, and hid by my door, rope in hand. Mmmmmmm I tried to yell. While AJ fumbled with my phone, I looked at my desk... And saw the keys to my chains. I reached and grabbed them with my hand. I had an idea on how to stop this once and for all, but I needed to wait until AJ was out of the room. I kept the keys in my hand well hidden from view.

I heard the pounding of feet coming up the stairs. My door flung open and Jeff entered the room. He took one look at me and froze. Standing in the doorway, mouth half-open, the small black-haired 9th grader had no idea what was coming. AJ jumped on him taking him down in a heap, a thud could be heard throughout the house but we were the only ones in the large estate. Jeff realized what was happening and fought back hard against the much stronger AJ, ropes entangled the two.

The struggle continued until AJ got the upper hand, sitting on top of Jeff as he quickly tied his hands behind
him. Jeff struggled hard in his blue sweatshirt, jeans, and tennis shoes but once his hands were tied he was done.

"AJ why are you doing this?" Jeff said as AJ started to tie his ankles together.

"You let Jacob loose, you ruined me now your gonna pay", AJ responded as he hogtied Jeff tightly.

"Jacob how could you tell him!?" Jeff asked me... I could only mmmppphhh back. The wrapping of tape around Jeff's mouth silenced him, and I watched as Jeff was blindfolded and AJ chained him to a wooden post in the corner. Then AJ went over to me and blindfolded me with a sock.

"I'll be back in a minute for your little payback, Dad knows what's going on Jacob and he thinks you two deserve it. He and Mom are gone for the weekend, and he made arrangements to have Jeff stay the weekend. So enjoy."

I heard the door shut, AJ was evil but he forgot the keys, in my hand. Is payback imminent? I got the key and located the lock on the chains on my right hand. I found the hole... Put the key in... Please work I prayed. With the key in I attempted to turn it.
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The key turned and all of a sudden I heard a distinct "click" and the ring chained around my right hand released! Yes, I thought as I unlocked my left hand. How lucky, I unlocked my feet and ripped the tape off my face. I didn't know how much time until AJ returned but I took my chances. I quick looked in his "bondage bag". Duct tape, ropes of all sizes, zip ties, chains, about a dozen combination locks, socks, medical gauze, saran wrap, yep Dad bought it all to keep quiet.

AJ had a scout from Kentucky coming Monday so this might be why. I went over to Jeff and tried the key on the chains that bound him. Success as well, I was surprised AJ didn't use the combo locks. Soon Jeff was untied.

"Alright, when he comes in get him on the bed. We'll use the 4 chains on the posts already to get him down spreadeagle. Then use the rest of these materials to keep him there." I said.

"Good idea, man why'd he do that to you at the soccer field?" He asked.

"Selfishness, greed, all of it, thanks for saving me."

"Yeh that had to be horrible," Jeff said, "You should've told your mom."

"Dad and AJ would convince her otherwise," I said looking at my bruised wrists.

Suddenly feet could be heard pounding up the stairs. We got ready and watched the wooden door open. Suddenly we pounced, pushing the much taller figure on the bed. AJ flailed as I tried to cuff an ankle giving me a swift black socked foot to the lower face as I went down to the ground in a thud. I was quickly back up as Jeff took AJ back down to the bed. While Jeff fought him, I hit a golden opportunity slipping the chain around AJs right foot and locking it securely.

I jumped on his left foot getting the locked in too. Soon I and Jeff wrestled his hands into the chains and locked them in. As we got off AJ looked frustrated. His Blue American Eagle t-shirt was now drenched in sweat, jeans covering the chains the were bound over his black sock-covered ankles.

"Let me go now or you'll regret it!" AJ yelled... Before we could respond he yelled for help. I grabbed the new package of ankle socks from his bag and grabbed a handful shoving them in his mouth. Much of the sock bundle remained out of his mouth, but Jeff taped it shut anyway.

While Jeff was busy silencing AJ, wrapping tape around his head, I grabbed more chains from his bags and further secured each of his limbs to the bedposts. Using 2 combination locks per limb with the chains on top of his already chained limbs to the bedposts only further made sure he wasn't escaping. Using a pair of cuffs per each hand I further locked his hands around my bedposts. He wasn't moving anywhere.

We stepped back and admired our work. AJ was tightly chained down, mouth securely gagged. He wriggled like a squirming fish but he couldn't move anywhere. Little came out of his mouth, not as it mattered. Houses were too far away in this gated neighbourhood.

"How are we gonna torture him?" Asked Jeff.

"I have some ideas..."
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"Alright... Jeff get out your iPod. Now google "Tie up torture taped".." I said.

"Hmmm... The first link is from a website called" Jeff replied as AJ screamed into his gag in the background.

After a few minutes of scanning, the boys found several genius techniques. Jeff ran downstairs to get supplies while I made a quick call.

I looked over at the chained up AJ and smiled as he squirmed in anger. "Hello 1-800-itch-men, uh, yeh I need some of your world-famous. That's right fast delivery. Alright, thanks."

Jeff returned with the supplies. Step one: Iceman. I pulled out a tray of ice cubes and took one out of the tray. "Hold him down jeff." I lifted elastic on his briefs and dumped one inside. The response was unbelievable... AJ squirmed in agony flopping around the bed, screaming into his gag. I put two more in for good measure.

Step 2: Aquos." Jeff removes his gag, AJ if you scream not only will nobody hear you, I will make sure you never play soccer again."

Spitting out the socks, A red AJ replied, "You'll pay when Dad finds out. Your dead."

"We'll be long gone by Sunday night," Jeff do the honours. Jeff picked up a bucket of water and heaved it on AJ soaking him from head to toe.

"AUGHHHH Frick you!" He yelled struggling against his chains.

Step 3: Clamp them.

"Ok now tape his mouth", I ordered.

"Wait I've been chained for hours can't I at least get some food?"

"Oh yes here is a sandwich", I said giving him a bite. He chewed quietly and swallow to which we curated out laughing during his screams. Jalapeño hot sauce is a classic! Jeff grabbed one of my dirty ankle socks, then used a ballgag to secure it in, locking the strap behind AJ's head. Then we cut away his t-shirt, putting nipple clamps onto his squirming body.

The doorbell rang, I went to get it and noticed my package had arrived. Itching powder! AJ had been tied
for ten hours now. Having soiled himself on the bed and getting all those tortures this and my final plan of kidnapping him leaving him in Canada then moving onto a better life with a new family. Then becoming a soccer star at a new school with a wealthy family that loved me would cap it all off.

I walked upstairs, to reveal my new plan, and to top off the night. I looked to the bed where I saw something shocking. It was Jeff... And he was unlocking the final chains around AJ's foot on the last combo lock.

"Jeff what the heck?!?" I yelled. Shocked.

"Sorry Jacob, if I didn't he would tell the world my secret... I had to."

"Well, what is it?" I asked forgetting about AJ.

"Oh god, what have I done? I... No, I can't. I feel terrible Jacob, get out of here Jacob before you get sent to military school!"

AJ spoke, at last, going for the throat of Jacob, "I told you not to tell!"

Jacob bounded out the window falling into the bushes below then hauling to get out of there. AJ turned to me. "Well before you go to Military school in Russia Monday, your dead!"

I turned and ran, never looking back.
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I awoke in the backseat of AJ's Escalade My hands had been cuffed in front of me, feet shackled together with the chain going around one of the metal contraptions under the seat. I had been buckled into the seat tightly in the middle seat also having been stripped down to my boxers

"Alright, where are you taking me?" I asked surprised I wasn't gagged.

"Well look whose up," he said looking at me. "Alaska!"

"Alaska? Your joking right?" I responded.

"Ha, you wish. Once we meet up with Dad in the Aleutian Isles, he knows a guy working... Underground in Russia. For an exchange of 50,000 dollars we can sell you to him, and pay off my college fees it'll take to get to a D1 college." He said smirking.

"You two are evil."

"Don't be afraid to write, oh wait... Nevermind." AJ said.

I thought about my options, couldn't jump out of the car, couldn't attack AJ. I would have to wait for my moment to escape. I looked out the window and saw we were headed past Vancouver.

"Why are you so selfish?" I asked.

"You see as a member of this prestigious family unlike you I need to specialize at something. Soccer my game, if I don't go to a D1 college, Grandpa will disown me. Plus I and Dad never wanted you anyway. Mom wanted another son even though I am well... Perfect. I and Dad never wanted to sell you but... Your little escape back at the field hurt you. If you hadn't escaped it'd of all been good. Unfortunately for you, ya blew it." He explained.

Soon we stopped at a rest stop. AJ got in back and cuffed my handcuffs to my shackles then placed a piece of tape over my mouth and went inside.

Hmmmppphhh! I struggled, knowing this would be the perfect moment to escape but AJ had the key in his pocket, besides I was practically naked.

Soon we were back on our way, I managed to get the tape off my mouth. "AJ, I have to go to the bathroom."

"Tough, not until you locked in a crate and floating across the Bering Strait." He responded.

"I will pee all over your escalade, it'll take months to.."
"Fine fine, but it's going to be quick. He pulled into a rest stop and unchained me. Cuffing my hands in front, and threw a bag over my head, then taped it on. He took me over to a wooded area as I could tell from my bare feet stepping on the pine needles, then I felt a medium-sized rock by my foot.

I did my business then threw a punch knowing my opportunity, managed to find the rock blinded clinched it in my fist and took a wild shot in the dark, and felt the joy of my fist going into his nose, the rock first.

"UGH!" I heard.

I pulled the tape and bag off my head, then grabbed the cuff key from AJ's unconscious body. Unlocking my hands. I checked to make sure he was alright. The knockout punch, then I had an idea. I stole AJ's clothes leaving him in only his boxer briefs and put them on. I carried the limp body over to a pole to the shock of onlookers who stood near the rest stop. I cuffed him to the phone pole taking his keys and phone.

He began to stir as I made a phone call. "Hey Dad it's Jacob listen I know this is unexpected but AJ is chained to a pole in a rest stop in Vancouver and I am taking the escalade. Later!"

I didn't even listen to him yelling I just ended the call. "AJ catch ya later, I said as I hopped in the Escalades driver seat. Now how do I work this thing? I started it up and put it in the "R" mode. People began to congregate around AJ as he threw a fit trying to escape. I pressed on the gas and it must've been too hard because I smashed into the vehicle behind me. Whoops.

I then shifted into "D" and began to drive. Quick! To my new family I thought as I drove on the expressway. It was good news it was morning because I had no idea what I was doing, nobody was on the road. I heard the cell ring and I answered it.

"Hello," I said.

"YOU LITTL...!" Snap I ended the call. It seems AJ had found a phone. I pulled into a nice town called Pine Valley and stopped the car and abandoned it in the pine trees. before I got pulled over. I looked at the text messages and noticed one saved from Jeff to AJ. It was that secret... Jeff was into bondage? Why did he tell AJ and not me? I was trustful and pretty open I guess.

Surprised I understood why Jeff had to let AJ go. I walked into the town of 578... On the sign it said. State Soccer Champions. I would like it here. I busted the phone so they couldn't track it or call me. Life was so uncertain but I was happier than ever.

Looking up at City Hall I noticed the town slogan, "Go where you are happy, like the happy families of Pine
Valley." Ahhhhh... Home.
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After staying in a shed of a suburban home that night, I woke up on a chilly Sunday morning. Still in AJ's baggy orange t-shirt, belt and jeans, and shoes. I slipped onto the main street, hair ratty and greasy, haven't showered in a while. It was a Monday morning and the kids were all about to go to school. I shivered in the Canadian air and decided to head into the local store.

I had AJ's wallet still with me so I decided to go on a little shopping spree. Plus I needed one. The store was a large building but was definitely filled with old-time charm. What was called a mom and pop store? Souvenirs and trinkets surrounded me.

"Shouldn't you be in school son?" I heard as I turned around to see an old greying man at the counter.

"Uh, no... I'm new in town." I responded.

"Ah well welcome. Wonder what would bring a family here?"

"Yeh. Is the school's soccer season still going?" I asked.

"Well..." he pondered, "My Grandson Aiden plays on the team, now that I think of it yes."

We continued to talk as I looked around the store, I looked out the window nervously as a black car sped away. I had picked out a nice coat and brought it up to the counter.

"A fine choice," He said as I pulled out a credit card. "Woah there!" A credit card? How'd you get that?" He asked surprised.

"A gift," I lied. "Thank you sir I said leaving."

"Maurice." He said eying me, and I walked out with my new coat. Another car sped by me yet again. Hmmmmm... I went down to the high school ready to enrol. Maurice was nice but I wanted to get onto that field. I enrolled in the office. The secretary asked for information. I told her, my parents had recently passed, and my uncle had lost the papers. The sob story worked as she handed me a schedule. I flew under the radar. Well, I wanted to...

People kept pointing, staring, laughing as if I was a sideshow. Finally, a kid went up to me with an iPod. Is this you? He asked holding up a video. It was me beating up AJ, cuffing him, and poorly escaping in a car shot by a teen with a cell phone. The video went viral and had 2 million views overnight. Uh-oh.

"No... But that was funny though." I said lying, I was in trouble now. After school, I went up to the soccer coach saying I was new and wanted to play.

"Well, can't promise anything it is District Finals but I can get you a uniform." He handed me cleats, green Adidas soccer socks, shin guards, black shorts, and a white jersey with Pine Valley Lumberjacks on it. "After school, practice, C field be there."

I went home to my... Well home. The small shed in a backyard where I managed to keep hidden. I put on the uniform. Ok, so I didn't have any real friends besides Maurice maybe, no home or family. Oh well, I had soccer. I walked to field C passing through Main Street getting a wave from Maurice to come.

I entered the shop again loving the briskness of the air.


"Jacob," I said.

"Yes, Jacob well today your credit card you gave me was reported as stolen." I gulped. Two men appeared from the doorway. I ran upstairs realizing my mistake. I hid in the bathroom, as a knock could be heard on the oak door.

"Your father sent us! We are here to collect you. The door unlocked. I punched and fought to escape the mysterious men's grip but to no avail. I was quickly handcuffed, and my legs were chained together. Another set of cuffs was put on my hands which were now cuffed behind me. I screamed as I was led out into the black suburban. Thrown into the trunk kicking and screaming.

The last thing I saw was Maurice's apologetic face. Now, what can I do? How can I escape these watchmen?

The car pulled over and the trunk was opened. I heard tape being unravelled and wrapped around my mouth and eyes with precise precision wrapping my head with several layers. I kicked as my cleats were pulled off while my green socked feet kicked hard. I felt my hands being tied to my feet. Fruitless.

Now, what could I do, as the car pulled away.
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Post by Soraka »

The car rolled along the highway as I Lay on my stomach in the trunk. I was so close to freedom, a new life, and a new family... The green uniform I wore reminded me of that. Instead of that freedom and thanks to that stupid credit card, I was lying with my mouth and eyes taped shut, wrists double cuffed, feet chained together and to my wrists.

Escape was hopeless so I would have to wait until they moved me when we arrived in who knows where. I had to escape before Dad and AJ sold me off. I dozed in and out of consciousness the rest of the drive, which seemed like days. I was hungry, sweaty, and tired.

Soon the vehicle stopped, and I heard the trunk open. I felt myself being picked up and placed into a burlap sack which I heard was zip-tied shut. I was set down but I knew with the chains on escape was useless.

"Boss where do you want him?" I heard as one of the men spoke on a cell phone. I tried to scream but very little came out before I got kicked.

"The mill? Is anyone in there?"

"Ok good."

The phone snapped shut and I was picked up yet again. The mill where would that be? Soon after a good deal of being carried, I felt the bag being cut open and my body pulled out.

"Get his other hand. One of the men said removing the hogtie. Then I was picked up and as soon as my cuffs were removed I sprung into action flailing my arms. The effort was fruitless as both men secured one arm and I felt them both being chained above my head. They wrapped chains around my shoulders as well.

It was then I realized the intense heat that came from behind me. I felt tape being pulled off of my eyes, and I squirmed around in freight. A steel mill. I saw a lever being pulled and the chains began to pull me up, suspending me above the melted steel that looked like lava. The sort of island I was just on disappearing underneath.

Hmmppphh!! I yelled into my gag as the chains stopped moving to leave me hoisted 30 feet above the melted steel. There was no possibility of getting down, even if I did I would near-instantly die from the impact below. The men reported to their "boss" below and left.

I hung hopelessly for a while, all my optimism is gone as I looked down at my chained feet, soccer socks still on them. My blonde hair might as well have been black because of the little sun I was receiving. The air was chilled minus the heat rising from the molten steel.

"Hey bro!" I heard as AJ appeared underneath. Oh, great company.

"You know I've always wanted to do this!" He said as he looked over at the control panel next to him. One lever had up-down. One had forward-backwards. And one button said the release. Which would send me to my death.

AJ pulled the lever down in amusement, MMPPHH I struggled in my chains knowing he was in control. I lifted my feet up as I neared the molten steel literally a foot away from my feet being burnt.

"Enough AJ!" A voice boomed as AJ stopped me then put me back into the air. My father and another man entered.

"See Vlad," My father said, "this one is perfect for you. Well worth 50 grand, even more."

The Russian man obviously Vlad conquered. "Not convinced, bring him here so I can... Inspect him. I was soon sent forward defeated and lowered down to Vlad. My feet were inches from touching the icy cement floor. He looked at me every which way, as AJ pulled off my gag.

HELLLPP... MMPH! I yelled before realizing AJ had grabbed a large stone and put it in my mouth and wrapped tape around my head.

"Good thing the mills closed today." My Dad said.

"Yes... He's a fighter too." Vlad said, AJ looked away upset. "35 thousand."

"35 only? Are you sure? 55. My Dad replied.

"43 thousand final offer."

"Fine, sold" my Dad replied.

Good, let's cage him up and throw him onto the jet to Russia." I hmmpphheedd helplessly. He looked at me... You are going to make a lot of people happy my little bondage slave he said looking at me, holding up a picture of a boy chained to a bed. I was lowered into a sort of a skin-tight mummification bag, and I felt the air being sucked out with only my hands hoisted still above my head, and head not in it.

When my hands were unchained I sprung into action but the 3 got them into the bag as it became airtight and sealed. Leaving my arms no movement against the heavy-duty plastic. Then when all hope was lost, I heard sirens... Police sirens!

"Dammit AJ his scream got someones attention!" My Dad yelled. "Quick throw him in the molten steel!"

"Nobodys throwing my product in lava!" Vlad said pulling out a gun. Bring him to chopper. Soon the 3 scrambled as they pick me up and began to run me to the back exit of the mill. I heard police kick the front doors down. We went through the back door emergency exit causing the alarms to go off. Only to be met by police who surrounded us near the chopper.

"Stop or I shoot!" Vlad said putting a gun to AJ's head. The Alaskan officers wasted no time shooting Vlad dead. Dad and AJ both went to the ground, shaken, hands over their heads.

I heard their rights being read to them as another officer dragged my body over and cut the bag away.

"Son your gonna be alright, as I was taken to a police helicopter. A chopper to freedom as my bonds were removed. My gag was gone, as were the chains.

"Son", an officer beside me said as AJ and Dad were put into a police car. "You're going to be fine, but you should thank this man for the tip. He said pointing to an older figure in the back. Maurice!

"I knew you were a good kid", Maurice said.

The chopper lifted off, and I was on my way to freedom.

Epilogue: My mom basically went insane after losing two family members and nearly a third. So I was sent to live with my Aunt, uncle, and cousin my age, who lived in Vancouver, strangely enough. In a town 10 miles north called Pine Valley lively saviour Maurice who I now talk too often. Pine Valley is like my second home now. I had all I ever wanted, a house, money, and most importantly... A family.
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Post by Scottstud94 »

Wow! Flashback. Thanks for bringing this back :)
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Post by Soraka »

Scottstud94 wrote: 2 years ago Wow! Flashback. Thanks for bringing this back :)
If there’s anything else you would like to bring back, there’s a list of everything I was able to download from the previous board over here: Currently running a bit behind on the requests, but doing my best to catch up again :)
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Post by DTaped79 »

I think I remember reading this a while back. Thank you for sharing.
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