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Family in bondage

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2020 6:10 pm
by scandi
Is anyone else fascinated by the subject of seeing or being seen by family members in bondage. I can't help but think about how actors in bondage scenes in movies, tv shows and stage plays have families who might watch it. I wonder how that makes people feel to see their mom or dad tied and gagged in a movie, their brother or sister, or son or daughter. If you are into bondage like most of us at least are, it must be a very special experience to see that. Does anyone have any thoughts about it. That thought has always fascinated me.

I never have and don't have any actors or models in my family but I first had the thoughts in my teens when I bought a book with bondage photos with Betty Page, and she looks a lot like my mom did when she was that age. It made it partly wierd and uncomfortable to see the bondage photos, but also kind of exciting and close to home in a way. In a forbidden fruit kind of way. Any thoughts anyone.... How would you have felt, or would you be comfortable as an actor if your family or future family saw scenes like that.

Re: Family in bondage

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 12:04 pm
by OtisSpofford
Hi, I am actually a stage actor who has been tied up on stage before and seen by my family. Even better, I was given a monologue to perform while I was tied up and they filmed it for me as my audition tape. My dad was the one who tied my wrists and after filming they seemed reluctant to set me free (tbh I don’t blame them). It’s hard to say what I was feeling at the time because I was trying to embody the character, I didn’t care that I was tied up in front of them because the only thing going through my mind was the character’s thoughts and feelings. I wasn’t myself (who loved to be tied up), I was Segismundo (who had been imprisoned since birth). After filming finished it felt weird that I was just tied up in front of them but it was also very exiting. I’m happy to answer any questions you may have :)

Re: Family in bondage

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2020 12:41 am
by Nightly Binds
That actually is quite an interesting thought, however for me, the Subject is a little complicated. for one, for what ever reason, I personally never felt too comfortable with associating my own family with my Tug interests, however I mainly It think it may just have to do with just how my family.." is " and how complicated things can be with them at times. so I like to separate my interest and thoughts on tugs with them completely..However though..I actually do enjoy reading and hearing stories of other's encounters with Tugs and family members. I mean, the Idea of being seen by a family member or seeing one in bondage certainly does seem to have it's fascinating tone to it,( like some of the biggest fears or fantasies among many Tug enthusiasts seems to be being discovered in selbondage by a family member ) Heck, despite how I feel about my own family being involved in tugs, as a kid, some of my biggest fantasies involved me being in a " fictional family " that didn't resemble my own, but would constantly find myself in Tug related scenarios by them. ( I guess it was always a sorta..what I wish things could have been like )