How did your sock gag fancy start?

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How did your sock gag fancy start?

Post by Sockgaggedman »

This is either going to be a very specific or a very general question.

No need for that much of an introduction; I don't think I speak to a minority ( well, at least not a small minority at that) when asking a sock gag related question. Even though my personal preference for M/M stories from only a handful of regular authors ( who, my oh my the coincidence, may be notorious for their written sock gags, among other things. Names you'd have to be blind or not in the beforementioned M/M genre to have not seen before, like [mention]bondagefreak[/mention], [mention]squirrel[/mention]...I'd put more names here, but the parenthesis is getting kind of long and all this red reminds me of the many soviet flags I had to study for a test, ew) makes me only savor a fraction of the literary works posted on here, we can't deny the fact that sock gags are quite a wide spread phenomena.

Move away from the bird's eye view of the general meh movie on gagging, where just one strip of tape seems to have the same effect as the grueling process of stuffing, taping, smoothing and retaping a mouth and look just a bit into the true bondage-gag community and you'll most likely find sock gagging to be the usual ( if such a term can be used here...prominent might be better perhaps...multilingual struggle!)
If prominent be not the word, than at least most popular or most used might best describe it ( most popular stuffing gag!! I can hear the ball gag enjoyer typing and that's a community I don't want to offend! Or maybe I might, gag me if you disagree!)

Anyway, we're off track! We're not even in the train anymore at this point!
My point is, sock gags seem to be quite the popular gag choice in the gagging world, whilst also not being that much advertised in the mainstream media. Certainly less seen on screen ( where I think most of us got our interest in tugs from) than tape gags, even wrap-arounds! And less frequent I think than the ball gag my some margin.

May the sock gag be something hereditary in its enjoyers DNA? A question for the scientists when they'll have their hands more free than now...
Thus, for lack of scientists at hand I ask YOU ( yes, you. Very American propaganda during wars of me) about how you got into sock gags.
Did it come as a natural? You just had to shut someone's mouth with something and a sock was most at hand and from then on it became a habit? Was it more conscious? Did you at first find it as a means of revenge or something and from then on it became a habit? ( more dom/ the person that does the tying related questions that can be answered by anyone who had such experiences though!)
Was it a childhood experience that got you into sock gagging? Did you find out about it by means of the internet, grew fond of it and used it from then on?
Other such scenarios come endlessly through my mind, but these are just some first theories that struck my brain.

Looking forward to reading any answers!
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Post by Sockgaggedman »

Since the question-post itself has ( unintentionally, mind you) become quite long and since I don't want to further discourage participation by having potential readers hit with an essay the moment they click on here, I decided to write this, my experience with finding my liking of sock gags, as a separate reply.

I remember moderately vividly the events...

I know for certain that I liked the idea of bondage, of being tied up first. Even though I'm quite young, tying up scenes did manage to come to me as a child, though not as prominently from the cartoons I was watching, as you'd perhaps expect. Being my age in an Eastern European country as a child meant Western culture didn't fully spread until the 2010s I believe... Thus, not the mainstream cartoons that I've read people who'd later have interests like mine enjoyed, no Peter Pan ( I watched some episodes out of curiosity some time ago and MY God did that show enjoy more tie up and gag scenes than little child Sockgaggedman ( Sockgaggedchild? Let's not!) had ever seen).
Nonono, I had some 99.9% tug free cartoons, some CDs that more likely bordered Russian animations and only later on, Scooby Doo. Mind you, we weren't doing bad back then! I can happily say I had a carefree childhood, it's just that you couldn't find anything else!

So let's go back; I liked being tied up. I don't know why, I don't know how. I can 100% say that I never experienced tug games as I child an as I've stated above, I can't really thank the media of back then for this liking. I suppose I was just one of those main characters we get to read of here who the feeling of being bound naturally!
And when a by then teenager who has a genuine, honest liking of the thought of being trussed up ( mind you, the thought of being...I had never even tied up myself back then, innocent me...) learns some form of english and is now presented with a whole new, more inclusive plethora of content to consume, you know it's bound to get kinky!

So I began searching exactly what I was craving for so long, with such grammar gems as " man tie up"! For some reason then not understood by Sockgaggedman, I didn't like the videos where the man was restrained by a woman ( I wonder why) and in an attempt to get some man being tied up by man videos I change my searches to " gay tie up" ( should have been a clear sign!!)

Thus, I kinda got what I was looking for, but at a cost. You see, those videos were a lot more intense and in my then luck I stumbled across many a video where the prisoner wasn't just left tied up gag free. Imagine my shock when, as I young guy not fully understanding my weird ( my term used on me, not to offend anyone) likings, the capturer unlaced his shoe, peeled off his sock and stuffed it in the bound guy's mouth. The worst part was, I liked it!

Having seen all the only tie-up videos I could get my hands on without any account creating websites. And pause; can i just say: what a time it was for me back then to stumble across UNWANTED sock gag media! When did those years pass?
So yeah, having watched all the gag free media, I got to the gag positive videos- the fun ones!

And the rest is wind of history! I first had to lie to myself and actually try to mock the sock gagged fellows in the videos ( not through actual comments, thank God, that've been a mess to clean up! But just by saying stuff in my head). Back then, just as now I think, sadly, foot fetishes and fetishists were living under a world a scrutiny, and not having the community on here back then, I'd have probably been eaten alive should I'd have wanted to express this growing liking. The funny thing was, I didn't have that much of a thing for feet back then! The socks-yes; but my brain stamped me with the foot fetish card and I couldn't UNO reverse that for a long time.
Then I watched more videos, and more, and more...than I got here, got to read and comment about sock gags and sock liking on the beforementioned authors' works and now I'm here typing this :lol:

And so that's it! My first experience came in the form of those first unwanted sock gag videos and would make a graph designer lose their mind, should they have to put that journey in a graph to show where I'm now!

Of course, I'm not expecting any comments on the initial question to be THIS long, God forbid! This was just my story that I never got to post on here in some form or another and that I found kind of interesting, I hope you will too! :D
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Post by tiedinbluetights »

Wow [mention]Sockgaggedman[/mention], that was quite the long intro to the question!

For me, the sock gag 'epiphany' came at around the age of 12. Ever since I can remember, from the tender age of 4 or 5, I've loved (and still love) to be tied-up. SImultaneously, as far back as I can remember, I've always been fascinated by and enjoyed the smell of feet. Now, mind-you, as a guy myself I bat for a different team so my preference was, and still is, to be tied up by women, and enjoy their sweet (and sweaty) aroma, but now I am the one going off-track ...

So, to answer your question, despite being a shy introvert, with close friends I've always enjoyed talking and talking and talking and (you get the picture) and one day, one of my friends, tired of my ramblings, blurted out "put a sock in it!" That confused me and asked what he meant. So he explained to me that is was some expression he heard on some TV show, to get people to stop talking.

To this day, the exact origins of that phrase eludes me, but it appears to have originated on British radio. Nevertheless, at 12 years of age, my creative little mind decided, "hey, you like the smell of feet, why not try out the taste." And so, during self-bondage sessions, I started to experiment with my own socks, and then whatever dirty socks or tights from my mom or sister I could find in the presorted laundry pile, when it was my turn to set the laundry machine on. If there were two pairs, it would be bliss as I would gag myself with one pair and force myself to smell the other. I loved the scent, but the taste was unpleasant at first and added a layer of torment to my self-bondage sessions. Eventually, the taste too became 'imprinted' as being enjoyable ('enjoyable torment' and 'pleasantly unpleasant' is how I've explained it to my wife, when I introduced her to this practice of mine).

That said, I rarely get gagged. My wife prefers my mouth very clean and ready to serve in other ways!
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Post by sami200456boyfriend »

I don't like sock gags.
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Post by WillHBonney »

This is a tough one for me. It's not like my interests in being tied up where I can trace back to several moments growing up that played a part.

I think an interest in sock gags and general foot fetish go hand in hand (or foot in foot?).
There's 2 specific memories I can think of that may have contributed to my interest in sock gags. Both coming from my secondary school days.

There was a girl in my class who I bickered with relentlessly. It seemed to come from nowhere too. One day she just sorta disliked me and we started arguing over anything and everything. At that point I knew I enjoyed being tied up so I used to fantasise about her tying me up after school etc. She did gymnastics and was quite well built so that helped my fantasies of being captured by her.
Anyway, she used to wear these boots that I can remember vividly. They were like black pixie boots that were furry on the inside. She'd wear them with the top of the boot turned down so that some of the fur was on the outside.
One day after PE, we were all in technology and a few of us were over at the coat rail hanging up our jackets when someone commented on how there was a stench of feet in the air. Almost immediately someone pointed to her boots and said it was coming from her feet. She kinda shrugged and remarked "my feet get a little stinky after PE. So what?". At this point I remember so vividly I made eye contact with her and she told me to shut up. I wasn't even going to say anything. I actually felt a bit bad for her. Even in future arguments I never brought that up as a point to insult.
And after that moment, nearly all of my fantasies about her tying me up included her forcing me to smell her boots, her socks and her feet.

The other memory is more of a reoccurring thing rather than 1 particular instance:
In 1st year of Secondary School there was a girl in my class who was more interested in her appearance than actually paying attention. She'd always talk about her hair or make up or clothes during class. She's what we call in Scotland a ned (or a chav in England). Unfortunately for me, I sat next to her in 3 different classes. She used to sit sideways on her chair and lean against the wall, bending her knees and resting her feet on the edge of my chair. Over time she realised that I was too quiet and shy to say anything to her and slowly her feet went from resting on the side of my chair to full on resting on my lap. I hated it when she did that. Yet I always let her do it for some reason. Occasionally the teacher would tell her to put her feet down and she would for about 5 minutes then back on my lap they'd go.
I wonder if this had anything to do with me liking feet and socks? Like I said, at the time I hated it. But I wonder if subconsciously something was going on in my head?
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Post by Racer »

Well for me it started when I was about 18 years old. One of my friends and his girlfriend had tied me up, just for fun, laying on the floor with my hands behind my back and legs tied. Quite simple. She was wearing white slouch socks, which I thought made her very sexy, and maybe she had noticed that I had been looking or actually starring at her socks. When I was laying helpless tied up on the floor, she asked me, if I liked her socks? Well yes, and meanwhile she took off her socks, she told me that se had seen a movie, where the victim was being gagged with a couple of socks. And that was exactly What she was going to do to me right now! I had never thought about being gagged with her (or others) socks, but she did it! And that was the start of my sock-gagged fetish☺️
Years later my wifes ex.boyfriend (and some other guys) had me tied up, and without knowing about my sockgag fetish, he just took off his big White Nike tube socks and gagged me. I remember that it felt sooo humiliating, but it was difficult not to get aroused🤷‍♂️
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Post by PiotrekTied »

Well, my adventure with tying began with games with friends. The main gag was the duct tape, it seems that only once they used a sock to gag me (mine haha). Back then sockgag didn't particularly appeal to me, it was one of the options (I always wanted to try OTM more).
Everything changed when I wanted to try a more "professional" tied. Then I came across a wonderful [mention]squirrel[/mention] who first tied me in a hogtied (my first ever), and then went to the laundry basket and took out his socks. One moment and I had them in my mouth secured with several layers of tape.
I can't hide the fact that I was delighted. I still remember the experience to this day :D
Since then, I can't imagine gagging without a sock (I recently tried a bandana, but it wasn't half as good). Even using a ballgag, a sock is mandatory. I even managed to spread this solution among friends.
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Post by squirrel »

Yeah, I also remember that :D It was so muhc fun to have [mention]PiotrekTied[/mention] hogtied and silenced 8-)

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Post by PiotrekTied »

[mention]squirrel[/mention] we should do it again. I'm hoping to be tied to a chair and hogtied decently. 8-)
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