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Tying up games as kid?

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 2:12 pm
by David Han
There was cops and robbers where I got my hands and feet tied for being captured. There was hostage but I was only tied to a pole. What tug games you played as kid?

Re: Tying up games as kid?

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 6:56 pm
by drawscore
We played "hide and go seek" but with a different set of rules. "It" was poorly tied up at the base, because we wanted him to get loose and chase the rest of us. He caught us by pulling a flag (scout neckerchief or bandana) from our belts, and took us back to the base, where he tied us up. If you could get loose, you were back in the game. If not, you sat there, tied up, and gagged with your flag. Last person caught was "it" for the next round.

There was also "team chase," which was like "hide and go seek," but no one was tied to start. Usually two teams with eight or fewer players. With nine, three teams of three; with 10, two teams of five; never had 11, but twice, we had 12, and divided off into four teams of three.

If you could get loose, you were back in the game. If two were captured, they could help each other get loose, and there were times when playing with three teams, when two boys from different teams were caught, got each other loose, and struck a bargain to team up against the third team before turning on each other. The team that had players left in the game when all members of the other team(s) were caught and tied, won.

We were between 10 and 15. A little old for "cops and robbers" or "cowboys and Indians," but we did like to tie each other up. Getting tied, was another matter. We preferred to be the captor, rather than the captive, but did go along, first, because we didn't want to be called "wussies" by the others, and second, because we knew that our turn to be the captor would come, usually before the day was out, and almost certainly, within the next 24 hours.


Re: Tying up games as kid?

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 11:54 pm
by Silkenvixen
One time I played Kidnapped Scientist, in which I was the kidnapper and my friend was the scientist I kidnapped at "gunpoint" and tied him to a chair in the attic, gagged him, telling him I wanted his secret formula. After some unsuccessful attempts (and untying the knot on his hands) he got free and overpowered me, tying and gagging me on the floor.

Naturally, just as the game was getting good, the call to supper was yelled upstairs. I had to be ungagged so I could yell back, but the problem was that for whatever reason there was impatience and before he could get me untied, my dad and older sister came up the stairs.....I already had the bondage bug in me (though I didn't know it even had a name) and I was scared to death I'd be found out, even though there was no way it would happen, I was still scared and yelling at Rusty to hurry! But I was securely tied hand and good when Dad and sister came up and saw us. I yelled, panicked, that we were just having a rope tying contest...Dad said if he ever needed anything tied he'd call on Rusty. I was untied and he went home, I went to supper, nothing more was ever said about it, thankfully.

Nowadays I wonder why I was so panicked.

Re: Tying up games as kid?

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 5:36 am
by leahjstaples1234
I played capture as many girls as possible and was on the girls side. Evaded capture for 1 hour, then fell into a trap.