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I might be in BIG trouble

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2022 8:20 am
by Sockgaggedman
The title says it all, I might be f*cked!
Last night I was bored, so I decided to gag myself for a bit while I watch some bondage videos. I had some socks at arms length and I could have gone full on stuff gagging, but I had just brushed me teeth and having anything inside my mouth at that time just didn't quite sit right. So I went for a simple over the mouth gag, not even a cleave gag, consisting of two pretty large, pretty wide black socks stretched one above the other over my lower face.

I started preparing and here I began my row of mistakes.
Mistake nr.1: I decided to turn off my lamp, so if anyone walked by the hallway they would just think I was asleep;
Mistake nr.2: Even though it is flipping summer, bloody middle of July, I took out my thin blanket and placed it over myself so that, if someone were to actually come in, I would hastily undo the gag from under its cover;
Mistake nr.3: I just so happened to pick the softest, most comfortable socks I had (being dress socks almost), that gently hugged my lips and my jaw.

All these "mistakes" may sound like simple preparation for a fun gag night! Individually, they do, but combined they make for a perfect scenario to fall asleep in without even quite realizing it!

And sure enough, I adjusted the gag, I put on the bondage video ( which was [mention]bondagefreak[/mention]'s compilation of gag scenes) and I started getting dizzy after not even half of the almost four minute video! Usually, I may dare say that I consider myself a smart individual, so what I did next really hit a personal nerve and almost changed that opinion. So what did I do, dear reader, after seeing that I started to get sleepy? Did I rise up and take a few steps near the bed to awake myself a bit? Did I drink some water to achieve the same effect? Or did I finally call it night time, undo the gag and go on to the dream world? Put your answers in the comment section below!
Upss, too late! I did none such rational thing! Instead, after seeing that I was first awake when that guy was gagged with orange tape, and then last awake at the police gagging (for those who know) I simply shrugged my sleepy head off and tried continuing the video. I think tried might be too big of a word, actually, because I went to sleep instantly!

And that brings me to today, to now as I stand here, typing this, ungagged. And here the trouble begins:
I don't remember ungagging myself last night! I DON'T remember ungagging myself last night! I might have woken up in my sleep, as I have been told I do by family members after family vacations, and surely I would have remove the biding from over my mouth, but I don't recall that eighter!

There is another possibility to what has happened to my gag, which scares me to the core and made me write this! You see, I usually wake up at 10-11 AM in summer vacation time as I try to compensate for the sleep lost for exam days. But my mother does no such thing and wakes up early, tidies up the house and so on... This tiding up also brings her to my room, where she usually just opens the door to air out the place. I think you know where I'm going with this. There might be a possibility, even the smallest, that she went in, saw me there with what appeared as a black mass around my mouth and got closer to investigate.
I find this unlikely, as surely she would have woken me up and confronted me about it, and that I surely WOULDN'T forget!

But I simply don't knowww! When I woke up my phone was still in my bed ( thank God I decided to watch that piece of video on here on TUG Videos and not on a site where another one would have followed, for then I would have been 100% screwed!). The two socks were not over my mouth anymore, but rested untied under my body, which still gives me hope that I have undone them myself over the night's passing. But as always, I simply can't be certain!

I know that from an outside perspective, if indeed my mother found me, this might seem like the perfect opportunity to simply get the elephant out of the room and tell my parents about these likings of mine, but now is not the moment. Frankly, I don't think that the moment will ever come as I plan to keep this a secret for as long as I have days to live! :lol:

And before you say it, yes, I know it was very irresponsible of me to go to sleep with a gag still on, and believe me, before I even got into this bondage some two years ago I went through all the awful stories of choking hazards. Thankfully, I was in no danger as the gag neighter restricted my air flow, nor did it have any component in my actual mouth that could slip in. Regardless, I pray that you don't follow in my stupidity and act supervised when attempting such antics, and if that be not possible, at least act safe!

Now pray for me, as I'm about to go to the kitchen, since standing in my room for longer would only make me look suspicious, and there I will find out if I plan on attending the next family reunion or not!
I might come back with an update when/if the truth is revealed!

Re: I might be in BIG trouble

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2022 12:13 pm
by DeeperThanRed
This sounds like it could be a fun experience if it wasn't for the possibility of getting caught.

Now, I don't know much about your mother but I feel like if she had removed the gag personally, she'd likely wake you up. Or even if she didn't, you'd notice something was amiss with her behavior in the morning.

It's perfectly normal to wake up for a short while during the night, do something small and not retain any memory of it. So I wouldn't worry about it too much.

Don't get me wrong, I'd also be worried if I was in your position but try not to trouble yourself. :)

And stay safe while doing safe-bondage, as always.

Re: I might be in BIG trouble

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2022 1:25 am
by drawscore
Two bits of advice:

1. The motto of the boy scouts, is "Be Prepared." When the scouts' founder, Lord Baden Powell was asked "Be prepared for what?" his answer was "Why, for any old thing."

2. For as long as I can remember, there has always been "Murphy's Law," which states "If anything CAN go wrong, it WILL go wrong, and usually at the worst possible moment." If you engage in self-bondage, and do not take adequate preparations and precautions, you may expect a visit from Murphy.


Re: I might be in BIG trouble

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2022 9:54 am
by uemndlr
Seconding the "waking up and not remembering" thing: ... icle1.html ... 9d2084f896

And even if your mum finds out, maybe you can shrug it off as "I was just trying something out, don't see the big deal".

Re: I might be in BIG trouble

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2022 4:18 pm
by rtbw
[mention]Sockgaggedman[/mention] Just wondering if there's an update. I hope everything shook out okay.

I just remembered, there were times when I self-tied, went to sleep, and woke up untied without knowing when I did that. This was when I lived by myself. Or even I'd just sleep in a superhero costume and wake up without some of the pieces on like my mask or gloves. Maybe something like that's what happened to you too, and I hope everything came out well

Re: I might be in BIG trouble

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2022 5:53 pm
by Sockgaggedman
( a huge thanks to everyone who took time from their day to comment: [mention]DeeperThanRed[/mention], [mention]drawscore[/mention], [mention]uemndlr[/mention] and especially to [mention]rtbw[/mention], who gave me the initiative to write this)

So, after writing the original topic I went, as I said, to the kitchen, where I greeted my mother with the softest and most accentuated french I could pronounce ( God save Duo Lingo and my month long streak!):
" Bonjour maman! Comment allez-vous? Avez-vous bien dormi?"
Being a french teacher, she responded well to my attempt at the language, and she tried to get us to converse a bit, yet since Duo Lingo has only brought me SO far, I had to give her an "english, please". We laughed and carried on with our individual business.

Since we were alone in the kitchen, I stayed in there longer than usual, taking my sweet time in washing my plate with the dreaded thought that she will most likely say something, and I'd rather she said it there between just our four eyes.

She didn't say anything, however, and I was not so stupid as to ask her about "noticed something weird last night", because surely that question would be followed by "was there something weird to be noticed last night?" - question to which I'd rather have not given the answer to.

Having a full week pass since that day, I think I can say surely that, (thankfully), there will be no need for an additional, less pleasing update to follow.

As for waking up in the dead of night and not remembering anything, I think I can also pretty safely say that my original statement was written when I was still adrenaline fueled and fearful of what interrogation might await me in the room below. All the comments and explications you guys gave were all very logical and I am thankful to have received them, as they helped greatly at calming me down!
Just as an experiment, I paid closer attention to the full bottle of water that I keep near the foot of my bed, to which I had waken up daily being half full, while of course not retaining any memory of drinking it at like 5 AM :lol:

Thankfully, it all ended well with me unharmed and my secret still undivulged, though it could have been much Much worse...

Re: I might be in BIG trouble

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2022 11:04 pm
by rtbw
Thanks for following up, [mention]Sockgaggedman[/mention]. I'm glad things turned out in the most ideal way possible.

But if I may...even if your mother found you in your state, it would indeed have been uncomfortable to say the least but I think things would still have turned out well. She sounds like a wonderful person in your life