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Re: Warhammer fans?

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2022 11:14 pm
by MtnReign
honourthechapter1775 wrote: 2 years ago An good old Nulun oil it's good in doses I tend to do a lot of my power swords with it to finish that metallic rustic effect to it. I probably make it out to be better than it is as my painting skills aren't great.
Mine are subpar at best, I'd rather leave my minis primed than mess them up I guess. I think if I ever got anything big like Mortarian or any of the other demon princes then I'd probably send them off to be professionally painted.

Re: Warhammer fans?

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2022 8:15 am
by honourthechapter1775
That's not too bad of an idea to be fair I'm the same when it comes to painting tanks, I'd love to paint free handed but it's much harder than people make it out to be.

Re: Warhammer fans?

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2022 3:20 pm
by MtnReign
honourthechapter1775 wrote: 2 years ago That's not too bad of an idea to be fair I'm the same when it comes to painting tanks, I'd love to paint free handed but it's much harder than people make it out to be.
Oh you have some vehicle units? That's really nice. I'll admit that I typically won't free hand it without a few reference pictures and even then I feel like I don't do it justice. There are tons of YT channels out there who do speedpaints and such, but they make it look really easy and I've never figured out how they do it.

Re: Warhammer fans?

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2022 9:06 am
by honourthechapter1775
I do yeah so far I have a land raider, razorback and a predator and I do intend to add a few more units to my armoured convoy eventually. I also have a host of cavalry as I moved onto collecting space wolves the other year. I do intend to begin a small contingent of guard to escort my marines. Mostly going to anvil industries for a lot of the part since gw got rid of most of the regiments a whole ago.I'm staring up steel legion which have always been my favourite regiment of guard.

Re: Warhammer fans?

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2022 2:04 pm
by MtnReign
honourthechapter1775 wrote: 2 years ago I do yeah so far I have a land raider, razorback and a predator and I do intend to add a few more units to my armoured convoy eventually. I also have a host of cavalry as I moved onto collecting space wolves the other year. I do intend to begin a small contingent of guard to escort my marines. Mostly going to anvil industries for a lot of the part since gw got rid of most of the regiments a whole ago.I'm staring up steel legion which have always been my favourite regiment of guard.
That's awesome, I haven't heard of them actually. Most of my CSM are a mix of Blackstone fortress, deathguard, poxwalkers and a few others. I have a few khorne boys but they weren't painted by me and look pretty nice. I've been contemplating trying to build out a bunch of Iron Warriors as they're my favorite, but just haven't had the time.

Re: Warhammer fans?

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2022 11:38 am
by honourthechapter1775
That is quite a combination of models you have there, can't easy I'm a huge fan of chaos accept maybe for khorne just don't tell the inquisition that. Iron warriors are a fairly good warband from what I have seen of them in battle reports just wish games workshop would come out with individual chapters or warbands instead of having to go to forge world which is over priced of third party retailers