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Whips and Chains Girl (M/F),(FFF/M),(M/F),(F/M)

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2020 9:10 pm
by Lost_the_keys
By request, reposted for a limited tine. Enjoy and leave a comment!

Complete story:

I don't know where they found here... "whips and chains girl”... but like a stray someone brought home, she was here to stay.

We had a good group of friends from college. It was our Junior year, we had all moved out of the dorms by now and were in either houses or apartments.

Following an evening out at the bars or club on a Friday or Saturday night, someone in our group of friends would usually offer to have everyone over for an 'after bar' party. This is when I met Amy. A few girls were renting a small house which was actually just across the road from my apartment, so it made going over for an after bar party quite convenient.

Unlike the rest of the group, Any was not a college student. She was a manager at a Dominoes Pizza. It wasn't even in our college town, it was in a little town about 45 minutes away, she even lived there. I never saw her at the bars or club when we were out. She just started appearing at the parties. Not to be rude, I never really asked or found out the connection.

One of the girls hosting the party, Michelle, a girl I had dated during my freshman year introduced me to her. Apparently she was the one who knew Amy.

Amy was in later-twenties (maybe 27-28), unlike the 19-20-21 ages of our group of friends. She was about 5'4", slender build, smaller chest, long dark wavy hair, sort of a plain face. Amy's most attractive quality (in my opinion) was her sexy legs and cute little feet. Most guys didn't seem to give her much attention. She was wearing a grey hoodie, jeans shorts with dark tan pantyhose (giving her pale legs some color) and black flats.

I chatted with Any for a bit a number of times that night. It was hard to avoid her as she had perched herself on the kitchen counter, sitting right next to the fridge sipping away on some mixed drink.

As the evening progressed, Amy was flirting and would try and hold the fridge shut with her legs and feet when I came for a new beer.

"Is this suppose to stop me?" I laughed, pointing at her feet reaching to her right and pressing against the fridge door handle. (I'm a big guy, 6'2", probable about 210 at the time. I had played a lot of football, but had transitioned to Rugby in college.)

"Of course it is!" she smartly replied.

Reaching out, I pulled off her shoes.

"Hey!" she playfully protested, her nylon clad feet still covering the door handle.

I opened the freezer, set her shoes inside it way in the back (out of her reach) and grinned as I closed the freezer door.

Reaching down, I grabbed one of her cute little feet with my hand, my fingers on the other poised to tickle the exposed sole, "We can do this the easy way, or we can do it the fun way..."

I think she liked my hands on her feet as she took a while, grinning back at me, before replying, "You better behave Mister! Don't make me bring the whips and chains next time to take care of you!"

Having briefly dated one of the girls hosting the party a few years ago and knowing she was pretty openly into bondage, I asked, "Hey Michelle, you still have your handcuffs?"

"Yeah, is Amy acting up again? They're in one of my top dresser drawers, go lock her up!"

Before she knew what was going on, I had picked up Amy and tossed her over my shoulder and started across the crowded kitchen, around the table of people playing cards, and toward the bedrooms.

"Michelle! You bitch!" Amy jokingly screamed in mock protest as I carried her away to the cheers of all in the room. "Oh I'm definitely bringing the whips and chains for you Mister!" she teased as her arms and legs flailed helplessly.

"Yeah, Yeah... Promises, promises!"

Getting up the stairs to the bedrooms, I held Amy over my shoulder as I started to rummage through Michelle's dresser.

"Hey Michelle, I can't find them!" I shouted down the stairs.

"Shit! I must have left them at Jason's place." (Her boyfriend who had to work late tonight and wouldn't be at the party until much later) "Just tie her ass up instead then!"

"Ok, I'm sure I can find something." I shouted back down.

I flipped Amy off my shoulder onto the bed.

"Any last words?" I asked, holding up a fistful of assorted tights and pantyhose I had grabbed from Michelle's dresser drawer.

Unable to hide her anticipation as I sat on the bed beside her, she turned toward me and slid her legs over into my lap with a sly grin, "You better not tie me up!" she dared me as she crossed her ankles.

I held up a pair of black tights and began wrapping around and between them, knotting snugly between her ankles, then used a another pair of black tights and tied Any's legs below her knees.

Without being asked, Amy turned her torso, holding her wrists crossed for me in the small of her back, "Do what you want, I'll be free and out of this in no time at all... Then YOU are in trouble Mister!"

"We'll see, won't we."

I picked up a pair of tan pantyhose from the assorted pile of hosiery on the bed beside us, "These are almost as sexy as the pair you are wearing tonight."

"You think so?" she said, looking down at her pantyhose clad legs.

"I do. We'll see how this pair looks on you as well."

I began to wrap them around and between her crossed wrists, pulling them snug, and knotting them several times along the way. Amy twisted her wrists and gave a bit of a pull against them, almost letting out a soft moan as she did.

"I'll definitely be out of this in no time."

"Who said I was done yet?" knowing that she indeed would have been stuck how I had already tied her.

"Look! Matching set!" holding up an identical pair of tan pantyhose, I added them to her wrists, restraining her even more.

Amy wiggled her bound feet and hands, seeming to enjoy the situation she now found herself in.

"Not free yet? Come on! I would have been out of that and back to my beer a long time ago!"

"Oh you think so? I'd love to see that!"

"Fine, you get yourself free and then you can TRY and tie me up."

"Not try, you have to let me like I let you."

"Ok, that's fine, but you still need to get out first."

Holding up a pair of black knee high nylons, one dangling from each hand, "Almost done with you! Sounded like Mochelle wanted you tied up good. We don't want to disappoint her now do we?"

I stretched out and wrapped one of the knee highs a few times around her wrists and finished with a few knots. Taking the last one, I wrapped it around the pantyhose between her wrists, knotting it after every wrap between them.

"You comfortable?" I asked as Amy tested her bonds. "How do you like that? Nice and soft, snug but not too tight, that can be a challenge using pantyhose to tie like this."

"I'm fine. Besides, I'll be out of these nylons soon enough." she explained

"Well, hopefully not ALL of them." I added, my hand rubbing along her legs from her bound knees to her bound ankles as she eagerly smiled at me.

I picked up the remaining hosiery and returned it to Michelle's dresser drawer. Tossing Amy back over my shoulder, I carried her downstairs and set her back in her same spot on the counter. We were greated with applause and many compliments of how good she looked all tied up.

Amy seemed to love the attention, "Just wait until I get free, you're next!"

Michelle laughed, "Good luck Amy! Been there, done that! We'll have to untie you later when we get around to it. You're NOT going anywhere in that!"

Holding her bound ankles with one hand, I opened the fridge door without any interference and got the beer I had previously been denied. "See how easy that is now?" I teased Amy as she sat there, her hands and feet squirming in their nylon bondage.

"You enjoy that beer, I'll be out soon enough and I'm tying your cocky ass up!"

Michelle laughed at Amy's threat, "Now I would like to see that! I may even help."

"Not going to happen and you both know it."

"Sorry Amy, but he's probably right. Your ass is stuck." Michelle explained.

Amy resumed squirming but made no progress at loosening even a single knot or pulling free from her binds. Every once in a while, I would check her restraints to make sure they weren't too tight, but she was fine.

As the party was winding down, I walked over to Amy. Standing in fromt of her, I asked, "Well, last chance before I go... You get free yet?" my hands tugging at the tights around her still bound ankles, then rubbing up her calves in the sheer pantyhose before checking the tights tied below her knees... She had done nothing in all that squirming to loosen the binds.

"I'm almost out, you're not going anywhere! I'm still tying you up!"

I reached my arms around Amy's body, rubbing my hands down her arms to her still bound wrists and checked them. "You're not even close to getting out of this. I guess it will be up to Michelle to decide when she wants to let you go."

"It might be a little while, I'll probably be all 'tied up' myself when Jason gets here in a little bit."

Michelle raised her arms above her head, holding her wrists crossed together as she giggled, everyone knowing she was looking forward to getting tied to the bed for some kinky fun.

"Hey now!" Amy protested.

"What? Your drunk ass was crashing here tonight anyway. It's not like you're in any shape to go anywhere!" Michelle teased. "Would you be so kind as to dump her on the couch for the night." Michelle asked, giving me a wink.

"Sure, think she'll stay there?" I asked.

"Probably. If not, I can always call you up and you can run across the road and take care of her for me. Oh yeah, and bring your own ropes, mine will hopefully be 'in use' by then!"

"Ok, I can do that." I laughed.

I picked up Amy, tossed her over my shoulder and carried her off to the living room and set her down on the couch.

"You are NOT leaving me here ALL ALONE, tied up like this!" she playfully pleaded.

"Michelle will be upstairs, she can always let you out when you want to be. Or... if they're 'busy', you can always hop your tied up ass over to my place and beg a little and I'll consider leting you out!"

I tipped Amy over on the couch, gave one last check of her binds and covered her up with a blanket that was laying over the back of the couch.

"You better not leave me here! That's it, I'm bringing the whips and chains for you next time!"

"Have a good night!" I said as I waved and headed out.

Talking to Michelle when I saw her a few days later, she had said that she offered and tried to untie Amy a little while after I left, but she refused, claiming that she was almost out and wanted to do it herself. Well it turned out, Michelle had to untie Amy the next morning!


It had been a few weeks now, the after bar party had moved between a few other friend's houses. Strangely, still no Amy sightings at the bars when we were out, or the other parties.

It was a Saturday and Michelle and her roommates had invited the gang over again. Everyone went out to the bar early, then some went to the party while a bunch of us went to the big hockey game and hit the party after it.

By time I got to the party, there were already a number of people there with the crowd growing as everyone else came over after the game. Everyone was in great spirits from our team winning over a big regional rivalry.

I opened the beer I had walked over with and started making my way around the place, talking with my friends.

Michelle greated me with a sly grin, "You see Amy yet? I think she's looking for an excuse for you to tie her up again tonight, if you're game for it? I left some ropes and stuff out on my dresser just in case. I know you enjoyed that last time!"

"You know I did! I think "whips and chains girl" needs to get tied again." I reached into my pocket and pulled out a piece of white nylon rope.

"I love it you freak!" Michelle complimented... "Always prepared! I love that. I'm sure she'll find a way to 'start' trouble again and give you a very good excuse to tie her up."

"We'll see! Where is she?"

"In the kitchen I think, ready to spring her trap!"

"What trap?"

"You'll see!" Michelle replied with a sly grin. "Go deal with Amy, you still have another surprise coming later!"

"What surprise?"

"You'll see!!" Michelle giggled, "I made sure you'll enjoy it!"

Wondering what she had in mind, I headed to the kitchen for another beer and to see what sort of trouble awaited me there.

What a surprise... as I walked into the kitchen, there was Amy, sitting on the counter right by the fridge just like last time, trying her best to flirt with any of the guys getting a beer. She was pretty pathetic with none of the guys even stopping to talk with her.

Tonight Amy was wearing a black sweater, a gray scarf dangling around her neck, a mid-thigh length jeans skirt, gray colored sheer pantyhose and knee high black boots.

As she noticed me across the room, I could see a seductive smile on her face as she started to unzip and remove each of her boots, setting them on the counter behind her, probably not wanting to see them stuffed in the freezer like last time.

Having safely placed her boots behind her, she rubbed her fingertips seductively up her unique shiny gray pantyhose, knowing she had my attention. Somehow I think Michelle had sold me out and told Amy about my nylon fetish.

Michelle was whispering to her fried Ash (Ashley) as they sipped their mixed drinks. Ash and Michelle had gone to high school together with Ash being a year behind her in school, but they had known each other and been good friends forever. I had chatted with Ash at a few other parties and she seemed pretty cool. Apparently Michelle had fully briefed Ash on what was about to happen and she seemed pretty interested.

Michelle pointed and waved at me to go get Amy. Both girls laughed to themselves, obviously, Ash was clued in as to what was going on.

I just shook my head at Michelle and Ash as they giggled to themselves.

As I approached the fridge, Amy held her legs and feet out toward me in an effort to block me. "You're in trouble now Mister! I got free!"

Reaching out and grabbing Amy's ankles, my hands rubbing her silky feet in the gray pantyhose, "You did? I seem to remember you all tied up on the couch when I went home. Go ask Michelle, she had to let you out! As for the being free part, we can easily resolve that little problem!"

Hearing Michelle's voice right behind me, "Looks like you lost that challenge big guy! Amy got free from YOUR crappy tying work, and as agreed, now it's Amy's turn to tie you up however she wants!"

I turned to see Michelle and Ash right behind me, grinning from ear to ear. "You traitor (directed at Michelle)... and you (directed at Ash) are just a bad!"

"Whatever!" Ash teased back, "You're cocky ass will look good all tied up."

"He does look good tied up!" Michelle added, "Speaking from past experience, of course!"

Michelle and Ash, each grabbed one of my arms and pulled them behind my back. I could see they were determined to go through with this, so I cooperated as they turned me toward them, my back now facing Amy as she wrapped her silky legs around me. The look of pure enjoyment on Michelle's and Ash's faces was priceless, loving how this had turned on me.

"You're going to cooperate Mister, if not, I'll have to get my whips and chains!" Amy playfully threatened.

Amy crossed my wrists in the small of my back, as her legs kept hold of me around my waist, her cute feet and ankles locked tightly together in front of me. She began wrapping what felt like a pair of pantyhose around and between my crossed wrists.

I had a great view of Amy's cute little feet and legs in the silky gray pantyhose right in front of me. I would have loved to have my hands back on them again, but my wrists were now tied with one pair of pantyhose and Amy was busy wrapping them in a second pair.

With her legs wrapped around me and her still sitting on the counter, my hands were forced between her thighs and up under her skirt as she worked on tying me. I rubbed a little on each silky inner thigh as she continued tying my wrists, not seeming to mind my hands rubbing her at all. In fact, I think she even slowed down her tying efforts to enjoy my hands on her even longer.

"We'll see how these look on YOU this time!" she joked.

Michelle and Ash stood right in front of me like bouncers, both giggling as they watched Amy wrap and tie my wrists.

"See, I told you!" Michelle said to Ash. busting me checking out Amy pantyhose coveted legs and feet.

"You were definitely right!" Ash replied smiling. "He has a major stocking fetish! This could be fun..." Around my left wrist....

"Hey now, the challenge was to get out of your tying, not handcuffs!" Around my right wrist....

"These are just to make sure you cooperate. There is no way I can carry you off to Michelle's room to finish tying you up."

"Alright, but this is not part of the challenge!"

"Fine." Amy agreed. "You cooperate with WHATEVER you are asked to do, and the cuffs come off. Deal?"

"Deal." I agreed.

"Deal!" both Michelle and Ash added in unison.

"So Mister, you free yet and on your way to get another beer?" Amy taunted. Her legs holding me back against her, my hands still tucked under her skirt and rubbing her inner thighs.

"What are you going to do with him now?" Ash asked inquisitively.

"Finish tying him up! Michelle has everything all set out and ready."

"Make sure you do a good job on him. I don't want him getting free TOO quickly!" Michelle instructed. "He'll probably tie is all up at that point."

"He gets out, I'll tie his ass up next!" Ash offered.

"You think so Ash?" I challenged.

"You might be surprised!" Ash replied, giving me a wink and crossing her wrists behind her back. "I might even let you tie me up first..."

"You tease!" Michelle said, giving Ash a slap on her ass.

"Who said I was teasing? I don't even have him tied up... at least not yet." Ash replied, rubbing her ass where Michelle had slapped her, "Mmmmm, that was nice!"

Michelle had definitely been at work here, divulging my bondage and nylon fetishes to Ash, who most likely shared them as well.

"Let's go Mister." Amy directed as she slid off the counter and marched me up to Michelle's bedroom.

Ash and Michelle seemed to enjoy the view of me walking away, wrists bound and cuffed behind me.

Amy lead the way up the steps, by now also unquestionably having been told by Michelle all about my nylon fetish (possibly even before last time). She knew loosing her boots and letting me watch her walk around in just her her pantyhose clad feet and legs would drive me crazy.

When she reached the top step, Amy stopped and turned toward me, "On your knees slave boy, kiss my feet!" Amy was almost gritty, so excited to be in control and relishing the role.

Seeing how much Amy was enjoying this, I stopped a few steps short of her, knelt down on the steps, leaned forward and began to kiss each of Amy's toes as they stuck out over the edge of the step. The tip of my tongue teased lightly over the tip of each one, then I kissed along the top of each foot up to her ankles and back down to her toes. She really did have cute little feet and they looked incredible in the gray pantyhose.

"VERY good slave, you may get up."

Amy led me around the corner and down the short hallway to Michelle's bedroom, locking the door behind us after we got inside.

As promised, Michelle had left an assortment of items on her dresser. Amy looked through the collection of various length ropes, scarves, assorted hosiery, and a roll of duct tape.

Amy turned back to me, "Now we play our little game you agreed to where you do whatever I ask you. Do as I ask, and you will be rewarded, if you don't, well...we'll have to see what that leads to. Somehow, I think you will want do exactly what I ask you to do."

Amy gave me a big grin, her hands tugging at the waist of her jeans skirt and letting it fall down her legs to the floor. She stepped out of it, "Please pick that up for me and put it on the dresser. This is your reward for kissing my feet."

Rather than awkwardly trying to reach her skirt with my hands tied and cuffed in the small of my back, I decided to kneel again, picking up her skirt with my teeth and setting it on the dresser. I turned so my bound hands could fold it nicely.

"Very good slave boy." Amy complimented.

"You really like me in these pantyhose, don't you?" she asked.

"Very much, you've got very attractive legs and feet. They look incredible in those pantyhose! They would look even better tied with that pile of ropes."

"Michelle sold you out slave boy. Not only in helping me get you tired up tonight, but she also told me all about your stockings and pantyhose fetish and that you are into bondage. Not sure how you expect to tie me though, you appear to still be quite stuck yourself."

"No problem at all. I could tie you up, with a little cooperation of course."

"Oh you could, could you...hmmm. Your turn to loose your shoes and pants, and remember the agreement."

I slipped off my shoes, "Would you help loosen my belt for me. Tied like this, there's no way my hands can reach around in front of me."

"I suppose." she said, "Turn around."

Reaching her arms around my body, she loosened my belt and helped to slide my jeans down my legs. I stepped out of the jeans as Amy picked them up and tossed them across the room, "You don't need these anymore."

"What if I need a beer?"

"I guess someone will have to bring you one."

Standing behind me, Amy rubbed one of her silky feet and legs along mine as she started to uncuff my wrists. "Just because the cuffs are coming off, doesn't mean you don't have to do as I ask."

Free of the cuffs, my hands twisted and tugged against the still snug pantyhose tied around my wrists.

Amy reached over and set the cuffs on the dresser.

A few more twists and hard pulls at the pantyhose and I pulled my left wrist out of Amy's tying work, holding up my hands in front of me, the tan pantyhose still wrapped around my right wrist.

"Perfect timing! Now you're all ready for these." Amy said, picking up the pile of ropes from on the dresser. "Hmmm, where to tie you?"

Amy looked at Michelle's queen size bed, with a very bondage friendly headboard and footboard and at the sturdy wooden chair in front of a table Michelle used as a computer desk. (I was not about to offer up the fact that Michelle had very successfully tied me to both of them on prior occasions, much less HOW she did it. I wanted to let her have her fun trying to tie me, then get out and get her back in the ropes the rest of the night)

"Have a seat Mister, time to see how YOU like being tied up!"

"You up for this big talker?" I asked as I pulled the chair away from the desk and sat down in it. "What if I don't cooperate and make this a real challenge?"

"Hey now! You said you would cooperate and let me tie you up." Amy pleaded.

"That was if YOU got out of MY tying, but we both know that didn't happen."

"Yes I did, eventually. It was MIchelle who started untying me. I untied my legs after I had my hands free."

"That doesn't count and you know it."

"I suppose you're right. But I was enjoying it too much, I didn't want it to end AND yes, I really couldn't get myself free even when I was really trying to."

"Michelle should have warned you I was good at that."

"Oh she did, but that's the point of it, to really be stuck, all tied up and unable to do anything or get out. I had hoped if I dressed a little sexy tonight with these new pantyhose that you would still let me try tying you up anyway. I even stripped for you."

"Loosing your skirt isn't really stripping." I joked.

"Fine." she replied.

Amy set the pile of ropes on the bed, pulled the thin scarf from around her neck, setting it on the bed as well, followed quickly by her black sweater, leaving her in only a black lace bra and the shiny gray pantyhose.

Reaching behind her back, Amy undid her bra strap and removed it, revealing her b-cup breasts.

Playing on my weakness, she sat down on the bed, lifted her legs and rested them across my lap, then handed me a rope.

"I didn't think you wanted me to remove these." she stated rather confidently, rubbing her silky feet in my lap.

"You're right! Don't you dare take those pantyhose off."

"If you aren't going to let me tie you up, you can do whatever you want to me then." she offered with a seductive grin.

I began to tie Amy's ankles side-by-side, wrapping the long rope a number of times around them, then cinching and knotting between them. "Told you! Your legs look even better with the ropes."

“They do!” Amy agreed with a big smile on her face as she wiggled her bound feet.

"Go grab me a pair of knee high nylons." I instructed.

Amy shuffled over to the dresser, selected a pair of tan nylon knee highs and returned, handing them to me.

"Sit down again please, feet in my lap."

Amy quickly obeyed.

I wrapped and tightly tied each of the knee highs around the ropes and knots between her ankles several times. Amy watch closely, learning new tricks...

Finished with my tying work, my hands rubbed and caressed over Amy's silky feet and legs. "Well... I thought you wanted to try and tie me up?"

"OH HELL YES!!!!” Amy very eagerly replied. Up to this point, she still wasn’t sure if I was going to allow her to tie me up, despite her efforts to convince me to by stripping and allowing me to partially tie her up.

"Well?" I asked still sitting in the chair with Amy's bound feet laying across my lap as she sat on the bed.

"Sorry!" she said, giggling with excitement. "Your hands feel so good on me, I don't want you to stop. I didn't think you would really let me tie you up and it feels so good being tied like this... Ok, time to tie you up now!!"

Amy stood up, shuffled around behind me, bringing the pile of ropes with her. Kneeling down, she placed my right wrist against one of the sturdy wood rungs on the chair back and began wrapping around my wrist and the chair rung, tying a tight knot every few wraps. Some ended up where I could easily reach them, others I couldn't even touch.

I don't think her tying work was pretty, but there was a lot of it! From time to time, Amy cinched or wrapped between my wrist and the chair rung or ran the rope ends back through the middle of all the tying, making it impossible to feel what was what by time she had finished. I think it was just more luck than a plan, but it would prove to be quite challenging.

Taking another equally long piece of rope, Amy tied my left wrist to a chair back rung in the same fashion. My hands were far enough apart, that my fingertips could just touch, but not close enough where either hand could reach to help untie the other. I don't know if this was her plan or just how it worked out, but this was yet another complication to my escape.

Slowly crawling around the chair, Amy side my ankles together and began wrapping them with with another of the white nylon ropes. To finish, she cinched and knotted snugly between them like I had done to her.

Taking the remaining long ends of the rope, Amy pushed my feet back under the chair, tying the rope ends to one of the horizontal support rungs and tied several knots, all of which were hopelessly out of my reach. My feet were now tightly bound and pulled back under the middle of the chair.

Reaching back behind the chair, Amy grabbed the rope ends from each wrist and ran them under the chair, using them to wrap a few times around my ankles, finishing with a quick cinch and couple of knots between them. The rope ends needed to untie my wrists were now running down under the chair and tied around my ankles, hopelessly out of reach.

Amy looked up as she knelt beside the chair, a look of accomplishment on her face as she gave me a naughty grin, "I may not be as good as you, but I don't think you're getting out until I let you out later!"

"I have no problem admitting when you did a good job, and so far, it looks like you did a VERY good job! First time tying someone up?"

"Unfortunately yes. But I hope I can try this again… and again… and again!”

Slowly standing and shuffling around the chair, Amy took a rope and wrapped around my chest and arms about a half dozen times. She then ran each of the rope ends through the chair back rungs, then between my arms and torso, looping around the ropes running around my chest. When she gave a tug on the rope ends, it cinched up the rope around my chest and arms. She knotted the ends behind my back, well above the reach of my hands, then ran the ends one last time around to the front of me, tying them again and finishing off with a bow knot on top.

"Doesn't that look nice! You all wrapped up." Amy said, complimenting her own work. “Hmmm, What else can we use next?"

"What more do you need?" I asked.

"You just be quiet! I'm enjoying this and I’m not done with you yet."

Grabbing the two pair of black tights I had previously tied her legs with, Amy dropped them both in my lap.

Taking another rope off the bed, she proceeded to tie my legs just below my knees, finishing with a cinch wrap between them and a few snug knots.

She was really enjoying this. Hopefully she would want to be bound herself again and decide to release me after proving her point that I am stuck I though to myself.

Picking up the two pair of tights she had dropped in my lap, Amy balled them up and stuffed both into my mouth, then took the scarf she was wearing and wrapped it a few times around my head, cleve gagging me. She knotted it tightly right in my mouth, then tied a bow with the remaining bit of scarf.

"Too bad you were so quick to tie my feet. I could have straddled you for a while... Let you feel my silky legs and feet rubbing on yours. I'll bet you would have liked that." Any teased as she sat on the bed, her bound feet in my lap, her heels rubbing between my thighs.

"I know all this turns you on... my silky pantyhose rubbing on you... You letting me tie your ass up... You squirming helplessly, wanting to be able to have your way with me. I can feel you getting hard already. Will you let me watch you get hard, that is such a turn on for me!"

Damn this was turning into one kinky night! Far more than I had expected.

"Please??" Amy begged, giving her lips a seductive lick.

I nodded my approval as Amy giggled with enjoyment, quickly reaching out and freeing my shaft and balls through the fly of my black boxer briefs.

Amy was smiling ear to ear. Damn it felt good as she rubbed my cock between her silky feet.

"Wow! You are huge!" she complimented.

I didn't mind Amy staring at me like this, she had already stripped for me and pretty much begged me to tie her up and do what I wanted with her.

I figured since I gave her the opportunity to have a little fun and tie me up, she would be willing to do just about anything I wanted later.

I started to pull against the ropes, my hands twisting and turning in them, testing her work.

"That is so incredibly hot! Far more than I thought it would be seeing you bound and struggling like that. Damn!"

"I'm glad I can entertain you." I did my best to mumble through the gag.

"Oh you have my attention alright! Damn, I want to straddle you so bad. I never should have let you tie my feet. Maybe if I distract you enough, you will pretend not to notice me untying myself.”

Amy knelt down in front of me, her hands behind her workIng at freeing her ankles.

Leaning in closer, Amy took full advantage of the completely helpless position she had me in. She stroked my cock with one hand, teasing me from time to time with her tongue as her other hand worked to loosen the knots. There were times she needed both hands on the ropes, but she made sure her lips, tongue and mouth kept me VERY distracted.

It took Amy probably ten minutes to get the knee highs untied and off the ropes and another five minutes to get my knots out of the rope. As sad as I was to see her ankles now free, I loved it when she straddled me in the chair, her silky thighs and ass rubbing on my legs. She wrapped her legs around me so my bound hands could touch her silly legs and feet.

Grasping an ankle with each hand, "Now I have you!" I mumbled through the gag as she laughed at me.

Reaching down and grabbing my cock, "Now I have you!" she exclaimed as she began to rub the head of my shaft against herself.

She seemed to love it the more I struggled and pulled against the ropes. I continued to keep a hand clamped around each of her ankles as she squirmed in my lap.

Pulling her legs back, Amy stood up, "Time to get back to the party."


"You heard me just fine. You can sit here all tied up for a while like I had to. Maybe next time you tie me up, you'll finish the job and have a little more fun with me instead of just letting me sit there.”

Amy untied the rope from around her waist and held it up, the cuffs still attached and dangling from the middle of it.

“Don't worry, Michelle is crashing at Jason's tonight, so there is no hurry to let you out of all those ropes. And yes, I WILL be back to finish what I started. You keep playing nice and my offer to let you tie me up and do WHATEVER you want with me when I release you still stands... I hope tonight I'll be the one needing a gag!"

Amy leaned down and gave me a long slow lick from the base of my shaft to the tip. "I could do that for hours if you tied me and made me." she said with a smile.

Climbing onto the bed, Amy tied the cuffs to the middle of the headboard, the ran the rope ends a few feet to each side and tied them off with several knots. For claiming to have never tied someone up before, she seemed quite knowledgeable in little trying tricks, especially in making sure the rope ends were always well out of reach.

Laying on the bed, Amy rested her hands in the open cuffs, “ANYTHING YOU WANT… “ she seductively teased, “All you need to do is lock me up!”

Amy got up, starting to gather her clothes and get dressed.

Hiking up her skirt so she could straddle me again, she rubbed my cock against her wetness through her pantyhose, "Maybe if you don't get free I'll just tear these myself and take a ride on the huge cock of yours!"

Reaching down, she pulled at my boxer briefs and slid my cock back inside.

Wrapping her legs around me so my bound hands could feel her silky feet one last time, Amy gave me a kiss on the gag, "Don't go anywhere! I'll be back later."

Walking to the dresser, Any picked up a black silk scarf and walked behind me. Wrapping it twice around my head, she blindfolded me with it, knotting it on the back of my head.

"You keep the blindfold on, I'll keep my pantyhose on...."

“Ok.” I mumbled in agreement.

“Good!” She excitedly replied.

Reaching down behind me, I could feel Amy wrapping one of the knee high nylon stockings tightly over and around the rope and knots between my right wrist and the chair rung, pulling it tight and knotting after each wrap (just like I had dome with her ankles).

Moving to my left wrist, Amy did the same with the second tan knee high as she kissed my neck and whispered in my ear, “I’m a quick learner…”.

I heard the shuffle of Amy walking to the door, the click of the lock and door opening and quickly closing…..

I need a drink!


Amy had been gone about ten minutes. I had twisted, tugged, pulled, squirmed and strained against the ropes. I didn't have the ends of the ropes to untie any of it, that's if I could reach the knots. I was stuck in this chair until Amy decided she was ready to come back and have some fun with me.

Then I heard the doorknob slowly turning, "that was quick, Amy is back to play!" I thought to myself. The door creaked and opened, then quickly closed, the click of the lock and then nothing.

I could just make out soft footsteps moving toward me, then circling around the chair and stopping behind me and untying the blindfold.

Walking around and sitting on the bed in front of me was Ash!

She had a look of amazement and utter disbelief as she continued to look me over from head to toe, still completely bound as Amy had left me.

"Wow." is all she could say.

Her smile grew the closer she looked and realized how stuck I really was.

"This is fucking HOT! Michelle has always told me about her bobdage adventures, and how much it adds to everything, but I didn't expect this!"

Kicking off her shoes and pulling off her white crew length athletic socks, Ash revealed her sheer black pantyhose covered feet and ankles.

"Michelle told me how you both loved stockings and pantyhose, especially during all your bondage stuff. I love them too, so she had me wear some as a surprise for you. She said she thought I would have no problem getting you to tie me up in them." Ash said with a naughty grin, pulling her leggings higher up her calf to show off more of her pantyhose.

"I would love to, but I'm still a little tied up." I tried to mumble through the gag, pulling and tugging against the ropes.

Ash was 5'7", long, straight light brown hair with blond highlights that she almost always had in a pony tail, piercing blue eyes, and a tan complexion that she worked at keeping year round. She had a perky c-cup chest, flat stomach, nice rounded ass, toned legs and cute little feet. She played volleyball on the university team and as part of her sports scholarship, got free room and board on campus, so she still lived in a single dorm room.

"I had figured you would have got free and had Amy all tied up by now, but it looks like she used Michelle's entire bobdage toy collection on you."

"Pretty much." I agreed.

Standing up, Ash pulled her leggings off, fully revealing her sheer pantyhose. Spinning around in place to model them right in front of me and give me a full view, "Look, no panty lines!" highlighting the fact that she wasn't wearing any.

"Very nice!"

"Nice enough for you to tie me up in?" she teased. "I have always been interested when Michelle talked about it. After seeing you tie Amy up at the last party, I decided I wanted to try it."

"Oh he'll yes!"

Ash straddled me in the chair and gave me a guick kiss on my gag before removing the scarf, "We might need to try one of these later!"

I pushed the tigjts and panties out of my mouth, Ash laughing as they fell to the floor.

"That's ok, I have lots of those back at my dorm. I love wearing them under my leggings in the winter. We'll have to see if I need more for bondage stuff too!"

She could see my bound hands straining to touch her sexy legs and quickly pulled them away.

"Hey now!" I protested.

"Hey what? Looks like I'm in charge here. If I let you touch my legs, what do I get to do?"

"Well, given my current bound state, any damn thing you want to."

"Now that sounds like fun!"

Ash wrapped her legs closer, allowing my bound hands to caress them.

"That feels good!" she said. "You better give me a good foot massage in my pantyhose later when you get your turn to tie me up. I've heard you can do great things with your hands... and your mouth!"

"Yes to tying your sexy ass up and a definately yes to my hands ALL over you once you are."

"I like that. Did I mention that I have kind of liked you for a while?" Ash said as she leaned in to kiss me, her hands rubbing down my arms as I strained against the ropes.

"You have no idea how hot that is, having you struggle like that, but not being able to do anything!"

"I have an idea."

"Smartass!!" Ash gave me a playful slap on my cheek followed by another deep kiss as I strained against the ropes again.

By now, my cock was hard as ever and Ash knew it. Reaching down, she pulled it free from my boxer briefs, her hand giving it a good squeeze, then stroking up and diwn it. "So... you want me to ride you like the stud you are or you want to get untied and go back down for a beer?"

"Flip a coin on it?" I sarcastically suggested.

"You ass!" she teased, getting up off me and walking to the dresser.

Digging through one of Michelle's other dresser drawers, Ash held up a package with a pair of thigh high stockings in it. Standing right in front of me, Ash slowly pulled her pantyhose down her tan legs, then sitting on the edge of the bed, pulled on the sheer black thigh high stockings, the lace tops coming up to her mid thighs.

"Ok, my turn to say 'wow' now." I complimented.

"Why thank you! I might untie you and take you home later if you keep that up."

Before straddling me again, Ash pulled off her tight fitting long sleeve black t-shirt and sports bra, her breasts now right in my face as she straddled my lap.

I leaned forward, kissed Ash, then began to tease her nipples with my lips and tongue.

Wrapping her muscular legs around me so my bound hands could grab and hold her ankles, Ash began to use my fully erect cock to tease herself.

"Damn you feel good!" she said, continuing to rub me against her wetness.

My arms pulled against the ropes as my hands rubbed Ash's silky feet.

Slowly, she slid down my thick shaft, letting it fill her inch by inch until she had taken me all the way in. Pulling her feet back, she braced them on the floor so she could better start rocking her hips, sliding my raging hardness slowly in and out of her completely shaved pussy.

Damn Ash felt good as I pulled and strained against the ropes even harder. The more I squirmed, the more turned on Ash got and the harder she rode me.

It didn't take long and we were both on the edge. Ash kept on grinding on me until we both got off.

"As hot as you look all tied up like this, let's get you loose and get out of here."

Ash finally got my legs and ankles free, "Did she use every single piece of rope Michelle had? Look at this pile, and I haven't even started on untying your hands yet!"

Holding up everything she had untied so far, "But it did work! Your ass is stuck. I'll have to remember that... Lots of rope and lots of knots equals you completely stuck there and me in control! At least for a while."

Watching me squirm and struggle while she worked to untie me was getting Ash turned on. When she noticed me getting hard again she was totally game for round two!

"The hell with untying your hands! I want that!" pointing to my hardening cock.

Kneeling right in front of me, Ash took me into her mouth, quickly getting me hard.

Straddling me, she rode me until we both got off again.

"I'm really liking you all tied up." Ash said, still straddling me as she playfully rubbed her silky feet along my legs. "It would be fun to leave you tied to my bed all day, stopping back between classes to have my way with you."

"You would have to get yourself out of my tying work first."

"Hmmm, good point. Once I'm in, I may not want to get out. But struggling to get free is half the fun. You'll just have to impress me with your tying skill and show me. I KNOW you won't say no if I wear my pantyhose or thigh highs like these. Michelle told me all about your fetish for them!"

"What's wrong with that?" I asked.

"Absolutely nothing! I'd wear a different pair every day if I knew you were going to tie me up in them... or let me tie YOU up."

"Ok, deal!"

Finished with me (for now), Ash got back to work getting me untied.

Finally free, we both started to get dressed. Once she had her bra, shirt and black pantyhose back on, I grabbed one of the ropes and wrestled her hands behind her back, quickly tying them side-by-side and then cinching and wrapping several times between them and finishing with a tight knot.

Ash wrapped her strong legs around my body, rubbing her silky legs on me as I leaned it and kissed her, her bound hands pinned behind her back.

"Well, how do you like baing tied up?" I asked.

"I think we need to go so you can really tie me up!" she said seductively.

"Alright, but plan on staying that way for the night." I said as I kissed Ash again and rolled her over onto her stomach to untie her hands.

Ash quickly finished getting dressed then picked up the black thigh high stockings she had 'borrowed' from Michelle's drawer, handing them to me, "Tuck these in your pocket and I'll wear them again for you later when I tie your ass to my bed!" Ash said enthusiastically.

Just as we were about to leave, we heard someone at the door. Ash quickly handed me a rope and we waited...


The door rattled, the door knob turned several times, but did not open with the lock set...

Ash and I stood silently in the room... watching the door... waiting.... then the noises stopped. Was it Amy returning? Was it some other drunk from the party trying to find the upstairs bathroom?

Giving it a few minutes, hoping to be able to slip out, Ash and I sat on the edge of the bed.

It didn't take long for her to reach down and pick up one of the ropes on the floor beside the chair, hand it to me with a naughty grin and cross her wrists behind her back as she turned silently away from me on the bed.

I immediately seized the opportunity and began wrapping the white nylon rope around and between Ash's crossed wrists. Her hands began to twist and turn in the ropes as I finished tying them. I reached around her waist and tied the ends of the rope in front of her, out of reach. She turned back toward me, her wrists now snugly bound and pinned to the small of her back. From her smile, I knew this was exactly what she had wanted.

Ash had slipped her shoes off and managed to lift another piece of rope off the floor with her feet. She tipped back onto the bed as she swung her legs up and across my lap as I sat beside her, the rope held tightly between her feet.

With a grin, I took the rope from her and set it on the bed beside me. I don't think Ash cared about leaving anymore...

Her wrists continued to squirm and struggle helplessly in the snug nylon rope as I pulled off her white socks, once again revealing her silky sheer black pantyhose hidden under then that she had admitted she had worn to seduce me into tying her up. Well, her plan seemed to be a success!

I crossed her ankles on my lap, one hand caressing the silky soles of her feet as the other began to wrap the rope around her ankles.

"Wait!" Ash whispered as she stood up, "Help me get my leggings off and I'm all yours."

My hands rubbed up and down her toned legs as I gripped the top of her leggings with my teeth and began to pull them down her long legs, slowly revealing her sexy black pantyhose.

Ash watched with a very excited smile as I reached for the rope as she stepped out of her leggings and sat beside be on the bed, quickly presenting her legs to me again, obviously quite anxious to have them bound as well.

"Michelle was right." Ash said. "She really sold you out on your nylon fetish! You can't keep your eyes off me in these... or your hands."

"I can stop looking or tying you up if you would like?" I said mockingly.

"Hell no! Start tying big guy, let's see how good you really are." Ash pleaded. "You have no idea how hot this is!"

"What if Amy shows back up?" I asked as I began to cross and tie Ash's ankles with a long white rope.

"Well, then I guess you better get her tied up quickly so you're not the one stuck to that chair like last time." Ash playfully suggested. "You would have been there ALL night if I hadn't untied you."

"Probably." I said with a laugh.

I finished my last knot on Ash's ankles as she watched with a smile of approval, my hands rubbing over her silly pantyhose clad legs and feet. "We would be kind of screwed if she did get me tied up again while you were still bound."

"Yeah, but that would be so hot. Being tied up here all helpless and watching her tie you up. Not being able to be the one tying you up or having my way with you again or watching her have her way with you would be so erotic! That would drive me absolutely crazy. I get a tingle just thinking about it."

My mind started racing... was Ash telling me she wanted to watch Amy tie me up and have her way with me while she watched, all tied up herself???

Before I could answer, Ash continued, "Watching you tie her up would also be hot, but not nearly as hot as Amy tying you again."

"So you want me to surrender and let her tie me back up when she returns?" I asked, still shocked and aroused at where this might be headed.

"Why not? You can tell her tying me up was my punishment for releasing you." Ash suggested.

"That's pretty damn kinky Ash!" I said with a grin as I gave her a slap across her firm ass.

"I heard you liked it kinky??" she taunted back. "Do it for me and I'll be so horny, I'll be game for ANYTHING by time we get out of here. I hope the rest of your weekend is open, you could spend it tied to my bed or dorm room desk chair! I can't get that image of you tied down and struggling helplessly in the ropes out of my head. That was so hot! Don't get me wrong, I am loving being tied right now, but damn, you really took me by surprise and got me hot seeing you tied tonight!"

"Well, we might be here a while then. Maybe I should tie you in a more comfortable position?" I suggested.

"Sure, what were you thinking?" Ash asked.

"Probably tied to the bed, wrists together outstretched above your head and tied to the headboard with your bound ankles stretched out to the footboard."

"Well, let me get my shirt and bra off first... just in case you want to have some fun with 'the girls' once you get me tied down like that. Pantyhose or the thigh high stockings?"

"Definitely your pantyhose on this time. I'll show you what happens when you get tied to your bed spread eagle later in nothing but the thigh highs."

"Mmmmm, OMG I hope so!!" Ash excitedly agreed.

I helped her to her feet and shuffled her over in front of Michelle's full length mirror so she could see herself tied before standing behind her. My arms reached around Ash's waist to untie the rope ends, her bound hands immediately freeing my cock from my pants. Despite the distraction, I got the rope ends untied.

Ash turned toward me, pressing her chest against me and giving me a passionate kiss before whispering in my ear, "I am so horny, I can't wait to fuck you again over and over."

"Sit!" she commanded, motioning toward the chair with her bound hands.

With a big grin, I quickly obeyed her request.

With access to the rope ends now, Ash's fingers were working furiously to untie her wrists.

"Hands behind your back big guy AND KEEP THEM THERE!" Ash playfully instructed as she somewhat awkwardly knelt down in front of me, her wrists and ankles still bound.

I gave Ash a grin, picked up a rope from the floor, crossed my wrists behind my back and did my best to wrap it around and between my own wrists, pulling the ends to try and keep it snug, even awkwardly adding and cinching knots.

Ash completely stopped trying to free her own wrists and watched for a few minutes, her smile widening as she realized that I was actually becoming tied up, not just a bunch of rope loosely wrapped around my wrists.

"I know, I know, it's not pretty, but it's tight enough, has a bunch of crappy knots and lots of rope to unwrap and untie... sort of the Amy theory on bondage. Even if it's not great, if there is enough of it, it'll still keep you stuck for a while."

"You do kinky stuff like this for me and I do kinky stuff like this for you..." Ash said as she leaned down, her tongue giving a slow tease from the base of my cock to the tip."

"Deal!!" I eagerly agreed.

I continued to use the long rope to keep wrapping and tying my wrists.

"Good boy!" Ash complimented, resuming her efforts to free her own wrists.

Her tongue, lips and mouth were relentless!

The sight of Ash on her knees, hands still bound behind her, ankles crossed and tied in those sexy black pantyhose... struggling and squirming in the ropes as she teased me was almost more than I could take. I held on, my own wrists now tugging and pulling against the ropes as she worked me to the edge and did everything she could to keep me there until she finally got her wrists free and allowed me to finally get off.

"Did you like that?" Ash asked sarcastically.

"It was so damn good, I'm still tied!" I replied, showing off my still bound wrists.

Ash slowly stood up, her ankles still crossed and tightly bound. I got up as she spun me around and began to untie my hands. After releasing me, she handed me the rope, gave me a kiss and pulled off her tight fitting long sleeve shirt and black sports bra. With an eager smile, she extended her arms toward me.

I began to tie her wrists side-by-side, several wraps of the nylon rope around her wrists, then cinched and knotted tightly between them, leaving long ends remaining to attach to the headboard. Ash watched with anticipation, making mental notes on how to possibly escape or use this on me later.

I pulled off my shirt and pushed Ash back onto the bed, climbing on and straddling her. I took the rope ends and pulled Ash's bound hands above her head, running the rope ends to the middle of the headboard and tying them to it securely. As I took each remaining end of the rope and ran them to opposite corners of the bed and secured it to the headboard, a naughty grin came over Ash's face again, realizing it was now impossible to reach the rope ends... a fact that I'm sure she will enjoy now and use against me later.

With her arms fully extended above her head, Ash was tugging and testing the ropes, very quickly realizing that she was going to be there until I let her out.

Taking another of the ropes, I doubled it up and tied it around Ash's waist, knotting it snugly in front of her. Next I ran the twin ropes between her legs and looped them around the rope behind her, forming a crotch rope.

Getting up from the bed, I went to the dresser. Knowing Michelle's affinity for toys, I knew I would find something. In the drawer behind her assorted hosiery and some additional ropes I found a few toys. I selected a little bullet vibrator and held it up for Ash to see.

"OMG! You better not. I'll be screaming and EVERYONE will hear me." Ash half-heatedly protested.

"I think I can fix that." I said, holding up a pink ball gag with white leather straps. "Or would you prefer this?" I asked, holding up a black ball gag with black rubber strap.

""Are you serious?" Ash playfully asked.

"You pick or I will! You're the one who wanted to he tied up so bad."

"Ok, the pink one!" she excitedly said.

I tossed the ball gag on the bed beside her then proceeded to slide the little vibe down inside her pantyhose. I placed it with one of the ropes running on either side of it, so there would be no way she could wiggle and force it out of position.

Slowly pulling on the ropes, the crotch ropes tightened. I ran the long rope ends to the footboard and looped them through it.

Grabbing Ash's bound ankles, I gave a tug on them, fully stretching her out straight on the bed. Taking the ends of the rope from her crotch rope, I pulled them snug, so they would be pressing against her and secured the ends to her bound ankles. Anything more than a slight shift or wiggle of her feet or legs would cause the ropes alongside the vibe to rub and press against her. It only took Ash a few pulls with her feet to realize the effect it would have.

Taking an additional rope, I wrapped and tied Ash's legs just below her knees, finishing with a cinch between them and a few snug knots.

"Feeling tied up yet?" I asked sarcastically

"Possibly." Ash joked as she gave a pull with her hands and then her legs. Her sheer black pantyhose offering no help against the white nylon crotch rope as I rubbed against her, further adding to her heightened state of arousal.

I admired my work, Ash looked incredible tied down to the bed with even the slightest squirming adding to her erotic torment.

I sat on the side of the bed, my hand caressing along Ash's silky thigh as I picked up the ball gag, "Any last words?"

"Just wait until I get my chance to.... Mmmmm!"

I pushed the ball gag into Ash's mouth, cutting her off as she gave me a mock glare of protest. I buckled it snugly behind her head, the pink rubber ball filling her mouth nicely.

"Enjoying this?" I asked, already knowing the response that would come.

Ash vigorously shook her head yes as she mumbled incoherently through the gag.

"Now for some fun with you until Amy comes back."

I straddled Ash, leaned down and gave her a kiss on her gag, then kissed down her neck to her chest. My hands caressed and squeezed her breasts as my lips and tongue played with her hard nipples. Ash's hands pulled against the snug ropes as her legs squirmed under me.

Reaching between her thighs, I pressed the button on the vibe and it sprang to life, buzzing away. The shock of the toy had Ask tugging against the ropes even more.

"How does it feel to be helpless? You are MINE now to tease as long as I wish. We both know you can't get out of my tying." I playfully taunted.

Ash smiled from behind her gag and playfully wiggled her bound hands and feet.

"Maybe it will be YOU who spends the weekend tied up...?" I teased.

I resumed teasing Ash's exposed chest as the little vibe buzzed away between her thighs until once again, someone was at the door...


Re: Whips and Chains Girl (M/F),(FFF/M),(M/F),(F/M)

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2020 6:37 am
by crow3467
Great story. Hope to see more soon

Re: Whips and Chains Girl (M/F),(FFF/M),(M/F),(F/M)

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2020 8:35 pm
by Lost_the_keys

Re: Whips and Chains Girl (M/F),(FFF/M),(M/F),(F/M)

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 3:07 pm
by Lost_the_keys

Re: Whips and Chains Girl (M/F),(FFF/M),(M/F),(F/M)

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 5:04 am
by Mister The Edge
Very nice story!

Re: Whips and Chains Girl (M/F),(FFF/M),(M/F),(F/M)

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 8:14 am
by Thorg201
I love the panty gag

Re: Whips and Chains Girl (M/F),(FFF/M),(M/F),(F/M)

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2021 9:36 pm
by dezz
Awesome story... cries out to continue...

Re: Whips and Chains Girl (M/F),(FFF/M),(M/F),(F/M)

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2021 8:10 pm
by Lost_the_keys

Re: Whips and Chains Girl (M/F),(FFF/M),(M/F),(F/M)

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2021 5:44 pm
by Gooner97
Really cool story - Can’t wait to hear more !!

Re: Whips and Chains Girl (M/F),(FFF/M),(M/F),(F/M)

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2021 5:15 am
by amboundgagit
Damn, what a lucky man you are
Great story hope to read more.

Re: Whips and Chains Girl (M/F),(FFF/M),(M/F),(F/M)

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2021 11:00 pm
by Prime Rebel
This is amazing. Please write more!

Re: Whips and Chains Girl (M/F),(FFF/M),(M/F),(F/M)

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2021 10:23 pm
by Lost_the_keys

Re: Whips and Chains Girl (M/F),(FFF/M),(M/F),(F/M)

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 1:56 pm
by Roboticrobin20
I'm shipping the Mc and Amy together but Ash is a close second xD

Lovely story, all the characters are just so wholesome. I wish I was transported in that story somehow.

Re: Whips and Chains Girl (M/F),(FFF/M),(M/F),(F/M)

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2021 4:10 am
by Boundguy800
Great story. I wish I would have found a group like that in college!

Re: Whips and Chains Girl (M/F),(FFF/M),(M/F),(F/M)

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2021 10:07 pm
by Lost_the_keys

Re: Whips and Chains Girl (M/F),(FFF/M),(M/F),(F/M)

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2021 8:31 am
by Sean22
Whats with the next Part? This Story really is a fantastic piece of Work😍😍😍

Re: Whips and Chains Girl (M/F),(FFF/M),(M/F),(F/M)

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2021 2:00 am
by Samiiinz
I second this :D next part please!

Re: Whips and Chains Girl (M/F),(FFF/M),(M/F),(F/M)

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 5:24 pm
by Lost_the_keys

Re: Whips and Chains Girl (M/F),(FFF/M),(M/F),(F/M)

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2021 3:03 pm
by Lost_the_keys

Re: Whips and Chains Girl (M/F),(FFF/M),(M/F),(F/M)

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2021 9:07 pm
by tickletied84
Wow, just wow! Great tale, hope the knock at the door isn't someone that will spoil the fun!

Re: Whips and Chains Girl (M/F),(FFF/M),(M/F),(F/M)

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2021 7:10 am
by Sean22
Looking Forward the next Part:) the stroy doesnt seem to Stop:)

Re: Whips and Chains Girl (M/F),(FFF/M),(M/F),(F/M)

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2021 9:47 pm
by Lost_the_keys

Re: Whips and Chains Girl (M/F),(FFF/M),(M/F),(F/M)

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 5:24 pm
by Sean22
"little tied Up".. lucky you;) But nice to hear that you didnt forget the Story:)☺️

Re: Whips and Chains Girl (M/F),(FFF/M),(M/F),(F/M)

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2023 4:57 am
by Tmcd95
Oh no! This story has been taken down?

It was one of my favourites and I was about to give it another read. That’s a shame.

Re: Whips and Chains Girl (M/F),(FFF/M),(M/F),(F/M)

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2023 2:36 pm
by Lost_the_keys
Tmcd95 wrote: 10 months ago Oh no! This story has been taken down?

It was one of my favourites and I was about to give it another read. That’s a shame.
Maybe I’ll put it back up for a while again….