Stuck (m/self and m/m)

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Stuck (m/self and m/m)

Post by Tiedinjordans »

I was bored out of my mind the other day, and figured I'd do a little self-bondage. I grabbed a long piece of blue rope and my cuffs and threw on some sweats and a hoodie. I also put on my KD 7's. I turned on Netflix and got in bed.

The tie-up was pretty simple. I crossed my ankles and wrapped the rope around them a couple times vertically and horizontally then cinched it off. Then I laid the cuffs along the rope and wrapped my ankles a bunch of times and cinched it off underneath again. Now the cuffs' chain was tied to my ankles.

I ratcheted the cuffs on my wrists and used the key to double lock them, so they couldn't tighten. I had to maneuver my wrists and ankles to place the key on the shelf on my headboard.

I tested the bondage and it was definitely effective. The knots were far out of reach and there was no slack for the handcuffs with the chains tied down. Once I was satisfied that I needed the key to get out, I relaxed and watched some T.V.

I would be happy to be tied up all the time, but only if I actually can't escape. I got bored pretty fast, knowing I could get out whenever I wanted. So I reached for the key, but it slipped out of my fingers. I watched it fall into the crack between my mattress and the headboard. I was instantly exhilarated and aroused but also panicked.

There was no way I was getting that key. It's hard enough to fit my arm in that crack when it isn't cuffed to my ankles. I took a couple deep breaths to calm myself. I was still getting harder but couldn't reach anything or even rub against anything.

I had my phone in my pocket, but obviously, I didn't want to call anyone for help. I struggled for a few minutes but got nowhere. Even if I risked rolling off the bed, my door was closed and there was no chance in Hell of me reaching the knob.

I was already getting red in the face, imagining the humiliation of being found like this. But I resigned myself to it and wiggled until my phone dropped out of my pocket.

I sent a text to my friend, Adam, asking him to come over and give me a hand with something. He at least knows that I like bondage, but I wasn't looking forward to the ridicule I knew would be coming.

When the phone buzzed with Adam's response, I realized how lucky I was that I kept my phone in my pocket. I live alone and far away from neighbors. I don't know how long it would have taken me to get out on my own.

Adam's reply said he was at work already but he could stop by on his way home. He asked what I needed help with, but I just evaded the question and asked him to let me know when he was close by. He said he would and I thanked him.

I checked the time on my phone and figured it would be at least eight hours until Adam would get here. I thrashed violently at the thought, but after a minute I was just out of breath. My fingers clutched my blue KD's as I grew hard again. The predicament of possibly being found was beginning to turn me on.

I watched some Netflix, trying to find a comfortable position. I was able to get on my side without putting stress on my legs.

Eventually, I dozed off and when I woke up Netflix had timed out, asking if I was still watching. The remote was on the other side of the room, so I was stuck with nothing to watch. All I could hear was faint traffic from the highway.

My arms were getting sore so I sat up, with a lot of effort. Checking my phone told me I had actually slept for a while; Adam would be there in a few hours. I was tempted to play games to pass the time, but I knew better than to drain my battery incase Adam didn't show up.

So I sat there bored for a long time. Then I laid there bored for a long time. Then I tried to grind into the bed or something, but I couldn't achieve any friction. I ended up hot and sticky with the sweats and hoodie on. I gave up on getting out at some point. All my struggles hadn't even lossened anything.

I got a text from Adam saying he was a few minutes away. I was relieved to hear that and told him to come on in when he got here, I was in the bedroom. I had reconciled the fact that Adam was going to be finding me like that and was getting hard again at the thought. By the time I heard his key in my front door, I was at full mast again. At least in my position it wasn't sticking out and noticeable.

"Come in." I said when Adam knocked on my bedroom door. I watched the knob turn and saw Adam poke his head in the room. When the shock faded, he started cracking up. The look on my face told him I had put myself in the awkward position.

"Have you been stuck like that all day?" He asked when his laughter subsided. I nodded and shimmied closer, putting my feet in the air toward him. He moved in and grabbed a knot, pulling on the rope to flip me into my knees. I thought he was going to untie it, but he just looked closely at the knot and chuckled. He put his Timberland on my side, leaving a drywall dust print on my hoodie as he pushed me onto my side.

"Hey!" I said as I craned my neck trying to watch when I heard his work boots heading toward the door. "Untie me!"

"Why should I?" He laughed as he left the room. I didn't know what to say. I listened as he pissed in my bathroom. But after the toilet flushed, he walked past my room. When I heard the front door, I had to remind myself that Adam wouldn't leave me here. As I listened to him close his car door, I looked around for my phone. It wasn't anywhere on the bed; Adam had taken it.

As soon as Adam opened the front door, I started yelling for him to get me the Hell out of this. But when he came back in my room, I saw he was recording me on his phone. I shut up and stared daggers at him. He cracked up again and started taunting me.

"What happened here?" He said. "How did this happen Jordan?"

I tried to ignore the question, but Adam persisted. He started tickling my armpit, asking again.

"I did it to myself!" I yelled, red in the face. Adam broke down laughing.

"Well what to do?" Adam was really laying it on thick. He set his phone down with the camera pointed at me and tickled me for a minute. He asked where the key was and in between tickles I told him. When he stopped and grabbed the key, I started bargaining with him. When that didn't work, I threatened him that I would get revenge for this. He just laughed, unfazed.

He grabbed his phone and put it away, then looked at me. I thought I would finally be freed, but he just smirked and walked back out of the room.

I heard him in the kitchen, opening the fridge and then using the water. He came back in with a drink and sat down on my couch. He turned on my PlayStation and started playing Call of Duty.

"What the f***!!" I shouted. I started thrashing wildly, trying to prove a point I guess. Adam just ignored me. He played my game and smoked out of my stash for at least an hour before his cell phone rang.

"Hello?" He answered it. "Good, we're almost done... He just needed help with his brake line... No he said he's going to be tied up with the car tonight, but he'll come to the next one... Okay see you soon." Adam chuckled as he hung up.

"Well I would love to stick around," Adam said, "but I already made plans with Donny."

"Good," I said, "get me out of this shit already!"

But Adam walked by me and put my phone up high and on the other side of the room. I didn't know what he was doing when he headed back to the kitchen, but I heard the fridge again and his boots heading right back.

He was holding a large bowl when he returned. When he placed the bowl on my bed, I saw it was full of ice. But not ice cubes, he had filled the bowl with ice water then put it in the freezer. I looked at the bottom of the bowl with dread, and sure enough, saw the key at the bottom.

I instantly started pleading. I told him I couldn't stay like that any longer. I told him that I would do anything. I told him he was being a shitty friend.

"Whoa there." He stopped me. "First of all, I didn't tie you up like that. Second, I need to make sure you don't look for that revenge you were talking about tonight. And besides Jordan, you should be enjoying this, the way you're always talking about it."

I couldn't argue him on any of that. So I just glared as he made sure the bowl was stable. He laughed and waved on his way out. I couldn't believe him as I sat there listening to him pull away.

As the ice started melting, I tried to remain still. But the water started spilling. I laid there, now getting wet, planning my revenge. I know Adam well, like the fact that he can't hold his liquor. Lots of information could come in handy.

Eventually, I carefully knocked over the bowl. It was the only way I could think of reaching the key without dunking my KD's in the water. The key was in the last piece of ice, which I palmed to melt it faster.

Finally, I managed to carefully put the key in a hole and unlock my right hand. I didn't even free anything else before I made myself climax. It didn't take long, and then I finished getting out.

I checked my phone, and there was a text from Adam, sent just a few minutes prior. "You're probably out by now." It said. "Just remember that you did that to yourself before you get into trouble with thoughts of revenge."

But it was too late for that, Adam will pay for the "help" he gave me.
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Post by Tiedinjordans »

Thank you [mention]Soraka[/mention] for posting this from the old site!
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Post by Xtc »

Well told. I'm glad a lot of the old stuff is surfacing.
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Post by Soraka »

Tiedinjordans wrote: 6 years ago Thank you @Soraka for posting this from the old site!
Glad I could be of service :)

Cool story!
I've done a lot of self bondage when I was younger, but I never did if as good as you. I was always scared that I got myself stuck somehow. Would be so embarrassing if my parents found me like that xD
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