TUGs away from home F/M - final part added

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Post by RopingRingers »

Great story, kinda sad you drifted apart though, seemed like you really connected. But, that's life. Only the stones remain, in the end.
Hello there!


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Post by dezz »

I'm a little envious now ... very good story.
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Post by Roboticrobin20 »

I loved this story, Felicia is such a nice character.
I did hope the MC and Felicia stayed together though but I'm not complaining. :)
They had a wonderful time together.
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Corn Boy
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Post by Corn Boy »

Would love to have a girl like her in my life. Thank you for sharing!
Wishing to be hogtied on the ground beneath her leather boots.
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Post by mranon »

amanda lorian wrote: 4 years ago When it was time to go get myself a degree from a college/university, I opted to go overseas to get out of my town and experience learning while surrounded by a different culture. I'm not very tall, even as a fully grown adult I am 5'7 with short, brown hair. I'd say my build teetered somewhere between lean and athletic. I had spent my entire life running long distances and competing in races.

Settling into my new environment wasn't the easiest, the country I'd moved to had vastly different climate and my campus wasn't exactly surrounded by a city. The campus was pretty much its own town and everyone who studied and worked there lived in the town. I managed to get myself into a small group of friends that I'd spend most of my time around between classes and after class activities. In that group, I was closest to a girl named Felicia.

Felicia was 5'1 and slim. She had long brown hair that she'd keep in a top knot whenever she was in her apartment. The trait about her that stood out was that she had a fairly low-pitched voice for a woman. We had a lot in common, more so than our other friends, so often we found that we'd spend a lot of time together without the rest of the group. As far as I know, before our 'activities' started, there was never really any physical attraction from either side. We just got along really well and felt we could confide in the other. We lived right across the street from each other. Her housemate was rarely ever home, so to avoid being alone she would usually spend time in my apartment with my friends and I. We rarely ever went to her place unless she was organising a meal for the group.

After about a year and a half after we met and became friends, on a weekday, I texted her to ask if she'd like to come over to watch TV. We had recently gotten hooked on this detective show. She replied to ask if my housemates were home, to which I told her 'yes'. She said she had to do a bit of cleaning up in her apartment as it was a mess and asked if I would be able to help. Never being one to turn down a favour, I told her I'd come over. She agreed that after cleaning up, we could watch TV.

I went over to her apartment. It was about 6pm and her housemate was out for the night as usual. It took us about an hour or two to clean up her place and then we decided to order some takeout for dinner while we continued watching our new favourite show. We were seated on her couch in the common area of her small apartment, watching episode after episode of the show.

On the fourth successive episode that we watched, there was a scene involving one of the characters, a damsel in distress, bound and gagged in a trap set for the protagonist. This caught Felicia's attention as she turned to me and asked "have you ever tried bondage before?". I recall using simple furry handcuffs and a ball gag with my previous girlfriend so I replied "yeah, basic bondage."

Felicia: "what do you mean basic bondage?"
Me: "Well, I used to handcuff my ex while we were in bed"

Felicia: "So you've never been tied up before?"
Me: "No, not really."

Felicia: "Do you wanna try being tied up?"

I paused to look at her. I was quite taken aback as I'd never been asked this by any girl I'd ever dated previously. I always was under the assumption that women naturally preferred being tied up by their male companions. I was hesitant, but a part of me was curious as to how I'd feel.

Me: "Like tied up with rope?"
Felicia: "Yeah, don't worry it won't be painful?"

"Ok," I said after a bit of hesitation. Felicia's eyes immediately lit up.

Felicia: "I promise it'll be fun!"

She jumped up and scurried off to her bedroom, from which I heard a bit of rummaging. I was quite nervous but at the same time excited. I didn't know how it was going to feel like being tied up. After a couple of minutes, Felicia emerged from her room with a duffel bag. She walked over to the couch and dropped the bag at my feet. In the bag were several coils of red rope.

Felicia: "Since it's your first time, I'll just tie your wrists and ankles. Let me know if it's too tight"

All I could muster was a nod. My heart was racing from both the nerves and the excitement. She grabbed one of the ropes coils and unwound it.

Felicia: "Stand up, turn around and cross your wrists behind your back"

I'd never been tied before, but I knew the drill from my experience of watching bondage scenes on TV and in pornography. I couldn't see what was going on, but I could feel as she grabbed my wrists and wrapped the rope around it. The rope didn't feel rough at all, it felt rather soft and silky.

Me: "Hey, I thought rope usually causes rope burns and feels rough?"

Felicia giggled.
Felicia: "This is high quality nylon rope so it feels quite soft"

Me: "Do you do this with all your boyfriends?"
Felicia: "Only the ones MAN enough to be tied by me"

She completed tying my wrists and turned me around. She was small, but there was a strength she possessed that you wouldn't expect from someone that size.

Felicia: "How does that feel?"
Me: "It feels fine, just can't move my arms."

She flashed a cheeky grin at my sarcastic response before bending down to grab another coil of rope. She asked me to sit back on the couch and to keep my feet and ankles together. I did as she asked. It felt different being sat on the couch without the mobility of my arms. I felt trapped but at the same time, it felt snug like there was someone holding my wrists together.

Felicia took the second coil of rope and proceeded to wrap it just above my ankles.

Felicia: "You're going to have to hop if you want to get anywhere"

As she continued to wrap the ropes, the more trapped I felt, but it also made me feel snug and cozy. There was a jolt that ran through me. I was enjoying my rope bondage. The fear I had was gone and it was suddenly replaced by this unspeakable pleasure that I was feeling.

Felicia completed my ankle tie and got up.

Felicia: "There, all done. How do you feel?"
Me: "It's quite restrictive. I can't move my limbs"

Despite my rather blunt and uninterested tone, Felicia knew I was enjoying this. Maybe it was the sight of my member starting to grow from my sweatpants that she noticed. She got back on the couch and we were ready to continue watching our show. She grabbed the remote as I was pretty much useless at this stage and wrapped her arm around my shoulder before pulling me in. This was the first time we'd been in such an intimate situation and we were both quite enjoying it. Just as she was about to press 'play' on the remote, she suddenly stopped and got up off the couch.

Felicia: "Completely forgot something, just wait there"
Me: "Well, it's not like I can go anywhere."

I could hear her giggle and she went into her room. I was wondering what she'd forgotten. She re-emerged from her room with an ankle sock and a large white handkerchief. I gulped. I knew exactly what those were for. I'd never imagined being gagged before, let alone by a girl.

Me: "Is that going where I think it's going?"
Felicia: "Relax, I won't make it so tight"

She walked up to me and bent down. "Open," she said with her low pitched voice in a rather swift but commanding tone. I didn't even hesitate, I just instinctively obeyed her command and opened my mouth. She balled up the ankle sock and stuffed it in my mouth.

Felicia: "There's definitely room for a lot more in that big mouth of yours, but since it's your first time I'll only put one."
Me: "mmph?"

That was all I could say as the sock filled a good portion of my mouth. She folded the white handkerchief into half before getting back on the couch. She asked me to lean forward and positioned herself behind my heard. She wrapped the now triangular handkerchief over my mouth and nose and tied a tight double knot at the back of my head, I flinched as I felt the second knot being tied. The smell of fresh cotton wrapped around my nostrils. There was something about that smell that further increased the pleasure I was feeling.

Felicia: "There, perfect"

She took a long look at me and couldn't help but smile at her handiwork. She explained to me that she preferred gags tied over the nose as it made for a nicer aesthetic on a tied up victim. I tried to respond to her. My speech wasn't completely muffled, but all that came out was "mmmpphhhhh". She giggled excitedly at my gagged moan and once again wrapped her arm around my shoulder and we resumed watching our show.

She leaned her head on my shoulders a few times throughout the night. She even pointed out, to her delight. that my member had grown quite significantly within my pants. I could barely make out a word through my gag, so all that came out was "mmmmphhhh", They were characterised by short moan or long moan.

After a few more episodes, it had become midnight and we both had classes to get to in the morning. She looked up at her clock and looked back at me.

Felicia: "Hey it's late, do you want me to untie you?"

Usually I'd prefer going back to my apartment and sleeping in my own bed, but I was enjoying my predicament so much, that even without a second thought, almost unconsciously, I shook my head and moaned 'no' through my gag as well as I could.

Once again, her eyes lit up. The sheer look of joy on her face from the fact that I was enjoying the bondage was a sight to behold. She knew that meant I was spending the night there.

Felicia: "Let's head into the room, I don't want my housemate finding you like this"

She helped me up and watched as I hopped over to her room. In the hopping, the handkerchief around my mouth and nose loosened and the cloth fell on my neck. I took a deep breath, not that I couldn't breathe over the cloth, but that the smell of cotton was gone.

Felicia: "don't you dare spit that sock out!"
Me: mmmpphhhhh

I managed to hop my way to her room and to her bed. She instructed me to sit on the bed and I followed. There was something about feeling so helpless but around someone I trust that really elevated the experience. She came up to me and removed the sock in my mouth, which was now soaked with my saliva. I didn't dare say anything without her explicit permission. She left the room and came back with a bottle of water.

Felicia: "I'm going to keep you gagged, so you better drink up now"

After drinking as much as I could, she placed the bottle at the foot of the bed. She told me I could wake her if I needed more water or to use the bathroom. She walked over to her drawers to grab a fresh sock - which I recognised as the pair to the one that was previously in my mouth. She walked up to me on the bed before balling it up. She didn't even have to give the command, I opened my mouth instinctively to allow her to stuff the sock in my mouth. She then crawled on to her bed and positioned herself behind me. She untied the handkerchief from my neck, re-folded it, wrapped it over my mouth and nose and tied a tighter double knot at that back of my head.

I was again overwhelmed by the scent of the fresh cotton that sent me into a euphoria. She then walked to her drawer and got a white bandana. She folded the bandana into a band as she walked over. She stopped in front of me and bent down before tying the bandana over my eyes.

"Mmmmmpphhhhhh," I protested.

Felicia: "Relax, I don't want you peeping while I change into my PJs"

I sat on the bed, bound, gagged and now blindfolded as I waited for her to change out into her night attire. After 10 or so minutes, I heard her walk over to me and she removed my blindfold. As the light re-entered my eyes, I saw that she was now in her PJs and ready to go to bed. She discarded the bandana and instructed me to lie on my side.

She crawled onto the bed and positioned herself behind me. She grabbed my torso from behind and snuggled up behind me. This was the first time I'd ever experienced being the little spoon in bed. It was different, of course there was the added predicament of my bondage.

Felicia: "Goodnight"
Me: mmmpphhh

I could feel her wrapped around my body. It was a similar feeling to the ropes. It just felt so snug, yet the added factor of helplessness just made it more pleasurable. I was actually quite surprised at how tired I was as well. The ropes keeping my ankles and wrists together were fairly tight and my jaw hurt quite a bit from the stuffing. I drifted off to sleep pretty quickly. The next morning, Felicia woke me up and told me that she wanted to untie me. She pulled the handkerchief down from my face first and pulled out the sock. My mouth felt really dry and my jaw hurt. She grabbed the bottle of water at the foot of the bed and fed me some water.

Felicia: "Had a good sleep?"
Me: Yeah, it was fine.

She undid the rope around my ankles before undoing the rope around my wrists. She had woken up earlier to prepare breakfast for the both of us. I quickly ate and left her apartment as I had classes to attend. I spent pretty much the whole day thinking about the experience from the night before. There was also this fear of if the dynamic of our friendship had become weird after this intimate moment.

But I was wrong. Our friendship resumed like it was before. It was almost like the event never happened. We acted normally around each other whether it was in person or through text conversations. Neither of us brought up the events of that night for a couple of weeks.

2 weeks after the experience, I was in my apartment getting ready to get started on a paper that was due soon, when I received a text.

Felicia: Wanna come over?

Me: I've got an assignment that I really need to get started

Felicia: I'll tie you up ;)

I looked up from my phone. I immediately grabbed my backpack, stuffed my laptop in, along with clothes with the intention to spend the night there. I was really excited by the thought of being bound and helpless by Felicia once more. I trudged over to her apartment, and I could feel the excitement in my pants as my member started swelling just imagining what I was walking into.

I had resigned myself to being her bondage submissive now, and I liked it.
Hey just wana say that this is the first story I read in here about a week ago. And it’s been one of my fav thanks for sharing
someone helppppp my self-bondage went wrong and i am stuck
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