A Peter Pan Story. (M/M)

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A Peter Pan Story. (M/M)

Post by tightxropes »

Hello, I'm looking forward to sharing this true life story with you all. Hope it resonates with the community...

Part 1.

I grew up in Connecticut and from the ages of 12-18, spent much of my summers doing some type of Summer Stock Theater. I was always cast in the ensemble or super-small roles as well as doing crew positions when necessary. The person who ran the theater, we'll call him Glen, directed at least one production every summer, and usually a musical. He was in his late 40's I'd say...kept in shape and, to my recollection, not married or partnered.

My last summer there, before I went off to college, Glen asked if I'd be interested in auditioning for Peter Pan. I would not be considered for the lead (boo!), but could play one of the kids, shadow whoever was cast as Peter Pan and stand in for them during rehearsals on certain days. I fit the build...I was about 5' 5" and very athletic, definitely could pass for a kid and was happy to do what was needed.

I'll go forward in time about 2 weeks. Glen let me know I'd be needed to stand in for the lead as she had to miss an afternoon rehearsal. I got nervous! Nothing too complicated, he assured me. He mapped out the scene for everyone there, when Peter comes to rescue the kids, who would all be tied with rope and gagged. They had a stage-hand there who went over how the tying would be handled as well as how the gags (a somewhat thick white cloth) would be applied...it was also a safety check for everyone involved. And me? Well, I was just standing off to the side, going over in my mind how the encounter with Capt. Hook was supposed to happen. Glen came up to me and asked if I was ready. We went over the scene a few times...he did ask me if Hook should tie up Peter as well...that it had been done in some productions, but he had not made his mind up yet. At this point, it was time for rehearsal to wind down and Glen called me over. He wanted to go to the costume shop and look at the costumes and asked me to come along. I said, sure! He also asked me to help him clean up and grab the rope and cloth used in the rehearsal to bind and gag the others...I did as he asked and put it all in a box. We headed up some stairs and made our way into the costume shop. The door was locked, Glen pulled out a bunch of keys and opened the door, letting us in.

Glen turned the lights on, took the box from me and put it on a giant table. He then led me over to a rack with some clothes. I noticed Peter's set of costumes...a cluster of green. He said, "We've made you a set, go ahead and try it on...if for some reason you happen to go on, we'll know if it fits." A tunic on a hanger with a Ziploc type bag attached containing nude colored tights. There were some shoes and a felt hat as well, which he handed me.

I went behind a screen to a changing area, undressed, put on the tights over my underwear and then the tunic. I think Glen asked how it fit...I remember being nervous, things seemed intimate all of a sudden? I came out and he came up to me...fussing about the fit here and there. He asked how the tights fit. My throat felt tight and I gave out a quiet "ok"...

He said the hat looked cute and walked toward the table where he had put the box with the rope and white cloth pieces. He motioned me over.

Part 2 coming soon...
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Post by BDBrit »

Oooh, I wonder where this is going. I'm guessing that the ropes are a red herring to make us think something else is going to happen. :lol:

Joking aside, it's a great start. It sets everything up nicely without giving anything away. I'm looking forward to finding out what happened next. :D
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Post by tightxropes »

Thanks for your patience…I write everything down in my journal as I recall these past events before typing them all here.

Part 2.

I remember Glen staring at me in a particular way as I slowly walked toward him and the table. I also remember him removing his glasses…taking out a handkerchief from his pocket, cleaning off the lenses. After he put his glasses back on (I was a few feet in front of him), he said…”As I mentioned, we need to get Peter restrained by Hook before he walks the plank. With some theatrics, he’ll free himself up. Can you put your hands behind your back for me?”

I did…Glen chuckled and remarked, “You need to turn around for me too.”

I must have been nervous, I did as he said and heard sounds of rope being pulled out of the box. He grabbed my wrists and crossed them, then I felt the rope, I believe he wrapped them several times around. He was quite fast, then I felt the ropes pressing into my wrists as he cinched it tight. He asked if I felt OK as he grabbed more rope, securing my arms to my torso, wrapping the rope around my chest, still standing behind me.

“It needs to look like Peter can’t escape. There…tight enough?” I think I said yes or nodded or maybe did both. I felt a rush of adrenaline come over me. It’s the first time I’d had this kind of intense feeling…a feeling to this degree. Arousal? For sure. I think Glen sensed it. He turned me around to face him and looked down…my cock was pressing through the tights, my green tunic billowed out. He said, “Oh, now that’s interesting. We can’t have that, can we?” He grabbed more rope and turned me around, facing away from him again….all I could feel was more tugging in the back…he tied it to the rope around my torso, letting it dangle.

At this moment he stopped…I could hear his breathing, more pronounced than before. “Hook’s henchman will have to tie Peter up since he only has 1 hand….which also means, he’ll have to do this as well…”

Do this? I wondered what he meant? I found out quickly. Glen placed his hand over my mouth. “Try to cry for help,” he said. I wasn’t sure what to do? Were we pretending or was this real? If I really cried out, someone might hear.

“It’s ok…you can cry out, no one will hear you.”

I tried to let out a sound…his palm pressed firmly over my mouth and all I could muster was an “mmmmmhhhh!” And I was very erect at this point. Alarmingly so. Glen quickly removed his hand and turned me to face him again. “Sssshhhhhh…please now, be very quiet. We’re already in over our heads, aren’t we?” He grabbed one of the white cloths from the box, knotted it at the center then grabbed my chin with one hand and pressing the knotted center into my lips. I did try to resist but it felt easier (and more fun) to give in and let him gag me. He turned me around again, tying the cloth tightly behind my head, securing the gag in my mouth.

“First time?” He said.

I nodded.

He then got another cloth (what I now know as a “detective gag”) and went over what was already in my mouth and securing it behind me.

Glen stared into my eyes: “We won’t be able to do this in the show, I’m afraid. It’ll take too much time…but thanks for letting me practice on you…I hope you didn’t mind?”

What did I know? I was 18, I’d never done anything like this before. I had a massive erection…and Glen seemed to have further plans for me in place. He pulled on the rope that hung loose behind me. "Slowly walk toward the dressing area and sit in that chair."

Part 3 coming soon...
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Post by Canuck100 »

Loving it so far! Sounds like it was a great, if unexpected, way for you to be introduced to TUGs. Glen was lucky you enjoyed it though, not everyone would have been a willing participant like you were.
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Part 3.

As I walked toward the chair, I felt Glen tugging on the rope behind me. He was chuckling again, getting a kick out of all this and I was too. It was fun…and felt safe enough at this point. I should mention now, I never thought I was into girls and always looked up to older male figures. For example, we had a neighbor who looked like Clark Kent! Whenever he’d be outside doing yard work, I’d go out and play, staring at him every now and then. Totally innocent and in retrospect, where I leaned in terms of attraction

But I digress…back to Glen. This was getting exciting in a way I could not have imagined. I automatically sat in the chair...he had more rope, got on his knees and tied my ankles then slowly pulled me forward and guided me to the floor, placed me on my left side, facing the chairs legs and my back toward him. He then pulled my heels toward my hands, and I felt a tug in the back and felt some more rope-tying and Glen had put me in a hog-tie. He kept tugging on the ropes, they were taught…no slack at all and my ankles and upper body were linked by the rope.

“Can you get out of this? Struggle for me.”

I tried…and I liked the feeling.

“Try and call for help, “ he said.

I tried, the gag was thorough and restricting. All I could muster was some “mmph-ing" sounds.

Glen rolled me on my tummy and said…”keep struggling for me.”

I did as he said. My cock was pressing into the floor. I think he intended to have me in this position eventually, especially since he noticed how aroused I was.

Part 4 coming soon...
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Post by jackroper »

Wonderfully erotic, please do continue....
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Post by TightsBound »

Really really enjoying this. If I was in your place, it would probably be obvious through the tights how much I was enjoying that situation. Can’t wait for the next part!
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Part 4.

The feeling of being overpowered like this (one I’d never experienced before) brought on many intense feelings. And please know, I did feel a lot of trust with Glen. Probably because he’d known me since I was 12 or so, was always kind and was someone everyone admired and respected. So, to be in this position and still feel admiration added to the intensity of it all. Like, it made me feel a certain way knowing he was pleased by this.

“What if someone found you like this…that would be interesting,” he said. “I don’t think anyone could hear you since you’re gagged…calling out will do you no good. But you can try…”

I tried. He came closer to me and checked my gag…it was still very secure. Difficult to make sound…my muffled attempts were more like a whimper.

“What time are your parents expecting you?”

He knew I could not answer, which added to his glee.

"I’m going to blindfold you and leave you here.” He saw my eyes widen a bit. I looked at him, uncertain. He said…”OK, yes or no?”

I nodded.

‘It’s ok, you’re safe and sound here, nothing awful will happen to you…but please, can you try and resist a little more?"

Quickly and with another piece of cloth, he placed it over my eyes…I closed them automatically, I knew it would be OK…so I closed them. Glen blindfolded me, tying it securely behind my head. All had gone dark.

Glen chuckled and said, “You are screwed, can you see anything?" I shook my head no…and gave a little “mmnn” - and then I remembered, he wants me to struggle. I did. I heard him chuckle more. The cloth from the blindfold was covering my ears…so, certain sounds were not so easy to make out anymore, but he was close enough that I could hear his delight.

“I’ll be back,” he said.

I heard him moving, getting up…the sound of the box and then something like a light being turned off, door opening and closing…then what was definitely the door being locked with his key.

Sensations of fear, excitement and anticipation flooded my body. And part of that anticipation? And mixed in there…where did Glen go? What was he up to? At a certain point, I understood this was sexual. All of it. And me, innocent, fell for it and liked it? What did this say about me? And what will life be like once this is over? When I eventually got home…would my parents be able to tell? I was an only child and their attention was constantly on me. So when Glen said I was screwed, he had no idea! And during all this time, my cock was throbbing. The more I struggled, and wriggled…the closer I felt myself possibly climaxing. But I did not want to. That scared me the most. How would I explain what happened when he got back? I rolled onto my right side. The hogtie still very, very restricting. Nothing had given way…but I felt some relief for a moment.

Within a minute or 2, I heard the door open. I was hoping it was Glen but obviously, could not be certain. Very quickly I felt his energy, now familiar…and his soft, warm voice.

“So, it got a little intense for you? You want me to let you go?”

I froze.

“I can tell you like this…but we have to wrap it up. I’m sure your parents want you home soon. I just gave them a call from my office, told them you were a little “tied-up" with crew duties but I’d be happy to bring you home once you’re finished. Are we finished?”

I did not know how to respond.

“Can I help you finish?”

I nodded and and made a small sound through the gag. I felt his hands…adjusting my tunic, then a rough tug to pull my underwear and tights down. Then I felt his hand touch my cock.

“You’re big for your age, such a bad boy.”

Devious bastard, I thought.

Then I felt something damp and warm.

"Ejaculate into this towel…go ahead…do it.”

It took less than 10 seconds…and I climaxed. Into what felt like a warm, damp, towel. Making some sounds...the gag was stifling, but necessary. And it lasted some time. And to have this release was amazing.

Obviously, Glen was experienced :) - he took good care of me, cleaning me up. My underwear and tights were pulled back up. And first he released the hog-tie...then untied the ankles. Guiding
me back onto the chair, he said: "Sit here for a moment, I want to look at you."

I still couldn't see...and thought, is he going to take a photo. Alas no (phew!) - but maybe someday, I thought? I'd like to see what I look like this way. Then he came behind me...blindfold slowly removed...then the first layer of the gag. But not the second with the knotted center, still firmly in my mouth. He came back in front of me...our eyes met. I saw a gentle Glen "grin" - I'd seen it before when a rehearsal or performance went well.

"I'll remove the last part of your restraints now. Gag will be last...bear with me. I can't afford to have you cry for help," he said.

He came behind me again and pulled me up, releasing the ropes from around my torso then my wrists. I felt him press into me as he loosened the gag and slowly pulled it out of my mouth. Glen was hard. I felt it. And I was erect again as well.

Seeing I was erect again: "No, no...that's it for tonight. I need to take you home. Undress, put your costume in this laundry bag then come back down to the theater, get your belongings and here..." (he handed me a long sleeve sweatshirt)..."put this on, you have some rope marks."

Part 5 coming soon...
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Post by cellofello »

This is a very hot story. I'm straight, but I would have been just as aroused if that had happened to me. I discovered my sexual interest in bondage at a much younger age.
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Post by scarfboy »

Probably one of my favourite stories I've read on here in awhile. Excited to see if there are more parts to this!
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Post by spandexman »

Absolutely wonderful story. I was aroused throughout. Lucky guy being tied up and gagged so long and wearing tights no less! Thank you.
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Post by harveygasson »

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Post by Paris_bondage »

I love it.
I like the fact that the captor makes his captive wear his sweatshirt. I have a fetish about wearing my captor's clothes, especially sweaters.
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Post by tightxropes »

Part 5.

I climbed into the front passenger seat of Glen’s car (he had just purchased it, had that new car smell) - my backpack on my lap protecting my cock, still throbbing as the adrenaline was rushing to my pelvis. And there was a feeling of euphoria as well…overall senses overwhelmed. You can imagine…

As we drove, he made sure to remind me to keep the sleeves of the sweatshirt he gave me rolled down. “Those rope marks take a bit to disappear, take a cool shower, it’ll help - they’ll be gone by the morning,” Glen said. Hmmm - gone by the morning. I wondered about his experience with all this.

I nodded and smiled at him…I did not want a hint of what just happened to leak out to my parents in any way. How would I handle things when I walked in the door? Would they wonder what I was really up to? It wasn’t odd for me to stay a bit after rehearsals…but my “interaction” with Glen was something I knew I could not mask. And something I immediately felt I needed to protect.

Glen asked me about school next year. I’d been accepted to Princeton (which I did attend and graduated) - I told him I was excited to go. I’d be studying Dramatic Literature…wasn’t really sure if I’d keep doing Theater, per se. Regardless, this conversation was calming me down. A distraction.

I’ll go forward a bit now: we arrived at my house, I could see lights on in the front and upstairs. My parents could already be in their bedroom. Good news.

“Well, we’ll do our first run-thru of the show tomorrow. The next week will be pretty busy, intense, you know how it goes. But, I’ll see you tomorrow at noon."

I understood Glen was back in director mode…not expecting anything further. Just as I was about to step out of his car he quietly said…”And I hope you enjoyed it, it looked like you did, I certainly did. And if there happens to be a next time, I look forward to it.”

I felt nervous and excited and quickly thanked him…for…I began to fumble my words…”Uhh yes, yes it wa…thanks, Glen see you tomorrow.” Glen chuckled one last time as I walked to my front door.

I walk into the house, not a sign of my parents. Went up the stairs normally. Trying to be quiet would set off their “alarm”…then, my mom’s head pops out from my parent’s bedroom. She asked if I was hungry and asked how my day was…there was food waiting for me in the kitchen and “just clean up after.” The word clean resonated. Thought of Glen cleaning me with that warm towel. Kept thinking of my night. And then…”Where’d you get that sweatshirt?”

Always on my toes, I replied, “Oh, it’s Glen’s…it was cold in the theater.”

“Ok, well throw it in the hamper…I’ll wash it and you’ll give it back to him tomorrow with a box of cookies. I made a batch for the cast and crew, take it to rehearsal tomorrow.”

“Ok,” I said - and went into my room, ready to close out the day. I undressed and took that cool shower Glen suggested. The rope marks weren’t too bad and held the memories of my first bondage experience. And I hoped it wasn’t my last.

There have been more experiences, many more with Glen, which I will share here. When I went back to rehearsal the next day, yes…you can imagine. I was distracted walking into the building. And…had not forgotten Glen said it was going to be a busy week. Upon arrival, I went to Glen’s office…his door was open but no sign of him. I put a small box of cookies and the cleaned sweatshirt on his desk and didn’t see him until rehearsal began. Eventually, we cross paths on a break, he came up behind me, his hand gently resting on my left shoulder (have never forgotten this moment) and he said…”Hey, when do you leave for Princeton again? I need some help at my house, indexing…organizing…stuff, I just don’t have time to do it all by myself. $10 an hour, whaddya say?”


End Chapter 1.
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Post by Canuck100 »

Really good story! Seems like it was a very nice and gentle way to be introduced to tugs.

I’m glad it’s only the first chapters of many!
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Post by gige »

tightxropes wrote: 2 years ago Thanks for your patience…I write everything down in my journal as I recall these past events before typing them all here.

Part 2.

I remember Glen staring at me in a particular way as I slowly walked toward him and the table. I also remember him removing his glasses…taking out a handkerchief from his pocket, cleaning off the lenses. After he put his glasses back on (I was a few feet in front of him), he said…”As I mentioned, we need to get Peter restrained by Hook before he walks the plank. With some theatrics, he’ll free himself up. Can you put your hands behind your back for me?”

I did…Glen chuckled and remarked, “You need to turn around for me too.”

I must have been nervous, I did as he said and heard sounds of rope being pulled out of the box. He grabbed my wrists and crossed them, then I felt the rope, I believe he wrapped them several times around. He was quite fast, then I felt the ropes pressing into my wrists as he cinched it tight. He asked if I felt OK as he grabbed more rope, securing my arms to my torso, wrapping the rope around my chest, still standing behind me.

“It needs to look like Peter can’t escape. There…tight enough?” I think I said yes or nodded or maybe did both. I felt a rush of adrenaline come over me. It’s the first time I’d had this kind of intense feeling…a feeling to this degree. Arousal? For sure. I think Glen sensed it. He turned me around to face him and looked down…my cock was pressing through the tights, my green tunic billowed out. He said, “Oh, now that’s interesting. We can’t have that, can we?” He grabbed more rope and turned me around, facing away from him again….all I could feel was more tugging in the back…he tied it to the rope around my torso, letting it dangle.

At this moment he stopped…I could hear his breathing, more pronounced than before. “Hook’s henchman will have to tie Peter up since he only has 1 hand….which also means, he’ll have to do this as well…”

Do this? I wondered what he meant? I found out quickly. Glen placed his hand over my mouth. “Try to cry for help,” he said. I wasn’t sure what to do? Were we pretending or was this real? If I really cried out, someone might hear.

“It’s ok…you can cry out, no one will hear you.”

I tried to let out a sound…his palm pressed firmly over my mouth and all I could muster was an “mmmmmhhhh!” And I was very erect at this point. Alarmingly so. Glen quickly removed his hand and turned me to face him again. “Sssshhhhhh…please now, be very quiet. We’re already in over our heads, aren’t we?” He grabbed one of the white cloths from the box, knotted it at the center then grabbed my chin with one hand and pressing the knotted center into my lips. I did try to resist but it felt easier (and more fun) to give in and let him gag me. He turned me around again, tying the cloth tightly behind my head, securing the gag in my mouth.

“First time?” He said.

I nodded.

He then got another cloth (what I now know as a “detective gag”) and went over what was already in my mouth and securing it behind me.

Glen stared into my eyes: “We won’t be able to do this in the show, I’m afraid. It’ll take too much time…but thanks for letting me practice on you…I hope you didn’t mind?”

What did I know? I was 18, I’d never done anything like this before. I had a massive erection…and Glen seemed to have further plans for me in place. He pulled on the rope that hung loose behind me. "Slowly walk toward the dressing area and sit in that chair."

Part 3 coming soon...
Oh my god, Wonderful:)
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Post by TightsBound »

I really enjoyed this story! I never knew I wanted to be tied up while like Peter Pan until now. I’d love to read about more of your ties with Glen. Thanks for writing!
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Post by tightxropes »

Everyone - thank you for all the comments, I am happy to be able to share my experiences with you. TUG Stories has been an incredible find. I will continue with the next chapter soon, making sense of my notes and memories is time consuming but well worth it. Stay tuned…
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Post by TightropesEU »

Love this story, thank you so much for sharing
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Post by MaxRoper »

Wow! A great story of your introduction to the game we all enjoy. You write well and the hotness level was quite high.
Thanks for sharing! I'll be watching for more from you.
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Post by tightxropes »

Thank you, again - thank you! Next chapter is on its way soon.
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Post by Mitchelaiden »

Really love how this story is written! Cant wait for the next installment
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Post by harveygasson »

Fantastic work! Really hope you continue
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Post by Tiengag5 »

Great bondage story.
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Post by jase1010 »

Did having to wear the tights add to it?
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