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Getting acquainted (f/m)

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2020 5:13 pm
by EzraMarubayashi
Morgan and I had been sweethearts for about a month. When you’re fourteen, that usually means hugging in public and making out in a more private place, but one day, when she was having a pool party, things got a little different.

I got late to the party because my dad was too busy to take me there earlier. Everyone was already at the pool and I was eager to see her, for it would be the first time I’d get to see her in a bathing suit, at least live. I remember saying hi to some kids on the way, and when I finally made it there, she was coming out of the pool. It was like in the movies, slow motion and all. She had to be the most beautiful creature I had ever seen in my life.

“Hi, Brandon, I thought you wouldn’t come”, she reproached me.

I think I babbled some explanation, but I wasn’t exactly living the moment. My thoughts were in an entirely different place. She must have read my mind, because the next thing I knew, she was holding my hand as we sneaked upstairs, to her bedroom.

She locked the door behind her and told me to sit on a chair, as she did so on her bed, quite close to me. All this time, she hadn’t had let go of my hand. A million thoughts were running through my head, things that I didn’t dare to speak out for I still didn’t know the reason why she had taken me there. My heart was beating so hard that I was sure she could hear it.

“Have you ever had sex with another girl?”, Morgan asked after a very silent minute.

At that age, there was just one answer when a peer made that question, but she’s the only person I have never been able to lie to successfully, and at that moment, I didn’t really want to.

“I knew it! I heard you talking with the boys the other day. I knew it wasn’t true, but I had to make sure”.

I was proud of being honest with her. That talk, though, made me hold my legs closer together, not wanting to feel embarrassed.

“Do you want us to have sex now?”, I finally dared to ask.

She looked away a bit and I was afraid of having gone too far. The fact that we were still holding hands was confusing. I wanted that more than anything at that point and something inside my head told me she wanted that too. In the end, though, she said no. She explained to me that she actually wanted to, but that we were too young for that. We all knew of those cases of kids at our school who got pregnant and all the troubles they had gone through.

“But I would like to see you shirtless”, Morgan said decided. The red on her cheeks betrayed her, though.

I must say that I was just as red.

“Well, this is a pool party, I don’t see any problem with that”. I was about to take off my t-shirt when she stopped me.

“No, let me do it”.

It took me by surprise and all I could do was raise my hands so that she could take it off me easier. She took her time to do it, first grabbing the sides and then slowly pulling it up. Apparently, she enjoyed revealing my body little by little. When she was done, she scanned me for a while. I didn’t know if that was a good thing or not. Even though I wasn’t ashamed of my body, I wasn’t muscled or anything.

“Can I touch you?”. Her voice was soft and her eyes pleading. We were quite physical when we made out, but this was somehow more intimate.

In response, I took the initiative for the first time that afternoon and put my hands on her shoulders. My fingers were timidly running over her skin and when I was about to get to her breasts, she held my wrists, stopping me.

“No, I don’t want this to go any further. Can I be the one doing the touching?”

“Yeah, sure”, I mumbled, between nervous and frustrated.

“There’s one more thing: I don’t want you to move while I do it”.

I was puzzled at that point. Every cell of my body was pushing me to jump over her and she was asking me to stay still while she touched me? and yet, I didn’t wanna spoil it, so I agreed, unknowingly of what I was accepting.

She turned to her drawers and produced some scarves. I figured out what she wanted to do with them, for I had seen it before on the internet, but never actually expected Morgan to try it on me.

“This is to make it easier for you to stay still”, she said while she brought my hands behind the back of the chair and began to tie my crossed wrists up.

The scarves were smooth, yet firm. When she finished with my hands, I knew I wasn’t going anywhere. She didn’t stop there, though. She had more fabric and was willing to use it. She bound my ankles to each leg of the chair and then used another scarf to fasten my waist to it. Had I been a more sensible boy, I would have dreaded one of her parents finding me like that in her bedroom, but my blood wasn’t on my brain right then.

Her soft, warm hands began their trip all over my exposed skin. I was still wearing my shorts, so my most private areas were covered, however, it is one of the best experiences I can recall to this day.

She lingered a little longer on some spots, like my nipples, which I didn’t know could be so sensitive until then. Her smile was flirtatious, innocent, mischievous, all at the same time. Then, she started pulling on the fine bristles under my arms.

“What’s with my pit hairs?”

“Nothing, it’s just that since we’re supposed to shave them, I always thought they looked gross”.

I, instinctively, cramped my arms to my body as much as I could. With them bound at the back of the chair, it wasn’t that much really, not even enough to drive her fingers out.

“But they look kinda cute on you”, she said as she kept pulling on them lightly, and smiled at me.

I responded with a shy smile and relaxed my arms, letting her do as she pleased. At that moment, I was hers to explore and play with and I couldn’t have been any happier.

Unfortunately, our little adventure ended abruptly when she heard her father asking for her downstairs. She was quick to release me, and I was already hiding under the bed when he knocked on her door.

We didn’t try anything like it until some years later. By then, our more mature selves were ready to take things further, and even though I enjoy our games, I still cherish that first time.

Re: Getting acquainted (f/m)

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2020 6:19 pm
by Sniper108
Great story, cant wait for part 2

Re: Getting acquainted (f/m)

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2021 11:11 am
by dezz
The first experience can be the most beautiful ... thank you.