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Caught (F/F)

Posted: Tue May 26, 2020 8:20 am
by Lady of the Dark
(OOC:This story is dedicated to a wonderful rp partner, a woman who encourages me, who listens to me and makes me happy.
I haven't written a lot of background, I leave that to your own imagination. Have fun with reading.)

It is amazing how cosy this place feels, despite I have been here for just a few days…... Okay, almost a week…., and a few days longer…. Yes, yes, she kept me a whole damn week because she wanted me to take a spot in a horse race….. as ponygirl. That is history now.

The skin on my cheeks become warm and I am pretty sure I am blushing from the fact how much I loved it. It makes me even melt when I think back how she trapped me, captured me and used me as her plaything. The time I have been forced to spend with her was great, it was exciting, it was….. such a wonderful experience. Yes it really was. It sounds like I regret to have been released by her. I look around into the hallway, the living room, the kitchen……, it all started here with a cute invitation to spent the weekend with her, to have a nice time together. Indeed it was a nice time. But now I am back, not for games. No. For collecting stuff she took from me during my captivity. Stuff I need this weekend.

To shut off the alarm of her house was not a very difficult task. After I opened the door – I don’t have to mention that I took one of her keys before she returned my freedom – I walk to the display of her alarm. Patiently I look at the screen where a timer runs down from 30 seconds to zero. Quickly I take my phone with a white cable, connect it to the system and run the program that finds the right code to shut off the alarm.

“Come on…., commmm….., thank you,” I smile, relieved that the code shows up just in time on the smartphone. Immediately I press the digits on the screen of the alarming system which approves the code and I am free to walk in her house. Yes freely. I take the cable and the phone, put them in the small hip bag before I take a look in the living room with an excited shiver. It is dark, the curtains withhold the moonlight to show its lights. When I have examined the living room, I examine the hallway of her house before I take careful the stairs. My heart pounds like a lunatic which makes me double cautious. On my toes I take the stairs, avoiding it to creak. It takes a while before I am in the room where she kept me as her captive. Captive is maybe a big word because I loved every second of my stay. Memories come up all of a sudden and the most eliminated desires come back to life. My breath slows down, I close my eyes before I take a deep inhale of air through my nose and smell the scent of the room. I spread my flat hand on the matrass, stroking it while a wave of shivers run down my spine. What if ….? Yes what if…. Well I don’t have to think about it for too long because I am here to get some of my own stuff back…… Okay, okay…, I consider them as my stuff. It hasn’t been used during my stay with her, so……. Maybe she doesn’t share my opinion regarding she collected it.

Quickly I search in the closet where I find the large leather duffel bag with all the ropes, scarves, bandages and cotton balls. I open the leather bag to examine if everything is still in it. My hand runs through the gear and I smile when I see the unravelled bundles of ropes with her name on it. She hasn’t used them when I was her guest. Not even when she had the opportunity to do so. Ropes, microfoam tape, lots of ropes, a few cloths, more ropes and scarves. Even the flexible medical bandage roll hasn’t been used. I sigh from the fun it would have brought me, all the ropes that I specially made for her. I ask myself if she really would have enjoyed it…. To feel the ropes. Maybe this weekend it will happen. I have a chance to use them because my special lady will be my special guest.

There forms a wide smile on my face when I close the bag and with caution I lock the closet. One hand holds the handle while the other presses soft on the door to avoid a click. I don’t want to wake her up with any kind of noise, however her room is on the other side of the aisle. If she discovers I am in her house I know I am in deep trouble. With the knowledge on forehand what she might do to me, I probably am sold as well in the desire to be in her clutches. The shivers increase, not from the excitement of being discovered, not to get away with the equipment without being noticed, but the imagination of being captured by her again and the consequence of being tied up.

I listen carefully if I hear a sound before I peek around the corner into the small aisle to the stairs. No she isn’t there, I am pretty sure she is dreaming a lovely kinky dream. I produce another small smile once I reassure she is in a deep steady sleep. I don’t tease my fate by entering her bedroom, no, no, I am straight going through the exit. No matter how much I want to see her. With the bag in my hand I descend the stairs, as careful as I took them on my way up. Not a single sound is audible, even my heartbeat is constant. My toes are dampening every small sound of my feet. I am almost down when I challenge the silence with a small jump. It worked apparently because there wasn’t a noise either. My shoes are wonderful for snooping.

I have what I want. With a last glance behind me I look into the living room and the door that leads to the kitchen. No, this time I don’t let my emotions take over. It was a wonderful time but with our next appointment she is mine….. she will be mine… Mission accomplished!
I turn around to the front door, reach for the handle to open it when there is a sharp but o so soft recognizable voice.

“Stop right there Veronica.”

Her voice sounds so damn solid, so steady and so confident. It is like she expects me to be here just at this particular time. She has discovered that I am here. How is this possible? I am damn sure I turned of the alarm. I am also sure I didn’t hear anything when I was in the guestroom. The nervous thrill inside my belly appears. I am still able to run away, I am faster then the woman who owns this place, only there is something that makes me hesitate. I swallow, keep my position while I doubtfully take a step forward to the front door.

“Where are you going my dear?” the same soft voice asks what I intend to do, followed by a second sharper command. Demanding even.

“Turn around. And explain what you’re doing here.”

My throat processes another swallow from the nerves teasing my spine and legs. I close my eyes, freeze for a moment wishing I wasn’t here. My legs tremble because I know what happens when I give in to her commands. My breath is slowing down from the sudden excitement which shows up in any inconvenient situation. My hand relaxes, my fingers stretch to lose the weight of the bag that drops with a soft dull sound on the floor. I take a deep breath before I turn around to face her. I control my breathing, swing a little with my hips when I place one hand nonchalantly on my hip and let the other hang lose against my body. A pose that warns her that I am not impressed being snapped. She comes closer out of the dark spot in the hallway. She turns the light on that is so bright that I have to squeeze my eyes to have a good view and to get used to the brightness. She looks beautiful in her white nightgown that she holds together with a cord around her waist. Her breasts are lightly covered by the gown and her hair hangs lose and a bit sloppy over her shoulders. I don’t know why, there comes a new smile on my face. She is so beautiful…..

She has been alarmed somehow. I still figure out why, however my mind and thoughts are fighting what becomes first in line. My own excitement or pleasure is jumping forward, skipping the queue line where my other thoughts are waiting. I feel the tension in my mind when her eyes meet mine. She doesn’t look very amused, on the contrary, she looks very strict with a flair of devious glares. Oh hell yes, I know her gaze when she looks at me like this. Her glare is overwhelming and my confident composure fades away like clouds in the desert. She walks around me, a small circle where she places her hand on my shoulder, examining how I look. A shiver runs down my spine of her soft touch and her incredible nice scent. My black sneaker boots don’t betray I am shifting on my legs nervously, her other hand feels the soft fabric of my tight fitting pants. Her hands crosses my shoulders, feeling the soft cotton fabric of the thin turtleneck sweater that I wear. I freeze when she takes my long thick braid in her hands letting it slip through her fingers before she throws it back over my shoulders.

“Have you lost your tongue Veronica?” she asks once more to encourage me to tell what I am doing here.
“No my lady,” I answer with a weak nervous tone in my voice. My other hand leaves the hip and flails next to my body. The tension in my chest increases now she wants an explanation.

“I am waiting dear.”
“Yes my lady,” I hesitate what to tell. No matter what I say, she will keep me here. “I came back to take what belongs to me.”

She replies with only a smile when she takes a step to my other side. I dash my eyes a little because I really have no idea how to answer her amazing demanding gaze. My breath stops for a very short moment when she places her fingers under my chin and force me to look at her. My emotions of excitement grow, they are invading every small nerve string in my body to remind me what she is capable off.

“As far as I am concerned,” she answers with a soft steady voice, “you don’t have anything here what belongs to you.”

“This bag my lady,” I dare to protest with a little nod.
She squeezes my chin between her thumb and index-finger to state her point. Her eyes narrow at the moment her lips form a small smile that betrays I am in trouble.

“You wanted to steal it.”
“No my lady…., that is…., no…, I…, I….”
Stutters. All I have to do is tell her what I do here and all I can do is stuttering what makes my explanation more difficult then it really is.

“Everything in this house belongs to me,” she says to me while her voice remains the soft confident tone. It gives me another flood wave of shivers. Not that I mind having them, only it doesn’t approve the situation going better for me.
“No my lady….., I b, bb, brought that wi…, with me last weekend….”

I swallow while I look her in the eyes. My breath is really heavy and I feel my cheeks raise in temperature. They must be quite red by now.
“Really…, th…., at belllo…”

She releases my chin calm while she waves her hand to make me stop saying silly things.

“I am very disappointed Veronica,” she answers with a hissing voice. “I really thought you learned something last week. I regret that I released you.”
“But my lady! I haven’t done anything wrong! I behaved like you asked me to….. I didn’t steal anything from others or infiltrated to do something naughty….. I promise I didn’t.”

She giggles loud once she listens to me. She throws her head back in her neck with such a toxic giggle. Like I am telling a joke or something funny to her.
“You broke into my house my dear. You took an important bag with you.”
“With my equipment in it!”

I swallow nervously when my voice sounds so loud that even my lady raises an eyebrow. She circles around me like I am her prey. There floats an electric jolt through me when she takes my arm just above my elbow, makes me turn a into her direction before she whispers in my ear:

“Your equipment? Do you mean the gear you brought here as a gift for me?”
“Yes…., I mean no…..,” I squeal when she squeezes my arm, forcing me to move to the living room. In her other hand she takes the bag with her. Oh hell, she is so good in confusing me.

“It is clear you aren’t telling the truth Veronica,” she concludes on her own and pushes me forward.
“No my lady…., stop…., I am…. Don’t.. please…”

My protests are in vain when she walks me into the living room to a large table with large wooden chairs. I deliberately stretch my legs to slow down and being reluctant, not eager to be led to the living room. I don’t believe she takes me there for a cup tea. My concerns grow, I might be in deeper trouble then I want to believe I am in. Regarding how she holds me tight by the arm when I pull my arm backwards to escape, she ahs no intentions to open the door and let me go. With her other hand she puts the bag on the table with a loud flop before she pulls the chair away from the table, turns it with the seat behind my rear when she, with a strong force, pushes me in the chair.

“Sit down,” she gives me a short order, let go of my arm before she walks with gracious steps to a wooden cabinet against the wall.

“My lady, I am telling the truth,” I defend my self with a little panic in my voice. I am hesitating to jump and take a chance to escape. I am stronger then her, faster too, only there is something that keeps me pinned in the chair. Name it curiosity, name it desires because I know what is going to happen to me. What shouldn’t actually excite me. She believes I broke her trust…., and therefore she wants to punish me.

“Please my lady, I behaved. I did what you asked from me….”

I watch her how she opens a small hatch in the cabinet. My eyes grow wide when I hear the shackling noise of irons from a chain. This is not real, is it? I try to see what she takes and my curiosity is answered very quick. Chains and padlocks……, cuffs. Steel cuffs…, if she uses that I am screwed. There is no way to escape that kind of restraints. Especially when I don’t have any pickers nearby.

“My lady?” I ask nervous about the restraints that determine my near future. “Steel?”
“Yes my dear, steel,” she replies with a devious cold smile while her eyes look thoroughly into mine. She knows exactly what to ask, it is so obvious she likes to dominate me, to control me, to watch me when I try to defend me against her powers. That she knows exactly how to make me tell the truth.
“Is that a problem for you?”

She places the chained cuffs on the table while she keeps looking at me, forcing me to give an answer about what I like or not. Exactly what she wants. To say it is a problem for me. I am so confused right now. Why did I go back again? I should be at my own home, waiting for her to have just a wonderful evening, watching silly movies, playing boardgames.

“No…, I mean yes…,” I correct myself just in time.
“I don’t agree with you. I really don’t see the problem.”

How ridiculous is it that I am so attached to her dominating attitude. It is like she hypnotizes me to follow her rules she has fixed for me. I probably end up in restraints here, only those solid steel cuffs don’t give me a chance to escape. I shudder secretly when she wants to take them in her hands. They are too large, too thick and equipped with an annoying thick chain between them. That isn’t fun. I don’t have a chance to escape from these nasty things. I gasp for air, look at her when she reflects her gaze in my eyes. I swallow when I realize she is going to pull through. I move my lips without producing a word from the frightened rattling sounds of the chain. She reaches for my arm when I take a step back. She stops, not expecting my resistance.

Her voice sounds so demanding that it is hard to neglect her. If I want to stop her I have to come with another offer that gives me more space to escape. And she is nit very good with ropes she once told me. Well she proved earlier she knows knots pretty well, but I have been paralysed by her. She could do it without being disturbed by reluctant moves.

“Please tie me up,” I yell, almost whispering with a soft voice. At least I wanted to yell, but it sounds so strange to listen to myself when my belly is so tense from the shivers, exciting flames of desires around my most sensitive spots. She stops, lifts an eyebrow just before her wonderful devious smile comes back. She knew this. She trapped me again on my weakness.

“Are you sure?” she asks teasingly when she looks at the bag. “You never wanted to be tied up.”
“That was to resist you,” I bounce back with an instant correction. “But please my lady, please tie me up.”

I don’t care to be tied up, as long as I can avoid the cuffs. Besides being tied up isn’t so bad with a bigger chance to escape. She gives me one of her most surprised glances like she really didn’t expect me to submit to ropes so easily. Of course she knows better. Who is the brat here?
“Well, I don’t know if that wou…..”
“No mylady,” I interrupt her with a last bit of hope to change her mind. There is a small desperate vibe, mixed with excitement in my voice. “I like being tied up. Please….., tie me up.”

I take a deep breath, swallow once more when she changes the expression on her face with a satisfied smile. She leans forward, grabs my chin that she rubs with her thumb. To my surprise her voice remains solid and soft. There is not a single trace of victory in it. I am not sure if I made the right choice. She holds my chin for a few seconds more before her smile widens and her hand releases my chin.

“Put your arms behind your back and behind the backrest…. Your wish will be granted. Though remember this is a punishment.”
“Yes my lady,” I confirm with an excited relieved sigh. I don’t waste my time and push my arms behind the chair. The chair looks large, in fact it is a small chair without armrests. The poles and bars of the backrest are think what gives a good support to the back. The top of the backrest ends just above the shoulders. It is a comfy chair.

She doubles the ropes while she steps behind me.
“Relax your arms sweetie.”
“I am relaxed my lady.”
“No you are not.”

A new shiver runs down my spine. She sounds so determined that it is no use to argue about the fact if I am relaxed or not. Well I have tried to create some slack which failed. I relax my arms and within the second I feel how she pulls the tails of the ropes through the nose and closes the nose tightly around my wrists. She continues quickly with a next layer followed with a third, fourth and fifth layer. She is accurate by tugging every layer tight and finishes with two cinches. Skilfully she pushes the ropes between my arms to secure everything tightly what makes the ropes press into my skin. A short excited sigh escapes my lips when I hear she produces a knot. The first part of ‘how to make Veronica helpless’ is done. The soft rubbing noise of rope confirms she completes the knot before she hides it in the cinch. I am a little bit worried to be honest. I am really worried that she improved her tying skills or -that might be even worse, embarrassing even- that she has fooled me with her speeches about being not so good with knots….. I rub my wrists against each other, bend my fingers to examine where the knot is and try to turn them a little. Without any luck….. While I am examining the ropes, she takes a new coil of rope, a longer one. She doubles the long coil to, fix it at my left side to the lowest cross bar of the chair and places it over my belly to the other side where she pulls it behind the bar and return to the point she started. She is so close behind me that I can hear her breath.

“How did you find out I was here?”
My curiosity that she caught me red-handed is still not satisfied. I don’t like to guess why it happened.
“Oh my dear Veronica,” she almost sounds teasing when she whispers in my ear what I don’t want to know. “I have my methods to protect what belongs to me. You should be aware what I am capable off.”

I have no clue how she fixes the ropes but she runs a third layer of ropes over my belly without crossing my back. She pulls them around the cross bar from the backrest before she returns the rope over my belly again to the opposite side. It is tight only not so tight that the ropes dig into my skin like my wrists.

“You proved to me that haven’t changed your behaviour. Why did you want to steal all the ropes and equipment? Mh?”

“To keep them safe.”

“Oh you believe they are not safe with me?” she argues further with me while she holds the ropes tight in her right hand while her left arm embraces my belly from where she draws my back forcefully tighter to the backrest. I watch hoe she spreads her fingers and tenses her arm to push me backward on the seat. At the same time she tugs on the ropes that tighten my torso to the chair with less slack then I expected. I gasp lightly before I hold my breath a few seconds because she stops with running the ropes over my belly. No, she is doing something behind my back, probably knotting the ropes of. I am so focused on what she is doing that I forget to answer her last question.

“I wonder if you had intentions to equip these ropes on me this weekend Veronica,” she wakes me up from that dream when she surprisingly cinches the ropes as tight as possible between my back and the chair. The waist rope dig deep into my belly forcing me a minimum amount of space. It makes me gasp from excitement that it feels so tight and that it seems impossible to make moves at all. I hear the tails of the rope fall on the floor before she grabs my wrists and holds them to the crossbar with the wrist ropes against the wood. One hand keeps my wrists in position while my captor kneels down and takes the remaining ropes in her hand. I try to look back what she is doing what is useless. I just see her hands moving. Maybe I should give her an answer before more suspicion comes over me.

“I haven’t had any intentions my lady,” I try to convince her. I do everything to convince her about my good intentions.
“Are you sure Veronica?” she continues calm with her questioning making me nervous as hell. I wish she stops asking question. She knows me too well.
“Please my lady,….. I really hadn’t any.”
“So there was no need for you to enter my house and take all the equipment?”
“I…, I…, pliiioooaawww……,” I gasp from a pleasure shock inside me when another shiver teases my spine as she lashes the remaining ropes around my wrists in a diagonal pattern. She keeps focusing on the tying with two diagonal layers before she cinches the ropes. Two times she loops the ropes between my wrists and the cross bar, where I feel the increasing pressure of the ropes before she finishes it with a tight knot far away from my fingers. My wrists are pinned tight and secure to the chair however there is no direct contact with the wood. Ropes prevent that. From the first tug the ropes don’t allow me any movement at all. Only my fingers have the ability to swing and move. I tug on the ropes with all my powers but as simple as it looks, I really don’t have any slack in them. The concerns I have about her tying skills only increase when I am more aware about the risk I took, and even worse the consequences about me being her captive…….

She gets up, walks in front of me with her fingers caressing my shoulders and neck. Playful she gather a new bundle of ropes where her name appears every few centimetres.

“You lost your tongue plaything?” she teases with calling me plaything. Her fingers run over my cheek before she moves behind me where she doubles the ropes in her hand and puts them around my biceps just above the elbows.

“You wanted to use them on me,” she digs further while her skilled ropework forces my elbows to reach and almost touch when she loops the coil with two more layers around my biceps. The noise of the rest of the ropes on the floor breaks the silence as my words to her comment. I feel the urge to hold on and hope she takes my explanation.

“These ropes are mine my lady. I truly wanted to keep them with me.”
I gasp when she secures the ropes a few times between the arms.

“You are such a bad liar Veronica. I really hoped you would tell me the truth.”
She sounds so determined and so focused when she finishes the spiral and pushes the ropes in front of me. Just below my breasts to the other side where she runs the ropes over my arms to repeat the whole sequence three times.

“My leady please…..,” I say soft, almost confirming my defeat. “I have my reasons.”
“Oh I am sure about that,” she smiles while she tugs the ropes tight that lift up my breasts making my nipples point straight forward. They touch the inside of my bra, creating a small spot that betrays I am excited.

“Otherwise you wouldn’t be here would you?” she continues without a trace of distraction. She works the ropes between my shoulder blades and arms to secure the chest ropes with a firm and tight cinch. My arms are pinned with the strong ropes to the chair and the chest ropes increase the pressure at the bottom of my breasts.

“My leady please,” I whine. “It is…., wasn’t for you…., I mean…. I……”
“Was it for other girls?” she acts surprised when she knots the ropes behind me and uses one long tail of rope to lash my elbows to the chair. Again with a diagonal lashing technique and a solid tight cinch so I my arms are completely immobilized. I shake my head furiously while the small flames inside my womanhood stir up every little desire I have.

She gets up, walks in front of where she caresses my shoulders. My nipples are so stiff that they show themselves through my bra and sweater. Something she notices as well. Her hand runs over the sweater and tickles my protected nipples.

“In that case I am very glad I caught you today,” she says with a dangerous soft tone. “You are still a very naughty girl.”
“My lady! No!” I almost yell to hide the wonderful pleasure wave she forced in my breast from the massage. “It wasn’t, I swear….., please…., I never thought about that…. Please…”

She knows how to make me confess, I should have known that she has lots of capabilities to make me say what she wants to hear.

“Don’t waste my time plaything.”
“But my laaiia aaauuww,” I shout from the surprising squeeze through the fabric on my breasts. It is a strong and wonderful squeeze what causes a lot of sparkles to escape.
“Well plaything?”
I try to tug on the ropes which she tied so damn good around me. I look at her with puppy eyes now she made me useless.
“Do you let me go if I tell the truth?”

She smiles with a soft giggle.
“So you did have plans to capture me and tying me up?”

Her fingers cup my chin when I nod to confirm I wanted to capture her. Though I respond to give her some idea of what I wanted to do with her once she would have been under my loving custody.

“But…, but only for you my lady. So you would enjoy the ropes…..”
“I bet you wanted to have your revenge don’t you?”
“Uh…, yes my lady…” too late I see my mistake. “I mean, no…., to give you fun….. for you!”
“Oh my dear plaything, I don’t doubt your loving intentions,” she answers with a change in her voice. It sounds so wonderful charming. Her hand strokes my chin while her fingers caress one of my cheeks. It makes me blush.
“Though it still is a very naughty idea. I really believed you learned something about obedience and loyalty last week…..”

I swallow, try to shake my head to get lost if her hand, but she holds my chin firmly and forces me to watch her in the eyes. I sigh and gasp when she increases her grip, making me shy once she reminded me of my training.

“You released me my lady,” I start to argue with her.
“Oh yes I did. But….,” she expresses a warm smile, when she forces me to take a deep look in her pretty eyes. Her eyes betray she wants to dominate me, to take care of me as her favourite toy.

“But what?” I dare to ask.
Her smile gets wider and she leans forward until our noses are only a centimetre apart.
“…. Despite you’re free, that doesn’t mean you don’t belong to me.”

Her other hand moves to my neck where the turtleneck board hides the collar I am still wearing. Her fingers touch the collar when her eyes change into the well-known glance ‘how to make Veronica shy’.

“You still belong to me my cute little plaything. Don’t you forget that.”

It is indescribable how her voice sounds when she claims I belong to her. She doesn’t sound possessive, nor strict when her words settle in my brains. I don’t know how to call it but she makes me feel she wants to take care of me. Two of her fingers slip behind the board of the sweater to lower it until the collar is revealed. She touches the ring and the plate underneath it. Though she finishes with a refined touch to make me aware how she knows I will follow her. Once she looks at me I want to turn my eyes away from hers.

“Pleasssswwhhmmm…,” I want to say when I am suddenly silenced in surprise to feel her lips on mine. She forces her tongue behind my lips, to invade the space behind my teeth where she conquers my tongue. I hold my breath from the sensation she gives me, hesitating if I should answer the kiss, because if I do....., If I answer the kiss, I give in to her..... It is my acknowledgement that I belong to her. That she is really my mistress. I close my eyes with a deep inhale and a soft exciting moan. I tug with my arms at the ropes which are so incredibly tight holding me that there isn't a chance to embrace her with my arms. I am already fully under her control. I can’t deny it anymore. I wait a few seconds before I answer her kiss. Hesitating to take the invitation of her tongue for a dance, but I am so in fire to feel her tongue. Her tongue tastes delicious, it dances with passion and I can feel every small vibration of her love. I take her invitation and attack her tongue with a soft caress over the tip, moving to her lips. It takes only a second before she pushes my tongue back, not allowing me to take the initiative. No, she takes it all. She even controls the kiss that she grants me. Her hand still strokes the collar as if she wants me to know I am her girl. It brings me a new waterfall of shivers. Her other hand descend to one of my breasts where her palm teases my nipple. The ropes are supporting my excited state, knowing that I am going nowhere and she is in total control. It is so freaking exciting that I am not able to even make a small rub with my ass.....
After a while she breaks the kiss that I try to remain with sucking on her tongue. It is in vain when she retreats and looks at me while her hand strokes my cheek.

“It is time for a gag,” she announces her next step.
“I promise to be silent,” I reply immediately, with a high unclear tone.
“Oh you will be silent when your mouth is stuffed. Don’t worry, I help you to keep that promise.”

She giggles mockingly at me when she grabs a large balled cloth from the bag with an even bigger bandage roll. With hr free hand she grabs my braid at the moment I shake my head in protest against the gag. She pulls on it with a heavy tug so my head is thrown back. Her lips come very close to my ear where she whispers what I can do best. While I am still enjoying the kiss we shared. All I am able to produce is a few gasps because she increases the power on my braid and force my head further backward until I have to watch the ceiling.

“I’ll give you an option plaything. This stuffing,” she shows me the cloth ball. “combined with a cute ball gag that makes you drool, nasty duct tape or the bandage? One way or the other you will be gagged, however I want you to tell me what you like.”

“No…, no…. please.”
She gives another hard tug on the braid and combined with her attitude right now, I don’t take chances anymore. She is solid in her decision to gag me. Better with what I like. She looks at me with a victorious smile.

“The bandage is fine. Please my lady…..”
It is so embarrassing to experience how she plays with my mind and emotions. That she is able to force me to do what she asks of me. Leaving me confused with all my emotions. Her hand pulls with a strong tug on my braid again.

“Aauhhhwww,” I gasp when my head is pulled backward and she takes the opportunity to intrude the cloth behind my lips. My tongue instinctively pushes the cloth back, away from my tongue. Though she tugs a second on my braid with even more power, forcing my mouth to open when her fingers accurate and with care push the cloth further down on my tongue and behind my cheeks. They bulge a small part from the cloth.

“Nnwww wwououujjff wwnnnjjj,” I want to stop her when my pleads are muffled away into silly sounding moans. She releases my braid but with her hand she closes my lips and pulls the clips from the bandage that she holds between her teeth. She unrolls the bandage and places the first part on my cheek before she puts the first layer over my lips to my other cheek and the back of my head where she releases my braid. With one hand she holds the first part until she starts with the second layer just under my nose. The bandage is flexible and she pulls it so tight that my lips are pressed together and forced to close. The second layer is also pulled as tight as possible. The third layer comes of, a fourth layer that covers the bottom of my chin and my jaws before she repeats all the actions again. The fifth layer appears just un my nose for the second time with even more tightness then the first one.

“Hhmmou mmhhhoa,” I whimper through the gag when I see how she exhausts the complete roll with the flexible fabric of the bandage. She runs the last two parts over my jaws where she examines carefully if my jaws are trapped underneath it, pulls it tight before she takes the clips and fastens it behind my head. The bandage is tightly covering my lips from the bottom of my nose to my chin. Only a small tip of my chin is visible.

“You have the right to remain silent,” she teases me when her hand runs over the gag.
“Mmmhhnn nnfff,” I test the gag with trying to separate my lips. It is so exciting to feel the bandage doesn’t cooperate and I am not able to remove it at all. My tongue presses on the cloth that becomes wet from the saliva, I sense the tightness on my jaws while she cups my chin.

“You should thank me that I protect you against yourself. You can’t say anything that will be used against you.”

She gives me a warm smile once she sounded as a lawyer. In the meanwhile she walks out of the room leaving me alone. It is my chance to examine how I am tied. If all the excited shivers don’t bother me too much. I breath through my nose with long deep inhales. The fabric gives me such a desperate feeling that it restricts to use my jaws. I shake my head, try to make funny moves under the gag with my cheeks to create just a little slack to keep faith in removing the gag. It is just impossible. Like my arms. My elbows are securely tied to the chair without a chance to move them. I bend my fingers to reach for knots, try to turn my wrists a small part in the bindings without any achievements. She tied my arms in such a restrictive position that I don’t have space to turn them. They feel so damn solid on my skin…… Every time I am defeated by the ropes, I have to admit how much I underestimated her tying skills. Even in my worst case scenarios….., this wouldn’t have happened. She has beaten me again….. with an increased arousal state of my womanhood as proof of her victory over me.

My legs stretch, I push my soles hard on the floor and try to shuffle the chair towards the door.

“You don’t have to leave me now I am almost done with my preparations are you plaything?” she says when she shows up in front of me and pushes a few items on the table deck. I shake my head furiously, want to say something nice what is completely erased by moans. All she does is giggle and kneel in front of me. Automatically I close my legs, I don’t want to slow her down however she wants to do something else instead of tying my legs.

“Plaything?” she orders when her knee pushes between my knees to separate my legs. She gives me a glare that I respond with relaxing and open my legs. Her arms stretch, like her torso when she lifts herself up and she lowers my pants before her left hand dives under my panties and caresses my labia. I jolt from the pleasure and sense once more how strict I am tied up by her. Her fingers are like a tidal wave of pleasure that makes me wetter and wetter.

“Hmmmm ouummmm mmuouonn,” sounds from my throat once she pushes a metal piece against my clit in the most sensitive area I have.
“You’re such a good girl my cute plaything,” she teases after she retreats and cleans her fingers on the skin of my thighs. Her smile betrays how much she likes to control me. That I fully depending on her whims, on her mercy. Her eyes show me she knows in what kind of excited state I am. She knows exactly how much I desire being her captive. She pulls my pants up, removes her knee and takes a coil of rope from the table that she doubles. She kneels in front of my where I watch her moves in tying my legs just above the knees. Three doubled layers, tightly looped around my legs, three times a solid and tight cinch before she knots the ropes together. Her hands push the ropes between my thighs and between my shins pulling it up between my knees. Every cinch is tugged as tight as possible to give me another helpless emotion. She strokes my thighs what causes a new short erotic moan by me. She gets up slow, gives me another glare that is a mixture of deviousness and tease before she reaches with her arm to a new long coil of rope.

“I am really glad you decided to put my name on these ropes you know.”
She looks at me with a taunting smile. “It is evidence in case you claim it is yours. My name on all those metres of rope proves all the ropes belong to me. There is nothing here that is yours my dear plaything.”

“Mmmhhnn mmnnngn hhhffssnnn,” I shake my head that I don’t agree with her at the moment she kneels down and places my ankles on the floor next to each other. She tilts her head to give me a new teasing glance with an irresistible smile. She is such a gorgeous woman with such a talent for trapping me on my desires. She turns her head down to loop four double layers of ropes around the shaft of my boots to secure my ankles. She cinches the ropes as tight as possible when she tugs on them. I sense the pressure of the ropes on the shaft what gives another shockwave of emotions which flush through my body. She isn’t ready yet and after she made a knot, the remaining ropes are used to be wrapped around my ankles once more. Just above the current ropes with four doubled layers. She does it with care and patience to make it tight and decent before she cinches the ropes to make it feel as tight as possible. I am not able to move my legs anymore. I try to rub my legs against each other and the sensation is overwhelming me with excitement once I feel how my legs are turned into stiff non moving limbs. She ties the knot between the two cinched sections of rope. I swallow, bite the cloth, rub my tongue underneath the cloth while I keep trying to move my cheeks and jaws against every little trace of hope to remove the thick wonderful gag.

In the meanwhile my devious mistress takes the tails of the long coil of rope before she moves aside the chair with the double cords in her hands. She moves further behind the chair where she gives a hard tug on the ropes to force my legs to bend and my feet disappear completely under the chair. The ropes are returned with the cross bar underneath the seat as support. She manages to push the ropes between my legs and loops it around the top layers before she returns to the crossbar where she repeats the action. This time the ropes are send around the lower layers. I feel her hand around my legs to pull my feet of the floor before she makes sure the ropes are tight enough to keep my feet from the floor. She hooks the ropes around my legs, I hear the sound of knotting what makes me whimper through the gag. She turned me into a helpless embarrassing piece of a powerless damsel.

“Mmnnh mmmnn hhnmmmm,” sounds a soft weak begging moan. With a real strong effort I test the ropes that keep my legs as solid rocks underneath the seat. Well, there is absolutely no slack in them….

She sighs when she gets up behind me and embraces me from behind. More shivers appear once she touches me with her hands and I sense her cheek against mine. Despite the gag between us. I sense her smile once she strokes the ropes over my chest and whispers in my ear.

“You know my dear plaything, it is so exciting to tie you up with ropes that carry my name. You’re the first and probably the only girl who is blessed with these ropes. I am really glad you gave them to me.”

“I know, I know,” she answers my short moan. She runs her fingers over my cheek before she takes a leather item from the table. I wonder what she means with ‘I know’. That I like these ropes? Being hers? I turn my head to her in away from the table so I don’t exactly see what it is but she moves behind me and suddenly I notice she puts something over my fingers and my hand. Mitts! Nooo.

“Nuh hnhh, muun mmnhmu humm numhmm,” I frantically shake my head, kick my legs futile against the ropes and try to spread my fingers to avoid my hand is covered in the mitts. I try to look behind me but she finishes to close the strap in a small buckle. I stretch and ball my fingers when she takes the second mitts. It seems to work though I feel her hand on my shoulder where it strokes with a soft touch towards my neck. Her fingers caress my neck with such a delicate touch that I close my eyes and relax. It is enough for her to put the second mitt on. My fingers are trapped inside a soft leather bag that she closes by a short belt in the buckle. I try to look behind me once more, scratching my fingers against the leather from the inside. I hear a soft click, followed by another soft click. My heart beat accelerates, my breath deepens when I am aware that are padlocks. The only option to escape, my fingers, have been locked out. Oh damn, she knows exactly how much I like this and how helpless it will make me. To make the surprise even bigger my eyes are suddenly covered in darkness when she puts a leather padded blindfold over my eyes. She buckles the straps tightly through the buckle where the pin holds the straps and blindfold in place. My eyelids are forced to close by the pressure of the padding on the inside of the blinding panels.

“Mmuungg hhnnuuh hhnnuhh hhnnmmmuuhhnnn,” I sound defeated with lots of begging sounds through the gag. Those muffled sounds increase when I feel suddenly a vibration on my clit. A fast and devious teasing vibe that makes me instantly wet.

“Mmnnuhhh hhuuhhmmnnn nnmmmhhuuhhh nmuuhhh.”

Suddenly I am embraced by her again. Her arms around me with her hands on my belly and her chin on my left shoulder. Her lips are near my ear when her soft and warm voice calms me down. I swallow from the vibe inside me. I don’t know if I should enjoy it or see it as a punishment.

“It was a surprise to me to find you here my cute little plaything,” she starts her words with a clear excited tremble in her voice. A tremble that makes my heart fill with warm sparkles from the fact I belong to her.
“You had a chance to run off,” she continues, “but I know your biggest weakness. Your whole body betrays your desires. Your desire to be a helpless struggling cutie in ropes. You even begged to be tied up by me….”

“Hmmuuhn nnuuhhh,” I whine soft because she wanted to use cuffs. She distracted me and forced me to say I like being tied up….. Which I truly like…. Being tied up.

“However I like to give you a chance to escape.”
Her left hand raises and reveals the collar under my sweater. She puts something to the ring of the collar which she hides behind the sweater once more.

“The key to your freedom is attached to the ring of your collar. All you have to do is free yourself from the mitts and remove the knots. If you manage that before I wake you up this morning, you are free to go where ever you want. If not…..”

She pauses a moment to let me finish my last annoying moan. Not exactly annoying but it is such a devious idea that she gives me the key to my freedom while she knows I don’t have a chance to free myself. The tight fitting ropes, the incredible exciting gag, the mitts that remind me of my truly helpless situation…..

“……. I will keep you as long as I want to keep you. Is that clear my little plaything?”
“Mmnnhhh…., nnuuuhhh nhuh…,” I nod twice in a most excited state.
“That’s settled then,” she confirms with a wide smile. “Now for the vibe, that is randomly programmed. It will run in several settings and levels. Sometimes it stops for a while to give you some rest and after a pause it starts again on another level. I don’t control it…..”

With a last careful stroke on my belly with her hands and a soft kiss in the nape, she leaves the living room. I am left behind in despair, in excitement….., in a literally predicament…
“Good night plaything.”

“Mmnhh… uuhhnnn nnuh hhummh,” I moan through the gag after she explained how it all works. The vibe……, I am sooo turned on….. I am so helpless….. Oh damn, I do love this…..

Re: Caught (F/F)

Posted: Tue May 26, 2020 8:24 am
by RopingRingers
Very steamy 🔥 will there be more :)

Re: Caught (F/F)

Posted: Tue May 26, 2020 6:28 pm
by Lady of the Dark
Thanks for the compliment. :)
I don't know yet. I am not very good with sequences. I just write down what I like.

Re: Caught (F/F)

Posted: Wed May 27, 2020 3:10 am
by Switcher1313
A nice story! I pray you will come up with a sequel.

Maybe you can collaborate with another writer!

Re: Caught (F/F)

Posted: Wed May 27, 2020 10:17 am
by 67wwkaz
I really enjoyed this story.
You made it feel like it was real

Re: Caught (F/F)

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 12:35 am
by slackywacky
Damn, I want to change places and get caught too. Good read, thank you for posting.

Re: Caught (F/F)

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2020 2:13 pm
by humbled32
Wow! Super exciting! Delving into Victoria's mind. Sequel please!

Re: Caught (F/F)

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2020 10:46 am
by GermanFeetlover
I would like to remove her shoes and socks, not because of my faible for womans feet, only to test her bonds by tickle her feet :mrgreen:

Re: Caught (F/F)

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2021 7:13 am
by BoundJana
A very well written story, nice work!

Re: Caught (F/F)

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2021 5:14 am
by TomYi
This is a story of rare and exceptional quality. You kept all the endearing charm of a self-insert bondage tale while also giving it a professional level of detail!

Re: Caught (F/F)

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2021 7:52 am
by Risperdaltied
Excellent story. Would love a sequel!

Re: Caught (F/F)

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2021 8:36 am
by sian26uk

Re: Caught (F/F)

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2021 10:38 pm
by boundking79
This was a great story, I read through it twice. Love the characters, dialog and distributions. Well done. :)