Sweet Boy (Jessica Rabbit/m)

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Sweet Boy (Jessica Rabbit/m)

Post by ZTVFemdomtales »

Welcome to Toon World. You know those animated movies you grew up with? Here the Toons in them are actors. When not filming they live in the human world with you and me. They also love to kiss humans. Just don't let them kiss you on the mouth. It will trigger a massive orgasm, leaving you weak and helpless in their very horny hands.

There was no fucking way in hell. That could not be her. That could not be the Jessica Rabbit. How could she be shopping at my store? It just didn't make any sense. I mean it wasn't like this little bodega was one of the high end Hollywood stores she must shop at normally. Yet here she was, in her famous red dress. She looked so sad though. Not her usual flirty, happy self. He knew it wasn't his place to ask her so he quietly checked her out. She purchased her drink and left.

Jessica sighed sadly. This day kept getting worse and worse. Her agent had finally called, and it was not to provide her with good news. She wouldn’t be getting any of the parts she’d auditioned for. She had been a star after Who Framed Rodger Rabbit?, a household name even. She tried other blockbusters, but they kept casting her as the fem fetal. She tried indies to show off her range. She tried Broadway. Nothing worked. Then Toy Story came out and the 3D craze began. Now she was only getting direct to video roles, tv roles. They just wanted her to do sex comedies showing off her body for all to see. All her work was showing off for lecherous men. It was all too much.

I was counting out change for the next customer in line when I saw it. A sticker had been placed in the window of the cooler Jessica had bought her drink from. It was a two for one special. I had charged her the wrong price. There was no one else in the store so I grabbed her due change and took off after her.

Her slowly, plodding pace had only taken her a block. She was in no rush this day. All she wanted to do was to walk and sulk.
“Miss Rabbit! Miss Rabbit!”
She sighed, here they went again.
“Yes?” she asked, turning to look.
It was the boy from the bodega.
“I overcharged you before. It was $2.99 for two or $1.50 for one. So, I brought you your change.”
He smiled sweetly handing her the money.
“You followed me all this way to give me this?”
“Well, yeah. You looked like you needed a little kindness today.”
Her heart swelled. No one had ever done something like this for her. No one had ever thought about her needs. No one but this sweet boy.

“Tell me do you like the color red?”
That was a strange question.
“I guess so. Why?”
“You’re about to be covered in it.”
Her surprisingly powerful arms shot out and wrapped themselves around me like squashy and stretchy snakes. The next instant I was dragged up against her. Her breasts were so big and bouncy. It was pressing up against a waterbed. She puckered her lips into two large red pillows of lust. They pressed onto my face. I felt a tingling the moment of contact. It was like the first drop of a rollercoaster had been combined with a low electrical buzz. My skin had never felt so alive.
A warmth began forming in my chest. It was feeling of arousal, love and the release of pure pleasure all rolled into one. It was the most amazing sensation I had ever felt. Her lips pulled off me with a loud PLOP! Though I couldn’t see it, I knew she’d left a clear lipstick mark on my cheek. She began peppering my face with a ferocity I had never known. The feeling in my chest exploded out into my whole body. It was almost as if I were getting drunk. That’s when it happened. That’s when she kissed my mouth. The biggest orgasm of my life ripped through me like an atomic bomb. I soaked my pants; all of my energy being carried along with it out of my body.

Well, that had been a mistake. She had gotten a bit… carried away. She had crossed the line. She knew better than to kiss him on the mouth like that. Now he lay limp in her arms, a big goofy smile on his face. She knew he was in no shape to go back to work. He had been so sweet to her; she couldn’t just leave him there.
“Well, looks like you’re coming home with me.”
“OK,” he said dopily.
Her car was nearby. She quickly made her way to it, hoping to spare the boy any embarrassment. He was too out of it to care. She buckled him in and took off.

I was only partially aware of what was going on. Jessica Rabbit was carrying me. I could feel her heart. We were driving. She was undressing me. She was washing me in her tub.

He was so cute, this sweet boy. He was so helpless and adorable she just wanted to hold him tight. As she cleaned him off, she couldn’t help but wonder what it would feel like to have his skin pressing into her own. She carried the sweet boy into the living room and laid him on the couch. He smiled up at her like an idiot. She had to know. She took off her dress and picked him back up. She then laid on the couch face up and placed him atop her, head on her chest.
“Wha…?” he began to ask.
“Sh, just sleep Sweet Boy.”

I have no idea what time I awoke. I just knew two things. I was naked and I was laying on a sleeping, naked, Jessica Rabbit.
“Oh my god.”
“Hey there.”
“I’m so sorry!” I said, face burning.
“What for?”
“I don’t know but whatever happened to get us here has to be my fault and I’m so sorry.”
“You were so sweet to me I just had to thank you. I’m the one who made you cum your pants if anything I need to apologize to you.”
“No, you never have to apologize to me.”
“God you’re so sweet!”
With that she kissed my mouth again.

Oh damn. She had no idea why she had done that. She couldn’t stop herself. He was just so fucking cute. He looked so peaceful just laying there. She didn’t want him to get up. Maybe that’s why she did that. It didn’t matter now. He was laying there, smiling like a sweet little fool. She loved it. She loved she made him that happy. It made him her sweet little fool.
She blinked and looked down at him as the thought replayed itself in her mind. Her’s. The word sent an erotic thrill through her body. Forbidden, sinful thoughts rushed through her mind. Nobody knew where he was. They were miles from anyone else. She had already thrown away his nasty clothes. If she didn’t give any replacements he couldn’t walk back easily. If she kept kissing him he would be too weak and happy to even try. She could just be with him forever. Could she do that? Should she do that? Did she even want to do that? Yes. She did.
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Post by RopingRingers »

This. Is hot. I fucken love Jessica Rabbit ;)
Hello there!


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Mommy's Naughty Boy
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Post by Mommy's Naughty Boy »

Terrific story! I love a good cartoon come to life!
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