A Job Well Done (M/MM)

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A Job Well Done (M/MM)

Post by cj2125 »

“It’s a little disappointing, I expected this to be harder but you make it all so easy! I guess it’s true what they say about thinking with your dick! What? You mad, bro? But this is all your own doing! I just had to play alone, pretend to be your type and wait for you to want to fuck me. I didn’t even have to get any gear! You already had everything I needed! Kudos for that gag! I bet you wanted to use it on me right?”

Ryan looked at the rater angry man sitting on the heavy wooden chair in front of him. His hands had been pulled behind the back of the chair, bound together with a pair of leather cuffs, linked by a chain. Red rope was wrapped around his broad chest, below his pecs and over his waist. His ankles were pulled back, being tied to the rear legs of the chair. He glared at his captor, slobbering all over the red rubber ball wedged between his teeth.

Ryan had to admit he was handsome, first and most important, he was well endowed, one of the perks of having him naked; his body was muscular and well groomed, his hazel eyes were quite beautiful even when they were glaring at him with murderous intent, his brown wavy hair looked amazing even after being all sweaty and tousled by the struggle and his face was strong and angular with a little dust of a 5 o’clock shadow on his jaw. And of course Ryan was of the opinion that a gagged man always looked more attractive, especially if he was contorting his face in an effort to get rid of the gag. In any other situation, Ryan would have been more than happy to play with him, even go along with his original plan, that kind of specimen was worth it!

“Granted it wasn’t that easy. You gave me a run for my money trying to convince you to tie you up first; I probably would have never agreed but I bet you didn’t feel threatened by me, I guess my acting was superb right? Isn’t that your type? Weak, shy guys who are just begging to be overpowered by an alpha male like you?” Ryan tousled his hair getting a few angry grunts from him “So I just needed to get my hands on one of the waiters uniforms, make sure you always had a drink in your hand and hover around you so that when you’ll get inevitably horny I would be the first one to catch your eye! Well, that and get rid of your assistant, that guy follows you like a puppy! That was the truly hard part. I almost feared I would have to attack him too but you took care of him for me! How was it ‘Michael, let me go and fuck his ass or I’ll get yours’ good job my friend!”

Ryan stuck out his tongue at the man and sat behind the desk, turning on the desktop computer and getting a series of grunts from his prisoner that would have sit well with an angry dog “You gave me the perfect chance too! Throwing a party is the perfect opportunity for a bunch of strangers to walk into your home! Now… what could the password be…?” someone with his experience only needed two tries at most, it was easy to decipher a password if you knew the right information: Dates of birth, important people on their lives, important events… and of course if he hadn’t done it by the second attempt he could always get it from the computer’s owner, he didn’t go through all the work of restraining him for nothing!

“Whoa!” Ryan couldn’t help but chuckle “Joseph0526? Talk about being self-centered! Well, the good news is that as soon as I get what I came for I’ll be on my way! And if you are good you might get a small reward Joe!” more grunting came from the man’s gagged mouth, Ryan couldn’t understand the grunts but it was natural to infer that they were threats to his safety and those close to him “You don’t like being called Joe? Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe” he hummed while browsing to through the files, ignoring the vein that was starting to pop in Joseph’s forehead.

“Well, the files are being transferred!” Ryan finally announced pushing his flash drive in the CPU “It should take a while though so it would be good to find a way to spend the time!” Joseph roared and violently squirmed, making the chair tremble. Ryan seemed unfazed

“I’m pretty sure you’ve never being in this position right? All tied up, helpless… no, you are always the one in charge” he smiled while he inspected the shelf filled with toys that Joseph pulled out to brag, back when he was under the impression that Ryan would be the one tied up that night “Well, I sort of like your type, it’s always fun showing these self-proclaimed alpha males how they can be utterly dominated by a tiny guy like me” he finally settled on a ridding crop and turned to face Joseph “I prefer natural submissive guys but I always have a soft spot for your kind. It’s almost a hobby to break them!”

Josephs shook his head, spraying drool around him and grunted more threats towards Ryan. The boy smiled and snapped the crop against his exposed balls, getting a loud moan from Joseph as he flinched from the pain “I bet you’ve hit your boys with this quite a few times… scratch that, I know you’ve hit them” he swung the crop again, hitting his balls and making Joseph howl “What’s the matter Joe? Don’t like a taste from your own medicine? Frankly I’ve always said that a man should be able to endure anything he is willing to deal, if not you are just a hypocrite don’t you think?” he grinned and hit him again, his balls were turning red and Joseph’s struggles grew more desperate; Ryan was pleased to see a hint of fear on his face “If you want me to stop, better stay still and take it like the man you claim you are!” Again he hit him and Joseph let out another how but this time he remained significantly stiller.

Ryan would have like to believe that with another ten minutes, Joseph would have been transformed into a nice obedient pet, unfortunately for both of them, their little session was cut short by a knock in the door.

“Mr. Kenworth? Sorry to interrupt you but Mr. Jade is looking for you downstairs, what should I tell him?”

Ryan and Joseph exchanged glances silently exchanging the same awareness of what was about to happen, one with dread, the other with hope.

“Mnghhml! Hmlp mm! Gmt mm hht hf hmrm!” Joseph yelled for his assistant’s help, Ryan hit him with the ridding crop once more whispering to be quiet but with his way out so close at hand, Joseph was less inclined to submit as he had been a minute ago and the pain only made him scream louder.

“Joseph? What’s going on? Should I get some help?” Michael the assistant started turning the doorknob, trying to force it open. Ryan had taken the precaution to lock it but he knew it would only buy him some time; all Michael had to do was call the army of bodyguards around the compound and Ryan would be in trouble. He had an option though, Michael was less built than his boss, while Joseph spent his free timed at the toning his body gym, Michael did it cleaning up his boss’ messes; Ryan might be able to take him down but he needed to strike first.

He found the solution on Joseph’s toys. He picked up a blue piece of rope and one of Joseph’s black dress socks from the floor and positioned himself behind the door, finally opening it. Michael wasted no time bursting inside only to be momentarily shocked by the sight of his boss. That moment was enough for Ryan to attack, quickly shoving the rope in front of Michael’s neck, chocking him. Michael tried to struggle but it only took a few moments for him to lose enough consciousness for Ryan to move one. At a speed that took eve Joseph by surprise, Michael’s jacket, shirt and undershirt were practically ripped off his body and his hands were bound behind his back. By the time he was waking up, his mouth was stuffed with his boss’ sock and secured in place with his own tie. The rest was easy and soon the assistant was standing in the middle of the room in his birthday suit.

Of course it could have been faster if Ryan hadn’t stripped him first but he liked the challenge and it was quickly paying off. Michael was handsome in a way different from Joseph. He was slim yet toned but with a paleness that told everyone that he needed to spend more time outside; he had long black hair down to his shoulders that almost covered with his blue eyes and soft features of his face and Ryan was going crazy over the tattooed snake that wrapped around his left arm.

To subdue him physically had been easier than Ryan expected, mentally was even better. True that at first Michael tried to offer some resistance, growling, writhing his wrist and looking at Ryan indignantly but after a few whips to his butt cheeks with the ridding crop, Michael became much more compliant. Still he needed one more whip to his red bottom for him to follow Ryan’s command to sit on his boss’ lap facing him.

Michael’s face was completely red as he tried to find a way where his boss’ hard member wouldn’t go inside any unpleasant place, Joseph seemed like he wanted to kill Ryan but Ryan was used to that look so he didn’t pay much attention. What he did was use the rest of the blue ropes to bind the two guys’ torsos together, forcing them to get closer to each other, he finished his work by tying Michael’s ankles to Joseph’s ankles so the both were stuck to each other in every way but their heads; and just as he finished his rope work, an alarm went off on the computer telling him that his job was done.

“Just in time!” he smiled ignoring the evident tension between the bound men and instead pulling out the USB and formatting the system in a few simple steps to ensure everything was erased. Served them well for not having backups.

“Well guys, I’d love to stay and play with you but I’ve gotta go. But before I leave why don’t you two kiss each other, pleaseeee? For me?” Joseph and Michael looked at each other before turning bright red and shaking their heads. That forced Ryan to give a few more whacks to Michael’s already punished butt making him whimper and give his boss a pleading look.

To Ryan’s surprise, Joseph gave him a rare reassuring nod and both men leaned closer to each other, perhaps he had underestimated Joseph’s care for his subordinate. Both men closed their eyes and let their lips touch each other for a second before trying to pull back but Ryan quickly hit Michaels’ bottom again “Did I say you could stop? And do it with feeling!”

Both men whimpered and kissed again, this time Michael took some initiative and started rubbing his mouth against Joseph’s letting out soft moans from his mouth, once more surprising Ryan, Joseph started to slightly wiggle his hips, grinding against Michael until he too was letting soft moans. Ryan didn’t mind staying a few more minutes than planned watching the show but eventually he was forced to regretfully make them stop.

“That was impressive! You almost looked like a couple! In fact, Michael seemed to be your type! Meek, small, submissive…” Michael shook his head indignant but quickly nodded when threatened with the rod “Why haven’t you banged him yet Joe?”

At the mere suggestion, both guys turned bright red again and averted their eyes from each other “Oh my god. You have banged before?” they didn’t admit it but didn’t deny it either to Ryan’s glee “Well, now I really want to stay longer and get an answer from you but my time is up! Better get out of here before I get in trouble! I’m sure someone from your staff will find you tomorrow!” both Michael and Joseph let out loud moans of protest and started squirming against the ropes, loudly objecting to the thought of being find like that by their staff, specially Joseph who would lose any respect from them if found in that compromising position! “Don’t like that plan?” Ryan grinned and pulled his phone from his pocket “maybe next time don’t try to hook up with the staff!” as a final touch to their humiliation, Ryan pulled out his phone and took a few pics of them, making sure to get good close-ups of their blushing faces and hard members “why don’t you take these hours to rekindle your flame?” he cackled, adjusted his white tuxedo and walked away, closing the door behind him and leaving boss and assistant, squirming, moaning and getting incredibly aroused with each other.

Getting out of the estate was relatively simple, nobody ever suspected the small, shy waiter boy and nobody was looking for Joseph. After all, the regular staff and guests were quite sure he was in him room banging some cute boy so hard he wouldn’t be able to sit for a week. They were, of course, mostly right!

He made his way out of the driveway and down the street. It was a ten-minute walk until he arrived at the empty parking lot where he had left his car. He had found a blind spot in the neighborhood where the security cameras wouldn’t catch him getting in the car, reducing the risk of being found. Ryan removed his jacket and bow tie, unbuttoning half of his shirt and opened the trunk, admiring his main price.

The real waiter lay inside his trunk, he was just a kid, maybe 19 or 20 years old. It had been easy to knock him unconscious and steal his uniform, he was still unconscious when Ryan stuffed him in his trunk so he was sure the boy had quite a shock when he woke up. He really looked adorable, curling inside the trunk in nothing but his dark red boxer briefs and black dress socks, his hands taped behind his back, his ankles taped together and a strip of black gorilla tape sealing his lips. The real waiter looked up at him, too scared or tired to fight back though Ryan suspected both. There was a coat of sweat over his pale skin and his spiky black hair, the tips dyed blue, was wet too. He looked at Ryan with his large green eyes, a few tears running down his cheeks.

“Hello Fernando, I’m sorry you were trapped here for the past five hours. Also sorry you got caught in this mess so I guess I owe you an explanation” Ryan gently grabbed his thigh but the boy flinched

“Well, I chose you because I needed a waiter suit my size, so I could sneak into Joseph Kenworth’s mansion. I had a job to do there, don’t worry! Nobody is hurt… a lot” his joke didn’t seem to sit well with Fernando who quickly turned paler than he already was “I was joking… kinda… anyway, there’s another reason I chose you. I knew it since the moment we talked” he leaned closer to Fernando’s face “I know you, I bet that you’ve fantasized about this? Being kidnapped, tied up and taken somewhere, turned into your captor’s pet, used by them without being able to fight back. You have dreamt of this haven’t you? I could take you with me right now, tie you to my bed…” he leaned closer and whispered all the things he could do to him, hitting all of his secret desires and fantasies with such precision that for a moment Fernando doubted that man have met him just this morning.

“So this is what’s going to happen. I’ll remove the gag so you can choose. Either I untie you, give you back your stuff and some money for the cab home. Or I can put the gag back in, take you to my place and keep you for the rest of the weekend” he ran his index down Fernando’s cheek, just giving him a few seconds for his offer to set in. Finally, his fingers picked the end of the tape and in a swift motion ripped it off his skin.

The boy looked up at him, his breathing still heavy, his eyes still wide open and for a moment Ryan thought he had miscalculated, but then he noticed the corners of his mouth twirling into a sly smile “Please, gag me again, sir”

Ryan liked this boy! He put the tape back in and closed the trunk. Resting against it, he pulled out his own phone and looked at the pictures that he had taken of Michael and Joseph; then he continued browsing through other pictures of is past missions. Men like Joseph that had to be restrained, men like Fernando that had to be taken out, some even made it all the way to his place. He liked collecting those pictures, reminders of his work; and of course soon there will be a new picture, money was always welcomed, but it was the boy in his trunk his own reward for a job well done. Ryan really loved his job!

The End
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Post by MaxRoper »

This is excellent. You're one of the best writers on the site and you keep getting better. I got to know all four characters rather well (even Fernando) which is quite a feat in such a short tale. Plus, there was plenty of hotness of various sorts.

I always look forward to a new one from you and you never let me down. Definitely a job well done
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Post by jone123 »

nice story, the way you described their helpless situations and feelings was amazing

write more stories like this
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

This was a terrific story from beginning to end.

Ryan was a very unique captor and his narration was a blast to read. I loved how the smaller guy tied up the bigger dude for a change and everyone more or less got something from the night. Michael and Joseph were adorable, especially tied up together and Fernando was icing on the cake.

25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

You can reach my list of written work here: https://www.tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38808#p38808
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Post by RopedBud »

This story was actually really hot! I kinda wish you would make some more stories about his others missions and other guys he has tied up!
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Post by Volobond »

Wonderful story! Tying the two prisoners together was very hot, and I loved the inclusion of Fernando at the end! Thanks for such an awesome story here.

You can find my M/M stories here: https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38809#p38809
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Post by bondagefreak »

Beautifully written, mate!

I think the part I enjoyed most was reading about the poor assistant getting his mouth stuffed and gagged with hunky Joseph's worn dress sock ;) Definitely a fun read overall.

You need to join the M/M story index soon.
You've published quite a few tales this past year.
Would be an excellent way for myself and fellow fans to get easy access to the rest of your works.

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Post by sniffingyoursocks »

A really great tale!
The twist in the end with Fernando was especially hot...

Can‘t wait to read more short stories like that! Awesome work.
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Post by squirrel »

Great story! I just loved when Fernando asked to be gagged again... And the bondage descriptions are fantastic! :)

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Post by gagged-cowboy »

Very nice and hot story
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Post by NeedControl »

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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Very hot story. 💨🔥

I love Ryan's adventures. Cannot wait to read more!
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