the Valiant knight, the Princess Fair. and the Fiery Dragon. M/F F/M

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the Valiant knight, the Princess Fair. and the Fiery Dragon. M/F F/M

Post by WyattW5 »

MountainMan_91 inspired this story I hope he likes it.

Standing above the rocks of a mountain was the crumbling stone made fortress. What once was a vision of might and just power. Now stood a brooding form of darkness and terror as the home of the Dragon.

It was said hundreds have climbed these peaks to face the ferocious beast. Everything from the wise hunter aiming to capture the prize. To the keenest thief who desires the Dragons treasures.

Two horses canter up the long weary path of the mountain. Leading the journey Sir Thomas of Burban sits upon his strong noble stead. He sits a handsome man his brown hair was short and combed forward his calm pale blue eyes narrow as they look upon the dark clouds loom ahead. The reins in his gloved hands guiding his charger onward. his muscles toned and developed from years of training. Adorned in shining armor his chest covered in the crimson tunic of adorned in the symbol of his family. The mighty griffin.

At his side his faithful squire and cousin: Robert of Burban. Raised by the same man Thomas’ father. Robert was born five years his cousins younger aged twenty. His neck long black hair was weighted down by the heat the sun of the days travel. And the weight of his leather gambeson with the chain mail armor to keep his protection. Riding his fine young mare the horse spurred onward carefully. Only the confidence of his cousin did Robert continue so calmly.

Arriving at the top of the mountainside to come to two withered trees. And a failing bridge lay between the travelers and the castle. Looking up to the castle Thomas and Roger both stare in awe. Tethering the horses to the tree Thomas’ mount began to nicker in concern. Roger approaches attempting to calm the uneasy beast.

“He is nervous cousin”

“I know, Stanton is old and blind but he has a good sense... no mortal should be upon this mountain” Thomas speaks brushing the horse's neck and nose.

“That does not bode well for our quest cousin” Thomas nods looking up to the castle his mind formulating he remembers why he came here to this forsaken place.

Three days earlier.

In the grand Palace of King Frederick. The King had been happily ruling his throne. The King and his only Daughter had been hosting a ball where all the Kings eligible men. And a ball was organized for the Princess to choose her husband. With nearly a hundred eligible men before her Princess Yvette.

The Princess was a vision of beauty her hair spread down to her waist but was bound in braids in wound all-around your neck and hair. She had been the life of the party accepting dances from everyone the highest Dukes Sons to the humblest squire.

Before the dance could conclude and the Princess would choose her husband. The door was broken in and the chamber was engulfed in fire as the dragon had broken in. Capturing the Princess, daring only the bravest most courageous to come to her mountain the Dragon roared.


Looking to the castle Robert had begun to assist Thomas putting his shield on his arm. The sword on his hip Thomas looks to Robert and nods his head.

“Stay with the horses keep them calm... if I am not back by nightfall return home” the man stops looking down on his sword and hands it to his cousin.

“Return this sword to our father” Robert shakes his head “how will you fight the Dragon without your sword?” pulling the spear from his horse's saddle he holds the weapon with ease. The spear had been better reserved for hunting. But now he would use it for battle.

“Take care cousin” Thomas calls marching across the weak limbed bridge. Crossing the cobblestone bridge and into the doorway. Looking around Thomas found himself tense. Raising his shield and readies his spear. Crossing the stone floor of the castle Thomas could not help but notice all the broken and mashed and charred pieces of armor.

Crossing stone walls Thomas could tell this Castle had been a great fortress in his day. Now it was old and tired, Thomas could feel the eyes of the ghosts of the fallen surrounding him. Each of the fallen had but one thing in common, their arms and bodies were ready for battle it was as if the Dragon attacked while their guards were at their highest.

Keeping his shield low. His gaze sticking the edges of his vision watching for the shadows that move around. Before long the loud thunderous roar causes Thomas to jump in surprise on a rocky mantle. The Dragon stands long thick scales two serpentine eyes four thick horns pulled back behind her eyes.

“You are bold to come into my palace” the Dragon taunts a deep heavy voice as the once-solid Dragons body turns to a slithering serpentine form around a column sliding down to the ground laying on the floor the Dragon pulls back a smile.

“Do you always give your challengers this chance?”

“No! Every challenger had tried to use their weapon before I could speak my first word” the Serpent grins humming softly.

“Well, is this where you offer terms, or is it too late for me?” the Dragon smiles “come for the pretty princess, the heavenly girl her golden hair, her alabaster skin...” the Dragon muses with a smile before looking into the man's eyes.

“You want the Princess there is a bargain, survive the night and upon dawns first light, you may take her and leave”

“Survive the night, and you will let me live and let her go?”

“Yes,” the Dragon smiles the serpentine tongue began to lick her lips now what once was a deep ominous voice to the seductive hiss of a woman’s coo.

“I accept” the Knight raises his chin holding his pride close and his nerve in his heart.

“Tell me where she is first... then we will meet on your terms” the Dragon turns to slither around the door of a turret on the small tower. Nodding Thomas looks back to the dragon...

“Where shall we meet?” the Dragon turns her head in a hurry smiling to the Knight slithering around the Knight her left eye keen on the knight's form.

“Follow me” the Dragons wings grew from his body and fly from the room into the only tower left standing. It seemed the tallest tower in the castle. Swallowing his nerve he ascends the tower having seen the Dragons talons or the beast's tail encircling the tower.

Entering the door the hunting spear in his right hand the shield held high the Knight looks to the ceiling expecting to see the roof torn off so the dragon could slip in. Or the Dragon awaiting him, instead he found a cold dark bed chamber an old four-poster bed in the corner silks and satins covering every inch of this room.

In his scan, he came across something that startled him. The form across the room not the form of serpentine beastly form of scales wings and claws... a form of tanned skin fiery red hair her body fully exposed for his view. Sir Thomas struggled to maintain his composure, he had never seen the full extent of a woman’s undress... but this woman was enchanting.

Turning around woman smiles her red hair bouncing around her face and neck. Her bosom stays at rest begging for a man's attention. Unsure how to proceed Thomas raises the spear expecting this to be a trick. The woman smiles the golden serpent eyes glisten at the moment.

Walking forward. A seductive tone in her stride the woman comes close “you will only need your spear” she smiles coming close allowing Thomas to point the spear to her throat the point touching her throat.

Every instinct in his core told. Thomas to push the spear through the serpent's throat. But to look upon the woman he did not see the same fiery threat that the dragon was. She now stood a small vulnerable seductive young woman.

Raising the tip of his spear she comes in close. Prying the shield from his arm Thomas soon realized what she had in mind. Lowering the spear Thomas was pushed against the wall before the woman began to rise to bring her mouth to close over his.

Unsure how to feel about this, but liking it on a small scale Thomas reaches around bringing the Dragon in close running a gloved hand through her hair. Pushing the woman backward's through the many layers of silk, satins, and fabrics around the room.

Laying her on the bed he straddles her two layers of cloth were now separating the pair. Taking her by the wrist Thomas began to wind the cloth around her wrists binding them together. The red-headed woman smiles pushing her head through the fabric smiling she looks up to him.

“Continue Valiant knight, you are doing well” she hisses a joyful smile crosses her lips as Thomas leans down closing his lips around hers. Welcoming her tongue in a form of mutual investigation. Thomas used this time to grab another sash winding it around her serpentine eyes she only gasped as he moved his mouth down her neck to her collar.

Running his hands over her body. She began to writhe in the attention of the man's touch. Pulling the countless sashes and fabrics over her nude body. Thomas had begun to loosen his trouser to allow his manhood free.

She expected to keep him the night. He would honor his agreement, but he did not trust the Dragon to let them go when he was finished. Keeping this in mind Sir Thomas bears down on the fiery woman kissing her lips cupping her bosom with one hand, kneading the flesh of her bottom. He drove her to passion before she had collapsed in a form of rest.

Drawing back Sir Thomas bound the middle of his trousers again, standing up he begins to leave the chamber opening the door he glances back behind him and turns around to leave. Giving the door a gentle pull before he closed it entirely he looks to the beautiful red-headed Dragon woman.

Knowing his time would be limited he rushes from the tower to the far turret. Pressing a shoulder through the door the old oak broke like a willow. Looking around to find the Princess in the turret her arms in chains bound to the wall.

Yvette sits even in the dirt and darkness of the dark dungeon turret. She appeared as the angelic like a swan.

“Your majesty”

“Sir Thomas, I had thought no one would come” Falling to his knees at her side. Tears fill the maiden's eyes as the man encircles his arms around her allowing her to feel safe in this dark place.

“I am here but I cannot stay long, you must go” he takes her delicate hand in his gloved hands studying the iron of her shackles they were old and rusty. A good strike with a hard object would break them free.

Looking around, in the corner of the room lays a fallen knight a war hammer at their side. Crossing the room Thomas mutters a prayer for the fallen knight before turning around.

Thomas strikes the chains three times and the chains break from the wall smashing each cuff once. Taking her by the hand Thomas guides her from the turret down the stairs and into the wide-open castle halls. Guiding her back through the maze. He had taken far too long the Dragon would likely rouse soon.

Leaving the maze behind the open creaking stone bridge now stood in their path. Thomas looks across to see Robert standing vigilantly with their mounts.

“There my cousin is, cross the bridge and be on your way, I shall not belong”

“You were always a terrible liar!” Yvette smiles tears in her eyes Thomas shakes his head.

“When the Dragon stirs she will come back for you... tis best I stay to hold her back a while...”

“Her... the Dragon is a woman?” biting his tongue Thomas nods pushing her onwards “go... go!”

Thomas turns to run back to the castle before her hand was taken by the arm. Turning to face Princess Yvette she wraps her arms around the knight. A gratified hug holds the man close. Yvette was warm and safe, reminding him greatly of the familiar hold of a mother or a sister. But he had to let go.

Turning around Thomas runs back into the castle. Coming back into the tower the woman had indeed woken in his absence and the Dragon had grown enraged. Burning the cloth from her wrists prying the blindfold from her eyes grow wide as Thomas had returned to the tower removing the armor from his shoulders struggling to get out of his armor.

The woman’s serpentine eyes began to glow again. Rushing forward she grabs him by the throat.

“You betrayed me!” the woman snarls throwing Thomas onto the bed. Forming her fingernails for claws prying the armor and clothing from his torso. The Dragon had changed from the beautiful woman to the serpentine creature that is the Dragon. Flying him away into the Turret throwing him against the cold stone wall. The Dragon took her human form.

Throwing chains over his body shackles on his wrists, iron links over his chest and stomach. Once he was chained up the Dragon woman brings a cloth up to Thomas’ eyes binding it around his eyes.

“Why did you come back... you had taken the Princess and had nearly escaped... why did you return?”

“I would have broken the bargain of which we had made...” smiling the Dragon woman brings Thomas close

“you broke our bargain already Valiant knight”

“I am still here am I not... and you have not yet killed me” Thomas replies blindly straining against te chains he did not fool himself enough to think he could break the chains from the wall with his bare hands. But he knew he had to do something to sate the Dragons rage.

“Keep me” the Dragon hissed before coming in close her hands-on Thoma's abdomen he gave a small hint of a sigh as she breathes warm air on his nape.

“In exchange for the Princess’ life... I pledge myself to you... body mind and spirit” unsure whether this bargain would balance the scales she had lost the Princess who she had yearned to make a friend of. In its stead, she was given the handsome specimen for a lover. Smiling she whispers in his ear.

“I accept” with a mighty swipe of her powerful hand she pries the chains off the wall but the iron manacles still bound his wrists. Removing his blindfold she pulls the cloth between his teeth the Dragon woman smiles her serpentine eyes radiant with amusement.

“You will call me milady or my mistress... you have no name understand”

‘Yeph’ Thomas speaks looking into the Dragons eyes

“Yes!” she prompts before the man speaks

“Miphfrephf” nodding she brings him in close “good boy... come along it is time to teach you how to serve me” taking the chain the Dragon lead Thomas from the turret back down into the Maze of the rubble of the castle.

No one knew what became of Brave Sir Thomas of Burban. Squire Robert returned with Princess Yvette and the King gave him the title of Earl of Rivien and the Princess had asked Robert to be her husband and be the King of their peaceful kingdom.

Sitting upon their high throne. Both King Robert Queen Yvette silently prayed for Thomas’ soul. Unknown to them the Knight had taken to servitude well. He had proved his loyalty and was no longer required to where chains unless Dragon had commanded it. He performed his duties without ever complaining or questioning.

In time Sir Thomas even began to enjoy the Dragons company. Whether they knew it or not all four experienced happily ever after.
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Post by MountainMan_91 »


What a great tale.

I enjoyed every sentence my friend!

Your detailed narrative of the environment and characters is very immersive. I was whisked away on a pleasant adventure.

Thomas is the epitome of knight in shining armor, and he gets captured! These are my buttons and you are pushing them!

Stellar performance, and kudos for that final twist to give them ALL a happy ending.

I loved this.
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