Stopping the Bride M/FF later brief M/M

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Stopping the Bride M/FF later brief M/M

Post by WyattW5 »

Elena Harrison beams into the mirror her cheeks rounded with deep blushes as she looks into the mirror. Her long raven hair was wound into a bun over the back of her head. A jeweled little tiara in her hair pinning the veil behind her head. Beside her, the Maid of honor wearing a rose pink dress smiles as she pulls a lock of Elena’s hair back.

“You are so beautiful... Adam will not be able to resist”

“Well, he has resisted our entire engagement I think one more night won’t be too much for him” smiling Elena looks up to her Maid of Honour her best friend Dana. She had been there since the late years of elementary school. And today she needed her friend more than most, today Elena Harrison was getting ready to tie the knot with her long time boyfriend Adam Wheeler.

“Alright, I will go downstairs and get the bouquet Uhm is there anything else you want?” Dana asks her face brimming with excitement and joy.

“No, I am okay thank you Dana” the girl walks through the door and left Elena to her thoughts. Looking in the mirror she smiles no matter how many times she looked at it she was in love with her wedding dress it reminded her greatly of Princess Cinderella’s dress in the fairytale ball.

The door opened and Elena smiles “that was quick Dana, don’t tell me Adam asked one of the Ushers to...” a hand clamped over her mouth silenced her. Chills ran down her spine as she found herself looking in the mirror.

Jeremy Braddock. Stands six feet tall very lean athletically built his brown hair was brushed forward. His face was pale and his eyes were cold blue Elena looks up to him in fear.

“Whaphf dophf yphf wphf?”

“To talk to you my pet” he smiles releasing her mouth before she turns around to ask him to leave she reveals the firearm in his hand. It was a minuscule revolver he held tucked just outside the pocket of his grey dress suit. Drawing some rope from his pocket he smiles “turn around”


“Turn around” he snaps making Elena turn her hands were quickly but crudely trussed behind her back driving the thick fabric of her veil into her back. From his breast pocket, he draws a cloth and a small roll of tape.

“Open wide” refraining she found the cloth wedged between her teeth and pushed it deep into her mouth until it nearly went down her throat. before the man took the tape and plastered and X over her lips. Her brown eyes grow wide as saucers glaring up at him.

“You know I can be good for you Elena, I can provide a good home for you... I hold a stellar job... please Elena please do not go through with this” Jeremy kneels before Elena placing a hand on her white dress.

“Nophg” sighing heavily the man stands up to look down on her brushing a hand to her cheek.

“I will make you a worthy husband Elena while you do not know it right now... I will make you happy... you will come to love me” Jeremy smiles before turning around to stride out of the room.

When the door clicked shut Elena began to struggle fighting to get her binds undone she could feel them coming loose already. Looking up to the mirror she had remembered what started Jeremy on his infatuation with her.

Elena had been overly nice with him at work. His father owned the company and made Jeremy the supervisor of their floor. While most of her colleagues were unimpressed with the boss's son they either ignored him or taunted him while he was unable to see them. His demeanor did not help matters for him either. It was renowned that he would ask the girls who work on his floor out.

Instead of telling him off or turning him down she just ignored his attempts for flattery. When she had booked the time off for her wedding and her honeymoon Jeremy had seemed dumbstruck. Now she could tell that was devastation.

The door opened to the room causing Elena to look from the mirror to Dana squealing in reaction. Dana rushes over to Elena’s side and panic taking over she walks over her hands fumbling to pull the binds off Elena.

“what happened... who did this to you... OK okay let me try and” the door closing caused both ladies to halt their movements before looking up to see Jeremy gun in hand and a sigh escapes his pale lips.

“Let her go, Jeremy, this is gone far enough”

“No I don’t think so... take off her veil”


“I said take off her veil now” Jeremy’s voice turned to a snap before Dana started to unpin the veil from her hair.

“I am sorry Elena”

“Uphf fphfuphf!” Elena manages her eyes wet with sympathetic tears she did not want to see her friend hurt. She was feeling awful at how such a great day was turning around to be so horrible. Glaring at Jeremy the tears turning cold from sadness to hate.

“Hand it to me” Jeremy commands as Dana hands him the long transparent length of fabric.

“Lay on the bed face down and cross your wrists”

“What are you going to do with us?”

“Well, you are going to stay here, while I escort the bride to a more private venue where we can get her changed into something a bit more practical” Jeremy snarls wrapping the silk Chiffon around her wrists knotting them good and tight. He takes the tape he had and wraps it around her legs.

“You know the ceremony will start anytime now when she does not show up people will come looking?”

“I doubt that... you see I left Adam a heart-wrenching note telling him Elena never wanted to see him again... and by the time someone finds you, he will believe she jilted him at the altar. Smiling Jeremy straddles Dana’s lap taking the silk handkerchief from his breast pocket he stuffs it in her mouth before plastering four pieces of tape over her mouth. Dana’s brown eyes wide with annoyed anger as she squirms under Jeremy’s lap.

Pushing her onto the bed Jeremy smiles feeling very triumphant with what he has accomplished thus far. There was a knock on the door making Jeremy halt immediately.

“Hello ladies I’ve come to escort you down Dana the ceremony is ready to start and the director is having a fit” Elena’s eyes widen as she hears Noah on the other side of the door. Adams's little brother, she knew Jeremy would do something she could already tell the man was panicking as he held the revolver in his left hand.

Jeremy began to stutter step before the voice calls again “not ready yet... okay I will tell her” Elena’s eyes were wide with a desperate shock turning around she screams for the door before Jeremy pounces on her clamping his hand to her mouth. Their faces so close they may as well be kissing.

The crazed look in Jeremy’s cold blue eyes chills Elena to the bone. Before he looks down on her body her wedding dress was sleeveless the white fabric of the gown folded over the bosom twice. But now with her in a laying position the dress stuck out and the woman’s bosom began to sink into her body.

“Maybe I should have a quick feel right now”

“Let's not say we did” a voice calls making Jeremy look up his face pure white from the shock.

“Who the hell are you this ain’t no concern of your mister”

“You are wrong on that account... she is my soon to be sister-in-law” Elena glances up to see Noah standing tall and broad. The blue-collar background in which he worked had formed the twenty-three-year-old into a relative mountain.

Short sandy brown hair brushed forward and the small making of a mustache growing over his upper lip. He was dressed in a rented black tuxedo. A denim blue tie draped down his front.

“Listen, I will pay you five grand right now, to just walk out little man” Jeremy reaches for his checkbook when Noah comes around the edge of the bed Dana glares wide-eyed between Noah and Jeremy. Their Captor was older by at least a decade but he was not in the same fine physical shape Noah was. But he did have a gun.

Looking down beside Elena the revolver was next to her friend's elbow. As she inched towards it she noted Noah was moving closer to Jeremy the confrontation was coming and if she could keep the gun from Jeremy’s hand she may be able to better the odds or else young Noah might meet his maker.

Jeremy lurches for the gun crashing between the two girls making both grunt and shriek into the tape as they all topple over the edge of the bed onto the floor. In rolling over the bed the comforter and blankets fall over, draping and wrapping around Elena and Dana.

Noah now steps over Dana reaching down he grabs Jeremy from the ground by the front of his coat and with one solid punch Jeremy flies over the bed and crashing to the floor across the room.

“Hephf hphf mpehf” kneeling down Noah helps Dana to sit back on the bed before finding the bride and struggling to help her stand without stepping on her dress. Pulling the tape off her mouth Noah asks if the girls are okay.

“I am just scared I think, I thought Jeremy was going to shoot you”

“So did I” Noah admits as he begins to unravel the tape from Dana’s legs then moving to Elena’s wrists he pulls the ropes off easily. Before they both turn to Dana who smiles as Elena took the tape off her mouth while Noah struggled with the Chiffon.

“Are you hurt?”

“No he just... well I... we owe you for this one Noah really” Dana peeks up to Noah sincerity in her eyes and Noah tips his head in acquiescence.

“Don’t worry about it” Noah speaks drawing the Chiffon off her wrists rubbing her wrists she looks back on Jeremy finding him knocked out she looks up to Noah and smiles.

“Come on we gotta call the police” Dana manages to rush over to the telephone on the stand.

“wait, just wait I don’t want this day to be ruined all because of Jeremy if we did we would let him get what he wants” Elena states looking to her friend then to Noah to be the tiebreaker.

“I think we should continue with the wedding, can you get her ready again I will see to sunshine over here” Noah speaks strutting over the mess of blankets and the bed grabbing Jeremy by the arm he drags him into the bathroom.

“We have ten minutes” Elena squeal’s before Dana shakes her head

“it is two flights of stairs or a brief elevator ride we will be fine just sit still so I can put the veil back on”

by the time the veil was pinned back onto Elena’s hair. Noah comes out of the bathroom buttoning his jacket revealing the blue tie missing from his neck

“ladies are we ready?”

“Yes,” Dana smiles before Elena snaps “where is his gun? where is the gun?”

Looking around the room Dana lifts the folds of a blanket to reveal the revolver Noah asks to handle the weapon and Dana hands it over willingly. Opening the cylinders he removes all the bullets setting the gun back on the bed and slides the bullets into his pocket.

“I will hand them to police once the ceremony and the reception is done alright” the two girls nod before they leave the room running for the elevator with minute going by.

Bursting into the room Elena stood at the end of the line holding her bouquet in two hands forcing a relieved smile she drew deep breathes in an attempt to calm herself.

Dana stood before her breathing heavily the heavier girl was unused to running but attempting to run in heels and this dress she struggled to recapture her dress and composure.

While Noah rushed back to his brother's side standing statue-like next to his brother. Adam's large eyes were wide with rage and his teeth were gritted as he whispered.

“Where the hell were you... and what happened to your tie?”

“It’s got a few knots on it” he found himself smiling and Adam squints as the organ begins to play and everyone rises as the bridal party led by two little girls. March forward spraying flower petals around the floor.

Soon followed by another girl then Dana smiling cheekily to Noah who still holds his ground. Adam suspiciously glares at his little brother before finally, the blushing bride comes down the aisle smiling at Adam as everyone smiles at her.

(An hour later)

Jeremy woke up face down in the bottom of the bathtub. His eyes grow wide as he began to move his hands bound extremely tight behind his back his ankles wound tight. Looking down his stomach he could see the tape around his ankles eyes wide. Trying to call out something was stuffed in his mouth.

Trying to look behind him his hands were bound with a blue silk tie. Rolling to his side he looked to see his ankles and knees taped with the remaining tape he had not used yet. Cursingly he grunts and struggles to escape but to his chagrin. He was going nowhere.