Mr. Black Meets the Crimson Courtier. M/M later M/F

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Mr. Black Meets the Crimson Courtier. M/M later M/F

Post by WyattW5 »

there may be some disrespectful slurs and curses in this story. I apologize to any who take offence. I mean nothing harmful or disrespectful towards anyone. simply trying to add a hint of realism into the story. once again I apologize.

Mr. Black sits on a hotel room couch. Wearing a black masquerade mask on his face dressed in a white silk dress shirt black slacks and leather oxfords his Armani business coat was hung over the back of the kitchen chair. Black leather gloves encompassing his large hands. Looking at- the clock in the room for the third time. His informant had misinformed him.

Sitting in the middle of the room a man aged forty-six sits in a chair his arms bound behind his back with padded cuffs to keep the restraints from digging in. His mouth was held quiet by a belt wrapped between his teeth his head pinned back to the chair.

“Well Senator Stanton, it appears your rendezvous is running late” the bound man shook his head grunting into the belt.

“I have been very patient Senator, even given you, courtesies”

“Kurphafeees?” the Senator grunted as he wiggled his arms and shoulders trying to bring feeling to his arms again.

“Yes, I made sure my arm restraints were padded so as not to cut into your flesh that way no one would know you were tied down, every punch I have delivered can be easily explained the hook to your rib from running into a countertop”

Using a gloved hand Jason Black pushes in on the Senators rib where it hurt. Tapping the man's left breast above the nipple. “This can be explained by falling off your exercise equipment”

“Whaphf dophf yuphf fhwanphf wiphf herphf?”

“That is not your business to ask and I am not at liberty to say, Senator” removing the belt from his neck Jason quickly formed his hand into a blade and slammed it into the Senator's throat causing him to cough and choke.

“That is from your clumsy secret service driver accidentally making your car stall and your seatbelt dug in... now I am going to give you the count of five to tell me where I may find her”

“I am just a client I don’t track her every move”

“One” Jason sat watching the Senator squirm some more. The older man's breath struggled as he tries to look around for something to help him.


“What did you do to my guards huh? I had two secret service agents with me?”

“That is correct, you did have two secret service agents, however for them they are both having some difficulties in the restroom”


“I fear your men enjoy their coffee, it was relatively easy to slip a liquid laxative into their coffee, the same stuff pharmaceuticals prescribe to people going for their Colonoscopies, three” the Senators eyes grew wide knowing his security was out of commission. Grunting he began to fight and struggle in his bond more. Only causing greater discomfort.


“I am just a customer, a client, one of many I seen the black book it is big and if rumors are true it is full of high powered and impressionable people, she had clients and contacts in highest levels of government from defense department to justice department”

“You make it sound as if, she built a spy network.... five” slamming his fist into the Senator's stomach Jason took the belt he had used for a gag and now wrapped it around the Senator's throat.

“Listen to me very carefully Senator this is not personal, this is business... do you really want to die for a high priced light-skirt” making the Senator gargle on his own saliva the Senator began to growl and shake tensing. In his struggle the Senator was losing air quickly faster then even Jason was prepared for. Relenting Mr. Black gives some slack.

“You are trying my patience, Senator”

“Look I don’t know much of her okay, I’ve only been frequenting with her for three or four months, contact is personal referral you need at least one or two referral’s before you can even talk with her okay”

“Who were your referrals?” Jason asks rubbing his glove hand over his dress shirts arm.

“I’m not allowed to” his voice was cut by a kick to the shins by Jason’s black oxfords.
“Jesu-“ the belt quickly tightens around the man's neck as Jason pulls on again “think Stanton... the riches and perks are one thing but a mind is a terrible thing to waist let alone your life” pulling off so the belt drag Stanton onto the floor.

“My- my... referrals came from Congressman Lowry and Associate Justice Strauss, is... an associate from the Supreme court okay that is all... ask them but I don’t think they know where she is either”

“Fine... sit up” the Senator did not have a choice as Jason set the chair up again removing the arm restraints Jason put away in his bag. Senator Stanton began to groan leaning forward feeling awful with his injuries.

“The hardest injury to explain will be the belt marks around your neck, I recommend saying your silk tie got into a hard knot in which you had to cut it off... hand me your arm” unable to move with the pain the Senators arm was bent forward.

“What are you doing now I gave you all I know just leave me be?”

“Don’t worry I am giving you something to settle you down a bit by the time your boys are out of their embarrassing situation, you will either be sobered up and ready to go... or you’ll be passed out sleeping on the bed”

Inserting a sterilized needle of Demerol Pithidine pain medication. Within minutes Senator Lloyd Stanton was knocked out in delirium. Grabbing his business coat Jason wraps his arms through the sleeves buttoning the two buttons down his center before turning and leaving the room in as perfect condition as he left it.

Exchanging his masquerade mask for a pair of sunglasses it seemed to blend masterfully from one to the other without causing the bat of a lash. Leaving the hotel in stylish fashion Jason walks down the street approaching the nearest payphone. Dialing the number of his contact the phone rang once before the voice spoke calmly.

“Is it done?”

“No, tell the Client she did not show up for her two thirty meetings” the phone went silent for a moment. Taking this moment Jason withdrew his comparison photograph a woman aged thirty-two long straight beeline blond hair. Pale blue eyes staring seductively into the camera.

“Client says the driver of the contract's car never arrived its last location was two blocks down from you, corner of McKinley and Davidson”

“How does the Client know all this?” Jason asks looking down on the phone book dangling below the phone.

“Sir. You know the drill asks a few questions... I assume he has insights into her patterns”

“Fair enough, alright I will call once I made my determination”

“As you wish sir” nodding Jason hung up the phone looking down on the photo some more imagining what fate has befallen this young woman.


In a downtown Irish pub a small back room. The woman lays on her side, wearing a Crimson lace chemise. Framing her 34DD chest just at the edge of the fabric. Red garters hide below the bottom of the loose garment connecting her bottomless panties to her black lace thigh high stockings. Her feet held in one-inch black heels which made it difficult for her to stand.

The woman’s arms are bound behind her back harsh rope digging into her skin. A leather collar around her neck connected to a heavy chain was connected to a pole in the backroom of this small pub.

As she began to drag herself from the sleep she found herself her eyes grew wide as she squirms struggling her wrists tightening with every movement. Trying to stand she began to mumble unable to find words. The tape had been plastered over her lips forcing them to remain silent.

“Hephf whaphf... helphf helphf mmmphf?” trying to speak she began to fight her bonds more standing up. She tries to pull on the chain finding the pillar unmoveable. Shaking her head she looks around seeing only the white light above her head kept her in the spotlight.

“Helphf plephf, helphf mmmphf!” calling into the tape. The sound of a door opening caught her attention. A large man with short red Mohawk wearing a black dress coat and slacks his leather shoes were worn and torn up from years of use. Seeing him the woman began to speak into the tape.

“Pleemphf lmmphf mmphf gmmphf” trying to walk up to him the neck chain began to pull her back. As the large man crossed his arms making himself look even bigger. The woman steps back unsure what to expect when a short thin bald man walks in.

“Good Afternoon Miss Crimson”

“Whmphf arphf yuphf?”

“My name is Aulay Mcrae, I do not expect you to know the name, I apologize for the rough manner in which my men brought you in, I needed to move fast just know we have no intent to harm you”

“Whatphf duphf yuphf whaphf?”

“I understand you have some very special clientele” the womans eyes widen as Mr. Mcrae holds a file in his hand “one in particular I am interested, Judge Horace Speigel” shaking her head the woman backs away.

Mcrae steps forward to speak with her before another man enters the room grabbing Aulay by his arm to whisper in his ear.

“Alright Miss Crimson, I will leave you a few minutes maybe just maybe we can take that tape off and have a civil conversation”

“pleemphf lmmphf mmf gmmphf”

Auley left the room with a click of the door the stout brooding man stood looking down on her his pale face cold and his eyes steel. There was no way she could get out of these chains. But perhaps with some enticing, she could erect this big man's interest.
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Post by WyattW5 »

Part two of the adventure.

A half-hour passes.

Jason Black stares at the Black limousine. The tinted windows made things tough to see but it was obvious she was not in the front seat. Upon gentle negotiation, the back door opened to reveal no one in there either. Closing the door with a firm push a sound echoed from inside the trunk.

Cracking his neck clenching his fist Jason walks back behind the trunk. Trying to pull the handle it was broken indeed. Rolling his fist he pulls his lockpick out and began to turn it easily popping the trunk open.

Revealing a man with short brown hair wearing a leather jacket his mouth stuffed with some kind of fabric and tape plastered from nose to chin. His hands were crudely taped in front. Sitting on the edge of the trunk the man began to grunt and mumble

“Hephf? Cmmphf onphf?”

“I lift this tape you talk peacefully got it?” the man nods before Jason peels it off and the large man in the trunk spits it out.

“Goddamn man, am I glad to see you”

“What happened who did this?”

“Irish pig-bred mother****”

“One more curse and the tape goes on” Jason speaks sternly looking down on the man who takes the threat seriously nodding adjusting in his trunk.

“Did you hear a name?”

“I kept hearing Ollie Ollie McCraven or something or other I don’t know some Patty name”

“Aulay McCraven alright I will look into it get out of here and don’t forget only Arnold and Tom can pull off leather and sunglasses” Jason turns and begins to walk away. The man left the truck his hands still taped up in front. Jason walks from the car to the nearest payphone around the next street corner pulling the phone to ear.

“I need you to look into the cities police database, I need a plausible location for Irish-Scottish Celtic gang organizations”

“Got it here boss only two organizations fitting Irish-Celtic origin, street name it appears to be a more white-collar gang, headed by an Aulay Mcrae”

“Sounds about right, any details as to where to find him?”

“Well, it says their main prospect is a bar named the Black Ram. A place on forty-nine the Cops can’t put men on the place cause of no hard evidence”

“Fine give me the address”

“Lethal excursion?”

“Yes,” Jason speaks looking across the street to see the few other passerby’s no one paid notice of him.

“Shall I call for a dynamite permit buy you a few hours?”

“I’ll only need one, no stay close to the line, and prepare some fresh papers for two”

“Two?” the voice on the other end of the phone came with concern before Jason hung the phone up walking down the street. Following his direction back to his work truck parked on the top level of a parking garage.

Removing his Armani suit jacket he folds it nicely and places it in a plastic protective case removing his slacks and putting on a pair of classic blue denim jeans. Strapping a brown leather shoulder gun harness and a pistol holster attached to the backside of his pants opening the toolbox of his truck pulling a short double-barreled shotgun sliding it into his chest holster.

Getting in the truck he opens his glove compartment drawing his revolver. A Taurus Judge model with a three-inch barrel sliding it in his back holster. Jason removed his sunglasses for his masquerade mask. Putting the truck in drive Jason made his way.

(Half hour later)

Miss Crimson was still bound in the back room. The large redhaired man no longer kept his distance. The big man was now holding her by her arms pressing her bottom against his abdomen.

Groaning into her gag she looks down as his hands began to rub and squeeze her bosom. Enjoying the feel of her chest in hand. Miss Crimson's eyes rolled outback of her hand. Seriously can I not meet a man who is not interested in one thing? Her thoughts were cut short when a commotion in the next room startled the man in her room.

Releasing her bosom from his hands he steps around drawing a pistol from his coat pocket. Raising it to the ceiling the big man steps up to the door taking cover by the door frame. Miss Crimson watches as this large man with a ridiculously small pistol opens the door leaving it half-open.

A volley of pistol fire explodes just outside the door. Shaking her arms and shoulders she tries to escape. Fighting to pull the binds off. Her efforts were stopped when the large red-haired man came toppling through the door the makings of dents and bruises over his eye and forehead.

Looking up from the big man's body Crimson couldn’t help but look up to see a man in his late twenties early thirties. Wearing a black skin-tight jacket with the collar pulled up. Blue jeans spreading his long legs. When she looked to his face his eyes had something disfiguring it from a proper view. The man steps around the fallen bodyguard approaching Miss Crimson the man looks down on her.

She can only look up breathing heavily into her tape gag. What is he going to do? If he was here to rescue he would unchain me by now wouldn’t he? Could he be here to kill me?

Her thoughts were cut short when he drew a short-barrelled revolver from a holster and drawing the hammer back. Her eyes grow wide beginning to beg and whimper into the tape
“are you the escort named Crimson Courtier, answer quick and direct?”

“Yephf plmmphf yuphf dophf haphf tuophf?” while she begs into her gag the man quickly raises his revolver to the chain connected to the pillar. Firing a single blast the shotgun round blew the chain into many little pieces sliding the gun back into his holster.

“You may refer to me as Mr. Black. Do as I say for the next twelve hours and you’ll live I promise you that”

“Mmhhmm?” she watches as this man approaches her grabbing the chain that was around her neck and wrapping it around his wrist he approaches. Making her step back in fear quickly he pulls his arms around the back of her legs and shoulders. Carrying her out the door she got a glimpse of the bar where she was held.

At least five men lay in different states some sprawled over booth tables knocked out. The bartender was spread over the bar a shotgun in his limp hands. Glass sprayed over his face. Walking her from the bar out to the street to the alley.

Setting her in the passenger seat of his truck throwing the chain at her feet before jumping in the driver seat Mr. Black began to drive. Within a few minute's the police were arriving at the pub.

Backing down the alleyway Jason managed to swerve his truck down and around traffic. The Crimson Courtier beside him simply grunted as she flung around the seat. When his truck went to make a hard curve Jason's arm reaches over pinning her to the passenger seat yet his hand was chastely above her bosom.

“Wiphf yuphf tephf mmphf whaphf ifph goinphg onphf?”

“When I can stop to think for longer than two minutes yes, for now, we need to find a place to lie low for an hour”

Pulling his truck into the parking lot of an amphitheater. Jason parks his truck in a spot walking out just long enough to feed the meter. Walking back to his car Jason sat on the driver seat placing his meter ticket on his front windshield leaning back taking the moment to relax when he heard a slight grumble beside him.

“I apologize Miss Crimson, thank you for the patience you have shown and implore you to co-operate” peeling the tape off Jason pulls the cloth from her lips making her cough as she tried to swallow any moisture her throat could offer. Pulling a bottle of water Jason unscrewed the cap and with a gloved hand below her chin raised the bottle to her lips.

“Thank... you, now please tell me what is going on I wake up in chains gagged in some Irish mobsters basement?”

“There is a contract on your life Miss Crimson, I do not know who and or why”

“Were you intent to collect that contract” her eyebrows furrow looking to her masked rescuer who looks down “yes initially... however I do not see a reason or need for you to die”

“Forgive me if I do not find this assuring I am still tied up right now” Jason nods screwing the cap back on the water bottle setting it down in the cupholder.

“I will keep your hands restrained for a little while, behave and the gag will remain off, listen to what I say, follow by my instruction and you will live to see tomorrow and if all goes well you can start someplace new”

“Alright, but I demand some answers”

“A compromise you ask one I ask in return sound fair?”

“May I have your name?” she disregards his question looking straight at him before adjusting herself to sit on the edge of the passenger door leaning her bound hands behind her back

“As I said you may refer to me as Mr. Black, the less you know of me the better you’ll be, my question who would benefit from your death?”

“No one I can think of, why do you wear a mask?”

“So you can’t see my face and recognize me in a crowd how many people are in your little black book?”

“Twenty four. What is your play Mr. Black a little romance in the car before you blow my brains out?”

“My guns are for emergencies I seldom use them, what general size dress are you?”

“Large, why do you want a quick date should I tell you my charges”

“I do not take the company of escorts no offense intended Miss”

“None taken seems rare a killer for a coin not interested in pleasure for fortune” she leans back looking to Jason a cute smile across her face looking down he draws out a small notepad and begins to scribble with a black pen.

“Mr. Black... if we are going to sit in this car for the hour could I at least have my hands freed?”

“Not yet, but I will remove your dog collar if you ask politely” Jason speaks looking down on his notepad pausing his scribbles.

“Mr. Black, may I please have my hands untied?”

“As you wish” setting the notepad in his console she leans forward expecting his arms to wrap around her back to remove her hand bindings onto for them to take hold of the collar in which they bound her neck and pulls it off.

“I asked for my hand's ass” a gloved hand smashed over her lips silencing her. Jason looks deep into her eyes. Giving her the most unnerving feeling like staring into the eyes of a predator though. She could not tell whether this predator was hungry or agitated. Following her instinct's Mr. Black was both.

“One more foul word from your mouth I will finish the task I was hired for understand!” nodding into his gloved hands Jason withdrew leaning back.

“I understand your frustration, but shouting and cursing will only get us. Mainly you more trouble... while you may feel helpless tied up like this you are under my protection”

“And how am I to feel protection from the man who is hired to supposedly kill me” leaning back in his seat Jason draws a deep calming breath before turning back to Miss. Courtier “may I have your name please?”

“My name is Carissa” Jason nods raising his gloved hand up removing his tie from his neck leaning it over Carissa did not struggle as Jason applies a blindfold to her eyes.

“Why did you blindfold me?”

“So I can take off these glasses and see better, while still protecting my identity and your life” nodding with his response taking a deep breath she lowers her head taking a moment she was collecting her emotions trying to calm herself.

“All right Mr. Black... what is your plan?”

“First we need to find someplace quiet” narrowing Carissa leans forward in her seat “quiet, we are in your car you don’t even have the radio turned on” turning Jason’s expression flattened “I am not about to stage your death in my truck too obvious” Carissa’s eyes narrowed as Jason starts his truck and begins to drive around.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Soo godd, to see Mr. Black again! Nice Idea and the Dialogues between Jason and the Crimosin Courtier are just greaat.
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Post by WyattW5 »

Caesar73 wrote: 4 years ago Soo godd, to see Mr. Black again! Nice Idea and the Dialogues between Jason and the Crimosin Courtier are just greaat.
I am glad you like it and are enjoying the story so far. I hope it continues to receive your approval.

An hour later Jason set his eye on a new subdivision, a temporarily rented house more a less a model of what the rest would look like. Jason nods smiling to himself.

“This will work come on” getting out Jason walks over to Carissa’s side of the truck opening the door Carissa follows blindly by Mr. Black's gloved hand gently tugging her along into the house.

“if you untie me I can go myself”

“Not yet, Miss, I will need to gag you again as well”

“oh no please no... I will behave I will be quiet”

“I trust you too but for this to work whoever wants you dead must believe you are truly dead” Jason removes her seatbelt before picking her up and carrying her from the truck into the front door of the model house. Sitting her on a dining room chair.

“Open your mouth please” Jason spoke calmly Carissa felt his gloved hand controlling a wet rag knowing the only way to get out of this was to comply her mouth opens and he gently pushes it inside. Before placing three pieces of tape over her mouth. Stepping back Jason took a picture with a disposable phone.

“Alright I will call my contact if you want you can moan and call out beg for help”


“I require a little trust right now Carissa” rolling her eyes Carissa began to call into the gag gently without much real effort. Jason uses the phone to call his contact.

“Did the Client want Polaroids or trophies”

“No boss” the feminine voice spoke calmly “do you have her?”

“Yes... I have her, she is a little restrained at the moment”

“Excellent timing sir... I have the client on line two shall I patch him through?”

“Yes,” Jason speaks sitting down in a chair across from Carissa looking to her as she looks from his hand to his eyes trying to discern whether he was worth the trust she had put in him.

“Hello, sir... Miss. Courtier was trickier to track then you let on... I have her now tied up” Jason nods listening to the phone in his ear turning to Carissa's grin crossing his lips.

“He wishes to talk with you, I have to put it on speaker?”

“Hello Miss Courtier I am sorry it came to this”

“Kurphous ymphf” Carissa began to fight and struggle in her binds aggravated with the voice. A smooth calm voice came through the speaker of his phone looking down on it.

“Darling, you should have guessed it was me, you were bringing in so much money since you gave me the control to your private accounts you’ve been working so hard” the voice began to chortle as Miss Courtier began to fight and kick in her bonds

“Ymmphf baphurphf”

“Time is running thin sir” Jason spoke monotone looking directly at Carissa. Whose gaze was intense, like the animal tied to a post staring at its trapper ready and wanting to strike.

“Alright, thank you Mr. Black... seems our time... well your time is cut short goodbye darling I will be sure to put some of your money to good use, perhaps I will buy cosmetics for another girl surely they won’t possess the same natural talents but hey, Rich White collar Schmucks won’t know the difference”

“Uphf wuphf kuphf yuphf Kurphuphf” reaching the phone Jason hung up before sliding the phone in his pocket.

“It is time to stage your passing”

“Hmmphf!” Jason approaches taking Carissa off the chair he held her on lowering her to the floor. Opening a red bottle. He looks down on her

“do not move I am going to drain a bottle of red sauce, imitated blood alright”

“Grophf” Jason nods unscrewing the cap “better then your own blood” he looks down on her chest before he could spill a drop “it will not look right if we keep your chemise tucked up like this I am going to lower one of the straps fret not”

“hmm” was all Carissa said until she felt the cold liquid spill onto her chest he was true to his word lowering her chemise just above the bulb of her nipple. Mr. Black sprays around the mound of her bosom.

“Alright. That should do it I am going to take a picture to keep your eyes closed as I remove the blindfold do not move your dead” removing her blindfold Carissa squeezes her eyes shut before Jason speaks.

“Ease off your eyes I can see the muscles tense around your eyes” she gave a hum before her face eased off and Jason nods “good alright” he helps her sit up picking her onto the chair.

“If I take that gag out... you will behave?” bowing her head she nods and Jason stands up peeling the tape off gently allowing him to pull the cloth from her lips taking a deep breath she looks up to him.

“How much is Curtis paying you?”

“Why do you want to know?”

“I have no real power in my predicament save one, I will give you my full services anything you could ever wish... if you will kill him for me?”

“You would sleep with me and become to become a Lady Macbeth... no deal” this response seemed to irritate her furiously growling as she tries to pull at her binds.

“Why not... you said you don’t intend to kill me why not we make a bargain kill him and receive a glorious night of passion anything you want, I could feed and bathe you if that’s your fancy, guys in these extreme works always have strange kinks”

“I do not partake in light skirts no matter how Elite or appealing they are... however I do intend to kill this Curtis, so I need you to tell me where I would find him what weakness does he have?”

Carissa smiles licking her lips she began to speak informing Mr. Black his quarry was likely in the penthouse of his club. A light and airy strip club for the rich and shameless. Jason asked about weakness’ expecting to hear of Drugs or alcohol playing havoc on the man’s life.

“He likes asphyxiation... during my early days as a private call girl for him... he would test us out by sleeping with us himself... well with me he took to a regular habit... an extra five percent if I let him you know” Jason nods while Carissa continued to explain how Curtis tried his different kinks on her putting a bag over her head a few times wrapping a belt around her neck. Visibly trembling at the mere memory of it she looks down in a reaction Jason could identify as Fear.

“He hurt you badly didn’t he?” she did not answer which spoke volumes.

“Alright-I will come back in a few minutes before I leave I will give you a drink... and I will need to gag you again”

Walking out to his truck he opens the backseat where a suitcase sits opening it to reveal an arsenal of clothing he had picked out deciding a turtleneck sweater and jeans would be best. He grabs the bottle of water walking back.

“Miss. Carissa, I am going to untie your hands but I need you to listen to what I ask of you”

“Hmm?” Jason kneels down using his gloved hands to unwind the rope around her hands “I am setting some clothing on your lap it will be a little snug no doubt, but I figure you will need something other than your chemise... I will give you twenty minutes you can shower and change your clothing”

Carissa hears Jason's footsteps away as he set the soft fabric on her lap. This man was truly odd. Not only had he left her alone to dress but he remained relatively chaste in all aspects of their interactions. Standing up Carissa began to walk to the bathroom the door left open and light left on. Carissa found most of what she needed already inside. Mr. Black was gone no one in the room with her.

Carissa began to set the jeans just above her waist. Rolling the turtleneck below the waist of the jeans she began to pull her hair from the turtlenecks ribbed neck that cut just below her hairline. Seeing this as a possibility to run Carissa found herself thinking. Mr. Black was a man sent to kill her, yet he had gone through many loops to keep her alive.

Deciding it best stick with Mr. Black she applies the blindfold again. Before calling out to him. His footsteps were slow and gentle approaching her placing his hands on her arms.

“Calm Miss Crimson, I have no desire to hurt you. I want you to be comfortable I fear I will be gone for two hours or better”

“Alright” sighing she leans herself back against him. Feeling his strong torso against her back. Bringing her to the demo living room where some designer furnishings await her. Setting her on the couch Jason bound her wrists behind her back and bound one ankle to the leg of the couch.

Holding a cloth in his hand damp from freshwater Jason instructs Carissa to open her mouth. Gently press the cloth inside wiping her lips with his gloved hand he took a cloth from his arsenal and cleave gags her with it.

“I shall return in a few hours do you trust me... be honest” Mr. Black's voice for the first time sounded uncertain. He had always been so confident and assured of himself now he seemed tentative. Taking a deep breath Carissa nods Mr. Black could have done a great many things to her by now smack punch and abuse her like a punching bag. Or strangled her as Curtis had... Curtis, she wondered how Mr. Black would deal with that.

“Thank you for your honesty” Jason speaks before turning to walk down the hall and out towards the truck locking the door behind him. Opening his cellphone he dials his contact to ensure payment is made. Sending pictures of the woman deceased. Within moments his contact responds with a joyful text.

“Payment made in full shall I work up another contract?”

replying he shook his head he was having a busy night. He would most likely sleep for a few days after this was all sorted out. Driving to the Club Carissa had pointed him to Jason sat and wait.
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Post by Trickster »

Really well done story.
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Millennial Club
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Post by Caesar73 »

This last Addition definitivly met my approval :)
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Post by WyattW5 »

Trickster wrote: 4 years ago Really well done story.
I am glad you like it Trickster and Ceasar but the Story is not done yet lol. let me know what you think of the final chapter.


Carissa had not been struggling viciously as she lay on the couch. She lay relatively bored trying to fall asleep. But the discomfort of her binds gave her some annoyance. She lay there for ten minutes before realising he had left her hands loose. Adjusting her wrists and wiggling her hand and arms she manages to pull her left arm free quickly releasing her right arm. Why would Mr. Black leave her arms loose?

Mr. Black had managed to slip into the club no problem acting as Bouncer he was able to slip in. Walking up through the penthouse hall Jason found Curtis sitting in his office drinking a celebratory wine or champagne. Opening the door Curtis was not too happy to be disturbed when Jason walked in. Locking and barring the door with a chair.

“What is going on here” responding quickly and dangerously launching himself across the room he quickly grabs Curtis by the throat pinning him down on the floor Jason began to wind tape around his wrists.

“What the hell is” before Curtis could finish his statement Jason removes the belt from Curtis’ waist. Wrapping it around Curti's throat using it as a leash he drags him up by his collar.

“What is it you wamt?” Curtis struggles to say looking into Mr. Blacks eyes who glares down on him

“When I release your hands, one hand will shoot to the front of your pants and unzip the other I want flat on that desk I see it move inappropriately I will pull hard understand”

“Yaesg” easing off on the belt Jason cut the tape wrapped around his hands waiting for Curtis to comply. He placed his right palm on the desk and another went to the front of his pants unbuttoning and unzipping.

“Whyghf arg yuugh doigh thism”

“A man who takes advantage of a woman’s virtue... and abuses her flesh deserves a slow painful death, sadly for me we do not have that kind of time”

“What?” Giving Curtis more instructions in which he followed quickly in begging for his life. Jason did not oblige. Leaving the office Curtis had his manhood in his grasp in one hand a belt on the other hand saliva frothed at the mouth and a porno film on his television.

Half an hour later Jason returns to the rented property pulling his truck into the garage. Sending a text message to his contact before entering the house with some takeout food from a fast food place.

Surprised to find the couch she had been seated in was vacant. Unsure he drew his gun before a voice calls to him.

“Mr. Black?”

“Yes?” he responds keeping the gun behind his back looking around trying to see her if she was waiting for him.

“Come to the bedroom” Jason responds steadily walking towards the bedroom his revolver behind his back. From there he could see Miss Crimson still blindfolded in her turtleneck and jeans.

“Mr.Black, I would like to thank you for everything you have done so far...”

“Do not thank me. You choose your fate you comply I keep you alive”

“I did not comply but you haven’t killed me yet” Carissa grins below her blindfold her hands folded over her lap. Standing up she began to walk to the center of the room. A hand touches his arm he looks down to see her little hand running up his arm.

“You are strong... not that I did not notice it just feels great with your arm like this” she began to smile as her other hand cups his shoulder raising to her tiptoes she found his lips bringing him in for a kiss.

Leaning down Jason obliges returning her kiss gently at first before she pulls him close wrapping her right arm around his shoulder and neck bringing him to the bed.

“We shouldn’t” his voice spoke softly looking down on her running a hand over his stubbled chin.


“I have no... protection” nodding Carissa smiles pulling him close to whisper in his ear. Making his eyes grow enormous looking down bringing him down on the bed. Carissa helped Jason crawl on top prying their clothing off to reveal the natural electricity of skin connecting.

(Moments later)

Passion washing their two naked forms. Only Carissa’s blindfold as any garment left on them. Jason sits on his elbows looking to Carissa who holds a smile on her face.

“What are you smiling over?”

“Never would have thought, I would be blown away during lovemaking” Jason chuckles leaning back.

“You’re a courtier, I imagine you say that to every Client”

“You are not a client, in all honesty, I think that is a bit of a turn on” Jason prodded her to elaborate before continuing.

“You are a man not influenced by my apparel or my physique, all my costumers all they enjoyed was feeling my body they would get off in the first few minutes just from touching me... but you....” she giggles almost piercing his gaze through the cloth. Running a hand through his hair.

“You were actually reluctant... why?” unable to find the words she wraps her arms around his stomach

“I try not to let myself get emotional... when Emotions come into things people get hurt... I was afraid of getting emotionally attached” Jason musters the words with a deep timber in his voice. Leaning back withdrawing himself from her.

“So... Mr. Black, what happens next?”

“What do you mean?” Jason speaks sitting up in bed wishing to leave her alone she sits up.

“Well... I suppose I am wondering if tomorrow morning is when you kill me... or let me go?”

“Tomorrow, I take you to either the Airport headed westward or a train station heading East take your pick” Carissa looks to Mr. Black curiously as she rolls to the side.

“Will you not join me, the bed feels a little cold without you” Jason stood there for a moment deciding whether it was worth it.

“I will join you... but I need to go get something to eat, I haven’t eaten since Lunch”

“Oh my, you must be starving... I could make something for you” shaking his head Jason places a hand on her arm.

“Just sleep you will have a busy day of traveling tomorrow” She leans back before Jason turns to leave. Descending the stairs throwing the fast food in the microwave. Heating it up he ate as much as he could, but he could not take his mind off Carissa. It had been years since he had found a passion like that. Shaking his head on one hand he never wanted it to end the other terror for what these direct actions would cause.

Returning to the bedroom Jason crawls into bed leaving his pistol under his pillow. Jason found himself being cuddled by Carissa who was in the middle of her slumber. Wrapping an arm around her Jason allowed himself to feel this comfort. A woman lying in bed was a feeling he had only a few times.

Leaning back. He did not know what repercussions would cause from this keeping her alive saving her from a contract. He would give her a head start as best as he could. Shaking his head he looks to the sleeping angel next to him and smiles. It is all worth it.

Morning dawn.

8'clock. Jason and Carissa both woke and gotten dressed choosing a bagel coffee and tea for breakfast. Carissa was stuck in her blindfold and Jason had given her a bagel and tea. Before giving her the ultimate choice.

“East or West?”

“What does it matter I am supposedly dead, nowhere to go” Jason looks to her shaking his head.

“Use this as a fresh start make a new life where you don’t need to use your body to survive... go find someone who will care about you for your personality... maybe reconnect with an relative you haven’t seen this is your chance... do not waste it” Carissa smiles leaning back in her seat holding her bagel in hand nibbling at it.

“Thank you... Mr. Black I will have to make money or something but I will take your advice” Carissa states ripping a piece of her bagel off and chewing it gently.

“Thanks for reminding me here I have something for you” setting a leather satchel on her lap Carissa tries to feel around curious as to what is inside.

“You may take the blindfold off” Jason speaks looking to Carissa before she removes it looking from her lap to see the brown leather satchel usually held by women on trips.

“Inside is a cell phone and a bank card and passbook the bank has half of what I earned for ‘killing’ you... use it to make a life somewhere” her face brightens as she turns to Mr. Black wearing his tight-fitting t-shirt and jeans sunglasses over his eyes.

“You didn’t think I’d leave out here with nothing did you?”

“No, I just uh did not expect this” nodding Jason put the truck in drive and commence to drive around the city. Waiting for Carissa to tell him where to go. The toss-up between east and west was difficult for Carissa she had lived in this city most of her life. While most bad memories belonged here it was still a small part of her.

“Take me to Train station please I have an old friend I need to see” Jason nods driving her to the nearest train station. Staying in the car she looks to him

“can I at least see your face please?” Jason nods looking down he lowers the sunglasses from his face to reveal his face full and handsome Carissa smiles

“you are quite handsome Mr. Black... thank you for everything I cannot stress how thankful I am... if you need me... you may find me in Charlestown” before she could jump out Jason's hand touches her arm.

“If you are in danger or are afraid someone is coming for you I have an emergency number programmed in this phone... call it and I will be there in twelve hours I promise” Carissa looks to the phone inside the bag and nods getting out of his truck she took the satchel and began to walk out to the station.

One more job is done and a young woman saved from death. Jason could consider his good deed for the day done. Looking to his phone he sees a file sent by his accountant informing him of some oddities with his income spreadsheets.
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