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While in Reni (M/M)

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2019 10:09 pm
by EzraMarubayashi
Filippo Lego, Duke of Reni, was expecting Giulio for the negotiations. He had waited for this moment for years, since he met him in his sister’s wedding. Every important person in the region had been invited, and the rich and powerful Barbolanis, unofficial rulers of Aggrigia, couldn’t be left out. They sent their young heir; a handsome, arrogant sixteen-year-old boy with piercing eyes and a body that showed his affection for physical activities.

He had failed miserably in his efforts for ignoring Giulio. The boy had quickly become the center of attention due to his charisma and smart conversation, besides his looks. Giulio just graciously stepped aside the spotlight when Marina Lego made her big entrance, his domain of the social protocol was noticeable for such a young man. Being a noble man and a couple of years older, Filippo had assumed that it would be easy to impose himself to Giulio, but when he had the chance to talk to him, he had babbled his name and made an awkward greeting motion. The two of them never crossed another word that time.

After his disastrous attempt of taking over Agriggia, when Giulio was already the unofficial ruler of the nation, he had been asking for favors, collecting debts and threatening anyone he could in order to force the younger man into a disadvantageous position. He knew he had risked everything. If his reckless plan didn’t work out, a catastrophe would soon fall on him and his lands. Fortunately, Giulio Barbolani was a sensitive leader, who would set his duties before his own interests, unlike Filippo.

The Duke was staring at the carriage that transported the lord of Agriggia, which had just stopped at the entrance of his palace. The magnificent young man had gained appeal through the years. His body was more muscular and his dignified, self-assured bearing gave him a noble mien that Filippo himself wasn’t sure he had. Giulio had arrived practically alone, just accompanied by his secretary, Guido Ghezzo. Barbolani was somehow aware of the real purpose of this “negotiations”.

-Dear Giulio! I’m so glad that you accepted to meet me here, instead of a more …neutral location. -Filippo expressed when Giulio entered the main hall, after a proper introduction by his servant. He had to wait for about an hour before actually seeing Barbolani. His young guest had to freshen up after the trip.

-I understand that this is a friendly meeting, so I don’t see any danger in coming here, alone. -Giulio emphasized the last part, as if reading Filippo’s mind. His ever-present smile made his face simultaneously charming and innerving for the duke, for he wanted to see him at his feet.

-There are some points, some conditions we need to discuss if we want this terrible war to be over soon.

-The Duke made a signal and they were left completely alone. Giulio’s secretary had been ordered to wait outside since the beginning.

-Well, the sooner, the better, your excellency -said Giulio, with an aggressive but at the same time seductive gaze that made Filippo shiver and doubt for a second if he would be able to continue-. So, why don’t go straight to the point?

Giulio walked, haughty, the couple of steps that separated them and stood inches away from his rival’s face. Even though he was a couple of inches shorter, was facing an imminent defeat, was somehow younger and lacked the nobility tittles, he still managed to intimidate the Duke. Filippo was a handsome man himself, some might say that even more than Giulio, but his slender body and weak constitution made him feel insignificant next to the hunky political wolf.

-I want you to personally surrender to me, tonight -responded Filippo after he gulped, trying to save his dignity by attempting a commanding voice.

-I am sorry, your excellency, but that cannot be done- Giulio said in a tone that admitted no reply.

-A… are you telling me that you’re willing to risk your country, your people for some silly modesty?

-I’m saying that I’d rather die fighting than giving up my dignity, even if I have to face your armies single handedly.

Filippo dreaded at the thought, not only of the possibility of failing in these agreements, for he knew far too well that Giulio would be supported by his men, but of the idea of watching his precious prince laying lifeless in the battlefield.

-I just… I just want to lay my hands on you -said Filippo once he had regained some courage-, taste you, worship you.

Giulio set back a little, like to take a better look of the man in front of him.

-All right. You can do that.

Filippo’s hands grabbed Giulio’s clothes nervously and slowly started to take them off. Barbolani didn’t move a finger during the whole process, he just watched him. He was comparing himself to the man before him. Giulio finally had to help in removing the trousers completely and the shoes. Then, Filippo went to get some rope and crossed Giulio’s hands behind his back, tying them up clumsily, but well enough to restrain the younger man.

The Duke took a second to admire the beautiful male figure in bondage. He couldn’t believe this was really happening. The back muscles and the toned arms were aesthetically highlighted by the position Giulio was forced into by the ropes. When the younger man looked at Filippo over his shoulder, his half profile added to his naked back almost made the Duke cum.

Giulio was leaded to a chair and his bound arms were passed behind the back of the chair. Then, rope was used to fix his ankles to the legs of the chair, giving more access to his genitals. Finally, more rope circled his chest and arms, attaching them to the chair. This last binding was done with too much eagerness, tighter than Giulio could stand comfortably, and yet, he didn’t say a word or muttered any form of complaint.

Filippo looked Giulio in the eyes, asking silently for some approval of his handwork, but he just meet a cold, distant gaze. A little ashamed, though not discouraged, he knelt in front of the bound man and started feeling him up.

His hands held the firm thighs, rubbed them and pushed against the hard-rock muscles, caressing the entire curve forms. He continued upwards, to the abdominal region, carefully avoiding the groin, which would be left for last. There, he met a washboard barely covered by a dark trail of hair in the middle. He dared to press his cheeks against the wall of flesh, kissing it and licking lightly the midriff up till he found the pecs. The twin muscled parts were covered by thick but scarce hair, and crowned by tiny, pink nipples. He would have rubbed his face against them too, but the rope was in his way. What he did do was aspire deeply, absorbing the fresh smell of that man. This was done more intensely near the underarms area, even digging his nose in the warm hollows partly covered by the arms pulled back. At the same time, his hands wandered over the tense, bulky arms. In a moment, his arms went all the bay to the back, following the shape of Giulio’s arms, resulting in a half-unconscious hug that allowed him to feel the body heat of a powerful male body. Filippo had to force himself out of that hug, to continue with his task.

He approached to the genitals and grabbed the penis with one hand, while caressing the testicles with the other. He started to rhythmically rub the member up and down, until it was firm enough to take it to his mouth. Before he did this, he looked for Giulio’s eyes, but this time they were closed. He took a piece of cloth and tied a knot in the middle and used it to gag Giulio, something rather odd since he wasn’t even talking. Filippo just wanted to feel he was in complete control of his prisoner, as well as trying to undermine his dignity. Yet, naked, bound to a chair and gagged, Barbolani still managed to own the room.

After that, Filippo began to lick the head, all around it, to get familiar with the taste, before taking it as far inside his own mouth as he could. It was no easy job, given the size of it, but the Duke managed to do it without gagging. He proceeded to pull it in and out of his mouth, lightly sucking on it while he kept with the testicle massage.

Soft moans escaped from the unwilling and gagged mouth of Giulio. He didn’t want to show that he would enjoy even the slightest part of that, but the Duke was really good at what he was doing. Even though Giulio tried to resist the pleasurable experience, he couldn’t help to cum massively.

Filippo did his best to swallow everything. He was still excited and when Giulio had finished, he half-cleaned what had pilled out of his mouth with the back of his hand.

-We could do this more often if you decided to be part of my court. -Filippo’s eyes were pleading, but he got no response from Giulio. -You could spend half of the year here and the rest of the time in Agrigggia.

The Duke had hoped that he could somehow change Barbolani’s mind about him. He didn’t give a damn about politics. There was no military nor economical strategy in this, he just wanted to be closer to Giulio, but the young man just met him with an icy look. Frustration and desperation took over the duke, who snapped, slapping Giulio’s face.

-Talk to me!

Barbolani slowly returned his head to a frontal position, made eye contact with Filippo, bit his gag and slightly motioned his head sideways. He refused to try to speak through his gag.

-Of course -replied Filippo, ashamed for that idiotic mistake, and reached out to ungag the young man, but remained kneeling in front of him.

-This was all you’ll get from me -said Giulio coldly.

-You are in my palace! You are in my country! I’ve got armies at my command! -replied Filippo, raising his voice with every sentence and looking at Giulio with flaming eyes-. You’re here alone, helplessly tied to a chair. You are my captive. I could do whatever I wanted to you. I could have you right here, right now if that was my will. Don’t you see how pathetic your situation is?

In return, Giulio just stared at him as if watching an insect. Filippo saw himself reflected in his eyes and was invaded by a feeling of inferiority that finally broke him down, so, he looked away.

-You can untie me now -said Giulio with such majesty that the Duke didn’t hesitate in complying.
Barbolani stood up when he was set free and walked slowly but decidedly to the door, naked as he was. Filippo had no doubt that anyone who saw that man so self-assured walking out his door, would be certain that he had had the active role in the whole business. He picked the discarded clothing off the floor and rushed to dress Giulio again.

-I know this time I can really trust your word of putting an end to this war, your excellency -said Giulio seriously when the Duke had finished dressing him up.

-Of course -Filippo answered sheepishly.

Giulio was about to walk out of the room when the Duke grabbed his arm.

-Take me with you -Filippo pleaded-. Take me as a slave if you must. Tie me up naked to the roof of your coach, I don’t care.

-That can be arranged, but not here, not now -replied Giulio, looking at the Duke over his shoulder, before dedicating him a smirk.

Barbolani continued his way out and in no time, he was back in his carriage, accompanied by his secretary, while the Duke followed his exit from his window.

Re: While in Reni (M/M)

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2019 1:02 am
by cj2125
That was quite hot! It's rare to find a situation where the one tied up seems to have all the power but you made it work! Good job!