Pretty Girl Bikinis F+/M

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Pretty Girl Bikinis F+/M

Post by mannapper »

The Pretty Girl Bikinis

The Interview

Alexander Winters played with the collar of his white shirt collar and took a quick look at his Apple Watch. The 18 year old’s apprehension was getting worse by the passing minute. He was sitting alone in the luxurious waiting area of Pretty Girl Bikinis.

Three weeks ago, Alexander was in Starbucks and he saw pinned on the Community board a notice for the position of Happiness Hero at a place called Pretty Girl Bikinis and the usual partially cut slips of paper at the bottom but instead of a phone number it listed a www to send his resume.

Alexander was taking a skip year between graduating and going to college and he was looking for a job, so he applied for the position of Happiness Hero, one of those fancy pointless titles used by so called trendy up to the minute companies.

Alexander did not expect to even get a call back. He just wanted to find a job during his skip year and this posting caught his eye because, unlike most other jobs, it did not list a set of ridiculous requirements. In fact, it was surprisingly short and only asked that applicants be in good physical condition, which he was.

Just three days after Alexander submitted his resume online, he was invited to a video interview with 21 year old Nicole Kendrick the hiring manager.

Once Alexander was connected with the www he was given he was taken aback when Nicole, a beautiful blue eyed, long haired blonde appeared on the screen coming out of a pool in a skimpy blue bikini, her long blonde wet hair sticking to her shoulders and 34” breasts. He was mesmerized as he watched her walk across the pool deck. She sat down on a lounge chair, picked up her iPad and smiled at the camera.

“Hi, Alexander,” Nicole said. “You look like you never saw a girl in a bikini before.”

“I didn’t expect to be interviewed by a woman wearing a bikini,” Alexander said.

Nicole giggled.

“Well, you did apply for a job at Pretty Girls Bikinis,” Nicole said. “What did you expect?”

Nicole’s blue eyes were gleaming wickedly as was her smile making Alexander blush.

“I don’t know,” Alexander said. “But not being interviewed like this.”

“Still interested in being our Happiness Hero?” Nicole asked.

“Yes, I am,” Alexander said.

Nicole asked Alexander several questions about himself and she seemed pleased with his answers.

“Well, that’s all the questions I have for you, Alexander,” Nicole said. “Come in tomorrow.”

And that was how Alexander found himself sitting in the hot pink painted waiting room staring at a large TV screen that played beautiful women in bikinis.

The sound of high heels clacking on the floor alerted Alexander to the fact that someone was approaching. He quickly adjusted his shirt and sat up straighter, wanting to make a good first impression for whoever it was. The sound got louder and Nicole, the woman who interviewed him over the video call stepped into the room with a bright smile. She was wearing a hot pink bikini and pink high heels that highlighted her voluptuous breasts threatening to break free from her bikini top. The curves of her 38-24-32 body swerved with every step she took.

Alexander slowly got to his feet and tried to remember her name. Was it Jane? No, no, it was Nicole. Nicole Kendrick. He smiled at her nervously.

"Alexander, very nice to meet you in person," Nicole beamed.

Nicole put out her hand, Alexander took it and they shook hands. He noticed how strong her grip was. She was 5’6” tall in her high heels and she smiled, looking up at his 5’10” body from her 5’7” body.

“Nice to meet you, Nicole,” Alexander said. “Do all the women here where bikinis?”

Nicole giggled.

“Well, we are Pretty Girl Bikinis,” Nicole said. “My, my, you are taller than I expected, Happiness Hero,” Nicole said. “Online meetings make everybody look short, don't they?"

Nicole giggled again and laughed loudly as Alexander smiled and nodded, not knowing what to say.

"So,” Nicole said. “This is just a formality that we need to get over with for Human Resources purposes. Don't worry, I will be with you every step of the way. We will just pop in for a quick physical and if all goes well as I expect, I will give you a quick tour of where you will be working and if Ms. Ryder is not too busy, I will introduce you to her, who you will be working under."

Nicole giggled and winked conspiratorially.

"With me so far?" Nicole asked.

"Yes," Alexander replied.

Alexander suddenly felt uneasy, he took a deep breath to calm himself.

"Alrighty then, follow me," Nicole said.

Nicole started walking and Alexander fell back behind her. Despite wearing high heels that were at least three inches high, she walked fast and he had to scramble to keep pace with her. They walked through a corridor and emerged into an area dotted with cubicles and large house plants. She walked on, waving to the women working in the cubicles. He noticed all the women were beautiful and wearing bikinis. He also noticed there were no men. The air was filled with the different perfumes they were wearing and filled his head. The women smiled at him, a couple of them winked at him and one woman slowly licked her lips all this made Alexander very uncomfortable.

What kind of a place is this, Alexander wondered. It seemed to be full of beautiful sexually charged women. He could not dwell on it further because Nicole turned a corner and came to a stop in front of a room. She

Put her hand on the electronic hand reader and the door opened the door and she gestured for him to go inside.

"I will be back in a few minutes,” Nicole said. “Have a seat and help yourself to the refreshments."

Nicole closed and Alexander heard it electronically lock, leaving him alone inside a large conference room. There two tables were arranged along the wall, leaving a large space open in the middle. A Keurig coffee machine and a glass refrigerator filled with water bottles and soft drinks were placed on a counter along the other wall.

Alexander grabbed a bottle of water and took a few drinks. He was unsure where to sit, so he decided to stay standing. He did not have to wait long. The door opened and Nicole walked in, followed by two other women wearing bikinis.

One woman was a tall blonde with glasses, wearing a white bikini. The other was a redhead wearing a lilac colored bikini. Alexander gulped nervously. He was shy and nervous around beautiful women and now there were three beautiful women wearing bikinis. He smiled awkwardly to hide his anxiety.

"Are you all right Alexander?” Nicole asked. “Do you need anything before we start?"

"No, I am fine,” Alexander said. “Thank you."

"Good,” Nicole said.

Nicole pointed to the red head.

"This is Coleen, our floor supervisor,” Nicole said. “And this is

Madison, Personal Assistant to Ms. Ryder."

Nicole pointed to the blonde. Madison and Coleen women smiled at Alexander and offered their hands. Alexander shook each one, he thought their grips were just as strong as Nicole’s.

"Pleased to meet you," Alexander said.

Coleen and Madison nodded and sat down as Nicole stood standing with Alexander, facing them.

"So, Alexander,” Nicole said. “We have reviewed your resume and we are very impressed by it. Your references check out as well. Now the only thing we need to see is whether you will fit in here at Pretty Girl Bikinis.

"Of course,” Alexander said.

"Here,” Nicole said. “Happiness is a whole different ball game."

Nicole exchanged knowing smiles with Coleen and Madison.

"Now, let's get on with the physical, shall we,” Nicole said. “Take off your clothes."

"Excuse me?" Alexander said.

"I said, take off your clothes," Nicole said.

"Why?” Alexander asked. “I don't understand."

Alexander was nervous now.

"We need to make sure,” Nicole said. “That your physique is right for the position of Happiness Hero. It's a very demanding job. Now don't be shy."

Nicole gave Alexander a pat on his ass. Coleen and Madison were whispering to each other in the corner. His mind was racing. Should he really take his clothes off or just walk out of this weird place? The hell with it, he thought. I really need this job. He inhaled deeply and began to slowly unbutton his shirt.

Alexander stood in the middle of the room in his underwear, holding his hands in front of his cock and balls in a vain attempt to maintain his dignity. Nicole had picked up his shirt and trousers and placed them in a neat pile on top of one of the tables. Coleen and Madison were watching him intently.

Nicole clapped her hands and pointed to his boxer shorts.

"Those too," Nicole said.

"Is this really necessary?" Alexander asked, his voice quivering.

"Yes, it is,” Nicole said. “Now hurry up."

Alexander hesitated for a few seconds before making his mind up. He closed his eyes tightly and hurriedly pulled off his boxers. He put one hand over his exposed cock and balls to conceal as much as he possibly could. He heard chairs scraping over the floor as Coleen and Madison got up from their seats. He opened one of his eyes a little and saw Nicole standing to his left with her dazzling smile. Coleen and Madison were not in their seats. The sound of their high heels on the floor indicated that they were behind him. The intoxicating smell of three exotic perfumes overcame his senses.

“Aaaahhh,” Alexander gasped and jumped.

Madison soft hand had caressed Alexander’s left ass cheek. He tried to turn around but Nicole’s soft but firm hand grabbed his arm and kept him still.

"Stay still," Nicole’s soft but firm voice admonished Alexander.

Coleen then squeezed his right ass cheek. Madison’s and Coleen’s soft hands wandered over his ass, squeezing, pinching and patting his ass.

“Hey,” Alexander cried out.

Alexander lurched forward when Coleen slapped him hard across his ass. Nicole’s grip on his arm pulled him back.

"What the hell?" Alexander exclaimed.

Alexander regrated his decision to take off his clothes in front of these women and now desperately wanted to get out of the situation he found himself in, job or no job.

"Shush," Nicole said.

Nicole moved closer and put her arm around Alexander’s waist, trapping him tightly against her, her breast pressing against his arm.

"Not bad,” Madison said. “He is well toned and perky.”

Alexander had his eyes open now and could see Coleen nodding in agreement. Coleen squeezed his thigh and smiled.

"Good," Coleen said.

Madison and Coleen walked around to face Alexander, along with Coleen. They each felt and squeezed his biceps as if they were checking fruit at a supermarket. Coleen stood on tiptoes, she was a good head shorter than Alexander, and squeezed his cheeks and kissed him on the lips.

Conflicting emotions were racing through Alexander’s head. He was embarrassed and humiliated by what was happening. He was angry that Nicole, Madison and Coleen treated him like a piece of meat, pushing and prodding his body. To his shame, he was also getting excited by all the attention that these three beautiful women were lavishing on him. He wanted this job but if that meant being humiliated, he wasn’t so sure it was worth it.

Madison pinched one of Alexander’s nipples and flicked it with her well-manicured fingernail.

“Hey,” Alexander yelped.

Madison smiled at Alexander as she ran her hands over his stomach and tapped it to gauge its firmness. Coleen was doing the same on the other side of his body. They seemed satisfied with what they saw.

"Remove your hand," Coleen said.

Coleen pointed at Alexander’s hand covering his cock and balls. He got red in the face. He hesitated.

"Come on Alexander,” Nicole said. “Don't be shy."

Nicole grabbed Alexander’s hand he was using to shield his cock and balls and gently tugged on it. Nicole pulled his hand away and he stood, completely exposed to Coleen, Nicole and Madison.

Coleen and Madison leaned forward, inspecting Alexander’s flaccid cock. Madison held it between her thumb and middle finger and his cock immediately responded, she lifted his cock up and inspected the underside of his cock. She trapped his rapidly responding cock between the soft palms of her hand and rolled it back and forth. She then wrapped her soft hand around his cock and squeezed.

“Aaaahhh,” Alexander gasped.

Madison smiled wickedly and winked at Alexander as his cock continued to stiffen in her hand. Coleen cupped Alexander’s balls in her hand, hefting them.

“Aaaahhh,” Alexander gasped again.

Madison let go of Alexander’s now fully erect. Coleen let go of his balls and tapped his erect cock a couple of times before stepping back. Nicole patted his cheek and eyed his bobbing erect his cock ravenously, making Alexander feel extremely self-conscious.

"Very nice," Nicole said.

Nicole looked up and flashed Alexander her dazzling smile.

"Wait here for a few minutes,” Nicole said. “We will be right back."

Nicole, Madison and Coleen walked a few feet away and stood in a semi-circle, whispering and glancing back at Alexander a few times. After about five minutes Madison and Coleen left the room, with Madison pressing her hand on the electronic door opener. They smiled and waved their fingers at Alexander as they left the room. Nicole played with her iPhone.

"Bear with me,” Nicole said. “I am trying to get hold of Holly.”

Nicole put her iPhone away and walked over to Alexander. She sat on the table in front of him and eyed him from head to toe.

"What do you do to stay in shape, Alexander?" Nicole asked with a disarming smile.

"I jog every morning,” Alexander said. “And I go to the gym three times a week."

Alexander was striving to come to terms with carrying out a casual conversation with Nicole while being completely naked.

"Only a couple of times?” Nicole giggled. “Wow, I have to hit the gym every day or I start to look flabby."

"You are in amazing shape," Alexander said.

"Oh, thank you, Alexander,” Nicole beamed. “That is very kind of you,"

The door opened and a beautiful black woman walked into the room. Alexander hastily tried to cover his cock and balls with his hands as she strode in assertively with a bright smile on her face. She was a stunning figure of a black woman with long flowing black hair and wearing a white bikini that perfectly contrasted with her chocolate colored skin. She fixed her hazel eyes on Alexander for a couple of seconds, quickly sizing him up before extending her hand for a handshake.

"Hi, Alexander,” she said. “I am Holly Ryder, the Chief Operating Officer here at Pretty Girl Bikinis.

Alexander uncomfortably shook Holly’s hand. Her handshake was as strong as Nicole’s, Coleen’s and Madison’s. He was acutely aware that he was naked and wished the floor would open and swallow him.

"Thanks for coming in,” Holly said. “Nicole has told me a lot of good things about you."

Holly flashed Alexander a warm smile.

"I don't have a lot of time so let's get to it, shall we?" Holly said.

Alexander slowly nodded and wondered what was about to happen. Holly stepped closer to him and Nicole signaled over Holly’s shoulder to him to stop covering his cock and balls with his hands. He reluctantly did so and stood completely exposed. Holly examined his cock and nodded. She let his cock go.

“Turn around,” Holly said.

Unenthusiastically Alexander turned around and he felt Holly’s eyes burning into his back.

"Nice,” Holly said.

Holly slapped Alexander’s ass, making him jump.

“Hey,” Alexander cried out.

Holly grabbed Alexander’s arm and turned him around.

"Just one final thing to do,” Holly said. “Before we can hire you as our Happiness Hero.”

Holly took Alexander’s hand and led him over to the couch. She gently pushed him onto the couch and sat down next to him. She removed her white bikini top releasing her voluptuous 40” breasts.

What the hell have I got myself into? Alexander thought.

Holly pushed her voluptuous breasts closer to Alexander’s face.

"Show me how you treat a woman," Holly said.

"What?" Alexander exclaimed in shock.

Alexander was mesmerized by the sight of Holly’s breasts in front of his eyes. Despite the traumatic situation, his body was reacting to her exotic perfume wafting from her breasts into his nose. His cock was starting to get hard again.

"Show me how you worship a woman’s breasts,” Holly said. “I don't think I can make it any clearer."

Holly placed her hand behind his head and pulled his face into her breasts. His primal instincts took over his brain and he buried his face into her soft breasts and started kissing and licking them. She was starting to respond to him.

“Ooohhh, yes,” Holly moaned.

Holly pulled Alexander’s face deeper into her perfumed breasts, just as he thought that he would pass out from lack of air her body shuddered and she pushed him away.

"My God," Holly gasped loudly. "That was, you are amazing. You are hired as our Happiness Hero."

Holly looked at Nicole.

"I hope,” Holly said. “We don't have a riot on our hands with all the girls trying to book a session with him."

Nicole giggled.

"We will work something out, Holly," Nicole said.

Nicole handed Alexander his clothes.

“Get dressed, Alexander,” Nicole said. “And we will work out your compensation and benefits package.”

Alexander decided right then and there that he did not want the Happiness Hero position.”

“Let me think it over a couple of days,” Alexander said.

“Of course,” Holly said. “I know this is an important decision for you.”

Nicole showed Alexander out of the conference room.

“See you soon,” Nicole said.

As Alexander was getting on the elevator and the door was closing a hand hit the door and it opened. Madison and Coleen got on the elevator with him, their perfume was intoxicating.

“Hi again,” Coleen said brightly. “Did you get the position?”

“I was offered it,” Alexander said. “And Ms. Ryder gave me a couple of days to think it over.”

“That’s nice,” Madison said. “I hope the answer is yes."

Madison stepped behind Alexander while Coleen pushed the stop button.

“What the-aaahhh,” Alexander said.

Madison wrapped her soft feminine left arm around Alexander’s neck, getting him in a sleeper hold and pulling him tightly against her voluptuous breasts and clamped her soft right hand over his mouth and nose cutting off his air supply. In her right hand she held a fast acting sleeping pill and he swallowed it.

Alexander started to raise his hands towards Madison’s hands but Coleen grabbed them and smiled at him.

“No, no, Happiness Hero,” Coleen said.

Within less than a minute Alexander passed out and slumped in Madison’s arms.

“He will be asleep for at least ten hours,” Madison giggled.
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Nice start!
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