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Double Crossed M/F

Posted: Sun May 26, 2019 10:08 am
by WyattW5
Story request by Nogip.


In the little French village of Recolte de Frederic. The Nazi German command of the region. They would take and secure the farmer's harvests before shipping them off to the factories to properly processed before served to the soldiers of the failing Reich.

This base was a prime target for the Resistance. Members had been trying to slip in steal food and slip out again. Most of those who slipped in never came out again. The SS had this facility locked up tighter than a crabs bottom.

The fortress was little more than a military gypsy camp of tents and small tin shacks and medium-sized wooden storerooms. With a guard tower on the north south-west and east wall. There was no way to slip in the front without detection. With a tiny stream down the back guarded by a wire fence. Lined with ominously sharp barbed wires at the top.

This time the local Resistance had put all on the line. All the resistance fighters in the region would gather to fight and steal the food back. The Germans had just stolen this year harvest off the already minuscule fields.

The Leader of the Resistance one Anita Trouve with short reddish brown hair. Kept tied in a strict bun. As she wore a little side cap with a light grey Wehrmacht uniform. Dressed as a Lieutenant under the secretarial staff. She had orders fake transfer papers to the camps commanding officer to report to Paris.

Her companion in the car was one Jean-Loup leSoeur. Dressed as a German Captain. A peaked cap on his head the brim lowered over his blue eyes. He turns to his partner Trouve they had been working together for a total of a year in half finally building a bridge of trust.

Drawing a dagger from her purse it appeared to be a pen. He drew his standard weapon a Reichsrevolver 1876 opening the side gate to see the bullets all lined in a row ready to fire. Holstering the gun he turns to Anita his voice calm and collected.

“If your men are to have any chance at taking over this fortress we must secure the machine gun nest aimed at the gate”

“Do not worry our allies on the inside shall help us overtake it?”

“With that MG42 operating your men will be shredded coming through even through the back”

“Do not worry Jean-Loup I will set a fire bottle on the gun nest just after we blow the gate”

“Excellent, we stay on target we get our men freed by midnight”

Anita clenches her fist into a tight little knuckle silently letting a rage fume inside. Jean-Loup reaches forward touching her hand with his leather gloves.

“Calm Anita. We must be of a calm mind and steady hand in order for victory”

Nodding Anita smiles as her friend gives a tiny grin before leaning back in his seat his eyes turn to the soldiers watching the staff car entrance.

As the car pulls up to the entrance Anita Trouve exits the car looking to the front gate checking soldiers as they come back from leave. Pulling forward the gate officer checks their papers before waving them through.

The compound was nothing major just four or five large barns and silo’s full with grain and other produce. Four small barracks stood around the commandant’s office. The main watchtowers had men with sniper rifles and on the ground was a Machine gun nest anyone attempted to approach the front gate. The machine gun could easily scatter any mediocre force.

Anita and Jean-Loup were the front operatives of the unit. They would go in free the prisoners from the cell before going to the back of the camps fence line and plant the charge of explosives enough to make a whole large enough for all the men of her unit to break in.

Anita and Jean-Loup pull into the camp managing to appear average and normal. They had to introduce themselves to the camp commandant first. One General Wilhelm Gruber commander of this outfit.

Anita sat outside with Gruber's secretary. A civilian by the name of Gerda Fischer a cute blonde with rosy cheeks and innocent blue eyes. Anita prayed she stayed far out of the way when the fireworks started.

Jean-Loup emerges with General Gruber and his second in command who smiles brightly shaking hands with Anita. The General offered the guest quarters for the two in which LeSoeur accepted.

Escorted by the camp second in command on Major Forelle the officer escorts Anita inside her quarters and after asking politely if she was comfortable and if she would join the commander and captain to which she agrees.

Leaving her alone for the briefest of moments she opens her case to reveal the weapon she was armed with a P-08 pistol with a suppressor on the end of the barrel she looks up sliding it into her skirt waistband. Tucking her coat over it.

She turns around in the bottom of her suitcase there was one pack of five sticks of dynamite. Enough to punch a hole in the fence anything more would damage the creek beside it and that was not necessary.

Taking her suitcase she walks outside to see Jean-Loup ready as well holding only a briefcase she figured he contained firearms for the prisoners once they were liberated.


“As ever”

Jean-Loup responds looking to his compatriot pressing a gloved hand to her shoulder he gave a gentle squeeze before walking from the parlor of the VIP cabins to the encampment from there they could not physically be seen together.

Walking across the compound many a soldier turns to glance at the attractive Anita not many seeing much of the opposing gender. They let themselves get distracted for a moment. Allowing Jean-Loup to slip around the other side of the camp where they would meet at the same hut the prisoners' lockup.

Where they were holding the prisoner's no one gave Jean-Loup any looks as if he blends in. Opening the door to the prisoner's barracks. Anita went in first seeing only two guards. Half a dozen prisoners all chained to the wall and locked in iron bar cells.

Taking her pistol in hand she looks to Jean-Loup who nods awaiting her to advance. Raising her gun to shoot she steps forward.

“Vive la Resistance”

squeezing the trigger of her gun the weapon makes a deceitful click.
Her eyes grew wide with shock and freight as she squeezes the trigger again to no avail. The guards see her fear turn their rifles to fire as she turns


She calls to him but she sees he is already aiming an MP-40 submachine gun at her. He had thrown the case to the floor. Anita falls to the ground attempting to pick up the case and open it to grab a weapon to reveal the black leather bound case. Was empty.

Now Jean-Loups gun was aimed at her. Both hands intensely holding the gun trained on her. The other soldiers stood at attention eying the man uneasily. While his eyes fixed on Anita once warm and full of life now stern and cold as ice.


“I have my reasons. Gentlemen restrain her”

As two soldiers put their hands on her she rips the undercover knife from her coat pocket and tries to stab a man with it. Jean-Loup’s booted foot kicks her knuckle. Making Anita yelp from the impact. Her eyes filled with outrage.

“Nice try Mademoiselle”

Taking her by the throat Jean-Loup hoist her above with muscle unseen below his officers uniform. Her eyes were wide with fright as he held her up making her thrash in his hand her hands flailing against his bulk. Her legs kicking pathetically

“my comrades will come you can rest assured you traitorous pig”

The man seemed unaffected by her words as he dragged her alone to a small shack. Entering he threw her on a small chair with such momentum the chair tipped over with her on it. All Anita could see was the large bright light at the top of the ceiling. Hung without shade the bulb illuminated like a single star in an empty sky.

Two soldiers approach Jean-Loup handing him lengths of rope as he steps forward grabbing the back and bottom of the chair with Anita on it. Hoisting it up he began to tie her hands behind her back wrists crossed. Anita kneed him in the stomach grabbing his knife she tried to gut him but was forced to have his hand clasping her wrist before a voice called out



A familiar voice calls turning her gaze Anita’s eyes grow wide as Major Forelle holds a young woman with short brown hair, two big brown eyes above a set of rosy cheeks. A gun barrel at the side of her head.

“Cease your struggles or she gets a bullet”

“No no don’t shoot, I surrender”

“You came for me”

The woman spoke in happiness her face bright with hope soon turning fearful as the officers held them both with fierce grips. Pulling them away from each other Anita began to mutter softly

“I told you I would Camille hold strong, our comrades will soon be”

“Stop or she dies”

Major Forelle commands pressing the gun deeper into Camille’s temple.
Anita’s hands rose to her shoulders allowing Jean-loup to bind her hands behind her back wrapping the rope four times around both her wrists before cinching the ropes with two tiny knots impressive for a man with large leather-clad hands.

Setting her on the chair before binding her feet in high heels cross-legged. In an identical fashion, Anita knew she would need to squirm with everything she had in order to free herself from these ropes.

Ripping a piece of her skirt off he made a long band making a knot down the center he pushes the knot between her teeth before tying around the back of Anita’s head.

Looking to her good friend Camille her closest friend and oldest compatriot the two had been together since they were little girls. Camille had been tasked with getting a layout of the fortress and to figure out where the prisoners were kept.

Only to be captured. Anita held hope her friend was alive yet, but to see her now nearly brought tears to Anita’s eyes. Now honed in anger as she is gagged tied up and helpless. In a room of enemies.

“Now Mademoiselle Trouve, no doubt you have a feeling of betrayal”

Jean-Loup spoke calmly placing a hand on her shoulder. Nudging the shoulder to get his hand of which only inclined him to clutch both shoulders in his hands.

“Lmmphf hrmmmphf gmmphf”

“Let you go cannot do that, I was paid a good price to bring in the head of the resistance leader and if I am not mistaken you and that girl and myself were three of the first”

Shaking her head Anita began to grumble and bite at the gag trying to speak through it was next to impossible. But she did not give up between wiggling her wrists to bucking her ankles.

“Send her away Major Forelle, and prepare the explosives on the southern wall. And set up the defences”

“Very good Herr Striecher”

“Hmm Striphir?”

“Yah, you see, the name I gave you when you were just a little rebellious girl with a knife in your waist and a goal to achieve, was a fake name, Jean-Loup silly french name”

“Hmmphf arphf yuphf?”

“My name is Victor Von Streicher”

Victor Von Streicher was Mercenary, believed to have been working since WW1 worked with SOE, OSS and as legend had it the Gestapo. She could not believe she had fallen victim to his treachery. Making her only wish to get a fair chance to kill him.

“The trap is nearly set, best head out and ignite the explosion. Don’t you worry Mademoiselle I am sure a few of your men will come around to rescue you”

Striecher left the room and Anita began to struggle testing her wrists the knots he tied were exceptionally tight. Her ankles tied across meant she could not try and hop to the door.

Rubbing her ankle ropes against the wood of the chair she was unable to get loosen her bonds or to move the rope so she could escape. Rubbing her wrists against the coarse wood of the chairs back seemed to be the only option left. Confident she could escape.

The door opens to the room again and Striecher returns with two infantry men carrying a television into the room connecting it with power. As Striecher turns the television on it shows the back gate where her dynamite was supposed to be set.

“Whummphf armphf yumphf blumphfing thmm gaphf?”

“because dear girl if the gate is not blown and the signal flying in about minute thirty seconds, your band of resistance will retreat back to all the holes where they hide. Beings I don’t know where they all hide, the best strategy was to let them come in think the operation so far was successful”

Anita’s eyes grew wide as the man steps back watching her clue all the pieces together. With all the resistance pockets all united on this strike the attack on the fortress would wipe them out their hole's. Streicher had turned what was rabbit hunt into a firefight.

Streicher smiles the reaction on Anita’s face was priceless he barely contained his laughter. Removing the gag for he wanted to hear her angered voice. As he lowered the knot she spits in his face.

“We are made of more than you think Streicher, we will defeat your oppression”

Smiling Streicher raises the gag up again still happily smiling settling beside her he takes a handkerchief and wipes the spit from his face. Rubbing his gloved hand looking into her eyes.

“That was one thing I always admired, your passion your vigor”

“You know what I used to admire about you”

“Your skill your ability to plan you planned this all”

Shaking her head in disbelief. How she had trusted the enemy for so long. How convincingly he lied to her yet he was able to play them better than a fiddle. Never once did her organization fail a task. Never had they been arrested or stopped. All part of Streicher’s perfect plan.

“When we first started by ambushing small troop carriers, I believed with Camille and you at my side we could defeat the Nazi’s easy”

Lowering her head in shame she had been tricked so easily. Maybe it was meant for her to be trapped by this double crossing prick. Steeling herself she looks up to Streicher. A twisted smile on her face.

“When my men break through your lines and find us like this they will tear you apart drawn and quartered”

“Drawn and quartered is this the sixteenth century? You provincial peasants dreaming of the lamest farm animals as a means of destruction, tis a wonder you are not attacking us with muskets and pitchforks”

Sneering Streicher stands up looking down on Anita.

“The barricades will rise Streicher, the colors of the world will change Red of rebellion black the dark of corruption”

“I build the barricades Trouve”

“I know my men will never surrender until they take this fortress”

“oui if only you were with them, then you may stand a half chance”

Streicher left the room locking the door behind him. Anita watches the camera as the dynamite was detonated. The sound outside was loud enough for Anita to hear. Her eyes were wide as she watches the Resistance members come through the smoke firing their rifles and machine guns.

Hearing the popping and the crackle of gunfire Anita tried to hold some hope maybe they could break the German lines. Most only had hunting rifles and scavenged German guns.

Squirming in her bonds she wanted to get out there and fight herself fighting the bonds scratching the rope on the chair she began to scratch her own arm sleeve digging into the skin with a hiss.

Upon a sudden a loud thunderous volley. The gunfire seemed continuous like raindrops hitting a roof. Looking at the screen Anita’s eyes were opened by the sight of her resistance members falling back those who were not dropped by a massive wave of bullets.

Screaming into the gag she fought and kicked her bonds scraping her rope against the grain of the wood. But in her vigor, she fell over the chair came with her. And the television slid back away. Squirming on the floor shouting angrily into her gag she kicked and wiggled around on the dusty floor. Soon the volleys ended in simple little pops and commanders barking orders for their men.

“Two are still in the camp search around”

Boot’s begin to stomp and scamper the ground. Anita wondered if there was hope if the two men could distract the men enough she could slip her binds and free the others. Squirming frantically to escape. She heard two sets of heavy breathing.

Her eyes widened as two sets of boots ran into the building. Looking up them she recognized the two boys. The Bourdeaux twins two boys who were born instigators. Both wearing dark brown coats and black worn out trousers. Armed with a double barrel shotgun and the other a simple pistol.

The two rush to help her as Streicher enters the room seeing the two boys trying to untie her. The two boys turn to see Streicher immediately recognizing him the one with the pistol stands up in surprise.

“Hephf aphf naphee!”

Streicher raises his revolver firing a single bullet killing the first boy. When his brother turns shotgun ready to blast away. Streicher threw the boy knocking the gun from hand before pressing a gun in hand to the boy's throat. Drawing his knife Streicher drew blood from the other boy until he stopped squirming and collapse from Streicher’s grip.

“Ymmphf cuphfn’f ephen fuigphf uhpf phfrley!”

“As opposed to you who hide away in dark forests await for convoys to come around and shoot them when they are not looking, your men knew they were coming for a fight, tis not my fault they were unprepared. It is yours”

“Youphf phfoulfa kilphfed mephf phwile yuphf haphf phfa phance”

“I know I know, tell you what I make you a bargain”

Ripping another band off Anita’s skirt emitting an angry growl when he tied it over her eyes picking her up and carried her into another corner then removing the gag he smiles.

“You make it out that door before I come back from dinner with Herr Gruber and you are free to go I’ll even take the fall from Herr Gruber deal”

“How can I trust a word you say to me you filthy pig”

“Now now, bite the hand that offers you even the slightest prospect of freedom, the Anita I knew would have steeled herself followed with courage and she can do anything”

Streicher ordered men to remove bodies of the two boys, leaving a smear of blood on the wall and floor. The chair and the television were removed soon after including the power cord. Looking back to Anita he kneels down to her.

“In all honesty, I believe in what you are trying to do, but you must understand, high morals and belief is no substitute for twelve hundred rounds a minute”

Brushing his gloved hand through her hair she squirms on contact emitting low pitched groan.

“leave me you disgusting pig”

She could hear his footsteps turn to leave. Then she heard the door creak open and latch shut telling her. She needed to go, even if this pig said she could be free she did not trust a word he said. Shuffling in the floor she caught herself coughing loudly as the dust on the floor had begun to get in her hair, mouth, and nose.

Trying to use her shoulders and chest like legs nudging forward she found herself against a wall. Her head tapped it once before pressing her shoulder against it, raising herself onto her knees she began to push.

Feeling a hint of pride in this tiny success she continued going as fast as she could rubbing shoulder with the wall. Scrapping her knees against the dusty concrete floor.

Her muscles were growing tired from this, as she attempted to lean against the wall she bellyflops onto the floor catching her nose with the bottom edge of the wall. Making her nose hurt growling in anger she rolled onto her back crunching up her nose and cheeks attempting to snuff out the pain.

Forging herself forward sitting up Anita began to try again shoulder to the wall inching her knees forward. She could feel the skin on her knees becoming raw as she crawls.

Finally coming to the corner of the wall she began to feel for it laughing to herself she could escape, the door was only a few more nudges this way. As her hand began to search for the door frame. All she found was more wall.

Her depth perception thrown due to the blindfold she squirms and struggles to find the door on the wall.

“What, the door should be here, the door is here why is the door not here”

Panic began to set in before the sound of footsteps drew her back into the frame. At least four sets of boots and someone dragging behind.



“Silence the Fraulein”

“You have failed Madame Trouve a shame, I was hoping to be able to chase you for a bit”

Steicher's voice snickers in Anita’s ears as she crawls to her knees. Looking blindly up to the ceiling seeing the light around the edge of her blindfold.

“How far was I from the door”

“From the appearance, you simply wiggled around in circles”

“Cochon Graisse” spitting in his direction snarling

“You should have killed me while you had the chance for when I get out of here I will see to it I”

the sound of a fist clenching metal struck inches from her head making her shoot backward's in fear.

“You're brave in your words but you tremble in your actions, typical case”

Streicher speaks calmly removing the glove from his hand, he approaches Anita clutching her by the throat removing her blindfold Streicher threw her to the ground.

Finally able to see her eyes blotched over by that sash, her eyes took a few minutes to adjust. Seeing Streicher his revolver in hand two soldiers armed with rifles leaving the room. Lastly, Camille her hands bound behind her back on her knees, what appeared to be a scarf tied over her lips.

“What is it you want?”

“The location of your next big meeting”

“What meeting?”

“You know, your next meeting with SOE and the other top dogs of le Resistance?”

“I know nothing of such things I do not contact them they contact me, there is seldom any fore planning involved with the meetings, they call we come”

“Alright Anita here is your final chance to save your friend here”

opening his revolver he drew five bullets out. Leaving one in circling the cylinder until he clicks the gun whole again.

“You have five chances to tell me the truth”


“Yah, this gun holds six shots, I take five out leaves me one bullet. All you have to do is decide whether you wish to speak the truth before or after the bullet crashes her skull”

Anita’s eyes are wide with outrage pushing her chest forward trying to show a dominant form in her helplessness. Streicher raises the gun pulling the hammer back he calmly counts one off. The gun click’s revealing the cylinder had no cartridge in it.

Counting two another click, but Camille’s eyes were growing with fear as Anita fought to bite her lips as she squirms struggling to free herself the knots by her hands were just out of her middle fingers to reach even with her nails.


“What do you want?”

Anita shouts angrily at Streicher who turns to her his face stoic but cold, gun still trained on Camille.

“The location of your resistance meeting pointe, only you know it, please I do not”

“Four” clicking the hammer again, Anita knew either this or the next bullet would strike her Anita needed to make a choice between her resistance and her friend.

“It is okay Anita, I am willing to die for my country”

“I know Camille, I know you are, but I...”

Struggling to find the words her eyes glance up to see Streicher's fingers ready to squeeze the trigger one more time.
