A Fisherman's Burden FFF/M

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A Fisherman's Burden FFF/M

Post by Cker1989 »

*So a while back I got the inspiration to write some femdom fan fiction in a High seas pirates setting! The following is the result. I have posted it else where, but I figure there to be a handful of people on here who haven't read it yet, so here it is...*

Seagulls circled about the clear blue sky above the vast ocean below. Beside the water was a wide-open beach to where the oceans waves serenely washed up against to present nature on the coast at it’s most calm and peaceful. The clear skies, and bright sunlight was a warm welcome to the folk residing in the fishing port town of Naydra located nearby. Nearly a weeks’ worth of storms and unrelenting rain fall had kept most of the residents inside, watching as their small port town took moderate storm damage from the wind and rain.

Down the beach raced two children. A young girl sporting sandals and a well-worn dinner dress that had not been meant for the outdoors. Chasing after her was a young boy in sandals and a dark grey tunic. The two ran carelessly down the beach, and towards the village. Laughing gleefully as they went along, the two younglings were both 9 and 10 respectively. Addy, the girl whose name was short for Adelaide, and Jinn the boy who was only just a year older than her.

“Come Jinn! Bad enough that you can’t keep up with a girl! And in a dress no less!”

Jinn tried collecting his breath, determined to not let Addy’s taunting get to him.

“Just getting my bearings in! I am about to stop letting you win in just a second here!”

The two raced on wildly without a care in the world. Residents popped out from their homes in the early morning to observe the ruckus kids. One such resident being that of Grayson Tellville. A young man in his late twenties with a slim build and a full head of dark brown hair. His buttoned up white shirt tucked firmly into some loose-fitting fisherman’s trousers, clearly gearing up to go to work for the day. He smiled at the children as they charged into town, he picked Addy up in his arms and twirled her around before setting her down and ruffled Jinn’s hair.

“What are you two doing? Causing this much of a stir so early in the morning?”

“We wanted to come out and play! Weather is beautiful, can you blame us?”

Addy replied cheerfully.

“I hardly can. You two run along back to your parents, lest they don’t know where you are and begin to worry.”

The two children did as they were told. He watched them run off and promptly went back over to the porch of his small wooden house and fitted some worn work boots to his feet. His gaze led over to that of the ocean before him. But more specifically to that of a vessel off in the distance. It looked to be that of a trade ship, but it was too far off to tell. Still though, there was something ominous about it.

On that very ship, a telescope peered back at the small fishing village. A rugged woman sported an intrigued grin as she pulled herself away from the telescope and made her way down from the mast of the ship. And a grand ship it was, fitted with proper sails to glide across the sea with ease, armed to the teeth with cannons to make any opposing foe tremble, and holding enough space to carry a crew of 45 to 60 passengers with spare room for all sorts of cargo. Though the vessel had the look of a common trade ship from the outside, anyone who dared to step foot inside would soon realize that this ship flew pirate colors. Scattered about was the crew of no less than 40 female pirates who were dazed from being forced to spend weeks at sea. Unable to port due to the storms rolling along the coast. These ruthless brigands had spent years raiding poor towns and settlements who were ill equipped to defend themselves. Barging in with matchlock pistols and a combination of curved scimitars, or straight edged rapiers. Pillaging, stealing, and burning the resources of any who were unfortunate to cross their path. Even going so far as to kidnap people and sell them into the slave trade that was common out east. At the helm of this band of villains sat the dreaded Bruxa Roberts. A woman who made her own name after being abducted by a band of pirates and ended up slitting the captains throat, which netted her fear and therefore respect in the eyes of the crew which then became hers. As brutal and foreboding as she was beautiful, Bruxa commanded respect from all who met her. She was incredibly adept with a blade after all. Dressed in the finer fitting leather pants she stole from one of her many raids, and accompanied by a white blouse underneath a red coat with decorated gold buttons and an old officers cap with a white feather in it. Her jet-black hair flowed down just past her shoulders and complimented her piercing green eyes. A rather grotesque looking scar was located just above her left eyebrow, on what was otherwise a very beautiful face. She sat upon a grand chair in the captain’s quarters, with the rest of her crew scattered and passed out among the rest of the ship. The door burst open as her lookout entered in a hurry and addressed her.

“Pardon cap’n..”

Bruxa stared at her with baited breath, not at all interested in wasting time.


“Land…off in the distance. Has the looks of a small fishing village. Orders?”

A slight smile came over Bruxa’s lips. Like the rest of her crew, she had been restless the last few days. Restless from sitting around and drinking or bickering with her crew. There was nothing like a good old-fashioned raid to get her crew whipped back into shape in Bruxa’s opinion. Plus, they were running low on resources. The poor unsuspecting village would serve as a welcome distraction to prior misfortunes.

“Keep the ship at distance for now. We will make contact after nightfall. Inform the crew, and have them get ready.”

Her lookout nodded and exited the captain’s quarters as Bruxa laid back into her chair.

Night time came swiftly upon the small fishing village that was only slightly illuminated with a few lanterns here and there. A full moon illuminated what it could, peeking out from behind a few clouds. Grayson sat among his residence writing with a quill at his dinner table, taking inventory of the fish that he had caught that day. Another disappointing turnout unfortunately. He went back and forth reasoning with himself on ways to turn things around when a flash of light came from beside his window. Was it….fire? Grayson’s premonition was confirmed as he rushed outside to see the local tavern up in flames. Without thinking or putting any shoes on Grayson rushed over to investigate. He had only gotten a few feet away when he noticed people running out and away from the tavern in a panic, and it was then that he noticed the pursuers and likely culprits of this terrible fire. A group of intimidating looking pirates, armed to the teeth, charging wildly through the village. Swords drawn, and pistols touting in the air firing shots off into the night as a means to scare the poor, terrorized village folk. Unarmed and horribly outnumbered, Grayson watched as the villagers made their retreat towards the woods inland, being harassed by the pirates every step of the way. Embers of the flames rising into the night as two more buildings were set a blaze, adding to the chaos.

Grayson then turned his attention to the cry of a young girl nearby. A distressed Addy cried out in pain as a pirate clutched her hair and yanked her from her feet and forced her to her knees. Grayson stopped thinking at that point and burst into action. He sprinted forth, full speed, and flung his body into the fray. Charging with his shoulder he leveled the pirate, and to her surprise she released Addy and fell to the ground. A dazed Addy looked up with tears streaming down her face.

“Run Addy. Run and don’t look back!”

Addy nodded her head, and she was off towards the woods with the rest of the villagers. Grayson turned his attention back to the pirate who had gathered her wit’s and was back on her feet.

“The girl and towns folk are off limits. Take whatever else you want and leave.”

“Aye, we plan to. But your still here, and that makes you fair game!”

Grayson cut off his reply as the pirate before him had already drew her sword and charged at him. Dodging her initial swipes at him he fell and stumbled to the left with the pirate gearing up to make her second charge. Grayson’s eyes wandered wildly for something…anything he could use to defend himself. It was then that he noticed a boat ore laying aside an old paddle boat. He picked it up and clutched it with both hands as he turned to face his adversary. The woman came at him with the blade and sliced at his torso. He parried it with the wooden paddle and then thrust back at her. She clashed with her blade and held her ground for a few seconds, but her strength was no match for Grayson’s and as she was pushed back, she was eventually sent stumbling backwards. She fell firmly on her bottom, dropping the blade. Grayson wound up, and with a mighty spin, swung the wide end of the paddle and it connected with the left side of her face, knocking her out cold.

With his attacker finished for the time being, Grayson looked around to see the village in shambles, with most of the villagers having fled. Pirates made their way through each small beach house with all sorts of loot. Infuriated, even despite being horribly outmatched Grayson charged on anyway, confronting two pirates carrying a broad chest from out of one such house.

“Leave now. Or you will both be taught a lesson like your friend laying on the ground over there.”

The two cut throats observed their comrade lying in the sand and promptly drew their swords. Grayson braced himself and his body tensed up, but stopped suddenly as he felt cool metal press up against the back of his neck and the chilling ‘click’ of a matlock pistol being cocked. A voice cooed in his ear.

“Now now, there will be none of that. We’ve had enough violence for one night. Don’t you think?”

Grayson dropped the paddle and left his hands to his sides. A sudden stab of a boot heel hit the back side of his calf and saw him fall to the ground.

“On your knees dog, and mind yer manners. You’re in the presence of the great Bruxa Roberts.”

The two pirates he had faced before now beside him and had firmly seized his arms, and were now giving him instructions to behave. More pirates gathered around to observe their new captive as Bruxa stepped to the front of Grayson to reveal herself as she placed the pistol back into her belt. Her face immediately turned to that of intrigue upon seeing Grayson’s face. Grayson was now at the hands of no less then 5 female pirates. Holding him steady, grasping at his clothes, yanking his hair and head up to look at Bruxa and holding a dagger to his throat, waiting for the word if it were to come to that. Bruxa leaned in and caressed the face of Grayson who didn’t dare move.

“My what a precarious situation you find yourself in my dear boy. Tell me, whatever are we to do with you?”

Boy? Was she that much older than him? Or was she just trying to be condescending? Either way, Grayson didn’t like the way she was looking at him. As if he was some sort of toy or plaything. He wasn’t sure if she wanted an answer, but he gave her one anyway, being the defiant person he was.

“How about letting me go? You have what you wanted, yes? The people here deserve your mercy. Leave us and go.”

“And leave we shall. I am not interested in shedding blood among your people. But I do like to ensure that each raid is worth our time. And that always comes down to what we get out of it.”

Bruxa’s smile widened as she turned to her crew and spoke.

“Brandish the ropes ladies, we are taking this one with us!”

Grayson’s eyes widened with shock at the remark. The rest of the pirates cheered, and wasted no time. His arms were forced behind him and crossed at the wrists. He could feel a heavy sort of boat rope being passed over them. Wound tightly and precisely the rope was knotted off as it collected his wrists firmly behind his back, holding them there. It was hard for Grayson to fathom what was happening, but he tried resisting anyway.

“No, please! My place is here. You can’t do this!”

Bruxa simply smiled and looked up at one of her crew. She nodded and carried out what Bruxa wanted of her without either of them saying a word.

“I help watch over this place. I, Grayson Tellville protmmnnnfn….mnnn..”

Grayson was cut off mid-sentence as a large rag was shoved into his mouth, occupying its space within. It was followed by a thick cloth that cleaved right in between his teeth, parting his lips considerably. The gag was secured tightly behind his head in suffocating fashion. All manner of his speech was stopped fully, and he could barely mutter a sound, much less talk. Bruxa again approached him as he was brought to his feet while the group of pirates were preparing to march back to the ship. She gently ran her fingers over the lined cloth that had been stuffed in his mouth.

“Your name means nothing to us boy. Soon you will have a new name, and a new life. Say what goodbyes you can to this place. You will likely never see it again.”

Bruxa then turned and led the way back to the paddle boats that would lead them back to their ship. Grayson struggled as he was dragged along by two pirates, one seeing to each arm.

“Make a fine cabin boy you will.”

The remark chilled Grayson to the bone. Reality soon began setting in as his feet were forcefully dragged through the sand and into the paddle boat. One of four that were staged on the shore. The boats were shoved off and rocked against the waves. Grayson began contemplating his options for escape. If they were able to get him onto that ship, his chances for freedom decreased considerably. Working his wrists together didn’t see the ropes budge at all. He could thrust himself to the mercy of the ocean, but that didn’t seem wise given his wrists being bound.

“Nmmm mfnngn mph!”

His efforts of exertion against his bindings were halted by a woman sitting next to him who unsheathed her dagger and put it to his throat.

“Enough squirmin’! We have our ways for dealing with unruly prisoners.”

Grayson ceased his struggle, not wanting to raise her ire. The boats promptly made their way to the ship where Grayson was hoisted aboard. The pirates made their way back up the ladders and onto the deck. He could only watch as the pirates re populated the ships interior. He was genuinely curious as to how the obtained such a nice ship. Grayson’s reality had set in as Bruxa walked by him as the rest of the pirate’s loot was being thrown on board. She turned back and winked at him with a tip of her hat.

“Welcome home.”

She said with a hint of satisfaction in her voice.
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Post by Katievick24 »

This story is awesome can’t wait for more!!
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Post by MaxRoper »

Pirates! Rope! Excellent plot points indeed, and well written besides.
Thanks for posting.
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Post by Canuck100 »

I like the historical / maritime context very much. Well done!
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Post by FabianStr2016 »

Please Continue!
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