Unveilled 6M/F

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Centennial Club
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Unveilled 6M/F

Post by WyattW5 »

I am going to start by saying apologies if this crosses anyone in the wrong way. I have no racial preferences or hardships against Muslims or any other Race. this is a fictional based story. if this sounds hateful or bigoted I apologize sincerely.

Congressmen Akheem Khatar had begun to receive threats to him and his family. With an attempt on the life of himself and his daughter. The Bureau got involved and was now setting bait for Khatar’s wife to be a target.

Not that Khatar’s wife would be in danger at all. For a week the FBI followed her kept an eye on her. Even giving her an undercover bodyguard. However, the threats grew more vivid and a few near misses caused the Fbi to rethink their strategy.

The FBI and Mr. Khatar had decided his wife should not leave their house until this settles and they catch those responsible. Whoever was watching and waiting for her spent a whole two weeks without so much as a note or an incident.

Desperate to end this. Mrs. Khatar asked if there was something they could do to draw the people out? The best idea feasible was an undercover agent disguised as Mrs. Khatar would go out and leave herself exposed for a period of about fifteen hours. Giving those responsible ample opportunities to try their hand and with an army of undercover agents nearby there was hardly a thing could go wrong.

Enter Claire Wesson. Five foot four short straight blond hair. She worked undercover for the Bureau for a wonderful ten years. Starting with the BAU tracking sex offenders and pedophiles.

Here Special Agent Claire was tasked with a job unlike any before. She was required dress like Mrs. Khatar would on her trips beyond her home. Mrs. Khatar was a proud wearer of the Burka/Niqab.

Claire had no dislikes about the garb. Only concern over how she would perform certain activities. From breathing, eating to toiletries. Mrs. Khatar had taken Claire into her bedroom and showed her how to put it on how to eat, drink but Claire had to figure out the toiletries.

Deciding for the Saturday. Morning Claire would sleep over at the Khatar residence. Another agent would dress in a hijab and pretend to be Mrs. Khatar’s sister. The two would leave the residence and hopefully take any eyes off the house and follow them to a shopping center where they could get a better look at the suspects.

Agent Claire had taken the usual precautions with this job. An undercover firearm on her ankle and a tiny knife attached to her garter belt her standard issue would be in Mrs. Khatar’s purse. For she would be unable to grab the firearm under her hip or arm.

The night was calm and the day was cool. As Claire had started contacting members of her team who supervised the Khatar residence. The agent wearing the hijab was pulling onto the Khatar street. When Claire got dressed.

Below the Black Abaya Claire had worn a tight fitting tank top and leggings. She was recommended to wear a bulletproof bra below however they noticed one peculiarity. Mrs. Khatar’s chest wasn’t as ample as Claires, to begin with. With the bulletproof bra over top Mrs. Khatar’s chest would have looked three times its normal size. And would be surely noticeable by anyone keeping close tabs on her.

Wearing ankle socks Claire had dressed in the Abaya and the Niqab with Mrs. Khatar’s supervision. Putting on a pair of Leather socks for her shoes Claire looks to Mrs. Khatar and asked.

“What do you think?”

“You look wonderful Agent Claire, but you are a missing one thing”

Claire’s eyebrows lower as Mrs. Khatar looks down on her hands a pair of black forearm long satin gloves. And a small silver bracelet. Looking from the bracelet to Mrs. Khatar curiously.

“I often travel with other women adorned in the Niqab. My husband has openly admitted he had once thought another woman was me so he gave me this to pick out of the crowd”

“This will be very helpful, I will be sure to return it to you safely”

“It is simply an ornament Agent, please do not be careless with your life. I thank you”

“As-Salam-u-Alaikum” making the Muslim women smile Claires attempt was amiable and kind.

“And peace go with you, Salaam”

a Red sedan pull’s up. The women in the hijab of darker skin using her earpiece the women speak. Into her radio informing all the agents she was around. Agent Claire picked it up her tiny earpiece was in her ear.

“Roger I am all set”

Soon after there was a knock on the door and Claire picked up Mrs. Khatar’s purse no longer filled with her wallet or any of her inventory switched out for some of Claires smaller things including her standard issue hidden in the bottom.

Claire and the fellow agent her name Kate Smith walk out to the car Kate drives while Claire sits in the passenger seat keeping an eye on the side-view mirror and looking behind them.

“So after we nail this guy, what’s next?”

Agent Kate asks looking to her colleague in the passenger seat. Claire did not often think about what happened after the case. But shrugged and spoke.

“Probably go home for a shower order some pizza and watch some films”

“Sounds neat, any hot dates planned?”

“Of course not, every time I plan something work calls”

“Life of an Agent”

“I know maybe I’ll settle down after I reach fifty find a nice charming rich older man whose greatest ambition is to hit a hole in one on a pair four”

the two girls burst into laughter. Claire felt the cloth of the niqab against her face and it wasn’t as oppressive as she had imagined. Breathing was a little trickier but she could adapt.

Mrs. Khatar wore a three-layer niqab the bottom layer had an open eye slot to keep the eyes open. The second layer was a one-sided transparent layer she could see out they could not see in. The last layer was completely opaque.

As the two agents drive Claire takes note of a silver car swerving gently in the lane getting close around the curb seeing Claire in her outfit. Claire was able to get the first four digits of the plate and make. She jotted down the license plate and make of the car.

Without a speaker attached to her earpiece, she had to relay all her findings to Kate who radioed them to their team members in a surveillance van working on a telephone pole.

Down the road, the silver car pulled off. Another Agent had tailed him a short while to realize it was a teenage blond haired boy the car belonged to a driving school. Marking him off the list Claire took a deep breath.

Pulling into the shopping centers parking lot. Claire and Kate both get out of the vehicle and walk.

“Remember the plan”

Kate nods holding up her cell phone to her scarf-clad ear. The two Muslim dressed women walk inside the mall. Kate went directly to the food vendor to purchase a coffee while Claire went to East Hall. Watching her coworker. Kate noticed two men. Tall in their stature both appearing from a hunters background.

Hearing this Claire decides to play it calm. They did not make a move yet and she did not want or need to rush them. Looking over she found a cluster of Muslim originating women adorned in hijabs. She walks closer to them pretending like she was with the same group the two men walk past. And neither man turns their head or moved their eyes.

Continuing on her way Claire kept eyes on everyone and she began to feel as though everyone eyed her. After a few minutes, Claire heard Kate over the radio.

“The tall kid with red hair behind you with the cell phone in his left hand. He is getting close to you go into the bathroom”

Claire made a quick drastic change into the bathroom and the boy behind her raised his arms in disbelief. Looking down through some tiny field glasses. She noted he had a little camera on the bottom of his left shoe. Nodding Kate smiles and informs Claire the news.

Claire and Kate were able to complete the entire shopping trip without a single incident. All the eyes on Claire were just of uncertainty a common occurrence according to Mrs. Khatar.

Walking out of the mall holding bags of groceries Claire began to load the grocery bags into the backseat while Kate pretended to laugh and giggle about today's adventure opening the door for Claire.

Not far from them a large truck had three men all wearing blue jumpsuits loading bags of mulch and sand into the back of their truck they took a quick glance at the two Muslim women. Before loading another two bags on when a tanned skin gentleman with a black goatee approaches from behind the two girls.

“Greetings Mrs. Khatar”

before they could reach the man had run his hand through Claire's arm and clamped a hand over her covered face stifling any muffles. Kate turns revealing a standard issue when a set of gunshots strike her in the chest.


Claire tried to struggle baffled at seeing her coworker shot before she sent her into shock. The other undercover agents emerge from their positions raising submachine guns and pistols. Still holding Claire the man dragged her into the backseat of the truck where a man in a face mask quickly bound a thick cloth over her niqab between her teeth or as close as he could.

Looking outside Claire had noticed all the men in the jumpsuits were now armed with Ar-15's and SPAS-15 shotguns. Firing off with military precision. The undercover agents were sorely outmatched with their semi-automatic MP5's and their 9mm.

The man standing on the box of the truck raised a large M249 machine gun and commence to rapidly fire rounds at the cars where the FBI agents took cover. Allowing their compatriots to get in the car.

Meanwhile, Claire's hands had been zip tied together in front. And a man pulled a sharp-edged combat knife and held it to her chest. Making the silent statement move and die.

Claire sat there breathing heavily her niqab had been disheveled in the tussle and she was only able to see through one eye. the way this truck moved was quick and reckless swerving corners bouncing over potholes.

“All clear... do we have her?”

“Yeah she has the wrist piece”

the men's voices sounded southern and one sounded almost middle eastern but it was hard to tell with everything happening. Before they could get further Claire felt a sack be placed over her niqab.

When the truck stopped she felt all the men get out of the truck two men dragging her by her arms and hoisting her into the back of a van. Cutting her zip tied wrists she tried to remove the hood when a kick to the stomach persuaded her to a different course.

Her hands were brought back behind her and quickly zip-tied behind her back. As she tried to kick one man grabs her ankles and commences to wrap three layers of duct tape around them.

“Lmmphf mpphf gmmpf plmmphf”

she commences speaking into the gag trying to persuade them to let her go. The men locked her in the back of the van and commenced to drive away. Unable to see but felt the van sway back and forth.

Claire did all in her power to think of how the journey took which direction they went in. When they made a turn where there was a pothole or driving disruption like a stop or even a slow down.

Hearing the car drive on gravel. Claire kept her ears open attempting to hear everything from the sounds of heavy equipment. To smells but sadly her sense of smell was obliterated by the smell of the veils fabric freshener.

Soon the van pulls to an abrupt halt and the front doors of the truck open. Unable to see a thing Claire did sense the brightness of an open sky before two harsh gloved hands clasp her arms and drag her away.

From the open air to a dark musty style building. Claire could make out the sounds of the men holding her contacting each other through some form of Radio codes. Before the sounds of a heavy metal door screech to a close.

“Alright remove the bag”

Taking the bag off her head. Claire was able to make out the men who had taken her but their faces were covered with face shields. And their heads with black baseball caps. Their eyes mostly shielded by tactical sunglasses. Each of these men appeared to have a military-style background.

Shedding their jumpsuits to wear large tactical bulletproof vests with pockets for extra weapon magazines. Skin tight shirts most of them long sleeve only on the leader wore a short sleeve polo style short below a smaller bulletproof vest.

“Alright, boys tie her into the office then set up the defenses remember clear perimeter. Open field of fire giving whoever approaches something inviting how are eagles up top?”

“All clear sir”

“Good... now Mrs. Khatar do us and yourself a favor don’t start shrieking it is very unladylike”

The leader turns to a man who nods hoisting Claire over his hulking shoulder and up to a set of stairs. To look at this place appeared an old abandoned warehouse. Judging from what Claire could make out.

The man opened the door of an office like space were two men smaller in stature wearing military-like gear sat before computers and laptops with everything from surveillance cameras to radio jammers.

Who are these guys

Claire commences struggling vigorously as the large man sat her down on a chair cutting the zip ties before handcuffing her hands behind her back. Looking up she sees the man was African American traditional freckle-like marks on his cheek and temple.

Picking up all she could. The two men remained hushed voices whispering most softly. Claire began to test her cuffs. Unable to do so she curses before shaking her arms and rattling the cuffs behind the tin chair.

“Alright Mrs. Khatar that is enough”

“Lmmphf mphf gmphf myphf huphanph wuhphf giphf ymmphf anphyfin?”

Attempting to persuade her captors seemed to only amuse the leader as he grins turning to the radio operators. Barking orders they commence to jam and cram buttons on their computers popping windows on the screen with ease.

“Boss, something you need to see”

A man in a black ball cap worn backward states taller and leaner than his compatriots bulky below his clothing. Holding her purse. Claire’s eyes grew wide did she forget to hide the wires did she accidentally put her ID in the purse.

The man withdrew a firearm. Claire's standard issue Glock 17. Now she was in trouble. The leader held the gun in his hand taking the magazine out and tosses the gun aside.

“So your husband gave you a firearm, I am assuming he is how you go this, doubt any respecting gun owner would sell a gun to a curtain”

The man taunted throwing the gun aside. Snarling below her gag she shakes her head wanting desperately to shout at this redneck knuckle dragger. When the man turned to the computer geeks again.

“We will be live in three two one”

Signaling with a hand. The leader turned to a professional camera and the man behind it. Without a facemask on the leader revealed his clean-shaven face. Claire imagined Khatar and her colleagues were watching this from his home computer.

“Good Afternoon Mr. Khatar, I heard of your wife's disappearance I cannot say how disheartened I am for you I do, no one respects the sanctity of marriage more so then I but... wait, look what I have here”

the man draws back to allow the camera to zoom in on Claire. Who simply huffs into the gag and veil.

“Oh let me guess can’t tell it’s her, well I have two pieces of evidence for you”

raising the bracelet the man smiles leaning against Claire's shoulder she struggled to get him off.

“You shouldn’t have brought the Feds into this if you were willing to handle this like a man, an American man! You would have come down from your confiscated ivory tower and handled us yourself instead you bring people dedicated to protecting our country from you people into the firefight and we had to kill an Agent didn’t want to truly don’t but hey”

The man speaks pulling a black steel blade from his scabbard drawing it close to Claire’s throat through the cloth. Claire could feel the razor's edge touching through fearful not to move.

“ don’t concede to our demands perhaps we can repay the favor”

Smiling the camera cut and the man steps back. Approaching Claire he crouches down rubbing a hand where he suspects her cheek it. Pulling the cloth down from her lips.

“Please, my husband will do whatever you wish please do not hurt me or my family”

“beg makes it all the more, amusing”

He smiles walking away. One of the two computer operatives leaves and goes down to the main level. Leaving Claire with the one operative she smiles below her veil. Standing up Claire manages to get away from the chair without her cuffs jingling away like bells.

Claire crawls closer and closer towards the second computer operative seeing him still on the computer. Readying herself she knew as soon as she commenced she had to continue until the job was done.

Raising her foot Claire strikes her foot into the back side of the mans face throwing his head into a computer. Tracing one foot through her cuffed hands as she got the other. The man turned gun in hand to shoot when she threw her cuffed wrists into his throat.

Knocking his wind out the man collapsed back into his wheeling chair. Taking the moment to look at the insignia on the man's uniform and a tattoo on his forearm. She could hear shouting and angry cursing.

Claire quickly knelt down picked up her sidearm and slid it in the front of her pants under her abaya. Retreating to the chair she laced her hands back behind her and sat down lowering her head to appear like she was sleeping.

The leader and the larger black man steps forward. Claire commences making pitiful sobbing noises before the leader turns to the computer operative and snarls.

“Man dozed off her is fine”

“I thought you men were professionals”

“Professionals yes but even RAMBO would pass out after forty-eight hours non stop sir”

“Dammit alright. Get him over to the barracks, and send the other guy over to view the cameras”


The larger man picks up the smaller computer operator and carries him outside. The leader looks to Claire shaking his head in disbelief. No way a hijabi could break one of his men so quickly.

“Stop that whimpering or something is gonna happen”

Claire did not stop feigning believable despair instigated the man by taking some duct tape and wraps it around her head and mouth as tight as he could get it. Backing away he snaps angrily at her and turns to leave her.

Breathing a sigh of relief. Claire tried to mutter to herself. The tape did not hold back the words from her lips. It simply made her niqab brush her lips differently almost tasting the fabric.

(an hour passes)

the Leader and a few of his men returned carrying Claire out by her cloth covered hair dragging her off the chair. Down the stairs and onto a plastic covered floor holding her on her knees. Claire began to feel truly emotional hurt by the pain from the cuffs to the harsh grip on her hair.

Now on her feet looking up to a computer web camera. Claire could see Mr. Khatar in his office with a few FBI Agents with him. Claire took a deep breath knowing what was going to happen she tries to steel her resolve.

“Mr. Khatar we gave you the deadline, but you know after contacting authorities we figured you didn't actually believe you have Mrs. Yasmin Khatar so we decided to give you a little testament a last goodbye before we... well you know”

Prying the face covering from Claire's head. Her blond hair cascaded down around her head. Revealing the alabaster white skin. Making the men all look in shock and disbelief. Turning to the camera Claire shouts loudly.

“Ex-Army they call themselves the VRSF leader five nine two hundred ten pounds balding hairline, six men automatic rifles and semi-automatic shotguns”

“Shut her up” the leader shouts another man rushes forward and commences to wrap the tape around Claire’s head and face. But not before she blurted out everything she had learned.

Dragging her into a dark corner of the warehouse. One man felt around where Claires’ bra strap held a small device shouting out loud.

“GPS Tracker!”

As if on cue a helicopter rode overhead. And the men all grab their machine guns. As the leader turns to shoot her. The larger black man lowers his mask and steps between him.

“We got bigger fish to fry, she is tied up and gagged, we gotta fend off the feds, everyone battle formation”

all the main soldiers commence running to their positions taking position next to windows with peepholes to fire their machine guns. Meanwhile, Claire had managed to slip the gloves from her hands easily allowing the handcuffs to go off with them. Removing her Abaya to reveal only her sports bra.

The Leader had turned his firearm an APC9K with an adjustable stock. Claire removes the pistol in her waistband and turns to face the Leader who snarls.

“Only one question why?” Claire asks staring the leader down as he snarls looking deep into her eyes.

“The Veterans Retaliation Strike Force is alive and well you government stooges can wipe us out we have others who will replace us and keep the foreigners from commanding the greatest country under gods creation”

“Too bad neither will you”

Firing her single bullet from her gun the bullet struck the leader below the armpit of his vest striking him in the chest. Lowering the weapon tactical Swat teams break through the large steel door.

Arresting the men who surrendered neutralizing those who didn’t a Swat agent wrapped Claire in a blanket before escorting her from the warehouse to the barricade of Bureau suburbans.

Out to the suburbans Claire’s eyes were wide when she saw Kate standing fine as can be in an FBI windbreaker. Claire raced up and hugged Kate with all her might.

“How did you?”

“Remember the first thing you taught me on the job”

Claire’s eyes narrowed as Kate revealed she had worn her bulletproof vest below her blouse but also a heavy plated bulletproof bra.

“Always double on protection”

Claire hugs Kate before the two were met by Claire’s supervisor. And the debrief begun. The Veterans Retaliation strike force was a band of paranoid ex-military gun nuts. Who had paranoid ideas of the Muslim community taking over the American government?

Seeing as Mr. Khatar was the highest ranking they believed if they forced him to step down. They could hold them back or eliminate the next to step up. With the mission, complete Mrs. Khatar and her husband both came to see Claire as she was writing her report in her office. Thanking her for her sacrifice and apologizing for the assault on her.

Claire had decided for this weekend she would cower in her bed, and sleep for the entire weekend.
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Millennial Club
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Post by Caesar73 »

I liked this story much, very dramatic and very well written! I liked Claires resolve!
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