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Somebody Save Me F/m

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2019 9:23 pm
by ZTVFemdomtales
If you want someone kidnapped give me a call. My name is Gina and trust me I don’t come cheap. I have made a name for myself in the industry if I do say so myself. I’m the one everyone comes to first.
Ring! Ring!
“What?” I snapped into my phone.
5am was not a good time to call me as you can see.
“You’re not answering my question.”
“I’m going to pay you eight-thousand dollars.”
“OK. I’m going to listen for just a minute now.”
“There is a scientist our country needs. Have him at the dock by noon and I’ll double my earlier offer.”
“Just tell me where to go.”

This was going to be one of my easier collections. The scientist in question, Dr. Millisant Tomago, worked alone. She also just so happened to work odd hours. So I didn’t have to worry about being seen. Working on a small college campus in a well to do rather crime free town also gave her the confidence to leave her door unlocked. A false confidence I intended to use to my advantage. I strolled into the lab where the little Asian woman, a cute little thing in her late thirties sat distracted. In one swift motion I spun her swivel chair around and straddled her.
“Who the fuck are you?” she demanded.
You know, I never did answer her. Instead I grabbed her head and shoved it between my breasts. I held on, making sure she got enough air to survive but not enough to do anything else. Certainly not stay awake. She put up a minimal resistance, but it quickly subsided. I stood up and smiled down at her. Like I said, easy. I scooped her up and carried her down to the docks to make the trade.

The next morning my blissful sleep was ruined once again. How often can a woman get called at 5am?
“What?” I demanded.
“I’m calling on behalf of Oliver Wilson.”
Now I was wide awake.
“I’m listening.”
“Be here in thirty.”
He hung up.

If there was one thing I hated more than being woke at 5am it’s having to go to a strip club at 5am. I really had no choice, this was Oliver Wilson after all. They led me into the back office where the man himself was waiting. He was a slimy man, you know slicked back hair, pervy smile, the works. He was also one of the most powerful criminals in the city.
“Have a seat,” he told me.
I did.
“I’m having trouble with one of my accountants here at the club.”
I listened quietly.
“He’s been skimming. I confronted him. Turns out he’s got evidence that could do me some real harm if I don’t look the other way.”
I nodded.
“I will not be extorted. That’s where you come in.”
“Who do you want me to take?”
“Their son Billy. He’s a student at PGA.”
He handed me a picture of the boy. He was cute.
“I want him at the warehouse in 24 hours.”
“You know my fee.”
“I do.”
“Then it looks like I’ve got work to do.”

Billy smacked the offending alarm clock in a futile effort to shut it the hell up. Why in the name of God had he chosen classes before noon anyway? Groaning he dragged his ass out of bed and got dressed. On his way to class he spotted her. She didn’t really look like a student. That sounded bad. PGA had plenty of black students and women over thirty attending. It was something else that made him feel … uncertain about her.
He took a closer look. She was built for strength, that much was sure. Washboard abs peeked out from under her clothing. Her pecs looked very well defined but her very full and very enticing C-Cup breasts dominated her chest obscuring them from view. Taught muscle pulsed on her biceps with every slight flex. Her long legs were thic and curvy. There was no fat there, no these were more muscles. Her legs looked like those of a cat about to leap. Her clothes were nondescript. Too nondescript now that he thought about. It was if she were trying not to be remembered later. The predatory look she gave him made sure that was never going to happen. He sped up and ran for class.
He saw her the rest of the day. No matter where he went, he saw her. What was going on here? Who was this bitch? He ducked into an alley to avoid her. Big mistake.

It happens every time. They make it too damn easy for me. They do something stupid that allows me to make my move. Like ducking into a dead-end alley. I strolled in happily.
“Who are you?” he shouted.
“Sh,” I soothed him, “it’ll all be over soon.”
With a sweep of the legs I sent him to his knees. Before he could respond I grabbed his head and forced it between my breasts. I held tight as he flailed like a fish yanked out of the water. He screamed for help and beat on me the best he could. It wasn’t very good. Trying to stand his foot slipped out from under him sending him face down onto the ground.
“Oh poor baby. Let me hug it and make it feel better.”
“Get the fuck away from me!”
He jumped up and started to run. I love it when they run. I took off after him. It only took a block to catch back up with him. The boy was not in the best of shape. I sent a swift kick to the back of his knees. It was not enough to hurt him, just to send him sprawling.
“Nice try, Kiddo.”
He began to desperately crawl away.

Who the fuck was this crazy bitch?!
“Get away from me!”
He tried desperately to get back onto his feet. Stumbling he just started crawling again. She just kept coming!
“Somebody help me!”
He was crying now as she grabbed him and turned him to face her. The next thing he knew his face was being forced back between her breasts. The fleshy mounds seemed to form an airtight seal around his face. Gasping he tried to inhale but nothing seemed to be coming. He began to panic.

I just held on. I moaned at the feel of his breath on my tits. This feeling, this power, was very addicting. until he passed out. I then threw him over my shoulder and carried him off to the warehouse.
The name was a bit of a misnomer. It made you think of some large open-air building down by the docks where I traded the good doctor. No, this place was a fortress. It began life as an office building back in the 60’s. The whole thing went belly up allowing Wilson to buy it on the cheap. Eleven stories and one-hundred and sixty-one thousand square feet it was the perfect place for him to run the criminal operations even he didn’t dare do out of a strip club.
I carried Billy past the thugs guarding the entrance and into the elevator. As we began our accent he began to stir.

He didn’t know what this bitch was planning but he wasn’t going to wait here and find out. He began to thrash and fight with all his might.

Ok, now the kid was starting to annoy me. I spanked him, hard.
“Hold still you little shit.”
“Never! Let me go you bitch!”
I had to turn to keep him from sliding off my shoulder. The little shit tricked me. He just got me to turn him toward the buttons so he could hit stop and open the doors. A well placed knee to the gut later and he was free and running down the hall.

Stairs, stairs, he just had to reach the stairs. There was only one problem.
“Get back here you little shit!”
Ok, two problems. Besides her there were the floor’s other inhabitants. This was where they trained dogs for fighting. Wonderful. The beasts were loose and running after him as well.
“Shit! Shit!! SHIT!!!”
The large hungry hounds snapped at his heels. Where was the fucking stairwell?! Finally there it was. Something large hit from behind.

“Gotcha!” I shouted.
“Let me go!”
“Fuck that. I’ve got money and favor to earn. Now hold still.”
I dragged him into the stairwell away from the dogs. Once we were safe, I slammed his face into my tits again. He screamed and tried to pry himself away. I did not let him. I held on until his freedom was mine. I threw him back over my shoulder and carried him up to the next floor. From there I took the elevator up to the top floor dropping Billy onto the floor in front of two bemused goons.
“He’s all yours boys.”

Ring! Ring!
Again? Seriously?
“What?” I snapped into the phone.
“Is this … Gina?” a man asked.
“Why does nobody ever answer the ‘what’ right?”
“You kidnapped our son.”

to be continued …

Re: Somebody Save Me F/m

Posted: Mon May 27, 2019 2:10 am
by ZTVFemdomtales
I know this one is light in bondage. I promise it IS coming.


“How the fuck did you get this number?” I demanded.
“When you’re an accountant for a criminal like Oliver Wilson you learn a thing or two.”
“What do you want?”
“We want to hire you.”
“What the fuck did you just say?”
“We want to hire you to kidnap our son.”
A woman’s voice this time.
“Your son?”
Now I was confused. Wait, Oliver Wilson’s accountant. It was coming back to me now.
“Billy,” I muttered.
“Yes! Can you get him back for us?”
I laughed without any real humor.
“Lady there is no getting that kid back.”
“What do you mean?”
“I was hired by Wilson himself. That’s who has your son. There is no crossing Oliver Wilson. It would be suicide for me to even try.”
“How much?” the man demanded.
“How much money will it take to make you suicidal?”
“You can’t possibly offer me enough to …”
“I can give you a clean start.”
“Come again?”
“I’ve come to know a lot of cyber criminals through my work. One has procured for me a random new identity from the WITSEC program.”
“Won’t witness protection notice you took it?”
“Erased it, will take years for them to notice. Get my son back you get a new life where Oliver Wilson can never find you.”
“Go on.”

Billy was getting the fuck outta this place. That crazy bitch had gotten him into this mess but he was going to get himself out of it. He cracked the door open. No one seemed to be around. He crept out into the hallway. Still no one, good. He continued along looking around, ear to the ground. Why the hell was he even in this mess? What was that smell?
Peeking around the corner he saw a bunch of people in what looked hazmat suits. Faces covered by breathing masks they mixed chemicals in various large containers. Holy shit! He was being held in a goddamn meth lab! He started to hurry in his escape. That proved to be a fatal mistake. His foot crunched down on an unseen can left laying on the floor. Several heads snapped in his direction.
He ran for it, hearing someone shout something into a radio. Armed men came bursting out of one of the doors behind him.
He ran like he had never run before. The staircase! It was just ahead! Freedom was within reach! He flung the door open to find Oliver Wilson on the other side.

I always knew Wilson thought of the Warehouse as his fortress. I never knew how literal that was until today. I got as close as I dared, approaching the building from every angle. There were cameras on every entrance. They were all motion sensitive. That didn’t mean there wasn’t a blind spot. It just happened to be a small air vent on the southern wall. That was not going to be fun.
“Getting in won’t do much good if you don’t know your way around.”
I spun around to face the voice. He was greasy looking man with a dirty jacket and cheap shades.
“Who the fuck are you?”
He held out a badge.
“Detective Brandon Coultrane.”
“What do you want?”
“To take down Oliver Wilson.”
“Good luck with that.”
“I don’t need luck. I’ve got you.”
“The fuck you do.”
“Fine, then you’re under arrest.”
“For what?”
“The abduction of Dr. Millisant Tomago. Yeah, I know about that. No charges have been filed, yet. I’ll forget about them if you can get four things for me.”
“Bodycam footage of the dangers my men will face when execute the arrest warrant. Samples of the counterfeit money, drugs and hollow point bullets he has in there to get the warrant. If you agree to that I’ll give you everything I have on the layout of the Warehouse.”

Billy’s parents were getting ready. They agreed it was no longer safe to stay in their home. Wilson knew where that was. As soon as they got Billy back they would go into hiding. They needed to make sure everyone thought they were dead. That’s why their house was burning down. They were blocks over where they hid their truck. A room in a run-down motel awaited them until they got the call from Gina. As he grabbed the door handle Billy’s father felt the gun to the back of his head.

God, the air vent had been a mistake. The fit was a bit smugger than I was expecting. It did amuse me that all that idiot was seeing on his bodycam was metal. His intel was going to be useful though. I had dropped Billy off on the top floor which meant I knew how to get there pretty easily. According to Coultrane’s informants the counterfeiting was being down on the front side of the building up on the third floor. The drug lab was up on the eleventh with Billy. The bullets were manufactured and tested on the first floor on the other side of the building. The elevators would draw too much attention, so I was going to have to take the stairs. Which was where I exited the vent after taking several turns.
Quietly I crept along the wall, hoping to avoid any cameras that may be in place. It seemed this was one area of the Warehouse Wilson did not care who entered. Reaching the third floor I slowly pushed the door ajar and looked in. No one seemed to be around. I made my way inside and began my painfully slow descent of the hallway. Finally, I reached the small room where the freshly printed money seemed to be drying. Only one man was on duty at the moment. Good.
I came up behind him as he worked. I had done this enough times to make sure I wouldn’t be heard. Not until I grabbed him and spun him around to face me.
“What the fuck?”
Before he could say another word I shoved his face between my tits. I wrapped my other arm around him, pinning his to his sides. Squeezing tight he began gasping for breath. I held on until he was good and out. Reaching into the bag around my waist I pulled out zipties which I used to latch him to the leg of one of the tables. Then with an evidence bag I collected a handful of bills and moved on.
I continued up the stairwell. Along the way I heard my canine friends again. When I peeked out onto the eleventh floor I saw I was not alone. Two goons were standing on either side of a rather unremarkable door. It was the one I’d dropped Billy in. I ducked behind the door and gave it a good whack. The thud echoed through the floor.
“Go see what that was,” one goon told the other.
Dutifully he left his post and entered the stairwell. Once he was out of his partner’s line of sight I popped out and struck him in the throat. Voice stolen I kicked him in the balls. Doubling over in pain I smacked him in the head with the nearby fire extinguisher knocking him clean out.
“What’s going on in there?” his partner called as I rushed him from the open doorway.

Billy listened to the scuffle outside. What the fuck was going on out there? The door burst open and the bitch marched in.
“What the fuck are you doing here?”
“Taking you home, now come on, we’ve got to go.”
“Small problem,” he said, gesturing to his broken leg.

How the hell could this have happened? You’re supposed to keep the hostages safe, it’s your bargaining chip. Every idiot on the planet knows that.
“Oh yeah, this is such a huge problem for you,” Billy snapped.
“It is now numb nuts. Your parents hired me to get your ass outta here.”
“What? How?”
“Doesn’t matter. Though it looks like we’re going to have to do this the hard way.”
“What the fuck does that mean?”
I didn’t wait for him to give me anymore shit. I grabbed him and tossed him over my shoulder.
“Put me down you bitch!”
“What? Would you rather walk?”
He growled but said nothing more. Smirking I carried him out into the hallway.
“Which way are the drugs?” I demanded.
“Why the fuck would you want to know that?”
“It doesn’t matter. All that matters is I have to get a sample before we leave.”
“No, we have to get our fucking asses outta here before someone sees us.”
“The faster we get the samples the faster we can do that.”
“Fine, just around the corner there.”
“Thank you.”
I slowly made my way down the hall. This time it was slower going given my awkward cargo. I poked my head around the corner. Three people in hazmat suits were mixing chemicals. A small collection of the finished product set off to the side, just outta sight. Hopefully outta sight. I sat Billy down and signaled him to be quiet. He gave me a ‘no duh’ look I didn’t appreciate. Getting as low as I could I crawled my way into the lab.
Reaching the small table I pulled a second evidence bag from my pack. Sitting up I reached for a sample. I found myself looking into the cloudy mask of one of the manufacturers.
“Who the fuck are you?”
“Quality control. Wilson wants a sample brought to his office for his personal inspection.”
The person just stared at me.
“Not buying it, huh?”
I grabbed them by the arm and flipped them onto the table, smashing it. I scooped some of the drugs into the baggie and put it away. Looking up I realized I’d forgotten the other two. One was advancing on me as the other spoke into his radio.
I grabbed a leg from the broken table and using it as a bat went after the charging man. A blow to the chest and the back of the knees sent him sprawling. I then turned my attention to the one with the radio.
“Give it.”

Once he was … dealt with I went back for Billy.
“Let’s go.”
He groaned as he was tossed back over my shoulder.
“Could you at least try to be gentle?”
“No time, Billy Boy.”
I ran down the stairs. I did feel bad about the bouncing he must be enduring. Though, oddly, he wasn’t complaining about it. Passing by a window I caught a glimpse at our reflections. That little was checking out my ass! I should have been mad at the little pervert but truth be told I was flattered. Believe it or not professional kidnapper is not a job you get checked out on a lot.
“They’re in the stairwell,” the radio squawked.
“Hold on,” I told Billy.
“They’re coming for us.”
I kicked open the stairwell door. Just as I thought several men were rushing at us. I rushed them back.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Billy demanded.
Ignoring him I kicked at the first man hitting him in the knee sending him down where a roundhouse kick to the head took him out of play. I went down the line spinning and kicking at anything that moved. It was only then I reached my target: the former loading dock. The former loading dock which Wilson had converted into a firing range.
Once inside I saw an open box full of the bullets I needed. There also happened to be a massive door I could open and escape through. Rushing forward I scooped some into the last baggie.
“Oh you’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” Billy spat.
Then the gunfire started.

Billy’s parents arrived at the motel.
“What are we going to do?” his mother demanded.
“I’m thinking!”
“We have to tell her.”
“We can’t!”
“She’ll find out and then what will she do to Billy?”
“Don’t you think I know that? It’s not like she’s going to believe some asshole robbed us and only took the WITSEC ID?”

to be continued …

Re: Somebody Save Me F/m

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2019 12:46 am
by ZTVFemdomtales
Bondage and sexy stuff! What we came here for!

Part 3
I dropped behind the box as the bullets began to fly. Billy growled as I did so. His broken leg did not enjoy the sudden maneuver.
“Oh, I’m sorry, would you have rather us get shot?” I hissed.
“Just get me out of here!”
“As you wish, m’lord.”
Of course, getting that done was going to prove a real challenge. I needed something, anything I could use to keep those thugs at bay. That’s when I spotted the near by barrel. Oh this was one ex-machina I would never complain about. I yanked off the lid and tossed it over the barrel at the gunmen. A short time later the bullets stopped. They had seen the ‘gunpowder’ label too.
“That’s right boys,” I said standing up, “no more shooting today.”
I kicked the barrel over and ran out the back door. I ran for the fence line where my car awaited us on the other side.
“Freeze bitch!”
Oliver Wilson cocked his gun.
“Kid, you are not worth all this trouble.”
Wilson advanced on us.
“How stupid do you have to be to think you can steal from me?”
“Awe, you think I’m pretty.”
“Shut up you idiot,” Billy hissed.
“Oh please.”
A bullet hit the ground … at Wilson’s feet.
“What the fuck?!” he shouted.
“Did you really think I came here without backup?” I laughed.
He pointed the gun at me again. Another warning shot put him off the idea. I ran for the fence, slipping through a hole I cut earlier. Detective Coultrane kept his eye on the scope of his rifle.
“Get it?”
I threw the fanny pack down at his feet.
“Take it.”
I put Billy in my car and drove away.

“Quit bitching,” I scolded Billy.
He just glared at me as he hobbled his way into my apartment. We had been to the doctor already, resulting in his fancy new cast. No one knew where I lived so I figured this was a safe place to keep him until I set up the exchange with his parents. Still we’d leave the next morning just to be safe.
“This place is a dump,” he grumbled.
“I can always take you back to the warehouse.”
“I’m sorry,” he said, laying on the bed like I instructed.
The snide cocksure attitude was suddenly gone. For the first time I could see the scared little boy he really was. I sighed.
“Can I get you anything?”
I sat down next to him on the bed.
“Are you sure?”
“I’m sure.”
I thought for a second.
“Wanna see my tits?”

What was this crazy bitch getting at? This had to be a trick. She w as the one who got him into this shit. He should still be angry at her. The truth was knowing he was safe, knowing he was going home soon he just felt relieved. She had taken him to the doctor, she was taking good care of him. He was able to look at her a little differently now. Especially that body of hers. God DAMN she was fine. When she wasn’t using them to hurt and humiliate him her muscles were very appealing. He just wanted to reach out and squeeze them.
Lord this lady was thicc! Her curves were captivating to him. Billy felt himself get hard at the thought his head had been pressed into her tits just a day before. They were as large as his head and he knew them to be very firm. She seemed to know what he was thinking. That had to be why she asked.

I was very flattered. Billy hadn’t been able to take his eyes off my girls since we got here. His boner was very evident. Most of my victims didn’t think this highly of me I was sure. To be completely honest I put most my time into my work so I didn’t get too much … male companionship as it were. That might explain while I was in such a teasing mood. Well that and the fact I’m a perverted bitch.
Smiling wickedly, I pulled my shirt off exposing breasts that had no need for a bra. His eyes were wide and his breathing wild. I should have stopped there. I could not. I grabbed his pants and began to pull them down.
“What …?”
I shimmed his undies down next. Know what? He was far more cooperative than he would like to admit.
“For what?” he gulped.
I grabbed his dick and began to rub. A few slow controlled strokes was all it took to get him ready for the main event. I bent over onto all fours. I slowly crawled up to him, slinking in between his legs. Licking my lips, I maneuvered myself into position before pushing forward. Starting with the tip I slipped his little man right in between. God he gasped so loud. I back up then moved forward again. The titty fuck continued until he was good and spent. Then good and out.
I grabbed my phone and called his parents.
“We’re ready.”
“Slight problem,” his father told me.
“What?” I snarled.
“Someone was waiting for us. He stole the thumb drive with the WITSEC ID on it.”
“He? He who?”
“Don’t know. Said he was a cop. Had this stupid leather jacket.”

I did what any woman in my position would do next. I went looking for a hooker. A bunch of them liked to hang out in the bar at the sleezy French Coast Hotel. There was one in particular I had a bit of a thing for. About Billy’s age Lyn was a cute little blonde with a gorgeous little face. Shaped like a heart it was a piece of art. Her defining feature was her glorious C-Cup rack, however. Many nights were spent licking and sucking those puppies. On paper she should hate me. I mean I’ve never once paid her. I just kidnap her when I want to fuck. Oh don’t give me that look, she likes it. Lyn loves bondage. She’s a dom usually tying up her Johns for some kinky fun. With me she’s the sub. It’s the only time she is and she loves it.
This night she was in one of the rooms tying her John to the bed when I burst in.
“Who the fuck are you?” he demanded.
“Don’t disrespect my Mistress,” Lynd snapped.
I grabbed her off the bed.
“We’re going.”
I looked down at her big tits.
I carried her into the bathroom practically ripping her clothes off her. I pinned her to the shower wall kissing her hard. I undressed myself next.

“Is this him? He’s so fucking cute!”
“Who the hell’s this?” Billy demanded.
“Lyn,” Gina explained, “your babysitter.”
“I need to go beat the ever-loving fuck out of a man. Lyn will take care of you since you can’t even get out of bed right now.”
“Just be warned you will be tied up and fucked.”
“Wait … WHAT?!”
“Have fun you two.”
Then Gina was gone. Lyn looked down at him. It was only then he realized his pants were still down.
“Oh god, this is so embarrassing.”
“That,” she said pointing at his dick, “is mine till she gets back.”

I threw the delinquent detective across his living room sending him crashing into his recliner, knocking it over.
“Calm … calm down …” he sputtered.
“I risk my ass for you and you have the fucking nerve to pull this shit?”
“Oh please you are nothing more than another fucking criminal. You won’t be happy with a clean slate. You’ll just start hurting people wherever you go. I’m not going to let that happen.”
“Yes. You are.”
I pulled back my fist and struck him in the face again.

Returning home I found quite the sexy sight. Billy was bound to my headboard stretched out like the letter T. It was unnecessary, he couldn’t move in that cast after all but Lyn loved her ropes. She was wrapped around him fucking him silly forcing him to suck her tits. I shook my head and laughed. Hopping into the shower I found myself fingering myself to the sound of her lustful cries. It didn’t sate me.
Climbing out I yanked her off him and tied her to a chair in the corner to watch. Naked, wet and horny and hell I took him.

Re: Somebody Save Me F/m

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2019 7:46 pm
by ZTVFemdomtales
the conclusion! And it's all sexy times! Yay!

Who knew ravishing a bound college boy in a leg cast felt so fucking good? Almost as good as fucking a busty blond tied to a chair it seemed. I had done both thrice before the sun rose that morning. I now lay panting on the bed looking up at the ceiling.
“I guess it’s time to go.”
I sat up and untied Billy from the bed. He was still far too worn out to say anything as I helped him into the bathroom to clean up. I took a little longer than I probably should have on that I’ll admit. Eventually though I did manage to get him dressed and out to my car. I drove him to the hotel where his parents were waiting.
“Billy!” the mom shouted, hugging her boy.
“Thank you,” his father told me.
“Don’t mention it. Ever.”
With that I turned and left. Back at my place I packed my bags taking time to finger Lynn from time to time to keep her bound little body happy. Soon though I had everything I needed and was ready to leave. I untied Lynn from her chair. This was the last I was ever going to see her. That thought made me feel a deep sadness I couldn’t bear.
“I’m sorry,” I told her.
“For what?”
I tossed her over my shoulder, grabbed my bag and headed for the door.
“Gina! What are you doing?” she laughed.
“Making an honest woman out of you.”
“Put me down.”
“Nope. That WITSEC ID came with one for my spouse. That’s you.”
“I don’t want to go into hiding without you. So I’m kidnapping you.”
“That’s insane.”
“As is every other part of our relationship.”
“You’ll love the suburbs. So many horny barely legal boys just waiting to be bound and teased and fucked.”
“You know how to woo a girl.”

Turns out there were plenty. Over half a year we’d cultivated a rotating roster of boys. Much to Lynn’s annoyance we never kept any of them. Being in hiding meant we couldn’t just kidnap one of our neighbors. Just having one willingly submit to us wouldn’t work either. His family would notice, everyone would notice. It was too much of a risk. So we settled for this. This was fun but rather unfulfilling.
Mulling this over one day I plopped down onto the bed next to a napping Lynn. On a whim I plugged the thumb drive in and went over our cover ID. Maybe I would find something new about us that would help fill this void. Something wasn’t adding up. The closer I looked the more I knew something was very wrong.
“Son of a bitch!”
Lynn almost fell off the bed from the shock.
“What? What is it?”
“There was supposed to be a budget!”
“There was a bank account attached to the ID. This one must have been ready to have been handed out when they took it.”
“We got money too?”
“No. We did not.”
“They took it?”
“They took it.”
“How much?”
I told her how much our annual salary would have been.
“Son of a bitch!”
“I know!”
“What do we do about it?”

Billy’s leg was healed. His mind was not. Sure, he had a new name, a new home, a new life. There was no way Oliver Wilson could ever find him, he was sure of it. That didn’t stop him waking up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat remembering him breaking his leg, shooting at him. He also dreamt of Gina.
What the fuck was wrong with him? Whenever he got scared, he thought of her. The thought of her made him feel safe. How fucking pathetic was that? The woman had kidnapped him in the first place. It was her fault Wilson had hurt him. Still she had saved him. She got him home safe. She fucked him but good. The blonde was good too but nothing compared to Gina, she was an animal. She had also tied him up.
That was the big one. The thing that had broken him. She had tied him up, and he had loved every second of it. It took him a good while and a good bit of therapy to come to terms with that. He now understood he was not sick. He was a submissive with a bondage fetish. He was hurting no one and as of such he was doing nothing wrong. So he started to see someone. He made sure his parents never found out about her. They might not like him going to see a professional dominatrix. Especially not one named Mistress Gina.
That was the part of the whole scenario he could not easily justify away. It was more than just the bondage. It was her. He loved being tied up by her. He pretended Mistress Gina was her. He had wet dreams of her. He laid awake at night longing for the touch of her. He was pathetic. Those thoughts all swelled through his head as he wandered into Mistress Gina’s Dungeon that afternoon.
“What the fuck?”
There was Mistress Gina, a sultry Irish ginger, naked and ball tied. A ball-gag was shoved into her mouth. She was locked in a ball cage hanging from the ceiling.
“I think I should be flattered.”
That voice. Could it be?
“Though we both know I’m the only Gina for you.”
It was her! Gina! His Gina, stepped out of the shadows in a low cut dominatrix outfit all her own.
Despite himself he ran forward and hugged her. She hugged back – hard. His face was forced between her breasts. She held on tighter. He couldn’t breathe. She was doing it again. His boner sprang to life at the thought as the rest of him blacked out.

He awoke to kisses. My kisses. Naked and tied to my headboard the way he had been before. The way he had been the last time he was mine. Once I had him bare, I kissed every inch of him I could reach. That was what woke him up.
“Welcome home, Billy Boy.”
“Gina? What’s going on?”
“Your parents cheated me.”
“What are you talking about?”
“The ID they gave me had a bank account attached to it. They drained it and tried to cover it up. I found out.”
“Please, my parents will fix this, don’t hurt me.”
“Oh baby I’d never hurt you. I’ve decided the best way to punish your parents. You see this time I’m not giving you back. There’s no ransom, no threats. I’m just going to keep you as my slave.”
“Sex slave. I’m going to keep you all to myself, and Lynn of course. You will be mine and mine alone, forever.”
He was scared but also happy. He loved me as much as I loved him. That pushed me over the edge. I took him. The first of many, many times to come.