Nikki's Vacation (MMF/F, F/MF) NC-17 only. New Part now up 10/08/20 :)

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Nikki's Vacation (MMF/F, F/MF) NC-17 only. New Part now up 10/08/20 :)

Post by RopingRingers »

formerly - When You're Kidnapped, No-one Can Hear You Scream
This story contains strong non-consensual themes and is a work of fiction. Please proceed with discretion.

Nikita straightened her grey tanktop that she wore covering her ample chest. At twenty-one she was a stunning piece to look at - olive skin, beautiful brown eyes curtained each side by her long dark hair, with a 36D chest and long, shapely legs. Her arse wasn't bad either, but she always considered her chest her greatest asset. They weren't just big, they were firm and perky, not drooping down her body. She smiled as she looked in the mirror. This is going to be a great month! It was 3am and she was getting ready to get in her car and head to the airport for a well-earned month long vacation in the Bahamas. Cliché, she knew, but she always wanted to go there. Being that it was so early, she was dressed simply in grey tracksuit pants, her tank top, and a black leather jacket she pulled over her shoulders, threading her arms through the sleeves as she grinned wildly, unable to hide her excitement. She looked at the nearby clock. It's time!

As she hurried over to her nearby travel bag - her other luggage was down by the front door - she found herself wondering about the trip she was about to take. Her boss, Mr Whitmore, had called her into his office at MedTec, and told her how much she had proven herself a valued employee the past four years. He had offered to fly her to the Bahamas, on his own dime, for a whole month! Sometimes Nikita wondered if he just wanted to get into her pants, but she reminded himself that he was married, and Mrs Whitmore was a stunning sight to behold. Tall, blonde and buxom, with emerald-green eyes and porcelain white skin, she was the sort of woman that even other women looked at twice.

As Nikita grabbed her bag and hurried down the stairs to the bottom floor of her house, she didn't see the shadow come up behind her until the gleaming silver blade was at her throat.
'Don't make a goddamn sound girl, or I'll open you up and drain you like a fucken punctured tank, you got me!?' a voice hissed in her ear. Nikita felt her blood run cold. She nodded, petrified. Please, just take whatever you want and go! her mind screamed as he pulled her back, before bending her roughly over the back of her couch. Oh god, no, please not that! Nikita heard the words echoing around her skull as she started to struggle and buck, but the shadowy figure, all she could tell was that it was a man, simply planted a knee into her back, making her gasp from the pain, before wrenching both her arms back and, what was he doing? Nikita heard the clicking sound of the cable tie being tightened around her wrists.

She started to scream, 'help m - mwhhgh!', but she was cut off by the sudden ramming of a large red ballgag into her now-open mouth, which was then buckled around her head. She was then roughly dragged to the floor, rolled onto her stomach, and the man proceeded to bind her ankles, ignoring the muffled sobs now filling the room. He moved up to her knees, binding those too, before he moved back up to her arms, adding a loop of rope and drawing her elbows tightly together, much to the muffled objections of his captive. He then silently left the room, and Nikita lay, struggling against her bonds but achieving nothing, eventually falling still, motionless and afraid. After about five minutes, the man returned.

Having a chance to see him as clearly as the semi-dark house allowed, Nikita could see he was wearing a black ski mask, and black clothes, even black gloves. He was more a shape than a man from where she lay. As he started laying a blanket on the floor, Nikita realized what was about to happen and started to buck wildly against her restraints, muffled cries spilling out from behind the gag. 'Oi!' the man shouted. 'Calm the fuck down, before I cut off a nipple.' Nikita froze, the threat of bodily harm rendering her terrified. She had no idea if he was bluffing or not, all she knew was she was in a LOT of trouble. The man picked her up like a baby, behind the back and legs, and carried her over to the edge of the blanket. As he started to roll it up, Nikita began to cry again. It was all she could do as her world turned black, hot and muggy. Why did she have such thick blankets? Finally she came to a stop, she must be fully rolled up by now, but her respite was short lived as she felt the man feeling around beneath her. No, not feeling, feeding! He's feeding rope underneath me!

No sooner had the thought crossed her mind did she feel the ropes being pulled around her and then tightened, tighter and tighter, she could hardly breathe! From what she could feel he was tying the blanket at three points, near her chest, belly and knees. It didn't take him long, and when Nikita tried to move, she found she couldn't. She was helpless. She heard the voice above her, muffled by the blanket. 'Now Nikki, you won't have to stay in there for too long, it's just a lot less obvious carrying a blanket out to a car than a trussed up slut like you. So shut the fuck up while I move you, or trust me, you'll be in for far worse when we get to where I'm taking you. A whole month together, how fun!'
Nikita felt her stomach drop. A whole month!? No, no way, he can't be serious, no! Why is this happening?! But she could do nothing as she felt the man's arms slide underneath her, lifting her up and carrying her out of the safety of her home.

To Be Continued.....
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Post by Trickster »

PLEASE continue this soon. Such a great opening!!!

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Post by RopingRingers »

Trickster wrote: 4 years ago PLEASE continue this soon. Such a great opening!!!

Thank you mate :) I will do my best to have more up asap ;)
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Post by Switcher1313 »

Sounds like a month-long captivity. Do please continue! :twisted:
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Post by RopingRingers »

Part II - An Unexpected Journey

As Nikita felt herself carried across the landing leading out to her immaculately-kept garden, she felt her heart quickening in her chest.

The odds of anyone seeing them were slim-to-none, she lived in a secluded upper class neighbourhood, most houses obscured from the street by the various trimmed hedges and high-class fences.

Even during the day it was very private here, and now it was 3am.

No-one was going to save her, and as she expected, before long she was being bundled into the trunk of a parked car. She screamed into her gag but it was no use as she heard the loud thump! of the boot closing above her.

She had no idea how long they drove, she spent most of the trip crying quietly into the folds of the blanket she was enclosed in, resigning herself to whatever fate awaited her.

Finally, the car slowed, then turned, bumping over something, and she started to hear other sounds, loud and mechanical. 'That sounds like......airplanes!' They were at an airport! What was going on? He couldn't just take her onto a commercial flight like this!

After a few minutes of turning left and right, driving for a bit, turning again, the car slowed to a stop, and Nikita heard the door open.

A few seconds later, she heard the boot open, and felt herself being lifted out. She didn't bother struggling, what point was there? The man seemed to notice this as they started to walk. 'Given up have you?' he asked. 'Wise decision.'

The air around them was full of noise, the sound of an airplane very nearby. But......there was something different.

Nikita realized with horror, that it wasn't loud enough to be a commercial jet. This was a private plane. No sooner had the thought crossed her mind, she felt the man start ascending some steps, and Nikita felt a fresh wave of fear course through her body.

'Oh god, where is he taking me?'

As his step levelled out and they entered the cabin, the man quickly headed towards the rear of the plane. Nikita couldn't see that they were in a small yet lavish private jet, with eight plush seats, two lines of two on each side, and an area to the rear about the size of a queen mattress.

This was where the man placed Nikita, laying the blanket gently on the floor. He pulled out the knife he had earlier held to her throat, and cut the ropes the held the thick blanket around her.

He then rolled her out, taking care not to roll her into the opposite wall. He smiled at the sight, she was dishevelled, her skin red and flushed, slick with sweat. Her eyes were turgid with fear as she looked around wildly before locking eyes on the man before her.

She was surprised at what she saw. He stood leaned casually against the opposite wall. He wasn't creepy looking or pervy, in fact she hated to admit he was quite handsome.

He had thick black hair he wore swept back, piercing hazel eyes and well-trimmed stubble. He smiled at her, revealing gleaming white teeth. He spoke. 'Would you like some water? I could even get you Coke if you prefer.'

Nikita stared at him.

'What the hell? Why is he being so nice? He threatened to cut my tits off back at the house!'

She shook her head, speaking muffled gibberish through the gag that was still locked around her head. 'Oh, right. Duh.' The man walked over and quickly unbuckled the ballgag, pulling it out of her mouth and tossing it aside. Nikita gasped with relief as her sore jaw was finally able to close. 'So, coke or water?'

Nikita glared at him. 'What do you want from me? Where are you taking me?!' The man sighed. 'You'll find out when we get there. Now, we can do this one of two ways. You can tell me what drink you want, I'll get it, I'll help you into one of those chairs and set you up so the next eight hours aren't as uncomfortable as the last two. Might even be some movies to stream.'

He leant down in front of her, grabbing her roughly under the chin and staring into her eyes.

'Or, you can get mouthy, or try to escape, and I can truss you up tighter than you are right now, wrap you back up in that doona and throw you into the fucking cargo hold. So, which one is it?' Nikita stared back, her resolve fast fading to fearful compliance.
'Do you have Sprite?'

The man smiled. 'Good choice.' He slid his arms under her back and legs again, lifting her easily. She noticed his solid physique, he definitely looked after himself.

'And, I swear I've seen him somewhere before..... Where??'

But no matter how hard she strained, she couldn't place him. He eased her into one of the closer seats to the front, on the right hand side.

He adjusted her body, ensuring she was comfortable, before leaning her forward and cutting the ropes that bound her arms and wrists. She brought her arms around, rubbing her wrists where the rope had cut into them, leaving deep red marks. He pointed the knife at her. 'Don't try anything.'

He walked away from her, began closing up the door, preparing the airlock so they could take off.

'If I'm gonna try to get away, I've got to do it now!'

Nikita thought to herself. But then she looked at the ropes still binding her ankles and knees, at the marks still indented deeply into her arms. And she remembered what the man had said.

Nikita felt her eyes welling with tears again. 'I can't spend eight hours like that! I can't!' And so the terrified woman sat, still as stone, as her captor readied to take her to god knew where.

Once he had secured the door, the man walked back over to her. 'My name's John. I know yours, obviously.' He walked over to a minifridge situated about four feet in front of the chairs on the left side. He opened the glistening white door, bent over, and Nikita heard the clinking of glass within.

A few moments later he turned back around, kicking the door shut with his heel as he did so. She noticed he now held two bottle, a Sprite for her and a Sarsparilla for him. 'Oh god, he's one of them.' He must have noted the look of disgust as he came back over, because he burst out laughing.

'The Sarsparilla?' he asked. Nikita looked at him, weakly smiled and nodded. He chuckled. 'Yeah, most people can't stand them. I love them though, only reason they are kept on the plane. It's not mine, clearly.' He handed her the Sprite, along with a remote.

He pointed overhead, where she saw two large LCD monitors mounted, one for each side. 'There's Netflix on there, it works in-flight. Stay, watch your favourite shows or whatever. Its the last chance you'll have in a long time.'

And with that he turned and headed into the cockpit, and a few seconds later she heard the start of radio chatter - he was getting ready to take off. And before long, she felt the plane beneath her begin to taxi up the runway and take off into the air, and Nikita sat where she had been left, staring off into space, without even the energy to cry anymore.

True to his statement, exactly eight hours later Nikita felt the plane begin its descent, from what she could see out the window, they were above some sort of rainforest.

Luscious green stretched out in every direction, no signs of civilization anywhere.

Where are we?

Before long, she felt the bumping that could only mean they had hit solid ground, and as they began to come down the runway, she felt a new wave of fear. What was going to happen to her?

As the plane came to a hold, Nikita tensed herself, waiting for John to come out of the cockpit. While they had been flying, she had slowly, over two hours, unfastened her legs, bit by bit. Every few minutes she saw John's head crane back to look at her, but he never seemed to notice what she was doing.

Now she sat, the rope perched carefully on her legs to hopefully fool him into thinking she was still disadvantaged. And right on cue, out he stepped, looking at her with curiosity. 'Nothing? I was sure you'd at least try and jump me.' Nikita shook her head.
'Where can I go?'

The man laughed. 'Well, that's true.' He walked over to her, bent over to untie her - WHACK! Nikita brought her knee up hard, smashing into John's jaw and filling the air with a sickening crunch as his teeth smashed together.

'Fucking bitch!' he roared as he fell back, raising a hand to his mouth. Nikita saw two white chunks fall out from between his lips, along with a generous flow of blood.

His anger gave way to shock however, as he saw her rise from her seat, the ropes falling in a useless pile around her, and then run up, smashing her knee into the side of his face. John fell, eyes wide and dazed, into a crumpled heap on the floor.

Nikita gasped, falling to her haunches and starting to hyperventilate.

'Shit, what do I do now? Run, run away! Run where? Take the plane! Throw him out and figure the fucking thing out! Go!'

She rose to her feet, grabbing the unconscious figure by the ankles and dragging him toward the door. Once there, she dumped his legs down so she could open the flywheel.

Her hands tightened around the cold steel, it was tight.

'It's too tight! I can't -'

She felt the wheel begin to turn beneath her fingers. She gasped with relief, beginning to laugh maniacally, she was almost free!

Now she just had to ditch this piece of shit. Once the door was open, which apparently doubled as the stairs, she grabbed John roughly by his shirt, and threw him unceremoniously down the stairs, feeling immense satisfaction as he bounced off the unforgiving steel.

She looked around, the runway stretched off in one direction, flanked each side by tall, luscious looking trees. And that was all she saw in any direction, trees and more trees.

'Hang on, what's that glinting?'

But no sooner had the thought crossed her mind, she felt a sharp stinging sensation in her right arm. She looked down, already feeling woozy, and saw a bright red-feathered dart sticking out of her arm.

'Oh no........I'm in trouble now........' was her final thought before she crumpled into a heap at the top of the stairs.
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Post by slavetickle »

Really enjoying the story so far! Seems like our damsel made quite a big mistake. Hope her captors are very cruel in her punishment and teaching her that it was not acceptable. She may be staying with them for much more than a month :lol: :lol:
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Post by Switcher1313 »

Escape foiled! Wonder what the consequences are. Please continue! :D
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Post by RopingRingers »

Switcher1313 wrote: 4 years ago Escape foiled! Wonder what the consequences are. Please continue! :D
Oh, there will certainly be repercussions ;)
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Post by slackywacky »

Good story so far, waiting patiently for the next chapter.
Breaking up speech and story will make it even easier to read.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
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Post by RopingRingers »

slackywacky wrote: 4 years ago Good story so far, waiting patiently for the next chapter.
Breaking up speech and story will make it even easier to read.
In what way do you mean good sir :) I use italic for any inner monologues and the usual quotation marks for spoken words?
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Post by slackywacky »

> In what way do you mean good sir

Nikita gasped, falling to her haunches and starting to hyperventilate.

'Shit, what do I do now? Run, run away! Run where? Take the plane! Throw him out and figure the fucking thing out! Go!'

She rose to her feet, grabbing the unconscious figure by the ankles and dragging him toward the door. Once there, she dumped his legs down so she could open the flywheel. Her hands tightened around the cold steel, it was tight.

'It's too tight! I can't -'

She felt the wheel begin to turn beneath her fingers. She gasped with relief, beginning to laugh maniacally, she was almost free! Now she just had to ditch this piece of shit. Once the door was open, which apparently doubled as the stairs, she grabbed John roughly by his shirt, and threw him unceremoniously down the stairs, feeling immense satisfaction as he bounced off the unforgiving steel.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by RopingRingers »

Ah right, I get ya ;)
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Post by slackywacky »

RopingRingers wrote: 4 years ago Ah right, I get ya ;)
There are people on the site that have dyslexia (difficulty reading). Breaking it up makes it easier for them to read.
Keep writing, that month is not over yet... :-)
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Oh ok, fair enough then :)
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Post by RopingRingers »

Part III - One Journey Ends, Another Begins

As Nikita began to rouse from her drug-induced slumber, she was yet to notice the two pairs of eyes, watching intently for her to begin to move. They remained where they were however, there was no need to rush.

'Bitch isn't going anywhere,' John thought to himself as he took in the satisfying sight. The room they stood in was quite large, with polished wooden floors and crisp white walls.

The room was well-stocked however, with a vast array of bondage and torturous implements - X-frames, a rack, whips, gags, variously shaped and sized implements for use in a variety of orifices, not to mention some stocks.

John ran his tongue around the inside of his mouth, poking at the still-tender areas where Nikita had knocked three of his teeth out.

'You're gonna pay for that one, girlie........' John fumed to himself with barely-contained rage. But he couldn't touch her, not yet. Not until Father arrived.........
But soon, he would get his time alone with the young whore. And he would show her how he treated whores that dared lay a hand on him, let alone inflict lasting physical injury. She wasn't going to like it.

But for now, the shapely young woman was standing upright, fastened securely to one of the gleaming silver X-frames, ropes encircling her ankles, knees and thighs below, and more loops encircling her wrists and elbows, all tightly holding her against the unforgiving steel.

The ropes that held her were indeed tight, John had made sure of that - making the rope cut deep into her skin, ensuring vivid red marks when eventually removed.

A huge red ballgag held her mouth wide, buckled tightly behind her head, and a thick black scarf had also been wound around her head to act as a blindfold.

And now, all there was to do was wait. John sauntered over to the nearest comfortable seat, settling into the plush cushions, content to see how the slag reacted when she regained consciousness.

And sure enough, timing unable to be more immaculate, John saw her head begin to move. John struggled not to make eye contact with HER - she was no concern of his. She was only here because Father allowed it, John told himself, perhaps TOO indignantly.

His father knew how John felt about her, it was no deep secret. But, the problem was solved for him by the arrival of the old man.

The man that entered the room was a solid man, six foot tall and heavily muscled, perfectly balanced and toned. His bleach-blonde hair, swept backwards away from his vivid blue eyes and gleaming white smile, sealed his image as a definite lady killer.

'John, are you alright?' His father turned to him. 'A very near escape attempt, I'm told?'

John's eyes fell to the floor. 'I'm sorry father. She got the jump on me, she played the helpless, 'why should I try to escape?' part very well, and I let my guard down.

John's eyes swept over to where Nikita stood, and he could tell by her whimpers and trembling that she was awake and alert. What better time to say it then?

John took the plunge. 'Father, once you have done welcoming her to our home, might you permit me a few hours with her, to, repay her, for my missing teeth?' But before his father could respond, and over the fresh chorus of muffled sobbing, a woman's voice rang out.

'Is it really the girl's fault? Yes, she tried to escape but honestly, wouldn't you? The failure is on John, who was tasked with bringing her to us and, if not for my considerable marksman skills, would have failed entirely, thus risking months of careful planning to ensure Nikki here would find her way here.'

John grimaced at the sound of his step-mother's voice.

Tall, blonde and busty, with a taste for expensive, well, everything, she had latched onto John's father like a goddamned leech seven years earlier, and her grip had never once slackened since.

And his father refused to see it! John didn't know what his father saw in Mrs Whitmore. Maybe the sex is astounding, John thought with a shudder. Whatever the case, the hatred John felt for her was equally reciprocated, and as usual, she was trying to screw with him.

Fortunately, Mr Whitmore wasn't blind to the petty bickering between the two, and knew not to take sides.

'Don't be ridiculous, Pamela,' Mr Whitmore said quickly. 'That girl injured my son, quite significantly. And he will get his chance for retribution.'

As Mr Whitmore spoke, Nikita felt herself hyperventilating.

'What is going on?? What are they going to do to me? Why does that voice sound familiar? Oh, God, please, mother, help me!' her mind screamed, but there was nothing she could do, she couldn't move a single inch.

Suddenly, her eyes lit up in a blinding white flash as the blindfold was ripped unceremoniously off her head and her face was assailed by the harshly bright light the room was bathed in.

Nikita squeezed her eyes shut, before beginning to open them fraction by fraction as her eyes adjusted. When she finally focused on the people before her, Nikita screamed into her gag in absolute, abject horror.

It was Mr Whitmore and his wife! As her eyes settled on John, she finally remembered where she knew his face - he was her boss' son!

Mr Whitmore smiled at her. 'Well, Nikki, it looks like you've gotten yourself into a spot of trouble. I'm sorry to have to tell you, the trip to the Bahamas was just a piece of an elaborate plan to get you here.' He continued after a moments pause.

'As far as everyone at work knows, you left for your vacation at 3am this morning. I had an operative of mine meet John at the airport he brought you to, and take your phone.'

'Now, HE had legitimate tickets to the Bahamas, where I'd presume he landed some time ago. He will stay there for a while, send some texts for you, say g'day to the family, stuff like that, and then he's going to destroy your phone.'

'In a month's time when you don't come back, you'll be filed as a missing tourist overseas. No-one will even consider you could be here, in my private retreat, seven hundred miles from the nearest major city.'

As Whitmore spoke, Nikita felt her heartbeat grow VERY fast.

'This isn't some horrible joke, or even a temporary kidnapping, they are going to keep me here forever! Oh God, please, NO!!

The words bounced around her skull, echoing their ghoulish sentiment in a never ending loop. She was shook from her trance only by the sudden loud tearing of fabric. Nikita tried to buck on the frame, but she was simply bound too tightly to do anything about Mr Whitmore ripping her tank-top open down the front and exposing her impressively sized tits.

Whitmore groaned at the sight, while Mrs Whitmore simply smiled to herself. Her plans were of a different nature to the two men flanking her, but she had to wait until after her husband had first taste of the girl they had worked so hard to steal away.

Of course, kidnapping Nikita had been her idea. Her husband often confided in her the desires and fantasies he kept buried, hidden from prying eyes, that he was too afraid to act upon.

He didn't want to tie HER up, he had said he didn't want to do it to the woman he loved, rather, he wanted to do it WITH the woman he loved. And almost by magic, a gorgeous young woman presented herself before the two.

Mrs Whitmore pointed out how this gorgeous young woman, with no immediate relatives, would likely just disappear.

They had wasted no time formulating the plan, ensuring John was interested, examining all possible angles, exploring potential locations to keep her. Jack Whitmore was a billionaire, so there was no limit to possible locations.

They had settled on his most reclusive holding - an immaculately built mansion, surrounded by cleared land on all sides, that Jack had constructed deep in the Amazon Rainforest. Even if she DID escape, she wouldn't get far.

Mrs Whitmore smiled a little more when she noticed her husband begin to attach some rather tight nipple clamps to the bound woman's chest, along with a plethora of pegs he was now using on various stretches of skin - up her belly and chest, up her thighs and arms.

He also encircled each of her clamped nipples with pegs, forming a rough 3-inch wide circle around each one.

'I hope that isn't too unpleasant my dear. We're only just beginning.' Mr Whitmore looked up at her. Nikita tried to plead through the gag, but Mr Whitmore just slapped her across the face.

'Shut up, slave.' Mr Whitmore said roughly. 'You belong to us now, from now until the day you die. You will be fucked, tormented, teased and tickled. You will be sent plummeting into deep caves of endless pain, where each new chamber is illuminated by your endless suffering, to be winched out when you're on the very brink of madness. Then, we do it again the next day.'

Nikita felt her eyes grow wet as she sobbed uncontrollably into her gag, but none of her cruel captors cared to listen.

'But for now, I think these pegs and clamps should keep you company for the next hour or so while we enjoy our lunch. Welcome to your new home.'

As Whitmore turned and left the room, laughing heartily as he did so and trailed by his wife and son, Nikita just fell limp against the biting rope.

Every part of her was in some sort of pain, she couldn't differentiate any more.

I can't stay like this for an hour!
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If anybody has any ideas, torments etc they would like to see young Nikita suffer, go ahead and leave a comment ;)
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Post by herdfaninrva »

Forced to stand barefoot on a copper sheet that shocks her occasionally. Some type of predicament. Forced to clamp her own nipples and pussy then tie herself up so she can't get the clamps off.
"I can't tell why I love the smell of coal smoke, valve oil, and steam." Johnny Horton
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Post by RopingRingers »

herdfaninrva wrote: 4 years ago Forced to stand barefoot on a copper sheet that shocks her occasionally. Some type of predicament. Forced to clamp her own nipples and pussy then tie herself up so she can't get the clamps off.
I like these very much ;) environmental predicaments are a type of punishment that tend to get missed when im writing lol
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Post by RopingRingers »

Hey guys, I haven't updated this story in a bit, so I hope this part was worth the wait :D

Part IV - Adjustment Period

As Nikita stood, the tears streaming down her face long run dry, she finally heard the sound of approaching footsteps. Perhaps deliberately, there had been a large clock directly opposite her, counting down each agonzing second and drawing them out twofold. Whitmore hadn't lied, they had been gone for well over an hour. She raised her weary head to greet her next torment.

It came in a way she didn't expect. Mr Whitmore was alone for one, and his expression seemed far gentler than before. He stepped up to her, taking her chin gently in his large hand. He gazed into her eyes, saw the fear in them.

'Oh, Nikita,' he began. 'You've gotten yourself into quite the situation, haven't you?' He squatted down, began unfastening the ropes around her. He paused after a moment, looked up at her. 'Don't try anything. There's nowhere to go anyway, and all you'll achieve is losing what little freedom you can have here.' Nikita nodded. What else could she do? Whitmore continued to unbind her.

A few minutes later, Nikita stepped away from the X-frame, rubbing the rope marks etched into her skin and moaning as the circulation returned to her. Her hand twitched towards the clamps still attached to her nipples, but she thought better of it. Whitmore noticed this.

'Good.......' Whitmore chuckled to himself. 'She's already learning.' He stepped up to her, taking her hands and pulling them behind her back. He quickly connected them with a shining pair of steel handcuffs. But that was the extent of her bondage as Mr Whitmore led her towards the door leading out of the room she had awoken in, and she got her first real glimpse at her new home.

'Now, Nikki,' Whitmore said as he led her through the door, out into a large, grandiose hallway. It stretched away, walls gleaming white, statues adorning polished oak stands and artsy paintings adorning the walls. There were also two doors on each side, a fair distance between them. The rooms they led to must be a decent size. Right at the far end, a winding steel staircase snaked upwards.

'I'm sure you aren't happy to be here, and unfortunately there's nothing to be done about that. You will spend your time in varying restraints and predicaments regardless of your behaviour.' Nikita began to shake at his words. Whitmore ignored this as he led her towards the staircase at the end.

'However, if you behave yourself, the severity of your torment will be far lessened. You will earn rewards, nice food, perhaps an evening hogtied in front of a TV rather than in the basement. It's up to you.'

Nikita couldn't believe it. She shouldn't have to submit to whatever humiliations these people had in store just to be treated as slightly less of a human waste bucket! But, and her eyes teared up as she accepted, that there was nothing she could do. They had her, and they would do whatever they wanted to do. She was nothing now but a toy, a slave to be used and abused.

As the two approached the staircase, Nikita saw that it didn't just snake upwards, it also led downwards, the steps becoming stone as they fell below ground level. Whitmore gripped her tightly around the bicep. 'Be careful, it's easy to slip here.' Nikita said nothing as he led her downwards, eventually coming out into a very large, fully underground room.

Grim, rough stone walls surrounded them, illuminated by flickering torches mounted in sconces high up, which cast a flickering, eerie glow around the whole room. This was a room built for torment.

Nikita began to hyperventilate as she saw the room's contents. Racks, hanging chains, various implements mounted on the walls of varyingly threatening appearance. There was a waterboarding station, and Jesus, even an iron maiden! What hell was she being brought into!?

Mrs Whitmore and John both stood waiting eagerly for the two to arrive. They had set up the latest torment for Nikita before Jack had gone to get her, and now the two were both united for once, in the common goal of seeing Nikita suffer from their creative processes.

'Is the wiring all done right?' John asked. 'Of course!' Mrs Whitmore snapped back at him. John raised his hands. 'I wasn't trying to start anything woman! I just want to be sure, ok? If we're going to leave her here all night, we have to be certain there's no chance she gets a LETHAL shock.' Mrs Whitmore snorted, but she knew John had a point and didn't press the matter.

Mr Whitmore led Nikita up to the waiting pair, standing her on a copper plate seemingly randomly placed on the floor. Mr Whitmore undid the cuffs. 'Take the clamps and pegs off, Nikita!' Mr Whitmore ordered. Nikita gladly complied, and immediately regretted her zeal. A second after the clamp came off, searing pain radiated out from her left nipple. She screamed, falling to her knees.

Cruel laughter rained down on her. 'Come on, bitch!' John snapped at her. 'Get em off!' Nikita released the clamp on her right nipple, gasping loudly as the pain radiated again. Her hands trembled as she went about removing the pegs. That wasn't AS unpleasant as the clamps coming off, but it was still very painful.

Finally, she stood, tears welling and sobs catching in her throat as she awaited what her cruel captors were going to do next. Mrs Whitmore stepped up, looping a long length of reasonably thick rope around Nikita's wrists half a dozen times, before cinching the rope tightly. She then threw the rope upwards, over a large hanging steel hook Nikita hadn't noticed above her.

Mrs Whitmore then pulled hard, wrenching the poor girl's hands TIGHTLY above her head. The other end of the rope, Mrs Whitmore ran down, and finding she had plenty to work with, fashioned a crotch rope and its moorings. Now, if Nikita pulled on her wrists, she would pull the crotch rope.

As Mrs Whitmore had been binding the young woman's arms, John had stepped away to a nearby bench, grabbing an extremely large yellow ballgag. He smiled. 'That's a start,' John thought slyly to himself. He returned to Nikita, coming up behind her right as Mrs Whitmore had put the final touches on her crotch rope.

John grabbed Nikita roughly by the hair, wrenching her head back and, when she gasped from the pain and shock, crammed the huge yellow ball past her teeth, Nikita squeaked and squirmed as the ball forced past, stretching her jaw further than it had ever been before. Nikita began to protest through the gag, but John just buckled the strap tightly behind her head.

Mrs Whitmore spoke. 'Young lady, if you would, feel around with your feet. You will find that there are two small rubber pads for you to stand on, but you must stand on your toes and front foot.' Nikita did so, wondering what the point of this was. She didn't have to wait long.

She watched as John walked over to a nearby power switch, and Nikita saw with horror that the cord ran across the floor, the copper pad she now hovered above, the small rubber pads the only protection she had. Mrs Whitmore spoke again.

'That pad is set on a random timer. At times, if you allow yourself to let your feet touch, you will be shocked. Other times, you won't be. But you'll have no way of knowing which times it is safe.' The cruel blonde chuckled to herself, the girl also wouldn't know that the odds of being shocked were far higher than not.

'This is where you are spending your first night,' John said, stepping into Nikita's line of sight. Behind them, Mr Whitmore laughed a deep, belly laugh that echoed across the room. 'Oh, you two are cruel!' he smiled. His wife smiled back at him. 'You know it, sweetie.'

Nikita began to wail and beg from behind the huge gag but nobody cared to listen to her as her three captors turned and began to walk away, all three laughing as they glanced over their shoulders back at her. Nikita's head flopped forward as yet another fresh wave of tears began to flow. Her heels hit the copper pad - Zap! Nikita howled into her gag as the electricity's kiss flowed into her, bucking from the shock, and then bucking from the crotch rope cutting into her delicate pussy. Which then caused her to fall onto her heels again...….. Zap!

A few hours later, it was about seven PM and John Whitmore had retired to his room. It was large and well furnished but not overly flash, just a TV, computer, hard drives. Everything he needed for entertainment he had stored on his hard drives, a life time of collecting digital files. TV shows, movies,, games, audio books, he had everything he could possibly want. Nikita was still in the basement, presumably twisting and struggling to stay away from the cruel shocks, and the thought made John smile.

John fell onto his plush king sized bed, settling into the thick white doona and purring to himself as he finally got the chance to relax. In fact, he was so at ease he fell asleep almost instantly. Which meant he failed to notice the glint of the emerald-green eyes watching him from his doorway.

Or as their owner stepped silently into his room, easing the door shut behind them.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Wel, who may be the owner of the emerald-green eyes?
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Post by RopingRingers »

Caesar73 wrote: 4 years ago Wel, who may be the owner of the emerald-green eyes?
The answer can be found by those who care to look ;)
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Post by RopingRingers »

Part V - An Unexpected Surprise

Nikita dreamt. Dreamt of dark rooms and snarling shadows. She lay, unable to move, as the shadows surrounding her came closer, closer, closer........... Suddenly the stone beneath her fell away and she dropped into blackness, falling, falling, falling........

Nikita's eyes snapped open. She had passed out from the endless torment hours ago, and hadn't realized that once she had, the powerswitch had been flicked off by a manicured hand. Now, her eyes opened, and all Nikita saw at first were blurry shapes in the dull light. Suddenly, more lights flickered to life, and the room grew brighter.

Nikita still stood on the copper pad, bound tightly in place. Her pussy was still tender from all the bucking she had done before losing consciousness, the crotch rope giving her tired flesh no rest. But something had changed. Nikita's eyes widened in shock.

John Whitmore was opposite her, hanging from a sturdy looking X-frame. He wore nothing but a small pair of shorts, and his muscular body was heavily restrained. He was bound at the wrists, elbows, ankles, knees, upper thighs and throat.

His eyes were closed, he was clearly out cold. His hair hung loosely, a mess around his face. Nikita noticed there was also a large black ball gag wrapped around his head. She began to struggle against her bonds - suddenly a voice rang out.

'Now, now, Nikita! You know that's useless, you didn't get free while bucking like a Bronco, did you?' Nikita craned her head to locate the source of the voice - there! She saw Mrs Whitmore walking towards them, dressed in a very revealing, lime green corset.

Thigh high black stockings ran up her perfect legs, and she wore three inch black stilettos. Her large breasts were pushed up, and even Nikita had to admit she looked hot.

'I'm sure you're wondering why John is here with you. I'll wait until he wakes up to fill you both in. Gives me time to set up.' Nikita felt her heart quicken at her words, set up what exactly?

Mrs Whitmore had brought a large black leather bag with her, and started pulling out what looked like......electrical equipment? Nikita was terrified but could do nothing as Mrs Whitmore untangled the wires. Walking over to Nikita, she attached two pads, similar to what you'd see in a defibrillator unit, to each of Nikita's breasts, on either side of her nipples. Each pad had wires hanging from it.

Ignoring Nikita's pleading eyes, but satisfied she was remaining silent, Mrs Whitmore walked over to John. She did the same to him, attaching pads to his pecs, before returning to her bag and pulling out two buttons on small black plastic squares, and a power box. She ran some wires from each pad to a point in between the two bound people, where she sat the power box and plugged the wires in.

As she returned to Nikita's side, John started to groan. Mrs Whitmore smiled. 'Here we go,' she grinned at Nikita. Then, she put one of the small black squares into Nikita's hand, attaching a wire to it, a wire running - over to John?

'Don't drop that,' she said, before walking over to John. By now he was fully awake, and struggling like hell. But he was bound tightly, he wasn't going anywhere.

Mrs Whitmore smiled sweetly at him. 'Oh, John. I've been sick of your attitude for a looooooong time. Then, Nikita tried her little escape and you were so desperate for payback. Prideful little shit you are. So guess what! I'm going to give you the chance.'

She smiled evilly, looked at Nikita. 'Both of you.' Mrs Whitmore put the other button into John's hand, attached a wire that ran towards Nikita. 'Don't drop that, sweetie.'

'Mffgfgffffffu yofhfhghhhhh bihgffdhdfg!!' John was spitting venom through his gag, doing his damndest to escape the bonds that held him. Mrs Whitmore sighed, before taking two steps over to Nikita and pressing her button.

John immediately tensed, clearly reacting to electrical current passing into his body. He began to gasp and splutter into his gag. Mrs Whitmore released the button.

'Calm down, boy!' she said sternly. 'Now, this is what is going to happen. I'm going to spend the next few hours having some serious fun with the pair of you.' As she spoke, Nikita's eyes began to fill with tears. John, meanwhile, was seething. He was helpless, and humiliated, and at the hands of this bitch no less!

Mrs Whitmore must have seen the anger in his eyes, because she stepped towards him, and unbuckled the gag. John tried to spit as it came out, before running a tongue around his dry lips.

'My dad, is going to KILL you when he hears this!' John hissed. Mrs Whitmore laughed as she roughly grabbed his left nipple and pinched it, hard. John yelped.

'Oh, John boy, no-one is going to hear us. I slipped your father a mild sedative into his evening whiskey. Nothing major, but he is most definitely NOT going to wake up any time in the next seven hours.'

As she spoke, John's anger slowly receded to fear. She had him, his father wasn't going to help him, and now.......

'Ok, Pamela, look.....' John began, only to immediately get a backhand across the face. He groaned in pain, before looking back at her. 'You will call me MA'AM!' Mrs Whitmore yelled, grabbing him by the ear.

'Do you understand!?' she roared right into his face. 'Fu - Yes!' John said. Mrs Whitmore slapped the other cheek, causing him to yell again. 'Yes, WHAT?'

'Ah, fuck, yes, ma'am!' John said, his head sagging in defeat.

Mrs Whitmore stepped back, smiling. 'Good boy,' she said, 'maybe you can actually learn some respect.' She stepped back, looked at both of them.

'Now, you two. While we play, I have included a little something for you both. You have surely worked out by now that you each have a button that can electrocute the other.'

She looked at John. 'You can punish her as much as you want for what she did to you. You could electrocute her the whole time we are together. But, she can do the same to you.'

The two looked at each other, Nikita noticing something she hadn't seen in John before. Fear. She was surprised to feel a twinge of pity. Mrs Whitmore clapped her hands together.

'So, you two. Where shall we begin?' Mrs Whitmore walked over to a nearby table and picked up a small wooden box. Bringing it back, she set it down between them, opened it. She pulled out a shiny steel object - Nikita didn't recognize it but John's eyes widened in fear. It was a large steel buttplug.

'So, who wants this?' Mrs Whitmore laughs evilly, before holding up two vicious looking nipple clamps as well. 'Because the other is getting these.'
Last edited by RopingRingers 4 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Daenarys »

This one is getting intrsting :)
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Post by RopingRingers »

Switcher1313 wrote: 4 years ago Sounds like a month-long captivity. Do please continue! :twisted:
New parts up Switch :)
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Post by RopingRingers »

Caesar73 wrote: 4 years ago Wel, who may be the owner of the emerald-green eyes?
New part up sir :)
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