All Part of 'Growing Up!' FF/M

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All Part of 'Growing Up!' FF/M

Post by LunaDog »

I received a request from a fellow member here, [mention]Glovedgirllover[/mention], to write a story for them. They actually had drawn the beginning they wished for in the form of a 'cartoon,' and a truly magnificent job they had done. I just hope my writing matches the quality of your drawing my friend. Anyway, here's the beginning of my interpretation of you drawing. Not a lot of bondage here to be honest yet, this is, as often the case in my stories, an introduction, just giving a background as to the main characters, and how they relate to each other


Bernard Jacobs looked out of his bedroom window with his normal smug, conceited look upon his face and smiled to himself. Well it could be argued that he had a lot to be ‘smug’ about, after all. He’d recently turned eighteen years of age, and therefore had legally become an adult. But in his case there was a far more significant factor involved in attaining said age, it meant he was now a VERY wealthy young man. Although the source of this wealth was still, somewhat painful, for the young man.

Bernard, or Bernie as he was commonly known, had been fifteen years old when a real selfish pig had decided that he could drive safely after spending an afternoon in the pub drinking heavily. Of course, it turned out that he couldn’t, but tragically this fact didn’t become clear until he’d lost control of his own vehicle, colliding with that of Bernie’s father. And Mr Jack Jacobs did NOT climb out of the wreckage of his own car alive. Jack had been a VERY successful businessman, he owned his own company that was very profitable and worth a great deal of money. Bernie’s mother, Lydia, having NO head for business, sold on the family’s personal share of the company giving her a large income that would enable her to live out the rest of her years in REAL luxury. As if that wasn’t enough, because Jack had died young, and in very good health the Life Assurance pay-out was also extremely generous. And there was plenty of money for Bernie too, he had a substantial trust fund set up in his own name by his late father, and having turned eighteen he now had access to it.

In all fairness to him he didn’t rush out and start ‘blowing’ all of his fortune, Jack Jacobs HAD planted a sensible acumen for business and spending money wisely inside the head of his son. For instance, although he’d passed his driving test before his eighteenth birthday, he didn’t rush out immediately to purchase a ‘tasty’ motor straight away, determining to keep his present car, which was basically new and certainly no ‘old banger’ although NO performance model, until he was a little older, and had built up some ‘no claims bonus’ with the insurance companies. THEN would treat himself to a real ‘beauty’ in a few years’ time. There was no point in rushing out to buy a house either, he was an only child and clearly would inherit the large, expensive ‘family home’ when Lydia herself passed on.

Naturally he hoped that particular event would not occur for many years to come, but in a few days’ time he would have the house to himself and was looking forward to the prospect with glee. Lydia had decided to treat herself to a two month long Caribbean Cruise, First Class of course, and the ship sailed from Southampton Docks, the day after tomorrow. Although his mother and he were close and got on very well, she could ‘dampen’ his style a little, especially when it come to the matter of the ‘opposite sex.’ Maybe with Lydia out of the way, he might just get to spend some time with a female or two, without his mother interfering, and this was the thought that had led to that aforementioned smile. As things turned out he was due to receive far more ‘close time’ with a couple of girls than he’d anticipated, or planned, and from a highly unexpected source!

For you see there was another facet in life that he had inherited from his late father, disrespect for women. Now that didn’t mean that Jack was cruel towards Lydia, no far from it, his father had never once physically assaulted his mother, or had any type of affair behind her back. But Jack ‘wore the trousers’ in their relationship, make NO mistake of that!

For the one thing that he controlled ABSOLUTELY was money. Yes he was often very generous towards his wife, and once the company became successful Lydia never did a day’s work ever again, but she always had to ask Jack for money to buy the things in life she desired. Whilst the answer was almost certainly ‘yes’ he kept this power over his wife until the day he died. Lydia, to a large extent, was simply a ‘trophy’ wife, for she was stunningly gorgeous and sexy, and Jack loved having her on his arm. And there’s another thing, sex. It was ALWAYS performed in the manner of Jack’s choosing, both in the timing of when it occurred and also in the nature of their couplings.

Another thing that Jack loved nothing more than to do, was to make his wife dress up in her finest lingerie, then tie her securely to their marital bed, where he would shag her VERY vigorously for some time. Although he was extremely careful NEVER to hurt Lydia, and ALWAYS paid due attention to her safety and welfare, IF he was in the mood for bondage, she WOULD end up ‘confined to bed’ whether she wished for it, or not. Whilst he was NEVER cruel, so the ‘dancing’ in their bedroom was always to her husband’s ‘tune.’ And, unbeknown to either of them, Bernie was FULLY aware of their ‘single direction tie up games!’

So as far as the young Bernard Jacobs was concerned sex was a matter of the male pleasing himself while his female companion did as she was told, and put up with it. Now Lydia had been perfectly willingly to accept this state of affairs, but most of the modern female population, quite rightly, were not. So one time when Bernie was dating a young girl named Kate, he bought her back to his place, with the intention of enjoying some bondage sex with her. What could be more natural he thought, isn’t this just what his dad had done to his mum for all of those years? And he succeeded in capturing Kate, taken by surprise and with Bernie being far stronger than her, he achieved his aim of tying her arms and legs to his solid bedposts. Leaving her adorned in her stockings and suspenders, he proceeded to shag her several times, before finally listening to her cries of anguish and untying her. To be amazed that she claimed that she had NOT enjoyed the sexual action at all, and that she NEVER wanted to see him again! He actually was quite astonished, he HAD been careful NOT to physically hurt her and hadn’t, well in HIS mind anyway, abused her. What the hell was she moaning about? No, seriously, he REALLY couldn’t see what he’d done wrong.

But just as he simply dismissed the whole matter, Kate most certainly had not. She turned to her two best friends, a pair of sisters named Claire and Laura Matthews and confided in them.

And they decided amongst the pair of them that young Mr Bernard Jacobs needed to be ‘put into his place,’ he needed to be taught a lesson, with Claire and Laura working out that the pair of them should be his ‘teachers.’ After all they were perfectly located to do so, for the house where they lived was right next door to that of Lydia and Bernie Jacobs. And so, they drew their plans against him!

In many ways Claire and Laura represented how Bernard regarded women in general. Both of them were in their mid-twenties, and whilst neither was at all ugly, so too neither of them could be classed as stunningly sexy, and didn’t attract male attention easily. Which was definitely the case with young Bernie. Sure, he didn’t go out of his way to be unpleasant to them, and if either of them greeted him, he’d respond. But that was the point, one of them had to initiate ANY interaction, he simply saw both of these girls as part of the background, as it were. To almost be ignored, certainly the conceited young man NEVER took them seriously at all. Well, that state of affairs was going to end, and sooner than young Bernie thought!

Maybe it was pure co-incidence, but there were some similarities within the two households. Both of them had suffered from the loss of the ‘Alpha Male,’ just as Jack Jacobs had died far earlier than anybody expected, so too had Claire and Laura’s father, Edward, or Ed as he was known, perished after a fateful cardiac arrest. But whereas the remaining Jacob family members were extremely rich, the Matthews were just comfortable. Indeed Lisa, the sister’s mother, had needed to earn money, and she did so by setting up her own successful little business, she was a ‘Dominatrix, with her own ‘chambers’ in the Matthews family home basement. This is where Claire and Laura planned to bring Bernie once they’d kidnapped him. And they’d be able to do so without interference from Lisa, she’d also gone on holiday with her latest conquest, a male more Claire and Laura’s age then her own, who she’d first met as a ‘customer’ of hers!

Lisa and Lydia had become great friends and it from ‘eavesdropping’ on some of the conversations between the two women, that Claire had obtained the required knowledge of how to enter the Jacob’s home in order to capture her prey.

A couple of nights after Lydia had left for her cruise, the sisters struck. Heavily disguised, wearing leather outfits, including masks that made identification virtually impossible, they broke into the Jacobs household, and using the information Claire had learned, swiftly made their way to Bernie’s large and luxurious bedroom.

He was completely taken by surprise as the two of them burst in! Still groggy, it was easy for Claire to grab hold of his body, holding it tight, while Laura pulled his two arms together, and there was a ‘clicking’ sound as she fastened a pair of solid and secure handcuffs around his wrists. “What the hell is going on?” Bernie finally managed to utter as a bag was placed over his head completely removing his power of sight. “Your worst nightmare,” spoke a soft female voice. “YOU ARE OURS!”
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Post by Ak610 »

LunaDog wrote: 1 year ago I received a request from a fellow member here, @Glovedgirllover, to write a story for them. They actually had drawn the beginning they wished for in the form of a 'cartoon,' and a truly magnificent job they had done. I just hope my writing matches the quality of your drawing my friend. Anyway, here's the beginning of my interpretation of you drawing. Not a lot of bondage here to be honest yet, this is, as often the case in my stories, an introduction, just giving a background as to the main characters, and how they relate to each other


Bernard Jacobs looked out of his bedroom window with his normal smug, conceited look upon his face and smiled to himself. Well it could be argued that he had a lot to be ‘smug’ about, after all. He’d recently turned eighteen years of age, and therefore had legally become an adult. But in his case there was a far more significant factor involved in attaining said age, it meant he was now a VERY wealthy young man. Although the source of this wealth was still, somewhat painful, for the young man.

Bernard, or Bernie as he was commonly known, had been fifteen years old when a real selfish pig had decided that he could drive safely after spending an afternoon in the pub drinking heavily. Of course, it turned out that he couldn’t, but tragically this fact didn’t become clear until he’d lost control of his own vehicle, colliding with that of Bernie’s father. And Mr Jack Jacobs did NOT climb out of the wreckage of his own car alive. Jack had been a VERY successful businessman, he owned his own company that was very profitable and worth a great deal of money. Bernie’s mother, Lydia, having NO head for business, sold on the family’s personal share of the company giving her a large income that would enable her to live out the rest of her years in REAL luxury. As if that wasn’t enough, because Jack had died young, and in very good health the Life Assurance pay-out was also extremely generous. And there was plenty of money for Bernie too, he had a substantial trust fund set up in his own name by his late father, and having turned eighteen he now had access to it.

In all fairness to him he didn’t rush out and start ‘blowing’ all of his fortune, Jack Jacobs HAD planted a sensible acumen for business and spending money wisely inside the head of his son. For instance, although he’d passed his driving test before his eighteenth birthday, he didn’t rush out immediately to purchase a ‘tasty’ motor straight away, determining to keep his present car, which was basically new and certainly no ‘old banger’ although NO performance model, until he was a little older, and had built up some ‘no claims bonus’ with the insurance companies. THEN would treat himself to a real ‘beauty’ in a few years’ time. There was no point in rushing out to buy a house either, he was an only child and clearly would inherit the large, expensive ‘family home’ when Lydia herself passed on.

Naturally he hoped that particular event would not occur for many years to come, but in a few days’ time he would have the house to himself and was looking forward to the prospect with glee. Lydia had decided to treat herself to a two month long Caribbean Cruise, First Class of course, and the ship sailed from Southampton Docks, the day after tomorrow. Although his mother and he were close and got on very well, she could ‘dampen’ his style a little, especially when it come to the matter of the ‘opposite sex.’ Maybe with Lydia out of the way, he might just get to spend some time with a female or two, without his mother interfering, and this was the thought that had led to that aforementioned smile. As things turned out he was due to receive far more ‘close time’ with a couple of girls than he’d anticipated, or planned, and from a highly unexpected source!

For you see there was another facet in life that he had inherited from his late father, disrespect for women. Now that didn’t mean that Jack was cruel towards Lydia, no far from it, his father had never once physically assaulted his mother, or had any type of affair behind her back. But Jack ‘wore the trousers’ in their relationship, make NO mistake of that!

For the one thing that he controlled ABSOLUTELY was money. Yes he was often very generous towards his wife, and once the company became successful Lydia never did a day’s work ever again, but she always had to ask Jack for money to buy the things in life she desired. Whilst the answer was almost certainly ‘yes’ he kept this power over his wife until the day he died. Lydia, to a large extent, was simply a ‘trophy’ wife, for she was stunningly gorgeous and sexy, and Jack loved having her on his arm. And there’s another thing, sex. It was ALWAYS performed in the manner of Jack’s choosing, both in the timing of when it occurred and also in the nature of their couplings.

Another thing that Jack loved nothing more than to do, was to make his wife dress up in her finest lingerie, then tie her securely to their marital bed, where he would shag her VERY vigorously for some time. Although he was extremely careful NEVER to hurt Lydia, and ALWAYS paid due attention to her safety and welfare, IF he was in the mood for bondage, she WOULD end up ‘confined to bed’ whether she wished for it, or not. Whilst he was NEVER cruel, so the ‘dancing’ in their bedroom was always to her husband’s ‘tune.’ And, unbeknown to either of them, Bernie was FULLY aware of their ‘single direction tie up games!’

So as far as the young Bernard Jacobs was concerned sex was a matter of the male pleasing himself while his female companion did as she was told, and put up with it. Now Lydia had been perfectly willingly to accept this state of affairs, but most of the modern female population, quite rightly, were not. So one time when Bernie was dating a young girl named Kate, he bought her back to his place, with the intention of enjoying some bondage sex with her. What could be more natural he thought, isn’t this just what his dad had done to his mum for all of those years? And he succeeded in capturing Kate, taken by surprise and with Bernie being far stronger than her, he achieved his aim of tying her arms and legs to his solid bedposts. Leaving her adorned in her stockings and suspenders, he proceeded to shag her several times, before finally listening to her cries of anguish and untying her. To be amazed that she claimed that she had NOT enjoyed the sexual action at all, and that she NEVER wanted to see him again! He actually was quite astonished, he HAD been careful NOT to physically hurt her and hadn’t, well in HIS mind anyway, abused her. What the hell was she moaning about? No, seriously, he REALLY couldn’t see what he’d done wrong.

But just as he simply dismissed the whole matter, Kate most certainly had not. She turned to her two best friends, a pair of sisters named Claire and Laura Matthews and confided in them.

And they decided amongst the pair of them that young Mr Bernard Jacobs needed to be ‘put into his place,’ he needed to be taught a lesson, with Claire and Laura working out that the pair of them should be his ‘teachers.’ After all they were perfectly located to do so, for the house where they lived was right next door to that of Lydia and Bernie Jacobs. And so, they drew their plans against him!

In many ways Claire and Laura represented how Bernard regarded women in general. Both of them were in their mid-twenties, and whilst neither was at all ugly, so too neither of them could be classed as stunningly sexy, and didn’t attract male attention easily. Which was definitely the case with young Bernie. Sure, he didn’t go out of his way to be unpleasant to them, and if either of them greeted him, he’d respond. But that was the point, one of them had to initiate ANY interaction, he simply saw both of these girls as part of the background, as it were. To almost be ignored, certainly the conceited young man NEVER took them seriously at all. Well, that state of affairs was going to end, and sooner than young Bernie thought!

Maybe it was pure co-incidence, but there were some similarities within the two households. Both of them had suffered from the loss of the ‘Alpha Male,’ just as Jack Jacobs had died far earlier than anybody expected, so too had Claire and Laura’s father, Edward, or Ed as he was known, perished after a fateful cardiac arrest. But whereas the remaining Jacob family members were extremely rich, the Matthews were just comfortable. Indeed Lisa, the sister’s mother, had needed to earn money, and she did so by setting up her own successful little business, she was a ‘Dominatrix, with her own ‘chambers’ in the Matthews family home basement. This is where Claire and Laura planned to bring Bernie once they’d kidnapped him. And they’d be able to do so without interference from Lisa, she’d also gone on holiday with her latest conquest, a male more Claire and Laura’s age then her own, who she’d first met as a ‘customer’ of hers!

Lisa and Lydia had become great friends and it from ‘eavesdropping’ on some of the conversations between the two women, that Claire had obtained the required knowledge of how to enter the Jacob’s home in order to capture her prey.

A couple of nights after Lydia had left for her cruise, the sisters struck. Heavily disguised, wearing leather outfits, including masks that made identification virtually impossible, they broke into the Jacobs household, and using the information Claire had learned, swiftly made their way to Bernie’s large and luxurious bedroom.

He was completely taken by surprise as the two of them burst in! Still groggy, it was easy for Claire to grab hold of his body, holding it tight, while Laura pulled his two arms together, and there was a ‘clicking’ sound as she fastened a pair of solid and secure handcuffs around his wrists. “What the hell is going on?” Bernie finally managed to utter as a bag was placed over his head completely removing his power of sight. “Your worst nightmare,” spoke a soft female voice. “YOU ARE OURS!”
Woohoooooo. Eager to read more about this adventure.
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Post by milagros317 »

Great setup! Looking forward to the rest of this story. :D
:ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:
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Post by LunaDog »

Thank you both for your kind words. Yes, there's more to come.
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Post by LunaDog »

Just a very short one for now, and it'll be next weekend before i'll be able to come back here and post more.

Claire placed a collar around his neck, to which she attached a lead. Meanwhile Laura used another set of cuffs, one with a longer chain, to bind their captive’s ankles. This longer chain would enable him to walk, but only slowly and running would be completely out of the question. With Claire leading the way, they pulled Bernie downstairs, out of the house and to their waiting vehicle.

Hang on, I hear you ask, the girls only lived next door, what did they need a car for? Well, with the highly intelligent Claire in particular, the sisters were NO idiots. If they’d simply led Bernie into their house and then down into the basement, then their victim would know just where he was. But, if they drove him around for a while, well then, he’d have NO idea, and would be totally dis-orientated! So, that’s what they did, putting him into the boot, together with some ‘padding’ in the form of some blankets, they had NO intention of injuring him in the process, Claire drove for about two hours, in a large ‘circle’ before returning home.

And only now did the two sisters guide their prisoner, still cuffed with the bag around his head, into their own home, and take him down into their mother’s professional chambers. Having secured him standing on a solid ‘Saint Andrews Cross’ they finally removed the bag. “Take a good look around, Slave! This is your new home for a while.” The sisters said nothing more as they allowed their captive to take in his new surroundings, and Lisa had equipped her dungeon well. His eyes nearly popped out of their stalks as he took in the range of Lisa’s ‘equipment,’ which well and truly suggested a VERY torrid time was awaiting him in the company of his two female abductors. He gulped, EXTREMELY audibly!
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Post by Glovedgirllover »

Yeah! Very nice start! Thank you!!!
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Post by LunaDog »

Glad that you're enjoying it my friend. Here's the next part.

“Who are you, and just what do you want with me?” Bernie finally managed to stammer. “Is it money? For if it is then I’ve got loads of that, I can pay you VERY well!”
“We’re not interested in your money, THAT is the first thing you need to understand. And for your information, to answer your first question, well I am ‘S’ and my companion is ‘F.’ That is ALL you are required to know for now. ( These were in fact ‘codenames’ the sisters had settled on to call themselves in front of their captive. Using a bit of ‘rhyming slang,’ the letter ‘S’ was short for ‘Spare,’ which of course rhymes with Claire, whilst ‘F’ was for ‘Flora’ and I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you just how that one works out. )

“So if you don’t want my money, then what do you want from me?”
“A bit of humility wouldn’t be a bad start. We’ve heard reports of you, yes YOU, mistreating women, and we’re here to teach you that’s NOT very pleasant or correct. For example, I assume that you’ll be able to recall the name, Miss Kathryn Teague?”
“Who?” He paused a little as if thinking about something, then continued. “Oh, do you mean Kate?”
“Yes, sonny boy, I VERY much DO mean Kate! Tell me, just what did you do to her?”
“Well nothing wrong. Yes, I tied her to the bed, but I WAS careful not to make the bonds TOO tight. And I did look out to make sure she was breathing OK, during the whole time she was with me. She’s just making a bloody big mountain out of a small molehill, that’s all.”
“You hear that F? Poor Kate was just making a fuss over nothing!” SLAP! Claire struck her captive across his face. “You did nothing wrong then?”
“Yes. As I say.”
“Wrong answer, BOY! F, are there any nipple clamps around in here?”
“Why certainly S. The Mistress who’s allowed us the use of her chambers has some REALLY nasty ones I believe.” Laura fetched a pair, and just as she’d stated they were very large and very tight. She held them right up into the young man’s face, as her sister continued, “Are you willing to reconsider that earlier answer?”

“What? How are you going to use those? Look I didn’t hurt Kate at all, I NEVER hit her or anything like that, what’s this all about?”
“Oh good. The HARD way it is then! Please, could you fit one of these to our ‘guest’s’ left nipple, F?”
“With the utmost pleasure, S.”

Laura teased Bernie’s nipple for quite some time before she allowed the vicious looking ‘teeth’ of the clamp to find their evil way over his, by now, erect nipple! “AAAPPHHH,” he yelled in pain, “TAKE IT OFF NOW, BITCHES!”

“Did you hear that F?”
“I sure did, S. He called us ‘bitches’ didn’t he?”
“I believe he did. Are you a female dog, F?”
“No, I don’t believe that I am.”
“Well, for that little inaccuracy, I suggest that you should fit the other one, don’t you agree?”
“A duty I’m ALL too willing to perform.”

Laura simply repeated the same procedure on their captive’s other nipple and got another scream for her troubles. But NOT another insult, however. Perhaps the penny was finally beginning to drop!
“So, then let’s just re-cap then. You tied Kate, by her wrists and ankles, to your bed?”
“Yes, but I WAS careful NOT to hurt her.”
“Maybe you were. In fact she agrees that you didn’t hurt her in a purely physical sense, and YES, she admits that you looked out for her safety and welfare, that appears to be true.”
“Right, well what’s your problem then?”
“You REALLY don’t get it, do you?”
“Get what?”

Claire reached down and grabbed her prisoner by his balls, which were still underneath his boxer shorts, the only item of clothing he’d been wearing when the sisters had captured him. And she gave them a, not so gentle, squeeze as she continued her interrogation. “Did you ask Kate for her permission to place her in bondage to you?”
“Of course not! I was just playing a sexual game that’s all, one my dad used to do to my mum on regular occasions. And I NEVER heard her moan about it.”
“I see. And does your dad still tie your mum up then?”
“No, that’d be a bit difficult!”
“And why’s that?”
“Because he’s dead. Has been for a few years now. Bloody drunk driver killed him.”
“Oh, I am genuinely sorry to hear that. Can’t have been too pleasant for you.” ( Of course Claire was being smart again. Naturally Claire and Laura, as themselves, were fully aware of Jack Jacob’s demise, but as ‘S’ and ‘F,’ having never ‘met’ their prey, they wouldn’t be. ) “Still, what your mum and dad got up to in their bedroom doesn’t give you the right to force bondage onto an unwilling girl who you hadn’t known long at all. For all I know, your mum wilfully allowed your dad to tie her up.”
“Wouldn’t have mattered if she said ‘yes’ or ‘no.’ Dad was a REAL man and HE definitely wore the trousers in our home!”
“So, you believe that, so called, REAL men can do just what they like to their women and that it is some sort of right?”
“Finally, you’re beginning to talk some sense!”

Claire sighed. This was not going to be easy. “You hungry F? I could do with something to eat and drink, let’s leave ‘chummy boy’ down here to think about things and start to possibly work out where he went wrong, while we’re gone, shall we?”
“Good idea, S. Yes I am getting a little peckish. Tell you what, let’s give him something else to think about while we’re gone.” With that Laura went and fetched a vibrator. She pulled down his boxer shorts, and strapped it to his cock, then replaced the shorts over his ‘region.’ And then switched it on, using its mildest setting. “There, THAT should keep you occupied, on THAT setting it’ll wake things up ‘down there,’ but it won’t give the pleasure of being able to cum. Anyway, we’ll see you later, when we’ve eaten. Any food in particular S?”
“Do you know what F? I fancy a good pizza, shame our ‘friend’ won’t be getting any, isn’t it? He looks hungry, too.” With that the two sisters went to leave the basement.

“Oi! You can’t just clear off and leave me down here!”
“Really? Who’s going to stop us? Oh, and by the way, please feel free to shout out as much as you like, this place is FULLY soundproofed and NOBODY will hear you!” With that both Claire and Laura left the basement, shutting and locking the door. Leaving their captive chained to the cross on the wall, but with the light still on. So, he could take another look at Lisa’s ‘tools of her trade,’ and wonder just which ones he would be forced to endure.

Upstairs Claire switched the oven on, while Laura went to get the pizzas. “What flavour do you fancy, S?” The girls had decided to keep calling each other by their respective ‘code letter,’ even when NOT in front of their captive, to prevent any possible ‘slip-ups.’
“Oh, I don’t’ know F, how about spicy beef? And, isn’t he a REAL arrogant prick?”
“Fine by me, and yes, you’re dead right. Might take some time to ‘crack’ this one.”
“Well, time IS something we DO have in our favour.”

After about half an hour the pizzas were ready and the pair of them settled down to eat them, opening a chilled bottle of chardonnay and pouring themselves a large glass each. Having eaten, they both poured themselves a second glass, before deciding to check in on their prisoner.

When they entered the basement again, it was immediately clear that his spell of solitude had done nothing to dampen Bernie’s feelings of outrage at being captured by the sisters. “Oh, I see that you’re both having a nice glass of wine! Better make the most of it, once I’m out of here, I’m straight off to the Police. To get justice for me and make sure that you two get your come-uppance! And SWITCH THIS BLOODY THING OFF!” Meaning the vibrator, of course, which had nicely ‘stoked’ up his libido, but on that low setting had offered him NO release at all.
“Interesting.” Claire commented. “That, of course, is assuming that you DO ever get out of here.”
“Well I’m bound to at some stage. You two can’t hold me here forever!”
“Can’t we? Why not? NOBODY knows that you’re here, and you have NO idea where ‘here’ is. You are staying here for as long as WE wish to keep you.”
“But why are you doing this to me then?”
“Partly as a punishment for the way you treated our ‘client.’ And partly, well, for the same reason that a dog licks its own bollocks. Because IT CAN, as can we!”
“This ‘client’ being Kate I take it?”
“Yes and no. Sure she is REALLY upset with the disgusting way that you treated her, but she has NO idea that we’ve taken you and that you are here in our hands. We are doing this without her knowledge, off our own backs as it were and NO payment WHATSOEVER has been made. Anyway, as it seems you’ve not made any effort to understand the position you’re in and we are both tired, I think it’s time to bed you down for the night. While we think about just what equipment belonging to the Mistress of these chambers we can have some fun with tomorrow.”
“What do you mean, fun with? Are you saying you intend to torture me with what’s down here? Just what do you have in mind?”
“For us to know and you to find out. Which you WILL!”

Working together, Claire and Laura DID switch off and remove the dildo then, using several sets of steel handcuffs and being VERY careful NEVER to allow their captive a ‘free’ hand at ANY time as well as taking away his power of sight, removed the young man from the cross, guided him to Lisa’s bondage bed, and secured him, spread eagled, to it. Both of them had undertaken medical training beforehand, and so, with his welfare in mind, they attached a saline drip to his arm to keep him hydrated, and inserted a catheter within his ‘tool’ to take care of the waste product of his fluid intake. They then removed the nipple clamps, working silently despite his torrent of abuse. And then left him alone again, in the dark this time, locking him in Lisa’s chambers, while they went to their own respective bedrooms to sleep.
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Post by LunaDog »

Next morning Claire and Laura were feeling totally refreshed, as both of them had obtained a good night’s sleep. Down to their ‘captive’s quarters’ they went, both of them exuding an air of quiet confidence, completely designed to put the young man in their hands ‘on edge’ as it were. With some success, as he glared at them as they entered the basement.

“Good morning to you,” Claire opened with, “did you manage to get a good night’s sleep?” Laura went to check on the saline bottle and the catheter. “Well he’s passed a good amount of fluid during the night, S.” Taking about him as if he wasn’t there, and here he showed his total hypocrisy, it was something he did himself all the time, especially to females, but hated the same tactic being done to him. “Excuse me, what is it you call yourself, oh yeah, F. I AM here you know?”
“So what?" Laura countered with. “I wasn’t talking to you, but about you!” Touché!

“So then, and yes I AM talking to you,” Claire continued, “now that you’ve had some rest and hopefully a good night’s sleep, shall we continue where we left off yesterday? Although, I guess that you’re hungry. Would you like something to eat?”
“Oh, that WOULD be nice!”
“Well, IF you decide to be a little more co-operative this morning we’ll give you something. I’m sure you understand just what I mean?”
“So, what you’re saying is if I want something to eat, I’ve got to admit to doing something I didn’t do?”
“No. What I want you to do is finally act like an adult and accept that something you DID do was wrong.”
“OK. Hard way yet again, it is then. Blindfold him F!”

Laura obeyed her sister straight away, covering his eyes so he could see nothing. Including the feather duster that Claire had picked up. And set about his bound body with, attacking TOTALLY at random, with her victim having NO idea where she would strike next. Claire kept this up for a full ten minutes, as her victim wriggled and thrashed about, confined by his bonds, meaning he could NEVER escape from the torment that Claire inflicted upon him. “Had enough yet?”
Bernie was still struggling for breath, so it was quite a while before he could reply. “Why? Have you?”
“Very funny! F, let’s add another dimension here! As our ‘gentleman’ here seems to have so little respect for us girls, why we turn him into one?”
“What a FANTASTIC idea, S! Yes, why not?”
“What are you two on about. I’m NOT a girl and NEVER will be!”
“Maybe not, but that won’t stop us making you LOOK like one and FEEL like one!”

The two girls gagged him first, then uncuffed his two legs, removing his boxer shorts, and then decided to remove something else. His pubic hair! Fetching a razor Claire shaved all of his hair from that region, as best she could. And then Laura finished the job by applying a fair dollop of hair removal cream. But they didn’t stop there, soon both of his legs were ‘hairless’ as well is his armpits! And then they finished the job by ‘attacking’ his facial follicles. “Ah, that’s better, how many girlies have hair on their faces?”

Now they set about ‘dressing’ their new ‘girlfriend’ up. On went a pair of satin panties, followed by a suspender belt. And then, possibly the ultimate insult to the ‘manly’ Bernie, a pair of sheer nylon stockings. Once those had slipped above his ankles, on went a pair of ankle cuffs. For the most ‘dangerous’ part of this act was ahead of them.

But, as has been said before these sisters were NO idiots. Firstly Laura used another pair of cuffs to connect the chain of his ankle cuffs to the lower bedframe, and moved the keys to both of those cuff sets well away from the bed and therefore their captive’s reach. Now, with him still blindfolded remember, once stocking had met suspender, one by one they released his wrist bonds, putting a satin bra and the arm of a, also satin, blouse through each of his arms. Now they chained his arms behind his back, and released his ankles from the bedframe, but NOT from each other. They now lifted him off the bed itself, and over to a tall mirror. There they completed the fitting of said bra, padded naturally, and blouse. Before putting him into a tight, VERY short leather skirt that only just concealed the fact that the nylon on his legs were in the form of stockings and not tights!

The clothing part of his feminine transition complete, he was pulled over to a dressing table and chair, his legs being cuffed to the equivalents of said chair. Now both the blindfold and gag were removed, it would be difficult to apply the female ‘make up’ to his face with those still fitted. Able to both see himself in a mirror, and now issue forth a comment on just what he DID see, another torrent of abuse emerged! “You pair of F*CKING cows! What do you think you’re playing at? HOW DARE YOU?”
“Oh dear!” Claire’s voice rang out. “What part of you being in OUR hands, and not us in your, do you not get? Anyway, now you’re dressed up, and you DO look quite sexy, let’s finish the job, eh F?”
“Yes, S, I’ve got some great ideas here.”

Laura took charge of the makeup, once Claire had grabbed hold of their captive’s head, to stop him thrashing it about, as he tried to do. Bright red lipstick soon adorned his lips, and Claire then turned her attentions to his eyes. Beautiful blue eye liner found its way there, together with some false eye lashes. And Laura ‘rouged’ his cheeks. Now the final touch, a black wig in the shape of a female ‘bob.’

“Wow, who’s this gorgeous girlie who’s just turned up? You do look SO sexy Darling!”
“Just you wait until I manage to turn the tables, you pair of bitches! You’re going to PAY for this! Make NO mistake about that!”

Laura’s hand reached down to the skirt, and she found just what she was looking for beneath it. His ROCK-HARD cock! “But, Sweetheart, you’re SO turned on! Come on, admit it you just LOVE the feeling of female clothes against your skin don’t you? And THIS,” giving his cock a squeeze, “tells me that you DO, so stop pretending otherwise.” He stayed silent, because, to his shame, her words were UTTERLY true! The sheer nylon of the stockings rubbing against the skin of his legs was giving him feelings that he’d NEVER experienced before, and those feelings WERE good! As was the delicious feel of the satin of the red blouse they’d put him in.

He was released from the chair, but his arms were kept pinioned behind his back. Claire leered at him. “Now you’re our little ‘girlfriend,’ shall we allow you to take a little stroll around your quarters here?” He was hauled to his feet, and with Laura holding him, he was forced to start walking around in a circle. Meanwhile Claire had grabbed a camera and was busy taking snaps of their ‘female’ captive. “Just for the record, Darling!”

Bernie had never felt so humiliated before as he was walked around, but then, to his utter horror, he couldn’t deny that he was TOTALLY alive and turned on by the sheer delight that the material of his ‘female’ clothing was causing. His hormones were racing around his body!

And maybe, just maybe, this was the point where Claire and Laura’s efforts began to break his ‘hard man’ act. For making their victim into a girl was starting to break his resistance, by now utterly captivated by the delicious emotions that the satin and nylon against his naked skin were producing. For, from wanting nothing more than for the sisters to undress him again, he now wanted to stay in the items they had, forcibly, put him into for a longer period of time.
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Post by LunaDog »

But this didn’t mean the job was ‘done’ just yet, the male ego is a bloody stubborn ‘device’ at the best of times. Maybe inside he was actually enjoying the feeling of satin and nylon, but he was damned if he was going to admit that to his two female tormentors. But Claire KNEW, she’d recognised the signs alright. The scowl on his face becoming, ever so slowly, replaced by almost a smile as the luscious feel of those materials took hold of him. However she decided to be patient, as said before the girls had plenty of time, and to push things too fast might jeopardise the whole point of the exercise, to force him to finally realise that women SHOULD be respected.

Not that she wasn’t going to take advantage of the effect of those feelings on him, mind. After she’d allowed Laura to lead him around for a while, she directed her sister to guide Bernie, or should that be ‘Bernadette’ now, to some leather cuffs, held by chains mounted in the ceiling. With a floor mounted ring directly beneath. Which they used to secure his ankles to, a pair of leather ankle cuffs holding his legs together, the chain of which was secured to the ring. Now they felt safe enough to release his wrist cuffs, but of course he couldn’t escape. Working together, Claire bound his left wrist in a leather coil, whilst Laura attended to his right. Pulled on the chains before securing them, meaning that their prisoner was now firmly held, his arms slightly outstretched. Pulling over the same tall mirror as before, he could now see himself in this position, but Laura replaced the gag, so he couldn’t make any comment at all

Making sure that she stared RIGHT into his eyes, Claire now stood before him, and rubbed her own body VERY tightly against his, making sure that his cock was now rubbing against her pussy, although of course there were two leather barriers between them. Although that soon became just one, as Laura undid the fastenings of his skirt and pulled it right down. And as her older sister rubbed herself against his, absolutely ROCK HARD cock, and started to ‘pleasure’ herself, so Laura began to rub her hands all over the satin that covered his top body.

Claire moving her pussy against his cock, now that here was less of a leather ‘barrier’ present, began to take more direct effect, and he was rapidly becoming FULLY turned on! And just as he began to believe that he COULD cope with her ministrations, Laura’s two hands now left his torso alone, as one cupped his balls, while the other started to pump his cock, through the satin material of the female panties they’d put him in. And she had made up her mind, she was NOT going to stop until he had cum! Laura kept going, and as she sensed that he was so nearly there, she looked up to her sister and nodded, letting Claire know that their victim was close to the ‘breaking point!’

“Cum for us Darling, show us just what you’ve got down there!” Claire commanded, and literally a second later, he started to shake, his spunk completely filled the insides of those satin panties and he emitted some almost guttural sounds of “EEEEMMMMPPPPPHHHH!” Obviously the still present gag prevented him was expressing his true feelings, but the sense of joyous release was all too evident!

The sisters allowed him to come down from his sexual high, before, having removed his gag, Claire asked him, “did you enjoy that?” Looking him straight into his eyes.
“I have to admit that I did, yes.”
“Even though you were in our bondage?”
“Is there a point to this?”
“Yes there is. You see Although Kate was totally furious for what you did, it wasn’t the actual tying up that she was angry about. Believe it not she THOROUGHLY enjoyed being shagged by you, she commented on your very high skill level. But it was the fact that you tied her up WITHOUT asking her that made her angry! The TOTAL lack of respect for her, that you took her for granted and obviously didn’t give a fig for HER wishes or feelings! And here’s the thing, IF you’d asked her to let you tie her up, she would have said YES!”

That seemed to completely knock the stuffing out of the bound young man. For while, after Kate had ‘dumped’ him, he’d acted as if he didn’t care, as if he could well do without her, the reality was that he HAD developed feelings towards her, he HAD grown to like, or even love, her, and inside he’d been devastated that he’d lost her. And now the ‘hard man’ act could be maintained no more, the news that, had he treated Kate correctly with the respect she deserved, would have meant that he could have still been in a loving relationship with her, was TOO much! The tears started to tumble down his face, as he cried out “WHAT HAVE I DONE?”

Claire actually cuddled him, well as best she could in the position he was bound into. And then, with soft and gentle voice. “It may not be an irretrievable situation you know.”
“Really? You’re not just saying that?”
“No, I’m not. But, yes there VERY much is a ‘but,’ you’ll have to prove to her that you HAVE learnt from your past mistakes. As I said to you right at the beginning of your ‘lesson’ in our hands, what SHE wants to see is some humility. You HAVE to accept that what you did to her was WRONG!”
“I DO. I’d give anything to turn the clock back. But, the only male I could learn from in life was my dad, and he DID rule my mum. Although he was NEVER cruel.”
“So I understand. And clearly your mum accepted him for who he was and obviously could live with his ways. But that was a generation ago, women and what they are prepared to put up with in life have altered. Kate doesn’t want you under HER thumb, she just wants to be with a man who respects her and treats her like an equal partner. Could that be you?”
“Yes. You two have shown me the error of my ways, if Kate was to give me another chance I’d be willing to make the effort to learn from my mistakes and try to be what she wants, and deserves, from a man.”
“I believe you. So, I’ll be a few minutes, I’m just going to give her a call.”
“Oh, thank you SO much!”

Claire left, job done, well Laura’s and her part of it anyway. She rang Kate, who responded joyfully to the news that the male, who she still fancied, had obviously responded positively to what Claire and Laura had set out to do to him. And agreed to come over, right now!
Immediately Claire proceeded to the basement again, in order to deliver the good news to the young man still held in bondage there. “Please, she can’t see my like this!”
“Can’t she? This is ALL part of the process. Oh, and just guess whose clothes they are that you currently adorned in? Not mine or my partner’s, by the way.”
“Are you saying that this is all Kate’s gear?”

“Yep, got it in one. And she wants to see for herself just how ‘sexy’ you look dressed up in it. And, between you and me, while she IS willing to ‘forgive and forget’ eventually, I get this feeling she IS looking for some ‘payback!’ Do you want her back or not?”
“Fair enough, I do. And if this is the price I have to pay, then so be it.”
“Spoken like a REAL man. She’ll be here soon, and F and I will leave you two alone, to discuss things. We’ll be upstairs if Kate needs us for anything.”
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Post by LunaDog »

Roughly ten minutes later Kate arrived and was taken straight down to the basement, to join her ex-boyfriend, although a reunion did appear to be on the cards. “Well, well. You DO look good in my clothing,” the skirt had been lifted back into position, “haven’t you got something to say to me?”
“Yes, I have Kate. I was ‘bang out of order’ towards you the other week, forcing my own fantasies and desire upon you, without giving a stuff for you own feelings. Utterly and totally wrong, which I now see. But I promise to learn from this experience, I WANT to learn to change my ways and treat you with the respect you deserve. If I can succeed in that, and I’ll try my very hardest to do so, could there possibly be a future for you and I?”
“Yes, there most certainly CAN!” After that Kate rushed to him, her lips found his and she kissed him VERY passionately, and for quite some time!

“However young man, you’re not out of the woods just yet, there’s going to be a little ‘payback.’ After all, you’ve had me tied to a bed, now we need to try the reverse, don’t we?”
“I totally agree Darling. It’s only right that we do.” And by now he WANTED it, the thought of being helpless in Kate’s hands was REALLY turning him on!

“One more thing, Sweetheart. What’s happened in here between my two good friends and you must remain in here. No going to the Police or anything like that! One word from you, and we’re finished. Agreed?”
“Yes, I agree. After all, they’ve done me a favour in the end.”
“Good. Claire, Laura, it’s safe to come down!”
“WHAT? It was those two all along? Thought their voices were familiar. Oh, don’t worry I meant what I said, I won’t say a word.”

Claire and Laura entered the basement themselves now, they were still in their leather customs but the masks had gone. “I see that our little experiment has been a success,” Laura opened with. “Shall we release your boyfriend from his present situation, so that you can tie him to his own bed?”
“Yes please.”
“Sorry girls, but why don’t you just use THAT bed, it’s surely quite a drive back to my place, isn‘t it?”
“Actually no,” Claire responded with. “Remember we live next door to you. We just drove you around for a bit so you wouldn’t know it was us and it was our home we’d taken you into. Oh, and just in case you’re wondering, ‘S’ is short for ‘Spare’ which rhymes with, well, you work it out, and ‘F’ for ‘Flora.’”
“Very clever. But won’t anybody see me like this if we go between the houses?”
“We have thought of that.”

Bernie was unfastened from his bondage, the skirt and blouse removed from his body. However as the sisters went to remove the stockings, Kate intervened. “No, leave those on please, he shagged me while bound wearing them,” as she began to rub her hands over his nylon covered legs, “so I’m going to return the favour in FULL!”

So, with his legs still coated in sheer nylon, Laura placed a large cagoule over his top body, leaving the hood up so nobody would recognise him. Swiftly the three female captors and their male captive moved across the two houses, taking the young man straight up to his own bedroom. As Claire and Laura laid him down centrally on his bed, each grabbing one of his arms which they tied VERY securely to the respective outer solid bedpost, Kate began a ‘striptease’ act that ANY sex professional would have been fully proud of! Soon she was just down to a lacy and VERY sexy basque, and yet another pair of sheer nylon stockings. Those items were staying on. By now the two sisters had moved to the bottom of the bed, and completed the spread eagled capture of its ‘victim.’

Kate cuddled and kissed Claire and Laura respectively as the two sisters went to leave. “Thank you for EVERYTHING you’ve done for me,” Kate gratefully expressed, “now it’s MY turn for some bondage fun!” And once they’d left she turned to her captive, tied securely to his own bed and now totally in HER hands, utterly in HER power and absolutely at HER mercy! “Well now, my lovely boyfriend, you seem to be a little ‘tied up.’ Ready for me to do just what I want, how I want and for as long as I want to you now, with there being nothing you can do to stop me.” She smiled at him, the last thing he was going to see until SHE decided otherwise as Kate placed a blindfold over his eyes, completely removing his power of sight. “After all you could say it’s,” smiling at her ‘prey’ as she did so,
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