Witches Trial: Wolfs bait. many M/F

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Witches Trial: Wolfs bait. many M/F

Post by WyattW5 »

I could likely put this in the Everybody's section but I was concerned with some of the adult content in the beginning. I thought of this story for the Halloween contest last year but the number of words restriction came into play and it was way too long. regardless I hope you like it.

Elisabeth Beatrice Granger. Stands before a crowd wearing only her nightdress and iron shackles bound to her wrists. Her raven curled flow unkept as she had been driven from her home in the early morning before she could even tend her ablutions.

Her neighbors and friends now rally against her as she stands before them. In the town's council room. The little hamlet of Oxfjord was in great tremendous fear. Werewolves had been living in the dark woods surrounding their hamlet. Community leaders and Parsons believed they were drawn here by witches and so the hunt was on.

Beautiful Elisabeth Grace was brought before this jury for reasons she did not know. Dragging her from her bed the men who came to take her abused her aging father to keep him from interfering.

Now she stands surrounded by the congregations she had once called friends. At the head of the table sits Josiah Hepburn. A merchant with an interest in the law he sat with short white brown hair the bags under his eyes thick from reading countless tomes on the law. To his left the local Parson: Samuel Bellows. Long thick black hair drapes down to his shoulders.

Elisabeth stands in the courtroom petrified as she looks to an assemblage to her right where a few of her neighbor's and acquaintances sat looks of fear on their faces.

“Elisabeth Beatrice Granger you have been accused of witchcraft and consorting with the devil” to Mr. Hepburn speaks looking to Elisabeth as she frantically finds herself scrambling “I am not no... please I am not a witch I come to church each Sunday help with the community corn huskin and barn raisings please I am not a witch”

“Bring the witnesses forward Sheriff” Hepburn turns to a man wearing a tricorn armed with a flintlock pistol. Approaches the first a girl Elisabeth used to look after when her mother was out in the field assisting her husband.

“I saw Elisabeth outside dancing naked speaking in a tongue I have never heard”

“What these are lies... please Melinda you know this is not true” Hepburn turns to the Sheriff standing up and shouting.

“Bind her eyes so she may not give the witness the devils stare” the Sheriff was swift to accommodate taking a cloth wrapping it around Elisabeth’s eyes as she struggles vigorously trying to escape the grip of the Sheriff. A tall thick but chubby man as he held her tight.

“Proceed child?” Hepburn encouraged and young Melinda continued speaking of Elisabeth’s transgressions such as not singing in church. Or her enjoyment to run outside late at night to call her pet the werewolves. Elisabeth was astounded at the accusations she liked to sit in the meadow and watch the stars.

The next witness was a young man. Elisabeth recognized as Henry Hammerstein-Smyth. The son of the local blacksmith, he had a crush on her for a very very long time.

“She torments my dreams... I see her laying on top of me I declare she wears no clothing... she claims she will be mine if I sign my soul away to the devil” the entire community gasps as Elisabeth tries to speak around the sudden outcry of the community.

“Henry you know I’ve never... you are the one infatuated with me how dare you!” Elisabeth began to angrily shout at Henry from across the floor as Hepburn gave the Sheriff another order.

“Gag the witch so she may not put a curse on our witness’ who she has affected so” grabbing a cloth from his pocket he fills her mouth.

“Wayphf plmphf nmmphff...” winding another thin cloth between her teeth cleave gagging Elisabeth the Sheriff steps away. For them to proceed with another witness. Elisabeth tries to beg and plea into her gag unable to speak she is quickly undone when a cold hand touches her nearly bare shoulder.

“Here is the witch who calls upon the Wolves who stalk our woods. But you needn’t worry my good people... with the witch in chains... we have bait for the beasts... the wolves will surely come to her rescue... in which we will set our trap... men ready your weapons the blacksmith has taken all the silver in the town made silver bullets arrows and spearheads we may hunt these beasts”

The crowd cheered and Elisabeth was dragged off. To a cart where she was thrown in. The Sheriff hurled her onto the hardwood of the cart before mounting a horse two volunteers drive the wagon away. The chain around Elisabeth’s wrists keeps her from trying to get up and leave for the chain has a long extension held by one the volunteers out front.

“Don’t worry little Witch we will be sure to bind you good and tight for tonight's full moon” that realization had struck Elisabeth quickly as she remembered the night of the full moon an ancient custom was left out a prized animal to be sacrificed to the Wolves.

But since Parson Samuel Bellows arrival he had called to cast out this foul evil. An abomination of God's loves for his children. He deemed himself the sheepdog who would fight off the Devils wolves.

The Sheriff removes her blindfold and drags her inside by the chain they bound her with unable to keep pace. Elisabeth falls to her knees and drags her inside the jail scraping her knees and ankles. Before throwing her in a straw-covered cell throwing her inside and locking it tight the Sheriff would the chain around a bar before connecting a large padlock against the wall.

“Goodnight witch you better get some sleep while you can” the Sheriff chuckles before walking away to attend his other duties. Normally including a drink at the tavern and. Stomp around acting like the King of this Hamlet.

(That night)

Elisabeth was taken from the jail in nothing but her now dirty soiled nightdress her hands chained in front. The gag still in her mouth her stomach aching from a day with nothing to eat. She was barely able to keep up with the Sheriff who paraded her through town upon his fine black draft horse before walking her out to the forest.

Dusks evening glow was upon them the pink in the sky smothered by the darkness of the trees surrounding them. Here where the town's elders always set their prized animal for the beasts to eat to protect their livestock.

The same pole Elisabeth finds her arms bound two with a heavy iron padlock binding her chain to the circlet on this post. She tried to pull on it the cold iron was strong-looking from it to the men who surround her wielding torches and different weapons from muskets to spears.

“Alright men snuff out the torches and pick a spot the damned devils will come for her... all we need to do is wait” the Sheriff speaks looking around the twenty or thirty men. Descending their horses and hiding in the shrubs and darkness as the night's darkness fell upon them.

Only a fire before Elisabeth was the source of light. Elisabeth struggled to break free but her weakened state all she had done was waste energy and collapse to her knees bowing her head in sobs.

The pale moons light beams through the treetops and the men all know the time to be wary is now. Elisabeth balled herself against the pole accepting any warmth the fire offered her. Soon her sobs were silenced by the howl of a wolf not far from her. She froze.

Closing her eyes if the Beast did indeed come she hoped no prayed they would end her life quickly. Closing her eyes Elisabeth could hear the orange fall leaves crackle with a step the trees whine and snap as it passed. Whatever it was- it was Massive.

Heavy deep breathes fill the air as the could feel his presence actually warm her as a warm fur-covered muzzle nudges her arm. Bringing her to look up into the animal's eyes. A warm human brown look down on her as if asking if she was alright. Her dark blue eyes were wide as she examined the beast's full size.

Standing six feet on all fours a few hundred pounds of muscle covertly hidden below thick but soft layers of fur. She took a deep breath placing a hand on his muscle.

“He is there kill it!”

The Sheriff commands firing his pistol firing wide. The gunshot alone had aggravated the Wolf to let out a territorial roar. As the other hunters waiting for him come from their holes lobbing spears and firing silver pointed arrows in his direction the Wolf deftly slid and jump from the way pouncing on one hunter placing his paw square on the man's chest the Wolf looks down on the man before snarling to release a loud hauntingly powerful howl.

Parson Bellows armed with a spear approaches the wolf while it was distracted in his howl. Bellow's long narrow crooked nose turns his brown eyes look at the Black wolf finding his courage spear in both hands.

“If anyone is to go into captivity into captivity they will go... if anyone is to be killed by the sword with the sword they will be killed”

Before the Parson could plunge his spear into the wolf. The Wolf looks down his eyes glowing an evil yellow before pouncing on him grabbing the spear by the shaft he tore from the parson's hand using his claws to swipe the Parsons chest and stomach.

As other members of the hunting party rally trying to back the wolf up another howl echo the forest's darkness. Soon a large greyish white wolf stands beside his black colored companion looking at the hunters. With another howl, another came down.

Elisabeth seeing this was caught awestruck as two more wolves on reddish-brown the other charcoal grey wolves stood together against twenty townsfolk. The three smaller wolves charge the large black leader turns to Elisabeth causing some fear in her heart as he approaches.

With a blink of her eye he lurches forward raisin her arms to defend herself as pitifully as she can she realizes as the weight of the iron chain falls from her post she looks down to see the iron shackles were now ripped from the post that bound her.

Looking into Wolf's eyes a wolfish grin across his muzzle before a single swipe of her paws knocking her off balance broke the chain between her wrists. Allowing her the freedom to run... but where would she go... her home was back there and the village would no doubt just tie her here tighter if not hang her for this was undeniable proof the wolf was here for her... but why?

The Wolf approaches her slowly lowering himself against her. With a swift movement, she was now mounted on his back. Beginning to walk into the darkness of the forest. Elisabeth looks out to see the townsfolk running like chickens back to the palisaded village.

Taking handfuls of the wolf's fur Elisabeth held on while the Wolf gave a howl and took off running. Upon this great wolf's back Elisabeth exhaustion caught up with her. Descending into blackness as she lay against his back.

(Morning light)

Elisabeth lays steadily rocking in the firm grip of a strong young man. Walking in the forest Elizabeth did not know where she was. Nor did she know who carried her, but she was safe for all she knew.

“Wake up Betsy... Wake up” her eyes groggily open as she looks up to see the handsome face looking down at her. A smile across his stubbled chin there is a fresh scratch against his left cheek gave her pause before remembering.

The Black wolf took an arrow grazing his cheek. The man holding her was the Black wolf... but how did he know her name?

“I am sorry to bring you like this. But I could not let them hurt you like so” Elisabeth’s eyes narrow as she looks up to him.

“Why?” looking back to Elisabeth the man smiles.

“Do you know wolves mate for life... they find a partner and stay with them forever... I am drawn to you Betsy, no way I can explain it”

“Betsy the only one I let call me Betsy was... Thomas the hermit's son?” Thomas smiles looking down on her
“very good memory Miss. Granger” smiling Elisabeth raises a hand to Thomas's chin

“you’ve grown up quite handsome” he smiles blushing looking down on her

“I am glad you think so because now you are stuck with me” he smiles pecking her cheek continuing to walk on.

Elisabeth Beatrice Granger was accused of witchcraft and sentenced to be Bait for a Werewolf. By dawns morning light she would be a Werewolves witch.
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Post by Caesar73 »

The Idea is very good! A werwolfe and a witch? Truly a classic!
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Post by MountainMan_91 »


This was such a great read!

You had me worried for her life, great twist that the wolf saves her, and turns out to be a hunky wild boy inlove with her.

Wonderful and sweet!

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