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Vacation Submissive- Written by AI (FF/M) (Fiction)

Posted: Sat May 18, 2024 11:23 am
by Hogtieguy
I used the Google AI to help write this fictional vacation tugs story. It came out pretty good so I had to share. I now want to actually experience this :lol: Hope you enjoy!
The Florida sun beat down on the windshield as Kayla navigated the winding streets towards Emily's house. We were on our way to the Caribbean resort, a three-hour drive filled with the promise of sunshine, cocktails, and my unusual role as their "submissive vacationer."
Kayla, ever the instigator, had reminded me on the way about our movie night confession and Emily, who was new to the group, had latched onto the idea with an almost frightening enthusiasm. Apparently, she wasn't just interested in a playful power dynamic; she craved the full experience of dominance and submission.

As we pulled up to Emily's neatly manicured house, my palms started to sweat. Unlike Kayla's casual amusement, Emily's eyes gleamed with a playful cruelty that was both exciting and a little terrifying.

"Alright, Shawn," she announced, swinging open the car door with a flourish. "Time to get into character."

Before I could question what that meant, she extended her hand towards me. Confused, I held it out, and with a practiced click, a pair of genuine police handcuffs clamped around my wrists. The metal was cold and surprisingly tight, a tangible reminder of the power shift.
"Let me guess," Kayla said, a smile tugging at the corner of her lips, "Those aren't exactly fashion accessories?"

"Nope," Emily grinned, handing me a small card. "But consider them a learning experience. These stay on for the drive, and remember what we discussed – silence is golden. Any complaints about the cuffs, or even a single peep without permission, and they go behind your back for the entire trip. Sound fair, Shawn?"

Fair? Not particularly. But the unexpectedness of it all, the slight sting of the tightened metal, sent a strange thrill through me. I mumbled a hesitant "yes" and watched in nervous anticipation as Kayla pulled away from the curb.

The three-hour drive was a blur of highway scenery and the rhythmic clinking of my handcuffed hands. Kayla and Emily chatted animatedly about upcoming concerts and gossip, their voices a distant hum against the backdrop of my pounding heart. The silence was forced, yes, but it also felt strangely liberating. There were no decisions to make, no need to contribute to the conversation. I was a passenger in every sense of the word.

Finally, the sprawling resort came into view, a haven of palm trees and turquoise water. Relief washed over me, tinged with a touch of disappointment. It wasn't the handcuffs I was eager to shed, but the uncertainty of what awaited us next.
We settled into our luxurious suite, a haven of plush robes and ocean views. Kayla, in a predictable move, disappeared into the bathroom for a long, refreshing shower. Emily, sensing an opportunity, wasted no time.

"Alright, Shawn," she said, her voice low and dangerous. "Time for a little more practice."

Before I could protest, she guided me towards the living room floor. "Lie down," she commanded, gesturing towards the cool tiles. My stomach clenched, but I obeyed, a strange mix of apprehension and anticipation building within me.

With practiced ease, Emily pulled my hands back behind my back and secured them with a disturbingly professional array of zip ties I hadn't noticed before. "There," she said, her voice satisfied. "Now stay put and relax. I need to make a call."

Relax? With my hands tied behind my back, sprawled face-down on the cool floor? It was a challenge, but I closed my eyes and focused on the sound of the gentle waves crashing against the shore. Just then, the bathroom door opened.

Kayla appeared, a towel wrapped around her head, her eyes widening at the sight of me. A slow smile spread across her face. "Oh Shawn," she chuckled, "Emily, this is perfect. But let's give our submissive a little more incentive to be good, shall we?"

I held my breath as Emily, a mischievous glint in her eye, grabbed a length of rope from her bag. The next few minutes were a blur of binding and tightening, with Kayla offering playful suggestions and Emily tying my ankles with practiced efficiency.

"There," Kayla announced, surveying her handiwork. "He's not going anywhere. How about we leave him here for a bit, while we grab a bite to eat at the pool bar? What do you say, Emily?"

The sound of the ocean breeze was the only answer as the two girls vanished out the door, leaving me bound and helpless, a strange mix of fear and excitement coursing through me. The "submissive vacation" had truly begun.

The rhythmic clink of their laughter grew faint as the door shut behind them. Bound and alone, a strange peace washed over me. The fear had morphed into a curious acceptance, fueled by the throbbing ache in my wrists and the tightening sensation of the ropes.
An hour later, the sound of the door handle turning jolted me back to reality. Kayla and Emily bustled in, faces flushed slightly from the midday sun. They carried brightly colored cocktails, their initial smiles replaced by frowns.

"Ugh, the poolside food was atrocious," Emily grumbled, flopping onto the couch. "They only had like, three options for vegan burgers."
Kayla sighed. "And the pina coladas tasted like they used syrup from a can. Shawn?" she asked, her voice softening. "You still alright back there?"

I surprised even myself when I said, "Actually, yes. It's... interesting."

Emily raised an eyebrow, a playful challenge in her eyes. "Good submissive," she said, drawing out the word. "Finding pleasure in discomfort is a valuable skill."

"Alright," Kayla announced, seemingly forgetting her earlier frustration. "We're starving. How about you whip us up a gourmet meal, Shawn? We brought you sustenance, the least you can do is return the favor."

My stomach rumbled helpfully, reminding me of the last time I'd eaten – which was probably before the handcuffs went on.
"Absolutely," I replied, a small smile playing on my lips. "But first..." I gestured towards my predicament. "Bathroom break?"

Emily chuckled. "Of course, servant. But under our terms." She outlined the plan: they'd untie me, let me stretch and use the facilities, then I'd prepare them a gourmet feast, complete with a "restaurant-style" serving experience. However, before they untied me, there was one more condition.

"After dinner," Emily said, holding up the handcuffs with a glint in her eye, "I'm taking you to the spare room. You'll be tied up securely for a few hours. Any fighting or resistance, and…" she trailed off, leaving the threat hanging in the air.
My heart hammered a little faster, but the image of the plush spare room with its ocean view was oddly enticing. I surprised myself again by readily agreeing. "No fighting, no resistance. Consider it done."

Their eyes widened in surprise, then a slow grin spread across Kayla's face. "Good boy, Shawn," she said, a hint of amusement in her voice.
With that, they began the untying process, their laughter echoing in the room once more. The "submissive vacation" had taken another unexpected turn, and I, the unwilling participant at first, found myself strangely eager to see where it led next.

The rest of the evening unfolded in a surreal, yet strangely satisfying, way. I cooked, they ate, and I served, bowing slightly after each course, feeling oddly proud of my performance. As twilight settled, Emily led me to the spare room, a playful glint in her eyes. True to her word, she secured me with the handcuffs, a strange combination of apprehension and exhilaration coursing through me.
As they left, Kayla winked. "Enjoy your solitude, Shawn. We'll be back in a few hours."

Alone in the cool, dimly lit room, I closed my eyes and listened to the sounds of the ocean. The experience had pushed my boundaries, challenged my comfort zone, but a curious sense of liberation had taken root within me. This wasn't punishment, it was an exploration, a thrilling experiment in power dynamics and hidden desires.

As the hours melted away, I realized this wasn't just about Kayla and Emily exerting control. It was about me – about discovering a side of myself I never knew existed. And as I lay there, the rhythmic sound of the waves a constant companion, a surprising thought surfaced – maybe, just maybe, I was starting to enjoy being their submissive.

Ten minutes bled into twenty, then thirty. The initial thrill of being alone started to wane, replaced by a dull ache in my wrists and a growing curiosity. Casually, I flexed my fingers, surprised by the small amount of slack in the handcuffs. Could it be...?

With a hesitant tug, the metal yielded slightly. Hope surged through me. A few more determined pulls, and with a satisfying click, one cuff slipped free. My heart pounded in my chest as I worked on the other, adrenaline fueling my movements. Finally, with a sigh of relief, I slipped both cuffs onto the floor, the cold metal a stark contrast to the warm tile.

The triumph was short-lived. A muffled "thump" from outside the door instantly doused my elation. Emily. Panic seized me. I scrambled to put the handcuffs back on, my fumbling fingers betraying my rising fear. Just as I secured the last clasp, the doorknob rattled.
"Shawn?" Emily's voice called out, laced with suspicion. "Everything okay in there?"

Thinking fast, I threw myself onto the bed, voice muffled by the pillow. "Yeah, yeah, just… relaxing!" I mumbled, hoping she wouldn't hear the tremor in my voice.

The silence stretched, thick and suffocating. Then, the creak of the door opening. I squeezed my eyes shut, bracing myself for her wrath.
"Shawn?" she said again, this time closer. Her hand reached out and yanked the covers off me. My heart hammered a frantic rhythm against my ribs.

The sight of my empty wrists hit her like a slap. Her face contorted in a mix of anger and betrayal. "You broke the rules, Shawn," she spat, her voice tight.

"I… I just needed a little more… slack," I stammered, my voice barely a squeak.

"Slack?" she scoffed. "We didn't tighten them because we wanted you comfortable, not because you could just… escape!"

Her anger was a palpable force in the room. She grabbed the handcuffs again, her movements rough this time. They snapped on my wrists with a painful click, much tighter than before. Tears welled up in my eyes, but before they could spill, she lunged for my legs, securing them with a length of rope I hadn't noticed before.

The world seemed to shrink around me. Panic clawed at my throat, making it hard to breathe. This wasn't playful anymore. This was fear, raw and primal.

With a final flourish, she grabbed a crumpled sock from her backpack and shoved it roughly into my mouth. Then, with practiced ease, she applied a strip of duct tape across my lips, effectively silencing me.

"There," she said, her voice cold. "Maybe you'll learn some respect for the rules next time."

The click of the door shutting was the last sound I heard before darkness consumed me, leaving me a prisoner in my own personal hell. The playful experiment had taken a dark turn, and the rest of the vacation stretched before me, long and uncertain.

The darkness was suffocating, broken only by the throbbing pain in my wrists and the muffled sound of my own ragged breaths. Shame gnawed at me. The thrill of breaking free had vanished, replaced by a sickening realization of my own stupidity.

Tears trickled down my cheeks, soaking the rough fabric of the gag. It was my fault. The playful fantasy had taken a terrifying turn, and I had instigated it.

Twenty minutes felt like an eternity. Then, the sound of footsteps and muffled voices gave me a sliver of hope. The doorknob rattled, and the door creaked open. Light flooded the room, revealing Kayla and Emily standing there, concern etched on their faces.

Emily was the first to speak. With a soft sigh, she peeled the tape from my lips. Her touch was surprisingly gentle. "Alright, Shawn," she said, her voice calmer now but still stern. "Do you want to continue with the role-play, or do you want this to end?"

My voice emerged hoarse and scratchy. "Continue," I croaked, surprising myself. The initial fear hadn't completely dissipated, but buried beneath it was a strange yearning, a twisted sense of desire for the power dynamic that had been established.

A flicker of surprise crossed Emily's face, then a slow smile spread across her lips. "Good," she said, her voice regaining its playful edge. "But trust needs to be rebuilt, wouldn't you agree?"

She approached me, kneeling down so our eyes met. "You broke the rules, Shawn," she continued, her voice low and dangerous. "And for that, there will be consequences."

As she spoke, she worked on the knots binding my legs. My muscles screamed in protest as I stretched, the pain a harsh reminder of my actions.

"When I put the cuffs back on," she continued, her eyes glinting with an almost playful sadism, "you will stay in them. No matter what. No more escape attempts."

Shame washed over me again. "I understand," I mumbled, my voice thick with regret. "I'm so sorry."

She smiled tightly. "Apologies are appreciated," she said, snapping the handcuffs on my wrists this time with a satisfying click. They were tighter than before, the metal digging into my skin. A whimper escaped my lips, but I held it back.

"Good boy," she said, her voice dripping with mock sweetness. "Now, let's see if you can behave for the rest of the night."

The rest of the evening unfolded in a haze of pain and twisted pleasure. I performed my "servant" duties with renewed zeal, desperate to appease them. The fear hadn't completely vanished, but it was laced with a strange undercurrent of excitement. The lines between submission and punishment had blurred, and I wasn't entirely sure which one I craved more.

As the week progressed, a new rhythm settled in. We played out our elaborate scenarios, the boundaries constantly being pushed, the power dynamic shifting and changing. There were moments of genuine fear, of course, but there were also unexpected moments of laughter and a growing sense of intimacy, albeit unconventional.

By the time we boarded the plane home, I knew the "submissive vacation" had changed me. It wasn't just about the physical restraints or the playful domination. It was about exploring a hidden part of myself, a side that thrived on surrender and control.

We never repeated the experiment in its entirety, but the memory remained a secret we shared, a reminder of the wild, unexpected journey we had embarked on together. And somewhere deep down, I knew that if the opportunity ever arose, I might just be willing to be their submissive again.

Re: Vacation Submissive- Written by AI (FF/M) (Fiction)

Posted: Sun May 19, 2024 7:15 am
by superduperwaveydavey
@Hogtieguy This is fantastic. Thanks for posting. Which Google AI product is this and how do you access it? Is it free or premium?