A Policewoman's lot can be a Happy One ( FF/FM )

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A Policewoman's lot can be a Happy One ( FF/FM )

Post by LunaDog »


When a felon’s not engaged in his employment (his employment)
Or maturing his felonious little plans (little plans)
His capacity for innocent enjoyment (-cent enjoyment)
Is just as great as any honest man’s (honest man’s)
Our feeling we with difficulty smother (-culty smother)
When constabulary duties to be done (to be done)
Ah, take one consideration with another (with another)
A policeman’s lot is not a happy one
When constabulary duties to be done, to be done
A policeman’s lot is not a happy one

When the enterprising burglar’s not a’burgling (not a'burgling)
When the cut-throat isn’t occupied in crime (-pied in crime)
He loves to hear the little brook a’gurgling (brook a'gurgling)
And listen to the merry village chime (village chime)
When the coster’s finished jumping on his mother (on his mother)
He loves to lie a’basking in the sun (in the sun)
Ah, take one consideration with another (with another)
A policeman’s lot is not a happy one
When constabulary duties to be done, to be done
A policeman’s lot is not a happy one (happy one.)

From ‘The Pirates of Penzance’ by Gilbert and Sullivan

Detective Superintendent Sharon Greenhouse arrived home with a question on her mind, one she immediately asked her wife, Celia, upon being warmly greeted by her loving spouse. “Darling is it actually possible for a leopard to, in fact, be able to change its spots?”
“Oh sweetheart, you’ve got an unusual case on here, haven’t you? Out with it!”
“Yes. Remember I told you about that married couple, where the husband had been raped by his mother-in-law, and the wife abused by her new stepfather?”
“Yes. I vaguely recall this one. Remember I’m not directly involved like you are, my love.”
“Well, we arrested them today. All went well, and in fact the mother-in-law turned all remorseful, making a full statement pleading full guilt. Which didn’t go down well with the husband, or his solicitor. At first, I assumed it was simply a case of the normal when this happens, the suspect is not sorry at all, but have simply realised the evidence against them is overwhelming and are trying to engineer a reduced sentence. But my gut feeling here, is that there has been some sort of ‘St Paul on the road to Damascus’ situation going on here. I actually believe that she has accepted the disgusting nature of just what she has done, agrees that she needs to be punished and is trying to make some amends. Oh well, they’re both in the cells tonight, tomorrow they’re up before the magistrates, who will, no doubt, refer the whole thing to Crown Court.”
“Well let’s not dwell upon them until tomorrow, Sweetheart. As you do seem somewhat distracted, I believe it might be better if I tie you up tonight, as opposed to you, me?”
“I agree Darling Celia. It would be better that way; it’ll help me clear my mind. One thing I have thought about though, the young husband and wife. They seem really decent, and up for some rope work, but only by people they trust and like. I’d like to invite them here one night for dinner and drinks, and if, well, they ARE in the mode for some bondage, it’ll be rude of us to deny them! Make it like our wedding night. What a time THAT was!”
“Wasn’t it just Sharon. We could do with some practice like that, it’s Anita and Claire’s own wedding approaching, and we OWE them some payback!”
“Ironically the mother-in-law’s moniker here is also Claire. Mrs Claire Imogen Jennifer Duckworth. Wonder if this marriage, which I believe is very young still, will survive this?”
“I’d be more worried about your own marriage Sweetheart, if you’re not washed and in our bedroom in ten minutes time, just dressed in your lingerie and lying on our bed, ready for me to tie you securely to it!”

Sharon was in fact ready within the allotted time, just wearing the normal red, definitely Celia’s colour of choice, suspender belt and stockings. Placing herself centrally on their, red again, satin covered marital bed. Waiting for her wife to blindfold her, tie her wrists and ankles securely to the outer posts of the solid upper and lower bed frames, and then shag her half to death. As usual, Celia fully obliged! Which DID allow Sharon to forget about the two prisoners and their fate, worrying instead about her own, subject to the gorgeous Celia’s utterly awesome sexual skills and desires.

When both Claire and Graeme appeared before the local magistrates the following morning, as expected the case was referred to the full Crown Court. Both of them being granted bail in the meantime. When Sharon’s ‘gut feeling’ came into the equation again. Bear in mind that this lady officer was the youngest ever female officer to attain the rank of Superintendent in the entire history of the British Police Force, and no, she’d not had any high-ranking family members assisting her progress. This ‘gut feeling’ of hers had proven correct time and time again, often in the face of disbelief from her colleagues, especially in the early days when she’d been a junior officer.

To escort this couple home, Sharon had deliberately assigned a pair of very big, strong and powerful male officers, ordering them to park close to their home once they’d dropped off Claire and Graeme. For Sharon had sensed the trouble brewing between them as a result of Claire’s contrition, so she told those two men to stick close to the house, in case their presence was needed. As it proved to be.

No sooner had Claire and Graeme entered than the raised voices began. And it was after a particular frightened scream from Claire, followed by a violent crash as Graeme attacked her, that the policemen acted. Realising that they’d never break through the property’s solid door in time, one of them smashed a large window with his baton. Which enable them to fully open it, and enter the house, rushing to where Graeme was violently assaulting Claire, who by now had been knocked to the ground.

Where, like most bullies for Graeme certainly answered as such, the prospect of a REAL fight with two burly police officers instead of his dainty wife, frightened him beyond belief, and he immediately capitulated. One of them cuffed his arms behind his back, then using his partner’s cuffs, locked Graeme to a large and basically immoveable piece of furniture. Then radioed for an ambulance to attend, for as his partner who had rushed to Claire’s stricken body had indicated, she was in a really bad condition.

Both officers waited, attending as much first aid as they could as they waited for the ambulance to arrive, not paying her bound husband any attention at all, being ignored was something he wasn’t used to at all. His cries of “what about me? I AM here you know,” were met with total scorn. These officers couldn’t believe just how callous and selfish he was.
“I’d damn well keep quite if I was you! Look at what you’ve done. Don’t worry once the medics have taken over, then we’ll have time for you, and we’ll formally arrest you then. But for now, SHUT UP!” At least he had the sense to obey.

Soon the ambulance arrived, and the wounded Claire was taken off to hospital by the crew. Satisfied that they could do nothing more for her, the officers now did just what they said. Formally placing Graeme under arrest for assault, resulting in actual, possibly grievous, bodily harm, they unlocked him from the furniture, but not the handcuffs linking his arms. Taking him out of the house, placing him in their vehicle, and to the station.

Where he was interviewed and formally charged by the aghast Sharon, clearly relieved that once again she’d followed her ‘gut instinct,’ for it was clear that had she not done so the charge would quite possibly have been murder. After which she visited Claire in hospital, taking a statement from the victim. Before going to inform her daughter and her son-in-law of Graeme’s vicious and evil attack.
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Post by LunaDog »

I opened the door to see Detective Superintendent Greenhouse standing there, a concerned look upon her face. “Is Lucy in?” She asked.
“Yes. Sharon, this looks serious, you’d better come in.” I stood aside to allow her to enter, leading her to the sitting room where Lucy was watching the television.

“I am afraid I have some bad news for you both.” Looking at Lucy, Sharon resumed. “Your mother has been violently assaulted by her husband and is currently in St James’s hospital.”
“WHAT?” Lucy stammered.
“Why Sharon?” I joined in the conversation.
“Well, she had the decency to come ‘clean’ about the rape of you two by her and her husband, and I guess he wasn’t too keen about that. He’s still trying to deny it, but he’ll have more serious charges to worry about now. However, the point is, she’s asking to see you both. I must say, that in my opinion, she really is sorry about what she did to you.”
“I believe you Sharon.” Lucy replied. “Yes, we’ll visit her. Which ward is she on?”
Sharon informed us, and we went to get dressed to go outside.

And she accompanied us to said ward, where two facts became clear. Firstly, Graeme had done a ‘real’ job upon her, Claire could hardly open her swollen eyes to determine that we’d responded to her request. Her body looked broken, but we had been reassured by a doctor before we’d entered the room, that none of her injuries were life threatening, or that she wouldn’t, given time, recover from any of them. And the other thing was that Sharon’s assessment seemed to be correct, Claire did address us full of remorse for her previous abuse of us. And, obviously, she now had divorce in mind.

So, there happened to be some legal requirements we needed to attend to. Firstly, Lucy and I recorded an official plea of mercy regarding Claire’s upcoming rape trial, we still wanted her punished, as she fully accepted the need of, but now we were hoping the judge would be lenient, regarding her sentence. Of course, her legal hearing would now take place separately from her husbands with him having a further, far more serious, case to answer to now.

Divorce proceedings were now instigated, Lucy contacting a solicitor recommended by Sharon. Graeme’s bank accounts were frozen, and the large marital home put up for sale. And when Claire left hospital, and whilst she was awaiting trial, Graeme’s money was used for her to stay in a rather nice hotel. Thankfully when she had married Graeme the latter, despite being advised to do so, had not insisted upon any pre-nuptial agreement. Claire could now, and especially because of his assault upon her, take him to the cleaners.

Also because of her intended ‘guilty’ plea, the date of Claire’s court case arrived fairly quickly. Lucy and I both attended court, where we were met by both Sharon and her wife, Celia. Who looked utterly gorgeous, and it was obvious to us that these two loved each other deeply.

With Claire indeed pleading guilty, and making a speech freely admitting her wrong, the judge, having read Lucy’s plea for mercy, showed precisely that. “Claire Imogen Jennifer Duckworth, at first,” he started his summing up as he announced sentence, “I had considered a sentence of five years appropriate for your callous actions. But, having noted your very real contrition, which is fully acknowledged by the very victims of your crimes and taking into consideration of their plea for mercy on your behalf, I have decided that three years in prison will be sufficient punishment. Therefore, that is the term that you shall serve.”

Lucy seemed completely satisfied with that, as was I. Sure, Claire was receiving punishment for just what she’d done, but as she was genuinely sorry and remorseful, we were glad it wasn’t for too long a period. And Lucy informed her that we would be willing to help her firstly with her divorce and break from the man who had so violently attacked her, and also when she was released having served her time.

As Claire was led away to begin her punishment, Sharon approached us, in the presence of her wife, inviting us to dinner at their home on the following Saturday. Looking at Lucy, and having awaited her nod of approval, after all once before I’d accepted an invitation without consulting her and it had led directly to this court appearance, I gratefully accepted. “Thank you, Sharon, that would be lovely. So pleased to meet you too Celia, yes Lucy and I will be delighted to dine with you.”
“Good. You’re more than welcome to stay overnight, no worrying about drinking and driving then. You might encounter a police officer that night, after all!”

I have to admit that I was really looking forward to dining with these two, I certainly believed that Celia in particular could be highly skilled in the kitchen. And I willingly admit that I was of the firm opinion that bedroom action was the last thing on their mind. Could I have been more wrong?

It did strike me that their invite was quite early in the day, but they explained that by lying, and claiming that Sharon’s term of duty on the following day was scheduled for an early start, in fact she had no duty on that next day. But Lucy and I had no idea of this, we’d believed her.

So, we turned up at about four o’clock that afternoon, to be warmly greeted by our hosts. Both dressed in red we noticed. Which definitely extended to the sheer nylon adorning both of their legs. I noticed that they did seem a little sexily dressed for a dinner party. But they came to the point almost immediately!

Sharon smiled. “I realise that this is a little bit early for a normal dinner party, but before we eat, I’ve had this gut feeling that the pair of you might be interested in some sexual action before we enjoy dinner!” Gut feeling again, you notice. Also correct as normal.
“What have you got in mind, Sharon?” Asked Lucy.
“Something that happened to Celia and I on our wedding night. Something that we very much enjoyed and believe that you might do so too.”
“Go on, this sounds intriguing.” I joined in the conversation.
“You’ve never been tied to each other AND the bed, I take it?”

Lucy and I looked at one another and smiled, a really dirty smile. “No Sharon, we haven’t,” my wife replied. “But we sure are willing to try!”
“Good.” Celia answered. “And we will let you. If you’d like to follow me.” Walking up the stairs, closely followed by Lucy and me, with Sharon bringing up the real. Almost as if we were a pair of prisoners being escorted. Not a bad analogy to be honest, we were heading towards confinement, to our hosts bed!
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Post by Caesar73 »

I do like this continuation. Graeme is Areal piece of work. That the Judge was lenient is a good Thing. NYow I am looking forward to the next part ....
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Post by LunaDog »

Thank you, glad you enjoyed it. Mind you, i seem to have got myself in some trouble with this one. Ever since i started it, i've been driving my work colleagues mad as i keep singing the Gilbert and Sullivan song that i started this story with!
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Post by LunaDog »

Which, when we reached the bedroom, we discovered was covered in red satin, with two sets of red stockings and suspender belts upon it. Remember Sharon had seen me tied to Claire’s bed wearing such items before, and it was within the clasps of said belt that she’d hidden her listening device, when gathering evidence of my rape by Claire. And by now she knew that I actually loved the feel of sheer nylon against the skin of my legs.

Sharon’s voice rang out. “Right, to business then. Each of you undress the other, alternatively, one item of clothing at a time. And then, if you would care to place your partner in those items.” Pointing at the red lingerie on the bed. With Lucy and I smiling at ourselves, and within five minutes we had obeyed, and now stood by the bed, just dressed in suspended stockings and no other apparel whatsoever. Awaiting our next command.

Which, this time was issued by Celia. “Please, decide amongst yourselves, who will be directly on the bed, and then would that person please climb aboard as it were.” Lucy nodded at them, and me and then did as directed, laying herself down on the red satin, and spread herself out, moving her limbs out towards the four corner bedposts.

Sharon took over the commands again, and addressing me, she instructed me to grab the leather cuff sets offered to me by Celia. The very same items that had been used to confine them on that memorable wedding night. And here, before I proceed any further with this tale, I need to explain how these leather cuff arrangements worked. At each end of a length of chain, about two foot long, was attached a red, of course, leather cuff. And in-between was another cuff, the chain having been fed to its ‘D’ ring, meaning it couldn’t be detached at all, but could slide up and down. The idea being that one of the ‘end’ cuffs fits around the bed post, the other end around the bound human on top. With the person laying on the bed itself being restrained by the ‘slidable’ cuff. Well, it worked for our potential captors on their wedding night!

As ordered then, I fitted one end of each of the four sets around the corner bedposts, then fastened Lucy to our captor’s bed, with these ‘middle’ cuffs. And then laid my form on top of hers and spread myself out just as she had done. Between them Sharon and Celia soon had the pair of us locked together.

“It seems our guests are ready for the next stage, Sharon Darling.” Celia commented, as she fetched two red blindfolds, and two sets of nipple clamps. The very ones they had been subjected to when they had married. The blindfolds were fitted, but not in position yet. Thus, both Lucy and I were granted the privilege of seeing our nipples played with and rather painfully clamped, being linked together and restricting the movement that we could pull apart from each other without pain. Then both our worlds were reduced to complete darkness.

So, we could hear Sharon’s voice, but not see either her or Celia, as she outlined just what was expected of us now. “Listen well you two, you are both ours now, you completely belong to Celia and me. And our bed. Which we will not release you from until you’ve entertained us to our satisfaction. What do we want to see, Celia?”
“Correct! In particular hard, fast and above all raw, SEX!”

By now my rampant cock had already found its way ‘home’ and was fully inserted within Lucy’s soaking wet pussy. Anyway, hadn’t the pair of us just been issued a command by a very senior Police Officer. It would be rude, possibly illegal to refuse, wouldn’t it? So, we started.

Naturally the first climax arrived all too soon and arrived rather quickly. That didn’t stop it being very intense though, as Lucy and I screamed our heads off, trapped in the real grip of pure ecstasy!

Now, during the fifteen or so minutes Mother Nature insists that a male needs in order to ‘go again,’ we discovered that Celia and Sharon were most certainly not content to play the role of simply spectators. For within that period of time, their hands were constantly rubbing part of Lucy’s and my bodies, especially our sheer nylon covered legs, gently caressing and well and truly keeping the fires of sexual excitement stoked. Leaving us no respite at all.

Thankfully my cock did manage to respond eventually, and onto Round Two we moved. And although we took a little longer to reach that delicious state of climax again, if anything it was even more explosive than the first time! Thank you, Celia and Sharon!

Who were in no mood for mercy and kept as ‘at it’ for almost two hours, until it was absolutely clear that both of us were clearly spent. We were finished, true, but with massive smile upon both our exhausted faces.

“Celia, I think our guests have given everything they have for our entertainment and have nothing left! But I’m impressed. I believe it’s time to call a halt to proceedings!” Oh, and by the way, Ladies and Gentlemen, I suspect that none of you will have any difficulty in believing that these two minxes had ‘played’ with themselves during the time of our confinement!

With that at last Lucy and I were released from the bed and each other, immediately embracing our two captors in cuddles of real friendship. We were then allowed to visit the bathroom, for both the obvious and to wash off the excess sweat our ‘activities’ had generated. For yes, whilst it was now time for what we’d actually been invited for, dinner, we were going to be eating it dressed as we were, just in stockings. Although Celia did allow us to fit some panties, but female ones, even for me.

Well, my suspicions and hopes about Celia’s abilities in the kitchen proved to be absolutely spot on, as she produced a truly magnificent meal for the four of us to enjoy. And as they had promised, the wine did flow. At one point Sharon raised a glass. “You see Darling, and my good friends, there are times, and this is one of them, when it can be said that…” pausing for a moment.

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Post by harveygasson »

Great sequel to your other story!
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