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What Happens to Horse Thieves (M/F)

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2024 3:46 pm
by DioA
“Dad, you can’t do this!”

Tears ran down Kassidy’s face as she watched Calliope get loaded into the back of the auctioneer’s trailer. Her father Mark held her back as she sobbed. Her heart broke as the gravel churned underneath the truck’s tires. The truck drove past the foreclosed sign by the farm house, merging onto the road. “There’s nothing left to be done.”

A few weeks later, Kass found herself at the auction that Calliope was being sold at. She had scrapped together everything she had left. Being 27 and having worked on the failing ranch her whole life, she didn’t have much, but it was going to have to be enough. She didn’t know what she’d do without her Calliope. She’d raised her from a foal, her late mother having done the same to the mare the foaled Calliope.

She leaned up next to the railing, waiting. Horses were sold, one after another, until it was Calliope up for auction. She placed her opening bid, which was met and raised. She stayed in the running until she hit her limit. “23 going once, going twice, going three times. So-“


Kass didn’t hear anything past that. She’d lost. Looking over at the sun of a bitch who stole her hose, her heart sank. The winder bidder was Austin McAllister. He owned the largest ranch in the county. He was practically the Prince of the area. He’d been running the ranch ever since he was 16 and his parents passed away.

“Mr. McAllister, Mr. McAllister, wait.” Kass yelled as she chased down the man that bought her horse.

“Well if it isn’t little miss Kass.” He said, looking down at her. Even though he was only in his early thirties, he acted like one of these ancient ranchers. “I’m sorry to hear about what happened.”

“Well, what’s done is done but I need to buy this horse off you.”

“You could’ve just done that. You should’ve bid more.”

“I couldn’t. I placed everything I had. Please, I’ll get you the extra.”

“And where are you going to keep her? How are you going to feed her? I can’t in good conscience sell you this beauty. You know that. If you ever get it together enough, we can talk. Until then, please just leave me alone. We all got sob stories, young lady. It’s important we don’t let them define us.”

For the second time she watched as another man drove off with her horse.

In the dark sky of the new moon, Kass found herself creeping up to the McAllister’s barn. From her hat down to her riding boots, black covered her body. She even had a black bandana tied around her face. Her blond hair was tucked up into the hat. Walking around back, she snuck into the barn. She was surprised it was unlocked, but of course who’d be foolish enough to steal from the McAllisters. You could ride all day and still be on their land.

Walking past the stalls, she looked for Calliope. Her heart pounded when she was her. She entered, placing her head on Calliope’s. Kass was so relieved that she didn’t even notice when a lasso went over head and drew tight around her stomach. “What do you think you’re doing with my horse?” Austin asked.

Kass was dragged back as Austin took her to the ground and began tying her wrists together. “Get the fuck off me!” Kass yelled.

“Let’s not forget you’re stealing from me.”

Kass then had her ankles bound, before having them drawn back in a hogtie. “You know there used to be a time we hung horse thieves.” Austin said.

“Used to be a time we looked after each other.” Kass replied.

“Wait.” Austin said as her removed the bandana from Kass’s face. “Oh goddamnit. Kass, what do you think you’re doing.”

“Well, it’s pretty obvi- mmmph!” Her words were cut off by the bandana being tied between her teeth. Austin then placed his arms under her and threw her over his shoulder.

“Come on, we’ll wait in the house for the cops to get here.”

Now this time, Calliope had to watch as Kass was dragged away from her.

Re: What Happens to Horse Thieves (M/F)

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2024 4:11 pm
by Mister The Edge
Great premise and a great start.