Anna'a First Time Tied Up (M/F)

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Anna'a First Time Tied Up (M/F)

Post by Brez510 »

Patti, Anna, and Kerry are three women in their 20’s who through various circumstances found out that they all had a love of tie up games and role playing.

To find out how Patti met Anna and their shared love of tie up games please read “Patti’s Payback.”
To learn how Anna met Kerry please read “Anna Finds Trouble.”
To hear how Kerry was tied up for the first time ever read “Kerry’s Strange Tale.”
All the stories are easy to find at-

If you read Kerry’s Strange Tale, you’d know the three girls were at Patti and Anna’s favorite bar in Pompano Beach, Florida.

Anna was introducing Patti to Kerry for the first time. As the red wine flowed Kerry told Patti and Anna about the first time she was tied up.
After Kerry, and some more wine, Patti suggested it was Anna’s turn to tell the tale of the first time she was tied up.

Just a brief description of Anna for those who have not read past stories: Anna is tall, 5’10”. She lived in Germany until she came to the US two years ago to teach Phys Ed in a private high school in Florida. She was a track and field star when she was in school in Germany.
Anna, as you can guess, is very fit. No fat. Lean solid muscles throughout her body. Short white blond hair, blue eyes.

Here’s Anna’s story told to Patti and Kerry:

Well guys, the first time I was tied up was filled with various emotional feelings.

It was at the same time exciting, cruel, sexually a major turn on, humiliating and somewhat innocent. A lot of different reactions packed into one experience.

I was in my last year in gymnasium. That’s the German equivalent of high school.

My school traveled to a track and field meet where many schools participated. For me it was my last event before I graduated. I was 18 at the time.

The meet was two hours away, so we traveled in really nice double decker coach buses that we used when we participated in these kinds of competitions. The boys’ team was on one bus while the girls rode another.

Our girls’ team was much superior to the boys. We were highly ranked while the boys always sat on the bottom of the standings.

While we ranked high up as an individual girls’ team, when we attended meets where the combined boys-girls totals were also used for awards, it inevitably dragged us down.

This caused some good-natured razzing and dissing between the boys’ and girls’ team.

I was co-captain of the girls’ team, probably too competitive for my own good, so I could tell when I threw tough shade at the boys, they took it more seriously. While they laughed at some of the girl’s comments, mine were met more with disdain. I should have known better.

At the conclusion of the meet, which the girls’ team won, and the boys team suffered another poor performance, we were told to leave the field house locker rooms and get back to our buses in forty five minutes.

And what a forty-five minutes it was.

I took a quick shower then dressed in track shorts, a sports bra and adidas athletic slide sandals for the trip home.

I always liked sitting in a front row seat on the second level of the double decker buses when we used them. Everyone wanted to sit there, so I went to the girl’s bus very early to claim a seat.

There must have been twenty buses from various schools all parked in a row. The front of the buses faced the athletic fields while their back ends faced woods.

As I was walking down the row of buses, just past the tenth or so, Jakob, one of the boys from my school team walked out from between two buses.
Anna, he said, I kicked a hacky sack ball under this bus by accident. I think it’s under the middle somewhere, can you help me find it?’

I told him sure. We walked between two buses. They were only parked a few feet apart.

I knelled down on the ground and looked under the bus. When I got up I was ready to tell Jakob that I didn’t see his ball, then I noticed three members of the boys team occupying the narrow space between the two buses where I had bent down.

Jakob shoved a cloth in my mouth, and quickly pushed me towards the back of the bus while the other team members helped. Once we were behind the bus, Jakob pushed me against the rear end of the vehicle.

Since we were behind the bus, and that end faced the woods, no one else could see what was going on.

The boys surrounded me and pushed hard into me, pinning me to the bus. Two boys held my arms over my head against the bus.

Well Anna, Jakob said to me, we have been waiting a few years for this moment, for your last track meet, to provide you with a little going away present. The boys track teams’ gift to you! This is going to be a special present for all the times you made fun of our team. You’re so predictable. You always leave the field house early to find your precious front row seat, so we knew you’d be alone.

I tried to scream through the cloth shoved into my mouth, but not enough sound came out to be heard by anyone. Besides anytime I did try to scream through the gag, Jakob put one hand across my mouth and his other arm across my neck.

I thought to myself that I would let them have their fun for a few minutes before they let me go. I probably deserved it for giving the team such a hard time over the years. Besides, the feeling of having my arms pinned to the rear of the bus by these boys while gagged was kind of erotic. I never had this feeling before.

I also got excited thinking that anyone walking past the front of the buses had no idea I was being held against my will and gagged outside in the rear end of the bus just several feet away.

I was excited and relieved at the same time. I knew these three boys. Away from the track team these guys were my friends. They weren’t real rapists or kidnappers or anything. Anyway, we were due back on the buses soon, so I knew my “gift” party was just about over……or was it?
Jakob nodded at the boys. They released my arms. Leon grabbed me by the waist and lifted me off the ground. Ansel pulled my legs up into his arms. The two boys carried me like that behind the buses until we got to the boys’ bus.

They carried me up the bus steps and put me in a seat.

I thought this little prank was over, but it was actually just starting!

Jakob pulled the cloth out of my mouth. My jaw was sore. One of the boys offered me a bottle of water while Jakob spoke.

Jakob said, Anna here is the plan. Everyone will be back on the bus shortly. We spoke to Ms. Bauer and asked her if you could ride on the boy’s bus to tutor Kurt on the way home to help him study for his final exams. She approved.

I didn’t like the sound of this. It seems like things were well planned out. Ms. Bauer was the head of Phys Ed at my school and chaperoned the girls’ bus. Mr. Becker, who was chaperoning the boys’ bus remained behind at the field with some of our other teacher-coaches for a post track meet seminar. That meant the boys’ bus would be un-chaperoned except for our driver, Mr. Neumann.

Jakob continued with his “plan.”

Anna, he said, we have a special place of honor for you during the ride home. I think you will find it interesting to say the least.

With that Jakob took me by the hand, pulled me out of the seat I was being held in and led me to the staircase behind the driver’s seat that had the steps to the second level of the double decker.

On each side of the steps up were poles that provided support.

Jakob asked Leon to bring the gym bag over. When Leon opened the bag, I looked in and saw white rope and a strip of cloth with a big knot in the middle.

I knew immediately I was in trouble. Are these boys going to tie me to the pole? That would be horrible and humiliating. I can understand a quick prank, which I thought the whole hacky sack thing was about, but this might be taking it way too far.

Jakob moved me to the pole and told me to cross my wrists behind my back and the pole. My worst fears were becoming a reality. Leon handed him a length of rope and he tightly tied my wrists together. He was handed another long length of rope and tied my elbows together.

I told Jakob that this wasn’t funny anymore. Before I could say anything else he took the knot from the strip of cloth and shoved it in my mouth. He tied it tightly, not behind my neck, but behind the pole. If I tried to move my head forward the knot in the gag just pulled further back into my mouth.

Jakob then took another rope and tied my ankles together. He took still another rope and tied it to my ankle rope and then pulled it tightly around the pole.

Jakob finished by running rope around the top and bottom of my breasts and tying it off behind the pole.

Of course, this whole process was now being videoed and pictures were taken of me getting tied up by Jakob.

I was embarrassed about the pictures. With just track shorts and a sports bra on I felt almost naked tied like this. I wished that I had worn my team sweatpants and jacket going home. I wanted to be covered up. It’s one thing to be dressed like I was with shorts and a sports bra normally, but another thing when you are tightly tied. I was paranoid. I thought the boys were staring at my breasts and legs in a sexual way. It was disturbing to me, but like when I was pinned behind the bus, also very erotic and very hot.

When Jakob was done the boys examined his handiwork. They all started laughing and congratulating Jakob for pulling off his little “gift” to me.
Jakob said to me," Anna, I think you are enjoying our little gift."

Mummmphhh, ummmm, I tried to talk through the gag. I was getting paranoid again, was Jakob being sarcastic or did he sense that I was in a very strange way actually enjoying this?

He said, well Anna, in a few minutes all the members of the boy’s track team will cheer the sight of you tied and gagged to the pole. Our little way of getting even with you for all the insults you threw at us for the last few years.’

Just as he finished saying that Mr. Neumann the driver got on the bus.
He asked what was going on.

Jakob told him it was a prank we were playing on Anna and the girls’ team.

Mr. Neumann stepped up to me and asked if I was ok with this.

At this point, I could have shaken my head no and the prank would have come to a quick end.

But even though I was humiliated, tied and gagged tightly on the pole and embarrassed at what I felt was my lack of clothes for such an escapade, I said through the gag I was fine.

You kids and your pranks, Mr. Neumann said.

Jakob told me only the other two boys with him knew about the prank. The rest of the team had no idea.

Just as he finished talking the boys’ team began piling on the bus. Jakob said that we have an honored guest for the ride home.

As each guy passed me on the way to a seat, they had a comment for me from ‘you deserve this Anna, to you look hot Anna, to the usual I’d stop to talk to you, but you look a little tied up.’

It was hard to grasp that here I was tied and gagged to a pole on the boy’s bus with a few dozen guys surrounding me. I was at their mercy. Most of the guys laughed and kidded around when they passed me, but a few I could see had a sexual look in their eyes like they were turned on seeing a bound and gagged girl on the bus. I was turned on too, actually getting wet.

The bus pulled out and during the ride boys came up to take selfies, group shots and just pictures of me tied up. There was nothing I could do about it, and while I initially found the picture taking humiliating, I now found it kind of erotic. I was under their control to do as they wished. I knew no one would get inappropriate, so I just went along, half hardily pretending to try to get loose and talk through my gag.

My earlier trepidations of feeling naked with what I was wearing disappeared. Now my mind was drifting in the opposite direction to what it would be like if I was truly almost naked, just wearing silk panties and high heels and tied to the pole? What about if I was blindfolded like that also. My imagination was getting the better of me.

After an hour we were halfway home and Mr. Neumann pulled into a truck stop so we could take a bathroom break and get some snacks.
“Twenty-minute stop,” he said.

I figured Jakob and the boys would untie me now and I would go back to the girl’s bus.

All the boys left the bus. Jakob was the only one left and told me with a laugh not to go anywhere.

It looked like I was going to be pole tied and gagged for the entire trip! I could live with

The bus was empty as everyone went outside. I was alone. It was a little strange and a little scary. Suppose someone found their way onto the bus and saw me like this? What would they do to me? I was helpless.

This question quickly became a reality.

A few moments later Mr. Neumann came back to the bus, this time not with boys but a half dozen grown men, all bus drivers or truckers who were in the rest stop.

He said that the boys track team was playing a prank on me. Again, the phones came out for videos, selfies, and pictures of me tied and gagged.
While the track team members’ comments were fun, these guys were a lot more intimidating, dark and lust filled in what they said. They made comments one after the other: Nice tight body - what steaming hot legs -I wish I had you in the back of my truck tied up and gagged like that - if kidnapping was only legal, you’d be me my first victim - I think she’s a tease and likes the attention - can I get your phone number?

Mr. Neumann seemed upset and jumped in. Guys, she’s only 18. She’s still a school kid. I should have never told you. Leave her alone. Get out of here. You had your fun I remember him telling them.

He apologized to me and said he thought they would just find it a funny prank, look and leave.

Mr. Neumann had no idea the comments were not upsetting me at all and actually getting me wet again. Tied and gagged and surrounded by big men with somewhat evil thoughts.

Again, my mind wandered to what one of the truckers said about kidnapping me.

I wondered what it would it really be like to be kidnapped by one of these big burly truckers and kept in their sleeping compartment to do as they wished with me?

I imagined myself as a hitchhiker wearing the tightest, shortest denim shorts and skimpy tube top with 5” stiletto heels getting picked up by two truckers who asked where I was going.

Berlin, I said. They said sorry we’re not going there. The trucker who wasn’t driving pushes me into the sleep compartment and binds my wrists and ankles with zip ties, then uses more to hog tie me. He grabs a bandana from his overnight bag and cleave gags me very tightly.

He gets back into the front seat with his partner talking about all the things they will do to me, while I try to break loose, fight the zip ties and moan through the gag.

Suddenly my mind came back to reality as the rest stop was over and the boys got back on the bus.

Jakob and a couple of the boys came over to me and surprisingly untied the ropes. They also took the gag off.

Jakob said that since I was such a good sport the prank was over. All the boys on the bus applauded me.

Jakob had gotten me food at the stop and handed me a bag and a coke.

He asked me to come join him at the seat next to him.

He said, Anna, I’m sorry about this prank. We all feel kind of bad and guilty. It was funny when we thought it up but seeing you all tied and gagged on that pole and humiliated made us realize we should end it. The whole thing was kind of mean and cruel. We deeply apologize for the trauma you went through. We feel terrible.

I told Jakob it was ok. I did deserve it for making fun of the team.
We laughed and shook hands.

I ate with Jakob, then put my head against the bus window, closed my eyes, and started to think about what happened.

I came to realize that I never knew it but I was deeply into getting tied up and gagged. Was it all sexual, was it the thrill of being captured and under the control of others? I guess it was a little of each.

For the remainder of the trip, I was thinking about all the photos and videos that were taken.

Were there some boys or truckers who would later look at those pictures and regard them as nothing more than a lighthearted photo of me tied up during a fun prank?

Would some others though get sexually aroused looking at me all tied up and gagged? Did they want and desire me? Would they use the pictures to arouse themselves sexually?

Would some share the pictures and video with my female friends on the track team. Would some of them find the photos hot and sexy?
I wonder to this very day if these pictures and videos are still viewed, and still arouse many men or women.

Did some make their way to soft porn sites? For someone early on in this adventure who dreaded having myself photographed bound and gagged I now years later get hot thinking about who may still be viewing them.

We returned home. By now my girls team knew what happened. The boys shared their pictures on social media.

My teammates felt sorry for my having to endure being tied up and gagged against the pole for so long.

Perhaps my only regret from the trip is that Jakob and the boys felt bad and untied me.

Little did they know!
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Post by SquidIncMaster »

Very fun and cute story!
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