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Post by Glovedgirllover »

Dennis (19 years old) had been dating Lisa (18 years old) for about six months. But being naturally timid by nature, he did not seek to rush the development of their relationship, quite satisfied with the possibility of joint evening walks in a country park or visits to the cinema, where he was finally honored to stop being afraid to take her hand.
Lisa, however, was in no hurry either. She lived alone with her mother in a cozy two-story country house. Marianna, her mother, a pretty woman (36 years old) with an athletic build, divorced her husband, Lisa’s father, when Lisa was barely a year old. And now, when Lisa had turned into a charming, slender girl, Marianna really did not want her daughter to become a victim of the same dork, so she took the message from Lisa, who never had secrets from her mother, about the appearance of her first boyfriend very carefully. But Lisa’s detailed story about how sweet, polite and, oddly enough in our time, shy, her fellow student Den was, helped the excessive maternal suspicion gradually subside. Although not completely, since Lisa made it clear that he will be her first man, with whom, moreover, she intends to connect her whole life. And Mari really wanted everything to turn out much better for her daughter this time than for her at the same age.
On this warm July Friday evening on the way from college, Den was a little upset: his parents flew to the Maldives yesterday, leaving the house under the responsibility of their son, fortunately, his upbringing left them no doubt that something would happen during their two-week absence, not despite his son’s still young age: he did not invite anyone home, preferring to spend time with his friends on playgrounds, in gyms or on hikes.
Den was really counting on this evening, hoping that he would finally have the courage to confess his feelings to her and, perhaps, even kiss her... But, alas, Lisa was returning from summer practice only tomorrow evening, so he had to while away this evening in full alone. And another important event awaited him tomorrow evening, which Lisa warned about even before her departure: meeting her mother!
The image of the mother had long been formed in the head of the young man, as a self-confident, self-sufficient woman, very demanding of her daughter, but at the same time doted on her. The very thought of this meeting filled Den with no less excitement than during their first dates...
Having driven up to his parents' house in the Volvo XC60 his father gave him for his 18th birthday, Den immediately noticed a noisy company organizing a picnic on a neighbor's property, while not paying any attention to the recently extinguished lights of a dark sedan that had stopped behind a few meters from Den's car. This time he decided not to bother driving into the courtyard of the house, preferring to leave the car right at the gate. The area where the parents lived was very quiet and calm, so there was no reason to worry that anything could happen to the car.
Den was about to get out of the car, but the vibrating mobile phone forced him to stay behind the wheel: reading the message from his beloved was much more important. Having tapped on the phone screen with a smile in response that he also missed her very much and was looking forward to her return, the young man managed to put the phone in his pocket when there was a quiet knock on the driver's door glass.
Apparently, the neighbor's son Max decided to invite him to a party, he managed to think, pressing the button that lowered the window, and turning his head towards the knocker. To Dan's surprise, he saw the upper part of a slender figure, clad in a black leather jacket. He just tried to raise his eyes, trying to see the face of the owner of this figure in the already approaching evening darkness, when a hand suddenly emerged from behind figure’s back with something white in the open palm, that was quickly pressed to the lower half of the face of the stunned young man. His head was literally pressed into the headrest of the driver's seat. Another hand grabbed the back of his head. Taken by surprise, Den began to fight the acrid smell that penetrated his nose from the wet rag pressed to his face, when it was too late: his vision became clouded and his consciousness left him, having managed to put aside in his memory the quiet soothing hiss of someone who did this to him.
None of the people walking ahead even noticed how the dark figure, who stood for a short time at the driver's door, soon disappeared into the back seat of car. And even more so, no one saw how in the dark interior this figure, putting its hands under the shoulders of the passed out young man, slowly dragged Den between the seats from the driver’s seat to the back. After that, the figure calmly climbed into the driver's seat, getting more comfortable behind the wheel. Looking around, the figure noted with pleasure that this action had gone completely unnoticed by anyone, and lowered fingers, still covered with black leather gloves, onto the steering wheel of the newly started car, even managing to drum fingers on the steering wheel something like a victory march.
And only when the car was already passing by the campaign, attention was immediately paid to it: one half of the people having fun tried to invite Den to take part in their celebration of life with inviting gestures, while the other waved welcomingly after him. But no one could even imagine that they all witnessed the disappearance of the son of neighbors living nearby...
Den woke up on something hard, the lower part of his face was sealed with something soft. Opening his eyes with difficulty, he realized that his mouth was covered by palm in the black leather of a short glove, and its owner, which body was covered in dark tight-fitting suit, leaving no doubt that it was a woman. She was sitting on his chest in in some dimly lit basement, pressing his hands, already tied behind his back, to his body by her legs. To his horror, he also realized that his trousers and underpants were pulled down to his knees. The stranger's head was hidden by a black mask with holes for the eyes and mouth. At the same time, her eyes and mouth seemed to be shaded by something, as if there was a dark stocking on the head under the mask While her right palm continued to cover his mouth, the black index finger of her left hand pressed against her lips, from which a quiet voice came again:


After a few seconds, she released his mouth. Den did not immediately, but still dared to quietly ask:

"Please mmmphhh..."

Immediately, her right palm sealed his mouth even more tightly, and a pistol appeared in her left hand, the barrel of which, leaning towards him, the stranger pressed directly into his forehead, while casting a stern warning glance. After staring at him like that for a while, she slowly shook her chin from side to side, clearly hinting that his next attempt to speak could be costly. Frightened Den, having understood the hint quite correctly, tried to nod his head as much as he could as a sign of understanding. Satisfied with this reaction of the captive, the stranger again released his mouth, and the barrel of the pistol bent down and began a slow movement, sliding along his face down to his neck, then along his chest, until it rested on the crotch of the person sitting on him. Raising herself slightly above him, she used the fingers of her right hand to unzip the bottom of her suit, revealing her neatly trimmed pubic area. Then, slowly moving closer to his face, she gently patted his frozen, parted lips with her leather-clad fingers, and then did the same with her crotch, making it clear that her captive was about to have a good tongue job.
And soon her already wet pussy completely covered his mouth and nose. Despite the fact that Den could very well cause more than serious pain to his captor with his teeth, because of the fear of dying right here, in this dark unknown basement, Den hastened to actively move his tongue in the “cave” that covered him, although sometimes due to less strong fear of suffocation, knocking his feet on the floor in despair, he forced her to rise slightly, giving her a saving breath of air and when she again pressing her crotch tightly into his face. When Den’s already pretty tired tongue desperately twirled inside the Amazon sitting on him with the last of his strength, and he himself was once again close to suffocating, she suddenly first froze, then twitched convulsively several times with a very muffled moan, as if she was herself covered her own mouth, and, sliding back from his face onto his chest, she again covered his mouth, although Den was happy about this too, noisily inhaling air through his reddened nostrils, and at the same time she flopped her body on the captive’s face, breathing rapidly.
Fortunately, the captive managed to turn his head slightly to the side, and even though his mouth was still tightly covered with her palm, he could continue to breathe through his nose more or less tolerably, waiting for what would happen next.
Forcing herself to get up after a few minutes and sit on his chest, looking around, the stranger could not help but notice the unexpected effect of this forced work: his inexperienced member straightened up like a hard rod.
“Perhaps the boy deserved a reward…”, a thought flashed through her head.
The fingers of her left hand, which had recently been clutching a terrible pistol, tore off from the sleeve of her right, apparently a long piece of transparent tape prepared in advance, and with the fingers of both hands she slowly stuck and carefully smoothed the adhesive tape on his lips. She understood perfectly well that it was unlikely that anyone from this basement at that time would be able to hear his desperate screams, but it was better not to risk it, and the temptation to once again listen to his muffled screams, which worried her so much, was too great to do differently.
When she straddled the young man’s excited member with her hole, which was oozing out of her in abundance, she froze for a while, raising her head up and rolling her eyes. Then still with her hand tightly clamped over his now taped mouth and nose she began to slowly move up and down on him, calmly, slowly... Her body leaned again towards the helpless captive, whose panic was already mixed with the desire that had suddenly awakened in him. For a moment, panic overwhelmed him again when, without ceasing to move on him, the stranger again put the barrel of a blued pistol to his forehead, but he could no longer get rid of the desire that gripped him.
Gradually increasing the pace, she bored him with a predatory gaze, while periodically emitting a quiet growl. Soon the growl began to turn into a thinner moan as her movements on him became more frequent, the fingers of her free hand reaching towards her crotch with a clear desire to speed up the approaching explosion...
When Den “shot” the sperm inside the Amazon, who began to shudder again, he didn’t even have time to enjoy it when suddenly his nose and taped mouth were covered with a familiar white wet rag. Almost throwing the pistol next to him on the floor, she pressed the rag to his face with both hands, easily stopping the gradually fading twitching of the bound prisoner, and this time the last thing he managed to hear, already plunging into the darkness, were her screams, full of pleasure and satisfaction...
Dan was awakened by a knock on the car door. Opening his eyes and immediately closing them from the bright dawn, he shook his head several times and looked around. He was sitting behind the wheel of his Volvo, parked at the gate of his house. The shirt and trousers were still there. Coming to his senses, he could not understand for a long time where he was, until a repeated knock on the window attracted his attention.

"Den, hi! Are you okay, bro!?" it was Max, his neighbor.

His guests had already left, but Max himself was tipsy and was looking for someone to continue the fun with, and was surprised to again notice their son’s car suddenly appearing at the neighbors’ gate.

"Oh, Max, hi..." Den said lazily, looking around.

"Wow, brother! Apparently, you also had a good time last night... Did you have a great time?"

"Mmm... well, you can say that... Oh, sorry, friend, I'm really tired... To sleep... All I want is to sleep."

"Cool, brother... I understand... Then until next time!"

Slightly unsteady, Den got out of the car and, having locked it, walked home with an unsteady gait, and, once inside, before even reaching the bedroom, he collapsed exhausted on the nearest sofa in the living room.
"Mom, meet me, this is my Den..." Lisa said with obvious pleasure, revealing to her mother the sight of a confused and very shy young man standing in the doorway.

“Oh, Den, how nice it is to finally meet you after so many interesting stories my daughter has told me about you..." the young lady said in a firm but polite tone, extending her hand to the young man.

"Thank you, ma’am, I’m honored... to be with you... I mean..." Den replied, faltering as he returned the handshake, finding himself in the tight grip of her beautiful, soft fingers.

"It’s okay, Den... I hope I can call you the same? Well, that's nice. Well... Now at least I have no doubt that my daughter is in good hands. Come into the house, I have prepared dinner especially for you, my young ones."

Joyfully grabbing the guy’s hand, who had already managed to hide deeper the memories of the past night, which he simply could not share even with Lisa, the girl dragged Dan into the living room. And Marianne, locking the door behind her guest, looked after them with an imperceptible smile, dreamily thinking:
“Yes, my daughter has great taste. Poor boy, you don’t yet know that Lisa will soon be leaving again for a couple of weeks, but don’t worry, I’ll be able to look after you again, and again you won’t know that it will be me, and maybe not only me. I have wonderful sisters, and you are so delicious. And maybe then my joy, your future wife, will join us, if she, of course, will be ready for this. Well... We’ll wait and see. But first I’ll still my basement soundproof... just in case!”
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Post by Ak610 »

Glovedgirllover wrote: 6 months ago Dennis (19 years old) had been dating Lisa (18 years old) for about six months. But being naturally timid by nature, he did not seek to rush the development of their relationship, quite satisfied with the possibility of joint evening walks in a country park or visits to the cinema, where he was finally honored to stop being afraid to take her hand.
Lisa, however, was in no hurry either. She lived alone with her mother in a cozy two-story country house. Marianna, her mother, a pretty woman (36 years old) with an athletic build, divorced her husband, Lisa’s father, when Lisa was barely a year old. And now, when Lisa had turned into a charming, slender girl, Marianna really did not want her daughter to become a victim of the same dork, so she took the message from Lisa, who never had secrets from her mother, about the appearance of her first boyfriend very carefully. But Lisa’s detailed story about how sweet, polite and, oddly enough in our time, shy, her fellow student Den was, helped the excessive maternal suspicion gradually subside. Although not completely, since Lisa made it clear that he will be her first man, with whom, moreover, she intends to connect her whole life. And Mari really wanted everything to turn out much better for her daughter this time than for her at the same age.
On this warm July Friday evening on the way from college, Den was a little upset: his parents flew to the Maldives yesterday, leaving the house under the responsibility of their son, fortunately, his upbringing left them no doubt that something would happen during their two-week absence, not despite his son’s still young age: he did not invite anyone home, preferring to spend time with his friends on playgrounds, in gyms or on hikes.
Den was really counting on this evening, hoping that he would finally have the courage to confess his feelings to her and, perhaps, even kiss her... But, alas, Lisa was returning from summer practice only tomorrow evening, so he had to while away this evening in full alone. And another important event awaited him tomorrow evening, which Lisa warned about even before her departure: meeting her mother!
The image of the mother had long been formed in the head of the young man, as a self-confident, self-sufficient woman, very demanding of her daughter, but at the same time doted on her. The very thought of this meeting filled Den with no less excitement than during their first dates...
Having driven up to his parents' house in the Volvo XC60 his father gave him for his 18th birthday, Den immediately noticed a noisy company organizing a picnic on a neighbor's property, while not paying any attention to the recently extinguished lights of a dark sedan that had stopped behind a few meters from Den's car. This time he decided not to bother driving into the courtyard of the house, preferring to leave the car right at the gate. The area where the parents lived was very quiet and calm, so there was no reason to worry that anything could happen to the car.
Den was about to get out of the car, but the vibrating mobile phone forced him to stay behind the wheel: reading the message from his beloved was much more important. Having tapped on the phone screen with a smile in response that he also missed her very much and was looking forward to her return, the young man managed to put the phone in his pocket when there was a quiet knock on the driver's door glass.
Apparently, the neighbor's son Max decided to invite him to a party, he managed to think, pressing the button that lowered the window, and turning his head towards the knocker. To Dan's surprise, he saw the upper part of a slender figure, clad in a black leather jacket. He just tried to raise his eyes, trying to see the face of the owner of this figure in the already approaching evening darkness, when a hand suddenly emerged from behind figure’s back with something white in the open palm, that was quickly pressed to the lower half of the face of the stunned young man. His head was literally pressed into the headrest of the driver's seat. Another hand grabbed the back of his head. Taken by surprise, Den began to fight the acrid smell that penetrated his nose from the wet rag pressed to his face, when it was too late: his vision became clouded and his consciousness left him, having managed to put aside in his memory the quiet soothing hiss of someone who did this to him.
None of the people walking ahead even noticed how the dark figure, who stood for a short time at the driver's door, soon disappeared into the back seat of car. And even more so, no one saw how in the dark interior this figure, putting its hands under the shoulders of the passed out young man, slowly dragged Den between the seats from the driver’s seat to the back. After that, the figure calmly climbed into the driver's seat, getting more comfortable behind the wheel. Looking around, the figure noted with pleasure that this action had gone completely unnoticed by anyone, and lowered fingers, still covered with black leather gloves, onto the steering wheel of the newly started car, even managing to drum fingers on the steering wheel something like a victory march.
And only when the car was already passing by the campaign, attention was immediately paid to it: one half of the people having fun tried to invite Den to take part in their celebration of life with inviting gestures, while the other waved welcomingly after him. But no one could even imagine that they all witnessed the disappearance of the son of neighbors living nearby...
Den woke up on something hard, the lower part of his face was sealed with something soft. Opening his eyes with difficulty, he realized that his mouth was covered by palm in the black leather of a short glove, and its owner, which body was covered in dark tight-fitting suit, leaving no doubt that it was a woman. She was sitting on his chest in in some dimly lit basement, pressing his hands, already tied behind his back, to his body by her legs. To his horror, he also realized that his trousers and underpants were pulled down to his knees. The stranger's head was hidden by a black mask with holes for the eyes and mouth. At the same time, her eyes and mouth seemed to be shaded by something, as if there was a dark stocking on the head under the mask While her right palm continued to cover his mouth, the black index finger of her left hand pressed against her lips, from which a quiet voice came again:


After a few seconds, she released his mouth. Den did not immediately, but still dared to quietly ask:

"Please mmmphhh..."

Immediately, her right palm sealed his mouth even more tightly, and a pistol appeared in her left hand, the barrel of which, leaning towards him, the stranger pressed directly into his forehead, while casting a stern warning glance. After staring at him like that for a while, she slowly shook her chin from side to side, clearly hinting that his next attempt to speak could be costly. Frightened Den, having understood the hint quite correctly, tried to nod his head as much as he could as a sign of understanding. Satisfied with this reaction of the captive, the stranger again released his mouth, and the barrel of the pistol bent down and began a slow movement, sliding along his face down to his neck, then along his chest, until it rested on the crotch of the person sitting on him. Raising herself slightly above him, she used the fingers of her right hand to unzip the bottom of her suit, revealing her neatly trimmed pubic area. Then, slowly moving closer to his face, she gently patted his frozen, parted lips with her leather-clad fingers, and then did the same with her crotch, making it clear that her captive was about to have a good tongue job.
And soon her already wet pussy completely covered his mouth and nose. Despite the fact that Den could very well cause more than serious pain to his captor with his teeth, because of the fear of dying right here, in this dark unknown basement, Den hastened to actively move his tongue in the “cave” that covered him, although sometimes due to less strong fear of suffocation, knocking his feet on the floor in despair, he forced her to rise slightly, giving her a saving breath of air and when she again pressing her crotch tightly into his face. When Den’s already pretty tired tongue desperately twirled inside the Amazon sitting on him with the last of his strength, and he himself was once again close to suffocating, she suddenly first froze, then twitched convulsively several times with a very muffled moan, as if she was herself covered her own mouth, and, sliding back from his face onto his chest, she again covered his mouth, although Den was happy about this too, noisily inhaling air through his reddened nostrils, and at the same time she flopped her body on the captive’s face, breathing rapidly.
Fortunately, the captive managed to turn his head slightly to the side, and even though his mouth was still tightly covered with her palm, he could continue to breathe through his nose more or less tolerably, waiting for what would happen next.
Forcing herself to get up after a few minutes and sit on his chest, looking around, the stranger could not help but notice the unexpected effect of this forced work: his inexperienced member straightened up like a hard rod.
“Perhaps the boy deserved a reward…”, a thought flashed through her head.
The fingers of her left hand, which had recently been clutching a terrible pistol, tore off from the sleeve of her right, apparently a long piece of transparent tape prepared in advance, and with the fingers of both hands she slowly stuck and carefully smoothed the adhesive tape on his lips. She understood perfectly well that it was unlikely that anyone from this basement at that time would be able to hear his desperate screams, but it was better not to risk it, and the temptation to once again listen to his muffled screams, which worried her so much, was too great to do differently.
When she straddled the young man’s excited member with her hole, which was oozing out of her in abundance, she froze for a while, raising her head up and rolling her eyes. Then still with her hand tightly clamped over his now taped mouth and nose she began to slowly move up and down on him, calmly, slowly... Her body leaned again towards the helpless captive, whose panic was already mixed with the desire that had suddenly awakened in him. For a moment, panic overwhelmed him again when, without ceasing to move on him, the stranger again put the barrel of a blued pistol to his forehead, but he could no longer get rid of the desire that gripped him.
Gradually increasing the pace, she bored him with a predatory gaze, while periodically emitting a quiet growl. Soon the growl began to turn into a thinner moan as her movements on him became more frequent, the fingers of her free hand reaching towards her crotch with a clear desire to speed up the approaching explosion...
When Den “shot” the sperm inside the Amazon, who began to shudder again, he didn’t even have time to enjoy it when suddenly his nose and taped mouth were covered with a familiar white wet rag. Almost throwing the pistol next to him on the floor, she pressed the rag to his face with both hands, easily stopping the gradually fading twitching of the bound prisoner, and this time the last thing he managed to hear, already plunging into the darkness, were her screams, full of pleasure and satisfaction...
Dan was awakened by a knock on the car door. Opening his eyes and immediately closing them from the bright dawn, he shook his head several times and looked around. He was sitting behind the wheel of his Volvo, parked at the gate of his house. The shirt and trousers were still there. Coming to his senses, he could not understand for a long time where he was, until a repeated knock on the window attracted his attention.

"Den, hi! Are you okay, bro!?" it was Max, his neighbor.

His guests had already left, but Max himself was tipsy and was looking for someone to continue the fun with, and was surprised to again notice their son’s car suddenly appearing at the neighbors’ gate.

"Oh, Max, hi..." Den said lazily, looking around.

"Wow, brother! Apparently, you also had a good time last night... Did you have a great time?"

"Mmm... well, you can say that... Oh, sorry, friend, I'm really tired... To sleep... All I want is to sleep."

"Cool, brother... I understand... Then until next time!"

Slightly unsteady, Den got out of the car and, having locked it, walked home with an unsteady gait, and, once inside, before even reaching the bedroom, he collapsed exhausted on the nearest sofa in the living room.
"Mom, meet me, this is my Den..." Lisa said with obvious pleasure, revealing to her mother the sight of a confused and very shy young man standing in the doorway.

“Oh, Den, how nice it is to finally meet you after so many interesting stories my daughter has told me about you..." the young lady said in a firm but polite tone, extending her hand to the young man.

"Thank you, ma’am, I’m honored... to be with you... I mean..." Den replied, faltering as he returned the handshake, finding himself in the tight grip of her beautiful, soft fingers.

"It’s okay, Den... I hope I can call you the same? Well, that's nice. Well... Now at least I have no doubt that my daughter is in good hands. Come into the house, I have prepared dinner especially for you, my young ones."

Joyfully grabbing the guy’s hand, who had already managed to hide deeper the memories of the past night, which he simply could not share even with Lisa, the girl dragged Dan into the living room. And Marianne, locking the door behind her guest, looked after them with an imperceptible smile, dreamily thinking:
“Yes, my daughter has great taste. Poor boy, you don’t yet know that Lisa will soon be leaving again for a couple of weeks, but don’t worry, I’ll be able to look after you again, and again you won’t know that it will be me, and maybe not only me. I have wonderful sisters, and you are so delicious. And maybe then my joy, your future wife, will join us, if she, of course, will be ready for this. Well... We’ll wait and see. But first I’ll still my basement soundproof... just in case!”
Wow! Thank you for another great story.
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Post by LunaDog »

Yes, this was very enjoyable to read.
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