Why i had to leave town. MMM/m F/m

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Why i had to leave town. MMM/m F/m

Post by joecoyne10 »

Andy had just recently moved to Austin,Texas. He was loving the way of life there, it was easy going. Good music,lots of cool bars.
He had stayed in a motel for the first three weeks until he found a place he could share with.
A house in a suburban area where he would share with the lady who had been living there for a few years already.
Andrea was her name. A German lady of 57 years. She had lived in the US for over 25 years. Perfect English,yet she still had a strong German accent.

She was a single lady. Long Auburn hair. She was big and beautiful. She never wore anything revealing but you could easily see that she had large breasts. She always wore jeans or pants. Her big ass was nice and round.
Andy found her attractive although she was 30 years his senior.
They got on well whenever they were around each other. But for the most part they didn't see much of each other. She went out and did her own thing and Andy worked in a restaurant as a waiter so his hours would be all over the place.

Andy found it hard to make friends. He found Austin to be quite clicky. He would meet groups in bars that were cool and fun to be around but they were not quick to offer to hang outside of the bar. So Andy was somewhat lonely at times.
Also,he didn't want to turn into a barfly just so he could be around other people.

His workmates were ok. He got on with them to a point. Some of the barkeepers would be cool with him one minute,but then haze him the next minute.

"It must be just a case of hazing the new guy"
He thought.

The guys in the kitchen were mean as fuck but he knew not to take it personal.
Overall,they probably liked him but he had worked in bars/restaurants his whole adult life so he didn't seem to worry much.
He knew it wasn't bullying. Just hazing.

One Friday morning,Andy was in the kitchen area of his home eating breakfast when Andrea came in with a suitcase.

"Guten Morgan" said Andrew

"Listen to you" said Andrea as she chuckled

"Are you going on vacation?" He asked

"Just a weekend break,meeting some friends in Sacramento!" Andrea replied

"Nice" said Andrew

"Listen,i want you to do me a favour!"
Said Andrea

"Sure,what is it?" Andy Asked

"Well,more like i want you to do yourself a favour. I want you to invite some people over.
You've been in Austin a few months now but you seem like a bit of a loner. No offence" said Andrea

"Ok,none taken. But i don't really know anyone to invite. Don't worry about me,I'm fine"
Said Andy

"Invite your workmates,throw a fucking party,you live here too,you know I'm not strict. Live a little" said Andrea.

"Ok" said Andy. "I'll see. And thanks"

"Besides" said Andrea "I'd feel better knowing the house was full of people. That way there'll be no burglars.

"Please" said Andy "anyone that breaks in here,i'll whoop their ass" Andy said,sarcastically.

Andrea just smirked at him " more like i come home to find you bound and gagged in the closet. See you Monday" said Andrea as she headed for the door.

"Have Fun" said Andy as he watched her leave. Her big sexy ass packed tightly into a pair of blue Levi's.

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Post by joecoyne10 »

That day,while in work,Andy told his workmates about his plan to throw a party.
He had decided to take Andrea's advice.
He thought if he invited his workmates and threw a party for them,then being around them might get easier,they might like him more after a party.
There was a total of 16 staff members in the restaraunt. But only 3 could make the party and the most suitable night was Sunday.

Andy thought to himself that it might be difficult with Andrea coming home the next morning but he said he'd worry about the mess on Monday morning.
Besides,at the worst,it would only be some empty beers and pizza boxes.

Andy finished his shift at 5. The same time as Jay and Chris.
Jay and Chris were cool enough. Chris worked out a lot. He was a big tough looking guy.
Jay was about the same size as Andy. 5'10
Slim build.
The three of them stopped at a liquer store for some beers first.
Then when they got to Andy's house,Jay and Chris turned the tv on and opened a beer. Andy went for a quick shower.
Andy then joined the guys as they drank beer and watched football.

After the game,Carl joined them. He was the head Chef from the restaraunt.

Carl arrived with two 24 packs of Coors. Carl was screaming the minute he got in the door.

Andy thought it was a bit much,i mean,it was only 4 guys drinking some beers.

The night went on and Andy was really enjoying himself. The guys were being cool and Andy felt good. There was music playing,beers and pizza.

"Where's the bathroom dude?" Said Carl

"Up the stairs first door on the right" said Andy

Jay,Chris and Andy were talking about how their boss was kind of a bitch when all of a sudden Carl came busting through the door holding up a pair of,what Andy assumed,were Andreas panties.
"CHECK IT OUT" screamed Carl

Jay and Chris started laughing their asses off as Carl put the panties on his head and started dancing.

Andy ran over and grabbed the panties off his head.
"Dude,what the fuck is wrong with you"? Andy snapped.

"What" said Carl "i guess i ended up in the wrong room up there."

"That's invasion of privacy man" said Andy "it's not fucking cool"
Andy went upstairs to return the panties.
He heard the footsteps of the three guys following him.

"Go back" yelled Andy

"Who's the chick Bro?" Asked Jay

"My housemate" said Andy as he entered her room.
"Which drawer were they in" asked Andy

"Let's check them all and find out! Said Chris as he opened a drawer.

"Dude,back the fuck off" snapped Andy as he pushed Chris.

Carl then pushed Andy and sent him flying onto Andrea's bed.
"Take a fucking chill,Bro" said Carl as he gave Andy a serious look.

There was some back and forth arguing

Then Jay yelled out
"GUYS"  as he raised the contents of a drawer he had just opened.
In one hand he was holding coils of white nylon rope and in the other there was a red ballgag.

"Holy shit" said Carl. You're housemate is a freak,man" as he laughed
He then searched the same drawer and pulled out duct tape and a vibrator. And Chris pulled out a paddle and a strap on.

Even Andy was stunned now.

"Does she tie you up and fuck you Bro?" Asked Chris

"What?no. Dude what the fuck,just put it back"

"You're her slave,aren't you?" Asked Jay

"Guys,just shut the fuck up and get out of the room"

Carl grabbed the ballgag from Jay  and said "wait..who are you telling to shut up?"

Carl froze and gulped.

"Are you guys thinking what I'm thinking? Asked Jay as he uncoiled the rope

"Damn right" said Carl,as he ripped a lenght of duct tape.

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