The Waitress [F/M] Foot Smother (Forced)

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The Waitress [F/M] Foot Smother (Forced)

Post by ChimiChanga »

I was working as Head Waiter in a moderately priced, popular chain restaurant just outside of London. I'd worked here for a couple of years by this point and built up a solid position within the business, I had nice shifts and made good tips. My managers were fond of me and would tend to prioritise giving hours to myself before the rest of the team, so I had a pretty good setup.

This was up until SHE joined the team.

Kira was an experienced waitress who'd just transferred over from another city, and she was absolutely mint at her job.
She was a young 20s, brunette woman with dark brown eyes. She always looked presentable, often wearing; black suit pants, a white blouse and plain black, patterned ballet flats and wore a silver necklace underneath her blouse. She wore thick-rimmed glasses and had a tattoo of a rose on the underside of her left wrist and always wore this thin golden anklet with a hard hanging from it.

This was a problem for me as the management had also taken a shine to her and began to also provide her with a lot of shifts.

At first, everything was fine. She was settling in and finding her feet in the restaurant, it was obvious she was experienced and that often made me feel intimidated that she would perform better than me.

I can't quite remember when, but one day, something like a switch flicked and she began to be very bossy.

"Run this to table 20" , "Go ask those guests for a drinks order" , etc.

I began getting frustrated with this so I went to the management, they expressed there was nothing they'd be willing to do because she's right for keeping on top of things and she's performing well.

Disappointed, but wanting a peaceful life, I decided just to tolerate it but try my own hand at bossing her around too. And this went down like a lead balloon. Over the months, tensions would build and after she was more than settled in, it was evident to everyone that we didn't like each other.

It was at the end of our staff party in November, just before the big, chaotic month of December where she gained the upper-hand.

As it was the businesses 10th birthday, all of the restaurants closed for the day and all of the experienced staff were put up in hotels.

I remember seeing Kyra, sitting at the table next to me (We were all split up to mingle) wearing a short-ish black dress and cherry red ballet flats... So much for black tie! She was sitting at the table with a big smile on her face, chatting away to others on the table whilst dangling the shoe at the end of her foot.

The night went on and everyone enjoyed the party, like all good things the end drawn near and we left the venue to return to our hotel. I wished the others who I sat with a good night and began walking down the corridor towards my room, but just as I passed the room next to mine, the door opened and a voice whispered out to me.

"Psst, Marcus"
It was Kyra, I scowled at her and asked what the hell does she want and that I'm tired and going to bed.

She said that she just wanted to talk for a moment and asked if I could come in so we could sort out whatever this rivalry was once and for all.

At first I said no, as I wasn't interested but she insisted and eventually I gave in and entered the room.

Big mistake.

The second I walked past her, the door slammed shut behind me and within an instant she tackled me to the ground and tied my hands behind my back. I was so confused as to how she managed to tie my hands up so quickly.

Once I had fallen onto my belly, hands tied. I realised what was happening "What the fuck, Kyra!? Untie me right now" I yelled but she ignored me and sat with her full weight on my upper back with her knees flat on the ground, knocking the wind out of me. As I was still in the small corridor of the room, I had my head by the foot of the bed, which seemed almost pre-planned. When I began to scream for help, she quickly leant forward and picked up a bundled pair of black nylons and shoved them into my mouth, holding them in place with her cold left hand.

As I struggled and wriggled around as violently as I could, my head eventually turned to face the right, where I spotted a long piece of plain duct-tape stuck in place on the wall right next to where Kyra was sat (Still on my back)

It was within that moment I realised that she truly had planned this all along and I had no idea what was coming next, I began kicking and struggling even harder than before but she still managed to wrap the duct tape around my head, securing her fusty salty nylons in place.

The stockings tasted bad, like salty armpit bad. And there was nothing I could do but taste them. Eventually they begin to dry out my tongue too, which just felt even worse.

Kyra reached onto the bed once more and retrieved another piece of rope, it was already tied into a sort of lasso which explained how she bound my wrists so quickly. Soon after grabbing it, she'd tied it around my legs and fastened them in tight. I continued my struggling to get her off of me but after a short while, became to exhausted to carry on and began to slow down.

She continued to sit on my back and gently shushed at me until I lay completely still

"Shh shh shhhh, It's alright, just relax, it's alright, it's alright" she whispered as she ran her hand through my hair.

How was I meant to relax? The psycho had tricked me into her room and now I'm laying on my belly, tied up on the floor.

She leant forward and positioned her lips next to my ear "I have fantasised about doing this to you so many times, Marcus"
I began to wriggle and struggle again, she maintained her position "By the time you leave this room, you'll understand that I'm the boss, you'll do as I say without any question and you'll stop trying to make my life difficult. Okay?" She whispered with an sharp tone.

I struggled and mmphed my dismay to what she had said but it was all in vain as the nylon's prevented any audible words to be made clear.

Kyra chuckled and leant back, bringing both legs forward so her feet were positioned at either side of my head. All that I could see was her cherry red ballet flats, the top of her foot and ankle, and some the fabric which was part of the base of the bed.

She stood her right foot up so only her toes remained on the ground and her red flat popped away from her foot, exposing her her heel and arch.

"I saw you looking at my shoes tonight, Marcus... I'm starting to think that you like them"

I struggled once again, mmphing and trying to yell as hard as I could because I absolutely didn't like them, not one bit! The only reason I was looking at them was because they didn't fit with the black tie theme which was explicitly mentioned in the invitations. I was judging her for doing things her way as always, not ogling them!

She chuckled to herself, "It's okay, you don't need to be shy about it, I really don't mind"
She slid her foot across the floor towards my face. I quickly swung my head round to the other side to get away but she grabbed my hair with her left hand and placed her right onto my mouth before forcing my head back into it's original position. She kept her left hand on the side of my head and pressed it into the ground to hold it in place.

I contemplated struggling once again but I felt so tired from before, I genuinely felt like I didn't have the energy for round four.

She removed her right shoe, placing her bare foot flat on the ground. She was wearing a dark blue nail polish on her toes which did look pretty but other than that, it was still a foot.

I couldn't see what she she was doing but I heard a sniff behind me followed by 'Ew, jesus christ.'

Before I knew it, the inside of the was covering my nose. The smell immediately invaded my senses and I mustered every remaining bit of energy I had left and focused it into kicking Kyra off my back once and for all. I kicked, wriggled, screamed through the nylons but still, still! After all of the effort I put in, nothing improved. Kyra slipped slightly but quickly corrected her balance and hit me on the top of the head with her shoe.

'Shut up, and sit still, Marcus' She scowled.

The, firmly planted the shoe in front of my face once again, holding it in place with a tight grip. The pungent smells was so vile, clearly she had been wearing these all day with no socks and judging from the toe imprints I could see inside of it, this was something she did often.

She lifted her left hand away from the side of my head and instead pressed her left leg against the back of my head whilst holding the shoe over my face with her right hand. I could her typing from behind me... This absolute monster of a woman was actually texting whilst forcing me to smell her flats! I wasn't even her main point of focus anymore. The disrespect...

She chuckled to herself 'So... How are they up close?'
I grumbled a negative tone through the nylons still in my mouth
'Thanks Marcus, see you can be nice sometimes!'
I grumbled once again but more aggressively.

'Do you want me to pull the shoe away?'
'Alright then I'll pull the shoe away' she said in a sarcastic tone.

I was greeted with a brief wave of relief as cool, fresh air began to circulate through my nose once again.
'You should move your head to the other side so you don't get a bad neck' she advised.

My neck was beginning to ache a bit so I complied and turned my head to face the other side.
However, immediately after doing this, Kyra firmly planted her right hand on the side of my head.

'Not again!' I thought to myself as I was forced to watch her peel the other cherry red flat from the bottom of her left foot. She repeated the process of one hand forcing the shoe into my face, one leg helping to pin it in place whilst she scrolled through social medias on her phone.

She held me like this for a good 15 minutes before eventually getting bored. She sighed and removed the shoe, I was once again greeted with the sweet relief of fresh air.

I felt so defeated, there I was underneath this woman who completely looked down on me, no more than a chair of some sort... Smelling her disgusting shoes against my will, I remember thinking; how has this happened? And how she'd completely taken advantage of me!

'Alright Marcus...' she sighed 'I think that's enough shoe smelling for one evening'

I sighed with relief

'I reckon it's time for you to smell my feet now' she smirked
'NOOOOO' I screamed through the nylons 'Please don't! I don't want to smell your feet!' But again, all she could hear was 'mmmmph, mmph mmph mmmmph!'

I wanted to try and thrash around again but I was still exhausted from before. Kyra grabbed the back of my hair with both hands and pulled back, raising my head and chest from above the ground 'Well, it's not up to you mate' she sneered as she brought both of her feet to in from of me and pressed them together at the toes and ball of them, forming an upside down V shape. I had a couple of seconds which felt like forever before my face was pushed down onto her soft, pungent feet. I wriggled my head as much as I could but literally every time I moved, her toes would follow my nose and always rest just underneath my nostrils.

The smell was so strong that I began to cough, which only made Kyra laugh.
'That's it Marcus, smell my feet. Smell my fucking stinky feet Marcus.' she sneered, followed my laughter.

I felt helpless between her feet. I remember thinking how soft they were, and how that something the feels so delicate can smell so terrible. I saw nothing but darkness in between the gap and her toes, covered in nail polish. She began to rub her feet around my face, occasionally smushing my cheeks with her toes.

After rubbing her toes around my nose for almost 10 minutes, she removes her right hand from my head and uses her left to push my face into her sole. Her soles were really wrinkled and also very soft. Once my head was pressed into her sole, she began to rub her sole up and down whilst using her hand to pull my head up and down in the opposite direction. 'Do they smell' she asked?

'Of course they fucking smell' I grunted through the nylons
'I'll take that as a yes but you like it' she chuckled and continued to rub her foot all over my face.

'My back is starting to ache a bit so I'm gonna move around a bit' she complained.
Kyra removed her foot from my face and placed it flat on the ground right next to me instead, I could see the veins and wrinkles around the bottom of her arched foot as she stood up.

My back felt such a strong wave of relief, a literal weight had been lifted.

But this feeling was short lived as she was only turning around to face the other direction, towards the door. And before I knew it, she was sitting on back back once again, but this time the tops of her feet were on the floor and her soles were facing the ceiling.

I remember thinking to myself that whatever happens next can't be good and I was right. As the next thing that happened was my head was pulled up once again by my hair, which hurt by the way. She lined both feet up next to each other and began to push my head towards them with her hand. I resisted and push back with my head with all of the strength I had in my neck. If I could have this one small win it would be better.

For a brief moment she let off 'For fuck sake, Marcus' she grumbled.

I enjoyed my victory but like every small win in this story, it was short lived as Kyra countered my resistance by moving further up my body and pressing her butt onto my head, forcing it down onto her soft and sweaty soles.

She had beaten me once again... How humiliating.

Instead of rubbing her feet all over my face again, Kyra had decided this time that she would just slowly wiggle her butt around, which in turn rubbed her feet and my face together anyway.

I wriggled my wrists around a bit to try and loosen the bonds, Kyra saw this and grabbed the rope 'Really, Marcus? Are you ever going to learn... You're stuck like this so just accept that it's happening until I'm bored with you.

I can't remember how long she kept me in that position, face squished into her feet. Nothing to look at but her soles and nothing to smell but her sweat for at least an hour. I could hear her watching videos on her phone, she must have watched dozens. She'd occasionally remember that I was there after brief periods of time, laugh at me and then go back to watching her videos.

It must have been around 2/3am by the time she'd gotten bored of the current position.
'Alright then, time to mix it up. I think I'm nearly done with you'

She dragged me over to the desk in the hotel room and pulled it out slightly so I was completely underneath it. She then grabbed a chair and put it directly over me. I was rolled onto my back and she sat on the chair, placing her feet on the floor either side of my head. For the first time in hours, I saw her face. She had a massive grin and genuinely looked like she was enjoying herself which made me feel very angry. I tried to make my face look as angry as possible which made Kyra laugh even more and call me 'cute' which made me even more angry!

'You know, I deliberately didn't drink tonight so that I could really make the most of this if it worked, and it did'
She positioned both feet with her toes just underneath my nostrils, covering the bottom half of my face like a face mask.

Even after all of this time, the smell still consisted, despite her feet being rubbed against my face for hours now. The only change is that now my face was beginning to smell like her feet.

'I'm gonna catch up on an episode on Netflix, so you just get comfy, Marcus and we'll catch up in a bit okay'

I mmfed my discontent but she took no notice and put headphones in to watch her show on her laptop.
I'd hoped that she would be watching a short 20-minute something but it must have been one of those hour long series because there was no way she kept me there for 20 minutes.

Throughout her show she'd play with her feet on my face. Occasionally tapping my cheeks and forehead with them or rubbing them up and down my face again. Every now and then she'd stretch her whole body, pressing her soles firmly into my face. At one point it felt like she was going to squash my eye sockets with the balls of her feet.

I wish I could say that I began to get used to the smell, alas I did not and I'm certain she knew that because every couple of minutes she'd look down and smile at me, I could see her cocky grin through the gaps between her toes or the gap between her soles when she was smothering me extra hard.

At long last her show finished and she put the laptop away.
Kyra dragged me to the end of the bed and sat me up, this time with her legs either side of me.

'Okay Marcus, I'm going to let you go soon, okay.'
I begged through nodding, I wanted to go more than anything, I felt so tired at this point I just wanted to go to bed and forget about all of this

'But first' she clipped as she leant forward, stopping when her face was directly opposite mine 'I need assurances'

I raised one eyebrow to display my curiosity.
'Firstly. I'm going to remove your gag now. If you scream, it's going back in and I'll leave you tied up in the bathroom all night with my shoes taped to your face. Do you understand?' I tried to mmph but she smacked me in the side of my head 'Nod if you understand'

I nodded
'Good boy'

'Next, You're going to lick my feet and suck my toes and I'm going to take some pictures of you doing so, so that I have an alibi. Do you understand?'

I scowled and groaned whilst wriggling around. There was no fucking way in hell that her disgusting sweaty feet that I have been smelling all night were going in my mouth!!!

'Right, fine. Another episode then' she sneered as she grabbed my bound wrists and threw me to the floor. I desperately wanted this to end so I shook my head violently and pleaded with my bound palms.

Kyra stood above me, looking down. 'You're going to do what you're told?'

I nodded and she picked me back up and placed me at the end of the bed.

'Alright, I'm removing the gag now.'
Kyra began to peel the tape away, it was incredibly uncomfortable but paid off once it was remove. I spat the nylons out as soon as I could but before I could say anything or even think about screaming, Kyra grabbed my face covering my mouth and pressed her forehead against mine 'I mean it about you screaming, Marcus, I will tie you up and leave you in the bathroom until tomorrow if you try anything.'

I mmphed an 'okay' through her hand and she gently released my mouth.

She sat back on the bed slightly and presented me her first foot
'Suck or lick first?' she asked.

I groaned 'Kyra, do I really have to? This is so embarrassing' the first words that were uttered from my mouth in hours.
Kyra scowled with her eyes, showing an intense form of eye contact which was very unsettling.

'Suck. Or. Lick. First' she repeated.

'Jesus christ' I muttered 'Suck...'

Kyra laughed out loud and shoved her toes into my mouth! I quickly realised that the smell really wasn't that bad compared to the taste!!! Her feet tasted like a salty, sweaty, cheese and onion type mix. Initially I tried to spit our her foot but she firmly grabbed my neck and pulled it in further, I almost gagged but she told me that if I were to puke then she'd make me clean it up with my mouth and I feared she was telling the truth.

After a period of time sucking her dark blue painted toes on both feet, she made me lick the bottoms of her feet.
'Heel to toe, heel to toe' she kept repeating like a mantra.

She closed her eyes and moaned to herself. Eventually shoving one foot in my mouth and the other one behind my head, pulling it into the first one. She reached her hand down her pants and began to touch herself, moaning and rolling her eyes on occasion. 'Oh yeah, Marcus, suck my feet you bitch' she muttered to herself. She would violently pull my head back and forth with her feet as she got closer and closer the finished. As she came she grabbed my head and pressed her feet into my face as hard as she could and pushed me to the ground once she was finished.

The final act had clearly sobered her up as she was now completely disinterested in torturing me further. She took pictures of me licking her arches and sucking her toes and sent texts from my phone to hers saying 'thanks for a fun night' to cover up any implications that I was forced to smell and lick her feet.

I'd never been more humiliated in my life.

After she was satisfied, she let me go. I returned to my room trying to process what the fuck had just happened but I was so tired, I immediately fell onto the bed and fell asleep.

Work is going to be incredibly awkward when we go back next week....

(To be continued...)
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Post by LunaDog »

An absolutely EXCELLENT debut post! Utterly superb.
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Post by milagros317 »

Wonderful story! I envy him. :twisted:
Looking forward to part two.
:ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:
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Post by Tied »

Being forced to endure well worn ballet flats is pure cruelty. :twisted: Something tells me poor Marcus is going to be spending a lot more time with Kyra's feet, if he doesn't want those photos to get out.

Can't wait for part 2!
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Post by jone123 »

Rivalry stories always has its unique touch thanks for sharing
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Post by mrskeletor »

Amazing start! I can't wait for more!
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Post by dillonmichael080 »

Really loved this story and the unique ways Marcus was forced to endure the foot smell!
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Post by Roboticrobin20 »

Can't wait to read more, I'm especially intrigued since my OC shares the name Kyra with her and looks pretty similar.
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Post by tiedinbluetights »

Love this story! Hope more will follow soon. I also like your user profile picture @ChimiChanga !
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