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One Too Many (M/M) - Ghost of Tsushima Fanfiction

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2023 6:12 am
by DeeperThanRed
Playing the game is not a requirement for this story.

I'm only familiar with Ghost of Tsushima through playthroughs so if any actual fan reads this, I hope you forgive me. In my defense, Jin is really hot.


Later Jin Sakai would blame everything on the drink.

But at first, that night wasn’t anything special, just a regular harvest festival in a small mountain village that Jin just so happened to be in there. While his company was strangers, they were a merry bunch and at the inn, they were partying filled with the sounds of chatter and offbeat songs, Jin let himself splurge on sake more than usual. After all, it wasn’t always he could find such a peaceful presence to let loose a little. The chef of the village seemed to take a liking to him too, remembering the family name of Sakai from a distant past.

However, this was his first mistake as Jin, for all the vigilance he had required by his dangerous life, had a habit of overestimating his tolerance to strong alcoholic drinks. After a couple of hours and more than a few cups of sake, Jin felt his cheeks getting hotter and began to loosen his restrictive armor.

Meanwhile, he didn’t pay close attention to how a single guy he never talked to during the entire evening constantly refilled his cup right when his drink was about to run off and kept watching him carefully.

The room got gradually hotter for the samurai and while others merely loosened their daily clothes, he felt his heavy clothes were stifling him. Eventually, Jin stood up on a stool and raised his hand to draw the attention of the party-goers before thanking the chef shortly and going off in a tenant and loudly declaring at the end: “A true samurai has no need for clothes!”

What followed afterward could only be described as an impromptu striptease session. Everyone in the hall, regardless of gender, laughed and cheered as Jin’s somehow still dexterous fingers undid the clasps on his armor, untied his shirt, and pulled down his pants. The man sitting by him even helped him with the socks.

Most of the patrons found Jin’s odd behavior funny but there were more than a few appreciative glances and even some wolf whistles as the golden, hairless body of the samurai was exposed. Left in nothing but a white fundoshi that bulged slightly in the front, he cut an impressive picture under the lamplights. Jin was a handsome man in his prime and the only thing preventing his sight to be obscene was the fact that everyone was at least a bit tipsy.

“I think that’s enough for tonight, big guy.” The man who kept pouring his drinks put an arm around the samurai’s shoulders. “Let’s get you to your bed before you make a bigger scene.”

“I can still keep going,” Jin chuckled but let the other man gather his clothes and lead them out of the hall obediently with a hand on the small of his back.

Some people were disappointed by the leave of their eye candy but after ogling the samurai’s round globes parted by his underwear one last time, they returned to their celebration.

If anyone noticed that neither Jin nor his voluntary chaperon rented a room in the inn nor did nobody seem to know the latter man, they didn’t comment on that.


Jin shivered as he stepped outside and into the chilly night air. That sobered him a little but his speech was still slurring a little as he asked, “Wait, where are we going to?”

Even in his inebriated state, he could feel that something was amiss when his companion smirked and tightened his hold around Jin’s waist. “I just thought we’d go on a short walk to get you some fresh air and let you clear your head - look, we can rest here if you’re cold.”

Upon getting closer to it, he all but pushed Jin towards a rundown shack a few minutes of walking away from the inn’s back exit.

The samurai took a quick look around the single-room building, noticing the mostly empty interior bar a dirty straw mattress, and the man coils of rope lying around the corner, all illuminated by the full moon’s light entering from a broken window. The unease in his chest grew.

“I- I should return to where we came.” Jin stammered. “They might miss us.” He was not a coward and had confidence in his skills in combat but he was no fool either. He was aware of his chances in a possible fight if he was attacked as he is: nearly naked, swaying on his feet and completely armless.

He turned his back and found that the exit of the shack was blocked by the man who accompanied him helpfully - his grin now wide and malicious.

At that moment, Jin discarded any thought he had about going through this night without a conflict, and dashed the door, figuring that he’d have a better chance of getting away rather than trying to fight honorably in his state. However, as he tried to dodge the taller man, he was quickly pushed back, falling face up onto the scratchy mattress behind him.

Sensing the strength leaving his limbs, Jin grunted and tried to get up, only to be pressed back by the other man sitting on him and straddling his hips.

“Realizing it just now?” His assailant laughed. “I sneaked in a little something to your drink that will keep your muscles nice and relaxed until I’m done with you.”

Jin tried to punch the man above him but a pair of strong hands easily stopped his counterattack attempt. One of them shoved his chest down - groping his smooth, round pecs, while the other twisted his brown nipples perked from the cold. Jin moaned despite himself. He didn’t know how this assault on his weakened body affected him like this but he felt blood rushing down to his nether regions already.

The assailant grinned. He didn’t have getting laid in his mind when he got his eyes on the mysterious samurai who immediately gained the townsfolk’s trust but Sakai stripping naked all on his own changed his mind. The sight of his firm, tan body with its sweaty sheen was downright sinful. He also wasn’t bad looking in his current state: dark eyes unfocused under furrowed brows, a handsomely rugged face adorned with stubble and hair slipping out of his topknot and falling on his forehead.

The bandit-disguised-as-partygoer patted Jin’s cheek and pulled his hand just as quickly to avoid a bite.

“Aren’t you a feisty pretty boy?” He teased, fully aware that the samurai was a good deal older than him. “Despite following me here so obediently, in nothing but your tight, hot skivvies.” Said fundoshi was beginning to grow under the bandit’s ass so he mischievously ground his hips against the samurai’s growing erection.

Jin growled and tried to push him away again but got flipped on his face for his troubles, getting a face full of the musty mattress and a strong slap on his ass cheek that was left uncovered by his underwear.

“That’s right,” the bandit reached to the rope coils on the floor and yanked Jin’s arms behind his back. He began wrapping the cords around the helpless samurai’s crossed wrists, kneading his plump buttocks occasionally. “You just made this night whole a lotta more fun for me.”


The bandit fixed the chest armor around his torso to see how it fitted him. Not bad, he thought, considering the small difference in height between them, Sakai's clothes and armor looked natural enough on him.

“Don’t I look dashing?” he faced the samurai, gesturing himself with vanity.

Jin would curse him if he could but with his captor’s socks stuffed in his mouth and secured in place with the knotted belt of his kimono tied over his mouth, he could produce nothing more than angry, muffled grumbles. The foul-tasting stuffing inside his mouth only made things worse but the rest of his bondage was already severe.

The samurai was completely trussed up with coarse rope, lying on the futon. His wrists were behind his back and attached with a short cord to the ropes around his torso. The crisscrossing rope around his chest not only lifted his arms adjoint to his back, but it also pressed his broad shoulders together and pushed his strong chest even further out. His legs were pulled behind him and attached to his hands in a hogtie that got stricter as he struggled.

Not even his manhood was free from the bandit’s perversion as a little noose was tied around the pouch of his fundoshi and knotted behind his waist, digging into his dick and balls at the slightest movement and constantly reminding him about his inexplicable but embarrassing hard-on.

The battle-hardened man was confused. Nothing was arousing about his situation. He was tricked and captured by a criminal stranger and even if the said stranger didn’t look bad from what Jin saw as he changed his clothes into the samurai’s, he was still a deviant with wicked plans in mind for him. It was unthinkable for him to get turned on by him!

Gritting his teeth (and regretting immediately due to the sweat soaking into his saliva and filling his maw), Jin glared daggers at the bandit stealing his outfit. It must be because of the drug he put in his drink!

The bandit squatted beside him, unbothered by his furious stare, and ruffled Jin’s hair, drawing more angry grunts from him. “I’d love to stay here a bit longer and play with your not-so-little sword samurai,” he stressed his words with a squeeze of Jin’s cotton-clas erection. “But I have more pressing matters at hand. Several houses to rob blind, in fact.

“Nobody in the feast saw your face in daylight. I can easily pass as you in your clothes, getting in and out of people’s places with little issue.”

Before he left, the man disguised as him left a wet kiss at Jin’s cheek. “Don’t get impatient. Sit tight and I’ll entertain you all night long once I’m back.”

Jin waited a few minutes after the door was closed and chained behind him to make sure the bandit was truly gone, then began to look for a way out. The knots surrounding his body were far too well-done for him to break and the rope was too durable. The gag stifled his cries into barely audible moans - definitely not enough for loud drunks a stone throw’s away to hear so no calling for help, either.

Feeling helpless and exposed, Jin wished he had any of his weapons or gear with him. He survived countless ordeals and faced death many times but was never humiliated and emasculated like this before.

He needed to escape - and fast. Who knows what his kidnapper would do to him after he got his loot but the bold touches he got all over his body with a focus on Jin’s ass and bulge gave him a good idea. He began to squirm, twisting his body as much as the brutal hogtie allowed to peek around, trying to find anything useful in the barebones cabin.

Upon some awkward and slow shuffling that gave him red marks on his chest from friction with the rough floor and tired him out, Jin started to worry that this wasn’t going to work. Worse, the friction accidentally got his cock even harder.

It’d be a miracle if he could get away without climaxing against his will and soiling his fundoshi with cum, he thought. He didn’t even want to imagine the teasing he would get if the bandit returned and found that he came all over himself just from being trussed up.

Then, as if by divine intervention, Jin spotted it: a loose board with a rusty nail peeking from it! Barely visible under the moonlight but close enough that he could try and crawl to it.

Suddenly excited and optimistic, Jin began to squirm towards his only hope. With his limbs pulled back to a single spot, he could barely control his position and the harness around his upper body made things much harder.

Still, despite probably looking ridiculous and ineffective, he managed to wiggle like a worm toward the nail. Trying to get it on his hands without impaling his ass on the metal prick was harder but as he finally got to saw the ropes around his wrists after what felt (and probably was) an hour, Jin began counting seconds and hoped he could get out before his kidnapper came back.


“I’m back!” The bandit cheerfully announced upon entering the cabin.

He gathered enough valuables to last him for a good while. It was child’s play to get in and out of people’s homes when they thought he was a samurai the head of the village was chummy with.

Now, after work, it was time for fun and he couldn’t wait to have his way with the hot captive he bagged before he left the town for good. Manly, confident rich men like Sakai were always the most enjoyable to make cry.

Maybe he could even package the samurai as he left, he pondered. Judging by how he reacted to the ropes and his touch even without an aphrodisiac in his drug, he should’ve been easy to train into a cute bondage slave.

“How are you holding up - what the?!” The bandit couldn’t believe his eyes! The cabin was empty! There were no signs of the samurai anywhere.

Snarling, he turned on his heels to escape. If Sakai got away, he could return with help any minute!

He was so focused on escaping, he didn’t notice someone was watching him until a weight crashed him from above. Unbeknownst to him, Jin didn’t leave. Using his Ghost skills, he simply perched on the ceiling beam of the shack, his presence completely hidden and waiting for his chance to strike!

When the opportunity presented itself, Jin jumped on his kidnapper’s back. Turning his body before the outlaw could even react, he wrapped his powerful legs around the man’s neck and used his thick tights to bring him down.

Jin winced as both of them slammed on the hard floor but didn’t loosen his iron grip around the other man’s neck, even as he began to claw his naked legs in panic.

“Getting tricked doesn’t feel so good now, does it?” The samurai couldn’t help a small beam of vindication on his face. In this position, his bulge was pressed right against the kidnapper’s face so he wanted to finish this quickly - or else the struggles of his head and the hot breath on his thinly sheathed dick would make him cum!

The disoriented bandit moaned against the fundoshi pouch that was pressed against in face. He could barely breathe between the crushing weight around his neck and the musky cloth covering his face. He was no match for a sober Jin Sakai and as hard as he struggled, the samurai’s grasp proved itself to be too much for him and his struggles had no effect.

“No, no, no! I gotta get out!” He grasped at Jin’s legs in panic but after a couple of minutes with the sleeper hold and the musk filling his nostrils was enough to bring him over the edge.

The same was true for Jin. As hard as he tried to hold himself, the man shaking his head as his mouth and nose pressed to his bulge was enough stimulation for his hard and leaking dick.

The moment the bandit finally passed out, Jin’s eyes rolled at the back of his head and he came inside his fundoshi with a loud, long moan.
Jin took a moment or two to catch his breath, then loosening his grip on the unconscious criminal, he sighed and undid his soiled underwear.

“I really liked this pair, he thought before looking at the half-open mouth of the bandit. Thankfully, he could think of a better use of the dirty fundoshi.


“So, you caught him red-handed?” The chef asked Jin with a mix of curiosity and awe. “Without anyone noticing anything yet? They don’t call you the Ghost for nothing.”

“You’re far too kind,” Jin nodded. He pushed the wriggling bandit on the floor towards the guardsmen with his foot. The outlaw was trussed up with a staggering amount of rope in a painful box tie that forced his head almost between his legs and had his elbows nearly pressing together in a strappado. It was hard to tell but the tight cloth gag over his lips was so bloated that his mouth was likely stuffed to the point of bursting.

“I’m grateful for your help. Just one thing,” the chef coughed in his fist. “Why do you think he’s naked?”

“That I have no idea,” Jin lied. “Now if you excuse me, I need to take my leave.”

He winked at the bound man who was likely howling obscenities at him under the gag and trying to free himself as he was taken away.
All in all, Jin pondered, this could have ended far worse for him. Little he did get hurt, his pride notwithstanding. Furthermore, he learned some interesting things about himself. He checked his bag to make sure that the excess ropes he had from tying the bandit were still there.

When he found a hot spring where he couldn’t be bothered, he wanted to try and replicate the thrill of being restricted with rope.
However, this time he would skip the sake.


Re: One Too Many (M/M) - Ghost of Tsushima Fanfiction

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2023 3:54 pm
by Volobond
A wonderful short vignette filled with hot bondage and a reasonable conflict! (And it presses my historical button. Hojojutsu, invented in Japan, was often used without knots to save a noble or accused-but-untried victim humiliation of being publicly bound, so for Jin to have been bound with actual knots (and to bind the bandit) would have been even more of a humiliation! :D

Re: One Too Many (M/M) - Ghost of Tsushima Fanfiction

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2023 9:39 pm
by KidnappedCowboy
As an aficionado of the samurai tradition...

I loved this, [mention]DeeperThanRed[/mention]!

I just hope there are more adventures for Jin Sakai! :twisted: :twisted:

Re: One Too Many (M/M) - Ghost of Tsushima Fanfiction

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2023 12:20 am
by gag1195
I'm loving these little video game vignette stories from you [mention]DeeperThanRed[/mention] and this one was a delight! It's so nice for Jin to have discovered a new interest! Even if I think the bandit was right about Jin making a great and sexy slave, maybe Jin could return that same favor one day later!

Re: One Too Many (M/M) - Ghost of Tsushima Fanfiction

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2023 1:49 am
by Guardianbound
More video games turned bondage stories please :D

Re: One Too Many (M/M) - Ghost of Tsushima Fanfiction

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2023 4:08 am
by RopedBud
While I never played the game, I still loved the theme and the details of the bondage. Really enjoyed it! Wouldn't mind more chapters of other things the samurai gets into 😏

Re: One Too Many (M/M) - Ghost of Tsushima Fanfiction

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2023 7:00 am
by DeeperThanRed
[mention]Volobond[/mention] Oh, interesting! I agree that Jin's humiliation had an interest inner conflict, as his sense of honor clashes with his inadvertent self-discovery about liking bondage. :D

[mention]KidnappedCowboy[/mention] Glad you like samurai, as well! I may use Jin again in the future, though it probably won't be a direct sequel.

[mention]gag1195[/mention] We can only hope! If they ever cross roads again, the bandit may give up on trying to beat him and join Jin's cause, who knows?

[mention]Guardianbound[/mention] I don't want to derail the thread but I have some rough ideas about more of these, maybe some other PlayStation games on my backlog...

[mention]RopedBud[/mention] Thanks! Trying out new, unique settings always gets me going!