Sex, Soviet Style! (F/F later F/M)

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Sex, Soviet Style! (F/F later F/M)

Post by LunaDog »

And so [mention]Caesar73[/mention], Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present Miss Svetlana Dementieva, the creation of whom was inspired by your lovely Natasha. Hope you enjoy her 'sexploits' but more to the point, I REALLY hope Natasha does!

These events involving her take place in the early 1980s, when Russia was still in the form of the, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics


Anastacia Petrova’s Saturday morning blissful sleep was rudely shattered by the hammering on the front door of her, well compared to that of the ordinary Muscovite anyway, quite luxurious apartment. “Who the hell could that be?” she asked herself as she slowly rose from her slumbers. Slipping on her champagne-coloured satin dressing gown, part of the set that included the nightdress she wore, with both items a gift from her English boyfriend; she ambled to said door, unlocked it and began the process of opening it fully in order to answer her own earlier question.

When a sudden shove from outside took her completely by surprise, forcing the door open and causing Anastacia to stumble backwards and soon lose her footing, falling in the shape of a rather undignified heap onto the floor. The initial feeling of anger within her rapidly became replaced by one of fear as two VERY big and burly males simply stepped into her flat, completely uninvited, both of them dressed in the uniform of the dreaded K.G.B. But if their entrance caused her some large degree of trepidation, completely understandable, that was absolutely NOTHING compared to the very REAL fear, terror even, that took hold within her when the final member of the group, the sound of heals signifying that this person was female, entered into Anastacia’s home.

This woman also wore the uniform of the Soviet police agency, but hers and the insignia displayed upon it, identified the very real fact that this female was a senior officer, a full Colonel, no less. A rather evil, yes, I believe that is the only word that could fully describe it, smile formed on her face at the sight of Anastacia’s crumpled form, her visage also displaying a state of true satisfaction within the new arrival. And although her initial speech suggested concern for the fallen woman, she certainly hadn’t fooled her ‘prey.’ For Svetlana Dementieva was NO stranger to the resident of this apartment, although it had been a few years since they last had met.

“Sharapov! Kuznetsov! Whilst neither of you oafs ARE in fact Gentlemen, that doesn’t mean that you can’t act like one for once! Assist this ‘Lady’ onto her feet please!” Make no mistake the manner in which the word ‘Lady’ had been uttered, suggested that the K.G.B. officer had absolutely NO respect for her victim, regardless of the fact that the normal use of the word implied such. Her two companions swiftly responded to their superior’s command however and hauled Anastacia off the floor. A sort of ‘circling’ gesture by one of Svetlana’s hands resulted in the satin covered girl being spun around, until her back now faced the Colonel, who, having pulled Anastacia’s arms firmly together, took great delight in producing a pair of solid steel handcuffs. A sort of ‘clicking’ sound announced Anastacia’s descent into the state of imprisonment to her adversary, followed quickly by a loud gasp of sudden pain, as Svetlana, quite deliberately, ratcheted the cuffs one more step beyond what was necessary in order to secure them, meaning that the metal rings dug into their bearer’s wrists in a fair state of discomfort. A repeat of that earlier signal meant that Anastacia now faced Svetlana again, who placed her own face VERY close to that of her captive’s.

“Well, well, Anastacia Petrova. Do you have ANY idea just how much I was hoping it was YOU when I saw that name on the investigation report, and volunteered for this assignment? How much I’ve dreamt of THIS moment, how I longed for it, and yes, even PRAYED for it? And now, well, I might actually be prepared to believe that there IS a God after all! It’s been a LONG time, hasn’t it?”

“Svetlana, please…OOW!” Whatever Anastacia had intended to say was abruptly cut short, as Svetlana’s leather clad hand slapped across the side of her face, HARD!
“Did I give you permission to address me as ‘Svetlana?’ As this IS an official investigation, unless I expressly say so, you WILL refer to me as Colonel Dementieva, or simply Colonel! Is that understood, Mrs Petrova?”
“Yes Colonel Dementieva.”
“That’s better! Now then, to the actual matter in hand. The British Embassy has issued the authorities here with a formal request, that one of their members of staff be allowed to marry a Soviet Citizen, namely yourself. I have been gifted the task, VERY much to my pleasure as I’ve already stated, to determine if there are ANY grounds to deny such a union. Are there?”
“No Colonel Dementieva!”
“Oh really? Interestingly enough though, whilst I KNOW you to be the utterly conniving, lying bitch that you TRULY are, there is NO evidence to suggest that you’ve passed ANYTHING onto the British that you shouldn’t have, and YES, we, or rather I, have taken a GOOD look. And, NO, I didn’t find anything. So, while it’s as much as a shock to me as it will be to you, I DO actually believe you on this. Not that I couldn’t ‘manufacture’ something damning if I chose to, you understand?” The absolutely terrified Anastacia simply nodded.

“If allowed to go ahead, this will, of course be your second marriage, won’t it?” Anastacia hesitated, much to Svetlana’s annoyance. “WELL?”
“Yes, Colonel Dementieva.”
“Yes, isn’t it just. You’ll then have been married twice, whereas I have yet to have been even the once. And tell me my dear MRS Petrova, just who’s fault is that?”
“I know that you believe it to have been mine.”

Svetlana responded to that, for her mind TOTALLY unsatisfactory answer, by once again slapping her captive around her face, with even MORE ferocity than the previous time! “BITCH! There’s NO question about it, no ‘belief in MY mind bullshit,’ YOU STOLE MY FIANCEE FROM ME! It was less than one month from the date of our wedding, and you used your guile to trap Yuri into running off with you instead! DIDN’T YOU?”

This latest outburst from their commanding officer did result in a rather puzzled expression appearing on both Sharapov’s and Kuznetsov’s faces. For like most males of, shall we put it ‘limited’ intelligence, whose cocks TOTALLY override their brains, they struggled to believe just what they’d heard. For you see, although the brunette Anastacia was very attractive, and could be called ‘sexy’ with reasonable justification, her beauty completely paled when compared to the stunningly sexual allure of her former friend. Svetlana possessed the figure, style and utterly delicious looks, combined with her flowing blonde hair, that would have enabled her to become a modelling SUPERSTAR from the VERY TOP drawer, if she’d been born in the West as opposed to the Soviet Union. And because of her beauty, both of them would have struggled to accept the TRUE reality that Yuri Petrov could no longer cope mentally with the demanding, stressful and unappreciated life that would have been his fate IF he had indeed married the spoilt Svetlana Dementieva.

Instead, he had turned to the gentle, kind and understanding Anastacia. And she HAD done her VERY best to discourage him, for she possessed NO desire to break her friend’s heart, refusing Yuri’s advances again and again, in an attempt to persuade him to fulfil his promise to marry his betrothed. Indeed, she still refused to form any relationship with Yuri for some time AFTER he’d split from Svetlana and she, wrongly, believed that her friend had got over the breakup. However, as was obviously clear, Svetlana continued to blame her for this loss.

And the marriage between Anastacia and Yuri hadn’t lasted long. He found himself suddenly ‘posted’ to Afghanistan, arranged by Svetlana’s father a full K.G.B. General. And there the Russian formation he was part of found itself ambushed by a vastly superior in numbers Mujahideen force, his life ending there and then in the Afghan mountains.

Svetlana ‘clocked’ the expression upon the faces of her minions, deciding that she wished to continue this ‘interview’ in a more private place. Well, what could be more perfect than Anastacia’s bedroom, she mused? “Shall we retire to your Boudoir, Anastacia?”

Although it was framed as a question, if fact almost a polite request, Svetlana’s mind was already made up, and it was actually an order. “Right, you two, Mrs Petrova and I are going to conduct this discussion elsewhere. You are to remain here, and WE ARE NOT TO BE DISTURBED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES! Even though we may well be quite some time. IS THAT COMPLETELY UNDERSTOOD?”

Sharapov snapped to attention. “Yes Colonel Dementieva, you have made yourself absolutely clear, Ma’am.” Kuznetsov also raised himself to the ‘attention’ position, but said nothing, simply nodding, thereby signalling his agreement. And the look that their superior officer gave both of them made HER intentions VERY clear to the pair IF they felt so stupid as disobey her. For some plans for a ‘bit of fun’ were already taking shape within her mind as regards to her former friend.

“Lead the way please, Anastacia.” Gesturing with one of her arms in the direction that she, correctly, guessed the bedroom lay. With the level of terror inside actually increasing in her captive’s mind at the prospect of being utterly alone with the evil Svetlana. But despite that, with NO real choice, the petrified Anastacia DID proceed towards her bed chamber.

They reached the door of that room, and with her arms firmly pinioned behind her Anastacia proved unable to open it. But, continuing her mock ‘polite’ tone, Svetlana herself grabbed the handle, pulled it down and pushed the door open. “After you, my dear.” Anastacia entered, followed by Svetlana, who immediately afterwards slammed the door shut, locked it with the key that was present, which she then removed placing it into one of her uniform pockets.

“Just in case one or both of those two idiots fail to comprehend an order,” she said before turning around and getting her first full sight of the room’s contents. Which, to a large degree completely explained just why Anastacia had been SO reluctant to allow Svetlana inside. For that satin nightdress and dressing gown combination was far from the ONLY gift her Englishman had festooned her with over their time together, with many of those ‘presents’ now being on FULL display.

“My, my, Anastacia, your Englishman seems to have NO bounds to his generosity, does he? What delights do we have here?"
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]LunaDog[/mention] Natasha is sending her greetings to Comrade Demetieva! She considers her a worthy predecessor and an inspiration!
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Post by LunaDog »

[mention]Caesar73[/mention] Svetlana sends her thanks to Natasha, and considers it a REAL honour that she inspires YOUR Russian Lady!
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Post by LunaDog »

“Sit down on the bed, please.” Her captive obeyed. Svetlana, having removed the gloves, first rubbed her hands over her captive’s satin covered body, which despite her fear, DID cause her excitement level to increase, and then felt the red surface of the large bed. “He sure likes the feel of satin, doesn’t he?” For the material of the bedsheet was also of that material. “Who chose the colour, him or yourself?”
“I did, Colonel Dementieva.”
“Oh Anastacia, we’re old friends, aren’t we? Now that those two goons are out of earshot we can dispense with the ‘formalities!’ You may now address me as ‘Svetlana,’ again.”
“Thank you, Svetlana.” Anastacia responded softly, although her fear remained unabated.
“You’re welcome. But I’m impressed, bright red, THE colour of our beloved Soviet Union. It seems that you ARE patriotic after all, I might well mention THAT fact in my report and recommendation. But then, just WHAT do we have here?”

Svetlana’s eyes had widened as she clocked the sight of a pair of fur lined handcuffs fastened around one of the bed’s four corner posts, with said fur also being in Soviet red, and a quick glance around confirmed that ALL four solid corner bedposts featured such an accessory. “Well, well, aren’t you the kinky one, eh? Bet you’ve had some fun with those?” And it would be a shame to waste them now, she thought to herself, clearly planning to place Anastacia within their grip. Moving to one of those corners Svetlana grabbed the cuff set there, and smiled, her evil smile again. “I’m impressed. These aren’t those sort of ‘toy’ cuffs, are they? You know the sort, with latches on them meaning they can be ‘undone’ without a key, possibly even by the ‘wearer.’ Oh NO Anastacia, your Englishman has excelled himself again, hasn’t he? THESE are the ‘real’ thing, they’re as inescapable as the K.G.B. issue that you’re currently ‘enjoying’ right now, aren’t they?” Reminding her victim, as if the pain in her wrists didn’t already, of how her captor had, deliberately, overtightened them.

With the level of curiosity in her mind FULLY active now, Svetlana continued her examination of Anastacia’s ‘inner chamber,’ her attentions now focusing upon a chest of drawers standing in a corner of the room. Opening the top drawer revealed Anastacia’s EXTENSIVE lingerie collection. Basques, suspender belts, and LOTS of pairs of stockings, which a quick feel of confirmed to Svetlana were ALL VERY sheer and luxurious. Some of them being THAT red colour again, but majority in a delicious black shade. And then her sharp mind noticed something, which immediately triggered within her evil mind, a truly FANTASTIC plan in her head.

Because it very much needs to be born in mind here that Svetlana Dementieva was both HIGHLY intelligent and VERY astute. For, whilst there was NO denying that her father’s influence HAD assisted her rapid rise up the ranks within the K.G.B. her own talents had fully justified those early promotions. She had performed some utterly outstanding work in her career, proving time and time again that she was completely WORTHY of her high position.

And it was upon checking inside of Anastacia’s second drawer that her suspicions became FULLY confirmed. For there was a ‘strap-on’ dildo, and clearly one designed to be worn by a female. It even featured an ‘extension,’ that Svetlana guessed correctly had been placed there to stimulant its female wearer’s clitoris as she ‘shagged’ her partner, be said partner either male or female. There were also some ball gags and blindfolds in that drawer that could prove useful, she thought to herself.

Svetlana’s own pussy began to become TOTALLY wet immediately upon her discoveries, also turning almost unbearably hot as she now thoroughly anticipated the rest of what was going to be THE most enjoyable day of her whole life. She had NEVER been turned on this much EVER before, and she was struggling to contain the excitement within herself. Because she had NO intention of revealing this state of affairs to her prisoner, well not just yet!

By now, again utterly correctly, Svetlana had guessed that those cuffs fitted to Anastacia’s bed weren’t there to hold HER to it, or at least not ALL the time. No, her Englishman obviously had also been ‘confined’ to his girlfriend’s bedroom furniture, and it was absolutely clear to her that this just could be the man she’d been looking for ALL of her life!

After taking one of the aforementioned blindfolds, Svetlana returned to the top drawer and grabbed a suspender belt and pair of stockings, black but purely because there were more items in that colour than red, from the left-hand side of the drawer. But just why had she taken these items, quite intentionally, from THAT side? Because the, admittedly very small, pile of said items on the extreme right-hand side, were slightly larger than rest. Meaning only ONE thing, as she had accurately deduced. These clearly weren’t worn by Anastacia herself. NO, THESE adorned her English boyfriend’s body during their sex sessions together. Suggesting, and again Svetlana had guessed rightly, that he WAS SUBMISSIVE in nature and obviously ENJOYED being subjected to FEMDOM! As said, JUST WHAT she WANTED from a man. Could she do PRECISELY to Anastacia WHAT had been done to her? Oh, could her planned revenge taste ANY SWEETER?

However, for the present he wasn’t here, and Anastacia was. With Svetlana KNOWING he wouldn’t be here for several hours just yet. Because, and yes, she’d done her ‘homework,’ being a keen football fan, Svetlana KNEW he was attending the match between Lokomotiv Moscow and F.C. Shakhtar Donetsk. Which she knew hadn’t kicked off just yet, giving her the chance to enjoy herself at Anastacia’s expense before turning her attention to her MAIN task of this joyous day. Seducing and capturing the heart, or to be more accurate, the COCK of this Englishman!

Having ordered her prisoner to stand, which proved difficult with her arms held behind her, although she DID succeed, and with those items in her hands, Svetlana approached Anastacia again, and fitted the blindfold over her captive’s eyes. Oh, and yes, the Englishman’s exquisite taste demonstrated itself YET again, as it one of those PROPER such items that allowed NO light through at all, plunging Anastacia’s world into COMPLETE darkness.

“Now then my dear, I’m going to remove these handcuffs, which no doubt will come as a great relief to you. For I know I tightened them a bit too much earlier, and for THAT I DO apologise.” And believe it or not, she TRULY meant that apology, with the prospects of this day being SO enjoyable, Svetlana told herself that she could afford to be magnanimous!

“However,” she started to warn her victim, “don’t be SO stupid as to try ANYTHING funny! I’ve attended and comfortably passed a full ‘Spetsnaz’ ( the Russian Military Special Forces ) self-defence course, and so would easily overcome you if were to be so daft.” Anastacia nodded, fully believing what she’d just be told, just as well because Svetlana had made this claim utterly truthfully. And then at last her wrists were free, and Svetlana raised NO objection to her request that she be allowed to rub them gently, as the pain of their cruel confinement began to subside.

“Right, now I want you to remove your clothing.” Anastacia obeyed, and those lovely satin items ended up on the floor meaning that she was now completely naked. Not that Svetlana wished her to remain this way. Handed the suspender belt by her captor, she was directly to fit this and again complied. “You MAY lift the blindfold, but do NOT remove it completely, as your stockings ARE very sheer, and so will need the utmost care to fit. We don’t want to ladder them, do we?” Svetlana handed them over to Anastacia, then ordered, in a tone that TOTALLY forbade any resistance, as she was REALLY struggling to contain the excitement within her now, “FIT THEM!” Anastacia obeyed but WAS careful and to her captor’s delight and satisfaction, she managed to prevent herself from damaging them.

“ON THE BED! NOW!” Once Anastacia had done so, Svetlana moved to the foot end first, and within seconds both of her ankles had a steel, covered by fur admittedly, bracelet fully enclosing and capturing them. However THIS time, although these bonds were FULLY secure and inescapable, Svetlana had been careful NOT to overtighten them.

Now another positive attribute of Svetlana’s character emerged, again having been honed by that “Spetsnaz’ course, her tremendous degree of self-control. For while her ‘pussy’ wanted her to immediately chain Anastacia’s arms to the upper bedposts, her strong self-will was fully able to contain those impulses, and yet again, enjoy taunting her captive. For it is very difficult, she yet again completely correctly deduced, for somebody whose legs are chained or tied stretched out to bed posts, to be able to release themselves even IF their arms are free. And she just couldn’t resist the temptation to torment Anastacia once again.

Actually handing her prisoner the key to her leg bindings, she smiled as she announced. “Now then my dear, you know me well enough to know I’m sporting in nature, and so, I’m going to give you a chance to avoid just what I have planned for you!” The puzzled look on Anastacia’s face betrayed the fact that this UTTERLY false claim had taken her completely by surprise, but nevertheless, Svetlana continued. “So, you have PRECISELY one minute!” Looking at her watch, and finding the ‘stopwatch’ function, which she showed to Anastacia once she’d found it. “If, and ONLY if, you are able to release your legs from bondage by that time, well then, I will NOT shag you after all and, I’ll just have to go without! But, of course, if you fail……”

Anastacia tried, she REALLY tried, but she NEVER stood a chance. Struggling to move the top half of her body towards the bottom end of the bed, she gave it EVERYTHING she had in the useless attempt. And soon, with a joyous voice Svetlana announced that her time had run out, and NO she didn’t cheat and had offered her captive the FULL minute that had been promised. “TIME’S UP, DARLING!” as she snatched the key from her prisoner’s hand, and cruelly pushed her captive’s body back down onto the bed’s surface, undoing ALL of Anastacia’s efforts! Now, of course, Svetlana swiftly snapped those cuffs attached to the bed posts of the upper frame around her prisoner’s wrists, but at least, like the one’s around her ankle’s Svetlana did NOT ‘overtighten’ them. Although NO escape from her captor’s intentions was now possible for Anastacia, as both of them KNEW, ALL TOO WELL!

At the DELICIOUS sight of her prisoner inescapable bound, totally helpless and completely now in HER hands and power, Svetlana actually licked her lips, resulting in a cold shiver running throughout Anastacia’s captive form. “Well now, LOVER, it appears that you are now ready for a REAL sex session, but with this uniform on, I am NOT.” And so, Svetlana began the process of removing her own clothing, until she was utterly naked, but with the delights contained inside of Anastacia’s lingerie drawers on offer she had NO intention of remaining in THIS state.

Returning to the top drawer, Svetlana selected for herself a black satin basque, it’s not just the Englishman and his, well for now, girlfriend who LOVE this material she told herself, as she placed herself within, making a REAL show of doing so, ALL for the benefit of the helpless girl chained to her own bed! Followed, of course, by another pair of those sheer stockings, from Anastacia’s ‘side’, of the drawer as the two women were VERY similar in size. Again, Svetlana put on a seductive display in doing so, once again purely for her captive. But, just like Anastacia had been, Svetlana was VERY careful NOT to ladder, or otherwise damage the delicate nylons, and just like her prisoner she succeeded in that aim. “Now I too AM ready, and we can begin. YOU ARE MINE!”

Once again Svetlana’s intelligence and strong control over her emotions rose to the occasion. For, as she worked out, Anastacia wasn’t chained to her bed by her own volition and might well still be ‘dry’ inside of her pussy. For, although part of her, her sexual desires and RAVENOUS sexual appetite, simply wanted her to fit Anastacia’s ‘strap-on’ and plunge herself into said pussy, she fully realised that some ‘fore play’ could well be required. So, she left the dildo inside of its ‘home’ for now, and her first move was to remove Anastacia’s power of sight by replacing the blindfold into its proper location, covering her captive’s eyes. Returning to that second drawer, she withdrew, not the dildo, but one of the ball gags, Anastacia’s ‘pleasure’ that she was just about to have ‘inflicted’ upon her would be born in relative silence.

Once fitted, Svetlana at last ‘got to work.’ Placing her lips over one of the bound girl’s breasts, Svetlana began to gently tease it, very gently grinding her teeth over the nipple and sucking. After some time with the first of Anastacia’s tits, she moved over to its companion. Whilst all of this was going on, the fingers of one of Svetlana’s hands began to ‘play’ with her prisoner’s pussy, and after waiting for a short time, those same fingers turned their FULL attentions to Anastacia’s ‘clitty.’

Whether she wanted it or not, and as you CAN imagine Anastacia had NOT done so, her body, especially her sexual organs, began to respond to her tormentor’s efforts, and Svetlana’s considerable skill level, which was of a magnitude that FULLY matched, and quite possibly actually exceeded, her STUNNING looks, certainly didn’t offer any assistance in resisting that process. Her body twisted and turned as much as the bonds holding it allowed, gentle moans emerged from her mouth, the gag naturally moderating the volume level of course, as she began to become MORE and MORE turned on. Svetlana kept up her ‘assault,’ if anything she accelerated her actions, and suddenly Anastacia could resist NO more, as her climax struck, causing wave after wave of sheer pleasure to overwhelm her!

Anastacia’s helpless body tried to escape from the steel rings that held it in its thrashing about state, as ecstasy took some time to release her from its TOTAL grip, Svetlana NOW reached into that second drawer and withdrew the dildo. With her astuteness allowing her to swiftly work out how to correctly fit it, she’d soon done so. She returned to the bed and its captive, who HAD now calmed down, and first removed the gag, before not merely lifting the blindfold this time but removing it completely. Enabling Anastacia to now see fully again, and what she saw was Svetlana standing there, HER strap-on fitted to her adversary’s midriff and THAT EVIL smile on FULL display!

Svetlana climbed ‘on board’ of her captive, and gently guided the end of her ‘cock’ to Anastacia’s pussy, and VERY gently started to ‘insert it.’ But if this action wasn’t threatening at all, there was NO subtlety about the way she almost shoved her face into that of the bound girl, and stared into her frightened eyes, her own being FULL of lust and menace!

“Right then, the time for faffing about is well and truly OVER! You’ve had a lovely starter, which, don’t deny it, you enjoyed, but now it’s time for the MAIN Course, where I get to join in the fun! For you are totally in MY hands, utterly in MY power and completely under MY control. And what I’m going to do now is SHAG YOU, to within an inch of your life, again AND again AND again, until you can take NO more and BEG me to stop!” And ANY doubt that Anastacia might have had about the validity of what she’d just been informed of, were ABSOLUTELY shattered, as Svetlana commenced proceedings with her lips ATTACKING those of the meek and mild Anastacia, with a FEROCITY and passion that her captive hadn’t even believed was possible, let alone ever experienced before!
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Post by Caesar73 »

Comrade Natasha Bolgonskaya sends her Greetings to Colonel Dementieva [mention]LunaDog[/mention] ! She is impressed by the Colonel´s devious handling of Anastasia. Very hot and very sensual!
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Post by LunaDog »

Dear Natasha

Svetlana sends her apologies for not replying or acknowledging your message earlier. She got called away on urgent K.G.B. business in Leningrad ( Now St Petersburg ) for a few days, and of course, in the early 1980's there were NO moblie phones, internet or laptops available, to enable her to reply to you! However she IS a little concerned that you're beginning to show signs of compassion! You'd have NEVER made a good career in the K.G.B. displaying such a sign of weekness!

Incidentally, regarding the spelling of the name of her female victim, I have, as some of you may have noticed, spelt it slightly differently to the'normal' way the name is spelt, ie. AnastaSia. The form that my good friend [mention]Caesar73[/mention] has used in both his post here and his own magnificent story. For of the Ladies of said name this IS BY FAR the most common form of how it's spelt, especially in Russia I understand.

However there are women called this name who DO spell it in a different way, ONE in particular, and as I'm a MASSIVE fan of hers, THAT is why I've spelt it the way that she does. I'm talking about the TOTAL ROCK GODDESS called AnastaCia, the Lady responsible for such classic 'bangers' as 'Left Outside Alone,' 'All Outta Love,' and my personal favourite, 'Pieces of a Dream.' Hope that clears up any confusion here.

“We had hope and now it's broken

And I could see it clearly once when you were here with me
And now somehow all that's left are pieces of a-
And I could see it clearly once when you were here with me
And now somehow all that's left are pieces of a dream

Pieces of a dream.”

Is this the fate of the Anastacia from my story? Totally and utterly trapped within the vice like grip of Svetlana as things stand now, are her dreams going to be smashed to 'pieces?' Next part WILL be posted soon.
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Post by Caesar73 »


Revered Comrade Dementieva,

Natascha Bolgonskaya sends her Greetings!

I admire your inspiring work for the KGB. Be assured that I never let feelings cloud my Judgement.

The Mission is all, and I take all necessary measures to fulfill it regardless the cost.

Sometimes the Situation allows to combine pleasure and duty, something you surely understands, if the stories told abvove you by former KGB Comrades are true.

Taking advantage of Christine von der Marwitz is pleasure and duty.To keep her in good shape serves the Mission.

As your loyalty lies with the mighty Sovietunion, mine belongs to my Liege Lord and the Mission.

You will always be an Inspiration to me!

Natascha Bolgonskaya
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Post by LunaDog »

Daer Natasha

Please forgive the ramblings of a nearly seventy year old woman. For yes, what might have been the right way, forty years ago in the Soviet Union, may not be the correct way in the Russia of now! Times change and we need to change with them. As you clearly have done.

Would you be offended if i was to say to you that, in some ways i consider you to the daughter i never actually had? If you WERE my daughter then i could NOT be more pleased or proud of what you have become.

Carry on your excellent work, as i VERY much enjoy these reports of your activities, written by the superb [mention]Caesar73[/mention] , hope he continues these tales featuring you. The very best of luck to you in your 'mission.' And that German girl seems quite a 'hottie!'


Svetlana Dementieva.
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Post by LunaDog »

And if at first Svetlana’s ‘in and out’ cycles with her ‘strap-on’ within Anastacia’s soaking wet pussy WERE gentle, she soon rapidly accelerated the process until she was REALLY POUNDING her prisoner into the red satin covered mattress of her own bed. With that ‘attachment’ of her ‘cock’ starting to take real effect regarding the captor’s own clitoris, making her own levels of pleasure rise until ‘that’ point was rushing forward at an ever-increasing rate. Suddenly Svetlana screamed, at absolutely FULL volume as ecstasy FULLY claimed her body and delightful jolts of pure bliss flushed throughout her COMPLETE form, which shook uncontrollably!

Svetlana’s actions had also bought Anastacia to her second climax of the ‘session,’ although it didn’t seem to be quite at the same intensity as that of her captor. And neither were her screams at quite the same level as those of her ‘lover!’

And now ‘Mother Nature’ entered the equation. For if Svetlana had been male, then there would been at least fifteen minutes that would have elapsed before any more shagging could have occurred, time for any male’s ‘batteries’ to have ‘recharged’ as it were. Of course, though, the K.G.B. Colonel was very much FEMALE, and therefore NO such period was necessary in order for Svetlana to resume shagging her captive, with just a few minutes needed for her to calm down from her last climax.

And so, as I’m sure you can ALL imagine THAT is precisely what happened, Svetlana immediately resumed her ‘attack’ as soon as possible. And once she’d reached her second orgasm of that day, with this time her victim NOT reaching the same state of enjoyment, she repeated the same cycle yet again for her third ‘assault’ upon the bound Anastacia!

And a fact that needs to be considered here is that Svetlana was in PERFECT physical condition, FULLY fit, strong and supple. Whereas Anastacia, although not unfit or overweight at all, wasn’t in the same degree of ‘tip-top’ condition. Therefore, the captive’s stamina was lower than that of her captor, and naturally it was Anastacia who ‘broke’ first, after Svetlana had subjected her to five FULL quality shags.

A shattered voice weakly pleaded, “Svetlana please, Svetlana I can’t take ANY more, please Svetlana, I’m BEGGING you, please STOP!” And there was only ONE reason why her captor actually agreed, and that was NOTHING to do with any thought of showing any mercy towards her captive. No, it was purely down to the fact that Svetlana would still need a large degree of stamina for her planned seduction of Anastacia’s English boyfriend later on during the day. In fact, she’d been rather relieved when Anastacia HAD caved in, becoming concerned that she WAS using up some of her ‘reserves,’ and had actually considered simply using her fingers again to torment her prisoner.

So, when Svetlana smiled again at Anastacia it was NOT the evil version, but almost friendly. “Sure, I have REALLY enjoyed myself, but I’ve plans for THIS evening, so I DO need to conserve some of MY strength, therefore yes, I DO believe it’s time to ‘call it a day.’ Let’s quit while we’re ahead.” The utterly shattered Anastacia simply didn’t have any stamina left in order to work out just what her captor had meant by those ‘evening plans’ which of course referred to the desired seduction of her boyfriend!

Svetlana climbed off the bed, and its bound captive, then gently removed Anastacia’s ‘strap-on’ from her own body. Turning her back on her ‘companion’ she actually kissed it, whispering VERY softly, “thank you, but your work for today is NOT yet finished!”

Placing it down, she now grabbed the keys to Anastacia’s bonds, and starting with the ones of her legs began to release her from the cuffs, until she was finally free of her own bed. However, of course, Svetlana left the four pairs of handcuffs still attached to the posts of Anastacia’s bed, if things went well tonight, she’d be using them again!

Once Anastacia had climbed off the bed herself, finding herself a little unsteady on her feet after so long lying upon it, Svetlana handed her the satin nightdress and dressing gown that she’d retrieved from the floor, with a gentle, “why don’t you dress yourself back in these?”

Far too shattered to argue, Anastacia did indeed place her body back into her champagne-coloured nightwear, before Svetlana once again grabbed her, spinning her around as before, and pulling her arms together once again, placed her captive back into those K.G.B. handcuffs, although thankfully NOT too tightly this time. “I’m SO sorry Darling but whereas YOUR day of pleasure is OVER, mine is not. But don’t you worry, as you’ll hear because I’ll issue those two out there EXPRESS orders that you are NOT officially under arrest and are NOT to be HARMED. But, back to my original task, now that I’ve ‘interviewed’ you, so as to complete my assignment I now need to meet your prospective husband. In order to make a determination as to his suitability.” But, NOT in the manner you think, she smiled to herself.

For a brief while Svetlana had actually considered remaining in the state of ‘undress’ that she was currently in and had a little chuckle to herself that the sight of her just in Anastacia’s basque and stockings would have produced on the faces of Sharapov and Kuznetsov. But she decided against it after all, and dressed herself as she had been, back into her K.G.B. uniform, but with one slight difference. For instead of her own cotton panties, which remained on the bedroom floor, her nether region was now delighting in the utter joy of being covered by a delicious feeling pair of Anastacia’s pure satin items.

Retrieving the key to the bedroom door from her uniform pocket, she unlocked said door and gestured her captive to proceed through it first. Which Anastacia did, making their way back to the living room, where the two K.G.B. men were sitting and watching the T.V. Upon the sight of their superior they immediately rose to attention, but Svetlana was now in a VERY good mood, and actually feeling generous. To their amazement she, kindly, uttered “that’s alright lads, you may sit down again. By the way, what’s the score?”

For Anastacia’s Englishman wasn’t the only one to have an interest in the match between Lokomotiv and Shakhtar, and it was the football being shown live that her men had been watching. “We’re down four to three, Ma’am.” Kuznetsov answered. “With only five minutes to go. Not good, I’m afraid!”
“No, I guess not. Please sit-down Anastacia, Gentlemen there’s NO rush so I’m perfectly happy for you to see this match through to the end.” Knowing it would take the Englishman at least thirty minutes to travel from the football ground to Anastacia’s flat after it finished, leaving her plenty of time to make her preparations for his arrival.

Suddenly both Sharapov and Kuznetsov emitted cries of joy that would have seriously challenged, in pure volume terms anyway, the screams of ecstasy that their boss had emitted within the last hour or so, as Lokomotiv’s main striker buried the ball in back of the Shakhtar net. Jumping to their feet at the same time. Four-four then. Which is how the match finished.

“Good match?” Svetlana asked. Now, she normally had about as much interest in football as her two minions had in gentle foreplay, but of course, she wasn’t asking out of any REAL interest in the game itself. It could give her something to chat up Anastacia’s boyfriend with.

“Yes, Colonel Dementieva,” Sharapov answered. “End to end, plenty of goals and action. Shame we didn’t win though, but at least we didn’t lose.”
“Yes, I suppose so. But I’m afraid it’s back to business for the two of you and I need you to listen, and listen WELL, to what I’m about to tell you.”
Again, rising to attention, both men snapped their, “yes Ma’am” reply.

“Now then, you are to accompany Mrs Petrova here back to the station, I shall be remaining here in order to be able to question her prospective husband. However, and LET ME BE ABSOLUTELY CLEAR ABOUT THIS, she is NOT under official arrest, and is NOT TO BE HARMED IN ANY WAY! Is that completely understood?”
“Yes Ma’am!” Two male voices rang out in almost perfect unison.
“I MEAN IT! Treat her like a guest as opposed to a prisoner. When you arrive, uncuff her and allow her any food, drink or toilet need requests she asks for, make her as comfortable as you possibly can. And when I’ve finished talking to her boyfriend,” or maybe BEFORE I’m done with him Svetlana thought to herself, “she’ll be returning back here, as a FREE woman. She is NOT any sort of criminal AT ALL, and don’t you forget that!”
Another almost perfect chorus of “yes Ma’am,” rang out.
“Go with them now Anastacia, and I DO mean EVERY word about you NOT being a criminal and returning here free later on.” And so, the three of them left, leaving Svetlana Dementieva VERY much alone in her adversary’s abode. Alone to action her schemes!

The door to the apartment had hardly closed when Svetlana almost ran back to Anastacia’s bedroom, immediately stripping out of that K.G.B. uniform once more. Looking around, trying to take stock of anything she hadn’t yet noticed, she clocked a solid looking chair with arms. Um, THAT could come in useful later she thought. And although Svetlana HAD opened and noted the contents of that chest of drawers, she realised that she hadn’t yet investigated the contents of Anastacia’s wardrobe.

When she duly did so her pussy fluttered again as there were items present that not only turned her on, but also gave her intelligent mind yet more information about the state of the relationship between her former friend and the Englishman. Including some quite possible flaws between the pair of them, flaws that the scheming Svetlana had FULL intention of using to HER advantage. Firstly, there was a beautiful VERY dark grey leather suit, with a VERY short skirt, that appealed greatly, and having put on one of Anastacia’s lovely satin blouses again in Soviet red, found its way onto her body. Feeling ABSOLUTELY delicious!

But that, lovely though it was, was NOT the item of clothing that had REALLY caught her eye! Still within its plastic protective covering and clearly not having been worn at all, as Svetlana removed this item of clothing from the wardrobe, she quickly determined that it was a ‘French maids’ costume, manufactured in satin once again, and clearly made in such a manner that was meant for the purpose of sexual stimulation instead of any actual labour.

And it didn’t take long for her astuteness to work out precisely what was going on here. For it was crystal clear that this Englishman was a TOTAL submissive, he WANTED to be dominated by a female, both generally but ESPECIALLY sexually. And, knowing his girlfriend VERY well as she did, Svetlana KNEW he’d made a VERY poor choice of woman if THAT was what he desired. No, Anastacia could NEVER make a natural ‘Mistress,’ she simply didn’t possess the required qualities to succeed in THAT role, she was far too meek, mild and caring.

But then if Anastacia wasn’t born to be a ‘Mistress,’ Svetlana MOST CERTAINLY WAS!
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I simply got ‘caught up in the moment’ as the ball hit and rippled the back of the net of the goal being defended by F.C. Shakhtar Donetsk. As the crowd around me rose and cheered at FULL volume, like I say, captured by the spirit around me, I did so too. For I wasn’t actually a fan of Lokomotiv Moscow, the team my temporary ‘companions’ all followed. And no, I also wasn’t a fan of Donetsk who’d found himself in the ‘wrong’ section. When I state that that I wasn’t a ‘home’ fan, I mean that in a far more extreme sense that just not supporting the team who’s ground I was now within.

You see IF I had been in the ‘home’ ground of the team I DID follow, I’d have been at Filbert Street, the ground of the football team of the city of my birth, Leicester City F.C. known as the ‘Foxes.’ Who recently had an exciting new prospective striker, deservedly, emerge from their youth academy, a young lad actually born in Leicester, by the name of Gary Lineker. And I hadn’t actually had the pleasure of seeing him play yet.

For within that period of time in the early Eighties I found myself no longer living in Leicester, in fact I no longer resided in England at all. I’d spent several years, since leaving school in fact, working for the British Government’s Diplomatic Service, and secured for myself a quite important and well-paid position within the British Embassy located in Moscow, the Capital City of the Soviet Union. It had certainly helped that my grandparents had emigrated from Russia many years ago, and so I could communicate in the Russian language to quite a high standard.

Hence my presence within Lokomotiv’s ground. And in many ways, NOT being a true ‘fan’ of either team meant I could enjoy watching the action as a ‘neutral’ and therefore, with NO emotional attachment of course, just watch and enjoy the ‘action’ WITHOUT any concern as to the result. For this had been a match to fully savour, that goal I just mentioned was the EIGHTH of the contest, which in many ways had finished correctly with the scores level at four apiece. It had been a fantastic sporting event, the fortunes ebbing one way and then back the other way, with the resulting noise from both sections of the spectators flowing in a similar manner. And then, with the majority of the ‘home’ support beginning to resign themselves to the fact that the game was, in fact, heading towards defeat, that equaliser in the very depths of the match had at least meant that Lokomotiv emerged with SOMETHING from the contest.

Resulting in the mood being at least ‘content’ as the crowd shuffled out of the stadium, all heading in their own directions towards their respective homes. Or in my case, towards the apartment of my Russian girlfriend, or strictly speaking that should be fiancée, Anastacia Petrova. To what I was sure would be a very pleasant evening. And that was beginning to possibly become a bit of a problem, I didn’t WANT a pleasant evening, I WANTED an erotic one!

I’d met Anastacia at some sort of official function several months before, and we’d started dating almost immediately. Now with Soviet Russia not exactly a ‘free’ society like Britain was, we knew we’d have to tread carefully, and we took extreme care to ensure that we did precisely that. I NEVER asked Anastacia to place herself within any place of suspicion, especially from that the organisation simply known as the K.G.B. the Russian secret police force, that was feared by the vast majority of Muscovites, very much including my Lady.

Anastacia began to display real signs that we could possibly be completely compatible after all. She showed a REAL love for the lingerie from Britain that I bought for her, including the satin sheets and nightwear that I treated her with. And she just LOVED stockings!

And she took to my suggestion of bondage games in the bedroom like a ‘duck to water!’ Unfortunately, NOT in the manner or orientation that I’d had in mind when I raised the subject! For, as far as Anastacia’s desires were concerned, bondage meant HER being tied, or chained, to the bed and me being doing ALL of the work, having to set the agenda of our ‘sex games.’ It took weeks of almost pleading with her to get her to even attempt to try it the ‘other way,’ with me helpless in HER hands. And yes, she DID try her best, even trying out the ‘strap-on’ I’d bought and, oh thankfully, she DID remember to use PLENTY of lubrication; but it was completely clear that she wasn’t a ‘natural Mistress,’ in ANY way, shape or form.

So, as the bus took its route towards her home, let me just explain what the very BEST scenario I could possibly hope for that evening would have played out. Anastacia would have agreed to cuff me spread-eagled and facing down to her bed. You see, another gift from myself to her was four pairs of fur lined, solid steel and secure handcuffs, which were fitted to the four corner bed posts of her bed, ready for me, or normally of course HER, at any time. She’d have allowed me to place my legs in a set of the sheer nylon stockings, complete with suspender belt, that I’d given her, with herself also so adorned. But, at almost EVERY stage of this, she’d have hesitated, asking if I was alright, things weren’t TOO tight etc. And then she’d fit that dildo, but again taking ALL of the spontaneity out of the situation, making me feel as if I had a choice, and she’d stop immediately if I said so. Nice, safe, loving in a sort of ‘cloy’ way and comfortable, but not at ALL exciting or ‘dangerous!’

Now compare that to what my desires would have WANTED to occur! I’d want her to ORDER me, making me strip upon HER COMMAND and making me feel totally humiliated. She’d basically force me to fit those nylons and almost push me onto the bed, chaining me to it quickly and in a way that demonstrated BEYOND doubt that I had NO choice in the matter! And then she’d shag almost half to death using her ‘strap-on,’ again and again, until I couldn’t take ANY more and begged her to stop!

But I just KNEW that with Anastacia as my partner there was absolutely NO chance of ANY of these dreams becoming reality. And I just resigned myself to this, I HAD asked Anastacia to marry me, ENTIRELY of my own free will and therefore I, in my own mind, could NOT betray or desert her. And if she couldn’t fulfil my sexual fantasies, then she WAS caring, kind and loyal. A magnificent cook and housekeeper, she was also damn attractive, sexy even, which possibly stoked my frustrations even more.

It was a shame she wasn’t more like my sister Lisa, back in Leicester. Now THERE was a confident woman, maybe if Anastacia and I ever return to Britain, then she could pass on some ‘tips’ to my Lady. After all feminine ‘rights’ are far more prominent in my home country as opposed to my ‘adopted’ one.

Well, here I was then. The bus stopped, I descended from it and walked for the five or so minutes that I took me to reach her home, in one of the posher parts of the city, for Anastacia’s home WAS quite luxurious, compared to most of the city’s residents. As I approached her apartment block, I resolved NOT to be rude to Anastacia at all, like I say I’d chosen her as my life companion and didn’t wish to upset or annoy her in any way. And, as I alluded to earlier, the one thing I DID know was that tonight’s meal WOULD be WELL cooked!

Having entered the apartment block I took the stairs as opposed to the lifts, which DID actually work until I reached her door. Opening it with the key she’d given me, I called out as I entered, “Anastacia, it’s only me Darling!”

Now then, have any of you ever experienced that rather awful feeling when you KNOW that something isn’t quite right or as it should be? I ask, because THAT was EXACTLY how I felt at this moment. IF things HAD been ‘normal,’ Anastacia WOULD have called out a reply to my greeting. Or, and let’s just assume that she hadn’t heard me, say she’d been on the toilet with the door shut for example, there would have been OTHER noises present. The television, or a radio possibly. Sounds of cooking from the kitchen perhaps.

Instead, the flat was COMPLETELY silent. No sound whatsoever, it was almost eerie. Especially combined with the fact that the place was in TOTAL darkness. My senses on FULL alert, I gingerly crept forwards, until I reached the living room area,

Suddenly there WAS light! A small table lamp had just been switched on, and although the person who performed this act was wearing some of Anastacia’s clothing I swiftly noticed, she most definitely was NOT my girlfriend!
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Post by LunaDog »

Instead, my eyes informed me that I was looking at THE most gorgeous, sexy and EXCITING woman that said eyes had EVER seen before, and yes that includes ALL of the movie ‘stars’ and supermodels that they could recall having viewed beforehand. But, in some ways, it wasn’t her outstanding beauty that REALLY sent signals to my cock, that responded in the TOTALLY natural way, but the look of her face and HER eyes! For they were FULL of determination, purpose and, above all, AUTHORITY!

At THIS precise moment in time however, there WAS still SOME resistance within me, and I began to rant, “who the HELL are you? What do you think you’re doing in THOSE clothes? And where is Anastacia?”

The mystery woman NEVER even flinched! Keeping those eyes of hers firmly holding me in their gaze, she simply responded, “have you QUITE finished? Please sit down, over there.” Indicating the other sofa in the room to the one she herself sat on. Which completely took me by surprise and left me simply gaping at her, my mouth wide open in shock.

However, it was what she said next and the manner of how she said it that pushed me over the edge, and made me say to myself, ‘I want her!’ No, actually that wasn’t quite right, said message, in reality, was, ‘I want to BE hers!’

For in a voice FULL of the authority displayed by her eyes she calmly addressed me, “SIT DOWN! NOW!” I IMMEDIATELY obeyed, and in some ways was glad to, for it MIGHT have given me a chance to hide that ‘boner’ from her!

“Good. Now I seem to have gained your attention, as a Colonel of the K.G.B. I’m sure you can well imagine I’m far more used to asking questions than answering them. However, as I intend us to ‘get along,’ I’ll grant you the privilege of receiving a reply to your queries. Firstly, as to the ‘whereabouts’ of Mrs Petrova. I believe that you English have an appropriate saying in these such instances, ‘assisting the police with their enquires?’ For, whilst she IS at my place of work, she is NOT under arrest at all, and IF I’m satisfied with YOUR conduct tonight, she WILL be released and allowed to return here, TOTALLY free and unharmed. Is that understood?”
“Yes, Ma’am. What do you what from me for that to happen?”
“ALL in good time. But my first instruction is for you to stop addressing me as ‘ma’am.’ My name is Svetlana Dementieva, and I WANT you to call me by my name, ‘Svetlana.’ OK?”
“Yes…..Svetlana.” Said VERY nervously.

“Good. Now then, to return to your earlier question about why I’m dressed in some of Anastacia’s clothing, well it’s because I WANT to wear it. I LIKE the feel of this apparel. And, as you’ll soon see, I have some more items from her wardrobe, or to be more accurate, her chest of drawers on underneath. As I’m sure you can ascertain from these delicious stockings that currently adorn my legs. In fact, before we go any further here, allow me to complement you on your VERY good tastes. Believe me, I’m VERY impressed!”
“Thank you, Svetlana.”

“You’re welcome, like I say that complement has been fully earned. Now then, as to what I want from you, it’s as simple as this. You will OBEY every instruction I issue to you tonight! And from just what ‘evidence’ I’ve seen in Anastacia’s bedroom, my sharp mind tells me that such a demand will NOT be a problem for you. In fact, I’ve deduced that it’s something you actually desire? Correct?”

I paused to actually swallow. For yes, this ‘Svetlana’ couldn’t have been MORE ‘correct’ as my ‘boner’ became even HARDER! And the fact that as well as exciting me, she also TOTALLY frightened me was the MAIN cause of that. “Yes, Svetlana, you have got that UTTERLY correct.”

“Thought so.” Now she issued her first command. “Stand up, please.” I obeyed. “STRIP!” Bloody hell I thought, surely I’m not going to get that wish of mine after all, am I? The one from the earlier bus ride?” It appeared so, as I sought to comply with Svetlana’s latest command. And, of course, it meant that my rock hard ‘boner’ was on FULL display!

“Um, it rather appears that you like me. Do I excite you, Englishman? Do you want me to shag you? Please be VERY careful BEFORE you answer, for IF I DO choose to ‘enforce’ my sexual desires upon you, it WILL be done ENTIRELY MY WAY, you WILL simply dance to MY ‘tune,’ with you having NO say as to what I subject you to.”

“Svetlana, please. You’re obviously VERY smart, because you’ve clearly worked out that I want NOTHING more in this ENTIRE world than for you to do that.”
“Well, you seem to have quite a reasonable degree of intelligence yourself. Because yes, I HAVE deduced all of this. HANDS ON HEAD!” And when I’d complied? “So, if you wouldn’t mind leading the way, let’s proceed to the ‘room of pleasure’ then Darling! I’m sure that you know just where that is?” As if a NEEDED a second ‘invitation!

With TOTAL excitement coursing its way around MY entire form I walked towards my fate, to be COMPLETELY under the command of this utterly gorgeous woman. “STOP! DO NOT remove your hands from their current position!” As I reached the shut door. “Allow me.” Stepping forwards Svetlana opened the door. “After you.” I entered the room, and after Svetlana had followed me, just as before although, of course, I was completely unaware of this, she shut the door, locked it and slightly pulling up her, or Anastacia’s if you like, skirt she tucked the key into the top of one of her stockings. Not that locking the door was strictly necessary you understand, with the two of us the ONLY occupants of the flat, but just as Svetlana FULLY intended it simply increased the excitement of the feeling that I’d been captured by her.

“Stand in front of that mirror!” A tall one that enabled me to see my full body, and I guessed, correctly just what Svetlana had in mind for me right now, as she opened the top drawer of the chest, and, from the corner of my eyes I saw her hand reach into the right-hand side of it.

Pulling out a suspender belt and pair of stockings, Svetlana walked over to me. “Tell me,” she began, “just why are THESE ones slightly larger that the majority of items within that drawer? Is there a reason for that?”
“Yes, Svetlana, there is.” Stopping there, as I KNEW where she was going with this, but I decided to tease HER. She seemed impressed, as I saw the look on her face in the mirror.
But not THAT impressed! “Which is?”
However, I tried to continue my ‘game.’ “Because I am slightly larger than Anastacia.”
“Aren’t you just, Darling, aren’t you just? So, these ones may well fit you then? Do you wish to be put into them?”

The time for teasing her was over, I decided, or she just, MIGHT deny me the pleasure, because she KNEW the answer to that question already. “Yes please, Svetlana.”
“It’s a good job that you decided to stop playing ‘games’ and started to be sensible. Because I WAS beginning to find it tiresome and was considering putting them back into the drawer. But now that you HAVE accepted just WHO commands here, I WILL allow you the pleasure of THAT delicious feeling of sheer nylon on your legs as I shag you half to death!”
“Sorry Svetlana. I DO most earnestly apologise for that.”
“Apology accepted. I’ll be honest because I DID quite enjoy the verbal sparring, BUT NEVER forget that I AM IN CHARGE HERE! Now lift your left leg!” I did so, with some difficulty, as Svetlana had gifted me NO permission to remove my hands from my head, but as soon as she’d slipped the belt over my foot, and then covered said foot with sheer nylon, and moved the stocking over my ankle, she offered, “you may replace this foot back onto the ground.” Obviously though, after she’d let me have a little pause, she commanded, “now raise your right!” Again, I struggled to balance as she slipped this foot also through the suspender belt, and then covered my other foot with sheer nylon. Thank God, THAT was over!

However, it was replaced by a form of torture, that left me TOTALLY frustrated and ‘wound up.’ For as Svetlana slid those stockings up my legs, she CONSTANTLY ‘played’ with both of my balls and my TOTALLY erect cock, with one of her hands AND her tongue. But being VERY careful NOT to push things TOO far. Thankfully, eventually, stocking met suspender, and this particular torture came to, for me anyway, a welcome end!

“So then Darling, having been placed in what are, unofficially admittedly, the ‘clothes of sex’ you are now ready for that activity to begin. It’s time for you to ‘go to bed,’ is it not? But, which way up? I have here a coin. Shall we toss it? And then if General Secretary Gorbachev’s head IS visible, you will be chained to it upwards, on your back, and I’ll shag you conventionally. However, IF HE CANNOT be seen, then I’ll fasten you to it face down, well in THAT instance I’ll just HAVE to employ the ‘strap-on’ that you have so kindly provided for me to use!” And what I DIDN’T know was that Svetlana’s coin had been wrongly cast, and instead of being a ‘double headed’ coin it was of the ‘double tails’ variety!

“Well, THERE is your answer Darling, no sign of Mikhail at all! So, you know what that means, don’t you? ON THE BED! FACE DOWN!” An order I was ONLY too pleased to obey! My dream WAS about to come true it seemed! Which of course, I DID, swiftly!

Svetlana started with my left wrist, pulling my arm towards the bed post there. Soon said wrist was encoiled by cold steel, although it was the fur that I felt. And again, Svetlana made sure that although there was NO escape from said ring it wasn’t TOO tight! That was it, without ANY knowledge of where the key to these cuffs was, I was now inescapably chained to the bed, if not in any FINAL form!

Ironically, IF escape had been on my mind, which of course it was most emphatically NOT, I just MIGHT have been able to reach it. Unbeknown to me at this stage, the key had been placed into the top of the stocking of Svetlana’s OTHER leg, the opposite one to where the door key now resided.

All completely academic of course. Svetlana didn’t immediately place my other arm into bondage to the bed. No, as she walked around the furniture she stopped at each corner, snapping the respective one of my limbs into a state of imprisonment, again TOTALLY secure, but NOT too tightly! Meaning that both of my legs became captured before that second arm, Not, that it mattered, before long ALL four of my limbs had been fastened to Anastacia’s (remember HER?) bed. I was utterly taken, completely and absolutely within the sole hands, power and control of K.G.B. Colonel Svetlana Dementieva! And TOTALLY delighted to BE SO!

As the smile on my face showed her! “Oh, yes? Let’s see if you’re QUITE so smug after a few hours in MY hands, shall we?” Which DID quieten my enthusiasm a TINY bit! “Anyway, Darling YOU are ready, but I’m not yet! Turn your head so you CAN see me! NOW!”

My reward for compliance with this order? The UTTERLY delicious sight of this STUNNINGLY gorgeous and sexy female wriggle herself out of Anastacia’s leather suit. Followed by the ‘Soviet’ red satin blouse, and finally those satin panties of my, soon to be ex, girlfriend’s. Leaving her just in THAT beautiful black basque, and VERY sheer stockings! “Like what you see?” DID I????

“Right to business then!” Svetlana made a point of showing me herself pick up the ‘strap-on’ and place into ‘position’ in her gleaming, from wetness of course, pussy! “Don’t worry Darling, two things I need to point out to you. Firstly, I DO know how to use one of these and I KNOW plenty of lubrication is ESSENTIAL. And somebody has been very kind to provide plenty of that. And also, I’ve THOROUGHLY cleaned it after using it on that VERY same person this afternoon!”
“Bloody hell, Svetlana, did you REALLY NEED to tell me THAT?”
“Why? What difference does it make? By the time I’VE FINISHED WITH YOU, believe me, YOU WON’T EVEN BE ABLE TO REMEMBER HER NAME!” And do you know what? I DID BELIEVE HER!

A quick visit to those drawers resulting in Svetlana firstly removing my power of sight by placing one of the blindfolds over my eyes, and then my power of speech by placing a large ball gag into my mouth! “Finally, we are READY! LET’S SHAG!”
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Post by Caesar73 »

Excellent chapter [mention]LunaDog[/mention] - I like Svetlana as a character, how she handles her victims and your detailed descriptions.
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However, as I’m sure you’ve ALL realised by now, we’re talking about a woman who is NO fool, and before doing ANYTHING rash, she knew she HAD to ‘prepare’ my backside, ready for her ‘assault!’ Her fingers gently probed into my anus, lubrication on them that she rubbed inside. Soon she’d got three of them inside, probing, expanding and yet more lube. Not until she was CERTAIN that her thorough preparations were completed, did she even attempt to insert her ‘cock.’ And when she DID, she did so VERY gently. But she didn’t stop until the WHOLE dildo had disappeared out of sight, it was FULLY immersed into MY body!

“How does THAT feel Darling? You now have ALL of Mistress Svetlana’s ‘cock’ up your arse! Does it FEEL GOOD?” Yes, it bloody well did, but of course with my mouth gagged ALL I could utter in reply was simply, “Eeeehhhhpppppmmmmm!” Svetlana DID, absolutely correctly of course, seem to regard that as an affirmative answer though!

Svetlana now withdrew, and then reinserted her ‘tool’ again very slowly and gently. The next ‘cycle’ was ever so slightly faster, the next slightly faster than that one, and gradually she increased the speed and ferocity of her motions. Until she was REALLY pumping me, HARD and FAST, pounding my form into the mattress of the bed. “Like THIS, do you?” More than ANYTHING in this world, Svetlana, more than anything in this world!

A completely truthful thought, or it was at the time. For suddenly Svetlana’s hand found its way to my cock, she was going to take things even further in the direction towards TOTAL ecstasy! After a slow start, she pumped MY cock with her hand in ‘tune’ to the same ‘frequency’ that she was pumping my arse with ‘hers!’

Suddenly, although she didn’t stop, she slowed a little, before resuming at ‘full speed.’ Just why had she done that, because as you can well imagine, had I NOT been gagged I’d have screamed in frustration at the prospect of being denied release? No, this extremely skilled sexual operator just wanted to time HER climax with mine, and she’d sensed that I’d been a little nearer to mine than she was to hers.

And she succeeded BRILLIANTLY in her aim! Just as my balls exploded, sending their contents outwards via my cock, so Svetlana’s body froze and then shook with such vigour that it didn’t seem to be possible. And the room was filled with a scream SO intense and loud, I’m amazed that ceiling didn’t fall down on top of us!

Obviously, as I was gagged, I couldn’t emit any REAL cries of the full ESCTASY that was consuming my WHOLE body. For I had never, NEVER, felt ANYTHING before in my entire life, that could even possibly approach the degree of excitement, pleasure and sheer joy that Svetlana had bought me to at THAT moment. She’d proved to be EVERYTHING I’d dreamt her to be, and then some MORE, for good measure! And if I hadn’t known it before, I now KNEW that I wanted to spend the REST of my life under the complete control of this stunningly sexy female!

But if she’d taken me to places that I never knew EXISTED, let alone had ever been to, she was FAR from finished with me yet! The moment she felt my cock harden again, she started the whole process yet again, with the same FANTASTIC result!

And AGAIN and AGAIN, Svetlana kept me ‘at it’ all of the time somehow maintaining the very REAL excitement and exhilaration level at the VERY highest it could possibly have been. However, even with her, sex at that level eventually began to take its toll, and although THE VERY LAST thing I wanted for THIS night in her hands to stop, I KNEW I needed a break. And, by pure coincidence of course, for I couldn’t have known this, it was after Svetlana had ‘taken’ me FIVE times, the exact same number of times she’d subjected Anastacia to her extreme sexuality, that just like her, I capitulated to Svetlana’s desires.

I “eeeemmmpppttted” into the gag, and thankfully Svetlana got the message and undid it.

“Svetlana, please, could we possibly stop for a while? Whilst I want AND need for you to keep me as long as YOU want, ALL night hopefully I need a break. Please Svetlana?”
“Certainly Darling, you’ve done VERY well so far, and I’m beginning to tire myself a little. But don’t worry, I have NOT finished with you, at all yet. Might turn you around and shag you the normal way, after all! Anyway, we need to discuss some relevant matters, regarding why I’m OFFICIALLY here.”
“And why is that? I must admit that I thought you just wanted a good shag! Is there more?”
“To discuss your suitability to be allowed to marry a Soviet Citizen. Which I AM going to recommend that you most certainly ARE! MORE than suitable in fact. Provided, of course, the name of said Citizen is NOT Anastacia Petrova! I believe that there is another Russian woman named Svetlana Dementieva who you ARE, by far, a much more suitable candidate for marriage to!”
“Do you mean it Svetlana? Please tell me this ISN’T all a dream?”
“I’m NOT in the habit of saying things I DON’T mean, Darling! So, yes, you’re going to spend the rest of your life as my sex ‘toy.’ Which I KNOW is just what you want, isn’t it?”

Notice how she’d just said that it was GOING to happen, as if I had NO choice at all in the matter. Not exactly the ‘normal’ marriage proposal, was it? But, do any of you think for ONE moment that I could even CONSIDER refusing? NO CHANCE!
“Yes, Svetlana! I want NOTHING more than to be YOURS, in the ENTIRE world!”
“Good. Well, let’s get you turned over then! I want to sample YOUR cock in MY pussy!”

It took her roughly two minutes in order to achieve that aim, with me co-operating as best I could, and making NO attempt to escape at all. Fully appreciated by my, now fiancée, but soon we were ‘there.’ However, Svetlana made NO move to resume the shagging, if in a slightly different way now, just yet. “I’ve a few arrangements I need to attend to now that we’re going to be married. Besides, it’ll give you a little more time to regain your strength. Because, believe me, I’M FAR FROM FINISHED WITH YOU YET!”

She reached into her K.G.B. uniform that had been lying on the bedroom floor, and withdrew a ‘walkie talkie’ radio handset, switching it on, and pressing the ‘transmit’ button. “Sharapov?” Obviously receiving an affirmative reply, she continued. “Bring my ‘guest’ back here please, I’ve some news for her. Oh, and bring some ‘boxes’ for collecting evidence with you too. Oh, and one more thing. Please take the keys to my car, which are on my desk, and could one of you drive it here please. For when I’m finished here, I’ll be going straight home.” Receiving, as I could hear, a “yes Ma’am, understood,” reply.

“Svetlana, what’s going on?”
“Isn’t it obvious, when we’re finished here, you’ll be coming back with me?”
“Yes, I get that bit. But what’s all that about ‘evidence boxes?’ And why is Anastacia being bought back?”
“You’re VERY lucky that I love you SO much Darling, how do you believe I’d normally react to be questioned like that? But, and of course I understand you English DO think you’re allowed to speak freely, I’ll overlook it, and even give you some answers. Now then, just who PAID for all of these delights that Anastacia has ‘acquired?’ Her? Or you, my Darling?”
“I did.”
“Well, yes. I very much doubt if it’s actually possible to obtain, certainly some of that gear, here in Russia.”
“Probably not, I agree. And so, my love, IF YOU paid for ALL of it, then it’s ALL YOURS and NOT HERS! Isn’t it?”
“I guess so, Svetlana?”
“There’s NO ‘guess so’ about it Darling. It’s ALL yours, and therefore if you are coming with me, which you most definitely ARE, then so is your property. Simple as that!”
“Put THAT way, fair enough I CAN see that. But Anastacia?”
“If you’re about to leave and NOT marry her, then surely she deserves to be informed?”
“Yes, it IS only fair,”
“Precisely! And just in case she has trouble in believing what the new situation is going to be, I’m having her bought back, so I can tie her to that chair over there,” KNEW it would come in useful, Svetlana told herself, “and she can witness the sheer pleasure that we both bring to each other for herself, and completely clear HER mind as to any doubts that may exist in her head, just how things ARE going to be.”
“Isn’t that a bit cruel though? Not sure I agree to that Svetlana!”

She paused. “Really? Do you want to remain with her then? Sure, IF that is just what you want, I’ll release you from that bed, get dressed myself and leave. And IF I do, then you will NEVER see me again! Well? Is THAT what you want?”

Of course NOT, and this intelligent woman KNEW it. Oh, she’d pressed the RIGHT ‘button’ alright, and just KNEW how I’d react.

“No, Svetlana, PLEASE! I HAVE to and NEED to be YOURS! Anything but THAT!”
“That’s better, and I’m sorry if I questioned your loyalty to me. But, yes it could be considered cruel, however on the other hand it’s JUST what she deserves for using you and not respecting you, as she DAMN well should have done?”
“Not sure what you mean by that?”
“No, I doubt that you do. You’re such a ‘decent chap’ as I believe your countrymen would put it. But what do you think she WANTED you for? Was it to PLEASE you as I have, and WILL continue to do? Why is your ‘French maid’ outfit, yes, I have found it, unused? Does she make you feel like I do, has she even ATTEMPTED to?”
“No. Not really.”
“No. And, be TOTALLY honest with yourself, she was NEVER going to, was she? No matter HOW much you wanted her to. So, if she had NO interest in you, your desires and needs, what DID she want from you?”
“No, now I come to think about it, you’re right. What do you believe she was after? It sounds like you’ve some idea.”
“Oh, my Darling, you’re just TOO loving, TOO kind! Now if I hadn’t come along and stopped you making THE BIGGEST mistake of your ENTIRE life and, you WERE to marry her, what would happen to her ‘nationality situation?”
“Oh, I think I’m beginning to see where you’re going with this. By marrying me, she’d have become a British National, wouldn’t she?”
“PRECISELY! And, if after some period of time you finished working here in Russia, returning to Britain, what would SHE have done?”
“Obviously, she’d have come back there with me.”
“Quite. And then, as she’s just the sort of conniving, lying bitch that I KNOW her to be, she’d have probably claimed some utter bullshit about you, and divorced you. Taking MOST of the things that YOU worked for with her! Once she’d got what SHE wanted out of you! As I KNOW all too well to MY cost!”
“What do you mean by that, Svetlana?”
“Did you know that you are not the first man I was supposed to marry?” And once I’d replied, she then proceeded to tell me HER version of the break-up between herself and Anastacia’s dead husband. Untruthfully, making me believe that Anastacia had deliberately ‘broken’ her and Yuri Petrov up, taking HER man from her cruelly and in an evil way, that was NOWHERE close to the REAL truth. As you all KNOW from earlier on, THAT being the GENUINE story of what had happened between the three of them, of course, but then I DIDN’T!

And here’s the thing, being TOTALLY and UTTERLY under Svetlana’s ‘spell’ by now I’d have believed ANYTHING she told me! Indeed, if this gorgeous woman had informed me that, although it wouldn’t be until just over thirty years’ time in the future, Leicester City WOULD become the Football Champions of England, I WOULD have believed her! I mean, come on? AS IF?

So yes, I completely swallowed ALL of what she told me. “I’m SO sorry Svetlana, how could I have been SO stupid as to question you? Thank you from the bottom of my heart for rescuing me from her devious plans! FUCKING BITCH! So yes, as she’s used and hurt BOTH of us, let’s show her what REAL love is! God, WHY ARE YOU SO BLOODY PERFECT?”
“Only with you my love, only when I’m with you! Anyway, shouldn’t be long before she arrives here, and she’ll get her JUST deserts!”

A correct prediction as less than five minutes later Anastacia was led back into her own home by Sharapov and Kuznetsov, whose mouths DID drop wide open at the sight of their commanding officer, Colonel Svetlana Dementieva just wearing a satin basque and sheer nylon stockings! Actually, not quite. Svetlana HAD put some satin panties on!

With myself still blindfolded I never saw what happened next, but I COULD hear. Anastacia was bought into the bedroom, her nightdress and dressing gown removed from her body, and left on the floor, because Svetlana did have some devious plans for them later on. Instead of being packed into those ‘evidence boxes’ like almost EVERYTHING from Anastacia’s chest of drawers and wardrobe had been. And their bosses K.G.B. uniform. The two men then took said boxes down to Svetlana’s car, loading them inside before returning to the flat. Where their final task before leaving was to tie Anastacia, still in her panties, suspender belt and stockings, basically the only of my ‘gift’s’ that Svetlana was permitting her to keep, securely to THAT chair. The two men having departed, Svetlana placed a ball gag in her mouth, but most certainly did NOT cover her eyes! Oh no, Anastacia was going to be allowed a CLEAR view of the rest of the night’s activities!

“I have decided that this Englishman, who as you can clearly see for yourself, is ‘confined to YOUR bed,’ just as YOU were earlier, WILL be allowed to marry a Soviet Citizen after all. But, as I’m sure you can work out for yourself in that conniving mind of yours, you can kiss goodbye to those plans of yours to USE him in order to leave Russia and gain British Citizenship! HE WILL NOW SPEND THE REST OF HIS NATURAL LIFE WITH ME! Isn’t that CORRECT, Darling?”
“YES SVETLANA! I WANT to be with YOU! And how COULD you Anastacia? After all I did for YOU?”
Oh course, with her mouth stuffed with a plastic ball, all my former girlfriend could reply with was a, rather pathetic, “mmmgggpppphhhhh!”
My new Lady continued. “So, before I take him home, to begin his NEW life with ME, let us give you a perfect demonstration as to just WHY he has CHOSEN to take me as his ‘life partner’ instead of you! Ready to SHAG, Darling?”
Last edited by LunaDog 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Steaming hot and absolute fun to read. I love how Svetlana humilates Anastacia!
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Post by LunaDog »

Caesar73 wrote: 1 year ago Steaming hot and absolute fun to read. I love how Svetlana humilates Anastacia!
But does poor Anastacia deserve it? Whereas your Natasha does show compassion and kindness, and is far better for it, Svetlana is PURE evil!
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Svetlana took the ‘appropriate’ position on top of me, and her lips attacked mine with the same sort of passion that they had done so to the room’s other occupant. However, while THAT had possibly been the VERY last desire of Anastacia’s, I FULLY SAVOURED EVERY MOMENT! Remember, because I’d been ‘face down,’ she hadn’t kissed me yet!

And then she slid her soaking wet pussy over and onto my RAMPANT cock, which had NEVER been harder in its ENTIRE existence! Utterly DELICIOUS! Having finished THAT kiss, she now sat upright as she began here frantic pumping of my organ! And, having TOTALLY forgotten Anastacia was even present, I began to know that Svetlana was FULLY working her MAGIC upon my bound body again! Surely it wouldn’t be long now?

It wasn’t! Yet again this gorgeous woman took me ALL the way to heaven, as I screamed out, “SVETLANA! SVETLANA! OH GOD, SVVEEETTTTLLAAANNNAAAAAA!” And, just for once MY screams outdid hers! Not that she didn’t cry out in TOTAL ecstasy at all!

Finally, when we’d both calmed down, the sound of uncontrollable sobbing DID remind me that we weren’t completely alone but having been convinced of her ‘guilt’ by Svetlana, I’m ashamed to say that the sound of Anastacia’s anguish actually delighted me. And she had to cope with the whole cycle twice more, with each as enjoyable and mind-blowing as that first shag, before Svetlana finally called a halt to the night’s proceedings.

“Time for us, YES US, to go home Darling, and so Anastacia can catch up on her sleep, and reflect on how you’ve had a lucky escape from her schemes!” With that Svetlana released me from the apartment’s resident’s bed. Removing those cuffs, yes that I’d purchased, from the bed posts and into a bag of hers. Inviting me, not ordering because of the presence of my ex, to rise and stand, when I’d done so, it was NOW I discovered why Anastacia’s former nightdress and dressing gown had not been boxed up beforehand and came back into the equation. For she placed them onto MY form. “It’s a little cold outside Darling, and you have to walk to my car. But mostly, there WILL be some nights when I’m away from home during my work, and you’ll need some nightclothes. Well, now you HAVE some my love!” But mostly, her acute astuteness had, completely correctly, determined that my slightly perverted mind just LOVED the feel of satin against my skin. Something she’d worked out almost straight away after entering the room we were all now within.

Now Svetlana fetched some articles, also unused like the French maid set, from the third drawer of Anastacia’s chest. She fitted a leather collar around my neck, and having fastened the buckle shut, she employed the small padlock there, to keep it that way! Two leather cuffs encoiled my wrists, and again little padlocks ensured they would REMAIN there, well until Svetlana allowed otherwise. Using another small padlock, Svetlana attached a chain to the ‘D’ ring on the rear of my collar, which she fed through the equivalent rings of my cuffs, then back to the collar, before padlocking it back to the collar. Meaning that although I could move my arms to a limited degree, they were now captured, as I had been by Svetlana.

She had one more task before she led me away, however. As I stood there awaiting my journey to Svetlana’s lair, she lifted but didn’t remove the blindfold. “Go on my Darling, take a last look at this bitch who tried her best to trick you. For be in NO doubt, those false tears are NOT caused by the loss of YOU, but the shattering of her dreams of England. Go on, take one last look, and reflect on how lucky you’ve been that I have managed to rescue you from her evil scheming!” And I DID indeed look upon the tears streaming down her face, still believing that they were FULLY deserved, for trying to take advantage of my British National status.

And that, Ladies and Gentlemen was the very last sight I EVER had of her. For once Svetlana had undone one of her arm bonds leaving her to undo the remaining ties herself, my eyes became covered in black satin again, as Svetlana replaced the blindfold over my eyes. And my world returned into a state of COMPLETE darkness once more, unable to see not just Anastacia, but anything at all!

Now my captor attached her lead to a ‘D’ ring mounted at the front of my collar. With her TOTAL triumph over her adversary complete, then she pulled my body forwards, out of Anastacia’s apartment and towards my NEW life. As the complete carnal captive of Miss Svetlana Dementieva!

Just over a week later the absolutely shattered Anastacia, completely unable to cope with the cruel, callous, humiliating and, let’s be honest, TOTALLY EVIL destruction of her world and dreams, took her own life. For the real tragedy is that the combination of my own pathetic and perverted need to be subjected to femdom, combined with Svetlana’s devious lies, had utterly prevented me from seeing the REAL truth. That Anastacia had TRULY loved me with ALL of her lovely heart. For she would have just as willingly married me if I had been a Soviet Citizen as much as me actually being a British one. And thus, this innocent, wonderful, caring, loving, decent and honest human being, the one that if I’d had just two brain cells in that head of mine would have been the one I married, became in the ultimate possible form the victim, indirect admittedly, of the vicious, scheming and thoroughly vile Svetlana. The woman that I’d just surrendered control of my ENTIRE life to!

Stupid? Does it even BEGIN to describe the sheer LUNACY of just what I’d done?
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I am Svetlana’s now.

It’s been over three months since that dramatic night when I became her toy, her plaything, her personal property, and now I totally, utterly and completely BELONG to her. Apart from a couple of weekends at her country Dacha, I’ve only left her Moscow home twice. The first of those, on the following Monday was to attend my, now former, place of work the British Embassy. There I handed in my notice, and informed my now former colleagues that whilst I was to marry a Soviet Citizen the name of said Lady was now Svetlana Dementieva. And the second occasion was our wedding itself. And those are the only two times I’ve worn male clothing since the events described above.

And so, I became Mr Dementiev, despite my former name being Russian, due to my grandparents having come from here, Svetlana insisted I take HER name instead of her, mine. But what do I care about that?

I’ve finally found my purpose in life, and I couldn’t be more delighted or happy. I live to serve and obey Svetlana now; she keeps me in a TOTAL state of female domination and it’s precisely what I WANT her to do. For example, that French maid’s costume NO longer lies within its plastic covering. No, every Friday my wife orders me to don it, and clean her home ‘from top to bottom.’ At first, I used to deliberately ‘miss a bit,’ but now I ALWAYS try my best to complete the job correctly. Because even if I succeed Svetlana will ALWAYS find something wrong, even if she has to ‘spill’ or ‘knock something over’ herself. And so, for the entire weekend, I receive my, TOTALLY deserved ‘punishment’ from her for my slackness! PURE HEAVEN!

So, ALL that I am now, and please don’t waste ANY sympathy on me because THIS is exactly what I WANT to be, is….


Mind you, there is possibly ONE tiny pang of regret. I never did, and obviously now I never will, see Gary Lineker play football for the Foxes!
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Post by Caesar73 »

Excellent story - though I feel a bit sorry for Anastacia! Natasha Bolgonskaya sends her best and expresses her admiration for Comrade Dementieva´s absolute ruthlessness and cunning!
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Post by LunaDog »

Thank you so much [mention]Caesar73[/mention] for your kind support for my work here. And I can say that I VERY much enjoyed writing this one. I'm SO glad Natasha Bolgonskaya ( what a GREAT name btw. ) enjoyed Svetlana's 'sexploits' and determined manner to get just what SHE WANTS, without any consideration to what any of her 'victims' wish for. As said before, and I hope Natasha isn't offended by this, Svetlana regards her as the daughter that she never actually had.

Of course, NONE of this has really happened in my real life. For example, I DID actually see Gary Lineker both play AND score for Leicester City!
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Post by Caesar73 »

No, I can assure you Natasha feels honoured by Comrade Dementieva´s affections [mention]LunaDog[/mention] !
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