Roped in (F/F) COMPLETE

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Roped in (F/F) COMPLETE

Post by NotSeen »

As I promised, here's my latest [mention]chelseykittyc@t[/mention] story. Hope you enjoy.
[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]smooth_talker45[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]JulieG[/mention] [mention]SinfulSloth[/mention] [mention]Caesar73[/mention] [mention]CarouselCowboy13[/mention]

--- ---

Roped in

Chapter 1 - Little private thrill

The door gave a loud creak and the brass bell rang in the small shop. Magda stood up from behind the counter and smiled as she saw who’d walked in her little secondhand store.

“Hello there!”

“Hi”, Chelsey replied as she weaved her way between the clothes racks. Magda walked to meet her and they kissed briefly. “Nice to see you again.”

“You too”, Magda replied.

“Any new shoes”, Chelsey asked.

Magda chuckled. “Nope, not since you last visited.”

“Bummer”, Chelsey replied, pouting. She headed to the shoe shelves. Like the rest of the store, these were packed as full as they possibly could be with shoes of every size, shape and description. Worn combat boots stood beside a gleaming pair of stilettos, next to a pair of clogs. Chelsey looked through the shelves, more out of habit than of genuine interest. She turned around. “Magda?”

“Yes”, the shopkeeper replied from behind the counter.

“Your new mannequin”, Chelsey said, pointing to a platform in the corner. The small elevated surface had a small, round table and a wooden chair with a plastic mannequin doll sitting on the chair. The mannequin was wearing a bright red long-sleeved dress.

“Like it? I got it the day before yesterday.”

Chelsey cocked her head. “What’s with the face”, she asked, pointing. The bottom of the mannequin’s face was covered with a brightly colored scarf, tied ‘bandit’-style.

Magda walked over to the platform. “Yeah, that. Its face was, well, see for yourself”, she said, pulling the scarf down. The mannequin’s nose was mostly missing and its cheeks and chin were badly gouged. “I’m going to try to fix those one of these days, but I don’t have the time right now, so I thought up this for a quick fix… and ended up doing the same for all the other mannequins, as well”, she said, waving her hand around. Chelsey saw the three other mannequins around the space, each with their faces similarly covered.

Chelsey nodded. “I kinda like the look, to be honest.”

“Yeah, me too. Maybe I’ll let them be like this for a while. I got this one because I’m having a friend of mine come over in a couple of days to get some photos for the website.”

“The posture is a bit… stiff, though”, Chelsey said.

“Yeah, it is… but that’s part of the problem with second hand mannequins. You get what you get”, Magda said, looking at the doll that sat with its legs tightly together and its hands in its lap.

“I see.”

“So, what’s up? You haven’t been around for a few days.”

“Work stuff”, Chelsey said, making a face. “I’ve been tied up at the office most nights last week.”

Magda clapped her hands in mock enthusiasm. “Tied up? Oooh, tell me more. What’s she like?”

Chelsey stuck out her tongue. “I wish.”

“Aah, poor baby. Haven’t had any fun recently?”

“Why do you think I came here?”

Magda wrapped her arms around Chelsey, their noses touching. “Well, now that you mention it, I think there is room in the back for a girl like you…”

Chelsey kissed her. “I bet there is, but I can’t - not now. As much as I’d love to, I have stuff.”

“Bummer. Look, I’m having the photographer over the day after tomorrow. Want to come and watch?”

Chelsey thought for a moment. “Maybe. I’ll call you.”

Magda nodded and hugged Chelsey one last time. “See you, then.”

Chelsey’s phone rang in the early afternoon two days later.


“Look, I’m sorry to disturb, but I’m having a situation here. Any chance you could come over? I really need help and I couldn’t think of anyone else to call”, Magda rattled out, sounding out of breath and frantic.

Chelsey looked at the clock. “My shift ends in an hour…”

“Pleasepleaseplease can’t you come sooner? The photographer is due in an hour or two and I really, really need help before that. Please?”

Chelsey frowned. “What’s happened?”

Magda was silent for a few seconds. “Chelsey, please?”

“Okay. I’ll have to go ask the manager about it. I’ll call you, ok?”

“Thank you”, Magda said, relief plainly audible in her voice.

Twenty minutes later Chelsey pushed open the door to Magda’s store. She found the redhead shopkeeper in the corner of the store. Magda was crouched beside the platform with the table and chair. The floor beside the platform was strewn with mannequin parts. Magda was holding an arm.

“Oh, thankyouthankyouthankyou for coming over. I was just dressing this and…” Magda waved the arm in the air. It was plain for anyone to see that the socket/joint that connected the arm to the mannequin body was cracked.


“Tell me about it.” Magda put the arm down on the floor and looked at the mess, shaking her head.

“So, you need help cleaning this up”, Chelsey asked.

Magda shook her head. “No time. Oh, sure, we could get this carnage swept up, but then I’d be stuck with the empty table and chair and we definitely don’t have time to rearrange the whole thing or get one of the other dolls posed in its place… plus I think this is the only one that had legs that could sit.”

Chelsey cocked her head. “So… what exactly did you have in mind, then? Why was it so important for me to come here?”

Magda stood up. She looked at Chelsey, then the table and back at Chelsey. “I hate to even ask, but I’m… I don’t have a lot of options here. Please don’t be mad.”


Magda took a deep breath. “Could you fill in for the mannequin?”

Chelsey startled, her eyes wide as saucers. “What?”

Magda raised her hands to calm her guest down. “Listen, please! All you have to do is sit there for the photographer. I’ll make sure she won’t take any closeups of you. I’ll dress you up, cover your face, you can get a pair of sunglasses to cover your eyes, nobody will know it’s you… Please, Chelsey. I’ll make it worth your while.”

Chelsey looked at Magda, the wrecked mannequin and the chair, her gaze jumping from one to another. “I don’t know… Aren’t you going to have customers?”

“Yeah, there may be someone coming in, but I’ll keep an eye on you, ok? Please”, Magda said, wrapping her arms around Chelsey. “Please?”

Chelsey held the redhead, pondering the situation. “How would you ‘make it worth my while’, then?”

Magda leaned her face closer to Chelsey’s ear. “Oh, I’m fairly sure I can think of something to make it… interesting…”

Chelsey shivered. She looked at Magda for a few seconds before replying. “Okay. I must be crazy, but okay. I’ll do it. But you have to take care of me, okay?”

“Pinky swear”, Magda replied and hugged Chelsey tightly. “Thank you so much.”

They collected the parts of the wrecked mannequin from the floor and carried them to the back. Madga swept up the dust and debris before joining Chelsey in the back.

“So, what do I do now”, Chelsey asked, standing in the middle of the store room.

“Strip. I’ll go get what you’re going to be wearing”, Magda said and vanished into the store. When she returned, she saw Chelsey standing there in her underwear.

With Magda’s help, Chelsey put on a skirt, blouse and high-heeled, knee-length boots. She pulled on leather gloves and finished with a tan overcoat. Magda stepped back and looked at her. “You know, maybe you should dress like this more often. It becomes you.”

Chelsey looked down at herself. “I feel like my mom”, she said, making a face.

Magda kissed her on the cheek. “Come on, now, you look good. Just the finishing touches”, she said, walking behind Chelsey.

Chelsey looked at her gloved hands. “I’d hate to… MMMPPSHHH?”

Magda stood behind her, one arm wrapped around Chelsey’s chest, the other pushing a wadded-up pair of socks into her mouth. Chelsey tried to turn around, but Magda’s grip held firm.

“Sssshh, lovely. You know I’d never hurt you, right?”

Chelsey, still taken aback by the surprise, managed a nod, but didn’t stop squirming.

“I said I’d make it worth your while… and I thought I’d give you a nice little adventure out of it. Nobody will see anything out of place, but you’ll get to have a little private thrill. If you don’t want to, shake your head and I’ll take the gag out right away. However, I think you’re going to like what I have in mind…”, Magda cooed into Chelsey’s ear.

Chelsey stood still for a few long seconds. She trusted Magda without question, but still… At the same time, whenever the redhead had come up with some naughty thing or another, the results had been very, very, very enjoyable… to say the least. She nodded.

Magda kissed her neck. “Thank you.” The redhead took a scarf and tied it over Chelsey’s mouth to cover her lips before finally covering the bottom of her face with another scarf. Then, as Chelsey watched, she pulled out a length of black rope and tied Chelsey’s wrists together in front of her. Then, smiling naughtily, she took two more scarves and pulled Chelsey’s skirt down. Chelsey yelped as Magda took off her panties as well.

“Ssshhh, dear. You’re going to love this.” As Chelsey watched, Magda tied a long, rolled-up scarf around her waist. Then she tied the other scarf to the waist scarf - and pulled that through Chelsey’s legs, tying the other end to the scarf behind Chelsey’s back. The smooth, soft, warm silk settled right onto Chelsey’s pussy, making her groan with the sensation.

“I thought you’d like that”, Magda said as she stood up, pulling the skirt back up. Then she took Chelsey by the hand. “Come along, now. We don’t have a lot of time before the photographer shows up.”

Magda led Chelsey into the store and to the platform in the corner. She helped the bound woman climb onto the platform and sit down in the chair. She fussed with Chelsey’s clothes for a bit and then produced a few lengths of tan rope. “As much as I’d love to tie you up good and proper, I think my customers wouldn’t really understand if you were too visibly restrained. So, we’ll have to do with this.”

Gagged, Chelsey watched as Magda tied a rope around each arm just above the elbows, binding the arms to the vertical bars of the chair back. She carefully arranged the folds of the coat to conceal the ropes - which did, in fact, blend in with the coat quite well. As minimal as the restraints were, Chelsey could immediately tell she wasn’t going anywhere. Magda wrapped a longer rope around the chair seat and Chelsey’s thighs, threading it through the wrist bindings before knotting the cord underneath the chair seat. This not only kept Chelsey seated, but also trapped her hands to her lap. Magda then raised the hem of Chelsey’s skirt and tied each booted leg to the front legs of the chair with more black rope. She was able to be a bit more thorough here, since the bindings were hidden by the skirt hem. Once she got the last rope tied off, she looked up at Chelsey.


Chelsey rolled her eyes, but nodded. ‘What have I gotten myself into…’

Smiling mischievously, Magda slipped her hand up Chelsey’s skirt. The bound woman jumped as she felt the shopkeeper’s fingers brush against the scarf that covered her pussy. Her breath caught as Magda lightly rubbed her fingertips along the scarf.

“You’re already moist…”, the redhead said with a smile. She got up and leaned close to Chelsey’s face. “I think you like this. Am I right?”

Chelsey was torn. Part of her was freaking out, thinking up all the ways this could backfire horribly… but another part, one that was growing more and more vocal by the second, was relishing the restraint and the thrill of the situation. She nodded.

“Just sit tight and enjoy”, Magda said. She stepped back and looked at Chelsey appraisingly. She walked across the store, picked up a large, floppy hat and walked back to where Chelsey sat. She arranged the hat onto Chelsey’s head and nodded. “There. If I didn’t know better, I’d say you’re a mannequin through and through. I’ll keep an eye on you, okay?”

Magda walked off, leaving Chelsey seated on the platform. She swallowed, trying to calm her nerves. Behind the sunglasses, she could look around a little, but made a point to stay in place… not only because she didn’t want to give anyone any reason to wonder why a supposed mannequin was moving its head, but also because the crotch scarf Magda had tied on her made its devious and delightful presence known the moment she moved the tiniest amount. ‘I’ll get her back for this’, Chelsey fumed, but at the same time she was thrilled with the situation. Never before in her life had she been tied up in full view for everyone to see - and, she had to admit, it was a turn-on. Scary, true, but an even bigger turn-on.

She watched Magda walk around the store, fussing with this and that. The redheaded shopkeeper was obviously nervous. Whether it was because of the upcoming photographer visit or the fact that she’d tied up Chelsey in plain view… who knew. Still, Chelsey had never seen the normally oh-so-very-cool-and-collected Magda this obviously nervous.
--- ---

There you go. Any and all feedback is, once again, welcome. I'm planning to post part 2 on Wednesday. Until then.
Last edited by NotSeen 2 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by GreyLord »

Well done, [mention]NotSeen[/mention]. And [mention]chelseykittyc@t[/mention], congratulations to you too. Chelsey might be worried, but she is where she wants to be.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by NotSeen »

GreyLord wrote: 2 years ago Well done, [mention]NotSeen[/mention]. And [mention]chelseykittyc@t[/mention], congratulations to you too. Chelsey might be worried, but she is where she wants to be.
Thank you. Yeah, she is - but did she really know what she's gotten into? I guess you'll have to wait a day or two to find out...
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Post by Switcher1313 »

Love the start [mention]NotSeen[/mention] ! Please continue!
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Post by NotSeen »

Switcher1313 wrote: 2 years ago Love the start [mention]NotSeen[/mention] ! Please continue!
Thank you! I certainly will. The whole story is already written, I'm just posting it in pieces.
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Post by CarouselCowboy13 »

Love The Start and Awesome 1st chapter can't wait to wait to read and see what awaits in next chapter
My Dear it's no use to struggle. But I would greatly appreciate it if you, could and would
Kik Username CarouselCowboy15
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Post by NotSeen »

CarouselCowboy13 wrote: 2 years ago Love The Start and Awesome 1st chapter can't wait to wait to read and see what awaits in next chapter
Thank you. Do check back in a couple of days to find out.
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Post by CarouselCowboy13 »

NotSeen wrote: 2 years ago
CarouselCowboy13 wrote: 2 years ago Love The Start and Awesome 1st chapter can't wait to wait to read and see what awaits in next chapter
Thank you. Do check back in a couple of days to find out.
Okay and Thank you I will check back in couple of days
My Dear it's no use to struggle. But I would greatly appreciate it if you, could and would
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Post by SinfulSloth »

An awesome first chapter, can't wait to see how this situation goes.
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Post by NotSeen »

SinfulSloth wrote: 2 years ago An awesome first chapter, can't wait to see how this situation goes.
Thank you for the compliments! Glad you liked the story.
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Post by chelseykittyc@t »

Love love love (: you are truly an amazing writer!
Heyyy, I’m back. My name is Chelsey. I am into foot fetish, sock fetish, shoe fetish, HOM, bondage, gags, smelling, and getting kidnapped. I am always down to role play sooo message me (;
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Post by NotSeen »

chelseykittyc@t wrote: 2 years ago Love love love (: you are truly an amazing writer!
Aw shucks... Thank you - and thank YOU as well for participating in writing these. Aaaand what do you know, here's the 2nd chapter:

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Switcher1313[/mention] [mention]CarouselCowboy13[/mention] [mention]SinfulSloth[/mention] - and [mention]JulieG[/mention], here she is, the blue-haired shop assistant.

--- ---

Chapter 2 - My regards to your girl

The door gave a creak before the bell chimed. It swung open as a young woman pushed her way in. The newcomer was wearing a black-red-and-yellow embroidered patchwork hoodie over an ankle-length dress that screamed hippie for everyone to see. Her past-shoulder-length blue hair was part dreadlocks, part straight. She was lugging a large black bag and camera tripod.

Magda walked up to meet the newcomer. “Hi, Talia! Thank you for coming!”

“And hello to you too”, Talia replied. She set her burden down and exchanged cheek kisses with Magda. “Sorry I couldn’t be earlier, I couldn’t get anyone to cover for me at the shop. Here”, she said as she handed Magda two packets of coffee from her bag.

“She remembered! Stop the press, she remembered”, Magda said, clutching the coffee to her chest as she did a little dance. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. It’s kinda hard to forget, you’re the only person I know who drinks that junk”, Talia replied. She pulled her hoodie off and looked around. Her eyes locked on Chelsey sitting in the corner. “New mannequin?”

“Yeah... that corner looked a bit empty and I managed to find not only the mannequin but the table and chair, so I figured what the heck.”

Talia looked at Chelsey for a second or two more before turning away. Beneath the hat, sunglasses and scarf, Chelsey froze. ‘Shit, did she already make me?’ She could only watch as Talia grabbed her things and made her way to the counter, depositing her bag on the floor and opening it up. With swift, practiced movements, she pulled out the chunky black camera and fitted a lens, her eyes already scanning the space around her.

“So, what did you have in mind”, Talia asked Magda.

The redhead shrugged. “To be honest, I haven’t thought of anything specific. I’ll trust your vision.”

Talia nodded, smiling. She got up, raised the camera to her face and fiddled with the settings. She then turned around to where Magda was standing and snapped off a shot. Magda flinched with surprise. Talia lowered the camera. “You’re too pretty not to take a photo of”, she said.

From her seat, Chelsey had a very good view of the store. She watched as Talia moved around the room, her camera rarely silent for more than a few seconds. Even though Chelsey was nervous, she couldn’t help being fascinated by watching the blue-haired hippie’s work. Magda moved around the room, trying to stay out of the way. A few times Talia instructed her to stand in a certain place to get her into the shot.

Her camera hard at work, Talia made her way toward the corner Chelsey was sitting in. The bound and gagged woman tried to hold her breath, careful not to make any noise or movement that might give her away - and only a few seconds later she realized just how bad an idea it had been. Her lungs were starting to complain from holding her breath, she wanted to take a great big gasp of air… and Talia was standing less than two meters away, photographing the shoes. Frantic, Chelsey looked to where Magda was standing, but bound as she was and with the sunglasses hiding her eyes, she had no way to signal the redhead. ‘Oh shit shit shit shit…’

Talia lowered the camera and broke into a fit of coughing. Relief flooding her, Chelsey took the opportunity to exhale and take a great, deep breath. Her heart was pounding in her chest as Magda rushed over to the photographer.

“Hey, are you okay?”

“Anyone ever - cough - tell you how damn dusty - cough - it is in here”, Talia asked between coughs.

“It is not!”

“It is too! Why did you think I started coughing?”

Magda cocked her head. “Asks she who smokes.”

“Hey, I quit two months ago”, Talia replied, visibly agitated.

Magda quickly walked to the back and returned with a glass of water. Talia took it and gulped it down.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome - and I know you’ve quit.”

“You’re forgiven. Do you want pics of the mannequins?”

Behind the sunglasses, Chelsey’s eyes went wide. ‘FUUUUUUCK!’

Magda shook her head. “No, not really. I’ll change their appearance every few days anyway, no need to get close-ups”, she said, casually stepping closer to Chelsey. Talia nodded and made her way back toward the center of the store. She kept snapping pictures, turning this way and that. Magda followed her, as before, but stayed between her and Chelsey, as if trying to protect her. Talia didn’t seem to notice as she finally walked back to the counter and set her camera down.

“So, you’re done”, Magda asked as Talia started to put her things away.

“Yeah, I think there’s plenty to choose from. Looks like I brought the tripod for nothing, but, well, have and not need…”

Talia put the camera parts away and zipped her camera bag up. Making some chitchat with Magda, she pulled on her hoodie and slung the bag over her shoulder.

“When can I see the pics?”

“I’ll look them over and send them to you tonight. With the other ones”, Talia replied. She headed toward the door with Magda following her. At the door, they once again cheek-kissed.

“Give my regards to your girl. I’d love to meet her sometime”, Talia said as she reached for the door handle.

“I’ll pass them on”, Magda said with a nod and a smile.

Talia nodded in reply and pulled the door open. She stepped through it - and just before she vanished from sight, she took one last glance toward the mannequin sitting in the corner and winked. Chelsey gasped.

Magda waited for the door to close before walking over to where Chelsey was sitting. “Oh my. I was soooooo certain she’d made you.”

‘But she did’, Chelsey wanted to scream. She squirmed in her bindings, mostly because it was finally safe for her to move. ‘Or did she?’

Magda walked over to her and took the sunglasses off. “You okay?”

Chelsey nodded, still troubled.

“Relax, lovely. Even if she’d caught you, I know Talia. If she’s anything, she’s very, very, very considerate and discreet. She’d never tell anyone. Heck, even if she had seen something, she’d never bring it up to you unless you mention it yourself”, Magda said, stroking Chelsey’s cheek over the scarf, making Chelsey relax a little. “Are you having fun?”

Chelsey nodded, smiling. Even though her nerves hadn’t completely gone away, she was having fun. The arousal she’d felt earlier hadn’t gone away.

“Now, I could untie you right now… but you look too damn sexy there, all done up and innocent… and completely helpless”, Magda whispered, stepping up onto the platform and leaning her face close to Chelsey’s. “You really bring out the naughty in me.”

Chelsey chuckled.

“Are you ok with staying like this a little longer? It’s not that long until closing time. Please?”

‘Ah, what the heck.’ Chelsey nodded. Magda moved her hat over and kissed her on the forehead before setting the hat and sunglasses back in place.

Keeping her eyes on Chelsey’s, Magda crouched down and laid her hands on the bound woman’s booted ankles. Slowly, oh so slowly she slid her hands up, stopping briefly to check the ropes and bound Chelsey’s legs to the chair, past her knees and up the insides of her thighs.

Chelsey gasped and mumbled into her gag, casting a glance to the door.

Magda giggled. “Don’t worry. I… did a little something to the door. It’ll make more noise than usual and it takes a second or two to get it open. Besides, whoever comes in will have to come all the way in before they can see this corner. So, I can play with you all I want and not worry about getting caught… of course, if the timing is really unlucky… I might have to leave you quite hot and frustrated”, she said as her fingers started to work against the sodden scarf that covered Chelsey’s pussy.

The bound woman moaned into the socks and scarf that silenced her. Magda’s fingers fanned the flames that had been burning within her ever since the redheaded shopkeeper had surprised her with the gag. She was already hot and frustrated - and was getting more and more so every second Magda kept teasing her.

“I bet you’d like to cum, wouldn’t you?”

‘Are you fucking joking’, Chelsey thought in her lust-addled mind, nodding frantically.

Magda cocked her head. “I bet you do… but explaining that away would be really, really awkward… for everyone involved… so I think… you’ll have to wait…”, she concluded as she slowly pushed the scarf between Chelsey’s pussy lips. The slick, soft and warm fabric brushed oh so briefly against the bound woman’s clit, making her shudder. Magda got up and leaned closer. “I promise, you’ll get to cum. Just not yet”, she said, winked and stepped down, leaving Chelsey to simmer and stew in her bondage.

She could do nothing besides watch as her lover/captor/tormentor walked away from her. Chelsey breathed deep, trying to get the arousal within her to cool down even a little. She had no clue how long she’d sat in here - and no idea how long it would be before closing time. She resigned herself to being Magda’s captive… an idea that actually wasn’t all that unpleasant…

--- ---

I hope you like - and I hope you take the time to give me feedback. The conclusion should be up on Friday.
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Post by Caesar73 »

I'll comment in more Detail later 😀 What I like very much you describe Chelseas Feelings, her fear of being discovered - and the End: Magazin teasing her Mannequin, letting her simmer on low Temperature 😀 A very good update!
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Location: Tied up and spanked over your knee, or in the dungeon tormenting you!

Post by JulieG »

[mention]NotSeen[/mention] an excellent part two with the panic and the candid acknowledgement of a real life trusted JP model. [mention]chelseykittycat[/mention] I don't know how much input and inspiration you gave but thanks. A really good contribution just being there (trust me,I know how this author involves his characters who are.board members) and nice to see Talks back after her encounter with Joan in your other story.
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Post by NotSeen »

Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago What I like very much you describe Chelseas Feelings, her fear of being discovered - and the End: Magazin teasing her Mannequin, letting her simmer on low Temperature. A very good update!
Thank you! Funny - I have never, ever experienced anything even remotely close to the things I put my characters through... and still everyone seems to think I'm doing a very credible job describing their feelings and emotions...
JulieG wrote: 2 years ago [mention]NotSeen[/mention] an excellent part two with the panic and the candid acknowledgement of a real life trusted JP model. [mention]chelseykittycat[/mention] I don't know how much input and inspiration you gave but thanks. A really good contribution just being there (trust me,I know how this author involves his characters who are.board members) and nice to see Talks back after her encounter with Joan in your other story.
Thank you.
There is going to be more things related to Talia in this story... but for that you'll have to wait till Friday ;)
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Post by Switcher1313 »

I am liking it so far. Predicament is unique. Pacing is good. Looking forward to the nextbpart.😀
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Post by NotSeen »

Switcher1313 wrote: 2 years ago I am liking it so far. Predicament is unique. Pacing is good. Looking forward to the nextbpart.
Many thanks. Remember to come back on Friday for the conclusion. Who knows, there may yet be a wrinkle or two...
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Post by Caesar73 »

NotSeen wrote: 2 years ago
Thank you! Funny - I have never, ever experienced anything even remotely close to the things I put my characters through... and still everyone seems to think I'm doing a very credible job describing their feelings and emotions...
You do that, I can assure you :) Very well done!
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Post by NotSeen »

It's time for Chapter 3 and the conclusion of this story. If you've read my earlier stories, you may recognize someone.

[mention]chelseykittyc@t[/mention] [mention]Caesar73[/mention] [mention]Switcher1313[/mention] [mention]JulieG[/mention] [mention]CarouselCowboy13[/mention] [mention]SinfulSloth[/mention] [mention]GreyLord[/mention]

--- ---

Chapter 3 - You look so lovely

Magda was working on her tablet at the counter as the door chimed and creaked open. Two women walked in. One of them looked about middle-aged, her face and hair clearly indicating her Indian ancestry. She was wearing a faded green parka. Her companion was a younger blonde in a black-and-white checked coat, her hands deep in her pockets.

“Hello and welcome. How may I help you”, Magda called to the new arrivals.

“Hello”, the Indian woman replied. “We were just walking past and decided to pop in, just to see what this store looks like.”

“Do you have anything specific in mind?”

“No, just browsing, if that is all right?”

“Of course”, Magda replied. “If you need help with anything, just ask.”

“Thank you”, the Indian woman replied. She made her way to the racks containing dresses at the other end of the store. The blonde followed her, her hands still in her pockets.

Chelsey watched as the duo made their way through the store, looking at this and that. Occasionally, the Indian woman said something to her companion, sometimes pointing at something. Suddenly Chelsey noticed that the blonde never said anything. She’d nod, shake her head or shrug, occasionally smiling, but kept her mouth closed. ‘What’s going on?’

“Do you need help”, Magda called out to her two customers.

The Indian woman turned to look at her. “Actually… yes, I was wondering if you had tunics? For someone about my size?”

“Of course. This way”, Magda said, indicating toward a rack that was fairly close to Chelsey. The bound woman looked on as the three women - two customers and the shopkeeper - drew closer. “Here.”

Magda had made sure she’d stand between Chelsey and the customers, but as the Indian woman started asking about individual garments, the shopkeeper didn’t notice how the blonde turned to walk over to the shoes. As she drew closer and closer, Chelsey couldn’t decide whether she was turned on or terrified. Being discovered was almost too scary to think about, but… at the same time the thrill of being tied up like this, completely helpless and in full view, while everyone was completely oblivious to her plight… and with someone getting this close… ‘And that cursed scarf in my… pussy isn’t… helping…’ she thought as the folded strip of fabric slid against her swollen, wet labia.

“Joan? See anything you like”, the Indian woman asked her companion. Magda spun around and for a split second her face showed surprise and even shock as she realized how close to Chelsey the blonde was standing. Oblivious, Joan gave a kind of half-shrug/half-shake-of-the-head and headed back to where her companion was standing. Underneath her gag, Chelsey couldn’t help smiling a little at Magda’s shock. To her credit, the shopkeeper gathered herself admirably as she turned back to the Indian lady.

“I think I’ll take this”, the Indian woman said, holding up the dark blue tunic decorated with lighter blue flowers.

“Lovely. What about your friend?”

Joan shook her head.

“I think we’re fine”, the Indian woman said. With Joan following her, she made her way to the counter where Magda rang up her purchases and walked them to the door. The redhead looked on for a moment as the two customers departed before turning and walking back to where Chelsey sat.

“Sorry, I didn’t see her get that close”, she said, slipping her hands underneath Chelsey’s skirt. “Did they strike you as odd?” Chelsey nodded - and moaned long as Magda’s fingers danced up the insides of her thighs, drawing closer to her pussy. The redhead giggled as she felt the wetness. “Oh poor baby, are you this turned on?” She didn’t stop her hands, though. Chelsey gasped for breath as she felt Magda’s hands reach her pussy and brush against the crotch scarf. “I think… that the blonde… had something in her mouth… and her hands… were tied”, the redhead whispered as she played with Chelsey.

“Pllllsshhhs, Mggghdddahh”, Chelsey moaned. The shopkeeper looked up, smiling mischievously.

“But I don’t want you to cum… not just yet”, she whispered. “It’s only fifteen minutes till closing. Then we can have fun”, she said, withdrawing her hand. She stood up and kissed Chelsey on the scarf that covered her gagged lips - and walked off, once again leaving her captive/mannequin stewing in her frustrated lust.

The fifteen minutes dragged on. Try as she did, Chelsey could no longer do anything to the fire roaring inside her. To make matters worse, the scarf had worked its way even deeper between her pussy lips, but no matter what she did, she just couldn’t get the fabric to touch her throbbing clit… quite… enough...

Finally she saw Magda emerge from behind the counter. “Closing time”, the redhead called out as she walked to the door. She locked the door and then walked back to where Chelsey sat. She crouched down and pulled out a small, oval-shaped pink item from underneath the platform Chelsey sat on. “I wanted to do this to you the moment I got you to sit at the chair… but it would have been a bit much”, she said as she raised Chelsey’s skirt up as far as it went. Smiling, she pulled the crotch scarf back out of its wet hiding place - and slid the pink bullet into Chelsey’s drenched pussy. Chelsey groaned - and for a fleeting moment, she hoped that the intrusion would be enough to bring her off.

No such luck. She could only watch as Magda took out her phone and tapped on the screen a bit. The bullet vibrator in Chelsey’s pussy sprang to life. It was the tiniest of vibrations - just barely on, but nonetheless enough that in her aroused state, Chelsey knew she wouldn’t be able to ignore it. ‘Fuuuuckk… please, turn it higher…’ Instead Magda put her phone away and patted Chelsey’s knee. “Have fun. I have to do a few things and then I’ll be back.”

Chelsey was lost. She felt like she was watching Magda through a haze, as if she was dreaming… her entire concentration swallowed by the insidious buzzing in her pussy. The redhead moved around the shop, closing the shades in the windows, arranging things around the place - and then she turned off the lights. Since Chelsey was still wearing the sunglasses, it was almost as if she’d been blindfolded. She yelled into her gag, but if Magda heard her, she paid it no mind. Chelsey heard her move about - and finally she emerged from the darkness.

The shopkeeper was wearing a long black coat and shoes, her purse slung over her shoulder. She stopped in front of Chelsey and looked at the bound woman sitting on the chair.

“Thank you for giving me a hand today. You were such a good mannequin”, she said and climbed onto the platform. She took Chelsey’s face in her hands. “Good night, my lovely mannequin, sweet dreams. I’ll see you in the morning”, she said, stepped down - and was gone.

Chelsey screamed after her - but the only reply was the vibrator in her pussy turning up. Way, way up. Chelsey barely heard the back door close. She groaned as the waves of pleasure surged through her. She moaned into her gag in the dark shop and squeezed her eyes shut. As turned on as she was after the whole experience, she knew orgasm wasn’t going to be very far. The bullet changed its vibration, starting to pulse up and down, from barely noticeable tremor to full-on buzz that felt powerful enough to rattle Chelsey’s teeth. Her arousal surged and waned in time with the vibration, each surge bringing her a little higher, a little higher still…

Until it died. Chelsey screamed into her gag and pulled against her restraints, but as little rope as Magda had used, the bindings refused to give. ‘That little minx’, Chelsey cursed. Still, she had to admit, it was a rush - a very weird one, but nonetheless - that Magda had just wished her goodnight and walked out, leaving her here like the mannequin she’d pretended to be. ‘Damn, I’m going to be sore and stiff in the morning’, she thought - just as the vibrator sprang to life once again. Now, it bounced up and down its speed scale, seemingly at random, changing tempo every few seconds… and predictably, summoning fresh surges of arousal from within Chelsey’s body. She moaned into her gag, of disappointment when the infernal little bullet slowed down - and of pleasure when it kicked back into high gear… and then it stayed there. ‘Yes… yes… yes… oh god, it better not cut off this time… yes… YESSSS…’

Chelsey came. Bound to the chair and gagged, she screamed wordlessly into the socks silencing her and thrashed against the ropes as the release washed over her, wiping out the frustration Magda had built within her for hours… but the vibrator didn’t stop. It made a few quick dips to a lower level before once again turning to full blast - which predictably resulted in Chelsey soon approaching another orgasm. ‘Oh shit, how many of these am I going to have tonight… how long do the batteries last on that thiiinnnnggggg’ The second climax didn’t fall much behind the first one… and before long, it was joined by a third and a fourth as the vibrator kept buzzing in her soaked pussy. Chelsey could do little more than moan and scream into her gag - she wasn’t going anywhere and there was no way she’d be able to reach the intruder in her pussy.

When the vibrator fell silent soon after the fourth orgasm, it was a relief. Chelsey gasped for air, slumped over in her chair. She could smell and feel exactly how drenched in her juices she was. ‘Fuck… fuck… fuck… is she going to do that again…’

Sound of footsteps made her jerk her head up. Someone emerged from the back of the store and walked through the store toward Chelsey. Due to the sunglasses, it was only after the person had gotten right beside her that Chelsey recognized it was Magda.

“Hello, my lovely mannequin. How are you?”

Chelsey grumbled and pulled at the ropes, shaking her head.

“Did you really think I’d leave you in here all night”, Magda asked, plucking the sunglasses off Chelsey’s face.

Chelsey shrugged, but the look she gave Magda wasn’t exactly friendly.

“Look, if I scared you, I’m sorry. I really am. I thought it’d be a fun little game. I’m sorry”, Magda said as she lowered the scarf from Chelsey’s face and undid the gag. The socks came out a sodden mess of snot and saliva.

Chelsey worked her jaw and took a few breaths before looking at Magda. “It was… Okay, I admit, it was a rush. After all that had happened before it… I kinda liked it. Although, I’m fairly sure that it would have gotten old long before morning. How long were you gone?”

Magda shook her head. “If you think I was going to leave you alone in here, you’re out of your mind. I was at the back all the time. How do you think I would have otherwise been able to deny you that first orgasm”, she asked with a mischievous smile.

“You little...”

“I love you too”, Magda said with a laugh.

“So, what happens now”, Chelsey asked, trying to pull against her restraints.

“Well you have two choices. Option one: I untie you, you change back into your own clothes in the back and you head home. Option two, I untie you from that chair and take you home with me. I’m good either way, although you can probably guess which one I’d prefer.”

Chelsey laughed. “I’ll take door number two.”

“I thought you would”, Magda said. She untied Chelsey’s legs and hands, helped her from the chair - but then pulled Chelsey’s hands behind her back and tied her wrists.

“Hey”, Chelsey protested, but the laughter in her voice told that she wasn’t angry.

“...and just one more thing”, Magda said as she produced a scarf and blindfolded Chelsey. “There. I have your clothes with me, but right now you don’t need them. Let’s go.”

Magda guided Chelsey through the store, out the door, down the stairs and a few meters to the car. She belted Chelsey in and got into the driver’s seat.

“I just checked my email. Talia had sent the photos. You can help me with picking the best ones.”

Chelsey nodded. “What were the other photos she mentioned?”

Magda laughed. “Oh, you caught that? Well, let’s just say that I modeled for her a while back… wearing mostly rope…”

Chelsey’s reply was cut off by the vibrator that sprang to life in her pussy. She leaned back against the car seat and moaned.

“Have fun. It’s not a very long ride.”

--- ---

Yep, looks like Joan and Asha from 'What they can't see' and 'Secrets shared' paid a visit to Magda's little shop...
To all of you reading and enjoying my stories, thank you - and a heartfelt thank you to everyone who has taken the time to leave feedback. Please keep doing so.

I should have another story up next week. After that, I have a few that I'm working on but don't know when those will be ready. Have a good weekend, everyone.
Last edited by NotSeen 2 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by JulieG »

[mention]NotSeen[/mention] a wonderful part three and more crossover stories. Unfortunately Maths has other plans for me or I'd visit the second hand shop.too. And will These five characters get together again?
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Post by NotSeen »

JulieG wrote: 2 years ago @NotSeen a wonderful part three and more crossover stories. Unfortunately Maths has other plans for me or I'd visit the second hand shop.too. And will These five characters get together again?
You never know, perhaps you'll find the time at some point...
As for the entire quintet, atm I don't really have any concrete plans for them, either together or separately. I'm always open for ideas, though.
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Post by Caesar73 »

This was so well done! The rising tension, the Cross Over and Magda playing on Chelseas Nerves :)
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Post by NotSeen »

Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago This was so well done! The rising tension, the Cross Over and Magda playing on Chelseas Nerves :)
Once again, many, many thanks for your kind words.
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Post by CarouselCowboy13 »

Very Nice and Good Awesome Chapters 2 and 3. Can't wait to see and read more
My Dear it's no use to struggle. But I would greatly appreciate it if you, could and would
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Post by NotSeen »

CarouselCowboy13 wrote: 2 years ago Very Nice and Good Awesome Chapters 2 and 3. Can't wait to see and read more
Thank you very much. I hope you like my future stories as well.
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