The Customer Wasn't Satisfied (M/MF)

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The Customer Wasn't Satisfied (M/MF)

Post by ropegagged »

tw: dubious consent!

Lina was late closing up the sex shop she worked at. It had been a long day: some angry customer was unsatisfied with a lingerie set he had purchased and had yelled at her in front of everyone when she couldn't give him a refund: the man didn't have a receipt, and they didn't accept refunds as they were a small business, and the items that they sold were not really returnable once used. He also complained about the mask policy, which agitated Lina further. He kept cutting Lina off as she tried to explain and offer solutions, and calling her "sweety". Finally he demanded to see her manager. He was a strange looking man: he was wearing a long, expensive looking coat over a suit and bowtie. He kind of looked like a cheesy magician, to be honest. Lina wondered if he had a handlebar moustache beneath his mask.

Conner slipped in and told the man that the refund wasn't possible. He muttered something about coming for his refund later, and stomped out of the store.

"Jesus," Lina murmured behind her mask.

Conner chuckled. Lina rarely heard him chuckle. He was the owner's kid, a shy boy who wore glasses and read philosophy books in his free time. He wasn't the kind of boy you'd usually see manning a sex store, but he was good with numbers and kept up with the accounting. He also played hockey at their high school, and was pretty good at it. Sometimes, he stopped by after practice to talk to his dad or, still in his workout clothing. Lina had seen his muscled arms, eyes lingering as he ran a hand through his sweaty hair and nodded at her in brief acknowledgement.

She couldn't deny that he was fucking fit.

His parents were polar opposites of him, too, eccentric and extroverted. while he was more pensive. They would joke bawdily about anything and everything: the merchandise, the whims and stories of their favorite customers. Sometimes, they would tease Lina, and she always tried to banter back.

Conner, on the other hand, was introverted. Sometimes he would crack the rare joke, and they were always good, but made even better for their being few and far between. Lina appreciated that about him.

"Yeah. Woah, he was upset. You good? He shouldn't have talked to you like that," he said. "

"It's good," she shrugged. "Whatever. He's gone now I guess."

"Yeah I guess so. Well, I'll be downstairs. We close up soon and I have some paperwork," he saluted her and went back downstairs, leaving her to continue serving customers. It was the day before Valentines, so it was busier than usual, people coming in and out for the sale.

Finally, when the store was closed, she had gotten none of her tasks done for the night. She decided to clean up the store by folding scattered clothes and hanging up toys and gear of all sorts, take out the trash and leave. She finished with the cash drawer and brought it downstairs, waving to Conner on her way out.

"See you, Lina," he nodded. "Hey, what are you doing tomorrow?"

Lina shrugged, flashing him a tired smile. "I don't know. Nothing, probably. Why? Need me to pick up a shift or something? Got a hot date?"

Conner blinked at her, pushed his glasses up his nose, and gave a little chuckle. He looked sweet, and Lina wondered if she was imagining how nervous he seemed. "Well, I just, um," he paused, sighed. "No, I can handle tomorrow. The store closes early anyways. I was wondering if-"

The chime of the door opening upstairs startled both of them. The tension in Lina's shoulders had wound all the way up, her heart full of butterflies at the thought of what he might have been about to ask her. "Oh, I forgot to lock the door," she muttered. She hesitated. Conner was sweet, but she was unsure how to handle this situation. She was a little scared, after her last boyfriend ghosted her after she...told him about some of her sexual passions. "Um, I'll go -"

"Wait, no, I can -"

"No, I'll just go. I have to go upstairs. To trash. To bring the trash up," she stumbled over her words. "Alright, I'm going."

She didn't wait for Conner's response. She wasn't sure what she'd say. She couldn't read his blue-grey eyes in the dark, and it didn't help that he was wearing a mask that hid his expression. She turned and fled, swooping up the stairs. Conner didn't call her back, and she entered the storefront, eyes searching out the customer. "Hello?" she asked. There was no response. Lina looked around, feeling a little spooked. She walked around the shelves, circling and searching for an unfamiliar figure. There was no one. She paused by the ballgags. Something felt strange. It felt a bit off. She turned around to look out the window to see if anyone was outside by the storefront.

She had to stifle a startled squeak as she tripped over something, sphere like and fell forward, right into the mannequin at the side of the store wearing a leather hood. She shuffled quickly, heart racing rapidly, and looked down to see what had tripped her once she steadied herself. A large ballgag had been under her foot. She looked at the mannequin, which she had used to right herself. It was still standing straight. She hadn't noticed it there before , but she had spent most of her time at the back of the store and rushed through cleanup today. Conner must have moved it there while running inventory that day. She hung the ballgag back up and shuffled to leave, grabbing the garbage bag and rushing out the door. She needed to leave before Conner came to investigate the ruckus, and have a second chance to speak to her.

She loaded the trash bag into the dumpster as quickly as possible, a chill running down her spine. She had to walk home tonight, she remembered with dread. She steeled herself and began to walk back to the front of the building to get onto the main street. She couldn't shake the feeling, as she walked through the shadow of the building, that she was being followed however.

Finally she stopped to look over shoulder, and that's when her attacker struck. She had still been wearing her mask, and she felt strong arms wrap around her and a hand roughly grab her mouth over the fabric. "Still wearing that mask, huh? Are you a little sheep, who listens to the lies of the government?"

Lina struggled against his hold but he was too strong. "Don't move, little sheep. Don't scream. Or I'll kill you."

Lina opened her mouth wide as hard as she could to disobey this order, about to scream at the top of her lungs, but he tightened his fist around the fabric and it slipped from her ears. He shoved it deep into her mouth, muffling her scream before it could begin. His large hand clamped over her mouth kept the mask sealed.

"Ssh, sweety. Sssh. Right now your co-worker has a chance to be free, but I have one of my men holding him at gunpoint waiting for the slightest signal to kill him. Scream or try to escape, and you'll both be dead in seconds." Lina began to weep as she felt the cold edge of a knife at her throat. Now that she was recovering from the initial shock, realization setting in, she knew who he was. Why he sounded familiar.

It was the man from earlier. The one who didn't get his stupid refund.

Lina was beginning to panic. This wasn't a joke. This man was truly trying to hold her captive. She tried to survey the situation, but her terror kept her frozen, unable to do anything but obey. She didn't want Conner to end up dead because of her, either.

Continuing to hand gag her, he guided her to the back door.

"Open it for me, sweety," he hissed into her ear. Lina complied with shaking hands. She couldn't do anything else. But being forced to obey killed her; she felt like a puppet, strings yanking her along. He locked the back door behind him, and Lina's heart sunk as she realized that they wouldn't even alert anyone to their entry. The back door didn't have any bells. He pushed Lina passed the counter and produced a giant ball gag.

"Nearly caught me when you tripped over this one, sweety. I picked it out especially for your big lying mouth. Telling your manager you didn't remember ringing me up. For that lingerie. You're a little, lying slut, and I'm going to punish you," he murmured.

Lina's eyes widened. "Mpph!" she exclaimed. "Nm-mm!"

"Woah now, didn't I say to be quiet. You're just proving what I need this for." His thumb ran over her lips. Lina tried to press her mouth closed and sink away, but the edge of the knife threatened her. Heart racing, she let him pry her mouth open. He did not hold back, shoving the gag harshly and making sure it was lodged as far as it could, stretching her jaw wide. The mask pressed into her mouth behind it, and she had to keep her tongue against the fabric to keep it from going down her throat. Her voice was a half-formed whimper as she tried to push her tongue and dislodge the intrusion, but he was already tightening and buckling it, knife clutched between his own teeth as he worked.

Her hands were free. But she couldn't put Conner in danger.

She grunted as he finished up and pressed her into the wall, knife back at her throat. She could feel his hard on pressed against her hip as he looked down at her. The light was dim, so she could barely see his face. He was wearing a mask over his eyes, though, stylized after the mask of Zorro, it seemed. He was also still wearing his magician's tux, tails on the suit jacket and all. Lina kind of wanted to roll her eyes, and in any other situation she would. The man had salt and pepper hair: he was well into his 40s, and this is what he was doing? ​"I want you to get undressed, sweety. Silently."

His interruption was an unwelcome reminder of the gravity of the situation.

Lina narrowed her eyes and glared at him. "Nm-mm."

"Oh, what made you think you were getting the choice?" he asked her, voice rough. " I'll get you started." His knife caught below the hem of her tee shirt, and he pulled it easily throughh the fabric to tear it in half before she could say a thing.

She squealed, shocked, and drool began to dribble out of her wide open mouth. The knife was quickly back at her throat . "It'll be your throat next if you make another sound, hon." His voice was so gentle, a slight twang and bounce in his words. Like an accent returning. Lina shivered. "So do us both a favor and don't make me do it again, alright? Take off your clothes so I don't have to do it for you."

Lina couldn't argue with that, so she slowly shed the shreds of her tee-shirt. She'd made the mistake of going bra-less today, as she'd been wearing a long sleeved off the shoulder blouse, so her tits were on full display. She knew her breasts were pretty average, though her nipples were standing straight up from the cold and the chafing against her shirt's fabric.

Zorro Magician gave a low whistle. "I should have known you wouldn't be wearing a bra. Only kinky sluts work at these trashy places."

"Lina was too terrified to respond, instead complying with his earlier order to discard her panties. Her lips trembled as she was forced to obey his ridiculous commands, removing her tiny denim skirt to reveal her embarrassingly large granny panties. She then stepped out of her shoes, bending over to undo the laces first.

"The panties too, " the man commented unnecessarily. He really never could shut up.

She slid them down her legs, slowly, hoping he would change his mind. Of course, the bastard didn't.

Finally she stepped out of them. He picked them up, examining them. "The heart pattern. Haven't seen that in a while. How old are you again?"

Lina blushed. She was just trying to be comfortable! Of course, she didn't say a word. Or make a sound.

Finally, the man through her a pair of cuffs. "Now put these on. Behind your back, don't think I'm stupid."

Lina flinched at each click of her wrist. These cuffs weren't fucking around: they were the real deal. But maybe she could leave them loose....

He finally came around behind her and clicked tightened them around her wrists.There was no escape now.

"Hello? Is there anyone up there?" Conner called up the stairs. It was unmistakeably his voice. Lina's head shot around, lightning fast. But wasn't he...being held at gunpoint? His voice was coming from the stairs, and he didn't sound frightened at all. He just sounded confused. "Helloooo!"

Fuck, she realized . She'd been tricked.

Lina made a break for it, rushing at the door to the store front, out of the backroom. The man dragged her back before she could reach the door and this time he was holding a gun to her head, not a knife. Desperation kicked in and she squirmed as hard she could against his grip, squealing and trying to scream at the top of her lungs. "Mpphhh! MPPPHH!"

"Stay still or I will blow your brains out. How many times do I have to tell you?"

Then Conner ran in, throwing the light switch on to examine the commotion. "Fuck. Lina." he raised his hands immediately. "Man, take what you want. Let her go."
"I want revenge," theman said. "And I want you to regret undermining me. Both of you. I was secretly hoping you'd come join us soon. I want you to be the one to see her in the little lingerie set I'm returning. The man fished a pile of black ribbons and lace at Conner. It was the one he had tried to return later. "Once she's all dolled up for you, you're going to show me the safe. And if any of you consider double crossing me, there will be hell to pay."

The man pushed her down till she was kneeling, keeping the gun trained on her. Conner's flinched. "Hey, don't hurt her."

"You'll soon learn I can do whatever I want with her, but no matter. As long as I keep this gun on her you'll do anything I say won't you?" Their captor asked. "A real knight in shining armor. Stuck in the little lying slut's spell."

"You don't have to do this, we'll give you the money." Conner tried one last time.

The captor narrowed his eyes, reaching forward to press the gun to her head. "I will shoot her if you don't dress her in that little piece of ribbon . I don't want the money. I want you both to regret doubting me. Now move, before I punish her."

Conner finally looked at Lina, shivering with her mouth helplessly wrapped around a giant red ball, her mouth lodged open. "I'm sorry," he mouthed, then picked up the lingerie set. It was mostly all ribbon, criss crossing over her nipples with a small lace cup, but leaving her mostly bare. He weaved it over her body. To add insult to injury, the part of the body-suit style set that went over her pussy was a thong-style, accentuated with a bowtie over her ass, right at the small of his back. Conner's hands were also shaking, but Lina could see a tent forming in his pants. Her cheeks burned. His fingers hesitated over her breasts, one hand brushing over them. He tied the bow at the ass and between her breasts, face red. She was entranced as his hands unintentionally teased her. She wanted to lean into his touch. She couldn't believe he was seeing her naked. His eyes lingered over her body, a restrained hunger in them.

Lina looked up at him, swallowing down a moan. A drop of drool slid down her chin and she whimpered as he reached up to wipe it away with his thumb. He seemed to shake himself out of a reverie at the noise she made, his eyes wide.

"Alright lovebird, didn't know you were a little pervert yourself," laughed the man. "You like seeing her all naked and helpless, don't you?"

"I- wha- it's not like that," Conner stumbled over his words. "I did what you asked, now let me show you the safe."

"Oh, you thought that was all I wanted?" he laughs. He threw a small pole-like thing at Conner. Lina realized it was a spreader bar. "Put these on her. "

Conner's jaw clenched and he picked them up off the floor. The man still had the gun, so he was forced to comply, clicking the cuffs around her ankles and leaving her legs spread behind her. She was still kneeling, and nearly lost her balance, but Conner caught her, letting her down easy. As he held her close, he whispered in her ear. "We're getting out of this, okay?" he murmured.

She writhed and struggled on the groundd, but quickly stopped when she realized she was just sticking her ass up in the air. Conner couldn't stop himself from noticing, as the bow bobbed up and down. God, if only he could...
Nothing. If only he could nothing. He had to focus.

With that done, the man began to work on Conner. He made him strip down to his plaid boxers, and then submit as he roped him up. Conner refused, saying he would have to promise to at least let Lina go. The man, much to Lina's surprised, nodded before he tied the hunky boy's swrists behind him. He quickly wove rope around his knees,and shins with rope. "Now, you'll tell me where the safe is, won't you?" the man asked, once Conner was mostly incapacitated. The man traced a nipple with his gun.

"It's downstairs. The code is 34012. Please, let Lina go now."

"Are you kidding? None of you are getting out. You're stuck here till tomorrow."

Conner grunted angrily. "What the hell man? We did what you asked!"

"Hm. I can't do much about the fact that I'm just not satisfied. You two are too busy ogling each other to create a good customer experience. Tell you what! I'm going to gag you and leave you two to finally satisfy each other. That'll do your service some good. I mean, you're really pushing Mount Everest right now for this girl. But I'm just saying, I call first orgasm from her, as punishment for humuiliating me in front of your earlier. Hope you're not the jealous time." He motioned at Conner's boner, tenting his pants significantly.

"Fuck you! Let us go!" he thrashed in his bonds rolling back and forth. "Help!" he finally cried out. "Hee---AGGH"

The man pushed a ring gag into Conner's mouth, cutting off the coherency of his words. "There, you little pervert. Here, why not taste her panties too?" He picked up her granny panties from the ground and shoved them in his mouth behind the gag. The ring gag kept his mouth wide open which made it hard to push the panties out, stuffed deep into each cheek.

Finally, he lifted a squirming Lina, the straps and ribbons and lace accentuating her lovely body, and tied her tightly to one of the chairs in the backroom with cuffs at the end of chains on each arm and leg of the chair, allowing him to secure her to the chair with someflexibility. He tightened her wrists to each arm, but let her legs have some slack with the chain. He then strapped her waist in and threaded chains above and bellow her breasts, padlocking them as tightly as they could go. He finally removed her ball gag.

"Let us go you bastard," Lina murmured, after sipitting out the soggy cloth. "You're a petty asshole and you're gonna-"

"Say you're sorry to me and maybe I'll let you go."

"Excuse me?"

"Say you're sorry. " The man fingered the ribbon crossing her shoulders. "The lingerie looks so good on you, you know. Makes me want to fuck you in front of your loverboy. Or maybe I'll smack your tits till can't even feel your nipples." He picked up a cat o nine tails from the shelf on the wall and began to run it over her breasts. Despite herself, Lina was beginning to get wet. In reality, she'd started getting wet when Conner's hands were all over her, weaving her into the lingerie set.

Conner protested around his gag, thrashing around and struggling to loosen the ropes around his wrists.

"I'm sorry," Lina said desperately. "Please. Please just us let us go. I'm sorry," she said.

"Hm," said the man. "Not good enough."He raised the cat-o-nine tails and struck her breasts, dislodging one of the strappy lingerie set's tiny, delicate cups and revealing her nipple, fully erect. Lina cried out, and Conner screamed again.

"I like you better when you can't speak, if I'm being real. Your little slut mouth deserves nothing better." The man whipped her legs this time and Lina screamed - that's when he struck, shoving a dick shaped plug gag between her lips. She gagged as it pressed her tongue down . The panel was clear, so they could both see her lips wrapped around the penis. She tried to shake her head back and forth, but the straps of the chair held her fast. Suddenly, a blindfold slipped over her eyes and she cried out once again, trying to shake it off. But it was fit to her face, perfectly sealing out any light.

"Stppp!!" Conner cried, thrashing and trying to roll over, trying to do anything he could. His boner rubbed against the floor as he struggled and he had to fight his arousal. Lina was sitting above him, legs spread wide, her mouth wrapped around a penis shaped gag. The lacey cup covering one of her breasts had fallen away, revealing her nipple with the little stud piercing. The idea of that piercing was something he thought of every night before he fell asleep, pleasuring himself at the thought of flicking it with his tongue. It was perverse, he knew - he wasn't supposed to know she had it, really. But they'd played Never Have I Ever Once, and she'd let it slip while drunk. The rest of the set hung from her frame, barely covering up. He thought about the bow over her wonderful ass, and tried to get himself to calm down.

Finally, the man dragged Conner over. But the man quickly had him fastened between Lina's legs, kneeling. Lina's lower legs had some give with the chains, but the man fastened her knees to the back of the chair to keep her legs wide open. He then tied Conner's head so his face was only an inch from her wet, swollen pussy, placing a collar around his neck and also roping his head to with a harness between her thighs.

He pulled Lina's sodden panties from Conner's mouth and suddenly he was facing her pussy, nose hovering over it. Lina groaned as the man began to play with her nipple, brushing the piercing as she whined and begged him to stop. Or was that a whine of pleasure? Conner could not distinguish them.

Lina shivered as she felt a shuddering breath over her pussy. She could only guess that it was Conner - blindfolded as she was. She could recognize her captor's breathing somewhere off in the corner, though. It could only be Conner.

She was so wet already but the thought of him kneeling there...his muscles straining against all the rope, his ring gag keeping his mouth open. His drool began to pool on the chair between her legs. She shifted in her leg and felt his boner against her leg. He groaned at the friction, low in the back of his throat, and Lina could only moan back a muffled sorry. He didn't need an apology though. All he could smell was her, all he could see was her. He wanted to hear that moan again.

"Alright then, just some finishing touches."

Sadistic as he was, the man retrieved some nipple clamps for the two of them, chuckling at their squeals of pain as their sensitive nipples were clamped. Conner was already fighting the urge to push his face into her pussy, even as they both resited and protested behind their gags. He wasleaning his cheek against her thigh and staring longingly between her legs, when the man came up behind him and grabbed him by the hair. Conner cried out in dismay, not wanting his first time tasting her to be facilitated by this horrible man, but it was too late. Conner's nose was pressed into her sex,right at her slit. Conner breathed her in, and God, jhe just wanted one taste of her. His tongue had nothing else to do between the ring of his gag! He would swear later that it slipped in, that it was an accident.

But her answering groan was no accident. It was throaty, needy. A sound he had only dreamed of hearing from her. He wanted to hear it again.

"I'll leave you with this gift," the man murmured, before fastening a bullet vibrator to Conner's rock hard dick and putting it on the lowest setting. Conner started to thrash. The arousal was growing within him. He couldn't resist giving her clit another little flick and Lina squirmed again, her moans questioning, then as he began to eat her out through the ring gag in earnest, they began to bloom into something more welcoming, less confused. As she writhed under his mouth, his dick pressed into her bottom leg and foot. The tiny vibrator beat against the base as he continued rubbing his dripping tip against the side of her smooth leg, and her moans and whimpers and little noises were beginning to really take hold as he feasted on her pussy and humped her leg like a dog.

"Cnnrrr," she moaned, tensing up and panting. He could feel her juices all over his face as his tongue strained over her slit and pressed into her clit.

She came first, crying his name out behind her gag, then he went next mumbling and grunting, thinking about sucking her sensitive nipple into his mouth. Cum shot from his dick, spraying over her leg and smearing all over his boxers. The vibrator continued to hum away his dick, teasing his now extremely sensitive member. His continued thrashing caused his mouth and face to cause further friction, sending her into another orgasm as he struggled and cried out.

Conner was reduced to a whimpering mess, resting his gagged face on her thigh. He looked up at her, cheeks rosey beneath her panel, panting. This was not how he'd wanted this to go at all.
But some sick part of him was glad that it had happened.

Little did he know, Lina felt the same way.

"Well you two lovebirds certainly do know how to make a mess," the man's voice interrupted their moment.

Fuck, Lina'd thought he'd left.
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Post by Trickster »

THAT was frickin amazing. Just sooo hot and sexy! WOW!!!
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Post by DioA »

The turn at the end, I did not expect that.
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Post by GreyLord »

Good show, [mention]ropegagged[/mention]. That was very hot. I am looking forward to reading more about Lina and Conner. Hopefully, you are thinking about writing more.
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Post by Beaumains »

Great story. I liked that you had three characters instead of the usual two for this kind of story. Connor added a lot to the dynamic, and his crush was very cute. Your villian was also pretty detailed with the details about the mask and lingerie. Well done!
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