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Babysitters Babysat FFF/MF

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2021 1:23 am
by Bigballgag1
(Hi all. I havent forgotten about my other stories but i had this idea niggling at me and wanted to do something with it. Hope you enjoy :) )

“Thank you so much for agreeing to do this. I shouldn't be too long but the girls are aware. Feel free to set your games console up in my bedroom if you want some privacy. They shouldn't bother you too much, its only if theres an emergency its good to have someone responsible here. We all know what a group of girls on a sleepover can be like.” My neighbour Hannah chuckled.

Hannah was a curvy attractive woman who fitted firmly into the milf category. She was 38 years old, 15 years my senior and had long dark black hair. She had a bronze tan from a recent holiday and was a single mum. On this particular day she was wearing a yellow figure hugging dress and a pair of black high heels.

Her Daughter and two of her friends were having a slumber party. Each of them were the same age at 20 years old. They were slightly younger than me but the few times i had met her, she seemed nice. It was late afternoon and i was due to cover for a few hours for Hannah in return for some money.

I myself was 23 and of an average build. I had short brown hair, blue eyes and on this particular day i was wearing a pair of black jeans with a white t-shirt.

“Thank you. It should be no problem. How long will you be?”

“A few hours. Ill be back as soon as i can.” She smiled. We said our goodbyes before she headed to the car and i headed inside her house.

I shut the door behind me and popped my head around the corner to the living room where i could hear plenty of chatting and giggling.

“Hi girls. Just letting you know im here. I wont disturb you though, but if you need me i’ll be gaming upstairs.” I smiled.

“No problem.” Pandora replied. She was Hannah’s daughter and was a similar curvy shape. She had long dark hair and dark eyes. On this particular day she was wearing a black vest top with jeans and white fluffy socks.

Sat to her left on the sofa was her friend Taylor. She had long blonde hair, a busty but slim frame and was wearing a peach vest top, lighter blue jeans than Pandora with a few fashionable tears in and some white sports socks.

To Pandora’s right was her other best friend Jenna. She was a similar build to Taylor and had a slightly darker shade of blonde long hair. She was wearing a red hoodie with navy blue jeans, white socks and her trainers which she had yet to remove.

Introductions over i headed for the master bedroom. I had removed my trainers in the porch to show good manners. Once the console was set up i shut the door and was quite content playing a variety of games. The wifi code had been given so i was able to make a lot of progress on a few games. I did leave a few times for drinks but as the kitchen was the other side of the house both parties kept themselves apart.

At around 5pm i suddenly noticed the door to the room opening. It was Pandora.

“Hey. Everything alright?”

“Of course. I was just checking you were ok.”

“All fine. Plenty of games to keep me company.” I laughed.

“Ooh what are you playing? Have you got that car game thats new out?” Pandora smiled, seeming genuinely interested. Her natural charm had got me talking.

“I do, not played it much though.”

“I’ll give you a game. We could always mix it up a little?” She teased knowing she could peek my interest with a comment like that.

“Go on.”

“Hmm have you ever been tied up?” Pandora asked out of the blue. It took me aback. I wasnt expecting it.

“A little.” I lied. I blushed. In truth bondage had been a big interest of mine for a long time.

“Well...” Pandora grinned. “How about if you lose we get to keep you as our prisoner and slave. You have to do whatever we want. However if you win you may pick either of us three and have the ability to do the same?”

I was stunned at the proposition but it seemed exciting and risky.

“Ok...i guess you are on.” I smiled. I passed her a controller and we were soon setting up the race.

The race was part of a 100 car race so if neither of us won the winner would be the one who finished highest. Not too long after setting up the race was beginning.

It was intense both of us suddenly becoming much more competitive than when the idea was first suggested. All was going well for me until the penultimate corner where i was spun out by an npc car and lost a fair bit of ground. In the end neither of us won but it was Pandora who was cheering. She had finished 12th whilst i had sunk to 40th after the crash.

“Woohoo” she cheered putting the controller down next to the console. She was elated. I gulped. I was still trying to take in the terms of which i had just lost to. Even though i was aggrieved by the manner in which i lost there was little i could do though; a bet is a bet after all.

“Ugh lets get this over then. What did you have in mind?” I asked as i turned off the console and tv, trying to put a positive spin on an unfortunate situation.

“Oh we are going to have such fun.” She giggled still excited. “You are ours to do what we like with arent you slave.”

I sighed. “Yes i am.”

“You can get started by lying down on the floor face down with your hands behind your back. I will be back in a moment.” She giggled.

Part of me was tempted to leave but begrudgingly i lay down on the floor just as she asked. My arms were behind my back and already i could feel myself becoming slightly aroused by the whole affair.

After what seemed like a small eternity the door re-opened and Pandora returned with a small bag of things. I couldn't see what they were as i kept my head to the floor.

Pandora began by looping a rope around my wrists and cinching them tightly behind my back. The next rope followed around my elbows. She surprised me slightly as her rigging seemed neater and tighter than i thought she would be able to produce.

Once my arms were secure she turned around and secured my ankles together next before her attention turned to the gag.

“Open wide” she giggled before she pulled a black cloth tightly between my teeth and knotted it behind my head.”mppph” i let out testing it.

“Mum will have quite the surprise when she sees the babysitter tied like this. I’ll be back to check on you later. Dont go anywhere.” She teased as she got up and left the room. She shut the door behind her leaving me in my peril.

Re: Babysitters Babysat FFF/MF

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2021 2:55 pm
by Svpmissive
Good start. Curious to see what other situations he finds himself in.

Re: Babysitters Babysat FFF/MF

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2021 9:14 pm
by FabianStr2016
Interesting first chapter, Im exited to read chapter 2 :)

Re: Babysitters Babysat FFF/MF

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2021 9:41 am
by Trickster
Please continue this as soon as possible! I love a good babysitter in bondage story :)

Re: Babysitters Babysat FFF/MF

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 3:46 pm
by Bigballgag1
(Thanks all for the kind comments, much appreciated :) )

Hannah stared back in disbelief at what had just happened. Her own daughter Pandora was celebrating her demise with tribulation. If she had known there was a chance she could lose she probably wouldnt have agreed to the bet but in all fairness, Pandora had won fair and square.

The game behind her inner despair was a quick card game between mother and daughter. It appeared like poor Hannah had been conned into overconfidence. After returning back home from her trip out Pandora had asked if she wanted to play cards whilst her friends went out to collect a takeaway they had ordered. Hannah easily won the first two games they played however this was when Pandora had suggested a forfeit make the final game a winner takes all situation.

If Hannah won again, she could have the main tv for the evening and would be undisturbed. However if she lost then she would be tied up and the slave for the sleepover. The pair had plenty of past bondage experience so whilst the subject may have seemed a little odd, both of them were under no illusion what that outcome would entail. Fancying her chances having been on a winning streak, Hannah was hasty to agree to the bet.

Hannah also had no idea i had fallen to the same fate. The girls had told her i had left just before she got back to take care of something and yet here i was still in Hannah’s bedroom. This result also meant my final hopes for being rescued had been taken away and i didn't even know that.

“Just to be clear, you know what this means.” Pandora teased.

“Yes. Mistress Pandora.” Hannah sighed as she raised her hands in the air. She knew the drill by now but it had been a while since she had been tied up having won most of the previous challenges and bets before.

“Well...I will fetch the supplies. You can remove that dress and prepare yourself to be our prisoner.” Pandora laughed as she left Hannah where she was.

By the time she had returned Hannah had removed her dress as instructed. She stood in the kitchen in just her pantyhose, white bra and panties with her arms in the air still.

Pandora put her box of supplies down and got to work. She began by pulling Hannah’s arms behind her back and cinching them together with white rope at the wrists and elbows. Her upper body was soon secured into a neat breast harness with help from the usual ropes required to do this.

“Thats your upper body restrained, now lets make sure you stay quiet.” Pandora grinned. Slowly she reached downand pulled each of the socks from her feet. “Open wiiiiidee” she teased.

Realising there was no point delaying the inevitable, Hannah let out an “ugh” in protest before she opened wide, grimacing as the socks made contact with her tongue and filled up her cheeks. Several layers of white microfoam tape wrapped tightly around her mouth sealed them in place.

Hannah was then taken a little by surprise as her world became dark. A black leather blindfold covered her eyes but there was a gap where her nose was left uncovered.

Hannah then felt herself hoisted up onto the kitchen counter before Pandora completed her predicament. The next ropes were secured around her ankles, shins and thighs together. A tight rope was secured afterwards from her ankle bonds to her breast harness, forcing her into a tight hogtie as she groaned a little in protest.

For added measure and humiliation, Hannah felt the cold blade of some scissors cut a hole in her pantyhose around ehr big toes. A string was secured around them and also connected to her breast harness, bending her feet slightly and making sure they were firmly up in the air and on display.

“All done.” Pandora chimed in a teasing manner. Hannah felt so humiliated in defeat and could barely move. However her predicament was made worse when there was a knock on the door...

Re: Babysitters Babysat FFF/MF

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2021 2:34 am
by Trickster
I love this story. Pandora is a great character! And she sure knows her bondage!