Things got weird (FM/M)

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Things got weird (FM/M)

Post by EzraMarubayashi »

“Kenny!”, Braxton cried excitedly as he hugged his little brother on the porch of their parents. Living in a different city, he didn’t see him as often as he wanted to.

“I’m glad you came”, said Erica, Braxton’s girlfriend, hugging him as well.

Their parents opened the door and welcomed Braxton like a war hero. Considering that he had just saved his best friend from the crazed shrink that ran the hospital where he worked, along with other mistreated patients, he was indeed a hero. It had been on the news for over a week, so Kenny was well aware of the reason why his parents invited them to spend the weekend at home. He entered the house after a muttered invitation from his mom, who was now holding Erica as she led her to the living room.

At dinner, Braxton told his brave story once again, with his proud parents wowing frequently. Kenny smiled and listened respectfully to his older brother while trying to avoid the occasional “you should be more like him” looks from his old folks. It was gonna be uncomfortable to ask them for money after that. He was still in college and his part-time job didn’t cover all the expenses. When Braxton announced his engagement to Erica, the excitement of the moment overtook mom and pop.

“When are you going to find a nice girl like Erica?”.

“C’mon, mom, he recently broke up with Linda, he needs time”, Braxton intervened.

The rest of the evening twirled around the happy couple, giving Kenny a chance to sneak out and cuddle himself in bed with some booze he found in the fridge. Later that night, he got up to go to the bathroom and opened the wrong door by mistake, finding Braxton naked and tied to a chair, as Erica did a sexy dance for him clad in lingerie.

Erica ran to the bed to grab the sheet and cover herself a little better, while Kenny stood there, at the door, staring at the bound, chiseled body of his brother, with his every muscle strained. The wrists were firmly restrained behind the young man’s back, at the back of the chair. The legs were tied to those of the piece of furniture, and the rope was pinning Braxton’s arms and torso together and to the chair. The contrast between the white rope and the man’s olive skin highlighted the cord wrapping the muscled physique.


Erica broke the spell, and the boy whispered an apology, shutting the door behind him as he left. Kenny barely had any sleep that night.

Shy and apologetic glances were exchanged during breakfast, after which Braxton and Erica went to the backyard, followed by Kenny.

“I’m sorry, it was dark and …”.

“It’s OK, I should have made sure the door was locked”, Erica responded, and added with nervous laughter “at least it was you”.

“Oh, God, can you imagine? Mom going in there and watching your guy ready to shoot”.

Erica went all red, same as Braxton.

“If we’re having this conversation, I need a beer, do you guys want any?”, Erica asked.

The boys accepted the offer and continued talking while she headed back inside the house.

“Dude, why didn’t you just walk away? you stood there like a freakin’ zombie”.

Kenny took a moment, meditating on whether he should be frank with his brother. Finally, he spoke.

“I, uh, it’s gonna sound weird”.

“You just saw me naked and tied up. I’m ready for weird”.

“You, you have always been this amazing guy, larger than life, sports star, straight-A student, with all the girls swooning about you, the favorite child…”.

“Hey, that’s not true”, Braxton interrupted in the last part, getting a gaze from his brother in response.

“And I couldn’t even be mad at you, since you have been also a great brother. I don’t think I could have finished high school if it wasn’t for you. My point is, that watching you in that chair, last night, in the buff, wrapped up in ropes, completely helpless, made you look finally human to me, like this god could be tamed. Damn, I wanted to go there and twist your nipples or something”.

“That’s gonna make things easier, then. If you thought that was weird, fasten your seatbelt”.
“But how is it sexual with me and not with James?”, Erica asked.

“You cannot just change someone’s sexual preference. James says that the drug that psycho used on us works on the part of the brain that makes you feel pleasure, pure and undiluted, and then, he linked it to being tied up to work as a trigger so we could enjoy his kicks”.

“So this isn’t just some therapeutic thing for James, you’re both having a blast every time you tie each other up”.

“As a side effect, yes, but the point is to wear it down and get over it”.

“Oh, how thoughtful of you”.

“I’m not cheating on you with my best friend, I swear!”.

“You may not in the literal sense, but you have to admit there’s something fishy going on”.

“There’s nothing more important to me than you. I’ll stop going with James if you ask me to”.

“Of course, so that the poor guy, who cannot even have real therapy right now, gets stuck with his trauma. Ahhh!! … wait a second, I’ve got an idea”.
“And that’s where you enter”.

“I don’t think I’m following you”.

“I didn’t tell the media about this, but when I was looking for James in the asylum, I was briefly captured. They put me in a straight jacket and injected me with this serum that makes you feel the greatest pleasure whenever you’re being tied up and manhandled. James says that if we’re exposed to this experience often enough, we can get over it, together with the traumatic part of being kidnapped by a gang of perverts”.

“Wow, wow, wow, wait, you’re telling me that a whole bunch of people has tied you up so far, except me?”.

“Are you for real?”.

“Sorry, what is it that I’m supposed to do then?”.

“Erica and I got to an agreement”, Braxton started, holding her hand, for she had returned in the middle of his recount. “She has had this fantasy of another man tying me up in front of her before we made it, and she proposed you for the role”.

Kenny’s jaw dropped halfway to the floor. She was certainly one of the most beautiful girls he had ever seen. Still, the whole situation seemed awkward for him.

“It’s her twisted way to get even for me playing tie-up games with James”.

“Look, the first time I tied Braxton up, was because he seemed like this perfect, untouchable guy. It turned me on to see him in bondage. I can’t really explain this, it’s just that having another guy overpower him is like…I don’t know. This is not a threesome, ok? You get him ready for me and you leave. Hum, it sounded better in my head, but you get what I mean. It would be your chance of having him at your feet”.

Even though the last part made Kenny’s heart beat faster, he stood up and spoke his mind “I don’t think I can do this”, before walking back to the house.

Braxton hurried to catch up with him, reaching his shoulder when he was about to enter.

“I’m not all excited about the idea either, but I think I should humor her on this. If this really makes you feel uncomfortable, I guess I could ask someone else to tie me up. Maybe James could do the job”, Braxton added, aware of the slight jealousy from Kenny.

“Fine, I’m in”.

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Post by EzraMarubayashi »

“Only shirtless, right?”, Braxton asked.

“Don’t try to bargain now”, Erica responded.

Kenny didn’t mind being in his boxer briefs, as long as his brother was Ok with it. Sitting on the bed, was Erica, clad in black lingerie and a silken robe, while in the middle of the motel room, the brothers stood put, as if waiting for some kind of signal to start. They were clearly nervous, and only the fact that none of them would be completely naked for the time being was making it easier.

“Ok, let’s get it started”, Kenny said, grabbing a length of rope, and walking decided to his older brother, before stopping to admire for a second the worked physique of his sibling. He had always looked up to him. He was the reason he started working out, and why he had cultivated his own chiseled anatomy. Flashbacks from his childhood games, where they wrestled and Braxton pinned him down to tickle him, made him reconceive what was about to happen, drawing a smile on the boy’s face.

Braxton didn’t move a muscle as Kenny took hold of his wrists and pulled them together in front of him. Expecting the classical “behind the back”, he was a bit puzzled. He could not ignore the soft touch of the rope as it circled his wrists, sparking the effect of the drug that still circulated in his system. Awkward as it was, he began to enjoy the moment.

Kenny took his time to fasten his brother’s wrists, thinking all the time that this was the guy his parents considered to be so much better than him. He chuckled to himself imagining their face if they could see him right now, scantily clad, allowing his little brother to tie his hands. When he finished, he walked his captive to the chair where he would restrain him and made him sit.

Erica watched interestedly as his fiancé’s ankles were tied up separately, with the cord pulling them backward and slightly up, hanging from a rail that ran midway between the chair’s legs. Braxton was even more attentive. The embarrassment of having his little brother binding him for his future wife somehow made him feel more excited. A small part of him couldn’t wait for the serum to stop acting, while the rest preferred to sit back and enjoy.

“Raise your hands, big bro”, Kenny ordered merrily. He was ecstatic when Braxton obeyed, showing himself so vulnerable in the process, that the boy couldn’t help but to tickle briefly the exposed underarms. Braxton giggled and jolted, yet kept his arms up, looking at his brother in the eye.

Kenny took another length of rope and fastened his captive’s torso to the back of the chair, forming an x that ran over the shoulders and down below the ribs. Braxton supervised the process, only looking away from time to time to see how his future wife was liking it. His shy gaze and half-smile as he was trussed up, was doing wonders for her mood.

Erica had to admit that the show was better than she expected. The official purpose was to get even with Braxton for playing with his best friend this thing she considered kind of intimate. However, this fantasy where her magnificent fiancé was subdued in front of her by another guy wasn’t made up at all. The idea of seeing him powerless and defeated was somehow a turn-on. His brother cooperating made things safe, for she wouldn’t run that risk with anyone. Not to mention that the boy was a hottie himself, someone she had discretely scanned more than once.

Having restrained his prisoner’s upper body, Kenny grabbed the rope that tied the wrists and pulled it back, lowering it till it touched the upper rail of the back of the chair. Now Braxton’s elbows were embracing his head, while his hands were behind it. In the process, Kenny had brought himself closer to Braxton. The captive’s piercing green eyes were fixed on his brother’s, and his breath was sound and deep. With a smirk, he urged him to complete the binding that would leave him defenseless before him. His little brother gladly complied.

“Well, well, well”, Kenny crooned at his captive’s predicament. “Can you escape?”.

Braxton’s bulging muscles fought hard against the ropes for a moment, long enough to put a nice show for the viewers.

“I don’t think so”.

Kenny, still very close to his brother, examined the bindings, admiring his sibling’s powerful anatomy at the same time. He still couldn’t believe he had him at his mercy. Wonder boy was his to do as he pleased. He knew that the more he put Braxton through, the more delighted Erica would be, so he was not yielding.

“Let’s make sure, shall we?”.

Kenny walked behind the chair so that Erica could have a better view of what was happening. His fingers crawled up his captive’s body starting at the lowest ribs, just above the ropes that held down the torso. Braxton was staring at his fiancée, trying his best not to laugh, straining all his muscles by the effort. He could notice her thirst as he struggled in a fight both knew was lost. The devious little brother started circling the armpits without going in. Suddenly, he changed targets and went for the nipples, making his brother explode in laughter.

The nipple tickling was combined with some probing fingers in the belly button. Braxton’s eyes were wide shut by then, waiting for the time when it all would stop, however, that was far from happening. Kenny had easy access to his brother’s soles, so he added them to the rotation, enhancing the feeling of helplessness for not being able to even predict the next move.

When a banging on the wall let them know that Braxton was being too noisy, Erica handed her future in-law a ball gag.

“Do I have to wear that?”, Braxton asked concerned, looking at both his tormentors. He had never been tickled with a ball gag in his mouth before.

“If only you’d had more self-control, bro”, Kenny responded with a smirk, as he twisted his brother’s nipples to encourage him to open his mouth, which was quickly filled with the bright red ball.

Erica watched, pleased, his future hubby being manhandled by his younger sibling, while he was powerless to stop him. His frustrated eyes, as the gag was buckled behind him, were making her grab on the blanket underneath her with such strength that she almost ripped it.

Braxton tried his new restraining device before it was fully put to a test by Kenny’s tickling. It wasn’t uncomfortable, except for the drooling that he knew would soon come, making it more embarrassing for him. Now that he could only grunt and moan, he braced himself, waiting for the upcoming torture.

It was decided to resume the torture on the bound boy, so Kenny jumped right into his pits, with wiggling fingers that were as good as an electric shock for Braxton. The captive pulled his arms down as much as he could, all in a vain exercise to prevent the ferocity of the attack. Having both his underarms expertly tickled at once, or combined with some good old foot tickling, was enough to make him rock his chair so hard it nearly fell if it wasn’t for Kenny. The tormentor was able to hold the chair leaning against his body, while still torturing the armpits. The loss of leverage, together with the odd angle, made Braxton feel as defenseless as a baby.

“You are having a great time, aren’t you?”, Erica pointed out.

Braxton looked at his lower half, blushing.

“Well, that’s just a semi, really”, Kenny added, visibly relieved that things didn’t get really weird between him and his brother, who happened to be almost naked in his hands.

Erica was glad too that the reaction wasn’t as intense as she had feared. She took that as proof that even if her future hubby got a kick out of being roped up and manhandled by anyone, it was only sexual with her. She dedicated a reassuring smile to the man of her life, which he tried to correspond behind his gag.

Eventually, Kenny put the chair back into place, just so that he had more freedom to roam around his brother’s exposed physique, alternating tickling with nipple twisting, and even some occasional body hair pulling, all of it under the ever-vigilant and enjoying eyes of the bride to be. Only after the prisoner was panting and sweaty was Kenny satisfied. His fantasy of having his brother humbled in such a way had been fulfilled, exceeding his expectations by miles. Now, it was time for Erica to take charge and crown the night with some closer attention to the captive.

Braxton was having some trouble looking at his future wife in the eye, even though this was something they had agreed on. The good time spent, and familiarity of the tier had washed away as soon as Kenny walked out the door, leaving him with a bruised ego. He had always tried to look self-assured, strong, and capable, especially in front of her. The fact that she was used to seeing him bound in the bedroom was not a big comfort.

Erica found her fiancé’s shyness exciting. Watching that cut, muscled body powerless had been a turn-on for her for some time now, still, this was another level. She was sure this wouldn’t become a regular in their relationship, so she was decided to make the best of it.

The bound guy looked at Erica´s feet when she got in front of him and started looking his way up her toned legs until the robe made any upper advance impossible. It was then that she slowly removed the silken garment by letting it slide down her creamy shoulders. That sudden move made Braxton look right into her beautiful face, where a red smirk announced her intentions.

Watching the tightly bound gift that her future in-law had left for her, Erica now focused on the last piece of clothes left on her fiancé, something that was in her way, but not for long. She took the special scissors she had bought for the occasion and pulled on the elastic while leaning towards the captive. He didn’t even think of her cutting the fabric of his boxer briefs due to her barely covered breasts being inches away from his face. The sight, together with the intoxicating perfume, made his member fully wake up, pushing away the shreds of his underwear.

She sat astride on his lap, though still not touching his dick. All she wanted was to feel his vulnerable physique under her nails as they lightly ran over every inch of exposed skin. The scratches were by no means harmful, yet compelling enough for him to moan under her fingers. His initial shyness was subsiding, and he was now more interested in stepping on the gas, too bad he wasn’t in charge at the moment.

The lingerie was being slowly peeled off the soft, delicate skin of the goddess. No matter how many times he had seen those generous breasts in all their glory, he could never get used to their beauty. She, temptingly, got closer to her captive, just to kiss him on the cheek. After that, she dismounted and walked back to the bed, where she sat, facing him, making sure he could see everything. Then, she started to caressingly rub her hands over her naked body, paying special attention to the skin between and under her breasts, as well as under her navel, just above her pubic area.

He was dying to join her, to do that to her, touch her, feel her, but he was spared of that pleasure. All he could do was watch as she explored all her body, reminding him of her favorite spots, before even landing between her legs. Her breath had sensibly changed due to the stimulation. She had started moaning, and Braxton soon began to chorus her when he sensed she was about to. It was the closest interaction they had for a while. She was quite aware of her surroundings, even if she only watched her prisoner from time to time to admire his bulging muscles fighting desperately against his bindings.

It was only when she felt ready that she came back to him, teasingly, painfully slowly. Her nakedness felt so inviting that he was about to break the chair he was bound to. She sat astride again on his lap, this time touching his raging member before introducing it in herself. Her hands were now caressing his helpless anatomy as she began a rhythmic motion with her pelvis. Braxton joined her movements as much as he could. His muscles were still straining under her hands while they had this sort of dance that peaked with both lovers reaching the climax together.

Their young and excited bodies demanded more action, so they resumed once they had a moment for rest. It was a long, memorable night both enjoyed deeply.

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Post by EzraMarubayashi »

The next morning, when Kenny was already at home, he heard the bell and met unexpectedly his big brother.

“I wanted to make sure that we were cool”, Braxton said after the greeting.

Kenny was a bit puzzled for he was the one that had him bound and humiliated in front of this fiancée. He had been thinking of paying him a visit that weekend with the same purposes.

“How did you know I’d be home?”.

“I took my chances. You seldom go to class on Mondays”.

The younger brother looked away. After having him in his hands just the night before, he was once again the underdog at the shadow of Mister Perfect. Braxton was a highly paid consultant with enough freedom to do as he pleased with his time, and still be responsible, unlike him.

“I didn’t mean to…”.

“No, it’s Ok. Of course, we’re cool. I was about to ask you the same”.

“I shouldn’t have put you in that position…”.

“I was about to say that!”, Kenny interrupted, chuckling at his own pun.

Braxton responded with half a smile and a disdain snort before continuing. “Erica is also a bit embarrassed. After the hype, we thought this might have been a bad idea. We had a blast after you left, but still”.

“Hey, I’m glad I could help. Mom says we should do more things together”.

Braxton laughed hard this time. “Shut up!”.

“Want some pancakes?”, Kenny asked as he headed to the kitchen.

Braxton accepted gladly. If there was something his little brother could do like no other, it sure was pancakes.

After the late breakfast, Braxton brought the conversation back to the subject.

“There’s nothing to worry about, really”, Kenny responded. “As a matter of fact, I enjoyed it. Not every day you get your hands on Wonderboy to tie him up at will. We should do it again someday”.

“You wish”.

“Why not? You like it too, I mean, as long as that serum is working. Hey, why don’t we do it right now? Andre won’t come back until the afternoon”.

“Better yet, why don’t I tie you up? C’mon, what’s your favorite position?”.

“What makes you think I have a favorite position?”.

“It’s obvious that you have experience. I’m pretty sure you know what it’s like to be a tightly wrapped package”.

“Yeah, I don’t think so”, Kenny answered, red as a tomato. He might enjoy a good tie-up game, he just didn’t want to be Wonder boy’s captive, at least not then, when he had a chance to get the upper hand.

“Well, I do”, Braxton replied, grinning.

“Good luck with that, ‘cause I won’t let you tie me”.

“You don’t have to. I think I can overpower you easily”.

Maybe “easily” was an overstatement. Kenny was just as muscled as Braxton, so he put up quite a fight before finding himself pinned down on the floor, facing down, with his big brother twisting his right arm behind his back.

“That’s not fair, I had way too many pancakes”, Kenny tried to make an excuse while panting heavily.

“So, what’s your favorite position?”, Braxton asked again.

Seeing there was no way out, Kenny gave up. He sheepishly smiled and said, “hogtied”.

“That was epic!”, Kenny cried as he removed the sock gag from Braxton.

“Yeah, maybe for you”, the hogtied brother replied. However, the broad smile on his face betrayed him.

Braxton had spent some good hours tied up in his underwear, being mercilessly tickled by his baby brother. Since he was barely able to move, with his knees tied together, same as his almost-touching elbows, and his wrists and ankles, the captive brother had all his sensitive spots played with by the younger brat.

“Thank you for that”, Kenny said, while lying face up next to his brother, with his left arm behind his head so that his underarm was teasingly close to Braxton’s face. It didn’t serve as torture though, for he smelled like deodorant. Nevertheless, having disposed of his shirt during the game served for his hairs to tickle the captive’s nose.

“Get that away from me”. Braxton, then, made an unexpected move and licked the exposed armpit, making Kenny squeal.

“You’ll pay for that”.

Kenny rolled his captive sideways and proceeded to lick the vulnerable underarms, with an explosive effect.

“I should have dried them up first”, Kenny commented after swallowing.

With Braxton still sideways and Kenny leaning on an elbow, the conversation resumed.

“I never wanted you to feel less in any way, and I’m sorry if I ever made you feel like that”, Braxton said.

“It wasn’t you. I’m glad you’re the Wonderboy. I have something to shut everyone’s mouth when they start bragging about their families, not to mention that mom and dad can talk about you all the time. I’m very proud of you, really. It may not seem that way, but I try to be better because of you”.

“You’re a great guy, and I’m proud of you too, I want you to know that”. Braxton was staring at his sibling with the most candid smile.

Since Braxton was utterly immobile, it was up to Kenny to rush in and entangle in the most intense brotherly hug they had had so far, even though one-sided.

“Just so you know, I am tying you up. I just wanted you to have some fun first”, Braxton announced once he was free.

“Uh oh”, was all Kenny could say before he became his brother’s captive.

Andre came back from college when it was almost dinner time, meeting his best friend’s brother, who was on his way out.

“Don’t be too harsh on him, he’s had a lot already”, Braxton said as he left, with a devious smile.

Kenny was found still hogtied on his bed, all reddened because of the intense tickling he had been receiving for hours. All he could do was beg underneath his gag when he saw his roomie approaching with dark intentions drawn all over his face.

The End
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Post by Canuck100 »

I'm surprised to be the first one commenting on your story... This was really good! The siblings rivalry made this very interesting. As did Erica's special request. I enjoyed it a lot!
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Post by EzraMarubayashi »

[mention]Canuck100[/mention] Thanks for your comments. I'm happy that you liked it.
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