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Sacrilegious Sacrifice (M/M) *update/completed*

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2020 10:33 am
by cherryboy
i never write this kind of stuff but when i do i guess its blasphemy. just posting the first part and if people like it ill post the rest i guess haha

part 1
Alperen closed his eyes and thought about how he was in Church. Mass had ended nearly half an hour ago, and he figured by now everyone would have left for lunch. The usual alter boy that helped him clean was away at a summer camp. So the priest found himself alone, checking pews for loose bibles and books of hymns, and flipping up any benches that had been left down. He’d already brushed off his robes and hung them in the closet. The last thing he needed was to wash the chalice and after that he had the rest of the day to himself. A rare occurrence for a priest on a Sunday.

Before he even managed to pick up the dirty cup one of the main doors to the hall opened. The priest turned his head, squinting his eyes at the midday light that was let in. At first the most he could make out was that the figure was rather tall, well built, and holding a briefcase or luggage of some sort.

He sighed, at least he had had breakfast that morning so he wasn’t particularly starving after service like usual. But he had been looking forward to stopping by the new sandwich shop near his church which was only open during lunch time. Perhaps, he thought, this would be quick. But for now he had to keep up his duties as a priest and be polite. He smiled and said, “Hello child, is there something you are in need of?”

“Oh Peh-'' The man gave an awkward cough but it was enough to let Alperen know that it was Clifford. A usual member of his congregation. “Father, I just wanted to talk to you.” He walked down towards the priest as the door behind him slowly closed allowing for a better view of him.

Clifford was still donning his Sunday best, a pale blue sweater, white button up and sleek gray slacks. He was certainly the best dressed of all of Alperen’s congregation. Not that the priest judged anyone for what they could afford, but he couldn’t help but to notice the fine materials that stretched across the man’s broad chest.

To say Clifford was a tall or big man did no one justice in imaging his size. It might help to mention that he had been a quarterback in high school and had managed to get several sports scholarships that followed him into a semi-professional career. The only thing that stopped him from following his dreams was a small heart condition, nothing life threatening but he’d decided to hang up his gear on the off chance it got worse. Nowadays he worked as a mailman but clearly kept in shape as all his mass was still present. The sight of the man always made the priest feel quite small, not that he was tall to begin with but it didn’t help that he had to stand up straighter when delivering the blessing of the eucharist to the giant.

Though more distracting than the man’s form of dress and height was the blue travel luggage he carried. Alperen hadn’t noticed it that morning during service so he must have gone and fished it out of his car. Perhaps whatever he needed help with was in the suitcase.

“I hope it's not about a troubled package.” Alperen smiled. “Last thing we need is more pre-broken wafers.”

Clifford laughed, it was a deep and infectious laugh. “Nope, all wafers are safe and sound.” The man had finished his walk across the nave and now stood an arms length away from the priest. His full lips were frozen in a lazy smile indicating that whatever the matter was it wasn’t distressing.

But something knotted up in Alperen’s stomach as he watched Clifford place the suitcase on the ground. Perhaps it was the way the man’s blue eyes never left the tiny priest, or that his left hand had stayed firmly behind his back. He tried to shake all the wild thoughts from his head, Clifford had never seemed much of a threat other than his size. And he would certainly never hurt anyone on purpose.

“Well, what is it then?” Still even with all that in mind Alperen couldn’t hide the quiver in his voice.

“I need you to be very quiet.”


Clifford’s left hand calmly came out from behind his back and pointed a small gun at the priest. Perhaps it was a pistol of some kind, Alperen wouldn’t know, he had never familiarized himself with those sorts of things. And he had not expected any member of his congregation, let alone his overly friendly mailman, to be in possession of one.

“I said quiet.” Clifford’s voice was firm and Alperen nodded his head and raised his hands. “No need to do that, just turn around.”

With one last worried look at the man, Alperen did as he was told. He fought back asking questions not knowing if Cliff would actually follow through on pulling the trigger. But what was making him do this? As far as Alperen was concerned Clifford was the most well off member of the Church and usually gave the biggest donations. If he wanted to steal those he’d only be collecting on his own money.

Then there was a click and the sound of metal hinges in need of some touch up. It was clear Cliff was getting something from the travel luggage and it would only be second before Alperen learned what it was.

“Hands behind your back.” An explosive sound of duct tape punctuated Clifford’s orders. “Curl up your hands.”

Alperen swallowed and did as he was told, slowly bringing his arms back until they met. He wondered if he should try to run or yell, he doubted Cliff could tie him up and hold the gun at the same time, but he let the small hope die in his head. Even if he tried his athletic abilities paled in comparison and would easily be overpowered or left with a hole through his chest. His lip trembled at the thought and he tried to comfort himself by rubbing his knuckles together.

Clifford hummed then grabbed one of Alperen’s arms and bent it till his forearm was laying horizontal along his back. The second arm was given the same treatment with a strong hand wrapping around both of them and gave them a squeeze signaling to the priest to keep his hands there. After a second sticky tape was pressed down near his left wrist and right elbow. In about a minute of loud tears and strong pulls both of his arms were thoroughly wrapped up and stuck. He was thankful that he had chosen to wear his long sleeve shirt, or perhaps thankful that the morning had been a bit chilly so he wouldn’t have to deal with the stickiness of the tape.

Though he found his luck with avoiding the unpleasant sensation came to an end as Clifford cupped his left hand and trapped in its own adhesive prison. After a couple of winds he tore the tape and gave Alperen a matching silver mitton on his right hand. The helplessness of the situation was starting to hit him and he couldn’t help but to whimper and twist in his restraints. Unfortunately they held strong.

Clifford shushed him reminding him that he should stay quiet while turning the priest back around. The bigger man threw an arm over his shoulder and felt his knees catch for a moment at the incredible weight of it. Half of Alperen’s face was pushed into Clifford’s pecs as he was forced to stumble along to the giant’s steps. Eventually he was released and sat down on the front pew. Though his rough landing knocked his circular frames down his pointy nose.

As a show of his good nature Cliff adjusted Alperen’s glasses back to their normal resting place. Then pale peach fingers then mingled into his black hair as Clifford stroked the top of Alperen’s head. It’d almost be calming if it weren’t for the situation. After all, the priest had spent many nights lying awake thinking about being held in those muscled arms. He’d enjoyed every other time they’d touch, even accidental bumps had made his heart flutter. Not that he’d ever act on his feelings, he became a priest to try and shut those out and avoid marriage to a woman of his parent’s choosing. Perhaps in another life or if he was born into a later time he would have taken a chance with Clifford.

But now even that thought was being destroyed by the anxiety that was bubbling in his heart.

“Cliff… please if this is about money…”

Clifford shook his head, kneeling in front of the priest, his hands running down Alperen’s body to his thighs. “I’m not here for money, Father Alperen.” The hand continued its journey down to his feet where Clifford began to unlace the old black shoes. Once they were both tossed to the side his next target was Alperen’s black crew socks.

All at once it hit Alperen like a truck that he should be way more freaked out about his clothing being stripped from him. If it wasn’t money then what could it possibly be? Had Cliff had some sort of religious delusion? Alperen’s breathing got heavier and he realized he really didn’t need to know the specifics, he just needed it to stop.

“Clifford whatever you are doing… you don’t have to do it. If you-if you stop now God will forgive you.” Alperen pleaded as he watched the ex-football star fold up his socks into each other, making a soft dense ball. “Clifford please listen to me I won’t say anything abou-aah!”

A hand was back at the top of his head, but this time instead of the soft pets the fingers curled harshly into his hair. Alperen wouldn’t be able to move his head without his hair getting pulled or feeling the large knuckles dig into his skull. Meanwhile Cliff’s other hand was busy pushing the socks right into his open mouth. Alperen moaned out a rejection of what was happening but it only made it easier for Clifford to shove the ball further into his mouth. He tried to move his jaw and tongue to allow him to spit the wad out but damn fingers kept molding it into every spare corner of his mouth. His cheeks puffed up and the corners of his mouth burned as all of the material had been effectively pushed past his lips. He tried to bite down on it but found that it was too dense and that his jaw hardly moved. Lucky for him he hadn’t been wearing the socks for long and they had been recently washed. Even still that didn’t make the predicament any less embarrassing as he sat unable to close his mouth in front of his captor.

When Cliff’s hand left momentarily he laughed. “Bet you weren’t thinking that you’d be the one in need of God’s graces when I walked in here.”

“Mmm mmh hmm!” It took all of what Alperen had in him to try and demand to be let go. He shrugged his shoulders and stomped his feet, whatever Clifford was doing he didn’t need to be trussed up this much! He would go along with whatever the man wanted so long as he pulled the socks out of his mouth.

Though as Clifford picked up the duct tape Alperen’s hopes of reasoning with the man were dashed. Tape was pressed against his cheek and pulled over his stuffed mouth. Slowly and methodically it was wrapped around his head and back over his mouth. Each wind was a little tighter and shoved the socks somehow further into his mouth. As they hit the back of his throat Alperen had to focus on taking deep breaths through his nose so as to not start coughing and gagging. Eventually everything between Alperen’s nose and chin was a plane of silver with a small mound in the center. A few extra strips were placed under his chin and along his cheeks to lock his jaw in place and make it nearly unmovable.

Clifford caressed the brown and silver face wiping away Alperen’s tears with his thumbs. “That’ll help you be a good quiet boy.” The hand slowly found its way back into his hair. Alperen, despite his humility, had to fight back the urge to press further into the hand and beg it to pet him again.

Dear God he should be frightened! He thought. It was the same hand that had held a gun to him and restrained him! Yet he couldn’t hold back a couple of soft mewls, encouraging his captor to continue the show of affection.

“I know you’re a thoughtful boy, you’ve known since the start this can’t be about money.” Clifford said. He trailed his hand back down the priest’s face. He cupped the small chin, prodding the underside with his fingers. Alperen twitched and gave a muffled laugh. Clifford smiled and continued to speak. “I’m here for something far more valuable.”

“Whmm hmm?”

Clifford laughed and shook his head, taking up kneeling again. Once again the Church was filled with the sound of tape and Alperen’s ankles were given the same treatment as his arms and face.

When Clifford was done with a dozen or so wraps he moved on to the shins. Alperen whined, there was no need to tape him up any further. No way would he be able to get out even if he tried. His hands were useless under all the tape, same as his teeth, and he was already clumsy without his feet bound so running away wasn’t an option. It seemed Clifford enjoyed spending an excess on things he didn’t need. Alperen really shouldn’t be so surprised at the behavior of the wealthiest member of his congregation.

As Clifford ripped the tape and patted it down he felt his temperature rise. He gave a small wiggle feeling how absolutely impossible it would be to break out without any help. Or at least it would be rather time consuming, someone would probably walk in on him long before he made any progress. Oh god, he thought and prayed that wouldn’t happen he wouldn’t be able to take the humiliation. This was already humiliating as it was! He hoped that when Clifford was done getting whatever it was he wanted the not-so-friendly mailman would cut him out. He’d agree to say nothing of this if it meant not being left to be found; so long as Cliff agreed to never set foot in his Church again.

A pat on his thighs brought him out of his thoughts. Clifford leaned in, his lips brushing against Alperen’s ear. An intoxicating smell greated his nose, it fell somewhere between a flowery and smoky scent. He welcomed the smell as it was much better than the manufactured smell of tape he’d gotten used to.

“You’re so cute when you get lost in thought, but I’m sure you’re even cuter when you can’t think.”

Alperen furrowed his brows and blushed. Had Clifford really called him cute? Sure the blonde had complimented his appearance a handful of times before but nothing that had caused the blood to rush to his cheeks so fast. And as if to see just how embarrassed he could make the poor priest, Clifford planted a short kiss on the top of his forehead.

“Let’s finish up here so I can get you home safe and sound.”

The words almost flew over his head thanks to the kiss. Had Clifford always been interested in men? Was he actually interested in him? Alperen wished the tape and socks would disappear so he could ask. God, even tell the buff man that if some fooling around was what he wanted he would be more than happy to comply. His holy occupation did little to save him of his vices, afterall he was only human.

But as Alperen was carefully placed onto the ground face first, the words finally hit him. He was being kidnapped! Maybe a man threatening him with a gun didn’t just have some light hearted fun in mind.

Clifford left his side for a moment and the priest took his chance to try an escape. He thrashed his shoulders and dug his feet into the red carpet below him. He tried to remove his gag by rubbing his face against the floor, but couldn’t figure out where the start of the tape was and just gave himself a minor rug burn over his cheeks. A huff came out of his nose as he tried to bend his body to inch across the floor, he felt like a useless worm.

Behind he could hear Cliff chuckling. “Giving me a little show? You’re going to make a great pet.”

Alperen’s whole body relaxed as shame washed over him realizing he was doing nothing but presenting his backside to his captor.
“But let’s save that for later. After all we are in the Lord’s house.”

Clifford seemed to know no bounds when it came to embarrassing the smaller man. But more importantly at this point Alperen knew that he cared very little about their setting. And it became even more clear as Alperen’s belt was unbuckled and his pants and underwear tucked just under his butt.

“Whmmm mm yhmm mmhm?”

The question went unanswered but Alperen could hear a soft and moist sounding pop. He tried to crane his head to see what was going on but all he managed to do was strain his neck. From his point of view he could only see Clifford’s handsome face staring dreamily at his back. It was a look that Alperen had only ever dreamed of seeing and he couldn’t believe how hot it looked in person. But that really shouldn’t have been where his thoughts were going.

Then a cold finger was pressed into Alperen’s backside. His eyes went wide and he gasped through his nose. The lubed up finger slid easily but slowly into him. It was as if he had been hit by the most pleasurable bolt of lighting. Faint ripplings of sparks ran along his spine and fogged his brain. As it went in deeper Alperen tried to shake his enjoyment out of his head.

An abduction was happening, his own abduction for goodness sake, and all he could do was moan and rock his hips- He was rocking his hips! He closed his eyes and tried to think of anything else but instead images and scenes of Clifford manhandling him floated around his head. Had God been testing him this whole time? Was this his punishment for his thoughts and occasional acts of self-indulgence?

A frustrated groan escaped the gag. No, he wasn’t going to allow himself to fall into temptation. Alperen’s struggles started up again, he began to thrash his shoulders again and kicked out his legs. His heels collided with the velvety rock that was Clifford’s chest and grunted out in pain. To add to his disgrace Cliff burst out laughing.

The finger popped out of his backside and was replaced by a hand pressing the small of his back into the cheap decorative rug. Alperen still didn’t let up on his struggles, but could feel himself growing exhausted.

“You’re going to tucker yourself out.” One of Clifford’s legs came down on the back of Alperen’s own skinny legs, pinning him further to the ground. “Relax baby, you’re already mine. No more resisting okay? I don’t want to accidentally hurt you.”

Tears were flowing from Alperen’s eyes, but the priest settled down. He took deep breathes through his nose trying not to imagine what was going to happen next. He tried to tell himself that someone would notice he never made it back to the rectory that night. That even if it took some hours people would start searching for him and there would probably be someone that reports it. Afterall it would be hard to hide his bound up body being carried out of the Church, they were in the middle of New London! It was a Sunday, people would be out enjoying the pleasant summer day.

Though his thoughts of rescue were quickly banished from his mind when he felt the tip of something smooth entering him. Much like the finger it was covered in cold lube, but unlike the finger it seemed to expand the further it went into him. The ripples that were so faint the first time came back and were far more noticeable. Alperen rubbed his face on the ground and whined as he started to feel overstimulated but the invasive thing wouldn’t stop, it only got bigger and bigger. Pain mixed with pleasure as he felt himself being stretched out. Eventually it stopped growing and a flat smooth base of similar material made contact with his skin. His toes curled and he tried once again to shake Clifford off. But instead of success Alperen just felt the object hit a particularly sensitive spot and his eyes rolled back causing him to cease his movement. After taking a few breaths he tried to move again but was met with the same feeling. A feeling that caused an unfavorable reaction in his lower half.

“Feels good, doesn’t it?” Clifford pushed his fingers into the base and gave it wiggle which elicited a series of mewls from the small priest. “If you’re a good toy I’ll make sure everything always feels like this or better.”

Clifford ran a hand over his butt giving it a squeeze before taking up his underwear and pants and sliding them back on. He even rebuckled Alperen’s belt. After he was done redressing the priest he gave a few soft pats and rubs to the perky bum. “I love how tight these pants are, never left much to the imagination. Always a good day when you didn’t have to wear those pesky robes that blocked the view. Or seeing you outside church events, and how you’d dress a little more casually.” Clifford practically purred as his hand traveled further up the priest’s back, rubbing circles through the black dress shirt. “I can’t wait to unwrap my new toy and see this pretty body for the first time.”

Alperen was flipped over to his front, his face feeling as red as fire. Clifford thought he was pretty? He’d never considered himself much to look at, after all he was short and his black hair was already starting to show spots of gray despite hardly being in his thirties. When he was younger he had almost nothing to his skeleton and throughout the years he hadn’t really changed much other than developing a slight pouch on his once flat stomach. But he had no muscles and was far from even being toned.

And for some reason Clifford found him pretty. Clifford, a tall, blonde, blue eyed, hunk of a man thought he was pretty. This would have been a dream come true if it weren’t for the whole kidnapping aspect.

“Let's finish getting you all wrapped up.” Clifford once again grabbed the tape and wrapped around Alperen’s thighs. Yet another layer of bondage that felt pointless, with the bulbus object in him that threatened to stimulate him further at the slightest movement he no longer felt like struggling. But he supposed a mailman would know something about packaging as more tape was pulled from the roll.

Cliff took Alperen’s ankles in his hand and folded his legs until the priest’s heels were digging into his own butt. Tape was slapped down on the already existing tape on his legs and wrapped all the way around his upper thighs. After several revolutions, Alperen could no longer straighten his legs. Even if he wanted to try his chances with his clumsiness before there would be no running away now.

A new strip of tape was added to his legs to Alperen’s surprise. What more could be done to him? The answer came fast as Clifford sat him up and brought the tape around his back and tied up arms. The gap between his upper body and lower was slowly reduced until he was forced to rest his chin between his knees.

“Mmm…” Alperen mumbled feeling his weight on top of the object, giving him yet another wave of pleasure. There was a small amount of strain that coursed through his body, it wasn’t too uncomfortable but he worried about how long he might be spending like this. Similar to the rest of the parts of his body, Clifford wrapped the tape around a few times until he was satisfied with Alperen’s immobility and ripped the roll off. It seemed that most of the tape had been used up by now.

Cliff smiled. “You’re so tiny, haha.” He took a hold of the back of Alperen’s belt with one hand, and with the other slid it under the smaller man. And with a muffled yelp, Alperen was off the ground and cradled in the strong man’s arms.

All he could do was wiggle his feet and shake his head in protest. He was small but there was no need for Cliff to point it out while he couldn’t defend himself!

On the brightside, there was no way Cliff wasn’t going to get caught. Even if the walk to Cliff’s car was short, Alperen knew he would be able to make enough noise to attract some attention. And his current form was bound to stand out.

And then his dreams were dashed beyond repair as Clifford lowered him down into the suitcase. His breathing picked up and his struggles resumed until he was reminded of the object in his backside. He shuddered and whimpered, deciding to plead with his eyes instead.

But Clifford didn’t spare much pity, he pet Alperen’s head and shushed him with promises that everything will be okay. “Just a little bit more…” From the suitcase Cliff pulled out a silky black sleep mask.

“Mmh!” Alperen shook his head. Wasn’t the suitcase going to be dark enough? “Mm whmm mm m-mm m mmh!” It was useless, even he couldn’t make out his own garbled words.

There was no stopping his captor as his glasses were taken off and the blindfold slid over his head to replace them. And as if that wasn’t enough, once again the room was filled with the familiar sound of tape. The end was placed on the side of his head and wrapped around a few times. To make things worse Cliff switched it around and started to wrap around his mouth again. Then it stopped, and Alperen felt Clifford’s hands smoothing down the new tape. All that was left visible of the small man was his hair, nose, and puffed up cheeks.

“…” The priest wanted to cry out but it was useless. No one would hear him now, especially not once he was in the suitcase.

Alperen’s body was repositioned so he was laying on his side. His back was pressed against one of the sides of the suitcase, his feet against an adjacent side. Clifford guided him to tuck his head between his knees and chest. Once in place the back of Alperen’s head was resting against what he considered the “top” of the suitcase, and the top of his head was resting against a rounded corner.

Before the suitcase was closed he heard Clifford chuckle and a hand stroke his body a couple times “Don’t worry babe, I take care of all my toys.” A hand dug its way between his butt and the hard shell of the suitcase, a few fingers pressing against the base of the object. With nearly all of his sense gone Alperen had no choice but to focus on the feeling. He gave a more lustful moan that he would have liked which brought out another laugh from the kidnapper. “Relax and enjoy the ride.” Then Cliff’s hands pulled away and heard the squeaking of the hinges.

The latches clicked and Alperen was sealed in. Other than the suitcase pressing against Alperen’s shoulders it was a good fit. Or as good as the circumstance would allow. He wasn’t in pain despite the small amounts of strain throughout his body and his jaw still hadn’t started to cramp. The inside of the suitcase seemed to have a thin lining of some sort of plush material which helped relieve pressure from all his boney points.
Suddenly the gravity shifted, he sunk down further on his knees so there was the most negligible gap between his back and the suitcase. A rush of humility came over him as he felt like nothing but a piece of luggage. He could do nothing as he hung by Clifford’s side, feeling every sway of the bag.

Muffled sounds of doors opening and closing told Alperen that they had made it outside. Clifford’s dress shoes were tip tapping away on the pavement. The priest tried to listen carefully to see if he could hear sounds of anyone else around, praying someone would be on a late morning jog. Or that someone had decided to use the parking lot and was returning to their car, but it didn’t seem like any of those were happening. And instead a louder click resonated within the suitcase and Alperen felt the gravity return to his side again. A loud bang, and then nothing for a few more moments. Then hum of an engine.

A few whimpers came out of Alperen as he remembered that Cliff’s old car hardly had any suspension left. Even though it was a nice one, something from the 50s, it was going on almost twenty years old. He remembered the few trips that he had taken in the car previously and how much it rattled. At the time he had politely ignored the problem, after all one shouldn’t be too picky when receiving a free ride. But now the constant rattling moved the plug inside him and made it hard to focus on anything but it.

Alperen didn’t know how long they had been driving when his body started shaking. It felt like he had been in there for nearly an hour but it could have also been just as likely that they were approaching ten minutes of car time. His pants were growing frustratingly tighter around his lower regions. He tried to tell himself that all he had to do was hold out until they got to wherever Cliff was taking him. But with his senses completely blocked and his growing arousal he knew that if they didn’t make it right then to the house Alperen would lose it.

And eventually he did cave. His hips rocked back and forth as much as they could in the tight space trying desperately to deepen his pleasure. Though after some time he found himself growing exhausted and he was still no where closer to where he wanted to be.

Overwhelmingly he started to feel needy and frustrated. He thought about Clifford’s finger and how it had felt, which helped him work up the energy to keep rocking. Eventually the thought of one finger grew into two and then three. Then it was something else completely and if Alperen wasn’t so far gone into his fantasy he’d probably feel ashamed.

Though even with his fantasy and renewed energy he still wasn’t able to get any further with his pleasure. He couldn’t rock his hips far enough and he couldn’t get the object to move in the right way without the use of his hands. All he could do was wait for someone to free him.
Or, he thought, for Clifford to use him.

After a few shivers of pleasure went down his spine he shook his head. What was he thinking? Or more correctly what was his body thinking? He didn’t like being helpless or treated like a toy or pet! At least that's what he had told himself as more intrusive fantasies of his handsome kidnapper played out.

Re: Sacrilegious Sacrifice (M/M)

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2020 1:01 am
by Trickster
Oh you definitely have to post the rest of this story. It's downright incredible!

Re: Sacrilegious Sacrifice (M/M)

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2020 2:23 am
by DeeperThanRed
This story is amazing right from the get-go. The bondage is very well-written, the setting is unique and characters are interesting. I'm really intrigued by how Alperen seems to be secretly enjoying some parts of his predicament.

Looking forward to reading more of this. Great work!

Re: Sacrilegious Sacrifice (M/M)

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2020 9:41 pm
by KidnappedCowboy
Nice story, [mention]cherryboy[/mention]

Re: Sacrilegious Sacrifice (M/M)

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2020 4:35 am
by cherryboy
oh thank you all for commenting on this!
i'll try and get the second part out soon, i'm doing a few small edits because i rushed it a little bit as it was original a fun little xmas gift for my boyfriend. and now that he has read it all i just want to make some minor adjustments before posting.
thank you again!

Re: Sacrilegious Sacrifice (M/M)

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2020 3:23 am
by cherryboy
part 2 (final) (this part is very explicit!)

Both time and place hardly mattered to Alperen any more. All that was on his mind was the buzzing throughout his body. It was so strong that he hadn’t even noticed that he had been picked up and moved out of the trunk. No changes registered with him until fresh air hit his nose and hands that weren’t part of a fantasy picked him up.

The same hard chest that he had kicked before now suddenly felt like a welcomed pillow. Clifford’s scent overpowered everything else and Alperen found himself nuzzling into the man’s pecs. He curled his toes, taking in deep breaths. The proximity to his captor brought him slightly closer to the feeling he had been trying desperately to reach.

Though the only release that Alperen was given was a sudden one out of his captor’s arms. He squealed for the second that his body was in a free fall, scared that he would land on whatever was below him the wrong way. But his back and forearms hit a plush surface and he sighed. His body tipped over to one side and he rubbed his feet against his new location noting that it was smooth and loose. He calmed himself down and took in a deep breath through his nose, it smelt exactly like Clifford. Alperen concluded that he must be on the men’s bed.

From behind him, he heard the sound of dress shoes clicking away. He tried to call out, not wanting to be left alone. But the closing of a door told him that Clifford did not seem too concerned with his wants.

For whatever reason, the openness of the room felt more oppressing than the suitcase. There was more freedom to move but Alperen continued to lay relatively still. For a few more moments all he could do was whine for Clifford to come back. It was clear the man had kidnapped him to use him, so why leave him alone? He buried his nose into the covers and took long deep breaths as if surrounding himself in the scent would summon Clifford back.

Though he eventually had to come up for some fresh air and when he did it was as if the haze suddenly cleared and the priest felt ashamed of himself. He should have been trying to escape! Again he started up his struggles to get free of the tape, flexing his fingers and rubbing his face against the sheet to dislodge the gag and blindfold. He tried to kick out his leg and curl his back but the object in him brought back the haze and he settled back down.

The door opened, a few dull thuds approached the bed. Clifford must have taken off his shoes. And if Alperen was capable of doing so, he would have frowned thinking about what else could have been missing from his captor’s attire.

“Look at you babe,” Cliff’s voice seemed deeper than usual, almost sultry. “Waiting patiently for me.” he placed a hand on Alperen’s hip and gave it a squeeze. “Submissive is a good look on you.”

“Mm…” Alperen tried to twist his head away and bury it in the covers. Even if his face wasn’t too visible he didn’t want to give Cliff the satisfaction of seeing even the slightest blush.

“So bashful.” Clifford laughed and tipped Alperen onto his back.

There was the sound of scissors and suddenly the priest’s legs were released from his chest. His feet landed on the bed with a plop. A heavy sigh escaped his body. The small amount of freedom felt excellent after God knows how long of being reduced to a little ball. Again the scissors were used to cut more tape and Clifford’s hand was on his ankles slowly leading Alperen’s legs out onto the bed. The sensation of pins in needles hardly mattered as he felt more tape getting cut. Soon enough his ankles all the way up to his thighs were completely free.

Alperen had no clue why Clifford was freeing him. Though he started to understand when he tried to move his legs and only found the strength to twitch them. Cliff must have known that by now the priest would be too weak to make a run for it.

Clifford slowly massaged Alperen’s legs at the points they had been taped together. “You can feel this?”

“” Alperen nodded. At least Cliff was concerned about his health, it was a small blessing knowing that his kidnapper wasn’t going to accidentally kill him. And wouldn’t kill him, or at least would keep him alive so long as he complied.

No, now Alperen was scared again. He didn’t want to be some toy or pet or... whatever to this man! He had a duty to God, to the people who he served! Cliff might not be a murderer but he was taking away Alperen’s life in some way. He tried to flail his body, but only was able to work up the energy for a small struggle. The plug, unfortunately, continued its work of pressing into him every time he moved, causing Alperen to give out a filthy sounding moan.

Once again Clifford laughed at his plight. “Someone’s excited.” The hands that were massaging him lifted momentarily and then came down on his belt. In a matter of seconds, Cliff had discarded Alperen’s pants leaving the small man in his equally small underwear.

Clifford whistled at the expense of Alperen’s dignity. “Aw, look at how eager you are to be my little play thing.”

A hand clamped down on the front of Alperen’s underwear and gave him a slow stroke. The priest involuntarily bucked his hips. No! He shouted in his head trying to bring his body down. He couldn’t lead the kidnapper on like that.

“Mm! Mm! Mm!” Alperen protested shaking his head and using all of his strength to bring his legs together.

“Hmph.” Clifford let go of him allowing Alperen to calm down.

Maybe Clifford finally understood that Alperen wanted none of this. After all, he was a priest. And surely Cliff understood the consequences of his actions would need more than just a confession.

“Seems you need a little more training to get used to your new position.” The words came out in such a manner that all of the heat in the priest’s body evaporated. Clifford grabbed his left ankle and pushed it hard against his butt. Something thin and coarse was draped over his thigh and then yanked hard around his shin.

“Mm..” Alperen shook his head at his legs being tied again. He had hardly even gotten a chance to stretch them. The skin between his thigh and calf was pinched as the rope was pulled through and knotted sealing his leg in a bent position. His foot was tucked under him which slightly elevated him on his left side. The same procedure happened on his right leg, making him feel incredibly vulnerable. But at least he was still able to close his legs.

Which ended up to be a privilege that he soon lost. More ropes were tied around the knots that were sitting on the outsides of his thighs. Then the rope was pulled and anchored somewhere else with little slack. His legs were forced open to what felt like shoulder length apart. At least Clifford didn’t pull it as much as he could have and left him with a little bit of decency. Though it was a bit distressing that if Alperen wanted to struggle at all his only option was to move his legs further apart.

The next appendages that became victim to the rough material were his upper arms. Thankfully Cliff had left his shirt intact, so unlike his legs he didn’t have to feel the slightly itchy bite of the rope. Though he was still left feeling powerless as the ropes were pulled off to the side of the bed, keeping his squirming to a minimum.

Clifford refocused back on his legs. Alperen felt something hard and angular strapped onto his left inner thigh. Attached was some sort of short rubber tube that rested near the top of his genitals.

Alperen’s shirt was unbuttoned delicately. He really did feel like he was some sort of present as a hand-inspected his body, rubbing against his sides and shoulders, fingers circling around his nipples, and occasionally brushing over them. They felt stiff and Alperen wished that the room was cold so he had any other excuse as to why they were erect. The fingers left them eventually and then a hand pressed down on his clerical collar but not hard enough to choke him just enough to let the priest know of its presence.

“My pet has already collared himself for me!” Clifford burst out laughing as Alperen gave a groan, his captor sure was a giggly one. His laughing subsided and he started talking in a serious tone again. “I think three minutes is fair.”

The hand left Alperen’s neck and for a minute it was gone before something small and cold was pressed into his stomach.


The rubber tube started to vibrate causing Alperen to hum.

A deeper click bounced around the room that made Alperen shut up as it dawned on him that the thing pressed against his stomach was the gun.

Cliff laughed. “You’re going to show me just how much you want me. If you don’t cum in three minutes, then…” The gun traveled from his belly, past his chest, over his neck and came to a rest just below his chin. “Maybe you aren’t the right pet for me.”

Alperen could feel tears forming behind the blindfold. The breaths through his nose became shaky and he shook his head as panic set in. The bed shifted and he could feel Clifford’s torso press against his side. The rope pinning his arm down was clinched tighter as a result of Cliff’s weight atop it. But Alperen kept quiet now too scared to make a sound in case it was his last.

A hand landed on the top of his head to stroke his hair while hot breath danced across his ear. “Relax…” Clifford whispered, the warmth in his voice returning. “I’ll give you a hand.” The petting stopped and a moment later Alperen felt his underwear get pulled down just enough for his privates to hang out. Which allowed for them to have direct contact with the vibrating rubber menace. “You’re time started.”

Although he didn’t want to play into a kidnapper’s hand, Alperen had a much stronger sense to stay alive and started rocking his hips up and down. It was a pathetic attempt to get the vibrator closer to a more pleasurable area and after a few seconds of frustration Alprene gave a moan and caught his breath. He tried to force himself down on it, but because it was attached to him that did absolutely nothing.

“Mm!” The haze in his brain was making it hard to come up with solutions. All he knew is that he wanted the little knob to press as hard as it could against his dick. Or even if it could slip down and vibrate the plug in him. Out of frustration he stretched his body out, opening his legs and immediately he was met with the gratifying rush of success. The rubber moved down his shaft, stopping just short of the base. Alperen moaned and closed his legs as much as he could manage to let the vibrator move back up. He kept this up for a bit before he started to swing his hips in circles as well.

Soon enough he started to feel wet drops trickling down onto his crotch. Clifford gave a warm sounding hum, rubbing the barrel of the gun along Alperen’s throat.

“Yeah, move your pretty little body just like that. Good boy.” Clifford’s tongue lightly brushed against Alperen’s ear causing him to shudder.

Teeth lightly bit down on his earlobe and something seemed to snap in the priest. A huge wind of energy overtook his body and sped up his movements and he let out a series of long moans into his gag. His brain buzzed with uncontrollable thoughts of Clifford using his body. Alperen needed the hunk’s hands all over him, to feel completely at the mercy of whatever he wanted to do to him. Deeper his thoughts went, wishing that instead of socks in his mouth it was Clifford. He could feel drool breach past the corners of his mouth, thinking about what it would be like to have the man all the way down his throat. Then he began to speculate just how much better Cliff would feel inside him instead of the plug.

Alperen felt a flash of heat through his body. His moans became high pitched and he completely lost control of his body. Cum shot from him leaving a sticky trail from his belly button to his the middle of his chest. More came but was less explosive and dribbled down his person. Another shudder made its way through him before his body relaxed back down. The emission was quick to cool down and Alperen whined.

“Wow…” Clifford said. “You look amazing like this.” Something warm and wet pressed against Alperen's belly, probably Cliff’s tongue judging by the hot air around it, and licked up some of the cum. “Are you ready to be my toy now?”

There was no second thought, Alperen nodded his head. The vibrator on him was still on and chasing out all thoughts that weren’t Clifford. His whole body was tired and overstimulated but it didn’t matter, he wouldn’t be happy until Cliff was in him. A desperate plea emerged from behind the gag. If Alperen was more aware he probably would have been embarrassed over how desperate he looked, thrusting his hips and spreading his legs.

“What a good boy.”

The gun was lifted from Alperen’s throat. Then he felt something else that was cold and metal push on his overstuffed cheeks. He froze for a second scared of what was happening but then heard the slicing of duct tape as the back end of the scissors glided down his face. A final snip and the blade was lifted, followed by one of Clifford’s big thumbs picking at the edges. As the tape was pulled up it didn’t hurt as much as Alperen thought it would. Of course, he had been drooling and sweating, so the majority of the adhesive was probably worn away.

Soon the tape that was covering his lower face was all gone, leaving only his eyes covered. The priest didn’t even try to push the stuffing from his mouth instead he decided it’d be best to wait for Clifford to do something.

A hand rubbed his cheek and he heard another laugh. “So submissive now. Don’t want to fight back even a little bit anymore? Realized who you belong to?”

“Awhh…” Alperen nodded his head.

The two drenched socks were pulled from his mouth and he let out a sigh. The numbness in his jaw began to ease up as he slowly started to open and close it. He licked his lips trying to work what was left of his saliva over them.

Alperen could then feel Clifford adjusting himself on the bed. He noticed the ropes around his legs get pulled tighter, leaving him more exposed than before. Then he sensed a huge weight sink the soft bed down around his crotch and he felt hands on his inner thighs. For a couple of seconds Cliff rubbed them before taking off the vibrating toy.

“Wait…” Alperen’s voice was hoarse but he missed the sensation of the rubber head. Next he heard the sound of scissors again and he realized that Cliff was cutting off his underwear. A protest of whimpers at his lost clothing came out of him but was quickly shushed.

“Shh… pets don’t talk silly.” Clifford said as he slowly pulled the plug out of Alperen.

“Ah-ah!” The action was almost too overwhelming. He had gotten so used to it in him that when it exited with a pop he felt like something was missing.

“I hope that plug prepared you.”

It had at least to some extent, but as Alperen felt the tip of Cliff touch his hole he realized the ex-jock was going to be quite a bit thicker than the plug. Still Clifford pushed in with ease. The priest groaned feeling himself get penetrated deeper. He bit his lip not wanting to scream out his pleasure, Cliff might have broken him down to begging for sex but he still had enough dignity to remain quiet.

Or so he thought, but as soon as his captor had reached his maximum length he pulled nearly all the way out and then slammed into Alperen sinking down even further. Alperen threw his head back and screamed, his whole body shaking. The same processes repeated but this time lush lips locked Alperen’s own into place and hushed him. He kissed back enjoying the feeling of Clifford’s tongue entering his mouth. The hunk’s whole body was pressing down on his, pinning him and halting his struggles. Alperen could feel their bare chest’s rubbing together, and Cliff’s muscular arm’s locking around him.

Alperen was completely trapped, but instead of the anxiety from before he now knew he was safe. It was as if the world was just the two of them and this had always been his position. A little toy for Clifford to use and a pet to listen to every command. But also to love him and tell him how good he was doing. No one else could bother them as long as he stayed packed away in Clifford’s room. Alperen moaned no longer thinking about his identity just that morning, from now on he wanted to be anything his lover wanted him to be.

For a while Clifford fucked Alperen. When the bigger man wasn’t kissing him he had his face nestled into the crook of Alperen’s thin neck, mumbling out compliments. When Alperen started getting loud again he stuck his fingers deep into the priest’s mouth. With little shame Alperen immediately started sucking on them, wishing that he had gotten to taste Clifford but settled on the fact that he could save that for another day.

“Alperen... I’m so... close…” Clifford huffed out between breaths.

“Mmm…” Alperen replied hoping that the other man would understand that he was also close.

Clifford's fingers popped out of his victim’s mouth and grabbed his jaw. Alperen could feel how wet the fingers were as his own spit rolled down his cheeks.

“You’ll be...fuck… you’ll be be a good little pet an-and beg for my cum won’t you?”

Alperen nodded.

“Then beg.”

“Please… please I wahh…” Alperen felt his face burning again, remembering how he should be fighting against this. How he didn’t want to be reduced to some helpless object. But Cliff felt so good that the memory quickly faded again. “I want your c-cum.. cum in me, please!” Alperen shivered, he was almost about to burst himself. “I want to… I want to be yours forever. P-please--please breed me!”

Clifford gasped out a few colourful words, his thrusting got faster. “Good boy, such a good boy.” Now he was shaking, Alperen could feel it coming.

And then it did. First Alperen came again, his semen getting on both him and Cliff. His body completely relaxed and then he felt Cliff release inside him. Involuntarily, Alperen gave a whine feeling as if a dam had just broken in his backside and filled him up. He hardly noticed when the other man slipped out. He felt a finger poke at his hole and he whimpered.

“I’d usually want to plug that up, but I think you’ve had enough for today.” Cliff cut away the tape on top of the blindfold and then suddenly the darkness gave away to the soft orange glow of the world around Alperen. “Ready to come out of that Perry? Do you need water?”

Alperen blinked, still trying to adjust to the real world. He was no longer the helpless kidnapped priest, just a regular helpless priest enjoying the rare times he got to spend like this with his boyfriend. As more of his sense came back, he lifted his head and looked at Cliff, currently, the man was nothing but a blur of peachy skin and golden hair. But he’d seen the jock enough to know that there was a dumb smile on his beet-red face. That his curly hair, usually so full of volume, would be weighed down with a few stray hairs poking out.

“Water… and glasses.” Alperen finally said, his voice still weak from the hour or so he’d spent gagged. Of course, his yelling hadn’t helped his poor vocal cords either.

Cliff nodded and leaned over towards the top left of the bed, only to come back with a few things in his hands. The first was which went over Alperen’s head and suddenly the world was sharper. He could finally see Clifford’s handsome face again, his strong jaw, bent nose, and prominent five o’clock shadow. Alperen’s eyes also caught a glimpse of what he assumed was his own cum speckled over his boyfriend’s abs.

He felt a blush creeping back over his face and he looked back up and was met with a straw.

“I bought little bendy straws, see?” Cliff pushed down on the top of the straw and it clicked into a more angled position to prove his point. “So you don’t have to sit up right away. Can’t believe we never thought of this before!” He laughed, lowering the straw so it touched the smaller man’s lips.

“Thank you.” Alperen smiled and took a sip. The water felt heavenly against his dry mouth. There was still a vague taste of his own socks on his tongue, but it was easy enough to ignore. A gurgling and hissing sound arose from the glass and Alperen let go and Clifford laughed.


“You’d be too!” Alperen tried to pout at Clifford’s teasing, but could only manage to shift his shoulders up and down.

“Could’ve saved some for me. I did all the work after all!” Clifford’s smile got bigger and he pinched Alperen’s nose causing the priest to gasp out and shake his head. “After all that suitcase was mighty unyielding when I was getting back to the house.”

Alperen’s nose was freed and he looked away. “I was… ah... trying to escape... I was- I was playing my part!”

“Aw, I thought priest’s weren’t s’ppose to lie.”

“We aren’t supposed to have boyfriends either.”

The two laughed together while Clifford started to undo the knots that anchored Alperen to the bed. First his upper arms and then his legs. His head felt a little more grounded when he was able to close his legs again. It wasn’t that he was really embarrassed to be in such a position in front of Clifford, but regaining access to his own privacy helped to pull him back out of the submissive fog he had been in.

Clifford paused and rubbed his hands up and down Alperen’s body. “Oh- Do you want me to get uh, that off you?” He pointed down at something on Alperen’s chest. The priest craned his head up to see his own cum. “I can go get a washcloth.”

Before he was able to get up Alperen wiggled and pulled on his restraints. “Wait!” Clifford stopped moving and cocked his head “I’m…” Even with more of his body free he was still so vulnerable and couldn’t bear the thought of his boyfriend leaving his side even for a second at the moment. “Don’t leave.”

“Aww…” Clifford cooed bending over him and planting a kiss on his forehead. “Okay. I’ll get you all freed up and we can cuddle okay?”

Alperen smiled and nodded his head. He couldn’t wait to wrap his arms around those broad shoulders and rest his face on his amazing pecs. Sure Clifford wasn’t the softest, even if he did soften up over the years, but his built body always gave Alperen a sense of comfort. Nothing bad could ever happen in those arms.

“I’ve got an idea!” Clifford said loudly and brought the world back again to Alperen. In his hands was Alperen’s cut-up black underwear to which the priest frowned at.

“Why did you cut them?”

“Sorry, I forgot to remove them before I tied you up again and I didn’t want to have to untie you and retie you again. I didn’t want to ruin the scene you know.” Clifford pushed the material over Alperen’s body doing his best to wipe up all the cum into it. “I’ll buy you new ones.”

Alperen laughed. “If I let you do that I’ll get a pair that's even skimpier than those were.”

“And what's wrong with that?”

“I’m a priest!”

“A sexy priest with sexy underwear.”

Alperen sighed as his legs were untied and he was able to straighten them out. He wiggled his ankles independently from each other and shook his legs enjoying the freedom. Next Clifford helped Alperen sit up and swing his legs over the side of the bed.

“Ahmm…The bed...” Alperen mumbled as he felt Clifford’s cum begin it’s a journey back out.

“It’s okay babe, I’ll wash it after.”

Clifford began cutting away the tape on Alperen’s arms. It took some time but eventually, Alperen’s arms fell to his side. They’d been tied up in one position for so long he’d almost forgotten how to use them. Clifford took one of his hands in his own and started to message it.

“Even when they aren’t all taped up your hands are so tiny.”

“You’re just a giant.” Alperen assured his boyfriend, leaning over to kiss him on the cheek.

Clifford chuckled. “And this giant just caught himself, his princess.” He wrapped his arms around Alperen’s shoulders and rolled him down on the bed. Alperen giggled and wiggled his body as his boyfriend barraged him with fast kisses all over his face. His other hand danced along Alperen’s side causing the priest to start laughing harder.

“No! No! Cliff-- Cliff! Ahhaha! I- I can’t breathe! Clifford!” Alperen tired to kick out but was still too weak and was forced to endure the new torture. Though he didn’t actually mind it, he was delighted how excited Cliff always was to spend time with him. The jock’s energy never seemed to dissipate since they met nearly sixteen years ago.

Eventually, the tickling died down into more loving strokes, and the kisses became shorter and more centered on Alperen’s mouth. Clifford rolled over on his back and pulled Alperen upon his chest, giving him one last long kiss before letting the priest rest his head on the big pecs. There was the slightly off-beat of Clifford’s heart that pounded through Alperen’s ear. He remembered being so confused by it when he was younger but now couldn’t think of a more comforting sound.

Alperen’s eyes began to close. As much fun as the whole experience was he wasn’t sure if he had ever done anything as physically demanding. Cliff was always over-enthusiastic with how flexible the small man really was but never for that long. Perhaps it was time to start up yoga, despite his dislike of it, as long as it meant being able to play like that again.

A big hand landed on the back of Alperen’s head and another wrapped around his hand that was resting atop his boyfriend’s chest. There was a soft humming coming from Clifford and eventually, the priest fell asleep without even noticing.

Re: Sacrilegious Sacrifice (M/M) *update/completed*

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2020 4:08 am
by DeeperThanRed
This chapter was simply brilliant. The scenes leading up to the ending were delightfully dark and the twist really recontexualized them as something sweet and consensual.

Really loved the aftercare, too. Great work!

Re: Sacrilegious Sacrifice (M/M) *update/completed*

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2020 7:24 pm
by MountainMan_91

This was EPIC!

I am so glad I got to read it in a single helping.

The style, vocab, descriptions were all on point.

You really have a way with writing the bondage scenes!

Superb work.

Re: Sacrilegious Sacrifice (M/M) *update/completed*

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2021 3:20 am
by Trickster
WOW! Two sensational chapters. Wonderful storytelling!

Re: Sacrilegious Sacrifice (M/M) *update/completed*

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 12:10 am
by cherryboy
[mention]DeeperThanRed[/mention] [mention]MountainMan_91[/mention] and [mention]Trickster[/mention] thank you all for your reviews! i've never written anything like this before and i'm glad that i was able to pull it off. your comments mean a lot to me and help to make me feel more comfortable to post if i ever write another similar story. thank you again i hope all your new years will be good c: