Dominatrix in Bed (F/M)

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Dominatrix in Bed (F/M)

Post by AlexUSA3 »

Dominatrix in Bed (F/M)

Nathan, I love you so much! That’s not a good way to start this story… Ummmm… Let’s try this again…

Nate, I’ve never loved a man like I love you. It sounds wooden, like Nate… No! That’s dirty! I am not… Let me think…

When Nathan Jamison and I said “I do” on that day in 2018, we meant it with our hearts and our souls. Nate is the only kind of man I could love. He gets me and my eccentricities, and he never judges me for any of them. It's good to be loved, and it's better to love him. He doesn't care that I can't cook and cooks for us, but I am learning from him and from friends!

Now, when you're a wildcat like me, with hair everywhere, you're always unpredictable, or try to be unpredictable. Nate’s always on his toes with me here. I might pounce on him for a kiss after hiding around a corner, or I might calmly take his hand and ask him to go on a walk to watch the sunset together. There's never a dull moment with me around, and another yearning comes to the forefront: maternity. Yes, indeed, I’m horny, and I’m hoping to create a baby with Nate. Tonight is going to be fun.

What does a horny dominatrix wear after a long day of delivering packages on a FedEx truck for a decent wage? Well, it depends on her mood. Is she a submissive catsuit wildcat? Maybe she’s looking for a kidnapping game where she's the victim? Perhaps she is looking for give and take? Maybe she wants to dominate the man she loves? Maybe cuddles are on the menu for tonight? I am indecisive!

Ooh! I have it: A roleplay! It's not just any roleplay, though! It's a runaway prisoner game! I’m an escapee from the local juvenile detention center… OK, juvie ended 6 years ago… an escapee from the women's prison in Shakopee! Wait, they wear orange or red, depending on their crime. Oh, the heck with it, I’m just an escapee! And I’m going to wear my old prison uniform, too!

OK, it's not my uniform. It is black sweatpants and a lavender pocket t-shirt. A black t-shirt can be worn underneath for long-sleeves. With it, I wear the same black bandana I wore when I was an inmate in the Mudville Juvenile Detention Center. Why are you looking at me like that? Oh, I can't stand when people like you judge me for being a former inmate without even knowing my story?

Take a deep breath, Mary-Ann! They didn't mean anything by it. If they're reading this story, it is likely they’ve read other stories you've written or that featured you. Pull yourself together. I am ready to do this. I am breathing deeply. Nate is watching me awkwardly type this because I only have an iPad, and I rarely use it for much of anything. I even have a flip phone; I’m a very technologically savvy young lady, indeed! Thank you!

“Nate, I’m going in the bedroom,” I say with a bounce, “I’ll be back soon. We’ll play a game.”
“All right,” my tall, dark, and handsome husband smiles at me, “I’ll be waiting.”
“I lovvvvveee you,” I blow him a kiss.
“I love you too.”
“Be back soon.”
“Bye,” I wave and shut the door.

Wow, we are a cheesy couple. I didn't realize just how silly we are until I wrote that; I am sorry you had to read that. You think it's cute? Really? Awww, thanks. One of these days, I’ll show my gratitude by tying you up nice and tight! You’d like that, right? Oh, you're a dominant?! I don't even…

I look in the mirror. Wow, what a wild head of hair. The bandana headband will help keep that out of my face while I get my act together. Let's see if I can do this right. Yes, it's nicely knotted to keep my hair back now. I'm 5’7” and a fraction, and my hair is so uncontrollable despite only reaching the bottom of my shoulder blades. It's strangely comforting to wear these clothes even though most of my time in juvie was spent in orange jumpsuits. Ironically, I refuse to wear any orange, but I will wear these. I go for the long-sleeve shirt, too. I’m a naughty girl, and I’m an amazing girl too. I go to my spare bedroom and grab a prop gun from the closet.

I walk down the hall in my bare feet while carrying the gun. I act like I am trying to be quiet, as if I am an intruder. Yes, I’m an intruder, an escapee from prison, and I’ve broken into this home in particular! I need this gun to make the homeowners obey me. Where are they? Come out! I see you now!

“Hands in the air! I'm a maniac, and I’ll shoot!”
“Who are you?!” my husband immediately complies.

Oh, Nathan, look at you standing up. You're big and handsome. He's naturally all dark brown, just like me. He has a full short scruffy beard that I love so much, and he skips the moustache also to my delight. His hair is usually short enough that I rub his hair like a paintbrush. There is a decided thing about him, and don't forget he's so hairy too! You are a French Jamison! He is a good 4 inches taller than me, I think. Nate, you're 6’ flat, right? Thanks, baby!

“Who I am doesn't matter,” a devilish grin creeps over my face, “I’m here now.”
“What do you want?” Nate asks me.
“I want to stay here in safety, so I have to tie you up,” I explain, “I set up your bed.”
“In the bedroom?” he asks with a nervous laugh.
“Get in that bedroom now, you freak!” I order him with feigned impatience, “Move it!”
“You're trigger happy!”
“You don't want to know why I was sentenced to prison! Hee hee hee!”

Let's see… Stealing a car, stealing a TV, running away, stealing another car, stealing from Belk, stealing a car and leading a police chase, duct taping and hogtying my foster siblings… I went to jail or prison 24 times from when I was 12 to when I was 15. I had a screwed up childhood, and it's shown in the dog tags I wear around my neck along with a crucifix and a Miraculous Medal. On the tags are all of my arrest dates, prison cell numbers, and my prison ID number. I hated my foster families (some of them) so much that I did bad things to end up behind bars.

Don't mess with this wildcat! I can go from purring and harmless to slashing and dangerous in a blink of an eye. I force the tall, dark, and handsome figure (Am I blatantly horny?) to walk into the bedroom. Now, comes what can be a very fun part of any such game. Well, I want to get to his body, so I need his body exposed. That's right! He needs to strip!

“Clothes off. Everything. NOW. I want you to be buck naked, buddy!”
“All right, all right,” he looks at me fearfully, “Don't be so antsy. I'm complying.”
“Well comply a little faster,” I impatiently tap my bare foot on the carpet, making no noise at all.
“Sorrrrrryyyyyyy,” he acts exasperated, but I cackle like the Wicked Witch of the West.
“Now,” I stare at his manhood for a moment, “On the bed on your back. Cuff yourself.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he starts doing it, “Are you a cougar?”

That rancid comment catches me off guard, and I sputter out something unintelligible in response to it. Even in play, my husband making such a comment will be met with revenge. No one dares insult my age like that! I am young and beautiful and have at least some pride in that! Nate, you are going to be punished for this! I just wanted to borrow some sperm, but I will take the torture path now, thank you.

He stares sheepishly at the cuffs that are still attached to the corners of the bed, almost like they had been used last night. Last night, I was the one who was cuffed, and we didn’t engage in that particular act. There is something about moods. I’m either extremely horny or not at all, and I’ll be glad to listen if you can figure out a pattern so I can learn to predict myself! Hornines aside, I am always in the mood for bondage and can always get off on domination alone.

“If you weren’t handsome, I’d snuff you!” I sneer, “The last man who insulted me got snuffed!”
“I’ll do nearly anything you wish as long as you leave me unharmed,” my prisoner says.
“Good, then I will put this in your mouth!” I gag him with a bright red ball gag.
“I’m going to make you nice and hard… and then not let you orgasm. You shall suffer!”
“Huh?!” my ball gagged husband looks at me in confusion.

I’m in complete control, and I go to the kitchen to retrieve an ice pack and then the bathroom to get a thin washcloth. I have just the thing that will take the wood right out of him whenever I so desire. I'm sadistic, aren’t I? I know! Nate loves seeing that side of me in action, whether when I am controlling him or one of my lady friends. Sorry, gents, but I will not dominate you even if you offer me millions of dollars; Nate is the only man in my life. Similarly, sorry, ladies, but I’m a straight, monogamous woman who only uses the strap-on for the camera and does not perform any other such acts either on or off camera.

That didn't sound so good.

I strut about like I own the joint and pull up a chair. I found an ice cream sandwich in the freezer and now sit down to eat it while using the bed as a footrest. I eat the sweet chocolate cookie and the creamy vanilla filling while Nate watches me and shakes his head. I’m something else, and I can describe my behavior in lots of ways.

Trauma, rebellion, fear, confidence, depression, and many other things are emotions that describe how I responded to my childhood. I'm a mess. Often I hit a point where a switch is flipped, and I collapse into desperate tears. Like, I once ran out of my own birthday party because the anxiety was more than I could bear. I don't make a scene; I quietly retreat into the coziness of myself. In marriage, I can safely let Nate into the hole.

My dominant side arose from a childhood of helplessness for sure. My parents didn't want me; I think most of the foster families didn't want me. Prison didn't want me either, but it welcomed me with open arms with a caring staff. Except that one guard who polished off what little sanity or normalcy I had left. I'm not saying prison was fun, but it was better than the alternatives. It’s why I can be so strangely dominant like this. Finally, I’m in control, and I’m not having to ball kick a homeless man who wants to hump me.

That's why I love this man. He understands my suffering in a way no other man can. It's not that he suffered himself; it's just that he cares enough to listen and to help me process the past. When I break down and cry, he cries with me. When I want to punch someone, he takes me to the gym. When I feel like a quiet little rope game, he smiles at me. When I want to dominate someone, he lets me dominate him. The best part is that I can do the same for him. Love is like that.

“Yummy! You have good taste in junk food,” I lick my fingers, “Let me get this off.”
“Mmmmm,” I think he wants to tell me something.
“No, I won't suck you! That's no fun! I want to make babies with you, handsome!”
“Noooo! Mmmmm mmm mmmm!” the handsome captive continues.
“Why don't you be quiet, sir?” I take off my pants and underwear, “I’m in control here.”
“Mmph,” he rolls his eyes just as I push myself onto him.

Oh, that feels so good! Yes, indeed, nothing is like the feeling of Nate’s member inside my body, and I am proud to say I have only (willingly) known him. Men… I’m not that kind of person to really attach myself to someone too quickly, and especially not people outside my prison pod. I struggle to make new friendships, and Nate had to pursue me for a long time before I gave him a chance. I still remember the first time I seduced him into bondage sex; it was the opposite of this scenario.

Nothing like a little orgasm denial to make something special out of this game. Poor Nate. I am blue balling him, as the saying goes. The ice pack makes his manhood relax, and I don't want to make him explode without me on him either. Oh, but it's so much fun! Teasing someone so that they can't get their release is such a thrill! I love it! Awwww… poor Nathan! How about a kiss to remind you I’m your wife? Yes, that does it.

Let's try this again, my captive. Oops, that's a big screw up. Oh, well! So much for edging you to the point of tears. I will have to work you back up, now, won't I? It feels so good, though; it's so nice to have Nate pumping into my body. I am hoping my second attempt is better. I think he didn't like that, but, alas, he won't like this next part even more! I'm good at getting Nate to grow despite only engaging in one kind of sex with him.

“You are so handsome. Too bad your wife will be home soon. Maybe I’ll tie her up and gag her and put her in a cage to torture after I have finished with you.”
“Huh? Noooooo!” he groans at that thought.
“Oh, don't you fret,” I kiss him on the forehead, “I won’t hurt her. Just spanking and twisting her nipples a little and making her orgasm until she cries from the pain. Then you will be mine, and she will be my slave.”
“Onnnn ooo at!”
“You're in no position to give orders,” I tenderly kiss his lips and gaze into his eyes, “I love you.”

With Nate, it's easy to break character or even just forget who and where I am. It's necessary for the game, to let my natural humanity show through. It's the real us that matters, and at the end of the day I could throw away everything forever and never play bondage and still be happy as long as Nate is here in my life. It might not be spicy, but I would still love him.

I’m lost in my passion again, and I lose track of Nate’s state. I’m enjoying being on top for once, and I again forget to monitor his progress. Oh, you can guess where this is going for sure. Yes, I again am enjoying holding Nate so much that I forget about his manhood, and I feel the pulsing in my body once again. Crap! Maybe I’m too horny for that kind of play?

“Nathan, maybe I should untie you?” I ask him.
“Mmm hmm!” he nods in hearty agreement.
“I guess I’m a different kind of dominatrix with you,” I hug him tightly shortly afterwards.
“You’re a special lady no matter what we’re doing together. I like you best at mass though.”
“I like you best then too, but bondage is second best,” perhaps I am too happy today.
“You’re just the best,” a big kiss is planted on my forehead.

I never really reflected too much on love, and it’s a regret of mine. I’ve been blessed to have a husband like him in my life. No, we weren’t successful on this occasion. I’d have to wait a little while longer before I got the fulfillment of my wish, and I am glad I had to wait longer. At 25, I was more ready for a baby than at 24, as silly as it sounds, but I matured so much over that time. I live with a simple rule: when desires go unfulfilled, perhaps a greater blessing is waiting for me to find it.

Until next time!

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Post by BoundTightly »

Good story, need more f/m in this forum
The tighter the better
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Post by LunaDog »

Slightly different i felt, but still a damn good read. Enjoyed this.
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