Revelation (M/F) (F/M) - A sequel to Devastation

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Post by wolfman »

[mention]Caesar73[/mention] [mention]GreyLord[/mention]

Thank you once again gentlemen for your kind words. Thank you also for your patience. The next update follows ahortly.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

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Post by wolfman »

Dani rests on the high rise rooftop, taking a deep breath. "It is done." she thinks, "He was the last. Now I need to construct a list of those who have fallen and suffered at the hands of the Bland Group and arrange payment."

She sits back against an air conditioning unit and lights a cigarette. Numb, she exhales smoke slowly. "I can't believe it is over. I am almost free to go home." She thinks, a tear escaping from the corner of her left eye. She brushes it away with the back of her hand and hangs her head, exhausted.

Under a calm Cape Town sky, she pulls out the phone she had stashed here and dials home.

"Dani? Is that you?" Nikita asks, groggily.

"Hey Niki. How is it going?" Dani asks, wearily.

"Can you come home soon?" Nikita asks, shaking off the last vestiges of the healing coma.

"Is everything OK?" Dani asks, hearing the fatigue in her sister's voice.

"While we were at Hel's funeral, Russian intelligence broke in and tried to take the tablet." Nikita pauses, "Natalie stopped them and destroyed the tablet but was shot in the process."

"Oh God, no. Is she OK?" Dani asks, suppressing the urge to vomit.

"We found her in time. She is OK. I healed everyone and have just woken up." Nikita explains, before asking, "It isn't over is it?"

Dani shakes her head unseen by her sister and sighs, "No baby. I still have to find out how to control the platforms so that they can neutralised."

"You don't have to do this alone you know." Nikita says gently.

"Keep everyone safe. I will call when I can." Dani says, trying to conceal the pain in her voice.

Nikita knows that her sister is in turmoil and feels her heart ache that she cannot help,"Dani. please come home."

Dani feels tears prick her eyes, "I can't, not yet."

"Please babe, come home or at least let us help." Nikita pleads.

"I can't, I have faced true evil and I cannot come home until all trace is erased from the world." Dani says through trembling lips.

"Dani. Where are you?" Nikita asks, for once feeling fearful for her sister. but the line is already dead.

Nikita emerges from her room, dressed in shorts and a t-shirt and heads towards the sounds of life from the living room.

Tara spots her first and dives at her, hugging her tightly. "I am so pleased you are OK."

"Put her down you will break her, Tara." Sasha says, beaming a smile.

"She is OK, babe." Nikita says, before her smile falters, "I have just got off the phone with Dani."

Sacha sees the concern on her sister's face and stiffens, "How bad is it?"

"Something bad has happened and she wouldn't let me in." Nikita says, chewing her lip.

"OK we'll get Jim on it." Sasha says, crossing the room and putting her arm around Nikita's shoulder, before whispering in her ear "Are you OK? Tara told me how you have been holding everyone up. Thank you and thank you for healing us all, but you can't do that again, it is too much for you."

Nikita opens her mouth to protest, but Sasha stops her, "No. Tara told me everything, including how you almost collapsed. We need you strong."

Nikita slumps her shoulders, knowing that her sister is right. "I won't apologise for it, I will do whatever it takes to keep my loved ones, safe and healthy. No matter the cost." She looks Sasha in the eyes, "Just like you and Dani."

Dani sits back staring at the phone as if it will tell her what to do next, "Shit. Nat was nearly killed and it is on me. I shouldn't have left the tablet with Jim. I shouldn't have gotten them involved."

She lights a cigarette and fights back the tears welling up inside her, "Why can't this be over?" She thinks, sadly.

"Snap out of it and think." Dani chides herself, "How did the Russians know to go to the houses?"

"I should have been more thorough at the island." She thinks, realising the only way that they could have found out. "Arno must have kept a recording or something."

She massages the back of her neck and exhales slowly, "Someone must have found something on the island. But the Russians didn't go, only the Americans did."

Dani leans back and closed her eyes, "They wouldn't pass any information across to the FSB. They must have a spy in their midst. I think I need to pay the Americans a visit."

Ray Champlain, Champ to his friends and team mates, winds his weary way through the ship on the way to his quarters. Weary arms carry his combat load out minus weapons.

The ship is a hive of activity but he passes through the throngs of sailors as if they were wisps, cast aside by his passing. His own thoughts trouble him, as he eases the door of his cabin closed behind him.

he closes his eyes and leans against the door, resting his head on the cool metal, "Obvious signs of an armed conflict, but no bodies. Aside from a dead multi-billionaire. evidence of a meeting of the rich and powerful, with no signs of them."

He drops his bag and shrugs off his body armour and thinks to himself, "There are more questions than answers. This is a mess and there is no way this can get worse."

Champ snaps to full awareness, hearing a familiar woman's Chicago and accent ask him, "Rough day at the office?"

His gun is in his hand and aimed at the woman's head on instinct, when he barks, "What the ever living fuck are you doing here?"

"And a good evening to you too." Dani says, brushing away a crease in her Naval lieutenant's uniform.

"Save it. Who the hell are you?" Champ asserts, emphasising with his weapon. He notes that her uniform doesn't have the right number of buttons and knows she is a fake.

"Do you want answers, or do you want to shoot?" Dani asks, tired of subterfuge.

"There is a pain in her eyes, I didn't see at Rann's place.", he observes, Champ closely regards her body language and demeanour, sizing her up, thinking, "She could have shot me the moment I walked in. She is on a ship in the Indian ocean and seems completely at ease. I have no idea who this woman is but she seems to belong here on some level."

He slips his sidearm back into it's holster and opens a drawer pulling out a bottle of scotch and two glasses. He pours a generous three fingers of scotch into each glass and sets on down on a table by Dani's side. He sits on the edge of his bed and sips the scotch. "Lay it on me. What is going on?"

"It might save some time if you tell me what you know first and I will fill in the blanks." Dani says, in a cool tone.

Ray sits back and measures her up, before beginning, "Fuck it. Copraktik were running the software for our old Strategic Defence Initiative satellites. Atul Rann stile the software and sold it to the Bland Group. so far so good? He asks taking a sip of scotch.

"Rann destroyed the Copraktik building and shot down the LAXMON flight to cover his tracks and he pushed the Bland Group for more money after his account was cleared out." Fani says, suppressing a feeling of nausea, "He was in the Phoenicia on Grand Caymen."

Champ nods to himself, "That all tracks. We did wonder why the hotel was destroyed."

Dani gives him a moment to let the information sink in before she asks, "What else do you have?"

Champ shrugs, "Intel indicated they a number of wealthy individuals went to ground in the private resort island owned by Edward Arno. My team were deployed to investigate. All we found was a war zone without bodies or answers in significant quantities."

Dani takes a slug of scotch and takes up the story, "The control software has been destroyed. All investors in the Bland Group are either dead or under surveillance by government agencies. For all intents and purposes, this is done."

"Interesting." Champ says, thoughtfully staring into the middle distance. He takes a sip of the scotch and then loops into Dani's eyes, "Except, it is not done. If it were done, you wouldn't be here."

"The FSB acted on information that could only have come from Arno's office. Which eans either you or one of your team." Dani says with a shrug.

"So are you here to work yourself through my team?" Champ asks, wondering if he should have put his sidearm away.

Dani shakes her head with a calm look on her face, "No. you were in charge of the expeditionary force. You know who went where and who searched his room." She takes a sip of scotch and then looks him in the eye, "If it was you and you tell me someone else's name. I will come for you."

Champ nods and softly says, "Can't argue with your logic there. The other question is why would I help you? You are no sailor and I wouldn't be surprised if you aren't even American."

Dani smiles behind her face mask and drops her fake accent, to speak in her normal soft Essex accent, "Fair do's old son. You have been all over the world and have little to show for it. You have someone on your team who may have passed Intel to the FSB that he didn't pass to you." Dani drains her glass and looks Champ in the eye, "You can blame your lack of results on the spy and bring him in. That has to be worth a commendation, at the very least."

"I knew from the moment I saw you in Rann's place, you were trouble." Champ says, either a grudging nod.

Dani grins and winks, "You don't know the half of it "

"I think I can make an educated guess." Champ says with a smile, the becomes more serious, "Wolf is trained to resist interrogation and is a tough bastard. Do you have a plan?"

Dani gives him a smile and a wink, "Yeah. probably best if you don't know the details up front."

Champ nods solemnly and runs his tongue over his lower lip, "Do you need anything from me?"

Dani looks into the middle distance and thoughtfully says, "No. I think you need to keep clear of any fallout. Although if you could recommend a quiet place where I can have some quality time with him and be on hand with a couple of M.P.'s to take him into custody."

"I cab handle that. How long will you need?" He asks, wondering what she has in mind.

"Hard to say, shouldn't be more than a couple of hours." Dani says, with a calm confidence. "When this is done, I will vanish without trace and he will answer any questions that you have."

In that moment, Champ begins to wonder what he is unleashing on his sergeant.

An hour and fifty five minutes later, Champ orders the M.P.'s to open the door in the bowels of the ship, following two hard knocks from inside.

The door opens slowly and reveals the scene inside. The once powerful man inside, covers in the light and crawls to Champ's feet, with tears in his eyes. Wolf trembles like a leaf in a storm, his hands shake and a cold sweat has saturated his uniform.

"Please, I will tell you everything. But please, don't send me back into that room." Wolf begs, meekly allowing the men to guide him to his feet and handcuff him.

Champ's eyes flick from the man to the room, he emerged from. "Shit, where the hell did she go?"
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

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Post by GreyLord »

Dani is just not willing to let any of her family take a risk if she can take it herself. I suppose that she will follow the Russian link now, [mention]wolfman[/mention]. We are heavily obligated to you for your story and your writing.
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The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Caesar73 »

GreyLord wrote: 2 years ago Dani is just not willing to let any of her family take a risk if she can take it herself. I suppose that she will follow the Russian link now, @wolfman. We are heavily obligated to you for your story and your writing.
I subscribe to every Word of yours [mention]GreyLord[/mention] :)
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Post by wolfman »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Caesar73[/mention]

Thank you gentlemen for your continued support and kind words. The words are not flowing as they once did, hence the length of time between updates. But more will follow soon
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

To view it's prequel Devastation, please click below;
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Post by GreyLord »

wolfman wrote: 2 years ago ... The words are not flowing as they once did, hence the length of time between updates. But more will follow soon
Please do not worry, [mention]wolfman[/mention]. Good things, such as you always deliver, are worth the wait.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Caesar73 »

GreyLord wrote: 2 years ago
wolfman wrote: 2 years ago ... The words are not flowing as they once did, hence the length of time between updates. But more will follow soon
Please do not worry, @wolfman. Good things, such as you always deliver, are worth the wait.
[mention]GreyLord[/mention] is right [mention]wolfman[/mention] - and I guess we all know such Sitatuations, when you have the feeling having to fight for every word. Sometimes it is the other way around :)
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Post by wolfman »

Maerig wearily returns to his office it had been a long day and the weight of his responsibilities was weighing heavily on his shoulders. he hung the jacket of his uniform on the back of the door and slumped in his chair.

This is a man who has seen it all, however, even he is taken aback, seeing Dani sat in the chair opposite his, in the previously unoccupied room.

Maintaining his composure, he speaks softly, "Good evening Taylor. I wasn't sure when we would see you again."

"Sorry for the delay sir. I had some trouble." Dani says quietly, dreading this report.

"So I gather." Maerig says, with a raised eyebrow, his expression becomes solemn when he next speaks, "Setting everything else aside, are you alright?"

Dani nods reluctantly, unable to voice her true feelings that she is anything but.

Maerig knows the nod is a lie, but also knows that he has not earned the right to question it. Instead he asks, "SITREP?"

Dani takes a deep breath and sits back in the chair, before she begins "Rann is dead. His tablet is destroyed. The Bland Group is gone. Their money will help their victims. At this moment the threat is neutralised." She cannot make eye contact with Maerig, for fear of the evil she has committed with be plain to see.

Maerig nods and laces his fingers together as she speaks, pulling his hands apart as she finishes. "You missed out the Russians."

"Sorry?" She asks, quietly worried.

"The Russians issued an active engagement order for you and your family and then less than two hours later, they rescinded it.", he shrugs, "This is not unheard of, but it is not common. Care to elaborate?"

"News to me. Maybe they found something and found something to dissuade them from pursusing it." Dani says, trying to keep things light.

Maerig smiles with a twinkle in his eyes, "Well that would explain it." He pinches the bridge of his nose and exhales slowly, "The threat has passed for now. The Americans will get access again at some point and the platforms and they will become another trigger that they won't pull. This is not an ideal closure, but for now it will suffice."

Dani looks upon him with hope in her eyes, "Does that mean, I can go home?" She asks, barely daring to hope.

"Did you notice that neither of us, has mentioned the island, where Arno's body was found?" Maerig asks, his voice reverberating around the room.

Dani closes her eyes, as if the act will act as a dam for her tears. To her credit, despite the visions of death, humiliation and degradation, only a single tear escapes.

Maerig sees the maelstrom of emotions, play across her face and knows the pain that she feels, would do no good exposed to the light of day. He nods gently and puts a hand on her shoulder, "Go home Taylor. This mess is as close to done as it will get." he pauses for a moment, "You record will confirm your honourable discharge and that your final rank was lieutenant. Should you come back to life and sign up, you will do so with that rank and a commendation on your record."

Dani feels every moment of her life, "Thank you for the gesture, however this is a one time deal."

Maerig fixes her with a gentle gaze, "The door is always open."

Dani steps out of his office and as soon as she is out of sight of the cameras and other prying eyes, she steps across the barrier into the dead world. She tales tales deep breath of air that doesn't exist ano exhales out of reflex rather than need.

Her incorporeal body, aches with fatigue and regret, as she floats away from RNAS Culdrose. She drifts west floating over the sea, as the sun sets in an explosion of oranges and red, streaking the sky.

She heads further out to sea, far from shore and sprouts large white feathered wings. with a beat of her massive wings, she crosses back into the living world, dressed only in a white thong.

Dani revels in the feel of the air all around her and the wind in her face. "Is it true? Could I really be free of this?" She asks herself, diving towards the sea and pulling up at the last moment.

She banks and dives, swooping low over the sea, thinking, "The Russians know about my family and I but appear to have been warned off of engaging. The Americans will likely know about us soon as well. What have I done?"

"On the island, you did what you had no choice but to do. Then you did what you had to, in order to be free." Dani whispers on the wind, "The real question, is why did you let the Russian spy live?"

She lands on a rock and dispels her wings. She lays on her back and stares up at the sky. Counting the stars as they begin to emerge. "You spared him as the damage was done and the cat was already out of the bag. No value in taking his life."

Dani closes her eyes and listens to the crashing of the waves on letting the sound clear her mind. when she opens her eyes, the sky is full of stars and the moon hangs low over the horizon. "Time to go home I guess."

Dani hovers in the Dead World, watch her family across the barrier. A pang of regret, stabs at her heart as she sees, Kim and Tara fully healed and watching the security feeds, "This is not fair on them. They have been through so much. If I had to guess Niki healed everyone, in case trouble came calling again."

With a heavy heart she hangs her head, "I hate myself for giving them up. Now the Americans and Russians are aware of us and will be watching. God damn you Arno." She curses, unheard.

In that moment she decides that even though she cannot change what has happened if her family can forgive her, she will be there for them and do all she can to put things right.

Dani watches as Nikita excuses herself and goes to bed and breathes a sigh of relief without air. "Now she is asleep, I can come back to the land of the living with a little bit of a grace period.

She floats to her house and steps across the barrier returning naked to the land of the living. Without words, she enters her bathroom and turns the hot tap on.

With a flick of her wrist, she dumps bath salts into the water and then she mixes them in, trailing her fingers through the hot water. She lights a cigarette, while she waits for the tub to fill and takes a deep lungful of tobacco smoke. "Every moment in the Dead World, makes every moment in the land of the living feel so much more vibrant." She reflects, exhaling slowly and taking another deep drag, "But wearing necrotic matter in the living world feels like death's touch is always upon my skin."

Dani watches the water level slowly rise, pausing only to fetch a bottle of vodka from the freezer. She takes a pull from the bottle chased with another lungful of smoke, before stubbing out the cigarette. "Even though it is done and Arno is dead, when I haven't got the distraction of necrotic clothing, I still feel his touch."

She gulps another mouthful of vodka, setting down the bottle and feeling the sting of booze in her throat, burning on its way to her stomach. "He violated my body and my mind. I need to purge him from my life."

Two gulps of vodka later, she gently lowers herself into the water and takes a pumice stone in hand.

Faces of those whose souls passed through her fill her mind. She remembers every life and every death. the love they felt in life and the pain and fear of their deaths. "So many lives lost, to the whim of a maniac. I know their names and their next of kin. I will make sure that they are all looked after."

With silent resolve, she works her way over every inch of her body with the stone, brutally scrubbing her skin. Dani closes her eyes against the pain, with only one thought on her mind, "After everything I have been through, I may never feel clean again."

Dani closes her eyes and holds her breath, then plunges her head back under the water. She forces her body to relax and allows herself to float underwater. "You are in control. You have already won. You lived, he died. You are beyond him. Live your life on your terms, not in his shadow."

Dani emerges from the bath and takes a scalding hot shower, turning the water temperature down for the last minute. Cleansed of the last of the salty bathwater, she dries her body with a soft towel, relishing the touch of the luxuriant fabric on her skin.

Then she towel dries her hair and plaits it into a braid, before slipping into her bed, dressed in a long t-shirt and knickers. She pulls the covers up under her chin and is aware of every inch of her body, whether it touches the soft cotton sheets or not.

"I am in control of myself. I choose who I am. Even when I am forced to act against my conscience, in my heart I am true to myself.", she repeats to herself in her mind, like a mantra, wishing she could believe the words, until sleep overcomes her.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

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Post by GreyLord »

Dani is having such a hard time. It is difficult to think that she does not deserve some happiness, [mention]wolfman[/mention]. I wish her well.
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Post by Caesar73 »

I agree Dani has gone through a lot, and there still seems to be a hidden Agenda by the Government. What you describe very good in this Chapter, is the inner Struggle of Dani, we see her fatigue her exhaustion - and indeed one may hope, that Dani finds some Happiness.
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Post by wolfman »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Caesar73[/mention]

Thank you for your kind words gents. Dani is so strong in so many ways. She has a long road ahead, but if anyone can make it she can.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

To view it's prequel Devastation, please click below;
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Post by wolfman »

Nikita wakes slowly, allowing herself to drift gently back to consciousness. She stretches slowly, flexing each muscle in her body in turn, working them individually to give herself and internal massage.

With a gentle smile she opens her eyes, thinking, "Dani is back and she seems healthy.", she nods to herself, "One less thing to worry about."

After an hour of tai chi, she sinks into an ice cold bath and settles below the surface. With the luxury of gills, she settles under the water. The cold slows her heart and she relaxes further.

With her mind she reaches out to the life pulses around her, "Dad must have popped out early. Everyone else is alright though. No one is hurt and no one is creeping around."

She smiles to herself sensing, Jim and Natalie, "They can spend time together in bed without shagging. Who knew?" Nikita hates herself for thinking it but doesn't regret it. "They have been at it like rabbits. I hope the have more to their relationship than just the physical."

She reaches out to Sasha and her smile fades. "She sleeps soundly and her body is OK, but her grief permeates her being. I wish I could take that pain away." In her own way she envies her sister, "Out of all of us, she is the most normal. Turning away from her abilities to be a mother and live a normal life. I wish I could do that."

Nikita stirs under the water, allowing colder water to replace that warmed by her body, "She has a son and two adopted daughters. that and she has the memory of love." She thinks, remembering the feeling of her eggs being removed from her, "I will never have a family like hers. But she gives me hope, with all she has gone through, she found happiness."

"Sasha has Liam and the girls. Jim has Nat. Carl has his machines and patterns. Fey is happy perfecting her craft. Dani has her secrets." Nikita thinks, "What have I got?"

Nikita smiles to herself, "I have all of them and I care for all of them in my own way." She thinks sitting up in the bath and allowing the water to drain from her gills, before they close and disappear.

Nikita senses movement from one of the life pulses, she is monitoring and purses her lips, "Dani is up, but her pulse looks a little off."

She frowns recognising the signs of what ails Dani. It only takes a moment to get what she needs from the kitchen and then she silently leaves her house, without waking anyone else.

Nikita pulls a spare key for Dani's home from the pocket of her cargo shorts and enters the property. she quietly approaches the door to her sister's room and knocks softly.

"I thought, I would have a little longer." Dani thinks to herself, before softly saying, "Come in."

Nikita walks in a smiles gently, relieved to see her sister, "Morning. I won't stay if you don't want me too. Just wanted to see if you were OK."

"My lifepulse would have told you that." Dani says, lighting a cigarette, before apologising, " Sorry, I didn't mean it like that. Rough few days."

"Your lifepulse told me that you are hungover after a bit of a session. By my reckoning you sank half a bottle of spirits last night, that doesn't seem like the normal you." Nikita says, gently but is interrupted by her sister laugh.

"Sorry, but it is funny when you put it like that. Here is me, able to cross into the land of the dead and become a ghost, who spent an evening drinking spirits. I am basically a cannibal."

Nikita chuckles and rubs the back of her neck, "Dumbass. I am trying to be supportive."

Dani goes quiet and becomes very still, "I needed to forget the past few days, just for a few hours."

Nikita sets down a box and a flask and sits on the bed next to her sister, putting an arm around her, "You don't need to tell me what happened. I could tell from your voice when you called that it was bad."

Dani flinches from the touch for a moment, before relaxing and leaning into her sister's shoulder, "I will talk about it, but not yet. I am not ready to." She looks deep into her sister's eyes, "Promise me that you, won't taste my blood or tears."

"Yeah, of course." Nikita says, taken slightly aback.

"I mean it. I have dealt with some horrendous things, I don't want you to feel that evil." Dani pleads

"You have my word." Nikita pledges, solemnly, putting her arm around her sister once more.

Stubbing out her cigarette, Dani settles into her sister's shoulder once more. "Is it cool, if we just sit like this for a bit? I just need a hug."

"Do you need breakfast as well?" Nikita says, flicking out her arm and grabbing the flask and box with a tentacle and bringing them over.

"What did you bring?" Dani asks, curiously.

"Dark chocolate mocha and cold pizza " Nikita says with a shrug.

"You're a legend." Dani says, cracking a smile.

"it makes for a good hangover breakfast." Nikita says with a smile as Dani demolishes a slice of cold American hot with extra chilli.

Finishing the last of the pizza, Dani sighs, "There were a few points over the last few days, that I didn't think I would see you guys again." She pauses, controlling the waiver in her voice, "And a few times, I was afraid that I would."

"You don't have to tell me, if you don't feel ready." Nikita says, gently.

With a far away look in her eyes, Dani pulls away from her sister and leans back against the headboard of the bed. "It started fine. The investigation went well and in places it was fun. tricking the American and bewildering the Chinese operatives. Even the bank job as Baron Samedi. Right up until the hotel." Her chest heaves with a sob, "I was there and I felt all of their souls pass through me when it was destroyed, then it became real.", she starts, pausing to light a cigarette, "I got the the island and it was textbook, I took out comms and egress options and the island was cut off."

Nikita watches her sister, take a slow lungful of smoke, as if trying to draw strength from it, before she continues, "I got to the board room and stepped into the living world and tore all of the billionaire's of the Bland Group apart. Then there was him."

Dani pulls her knees up under her chin and hugs her shins, "The smug bustard stood there. The son of a bitch behind it all. I wanted to make him suffer. Then at the moment I was about to strike, he told me to stop." She pauses reliving that moment, as if she were still in it. "I couldn't move."

Nikita feels a sense of horror, imagining herself in that position.

"He ordered me to kill everyone on the island and I couldn't stop myself. Men, women....." Dani's eyes fill with tears, before she can continue, "Children."

"Oh fuck. I knew it was bad, but nothing like this this." Nikita thinks, as Dani continues.

"Then I returned to him and he treated me like a sex toy. On a whim he would tie me up, command me to writhe about and press himself against me to get himself off." Dani confesses, feeling a little lighter, but hating herself for burdening her sister.

Nikita wants to reach out to her sister and take all her pain away, but knows it is the only pain she cannot heal.

Dani struggles to stay strong and fights back tears, "I was nothing but a toy to him and there was nothing I could do. He asked me about you all and I couldn't stop myself from telling him everything."

"Oh Dani." Nikita says, putting her arm around her sister.

Dani opens the flood gates and sobs bodily, in her sister's embrace. "Let everything go. hold nothing back." She thinks, imagining that each tear, is an ounce of pain she is shedding.

"Everyone I killed on the island passed through me. I felt their lives, start to finish. I felt their fear fill me, when they went to the great beyond." Dani confesses, between sobs.

"Sounds like when I sample someone's blood." Nikita realises, holding her sister tight, as if her embrace is the only thing keeping Dani together.

Dani doesn't fight the tears and let's them flow freely. When the tears subside, she takes a deep breath and exhales slowly. A few more breathes later and she is able to continue. "After he was dead, I gathered the bodies of everyone I killed and burned them, rather than leaving them to rot. Then I got out of there."

As Dani bites her lip with a faraway look in her eyes, Nikita's head swims with unspoken thoughts, "I cannot imagine how hard it must have been to stay to do that."

"Arno had a journal and wrote down everything that I said and did. The Americans had a team hit the island for cleanup and intelligence gathering. There was a Russian infiltrator in the unit and he passes the details back to the FSB." Dani confesses, "I found him and he is now in the hands of the Americans, so they will know soon too."

"I have screwed everything up." Dani says, weakly.

For the first time ever Nikita sees past the strength, Dani wears like armour and can see a wholly different side to her. In that moment, she says the first thing that comes to mind, "After La Palma, there was a lot of scrutiny and curious eyes turned our way. Some of the survivors told of how we flew, how we fought and the Americans at least walked away with suspicions about us."

Dani settles her head on Nikita's shoulder and listens as she continues, "Nirvana security have caught a few reporters trying to sneak around who later turned out to not exist. The truth is that if the U.S. have suspicions, so do a few nations. With the events in Spain, the world will be looking ever closer with each passing day. That is the nature of the game."

Dani exhales slowly, "I didn't know."

"We haven't had much time to talk all things considered. It is just good to have you here to help us face everything." Nikita confesses, squeezing her sister's shoulder.

"Can I ask a favour?" Dani asks, breathlessly.

"Name it. Anything you need." Nikita says, without hesitation.

"Stay for a bit and when you go back, take me with you." Dani asks, barely above a whisper. "I can't face everyone alone."

"I am here for you. Everyone is still asleep at the moment. You are under no pressure to do anything." Nikita assures her, "We can have some time."

Dani smiles weakly, "Thanks Niki. I would like that. Do you mind popping the kettle on while I throw some proper clothes on."

Dani feels shaky but stronger after letting go. She emerges from her room, wearing a loose fitting grey cardigan, cotton tracksuit trousers and slippers. In her heart she knows that even if it takes a while, she will be OK.
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Post by GreyLord »

The compassion and support that Nikki and Dani have for each other is heart warming, indeed, [mention]wolfman[/mention]. It makes my day when I see that you have released another installment. Thank you.
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Post by Caesar73 »

A strong installment [mention]wolfman[/mention] ! I liked the first Part Nikita checking if all her loved ones are ok, so very sensitive. And the second Part was a very emotional for Dani and Nikita. That Dani could open up to Nikita is a good thing, it might help her to cope.
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Post by wolfman »

Thank you [mention]Caesar73[/mention] and [mention]GreyLord[/mention] .

Recovery from the kind of trauma Dani has gone through, is a road not a destination. She has strong support and is not afraid to ask for help. From personal experience, I appreciate both the value and the difficulty of asking for help. She is stronger than she knows.
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Maerig wakes to the sound of his phone ringing, just before six in the morning, he eyes the number of the caller with dismay, "Here we go." he thinks answering the call, with a weary, "Good morning, foreign secretary."

"Explain to me why I have just had a call from the US Secretary of State, accusing one of our agents of a massacre on a private island." The politician says angrily.

"Which agent?" Maerig asks, calmly.

There is a brief pause and the sound of a note pad being leafed through, "Err, a Danielle Taylor."

"Interesting. She is not one of our agents now, nor was she when she took the nuclear weapon out to sea and was killed by its detonation on La Palma." Maerig confirms. "She is really perfect proxy. I certainly will not be throwing her under the bus now."

"You had better be right, or so help me I will bury you." The foreign secretary threatens, angrily. "Just give me her details and I will see to it that your proxy is eliminated and all ties severed."

Maerig takes a deep slow breath and begins in a low threatening tone, "Not happening."

The foreign secretary bellows with rage, "You will do as you are told, give me her location."

"Remember who you are talking to. I have been the Crown's loyal servant for a very long time. I have quelled threats to this nations security, more times than I care to remember. I have a lifetimes experience in the field and a team of invisible agents waiting for a phone call." He pauses for effect, letting his words sink in, "Whereas you are a bloke with a cheque book and no funking idea about the threats this country faces. This country needs me, a damn sight more than it needs you and you would do well to remember that."

"Now look here " The flustered politician says before being cut off.

"No you look here. My people go over and above for me, that means I will do the same for them without exception." Maerig says, his voice rumbling like distant thunder, "My proxy will remain unmolested and you will stick to committee meetings and press conferences and allow me to keep this country safe."

"You forget your place. Soldier. I give orders. You. Follow. Them " The Secretary says angrily.

"You need to understand the way of the world, sir." Maerig says, with the last word dripping with sarcasm, "You need to understand your place or face the consequences."

"I am shaking, you old prick. You are a dinosaur. We live in an age of full disclosure. One phone call and your name and face are household news." The politician snaps snidely.

"One phone call and you get a trial by media, for releasing state secrets to a foreign power in exchange for payments to a secret bank account." Maerig counters, "And I would tell the press not to print your story, in the same breath."

"But none of that is true." the politician says, uneasily.

"I am not one for letting the truth get in the way of a good story, with a full paper trail, sworn testimonies, and a mountain of evidence." Maerig says, venomously, "Your job is to back the armed forces and run interference. Make no mistake, you are not in control."

"Fine. Just make sure, she stays a secret." the foreign secretary says, before slamming the phone down.

Maerig lays back in bed, with a frown, then picks up his phone again and dials a number from memory. It is answered after one ring. "Fizz, option three." Is all he says before hanging up again.

He takes a deep slow breath and exhales slowly as he lays thr phone down, "I had forgotten how quiet you were." He says, with grudging admiration, managing to hide his disquiet. "I take it you heard all of that."

"I was trained by the best." Steve says, with a nod. He eases back into the armchair at the foot of the bed, with practiced confidence.

"Before you went to the private sector, you were the best we had." Maerig says with quiet admiration, "For the record, Danielle operates on your level."

Steve shifts in the chair, "Why did you tap her up? Why didn't you call me in?"

"You know the rules. No parents and no one married. You are out on both counts." Maerig explains, quietly, "Time was tight and I needed the best asset available. Regrettably, that was your daughter. For what it is worth, there was no other option."

Steve sighs, "I had a feeling that you would say that."

"What happens now?" Maerig says, closing his eyes and fearing this is the end.

Steve leans back in the chair and relaxes, "This country needs you. We are in a new age, with new threats, the likes of which we have never seen. You need to keep doing what you do best. Just as I need to be there for my family."

"Understood." Maerig says, still anticipating a bullet.

After almost a minute without response, he opens his eyes and looks around the room, finding himself alone. In a cold sweat, he reaches for the radio and confirms that his security team are still in place and none have seen anything.

With shaky fingers, he ignores the conventions of the hour and pours four fingers of brandy, downing it in one before pouring another. "Message received, Steve."

Settled behind the wheel of his Aston Martin, Steve guides the vehicle through the early morning streets and nods to himself. "That is the Russians and British Intelligence sorted. Just the US and China. but first I need to make sure everyone is OK at home."

Steve clicks on the radio for a little company on his return home. "If we keep on like this, we will be in another lock down." He remarks, over the latest COVID news.

He picks up a cappuccino from a drive through and heads for the motorway, before the majority of the day's traffic hits the road.

"Lou will be getting up soon. I'd better give her a quick bell." He thinks, opening up the telephone options in the vehicles console.

At the last moment, he pauses instead reaching for the radio volume, as a story catches his ear.

"We are receiving reports that police officers have been called to the home of the Foreign Secretary, within the last hour. Details are sparse, but it appears that paramedics are also in attendance at his Berkshire home." The news anchor reports, "We will provide more details as this story unfolds."

"I wonder what the old Dragon has done." He muses, before turning the radio down and calling his wife.

"Steve? What's going on?" Louise asks, dreamily, realising that her husband is on the phone and not by her side.

"Dani is back and I needed to make a house call." Steve confesses.

"Do I want to know?" Louise asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Tell you when I get home. Should be there in just over half an hour " Steve says pulling onto the M1.

"I wish you would tell me when you do these things " She says, in mock indignation.

"I am sorry dear lady, however can I earn your forgiveness?" Steve asks, with a smile.

"Just be home soon " Louise says, with a smile in her voice.

"I promise, my love." Steve says with a glint in his eye.

He hangs up and smiles to himself, feeling a sense of calm wash over him. "She is so great."

Steve smiles to himself and pulls off of the motorway and makes a bee line for a supermarket, beating the school run rush.

He emerges from the supermarket, withba bunch of flowers and pockets filled with bags of sweets, for the girls.

With a smile on his lips and a faraway look in his eyes, he lays the flowers on the roof of his car and pats himself down for the keys.

Behind him, in the car parked adjacent to his a man reaches inside his jacket, as Steve lays his hands on his keys.

The silenced handgun doesn't clear the man's jacket before Steve spins and puts his key wedding fist through the window. The man scrambles, but is too slow to stop his head slamming into the steering wheel, hard enough to set off the airbag.

Steve reaches in through the window and flicks the fuel cap release and turns the ignition on, just enough to turn on the console lights in the car.

Nonchalantly, he moves to the rear of the vehicle and dumps a bag of sugar covered jelly sweets into the fuel tank and closes it. "Almost a shame I made Lou a promise. But there are other ways to find out who this guy is."

He retrieves the flowers and gets back into his vehicle and texts Jim "Can you run a check on any sugar related fueling issues at Volkswagen dealers over the next couple of days for reg. LMK72DRBW from this location? Same for towing it. If that registration doesn't pop, can you check for VW's needing a new steering wheel, drivers window and fuel system replacement. Curious who pays for it."

He follows with another text, attaching a photo of his unconscious attacker, "Picked up a tail after our meeting. Know it wasn't one of yours. LMK72DRBW."

Pulling out of the space and continuing on his way, idly listening to the radio, "Unconfirmed reports appear to indicate that the Foreign Secretary was found dead in his Reading home this morning. Police officers are in attendance but are not treating the death as suspicious."

Steve gives a whistle of appreciate and nods to himself, thinking, "Nice work, Maerig."
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Post by GreyLord »

That was a joy to read, [mention]wolfman[/mention]. It is so nice to have Steve back in action again. And, I shamefully admit, it is always nice to have a deep state bureaucrat buy the farm.
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Post by Caesar73 »

It was indeed good to see Steve back in Action - but I found the Way Maerig handled the Secretary the best Part of the Chapter [mention]wolfman[/mention]
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Post by wolfman »


I think there is always something so satisfying about seeing those who think they are in charge, bumping up against those with actual power. More details may emerge about the foreign secretary's fate, but for now suffice it to say, it waas not good.

As far as steve goes, he is less active, but still a force to be reckoned with.
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Dani releases he hair from the braid and allows her pure white curls to spill across her shoulders. She looks pensively out of the window, as if seeking signs of her future.

Somewhere behind her, someone is speaking, but the fog in her mind muffles the sound. Dani jumps, feeling Nikita's hand on her shoulder. Nikita feels a part of her melt, seeing the fear in her sister's eyes. "Sorry Dani, I didn't mean to scare you. Do you want another coffee?"

Dani relaxes and nods, before hugging herself.

Nikita heads into the kitchen and pulls her phone, whilst waiting for the kettle to boil. She weighs it in her hands and she sends a quick text, "I need u. D's home."

She puts away the phone and closes her eyes, until the kettle boils. She makes three coffees and takes them into the living room. Dani looks at the third cup questioningly.

Both women turn to the sound of the front door being quietly opened.

Sasha slips through the front door of her sister's home, closing it quietly behind her. The tracksuit, t-shirt and sneakers are perfect for a run or for quiet infiltration.

Sasha is a melting pot of emotions as she waits poised by the living room door. A part of her loves Dani beyond words for her actions to help her keep Liam, Kim and Tara. The other part of her is angry that Russian agents invaded their family home.

Upon opening the door, both parts melt away, seeing her older sister. "Hair not tied back, loose fitting clothing. One of the few times, I have seen her out of uniform. This is bad."

Dani looks at Nikita, confused. "How?"

"I asked her to come " Nikita says, turning to Sasha, "Before you say anything, please listen to what she's been through."

Sasha takes a seat on the sofa and gives an open hand gesture to Dani. Dani sits in the armchair and begins to tell her tale, with the conforting presence of Nikita's hand on her shoulder.

"She really has gone through hell." Sasha reflects, in the quiet room, feeling her eyes threatened by tears.

Her voice cracks, when she speaks, "When I woke up and realise that Price had forced himself upon me. I felt violated. He wrecked my body and used me for his own sick desires." She begins, "It took me a while, but I realised that it was not my fault it was nothing to do with me or my weakness, but about his inadequacy Then when I saw him again, I reclaimed what he took from me."

Dani feels some resonance with her sister's words, listening as she continues, "Nothing that he did, or made you do, was your fault. He used you for his whims, now you have to reclaim yourself from him." Sasha says, reflecting on her own experience.

"I don't know how to. I haven't even got a clue where to start." Dani confesses, weakly.

"You have always done what you need to do and more than ever you need to do just that." Sasha says her voice faltering slightly, "I am so sorry about the timing, but I really need your help."

"What do you mean?" Nikita asks, curiously.

"I have just buried the man I planned to spend the rest of my life with. I have a critically ill baby that I cannot even hold and then there is Kim, Tara, Ali and Anya." Sasha says, letting the names hang in the air, "They might have the skills of special forces operators and physical capabilities well above normal people, but they are still young. They have suffered personal losses, trauma and have endured so much. They need help I can't give."

Sasha rises from the sofa and crosses to Dani's chair, to kneel at her feet. She looks up, almost with a pleading in her eyes, "In an instant, my life was turned upside down. I am utterly lost and have no idea what I am going to do."

Tearfully, she looks pleadingly at her sister's, "I am not like you two. While you were off saving the world and becoming the best versions of you, that you could be. I was at home, planning and building a life, that I will now never share with the man I love. I am so lost. Please help me."

Sasha holds out her hand, with hopeful expectation. Dani tentatively takes her hand and Nikita follows suit.

Dani takes a slow breath and nods, "I have no idea what I can do to help. But I am here for you and your family."

"I ask two things, be there and be you. That is what we need." Sasha says, gently. "You and Niki are experts at trauma recovery. God knows the girls need that and I need..." She pauses, searching for the right words, "Whenever we have stood shoulder to shoulder, I have felt invincible. I need a bit of that at the moment."

Dani nods subtly and looks into Sasha's eyes, seeing her pain. "Talk to us."

Sasha breaks eye contact and shrugs, "l am fine."

"The first thing to know about true strength is that it is not a weakness to ask for help." Dani says, gently putting a hand on Sasha's shoulder. "That is why I came back instead of going to ground. I know I am damaged and I need help to be me again. You have asked for help. That means it is no longer your weight to bear alone, it is ours."

Sasha smiles weakly, "Even damaged, as you say you are, you are stronger than me."

"We are here for you. Whatever you need." Nikita says, firmly.

Sasha's lip trembles, before she can speak, "I'm frightened to say it out loud, because if I admit it, I will fall apart."

Dani and Nikita help their sister up and they move to the sofa, flanking her with an arm each around her shoulders, "We have your back, babe." Dani says, gently. "You can tell us anything."

"It was all mapped out. I would qualify as a doctor, Kurt would sell his company and we would take Kim and Liam and set up a quiet little practice in the Cotswolds and live a quiet life." Sasha's face hardens and she clenches her jaw. "But now the only man I ever loved is dead. I have two teenage daughters and a critically premature baby. Everything has changed." her chin wobbles slightly, before she concludes "I have no idea what I am going to do."

Dani squeezes her sister's shoulder, "I am so sorry, I haven't been here for you."

Nikita sighs, sadly, "Why didn't you say you were struggling?"

"How could I?" Sasha says, on the verge of tears, "Kim and Tara have gone through their own personal hell and have no one else. Kim misses her father and Tara panics everytime there is a knock at the door, in case it is someone to take her away and neither of them wants to talk about it. Not to mention, every time my phone goes, I panic in case something has happened to Liam. Then there are all the funerals to arrange. I have to keep going, I am needed."

"You don't have to bear your load alone. We are here for you." Dani says, focused, "I can spend some time with Kim and Tara to take the pressure off of you." She turns to Nikita "Are you cool to stick around for a while to help with Liam?"

Nikita nods and squeezes, Sasha's shoulder, "I am sure we can rope in Carl, Jim and Fey to lend a hand with the funerals. Never forget, when one of us is hurt, we all heal."

"Thanks guys." Sasha says, pulling her sister's close. They stay in comfortable silence for a few moments, taking comfort from time with family.

Nikita breaks the silence after a time, "The girls are getting up."

"Bugger. I had better get back, they will think something is wrong." Sasha says, dismayed.

Dani turns to Nikita, softly saying, "Why don't you go too? I need some time alone, before I face everyone."

"Are you sure? I can stay." Nikita says, concerned.

"I am sure. I will freshen up and pop round in a bit." Dani reassures her.

In the aftermath of their departure, Dani lights a cigarette and slows her breathing, "You need to pull your head out of your ass and get it together." She says to herself, recalling the pain on Sasha's face, "Sasha and her family deserve a good life. They are the reason that you took on Maerig's job. If you fold now, everything you have been through has been for nothing."

She raises her cigarette, to quivering lips and takes a long slow drag. "You dumbass, you have been so wrapped up in your own troubles, that you lost sight of the ones you love the most."

Dani let's smoke spill lazily from her lips, while she breathes out slowly, "They need me. Not this version of me, but the best of me." She thinks, "You faced your hell and survived. You are scarred but alive. You are a walking weapon, honed by battle and hard fought experience. You have mastered warfare and your craft. But now, you need to master being a sister and an aunt."

She closes her eyes and goes through the events of the past few days in her mind. But this time, it is with a critical eye, unclouded but her fear.

Nikita catches Sasha's arm as they enter her home, "Thank you for coming."

Sasha turns with a smile, "When Dani is in crisis mode, she focuses. I gave her a crisis to focus on, so she can rebuild her strength and fight her demons."

"You played her?" Nikita asks, shocked that she didn't realise.

"I wish. Truth is that I'm struggling more than I have been letting on. That said, Dani is in a bad place and frankly, I am shocked she is still as with it, as she is." Sasha confesses, "To move forward she needs something to focus on to rebuild her confidence. In helping me and the girls, she can help herself."

"Do you think that will be enough?" Nikita asks, chewing her lip.

"I think it will. No matter what she goes through, I believe in her." Sasha says gently. "She has focused on operations, training, exploring her abilities and a myriad of other pursuits, but in her heart, she is our big sister and that drives her more than even she realises."

"That she is. She has been there for all of us, in one way or other. Say what you like, she puts it on the line for us." Nikita says, with a hint of admiration, then her smile fades, "It was so hard seeing her in pain. I never imagined ever seeing her like that."

"I know what you mean. It was seeing her like that, that made me open up and admit I need help." Sasha confesses, adding, "If she can admit she needs help, so can I."
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Post by GreyLord »

Dani is in such bad anguish. She deserves to have so much less. But the nature of life is that it generally comes with a lot of pain. We will ride with Dani, wishing her well, [mention]wolfman[/mention].
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]wolfman[/mention] thiis was such a strong chapter, so highly emotional. The way Sasha opened up to her sisters. Since the Focus had been on Dani for quite a while and with good reason, we almost forgot what Sasha was going through. Shifting the Focus on her Trauma adds deprh to her Character.
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Post by wolfman »


Dani is strong in many ways, she is a person of immensely strong will, but tempered with good judgement. Hence her return to where she can find support and strength in those around her.


In many ways Sasha is the most normal of her siblings. She has powers and abilities but has sunk her efforts into building a life and just being there. Now that the future she had planned is gone, she is adrift. However, she has her remaining family to guide her back to the light.

In some ways she has abandoned her instincts as a warrior, in order to develop as a mother to Kim and Liam and now Tara. Will this be a strength or a weakness, only time will tell.
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Sasha smiles to herself, listening to the slow blip of boiling water on the stove.

"Looks like Alex and Rachel are going to sleep in." Nikita says, checking their life pulses. "Moses is out for the count too."

They smile at each other, listening to the first stirrings of movement the girls rooms. "The rabble are up then." Nikita sighs.

"They will be down soon. Do you want to have a quick ciggie before they descend?" Sasha asks, knowing her sister's routine.

Nikita scrunches up her nose and shakes her head, "I'm good, thanks."

"Are you quitting? I can't remember the last time you had one." Sasha asks, clicking on the kettle and preparing to make a pot of tea.

"I'm cutting down. I don't get much from them and it is a bad examples for the girls. Besides, Liam's first impressions will be through smell and touch. I don't want his first impression of me to be smoking." Nikita explains, sheepishly.

"That is a lovely sentiment, Niki. I had no idea you felt that way." Sasha says, taken slightly aback.

"What can I say? I am a soppy sod at heart." Nikita says, blushing.

For a moment Sasha, looks serious and places her hand on her sister's upper arm, "Regardless of the front you put on, you are caring, kind and a wonderful sister. You will be an amazing aunt too." She chews her lip for a moment , "If anything happens to me, I need you to promise that you will take care of Liam, Kim and Tara."

"Whoa, steady on. Nothing will happen to you." Nikita says, defensively.

"Promise me " Sasha insists, squeezing her sister's arm.

Nikita looks thoughtfully into her sister's eyes and nod, "I promise. They will want for nothing."

Sasha sighs almost relieved, "Thank you."

Nikita nods towards the door, "The girls are on their way."

"I can't hear them." Sasha says with a frown.

"Neither can I, but their life pulses are approaching." Nikita says, clicking down the toaster.

"I thought she was kidding." Sasha says, with a smile.

"Who?" Nikita asks, curiously.

"Fey." Sasha says with a shake of her head, "She said she sent the girls a copy of her notes, from when she trained with Mike Ryan."

"To be fair they could do with something to distract them." Nikita says, with a nod.

"True. If Liam was a little better, I would be tempted to take them shopping. At the moment, they are all sharing Kim's clothes." Sasha says, regretfully.

"Go for it. You could do with a break too. I'll stay here and look after Liam." Nikita offers. "I daresay, you could rope Dani in to help."

"It might do her some good to do something normal." Sasha says with a smile.

The door opens a crack and Kim emerges with her sister's behind her, "Morning Sasha. Hi Niki. Is there any news on Liam?"

"He's doing alright, sweetie. The doctors say he had a good night and is stable." Sasha says, reflecting on how proud Kurt would be of his daughters, if he were here.

Kim beams a smile of relief and gives Sasha a hug, "Thank you Sasha."

"What for love?" Sasha asks, ruffling Kim's hair.

"For letting everyone stay, for making it possible for Tara to have a home and just being lovely." Kim says, sweetly.

"You're welcome and everyone can stay as long as they want." Sasha says, sensing Kim is after something.

"You are the best. Erm...." Kim pauses, her eyes flicking back to her sister's, "Can we ask you something?"

"Here we go." Sasha thinks before saying, "Of course, love. What's up?"

"We were wondering if we could go for a run this morning. We have been stuck indoors since Spain and would love some fresh air." Kim says, then chews her lip.

Sasha exchanges a sly wink with Nikita and says, "That's a shame, but you girls go for it."

Sasha watches amused as the girls appear to have a silent discussion, up until the moment Kim asks, "Why is it a shame?"

Sasha absent mindedly sips her coffee before responding, "Oh, I was thinking of popping into town to get a few things and was going to ask, if you wanted to join me. But to be fair, fresh air would be better for you."

The girls exchange looks in a frenzy of psis before, Kim acts as spokesperson for them "Can we come shopping please?"

"Providing everyone's parents approve, then of course." Sasha says with a smile.

Dani looks at herself in the mirror and sighs. "I have been knocked down and I need to pick myself up. Time to reclaim myself."

She sidesteps across the barrier and emerges in the Dead World naked, then a moment later returns. she looks once again into the mirror and this time nods, "Better." She says, admiring the black jeans, boots and leather jacket with a white t-shirt. Over her shoulder, is a small black bag.

She thoughtfully, plays with one of the bracelets of beads adorning right wrist. "OK, I am ready for anything."

Using the power of her mind, she detaches one of the beads from the necrotic matter bracelet and shapes it into an ultra thin blade, which she makes fly around the room. With a thought, she returns the blade to bead form and re-attaches it to the bracelet.

Taking a moment, she loads her pockets with a few essentials and takes a breath to centre herself and makes her move.

She strolls to Sasha's front door and nervously knocks, unsure of the welcome she will receive, despite her sister's assertions.

Dani narrowly sidesteps, avoiding four teenage whirlwinds, as they burst from the front door and rush past her.

It takes Kim a moment to realise who she rushed past, before she turns and cries out "Angel!!!!!" Before leaping at her aunt and wrapping her arms around her.

"Hello sweetie. miss me?" Dani asks, feeling a burst of genuine warmth, as she returns the hug.

"Where have you been? You went without saying good bye." Kim says, with a hint of hurt in her voice.

Dani hugs her and sighs, "I'm sorry, I wish I could have said goodbye."

"Where did you go?" Kim asks, innocently.

Dani hesitates for a moment, unsure what to say, before Sasha emerges from the front door and adds, "Leave it Kim. If she tells you, she will have to kill you."

Ali giggles and turns to Dani "Is that true?"

Dani gives a solemn nod, "It is so secret, I'm not allowed to know."

"So you don't know where you have been?" Anya asks confused.

"No, too classified." Dani says, suppressing a smile.

"That is so cool." Tara exclaims, with more than a hint of awe.

Sasha smiles and rests a hand on Dani's shoulder, "We are going to do a bit of shopping, do you fancy coming?"

Dani sees the excited, expectant looks in the eyes of Kim and her sister's and simply replies, "Shotgun." She looks into Sasha's eyes and mouths the words, "Thank you."

Sasha puts her phone on charge and then eases the people carrier out of the car park, she looks around the vehicle. Her daughters and their sisters huddled in the back seat, silently staring at their phones.

"What are you reading?" Dani asks, over her shoulder.

"Fey's notes from her training with Mike." Ali says, intently reading.

"We promise that it will not interfere with our school work." The girls say as one, before Kim speaks out, and asks, "Do you think that we will all be able to go to my school?"

The girls miss it, but Dani sees the split second grimace on Sasha's face, when she says, "We are looking for a school you can all attend."

It takes a moment for the words to sink in, but Ali is the first to react, "Is there a problem with us going to Kim's school?"

Sasha pulls in to the side of the road and unclipped her belt, "They have said that with the events in Spain, they deem you a risk to the safety of the other students at the school. We know that is not the case but their governors are being stubborn."

The car goes quiet as the words sink in, before Kim says, "We are never going to have a normal life again are we?"

Dani looks thoughtfully out of the window, quietly thinking to herself, "First, we need to sort out the governors and get them into school. Second, protect them from the press. Third, make sure the intelligence community leaves them alone."

Sasha twists around in her seat and takes the hands of Kim and Tara, addressing them and their sisters, "With all you have been through, you deserve a life and we will move heaven and earth, to make sure you have the chance."

With a sweep of her arms, Sasha manages to take the girls into a hug, before settling back into the drivers seat. She catches Dani give her a strange look and questions it, "All OK?"

Dani smiles and hugs her sister, whispering in her ear, "Even with everything we have been through, this is the moment that I feel the most proud to be your sister."
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

To view it's prequel Devastation, please click below;
Millennial Club
Millennial Club
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Post by GreyLord »

"We are never going to have a normal life again are we?"
I think a normal life may be highly overrated.

Thank you [mention]wolfman[/mention]. You have the talent to make the most mundane things completely fascinating.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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